Monday, June 25, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 26 2018


For more infomation >> CRAZY FAN THREATENS ME AFTER LOSING in Clash Royale!! - Duration: 16:02.


✅ 小倉智昭氏、G片岡コーチとベッキーの熱愛祝福「愛する犬よりいい人が出てきちゃったんだね」 - Duration: 3:37.

 小倉智昭キャスター(71)が26日、フジテレビ系「とくダネ!」 月~金曜・前8時)で、タレントのベッキー(34)とプロ野球・巨人 片岡治大(やすゆき)2軍内野守備走塁コーチ(35)の真剣交際につ て祝福した。  小倉キャスターは熱狂的な西武ファンで、西武にも 籍した片岡コーチとも親交があるという

番組冒頭で熱愛報道を紹介すると、小倉キャスターは「ベッキーさんの 愛って、我が子の交際を知らなかった父親みたい…。(片岡のことを) スって呼んでいるし、ヤスのことを良く知っているし、とてもいい男で 実で…。唯一、ものすごいきれい好きで清潔な人なので、結婚って大丈 なのかなと思うくらいだった」と話した

 続けて片岡コーチとの知られざるエピソードを紹介。「3年前に チに(遊びに)来たんだけど、(片岡コーチが)『俺、犬飼った』って その犬がウチで粗相したんだけど、(片岡コーチが)パッと手を出して ンチを手で受け止めたんです。『お前、変わったね~』って言ったら、 俺、結婚諦めて、この犬でいいです』って言っていた

愛する犬よりいい人が出てきちゃったんだね」と感想を語った。   愛が発覚して小倉キャスターは片岡コーチとメールでやりとりしたと明 し「メールも来てました。『盛り上がっているの?』(とメールしたら 『盛り上がってますね。振られないように気をつけます』って言ってま た

本当にいい感じですね。彼も苦労しているし、特に西武から巨人に行っ 膝の故障が多くて、本来の力を発揮出来なかった。ベッキーさんもいろ な意味で苦労していますから。いいんじゃない、大人同士」と熱愛を祝 していた。

For more infomation >> ✅ 小倉智昭氏、G片岡コーチとベッキーの熱愛祝福「愛する犬よりいい人が出てきちゃったんだね」 - Duration: 3:37.


California AG On Standing Up To Trump's Immoral Migrant Policies | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC - Duration: 18:19.

For more infomation >> California AG On Standing Up To Trump's Immoral Migrant Policies | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC - Duration: 18:19.


Asmr Soft Spoken Bedtime Story : How the Moon Became Beautiful / Storytime for Sleep - Duration: 9:39.

For more infomation >> Asmr Soft Spoken Bedtime Story : How the Moon Became Beautiful / Storytime for Sleep - Duration: 9:39.


Le scimmie sanno quando ci sbagliamo - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Le scimmie sanno quando ci sbagliamo - Duration: 2:50.



For more infomation >> TUYỆT CHIÊU BẪY LƯƠN ĐỒNG HIỆU QUẢ BẰNG LỢP ĐẶT CÁ BÓNG DỪA | DÂN MIỀN TÂY ✔ - Duration: 12:22.


L'anestesia indolore della bavosa - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> L'anestesia indolore della bavosa - Duration: 2:59.


Top Keynote Speaker 2018

For more infomation >> Top Keynote Speaker 2018


Kadin: Η Σιρίν κρύβει κάποια μεγάλα μυστικά - Duration: 0:37.

Kadin: Η Σιρίν κρύβει κάποια μεγάλα μυστικά  Στο σημερινό επεισόδιο της σειράς Kadin, η Σιρίν, κρύβει κάποια μεγάλα μυστικά σχετικά με τον Σαρπ,  που δεν έχει πει στη μητέρα της

Η Ζαλέ, η οποία έχει πει στον Μουσά ότι θέλει να χωρίσουν, έρχεται αντιμέτωπη με μια μεγάλη έκπληξη στο νοσοκομείο…

For more infomation >> Kadin: Η Σιρίν κρύβει κάποια μεγάλα μυστικά - Duration: 0:37.


「私は一人で戦っていた」単調なポーランド攻撃 - Duration: 1:25.

「私は一人で戦っていた」単調なポーランド攻撃  世界ランキング8位でH組最上 のポーランドが2連敗を喫し、グループリーグ敗退が決まった。大会屈指のストライカー レバンドフスキがいても、ロングボールに頼った単調な攻撃で勝てるほど、W杯は甘くな

 初戦のセネガル戦から先発を4人入れ替え、3バックで臨んだ。ナバウカ監督は「 撃的に戦うため」と布陣変更の狙いを説明した。しかし、コロンビアの猛攻に中盤の両サ ドが下がってしまい、試合の大半の時間を5バックで守った

 初戦敗戦のショックからか、選手の動きも鈍かった。攻め込まれてもボールを奪 にいく場面は少なく、人数をかけてゴール前を固めた。先制された40分も、コロンビア 最も危険なロドリゲスをフリーにして、質のいいクロスを上げられた

 前線で孤立したレバンドフスキは、後半こそロングボールからGKとの1対1に ち込んだが、シュートを阻まれた。2試合連続の無得点に、「私は一人で戦っていた」と らだちを隠そうとしなかった


For more infomation >> 「私は一人で戦っていた」単調なポーランド攻撃 - Duration: 1:25.


Lavagem do Bar União (Banda Criah Samba) 2/5 - Duration: 13:47.

For more infomation >> Lavagem do Bar União (Banda Criah Samba) 2/5 - Duration: 13:47.


Peugeot Partner 190C 1.9 D AVANTAGE INCL BTW - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Peugeot Partner 190C 1.9 D AVANTAGE INCL BTW - Duration: 0:52.


Škoda Fabia 1.6 16V PDC/CLIMATRONIC - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Škoda Fabia 1.6 16V PDC/CLIMATRONIC - Duration: 0:52.


Safe Parking for Homeless in Los Angeles - Duration: 14:05.

Hi, how are you.

Good to see you again.

So you run the Safe Parking LA program?

Yup, Yup.

And we've been here about three months.

So we're looking at, each council district, is looking at a safe parking area, and what

needs to be done in order to get a safe park zone in our district.

We want everybody on board.

We want the County to know, the police department to know, we want everybody to know.

How did it work with this particular lot?

So we approached them, and over a few months period of time through their leadership, they

went to their vestry, went to their congregation, we went to the neighborhood council, we went

to Olympic Division LAPD, and after a few months period of time, we put the deal together

with the memorandum of understanding with who's going to do what with the case management.

All of those pieces have to come together.

So you don't have people picketing out front here.

You don't have marches going down Normandie.

And I see you're on a church lot, youth programing, right adjacent to residential both on each

side Bob, and across the street.

How did you manage....

Pre-school, elementary school....

So share with us, how did you overcome all these concerns and also you're around sensitive



So we went to the neighborhood council.

We let them be the weather vain and they told us what they wanted to do.

Is there any interaction between the use of the church and kids and the Safe Parking?


The pre-school, no, but the basketball kids, yes.

We'll in the course of the evening, the people who are using the lot will drive up and they'll

be courteous and drive around the kids, and the kids practice here basketball Tuesday,

Wednesday, and Thursday nights until 8 or 8:30 or until its dark.

And our patrons park on that part of the lot and everybody lives harmony.

So in all today, how many people are participating in the Safe Parking LA program?

We've approved about 65 people only of the 12,000 in the whole County.

In the city it's probably 8,000 people living in vehicles.

And actually my idea now is to get every neighborhood council, all 97 of them, to want do a safe

parking site.

The only ones that are here are the ones that have been fully vetted, that have been reviewed,

that you're saying are on the path to trying to get housing...


So can you introduce us to the congregates of the church?


Be happy to.

We have several here who would love to tell their story.

I'm Joe Buscaino.

How are you?

I'm Bob.

We're both members of the vestry, which is the board of the church here.

Explain to Bob and I the decision making process as far as having Safe Park LA here at your


We considered it amongst our vestry meetings, and we thought about all the things that were


Safe Parking said they would provide security, provide wash facilities, and toilet facilities,

and that we can limit it to how ever many cars we thought we could accommodate.

We decided start small, and we started with ten, and ten seems to be working out fine.

Did you have any resistance from some of your congregates?

Well I think that had the normal questions that people would say: What are we going to

do about bad people staying here.

Is there going to be crime?

We have kids here playing basketball, we have preschool, a head start program here.

What are we going to do to keep them safe?

I think that's a reasonable question to have, but Safe Parking told us, "we'll vet the people

that are staying there, we'll have a security guard in case something happens they can contact

LAPD and have them take care of any problems.

To date we've had zero problems.

It's a program that's exhausted here that most members of our congregation hardly even

know that it's going on.

But I've had the opportunity to talk to a few of the people who are staying here at

night and I know that we are making a big difference to those people that are staying


I think it was about 8:30pm or 9 o'clock, I hear this car rumbling in.

I find out it's one of our clients who's staying here.

She and her eight-year-old daughter were just trying to get into the parking lot.

So I asked her, you stayed here last night, how was it?

She said to me, "you know, this is the first good night sleep I've had in weeks."

She goes, "when you're staying on the streets and you're trying to keep your daughter safe,

getting a good night's sleep is very difficult to do, because when you're on the streets,

you don't know who's going to hassle you in the middle of the night.

Sometimes it's homeless people, sometimes it's bad folks that are out there."

And she goes, "staying here, knowing that there's a security guard right here to help

keep me safe, lets me sleep well for the first night that I've had a chance to sleep in weeks.

If you could speak to other churches and synagogues, and mosques, and give them advice, tell them

about your experience.

What would you tell them.

Of the hundreds or thousands of churches around here, if each one of them could just do what

we do and do ten, then we've taken care of a lot of people that are living in their vehicles,

and getting them off the street and having them have a safe place to stay and helping

them so they can continue to function because, in speaking with the Safe Parking folks here,

they say that sixty percent of people that are staying in our lot actually have jobs.

While we feel like we're only doing a small thing, it certainly is a big thing to the

ten people that are parking in our lot, and that's made a big difference in their lives.

What's fascinating Scott, we just had one of your clients just pull up into her parking

space with kids playing basketball here on the church lot.


Yeah, we believe in cohabitation.

So it is possible.

It's totally possible.

With the pre-school, with the kids playing basketball, with the band kids upstairs and

our patrons here, it's all very doable.

And that's all part of the vetting process too.

I mean, it's important that we know who she is and where she comes from and why she wants

to be here, and she'll be happy to tell you her story herself.

Let's go meet her.

Angela, are you ready to say hello?

Sure I am!

I'm Joe Buscaino, Angela.

What an appropriate name in the City of Angels.

Thats right!

My colleague, Councilmember Bob Blumenfield.

Nice to meet you.

So you're ok with sharing your story with the city.

Absolutely, absolutely.

Tell us why you come here.

I come here because, ok, so, I've been homeless since January 2017 because of domestic abuse.

I decided when I was ready to make sure I was safe, that somehow I would call some organization

to help me out.

So my sister said, "try a church."

And that's when I found Scott's program and I was like so happy because I think the people

that come here actually want help.

They actually want to do something with their lives - each and every one of us.

I mean, because we talk and we're all striving for something.

You know what I'm saying?

But when you're on the street - out there, there's drug addicts, and this and this and

this - not all of them, but some of them are just comfortable with their life and I'm not,

I'm not ok.

I own my own business, and I'll be damned if take me down.

So what do you do?

I'm a dog trainer.

What's the name of your company?

Venice Beach's own dog whisperer.

Nice to meet you!

And I see your dog is well behaved...


I mean it's hard because of him, but I'm not giving him up.

We hear that a lot.

One lady tried to tell me in a shelter, "you need to figure out your situation."

I said, "I'm not giving up my dog."

So you feel comfortable sleeping here.

Oh, I love it.

And how about the other nine folks who pull up here at night?

They're awesome.

If Safe Parking did not provide you a spot here, where would you be tonight?

I would be trying to find a spot where the cops can't get me and there's no drug addicts

and parties going on - prostitution, you know what I mean, yeah, absolutely.

Most likely in a residential area?

It's scary.

Yeah, but then you get tickets for that.

I do my private - I won't say where it's at, but it's a private industrial area on the


Why do you do that on the weekends?

Because I can sleep in.

You know what?

That's real though.

It's hard being homeless.

I mean you're constantly - whether you're on foot or in a car, you're constantly doing


You know what I'm saying?

Here you've gotta be out by 6AM, right?


So it keeps me scheduled and focused.

Do you feel safe with the security on site.


I can't even tell you.

I'm getting chills talking about it - how safe I feel here.

And I'm gonna cry.

I mean, I feel really blessed.

Hey girl!

How you doing?

I'm Bob.

Aimee, nice to meet you.

I'm Joe Buscaino.

We're both Councilmembers.

Joe and Bob.

How's this work for you?

Ok, there's nothing more peaceful than going to sleep to the sound of children playing.

You know it's like when you hear kids playing, you know that things are ok.

You know that things are safe and things are good.

Yeah, it's been a great program.

I've found that there's a lot of problems with parking in random places.

It's hard to find parking, and I didn't want to be in violation.

How did you end up that you needed to be in that situation where you needed Safe Parking?

I work in TV and film and when the production ended, my work ended and I had problems finding

more work after that.

Has there been any folks here that have creeped you out or something?


Not at all.

I never feel uncomfortable here.

Everybody minds their own business and everybody's polite, and everybody's peaceful.

Like the wall right here is a good indicator of how it feels around here.

Even though this is a great environment in that sense, you're still sleeping in a car.

I mean, that's gotta be freezing at night sometimes.

Oh, it's rough!

And you get up and - oh God.

Sometimes it's like, we're going....Good Morning...

Is it a struggle to find three hot meals a day, or three meals a day?

I'm pretty resourceful, so I do cook things like rice or beans.

Those are inexpensive items to cook.

And I do eat pretty good because of a lack of refrigeration, I'm eating whole foods like

fruits and vegetables.

You know everybody, I think, perceives homeless people as being bums or whatever, but just

trying to figure out how to survive, you know, the day to day struggles like where to shower,

where to stay cool, where to get warm....water.

What's your message, both of you, to community members, residents who are maybe hesitant

to accept these types of homeless services in their own neighborhood?

It's an understandable thing because when you're talking about people with mental health

issues, if you have children around, you do want to know who your neighbors are.

I guess that's one positive thing about Safe Park, your know, we're somewhat vetted to

come in here and park and the security really helps.

Well, I haven't seen any problems, so we're almost like we self regulate, but having security

around helps, I guess, prevent any bad behavior.

A lot of people, you know, haven't experience any type of adversity or trauma, they figure

you must be bad if you are homeless.

You guys are great.

Thank you for getting us out there.

Appreciate you sharing your story.

If everyone does a little, we can do a lot.

If everyone does a little, we can do a lot.

For more infomation >> Safe Parking for Homeless in Los Angeles - Duration: 14:05.


K Kardashian defends her decision to stay with cheating T Thompson as she takes strength - Duration: 4:26.

Khloe Kardashian defends her decision to stay with cheating Tristan Thompson as she tweets 'it takes strength to rebuild'

Khloe Kardashian has spoken out for the first time about her decision to stay with boyfriend Tristan Thompson despite him cheating on her multiple times.

The 33-year-old defended herself on Twitter on Monday after a fan expressed disappointment at Khloe's choice to stand by her man while also calling the E! star a hypocrite.

'I love, adore & root for @khloekardashian but I'm so disappointed she stayed with that wasteman Tristan' wrote a user calling herself 'Queen Persia'.

'she preaches about women knowing their self worth and when to walk away but when it's time to walk the walk, she's a hypocrite.' the fan added.

'Not exactly Queen Persia, you have no knowledge of what goes on in our household or the enormous rebuilding this takes to even coexist.

I'm proud of my strength.' she replied.

'I appreciate your opinion and I hope you hold that same opinion to everyone else who has stayed in situations.

The two women made peace as Queen Persia commented again, insisting that she wasn't trying to judge Khloe, just 'protective' over the KUWTK star.

Khloe expressed her appreciation, replying, 'I love you for that and girl trust me don't I understand!!! I appreciate you I do!!' while adding some kisses and heart emojis.

The comments came after Khloe hit back on Twitter after photos emerged of her looking sad and bored during a dinner with her beau and pals in Los Angeles on Sunday night.

'I actually had a great night.

It was a large birthday dinner for friends and as a new mom IM TIRED AF!! Being out past 10pm is not where I'll have the most energy these days.' she wrote.

The Revenge Body host added: 'My little mama goes to bed at 8.

So I have a few hours to enjoy 'being an adult' but truthfully I would rather just stay home with her.

But I tried last night lol.' In exclusive footage obtained by in April, Tristan was caught kissing a women named Lani Blair in a New York nightclub.

Shortly afterwards pictures emerged of him entering a hotel with the woman who appeared to be carrying an overnight bag with her.

Following that another video surfaced of the Cleveland Cavaliers star kissing and being groped by two women in a club back in October 2017.

The cheating allegations blew-up just two days before Khloe gave birth to the couple's daughter True on April 12.

But they have continued to put on a show of unity after returning to Los Angeles earlier this month from Cleveland where Tristan is based.

Over the weekend Tristan took the opportunity to introduce True to her big brother, his 18-month-old son Prince.

Thompson shares Prince with his last girlfriend, Jordan Craig, a 26-year-old model who he was with for several years.

The former couple split while Jordan was pregnant - after Tristan left her for Khloe.

For more infomation >> K Kardashian defends her decision to stay with cheating T Thompson as she takes strength - Duration: 4:26.


K Kardashian and T Thompson's VERY tense dinner date:while cheating boyfriend checks his phone - Duration: 4:49.

Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson's VERY tense dinner date:while cheating boyfriend checks his phone

Of all the Kardashian siblings, witty and gregarious Khloe was always the fun one.

But as she yawned her way through a date with Tristan Thompson (and his friends) this weekend, there was no evidence of the reality star's bright, bubbly personality.

Instead the 33-year-old looked tired and distracted throughout the meal, which she spent seemingly ignored by her cheating beau and their dining companions.

Even an enormous new diamond, sparkling on her ring finger, did nothing to improve her mood.Of course, as a new mother, Khloe's exhaustion from tending to baby True is no doubt behind her tired appearance.

And she tweeted as much on Monday, describing herself as 'tired af.'.

'I actually had a great night,' wrote a defensive Khloe, saying that she was exhausted.

'It was a large birthday dinner for friends and as a new mom IM TIRED AF!! Being out past 10pm is not where I'll have the most energy these days.'.

But having made the effort to get out, looking her best with a full face of makeup, the mother-of-one certainly didn't look like she was having fun.

Instead Khloe stared straight ahead, as Tristan kept his eyes glued to his phone.

Having found something worth sharing, it was his friends to who he showed the amusing message, rather than the mother of his child.Instead Khloe stared ahead, occasionally checking her own phone.

The pair did hold hands as they headed home together, with Khloe managing a smile for the cameras.

The two are said to be 'working' on their relationship, after Khloe decided to forgive her NBA star lover for his repeated infidelities, which emerged just days before she gave birth to their child.

For the past two months teh Keeping Up With The Kardashians star has been living in Cleveland, Ohio with Tristan, but is currently visiting her famous relatives in Los Angeles with her boyfriend and their baby True.

And she is said to be planning on spending more time in her home city, where both she and Tristan own homes.But while Khloe has given her man another chance, her relatives are thought to be less understanding of the 27-year-old's actions.

However for Khloe's sake, it's believed the likes of Khloe's mother Kris Jenner, sisters Kim and Kourtney, half-sister Kendall and Kylie, and brother Rob are determined to move past the drama.

A source said recently: 'Everyone is back on board - friends, family and Khloe have all forgiven him and are giving him this second chance - and so far it's been working for them.

They are all about forgiveness, and now it's up to him to prove himself.' And it seems having her family around her is good for Khloe, who showed a spark of her old self on social media over the weekend, when she commented on a post by sister Kendall.

The young model had posted a swimsuit snap, featuring just her torso.

To the amusement of fans, new mom Khloe remarked: 'Why did you cut my head off?'.

Also over the weekend, Tristan took the opportunity to introduce True to her big brother, his one-year-old son Prince.

Thompson shares Prince with his last girlfriend, Jordan Craig, a 26-year-old model who he was with for several years.

The former couple split while Jordan was pregnant - after Tristan left her for Khloe.

For more infomation >> K Kardashian and T Thompson's VERY tense dinner date:while cheating boyfriend checks his phone - Duration: 4:49.


Suri Cruise: K Holmes and T Cruise's daughter, 12, sells lemonade for $2 a cup at NYC Gay - Duration: 3:06.

Suri Cruise PICTURED: Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise's daughter, 12, sells lemonade for $2 a cup at NYC Gay Pride Parade

It's no secret that her mom Katie Holmes has attempted to give her daughter a normal childhood away from the glare of Hollywood.

And Suri Cruise - whose father is Mission: Impossible star Tom Cruise - was as normal as it got on Sunday as she was spotted with her own lemonade stall during the New York City Gay Pride Parade.

There with some friends and supervised by her nanny, the 12-year-old was selling the refreshing drink for $2 a cup.

The child had on a greenish tank top with a pink skirt and a star spangled purse worn crossbody style.

And the little one still had that boot on her left leg which was likely from a gymnastic accident.

They sold lemonade with signs all around their table for Pride.

'She was very sweet and kind, telling everyone to enjoy their day and woulds smile whenever someone walked past! Very sweet,' a source told UsWeekly.

And it seems as though fans of the pre-teen were taken aback from her service during the day.

'When Suri Cruise sells you lemonade at the Pride Parade,' gushed one commenter on social media.

'Just bought some pride lemonade from suri cruise haha casual nyc days,' wrote another.

The parade saw thousands celebrate in rainbow gear as they walked through Greenwich Village and up Fifth Avenue.

Suri currently lives with her mom Katie in New York City.

Katie, who is reportedly dating acting Jamie Foxx, 50, has not been seen with Suri's father 55-year-old action star Tom Cruise since their highly publicized 2012 divorce.

The actor has not been photographed in public with Suri in four years.

He also has two grown children, Bella, 25, and Connor, 23, with Nicole Kidman, 50, to whom he was married from 1990 to 2001.

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