Sunday, June 3, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 3 2018

Howdy folks and welcome to the Friday show which this week has become a guide instead

of the usual g-log, as today, we'll be looking at every weapon you can install on your ship

in No Man's Sky and seeing what each does best.


When it comes to weapons in No Man's Sky, theyre actually pretty diverse, each one does

something better than the others with very little crossover, on top of that, I will say

at the beginning of this that preference plays a big part here, if you like a weapon over

another weapon that performs far better at what you want to use it for, it doesn't mean

you're making the wrong choice, most weapons can be used on their own to great effect,

you just may require more titanium to replensih your shield due to longer fights.

I'll also be discussing every weapon and showing testing footage of those weapons in their

highest DPS layouts, it is by far the most effective and other than some potential unlikely

situations, DPS is what you should be going for over Damage per shot.

That being said, we'll also take a look at what can be done with very limited space and

so little to no upgrades.

So let's get riiiiiiight, into revieeeeews

<1 Positron Ejector>

The Positron Ejector is an impressive piece of tech, it has an insanely high DPS, so high

in fact that when fully upgraded to the highest DPS layout it reaches 41,405 Damage Per Second,

this is almost 6 times the DPS of the next highest weapon which is the Cyclotron Ballista

at 7,043.

All of these numbers are of course, before any bonuses your ship may apply.

Now with all that in mind, we come to the shortcomings of the Positron Ejector, this

is primarily it's very widespread, so wide that getting 3 or so of its 20 projectiles

per shot to hit, takes a fair bit of skill and for you to be quite close to the enemy.

Its range is also lacking at only 400, but as the spread makes it useless at even 400

in comparison to other weapons, it's not such an issue.

The Positron Ejector has a few uses, however, one requiring great skill that you must learn,

and that is if using within a rotation.

If fighting within a rotation, you may choose specific weapons that perform at different

ranges, the Positron Ejectors place here would be right as the enemy is touching your nose

you switch for a last-second volley of power.

Using in this way it could become quite effective but would require massive amounts of practice

and of course for you to have your weapon orders committed to muscle memory, this is

not so much for the casual player.

The other use I would say is when very swiftly taking out an entire fleet of freighters for

their goods.

Freighters are huge, even their cargo pods are huge and don't tend to fly off, so all

or most of your shots will hit, meaning the Positron Ejector's full power can be called

upon to take what is theirs very quickly with even just the base unit.

<2 Photon Cannon>

The Photon Cannon is the one ship weapon in No Man's Sky that absolutely every player

will know, and that is purely because it is a mandatory weapon for every ship, it's placement

is guaranteed and unchanging, it will always be located in the first available slot in

the top left.

This can present some anguish in fighters, as even a max slot fighter hosting the full

38 may have the slot below the Photon Cannon's main unit inaccessible for use, and unless

the 3 below it and the 6 to the right of those are available for use, the maximum layout

cannot be achieved, this results in a 3.9% decrease in fire rate and a 4.5% decrease

in damage.

The layout of the upgrades is the same 3 by 3 layout, only detached from the main unit.

The Photon Cannon is a rather useful weapon, it is a somewhat expected and generic machine

gun, in essence, firing single projectile shots at a high rate, with the main module

only it is the highest rate of fire weapon, though with all upgrades optimally placed

it becomes the second.

The Photon Cannon has a fast projectile speed, which is technically 4th out of the 6th for

Projectile speed, but at 1,800 compared to the 2,000 of Infra-Knife and Positron Ejector,

with the Phase Beam being instant, it's not that far off from the joint second place.

This allows the Photon Cannon to be used well in Dog Fighting as it's real time to shine,

yet takes second place in that when it comes down to pure effectiveness, it's superior

being the Phase Beam.

But it's worth is not just in one singular use, it's worth is in everything, it is the

Jack of all trades, master of none, but I mean this in a good way, not as a derogatory


The Photon Cannon is already there which gives you a one slot advantage by only requiring

9 to meet its capacity while all but the Phase Beam and Rocket Launcher require 10.

It can be used effectively in both movement based fighting and static defensive fighting.


Phase Beam>

The Phase Beam is that first weapon that really gets you going, it is often present on new

ships you may purchase and has some impressive power.

The Phase Beam is an instant hit weapon that fires 2 projectiles per shot, it appears aesthetically

as 2 continuous lasers but is, in fact, shot based, this is likely due to ease of programming.

The Fire Rate of the Phase Beam is actually the slowest of all and completely unchanging

due to the lack of Fire Rate upgrades, but this doesn't stop it being incredibly powerful.

Its statistics are deceiving in many ways, if you look at the DPS, it is the lowest when

not counting the Rocket Launcher, and you shouldn't use DPS to measure the Rocket Launcher

as I'll cover shortly.

The low DPS, however, is made a complete non-issue via a special attribute the Phase Beam has,

which is the lock-on it exhibits.

Provided you have the enemy ship in range and within the sizeable reticule of the Phase

Beam, both lasers will hit the vessel directly and all of that damage will strike.

You will not lose shots here and there, they all hit for full force, and that lack of literal

collateral damage brings the Phase Beam up to be the most powerful Dog Fighting weapon

out there.

During a dogfight with heavy movement, your enemy is being rather evasive and annoying,

any weapon that has travel time will be missing quite often even if you have a perfect aim

to hit in front of its movements as when the enemy changes direction, those shots already

on route are going to waste, but the Phase Beam is instant and locks on fairly easily,

this allows you to make every shot hit if your dexterity is high enough.

It also has by far the greatest heat time at 9.45 seconds before overheating, which

is fairly crazy, it's not too far from double the next longest, which is the Photon Cannon

at 5.71

The Phase Beam does, however, have a drawback, and this is that it requires charging regularly.

You could last most fights from a full charge, with only large-scale fights such as the Sentinel

5 Star and maybe 4 Star requiring charging throughout, which can still be done easily

via the quick menu, in the same way, that you recharge your shields.

Plutonium is cheap, and most will carry a stack within their ship or cargo, so this

really isn't a big issue.

It should also be noted that while all main units except for the Rocket Launcher and Photon

Cannon have charge bars insinuating they require charging, only the Phase Beam actually requires

charging, the other 3 weapons that display this bar never use up that charge and so remain

fully charged.

The Phase Beam also carries a rather substantial Pro to, and that is it's inventory footprint,

due to the lack of Fire Rate upgrades, the entire Phase Beam only takes up 7 slots, and

is by far the best weapon suited for filling your Technology slots, which at only 2 slots

high puts a real drawback on housing anything but the Phase Beam or Rocket Launcher.

<4 Infra-Knife Accelerator>

The Infra-Knife Accelerator is a colourful and fun weapon, it's projectiles are not all

that powerful, but it shoots 2 of them at a time and has the highest rate of fire of

the lot, with an increase of over 25% from the second place Photon Cannon.

The Infra-Knife Accelerator is very much similar to the Photon Canon, it has the same general

uses, but is slightly worse at everything than the Photon Cannon for the most part.

As far as the numbers go, it actually beats the Photon Cannon for DPS, though only very

slightly, but has a massive drawback when it comes to overheating.

When comparing to the Photon Cannon, the Infra-Knife Accelerator isn't too far from half the time

till overheat, and as they both have the same cooldown time, it's quite a drawback.

Due to this, I would suggest that you pulse instead of just holding down, learn through

practice the length of time before it starts to go into the red, if you time it right a

fraction of a second is all that is needed to reset its time to overheat.

Doing this can make it an effective weapon for sure, especially in movement heavy fights,

that being said it is still only third in that respect.

The Infra-Knife Accelerator does have a hidden pro, however, and this is it's innate and

subtle locking on.

I would liken it to Aim-Assist present on consoles, this is a system which subtly assists

the player in hitting the target to make up for the fact you are using a controller versus

a mouse.

It's also the primary reason that competitive games don't cross-platform, as, without the

assist on consoles, the mouse is too powerful, and with aim assist on consoles, the controller

is too powerful.

This lock-on aim-assist effect I observed while testing is quite substantial in making

the Infra-Knife Accelerator an effective weapon.

Though with all that it is still a second to the Photon Cannon, but not by all that

much, making this a very clear preference play, so which of the 2 do you just like better.

<5 Rocket Launcher>

The Rocket Launcher is an interesting one for sure, it is a single module weapon with

no upgrades that's general use is on your first ship, giving you a large amount of power

in the simplest form possible.

It's DPS is just awful as it's Fire Rate is 0.1 per second, but it's cooldown time is

only 5, which skews the results a little.

The Rocket Launcher is not any good at all in a battle with more than one weak ship when

on its own, but it is certainly useful.

The Rocket Launcher's use is in its super high damage projectile, it deals 3000 damage,

it also has a super high range at more than triple everything else.

This allows you to start on the Rocket Launcher as the ships come toward you, and aim up your

shot, it is not assisted as such but is quite accurate, you have a narrow reticule that

must be placed perfectly, and luckily, you have quite a distance to aim up this shot

before other weapons can be used.

Take your shot, then switch to another weapon, likely the Phase Beam and enjoy the extra

3000 damage you just got off on the enemy which likely ensured it's destruction.

This takes practice to get your timing right, but once you master it, the Rocket Launcher

can become a cheap and effective addition to your lineup, that adds without replacing.

You can thank 7101334 for showing me the potential of the Rocket Launcher that I had previously

written off.

<6 Cyclotron Ballista>

The Cyclotron Ballista is a frankly ridiculous weapon, in the best way.

The Cyclotron Ballista fires 2 high powered projectiles per shot at a rather low speed

when fully upgraded it will fire more than 20 of these high powered projectiles per second

resulting in the Cyclotron Ballista taking the 2nd place for DPS behind the Positron


This is no weapon for movement fighting, this is what I would refer to as a defensive weapon.

You stay still and what for the enemies to come in range, the second that reticule goes

red, you start firing and by the time the first shots start hitting the enemy, you have

almost finished firing your volley.

Using this method you can get the majority of shots to hit which will destroy almost

any enemy assuming you're are in a fighter.

This will not fully destroy a skull ship however which has more than double the health of a

3 star.

The Cyclotron Ballista is also one of the best choices for filling a very small space

for a weapon such as on a hauler built solely for trading, giving the hauler a powerful

yet cheap defensive weapon.

The Cyclotron Ballista can be used in movement, but it is far surpassed in its effectiveness

by the Phase Beam, Photon Cannon & Infra-Knife Accelerator in this circumstance.

When on a ship made for battle, the Cyclotron Ballista is most definitely at home but should

certainly be paired with another weapon that is more suited for movement.

I would not advise using a Rocket Launcher before switching to a Ballista, the Rocket

Launcher does have a great advantage of being able to aim and fire far above the range of

the ballista to get an extra shot in, the drawback is that the Rocket launcher will

fire it's Rockets at twice the speed of the Ballista, which will cause the ship to turn

away before the Ballista fire reaches it.

It is far more beneficial to stick purely to the Ballista switching to something like

the Phase Beam as either the volley ends or the enemy turns off.

This means that it is largely pointless to have both the Rocket Launcher and the Cyclotron


<Weapon Ranking>

To keep things simple, I have split the very basics of battle into 2 distinct situations.

These are Static and Movement based fighting.

I'm fully aware that there are many intricacies to battle and certain weapons will shine in

specific techniques, but these techniques are usually built privately by the individual

player, and for the most part, Static and Movement covers everyone well.

For static, which is when you stay still in one location and wait for the enemy to come

to you, giving you an effectively still target from your perspective, the Cyclotron Ballista

is by far the superior, dealing an insane amount of damage that has the upside of having

your enemy turn off just in time to overheat and cooldown your weapon for the next run,

that is of course, if the enemy even survived.

The second and last in this category would be the Rocket Launcher and Phase Beam Combo,

aim your rocket, wait until the second the enemy itself fires, alerting you that the

Phase Beam range has been reached, and fire your rocket while immediately turning to Phase

Beams to finish off.

The big downside of the static approach is that in fights involving more than one enemy,

you will be taking an incredible amount of damage and must replenish your shields constantly,

this isn't really too much of an issue, it's just a little boring in comparison.

When it is one on one, you will take almost no damage and obliterate the enemy.

For Movement, which is when you and or your enemy is moving to your perspective, the Phase

Beam certainly wins, largely due to its instant projectile speed and lock on effect, with

the Photon Cannon, coming in second and the Infra-Knife Accelerator Third.

Movement-based fighting requires more practice and general skill, anyone can stand still

and drown in titanium, which is why I usually do it, but it takes practice and skill to

really fly about avoiding enemy fire while tagging them yourself, it's also by far the

most fun of the 2.

The Positron Ejector doesn't really fit anywhere as a solid contender, it's uses are too specific,

you have to get close and aim very well, if you specialise in tailgating your enemies,

it could certainly be the best weapon for you as with the x2 bonus it would be dust

in a second.

I think there are very few who will use that weapon effectively, but I quite like that

we have it.


For the Layouts I have decided to not show a big old slideshow of different builds on

screen and instead have linked the highest DPS layouts for all weapons in the description,

it's right next to the timestamps for the sections of this video in case you wanted

to skip back or forward to a particular section.

There are also some suggested full builds to meet different criteria, whether it's defensive

Hauler or the most minimalist fighter ever, it's all down there.

All builds are shown using Ket's Layout Editor, a fantastic web app created by the mighty

Ket that allows you to build and share you Ship, Multitool, Exosuit and Freighter layouts,

giving you all of the information for the build, like Damage, Rate of Fire, Cooldown

Time, Time to Heat, Range, Velocity, everything.

And don't forget that you can copy that shareable URL and paste it into the Technology Planner

Calculator on to find out all of the resources required to build it

as well as any quests you may have to complete, or nanites you'll need to get the blueprints

and even the race rank.


As far as tips go, I would suggest fighting away from Asteroids unless you need the iron

for your shields.

The reasoning behind this is that if like me, your fighter is pretty full of tech, you

want some slots to pick up items from the ships, so you put your Titanium for your shield

recharging in your exosuit or Exosuit Cargo, unfortunately, if you fight around an asteroid

field, you will hit asteroids, which means you'll pick up Iron, this iron will go into

your ship.

When you go to Recharge an item, it will display the materials for recharging from that inventory

first, so by picking up iron in your ship, it will present the iron as the first option

along with any other Oxides in your ship, then your Exosuit, then your Exosuit Cargo.

Especially if using the quick menu as a reflex without looking, you will charge you shields

with a minute amount of iron which won't charge them much at all, yet leading you to believe

they are full.

You could just keep an eye on it, but I find greater peace of mind in knowing the titanium

fully charged the shields.

This may seem obvious to some, but remember that hitting a ship on its backend, will result

in a multiplier for your damage, this is a massive advantage and makes movement fighting

all the more tantalising.

If you wish to flee from Sentinels, they will not stop chasing you if they are already about,

you must destroy the current squadron and as soon as the pulsating warp circles appear,

boost away, you will lose them doing so, if you are fighting a nearly endless stream of

sentinels on the 5th star wave and are running low on Oxides, you can cut the waves short

early by flying the Sentinel ships out of loading distance from the Sentinel Freighter,

you will still have to destroy the current squadron but at least you won't get any more.

To escape a confrontation before it begins, immediately summon your freighter and fly

in before they appear and it will cancel.

A space station can be used to end a current battle.

If you are performing the role of a filthy pirate, then ignore the sentinel ship that

appears after attacking your first freighter, it is weak, so is perfect for ignoring while

you pillage a fleet or 2 of freighters before finally taking it within your sights for immediate


Your weapons will be in the order that you have them in your inventory, this is specifically

the main weapon modules, with that in mind, you should where possible choose you locations


If performing the Rocket Phase combo, you should place your Rocket Launcher before your

Phase Beam Module with no other weapon between them to ensure your Phase Beam is the next

weapon after your rockets.


If you have any tips of your own, please do put them in the comments to help out your

fellow travellers, and of course, if you disagree with anything I've said or have more to add

I'd be happy to read it down below.

Also this week, we will finally vote on the name for my fighter, a few weeks ago I asked

for people to suggest names for my fighter and we had a few interesting ones, so now

you can all vote for the permanent name of my beautiful dart.

The choices are

Destroyer Falcon Lancer S71

SS Shadaisy ICI Calamity S7

Tangerine Cremator Daisy

Lancelot Bill

Bluebird Bumblebee oder Stinger

Vote by writing the name of the one you want to pick in a comment, and I'll tally the votes

in 2 weeks once I'm back from my festival.

If you liked this video then hit that like button, subscribe and think about checking

out my Patreon, a dollar a month is a great way to support the channel and the work I

do, we also have an awesome discord that is growing constantly.

But above all, have an awesome day folks!

For more infomation >> SHIP WEAPONS COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE in No Man's Sky - Duration: 18:31.


Stefano De Martino coinvolto in un incidente stradale: paura per l'ex di Belen | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Stefano De Martino coinvolto in un incidente stradale: paura per l'ex di Belen | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:36.


Fans mormorano che possano arrivare fiori d'arancio per Albano e Romina | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Fans mormorano che possano arrivare fiori d'arancio per Albano e Romina | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:48.


El "sorpresón" de Almódovar: éste es el papel que le tiene reservado a Penélope - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> El "sorpresón" de Almódovar: éste es el papel que le tiene reservado a Penélope - Duration: 1:38.


Johnny Depp irriconoscibile: mistero sull'eccessiva magrezza | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> Johnny Depp irriconoscibile: mistero sull'eccessiva magrezza | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:28.


Diplo - Stay Open (feat. MØ) [CC Lyrics] - Duration: 3:32.

Diplo - Stay Open (feat. MØ)

Even in the darkest hour

You don't have to search so hard

You're the one that holds the power

Now's the time to play your part

If you could see your true colours, you wouldn't have to try so hard

Hiding under all these covers, we all work the way we are

It's the same with me and you and everybody

All hold tight our breath while waiting for the party

So many doors, so many closed to us

Oh, baby, my heart's open

You know that I stay open

Lost in the night, standing outside the club

Oh, baby, my heart's open

You know that I stay open for you

Baby, I can read the stars And I see how they shine for you

Don't cave yourself up in the darkness So many better things to do

Wish you could see your true colours Don't be afraid to play your card

The sky is open, you should follow We all work the way we are

It's the same with me and you and everybody

All hold tight our breath while waiting for the party

So many doors, so many closed to us

Oh, baby, my heart's open

You know that I stay open

Lost in the night, standing outside the club

Oh, baby, my heart's open

You know that I stay open for you

You know, you know

Oh, you know, you know

Open for you

It's the same with me and you and

All hold tight our breath while waiting for the party

It's the same with me and you and everybody

All hold tight our breath while waiting for the party

So many doors, so many closed to us

Oh, baby, my heart's open

You know that I stay open

Lost in the night, standing outside the club

Oh, baby, my heart's open

You know that I stay open for you


For more infomation >> Diplo - Stay Open (feat. MØ) [CC Lyrics] - Duration: 3:32.


수줍어하게 "얼굴이 작다"고 외친 강동원|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> 수줍어하게 "얼굴이 작다"고 외친 강동원|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 3:09.


다니엘의 사랑하는 습관|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> 다니엘의 사랑하는 습관|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 2:56.


Argentina continue pre-World Cup training in Barcelona as they build up to Israel friendly - Duration: 3:09.

Argentina continue pre-World Cup training in Barcelona as they build up to Israel friendly

While many of their high-profile World Cup rivals are contesting friendly warm-up matches this weekend, Argentina continued to work hard on the training pitch on Sunday morning.

Jorge Sampaoli put his Albiceleste squad through their paces once again in Catalonia, where they arrived on Thursday after a Lionel Messi hat-trick inspired them to a comfortable 4-0 rout of Haiti at the famous La Bombonera stadium in Buenos Aires.

The likes of former Blaugrana stalwart Javier Mascherano, Manchester City defender Nicolas Otamendi and AC Milan's Lucas Biglia all took part in more fitness and football drills at the Ciutat Esportiva Joan Gamper training complex, which was opened in 2006 and features five grass pitches and four artificial surfaces.

There were also laughs to be had during a competitive-looking game of rondo, with Manchester United's Marcos Rojo colliding with fellow defender Gabriel Mercado before coming under pressure from another Sevilla player in midfield maestro Ever Banega.

Sampaoli was of course on hand to keep a watchful eye over his players as they continued preparations for a tournament for which they will once again be considered among the favourites, particularly if star man Lionel Messi - who received a hero's welcome on his swift return to Barcelona - is firing on all cylinders.

Argentina are due to stay in Barcelona until June 8, after which the two-time world champions will travel to Jerusalem for a final friendly against Israel before moving on to their tournament base in Bronnitsy, a town located approximately 34 miles southeast of central Moscow.

They begin their Group D campaign against World Cup debutants Iceland at Spartak's Otkrytie Arena on June 16 before heading to Nizhny Novgorod five days later for a meeting with perennial dark horses Croatia.

Nigeria, beaten 2-1 by England in a friendly contest at Wembley on Saturday, provide their final opposition of the group stage in Saint Petersburg on June 26.

For more infomation >> Argentina continue pre-World Cup training in Barcelona as they build up to Israel friendly - Duration: 3:09.


'해투' 이채영, 전현무 한혜진 열애 언급 "성형전 비키니 언니 서승아 집안 몸매"|K-News - Duration: 6:49.

For more infomation >> '해투' 이채영, 전현무 한혜진 열애 언급 "성형전 비키니 언니 서승아 집안 몸매"|K-News - Duration: 6:49.


'청매미 + 섹시'AoA 설현 MMA 무대|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> '청매미 + 섹시'AoA 설현 MMA 무대|조회수8.212.910 - Duration: 2:15.


華為回應「撤出美國市場」:以官方信息為準 - Duration: 15:26.

For more infomation >> 華為回應「撤出美國市場」:以官方信息為準 - Duration: 15:26.


Инфобизнес в интернете - ПРОСТО и ПРИБЫЛЬНО! - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> Инфобизнес в интернете - ПРОСТО и ПРИБЫЛЬНО! - Duration: 5:44.


Real French speaking - Au restau - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Real French speaking - Au restau - Duration: 2:36.


Things you Must Do in Bangkok | Traveling with my sister 👭♥ - Duration: 8:52.

For more infomation >> Things you Must Do in Bangkok | Traveling with my sister 👭♥ - Duration: 8:52.


Spanish Breakfast in Granada, Spain - Duration: 11:32.

Alright guys.

Good morning.

Good morning.

It is a Saturday here in Granada.

And not a creature is stirring.

Not even a mouse.

Not even a mouse.

It is so quiet, everyone partied hard last night.


And are recovering.

We could hear them leaving the bar.

Yes we sure could.

At like 2 or 3 in the morning.

You get so used to it in Spain it almost becomes like your sleeping soundtrack.

Like white noise.


It doesn't even bother us anymore.


Rowdy people leaving the bar.

Um yeah so the plan for today is to go out for breakfast.

We want to show you what a Spanish breakfast looks like.


And yesterday while we were out in town Sam noticed a place (Via Colon).


So we're going to try and retrace our steps.

There is a few good places so yeah we won't have any trouble finding one.

That is for sure.

Okay so Sam found a great little spot for us not too far from the apartment.

This place is called ViaColon and it is a beautiful coffee house (cafe).

Like it is classy inside.


And prices are very reasonable I have to say.


It is competitive with some more rustic looking places.


And yeah this we are really excited.


We ordered three different things.

Yeah and that is what we've done.

So they have a menu for breakfast.

You have like 5 different options.


So we've ordered 3 of them because we were feeling pretty hungry.

Pretty ambitious.

We think we can tackle 3 breakfasts between the two of us.

Yeah and not only that just going for any kind of walk in the morning makes you hungry.

It is so cold.

It is so cold.

As you can tell.

I have a sweater and winter hat.

Bundling up in the mornings.

Oh and there are the churros.


Oh my gosh the churros just arrived.

Okay we're going to start off with something sweet.

That is the plan now guys.

Going in for the churros.

The churros dunk.

In a hot chocolate.

I just love the thickness of the chocolate.

I just can't get over it.

When have you seen hot chocolate so thick.

And it is like dunking it in chocolate sauce.


Chocolate sludge.

Look at this.

It is just a wonderful richness to it.


It is amazing.

It is the kind of thing you could eat anytime of day huh?


You know what?

We ate a lot of churros when we were in Madrid.


But these are like even more dense.

They have less air in them.

So yeah you're just getting more dough.

It is more filling.

Would you say these are the best churros you've tried in Spain so far?


I may have to say that.


They are so good.

So good that you almost gobbled a whole churro and I haven't even tried mine.

I only get 3.


That is the sad part.

Well you've almost ate half of yours.


Good stuff.

Finger licking good?


Finger licking good.

Okay Sam is going in for the churros.

I better get mine before it is gone.

Yeah you better hurry man.

So they brought some a little bit of sugar.

So apparently you can sprinkle a little bit on so why don't we try that.

Why don't we try that.


I mean it is going to be rich enough but haha.

Why not.

I can't believe we're starting with the sweet stuff as well.

We are ruining our chance at dessert.

I know.

These should be our dessert of the breakfast.

We should be saving.

We should be having the savory things first.

But oh look at that.

Just look at it dripping.

I know.


Triple dunk.



What do you think?

These are almost like something in between porras and churros.


That is how I would describe it.

They are a little bit.

They have a little bit more air and a little bit thicker.

No, they have less air.

You think they have less air.

But they are more spongy than a typical churros.

That is how I would describe it.

And it really sops up the chocolate.

It really sops up the chocolate.

And it is not quite as crispy on the outside as some of the other churros I've had that

are skinnier.

I also find this one less oily like some of the churros can be that is true.

Some of the churros can be really oily and greasy.

Just let me have another one for scientific purposes only.


We were are going to split the last one.


What really makes it here though is the hot chocolate.


Like this is just really rich.

Really sweet and just really I don't know just.

This is just the perfect.

They compliment each other so well.


I just wish we had a few more.

I know.

We may have to order another plate.

We may have to order another plate guys.

Yeah but we do have more breakfast items to sample over here.

Third bite.

Oh yeah.

Okay now that we've had our sweet stuff let's move on to the savory.

Oh yeah.

And first up we have the tortilla which the best way to describe this would be like a

potato and egg omelette.


It is about an inch thick.

And yeah.

I'd say this is a bit more of a generous portion than what I'm used to.

Like they really give us a nice slab here.


They did not skimp out.


Is it good?

That is pretty nice yeah.

Good way to get your carbs and a bit of protein huh?


I really enjoy this.


I've been known to eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

There was one day like 2 and a half years ago in Madrid where you had this all day long.

You had you literally did have it for breakfast lunch and dinner.


Clearly I like my tortilla.

That is very much a true story.


A true story.

I almost feel like it needs ketchup though.

It is almost like having fries.

It needs some ketchup.

You need some catsup.

Where is the catsup?

And they serve this with some slices of tomatoes.

That is kind of nice because it just gives it a bit of a refreshing juiciness with the



It is now Sam's turn.

It sure is.

Time for me to go in for the Spanish Tortilla (tortilla española).

Anyways uh it is very simple ingredients.

Just potato and egg.


And it is thick.

It is a lot denser than what it may look like.

It might look fluffy on camera but it is thick.


It is almost like a it has the consistency of like a brick.


You can throw it like a brick.

I think it is meant to be filling.


It is meant to be filling.

It is hearty.

Hearty food.

And it is great for the winter right now.

It is really good.

I would say it is more heavy.

It is more heavily leaning towards um like a potato consistency than egg.


But um yeah it is really nice.

It is I need this kind of savory thick filling food in the winter just to keep me warm.

Alright, so now we're going to move on to breakfast item number three.

That is right.

So the third item on the menu it was listed as bari which I haven't heard before because

it is kind of like a toasted sandwich with Jamón serrano.

Oh can you open that one more time.

And on the other side.


We've got the tomato.

I didn't know it came with tomato.

I couldn't even see that when I was first looking.

I know.

This is our first time having it with tomato.


Like usually when we ask for a bocadillo de jamón serrano.

Like a sandwich.


It is just bread and ham.


But I like that the tomato gives it a bit of juiciness.


Those are nice thin slices of ham.

It is like lightly shaved meat.


It is really good.

I think I'm going to like it too.


This has been a good breakfast spot.

Oh yeah.

Oh yeah.

And the sandwich.

Yeah, moving on to the sandwich.

So I'm excited to try this.

A typical lunch for us like a do it yourself lunch here in Spain has been like baguette

and going out and getting like Jamón ibérico or something or like Jamón serrano.


Just going out and getting ham and making really simple sandwiches.

Sometimes throwing in some cheese.

So this is just like a really familiar uh comfort food for me here in Spain.


Oh, that is really good.

They put in more ham than I thought.

It is nice and thick.

And that tomato pastes gives it a little bit of juiciness which I like too.

Yeah it is just nice to have this variety of 3 different things and we've even been

thinking there is a piece of carrot cake that looks so good in the case.

Sam has been eyeing the cake.

I've been eying it.

This is basically our brunch so I have a feeling we're going to order it.

Sam's kryptonite.

Carrot cake.

Carrot cake guys.

It is my achilles heel.

I've walked in and I had no plans to order any cake but I saw it and like I've got to

get it.

Yeah, this isn't even like Spanish breakfast food.


This is definitely not.

This is bonus.

This is bonus footage right here.

But anyways they beautifully plated it.


It looks like there is some kind of like a caramel sauce over here.

If I turn it over.

Whipped cream.

Ice cream.

Ice cream.

There is even ice cream here.

Look at that.

A little piece.

Alright you dig right in before that ice cream melts.


I'm just going to go for a bite of carrot cake right now.

Well a little bit of ice cream too.

Actually forget that I'm trying almost everything.



What do you think?

Oh yeah.

I've got to try the icing just to confirm.

Just to confirm.

Second bite.

Oh yeah.

Just to be sure.

That is the real cream cheese icing.


I had the last time I had carrot cake was really disappointing.

It was like a more of a whipped icing than cream cheese-y.

And I was so disappointed.

So this is making up for my last bad piece of carrot cake I had not too long ago.

Alright enjoy.


Time to wrap things up.

That was a glorious feast of feasts.

I didn't probably didn't need that cake.

It was already big enough breakfast but yeah I'm certainly full now.

Anyways on to price point.

It came to just over 20 Euros.



Oh sorry it was under.


You would know better.

Even better.

Yeah, that is right.

You paid for it.

So basically that included 3 breakfast mains.

Out of those breakfast mains the hot chocolate came with the churros (churros con chocolate).

Your tea came with the sandwich right.

So then I ordered an additional cappuccino.


And then an additional slice of cake.

So yeah that was a lot of food for 19 Euros.

It really was.

Great atmosphere in here.

The quality of everything was really good.

Like the meat was good.

The coffee was good.

The hot chocolate was good.

The cake was good.

So yeah there were no.

There were no misses here.

I'd highly recommend coming here.

And yeah what a great way to start the day.

So we'll see you guys in the next video.

Tata for now.

For more infomation >> Spanish Breakfast in Granada, Spain - Duration: 11:32.


Realistic Raindrops, After Effects Freebie - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Realistic Raindrops, After Effects Freebie - Duration: 3:30.


✅ フリーアナの古舘伊知郎氏(63)が、3日放送の日本テレビ系「行列のできる法律相談所」(日曜・後9時)に出演し、自身が司会を務めた30年前の「オシャレ30・30」で、テレビで初激怒した女優を告白した - Duration: 4:37.

 フリーアナの古舘伊知郎氏(63)が、3日放送の日本テレビ系「行 のできる法律相談所」(日曜・後9時)に出演し、自身が司会を務めた 0年前の「オシャレ30・30」で、テレビで初激怒した女優を告白し

 「オシャレ―」はトーク番組にもかかわらず、古舘氏の質問に答 ない女優。当時の映像には古舘氏の質問に舌打ちする様子も残っていた 「ふてくされている様に見えるんですけど」「何で来たんですか? 来 からにはしゃべってください

トークショーですよここは」と怒り気味に質問する古舘氏。  「テ ビのオン・エア上まずいからカットされていたけど、何を聞いても『別 』だった。全く(会話が)成立しない状態だった」と番組の裏側を明か つつ、「今だったらムッとしないで、相手がしゃべる気がないので、こ ちも黙って持久戦とか

焦っているんですよね僕も、あまりにしゃべってくれないから、未熟な じがして反省しています」と当時を振り返った。  その女優は、1 79年クラリオンガールで芸能界デビューした烏丸せつこ(63)

番組ではインタビューを行い、烏丸は当時のVTRに「超生意気な目。 を怒らせたり不快にさせたり、嫌な思いをさせたりするのはよくないこ 。その点はものすごく反省しています」と切り出し、自身の態度につい 「映画の番宣でテレビに出演したんですけど、トーク番組がすごい苦手 、しゃべる気でいるんだけど、本当に言葉が一個も出てこない状態

古舘さんは一生懸命フォローしてくださろうとするんだけど、言葉に詰 ってしまってどうすることも出来なかった。テレビは、宣伝だけとかじ なくバラエティーは一切やめました」と回顧し、カメラに向かって古舘 に謝罪した

 「お久しぶりです。私もものすごく覚えていました」と話し、一 テレビ局の廊下で謝罪したことを明かしたが「やっぱりあれでは解消さ なかったんですね」と苦笑い。「古舘さんどうもすみませんでした」と をさげた

 古舘氏は「会ってたの? 覚えていないです僕。うわの空だった でしょうね。そもそも大ファンだった」と思い出を語った。

For more infomation >> ✅ フリーアナの古舘伊知郎氏(63)が、3日放送の日本テレビ系「行列のできる法律相談所」(日曜・後9時)に出演し、自身が司会を務めた30年前の「オシャレ30・30」で、テレビで初激怒した女優を告白した - Duration: 4:37.


4 idée de visage msp - Duration: 6:11.

For more infomation >> 4 idée de visage msp - Duration: 6:11.


Diplo - Stay Open (feat. MØ) [CC Lyrics] - Duration: 3:32.

Diplo - Stay Open (feat. MØ)

Even in the darkest hour

You don't have to search so hard

You're the one that holds the power

Now's the time to play your part

If you could see your true colours, you wouldn't have to try so hard

Hiding under all these covers, we all work the way we are

It's the same with me and you and everybody

All hold tight our breath while waiting for the party

So many doors, so many closed to us

Oh, baby, my heart's open

You know that I stay open

Lost in the night, standing outside the club

Oh, baby, my heart's open

You know that I stay open for you

Baby, I can read the stars And I see how they shine for you

Don't cave yourself up in the darkness So many better things to do

Wish you could see your true colours Don't be afraid to play your card

The sky is open, you should follow We all work the way we are

It's the same with me and you and everybody

All hold tight our breath while waiting for the party

So many doors, so many closed to us

Oh, baby, my heart's open

You know that I stay open

Lost in the night, standing outside the club

Oh, baby, my heart's open

You know that I stay open for you

You know, you know

Oh, you know, you know

Open for you

It's the same with me and you and

All hold tight our breath while waiting for the party

It's the same with me and you and everybody

All hold tight our breath while waiting for the party

So many doors, so many closed to us

Oh, baby, my heart's open

You know that I stay open

Lost in the night, standing outside the club

Oh, baby, my heart's open

You know that I stay open for you


For more infomation >> Diplo - Stay Open (feat. MØ) [CC Lyrics] - Duration: 3:32.


44歲四料港姐曾上演「奪夫戰」出道即結婚 兒子獲舉重冠軍成名 - Duration: 3:35.

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