Sunday, June 3, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 3 2018

Hey hey, my friend! Welcome to Parenting A-to-Z! I'm Kelly Bourne and this week

we're digging right into whining! How to deal when our kids whine. We're gonna

look at why they whine in the first place, I've got a little 3-step system

you can use in the moment to deal with your kids whining, and then some

proactive steps you can take moving forward to lessen the amount of whining

you're finding yourself dealing with on a daily basis. Cuz man, it's like

nails on a chalkboard sometimes, right?! It can drive you a little bit batty!

So grab your cup of coffee and we'll get right to it!

Oh man! Whining can be so

hard to deal with! It can just grate. That voice, it can just

grate. And it's not only the voice, it's that feeling of kind of being

manipulated. Like they're only doing this to get what they want. And guess what?!

Nine times out of ten, that's exactly what they're "using" the whining for. It's

just really a means to an end for them, because they've learned

somewhere along the line that if I use this voice and if I don't let up, mum and

dad are gonna cave. They're gonna cave. It's all gonna come falling right

into my hands. I know, our kids are little geniuses! They really are little

geniuses. So when it comes to squashing the whining, it's just keeping that in

mind. That when our kids are doing this, all they're really doing is taking a

misguided way to get to get their goal met, whatever it is. If they want

something, or if they need something, or if they want to talk to you, whatever it

is, whining is their ticket to getting what they want. So for us, it's just

helping them get what they want through cooperative means and then they'll leave

the whining in the dust. Cuz it'll no longer be useful. So that's our main job

if we want to get rid of the whining. We need it to stop being useful for our

kids. So the way that I like to deal with this is kind of like a three-part system.

So right off the top, when you find yourself first dealing with whining, like

this is a really new onset behaviour, first and foremost -- just validate what

they're after. So yeah, "you know what, you're really

disappointed about that" or "You really wanted that candy."

Just validate whatever it is they're asking for. And then in the

second breath, the thing that I like to tack on is, "You know what? I can see

you're really frustrated, but I just I can't understand what

you're asking me?" Not letting the whining have that power for them getting what

they want. So you're noticing, you're aware that what they're after, whatever it is

they're after, but you are not willing to let the whining be the means to the end

for them. So that's really the first thing when you start noticing that

behaviour. Noticing, acknowledging, validating, while also pumping the brakes

and being like, "I can see you really you're after something,

you need something, I really want to help you, but I can't, I'm sorry. I can't

understand what you're saying. Is there another way you could ask me?" or "I really

want to help you. Can you help me out by asking in a

different way?" Just kind of sending the message that

that voice isn't going to work for you. And as effective as that is, because

really, it does work at least for our family about nine times out of ten

at getting them to go back to using their regular voice, sometimes it doesn't.

And sometimes they're really relentless. And sometimes they don't want to give up.

And sometimes they're just seeing if they can get what they want

using this whiny voice. And the key there is just to not notice it. Pay it no mind.

And I don't mean totally ignoring your child, of course not, I just mean not

noticing the whining. You can excuse yourself to go to

another room and say "Can you use your regular voice, bud? Or should I go to

another room?" I will even say to my kids,

"That voice is really hurting my ears, so come come see me when

you're ready to talk. I'm sorry, it's just hurting me."

Because the thing is, when we're constantly addressing the whining, if

we're, "Stop whining! I told you just stop whining!" The more we address it,

the more it works. Because the more attention they're getting, the more

they're seeing like, okay, when I do this I have the full attention of mom or dad

or grandma or whoever they're using it on. If they're

persisting, that's fine. We just also need to persist. "But yet, she persisted!" We

need to persist in the face of our kids' whining. And

that can be just not noticing it, it can be tuning out the whining, it can be even

excusing yourself to another room. Just because our kids want to use that voice

doesn't mean we have to listen to it. And it also doesn't mean we need

to be a jerk about it either! So if you need to excuse yourself, excuse yourself!

There's nothing wrong with that at all. And then eventually they will see,

they will absolutely see, that okay, I'm trying this, I'm trying this, I'm trying

this -- it's not working. So they'll drop it. Because all of us, even even us as adults,

we're all goal-directed. If we are trying something and it's not getting us what

we want, we'll drop the behaviour. And it's the exact same with whining. So those

three are really great tools that you can use in the moment. But there are also

some really good back pocket strategies you can use proactively, on the daily,

when your kids aren't whining, that will also help lessen the amount and severity

of their whining. And the first thing is just to kind of have an awareness, just

to kind of notice where our attention has been. Because whining generally is an

attention-seeking behaviour. It's their way of getting us to pay attention. So

just taking a look at what that looks like for yourself, how attentive

have you been. Have you been distracted? Have you been overwhelmed? Or are you stressed

with something else? Look at what's going on with you in your life and how much

one-on-one time you have had with your kids. And just stepping back a bit

and seeing, am I giving my full attention? And that doesn't mean you have

to be giving it 24/7, but when you're with them, are you with them? Or are you

distracted by other things? So just paying attention to that for yourself

and then making changes where you need to make changes. If it is setting aside

one-on-one time for each kid, or having special reading time,

whatever it is, just notice that for you. If you need to kind of

have a little check-in. If you need to have a check-in with your kids and have

some more quality one-on-one time. Another big one, too, is starting to teach

our kids assertiveness skills. When you start to notice this whining, when you

start to notice them trying to win your attention, or get what they want

using whining, that's a great opportunity to kind of harness it and teach them

those skills. To know how to ask for what they want in a

polite, respectful way. So sometimes it's just a little bit of coaching. And one

way you can do that, is just by giving them the language.

By coaching them and giving them the phrases and the things you wish they

would have said when they were asking for the playdate, or they were asking for

the candy, or they were wanting to leave the park. All those instances where they

could be whining, you can just substitute "Can I please have...?" or "I'm feeling

disappointed about...." or "I wish I could....." or "I wanted to stay later and play at the

park..." Just giving them that language. So whatever it is they're whining about,

give them the tools, give them the option of what they could be saying instead.

Because the more we can teach them, and the more we can equip them with that

language, the more they're gonna be able to use it. They're not gonna

magically know how to tell us they're disappointed, or tell us they're

frustrated, or ask politely for something, if we don't first show them the ropes. So

just take it as a great opportunity to teach assertiveness skills. It'll

serve them so well down the road, and it'll save your ears! It'll save your

ears and it'll save you so much frustration because they won't have to

whine to get what they want because you've taught them how to be assertive

and ask for what they want. And then one last little back pocket tool

that actually works for so many "misbehaviours" is just to

catch them in the act of being good. Or catch them in the act of being assertive

and asking for what they want. Or telling us what they need in a really polite way. So

just saying like, "Yeah, sure thing! No problem!" or "Thank you! It's a pleasure

when you when you ask so politely for things. Of course I would love to get

that for you." Just really catching them in the act, whenever they are using those

behaviours. Because sometimes we can just forget sometimes. We can take those

polite behaviours for granted. We can

focus in on the negative. It's like it's like a trigger when they're rude, or

they start whining, where we feel like we need to jump in and teach. Whereas if we

can embrace those moments where they're already shining, where they're already

showing strength, we'll just start to see more of it. It's just the positive

hamster wheel. The more we notice the good, the more good we'll get. So just

keep that in mind. So I know, guys whining can be really tricky to deal with, but

the key is just to acknowledge what your kids are after while also holding firm

on that boundary that that whining voice is not gonna get them

whatever it is they need, while also giving them the tools, and giving them

the language, and coaching them through how to ask for what they want in a

really assertive way. So I hope that helps, guys! Of course, leave any questions

or comments below, I always love chatting with you! If you're looking for any more

in-depth parenting resources or support, don't forget to check us out in the

Parent 'Hood! I hold weekly office hours so we can chat and you can ask

questions one-on-one, and give some really good tips and tools you can run

with. So good luck guys! Let me know how it goes, and I'll see you in the next


For more infomation >> Practical Tips to Stop Kids from Whining | Parenting A to Z - Duration: 9:33.


美國這款海上電子偵察機,裝備多個國家,飛到中國後神秘消失! - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> 美國這款海上電子偵察機,裝備多個國家,飛到中國後神秘消失! - Duration: 3:59.


✅ 3年半还债520亿 柯P:政府不该债留子孙 - Duration: 4:24.

人气: 4742 【字号】 大  中  小    标签: tags: 柯文哲, 台北市, 债务 打开微 扫一扫[Scan QR Code],打开网页后点击屏幕右上角分享 钮 【大纪元2018年06月02日讯】台北市长柯文哲今天在脸书 文表示,他上任3年半,大约还了520亿元,让台北市的债务降到94 亿元,让脱离千亿债务俱乐部,短短时间之内,就获得不少网友的称赞

台北市议员 陈重文 VS.台北市长柯文哲:"我都要求每个首长你 道,不要用价格标、用最有利标,每个人他为自己的标案负责,而且我们 在所有的标案,在上标案的时候,全部公布评审委员名单,还公布底价, 以你是觉得是从这里来,很多啦,这是一个。" 台北市长柯文哲上任以 还债成绩显著,目前已还债累计达520亿, 1日在脸书上发文宣布, 市政府正式脱离千亿债务俱乐部,创下了地方首长最高还债纪录,不到半 时间,就吸引超过19万人按赞、1.3万次分享

台北市议员 陈重文VS.台北市长柯文哲:"其实如果有办法省钱, 对不是单一个案件,是所有的案件,就是我们、包括我们台北市政府所有 加预算案,全部要进市长室专案报告,这样一下去大家就不太敢钻,所以 府官员不敢乱花钱?那你的意思是说之前都乱花钱?没有、以前没有管那 严

" 完整影片»» 柯文哲在脸书上写到,一个负责任的政府,不应该 留子孙,这就是4年下来台北市政府所秉持的信念,但市议员陈重文在质 时质疑,北市府还有一只大肥猫,就是北农总经理吴音宁,她上台后,业 推广费花了将近270万,其中有不少送给"贵宾"的礼盒

台北市议员 陈重文VS.台北市长 柯文哲:"这个这样用?反正你 经跟民进党分手,她又不是帮你买票,市长、不会我查出来之后,里面那 贵宾有柯文哲三个字吧?不会啦、不会,我没有、有吗?有送过我?市长 、有啊,市长室也有喔,你惨了你,天啊。" 陈重文表示,当中还有送 民进党台北市党部党庆的60瓶洋酒,北农监察人沈荣铭允诺,会去做追 ,1个月内会给予答复

转自新唐人亚太电视台 责任编辑:李世勋

For more infomation >> ✅ 3年半还债520亿 柯P:政府不该债留子孙 - Duration: 4:24.


仮想通貨ビットコイン価格2018年末までに5万ドル到達!?暴落中BTC今後6月から爆上げ期待大!?ユーチューバーによる爆上げ予想とは?リップルと並び高騰なるか?初心者もおすすめ最前線暗号通貨ニュース - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> 仮想通貨ビットコイン価格2018年末までに5万ドル到達!?暴落中BTC今後6月から爆上げ期待大!?ユーチューバーによる爆上げ予想とは?リップルと並び高騰なるか?初心者もおすすめ最前線暗号通貨ニュース - Duration: 2:51.


The Last O.G. Finale

For more infomation >> The Last O.G. Finale


Tariq Ramadan doit s'expliquer mardi pour la première fois devant les juges - Duration: 16:52.

For more infomation >> Tariq Ramadan doit s'expliquer mardi pour la première fois devant les juges - Duration: 16:52.


Nissan Juke 1.2 DIG-T S/S N-Connecta Bluetooth/Camera/Navigatie/Keyless/Velgen - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Nissan Juke 1.2 DIG-T S/S N-Connecta Bluetooth/Camera/Navigatie/Keyless/Velgen - Duration: 1:08.


Audi A6 Avant 3.0 TDI BITURBO QUATTRO PRO LINE S - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Audi A6 Avant 3.0 TDI BITURBO QUATTRO PRO LINE S - Duration: 1:06.


집사부일체 가수 이선희 전남편 윤희중 사*망! 진실은 무엇입니까? -Tistory News - Duration: 10:29.

For more infomation >> 집사부일체 가수 이선희 전남편 윤희중 사*망! 진실은 무엇입니까? -Tistory News - Duration: 10:29.


Cyril Hanouna: « Barthès a poussé le curseur du côté bobo » -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Cyril Hanouna: « Barthès a poussé le curseur du côté bobo » -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 1:44.


mode de vie sain:11 différences entre un rapport sexuel avec votre partenaire et .. - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> mode de vie sain:11 différences entre un rapport sexuel avec votre partenaire et .. - Duration: 4:50.


Yvan Attal épuisé : « Je pleure tous les jours » - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Yvan Attal épuisé : « Je pleure tous les jours » - Duration: 2:03.


What To Do With Your Hands When Standing - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> What To Do With Your Hands When Standing - Duration: 1:27.


✅ Hrabě Francesco Kinský dal Borgo (34) provedl Aha! po rodovém majetku: Tajemná Madona z hradu Kost - Duration: 3:02.

„Přeji vám krásný den, jsem hrabě Francesco Kinský dal Borgo a provedu vás tady," začal hradní pán, a pak už jen povídal a povídal

S výkladem mu chvílemi pomáhal průvodce Vladimír (17). „Dělám to úplně poprvé, jako něco, co patří k mé práci

V Čechách žiju už pět let a spolu s bratrancem Carlem (32) jsme nejstarší synové nynějších majitelů," prozradil šlechtic

Rodina Kinských se snaží ukazovat, jaký byl život na hradě v období 30leté války

„Letos otvíráme zbrusu novou expozici, kterou vytvořila během roku moje matka Michelle

Některé exponáty pocházejí z Čech, něco je přímo z majetku dal Borgo a něco Kinští zakoupili v Itálii," říká hrabě

Vznikl tak nový interiér velkého rytířského sálu s portréty rodu Kinských, velkým jídelním stolem a originálními lavicemi ze 17

století. 300 let starou sochu Madony vytesal Oto Sandler do karalského mramoru jinak, než se to běžně dělalo

Panna Marie byla obvykle zpodobňována s Ježíškem v náručí. Ta kostecká přidržuje syna na jakémsi míčku

To, co návštěvníci mohou na hradě Kost spatřit i letos, je kaple sv. Anny, černá kuchyně a mučírna, v níž nechybí gilotina na stínání hlav

Všechno je součástí minulé expozice. „Naší snahou do budoucna je exponáty v rámci možností neustále obměňovat

Je to proto, aby lidé, kteří k nám jezdí, měli důvod se stále vracet," říká Francesco Kinský dal Borgo

Rod Kinských dal Borgo, kterému patří hrad Kost a zámek Karlova Koruna, je starý český šlechtický rod, který se zapsal do dějin celého českého národa

Kořeny rodu sahají do 13. století – do časů vlády krále Přemysla Otakara I. Původním sídlem jejich předků byla vesnická tvrz Vchynice u Lovosic, odkud mají i své jméno – Vchynští

To se během staletí přeměnilo na dnešní podobu Kinští. Jejich znakem jsou tři kančí kly v rudém poli

For more infomation >> ✅ Hrabě Francesco Kinský dal Borgo (34) provedl Aha! po rodovém majetku: Tajemná Madona z hradu Kost - Duration: 3:02.


Amazing Tree Stunts Performed by Young Norwegian Forest Cat 2018 - Duration: 2:38.

There are no spoken words in this video, only music

For more infomation >> Amazing Tree Stunts Performed by Young Norwegian Forest Cat 2018 - Duration: 2:38.


Aozora No Rhapsody (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid) - [V.3] Cover en français (French Cover) par YF06 - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Aozora No Rhapsody (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid) - [V.3] Cover en français (French Cover) par YF06 - Duration: 2:15.


LG dares to go notch less with new V35 ThinQ; with dual-lens super bright camera ● Tech News ● #TECH - Duration: 2:55.

LG V30 - The devices are similar to the LG G7 ThinQ in more ways than one.

The LG V35 and LG V35+ are identical in every aspect except the internal storage of the


The LG V35 ThinQ gets 64GB of storage compared to LG 35+ ThinQ's 128 GB. However, both come

with expandable storage via a MicroSD card slot.

Talking about the difference between LG G7 ThinQ, the LG V35 ThinQ comes with a notch-less

FullVision OLED display.

Owing to the lack of a notch, the screen size drops by 0.1-inches to 6-inches in diagonal


LG has also made minor improvement with the camera of the new phone.

The new LG V3 ThinQ gets 3-axis optical image stabilization. The camera uses AI to identify

from a variety of 19 pre-set scenes and make suitable changes.

As discussed earlier, the screen of the new LG V35 ThinQ is a 6-inch OLED panel with 2K

resolution. The display is protected with a Corning Gorilla Glass 5.

The processor is Qualcomm's flagship Snapdragon 845 which comes with 6GB RAM in both LG V35

ThinQ and LG V35+ ThinQ. The processor is coupled with an Adreno 630 GPU.

The camera is a dual-lens setup with two 16megapixel sensors.

One sensor comes with an extremely wide aperture of f/1.6 which will aid the phone in low-light

situation and the other is a f/1.9 wide-angle lens.

The front panel has an 8megapixel wide-angle camera with an aperture of f/1.9. The new

camera set up gets a Super Bright Camera feature.

The LG V35 ThinQ runs on Android 8.0 Oreo. In terms of connectivity, the device comes

with Bluetooth 5.0, USB Type-C port and Wi-Fi. The smartphone houses a 3300 mAh battery.

The phone has been launched in two colours, Aurora Black and Platinum Gray.

For more infomation >> LG dares to go notch less with new V35 ThinQ; with dual-lens super bright camera ● Tech News ● #TECH - Duration: 2:55.


Voici la bonne façon d'enlever le cérumen de vos oreilles, ne faites pas la même - Duration: 9:29.

For more infomation >> Voici la bonne façon d'enlever le cérumen de vos oreilles, ne faites pas la même - Duration: 9:29.


Sangeetha – Tamil actress a.r.r.e-s.t.e.d in s/e/x racket - Duration: 5:24.

Sangeetha – Tamil actress arrested in sex racket

The Central Crime Branch, attached to the Chennai police has busted a high-profile prostitution racket and arrested an actress named Sangeetha, who is popular for her TV serial Vani Rani which features Radikaa Sarathkumar.

The raids were conducted at a private resort in Chennai.

According to the police report, actress Sangeetha runs flesh trade at a private resort at Panayur in Chennai and number of young actresses are also indulged in prostitution in the resort.

After getting the news about prostitution happening in the resort, the police raided and caught Sangeetha who was the head of this whole network and few other actresses.

Another person named Suresh is also said to have been arrested along with Sangeetha.

Sangeetha is a well known face for Tamil audiences.

The actress has been the part of few Television shows like Aval, Chellamey Annakodiyum Aindhu Pengalum and Sabitha Allies Sabapathi.

Not only Television show, Sangeetha has also acted in few movies including Karuppu Roja and Tamilsevanum Thaniyar Anjalum.

She has also worked as a character artiste in several movies.

In Vani Rani, Sangeetha essays the role of Sundari Kaaliappan.

It has come out that few women from different states, especially from North India, have been rescued and sent to rehabilitation centre in the city.

The police produced Sangeetha and Suresh before Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Court, Egmore and the two were reportedly sent to jail.

Few actresses in the film industry can go to any extent for their lavish lifestyle and designer clothes.

During their struggle period, few of them make dirty compromises to grab a big role in films and even when they make a name for themselves in the industry, they have to go through many challenges.

When their career takes a back seat, they do indecent things to survive.

There have been many actresses in industry who have opted for prostitution in order to survive.

This is not the first time that actresses have been arrested on charges of prostitution.

Shweta Prasad Basu, Sherlyn Chopra, Mishti Mukherjee, Yumna, Bhuvaneswari, Telugu actress Saira Banu, Tamil actress Aish Ansari, Divya Sri have been arrested for being involved in prostitution racket.

For more infomation >> Sangeetha – Tamil actress a.r.r.e-s.t.e.d in s/e/x racket - Duration: 5:24.


"Warsaw Shore - Ekipa z Warszawy" s. 9. odcinek 10. || TRAILERS - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> "Warsaw Shore - Ekipa z Warszawy" s. 9. odcinek 10. || TRAILERS - Duration: 2:55.


Bigg Boss 12 hosted by Salman Khan to be the boldest season with a high dose of s/e/x this time - Duration: 4:49.

Bigg Boss 12 hosted by Salman Khan to be the boldest season with a high dose of sex this time

Colors TV and Endemols reality show Bigg Boss is probably one of the most controversial show of the small screens, all thanks to the contestants that the makers of the show bring along, including both commoners and celebrities.

Well, it seems as if Bigg Boss 12 is going to break all the records this time and you will be surprised to know what the makers have planned for their audience this time.

It has been confirmed that Race 3 actor, Salman Khan has been finally roped in for hosting the show and now the reports about the contestants and format of the show are doing rounds on the internet.

It is being said that the auditions are going on in full swing for the show and there are full chances that this time the show will be high on sexual content.

The makers are planning to bring the contestants in partners who can be anyone from saas-bahus to boss-secretary.

Also, different types of people are being looked out such as controversial journalists, drug addicts and ghost hunters etc.

Not only this, same-sex couples are also under search.

As per the latest reports by a leading entertainment portal, Tellychakkar, a source was quoted as saying, Theres a high probability of a same-sex couples walking in the show.

A gay or a lesbian couple will be shortlisted.

Apart from that, there is a hunt for controversial personalities like someone who is in the business of exotic dancing and adult services..

This season is going to be the boldest one ever as the makers are also looking for people under professions like a stripper, an escort or a sex addict.

The source further said, "They want a really controversial duo, so chances are that a jodi that is into the adult business could enter the show..

Talking about the celebrities, it is being said that people like Kapil Sharma and Nia Sharma has been approached for the show but no confirmation about the same has been given.

Nia, is approached every year and this time too the same has happened and Kapils name has come up after he was involved in quite a number of controversies.

Well, the idea of the makers to gain maximum TRPs for the show seems to be quite interesting.

For the latest scoop related to the show, stay connected.

For more infomation >> Bigg Boss 12 hosted by Salman Khan to be the boldest season with a high dose of s/e/x this time - Duration: 4:49.


歐盟向WTO同時狀告中國、美國 - Duration: 13:38.

For more infomation >> 歐盟向WTO同時狀告中國、美國 - Duration: 13:38.


Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa

For more infomation >> Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa


WM Check: Todesgruppe für Messi! | Gruppe D - Duration: 8:29.

For more infomation >> WM Check: Todesgruppe für Messi! | Gruppe D - Duration: 8:29.


Ce couple pose avec des sextuplées uniques, regardez quand ils se réunissent 30 ans plus tard - Duration: 7:14.

For more infomation >> Ce couple pose avec des sextuplées uniques, regardez quand ils se réunissent 30 ans plus tard - Duration: 7:14.


Voici la bonne façon d'enlever le cérumen de vos oreilles, ne faites pas la même - Duration: 9:29.

For more infomation >> Voici la bonne façon d'enlever le cérumen de vos oreilles, ne faites pas la même - Duration: 9:29.


Kiratto Pri☆Chan 09 Vostfr (Pub) (@PrettyTrad) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Kiratto Pri☆Chan 09 Vostfr (Pub) (@PrettyTrad) - Duration: 0:31.


The "Cool Runnings" legacy - Jamaica's Bobsleigh team in Pyeongchang 2018 | Far From Home - Duration: 11:56.

It started in a most innocent way.

Sports is not restricted to a country

because of its climate.

Our Olympic experience has been dominated

by track and field athletics.

This outstanding athlete credits Jamaica

with her first Olympic victory ever.

Here comes Usain Bolt!

Storming through, he takes it again!

And we've always had an objective

to broaden the scope.

We have one new element that is

of great interest. We have a women's team.

Back on their bandwagon,

they are very serious about trying to be competitive.

Well, they're real serious!

Whatever you believe in,

don't let no one, no one change that focus.

Nothing is impossible.

We do bobsleigh, and we are from a tropical island.

The dream of Cool Runnings has revitalised.




From the time Carrie could have walked,

it was evident that she would be a runner.

Carrie developed beautifully as an athlete

to the point where she became

one of the top sprinters in the world.

Carifta Games, gold medallist.

Doing sports, that's what get me scholarships

to go to college.

That's a vehicle to get out of poverty for me.

And this is me,

supposed to be me.

The great!

Every time I make plans in my life,

something always go wrong.

I was unbeatable, but I got hurt.

Right hamstring tore,

but I bounced back, won Carifta...

..and then I got hurt at the junior trials...again.

I just start to accept that I'm no longer a somebody,

and that's when I say to myself,

that you have a lot more left in you,

you have a lot more to offer.

So I asked, what next?

And in that same moment, I got a call.

He said that there's an opportunity for you

to join the Jamaica bobsleigh team.

Carrie's an accomplished sprinter, you know.

World championship medallist, World University Games.

Got into a new sport.

I want her to know that you belong here

just like the next person.

She like challenges, she said to me,

"Mummy, I want to try it."

So I asked the question,

who will my pilot be?

Her name is Jazmine.

Jazmine Fenlator.

Come on, here we go.

I was born and raised in Wayne, New Jersey,

but I'm a dual citizen,

so I am American and Jamaican.

I started bobsleigh in the fall of 2007.

Team USA had asked me to come try out

and I really enjoyed bobsleigh driving,

so then I just said, OK,

I'm gonna work towards Sochi, then,

and be a bobsled pilot.

After the Sochi Winter Olympics,

I started to just think about,

what type of legacy do you want to leave?

So I decided to transition back home to Jamaica.

Jazmine is a good woman,

and she loves to help people.

When I found out about Carrie,

I knew I could perform immediately.

Always do the compression,

come on, let's go.

Jazmine decided to take the time out

to give me all the instructions I need,

and mentor me to where I'm at now.

We have a lot of, lot of similarities,

even though technically we grew up completely different.

She's somebody who's just like me.

A true-born Jamaican, she's a true Jamaican.



Slow, slow, slow, slow. OK.


So we just came off of two races in Calgary, Canada,

and then drove our equipment

and the whole team down here to Park City.

This is more of a home track for me.

I learned bobsleigh in Lake Placid and Park City.

For the Olympic Games for qualification,

each circuit has eight races.

But by January 14th,

they will take the best seven results,

and that's what will qualify you

for the Olympic Games in February.

I don't have a year or two,

because the Games is in,

what, 70, 74 days,

so I have to try to learn everything,

but yet still, I'm not pressuring myself.

What you're doing,

you have to enjoy what you are doing,

and if I pressure myself,

I will not enjoy it.

They don't really think that we're capable

of doing four man, four person I should say,

four woman bobsleigh,

and we're still overcoming that in the sport.

Women are doing the sport, like it or not,

and women are doing really, really well in competing.

We're prepping the runners for race tomorrow.

It's a different me on the track on a race day.

So tomorrow, race day one,

our last two before Christmas,

load sleds 11:50...

..2:05 start the women's race with one,

Jaz is 10th off tomorrow, Carrie.

I don't focus on the athletic performance

of Jamaica bobsleigh.

I focus on the idea of Jamaica bobsleigh.

A vision and an idea and a dream

in the midst of very unsupported circumstances...

..but the power of the dream itself is so strong

that you start to put the things together one by one.

We don't care if we're

the first ones to do it,

we look at it more like,

OK, we dug up the road for you, now you pave.


Life is really short in general,

and what do I want my legacy to be when I'm gone?

I don't need people to worship me,

I don't need a statue built of me,

but if there's just one person,

a little girl, a little boy who's like, "Oh, man,

"I saw Jazmine Fenlator-Victorian

"at the Olympics, and she changed countries,

"and she just pushed pennies,

"and did everything she could to follow this mission,

"and she showed me that people like me can do that."

That's to me, success.




We're a small island,

but we have big heart.

They've done it, they have secured their spot.

Today's finish means Jazmine Fenlator

and Carrie Russell are heading to PyeongChang.


An historical event,

as they become the first female bobsleigh team

to qualify for Jamaica in the winter games.

That moment you get to walk into the stadium,

that's when it hits you.

I don't need people to worship me,

I don't need a statue built of me,

but if there's just one person, a little girl,

a little boy, who's like, "Oh, man, I saw

"Jazmine Fenlator-Victorian at the Olympics

"and she changed countries and she just

"pushed pennies and did everything she could

"to follow this mission, and she showed me

"that people like me can do that."

That's, to me, success.

Winning a gold medal

is not necessarily our goal.

Our goal is to break the barrier,

the stigma that we'll not become nothing in this sport.

That the most that can happen is Cool Runnings,

that's our goal, to break that barrier.

We don't care if we're the first ones to do it,

we look at it more like, "OK, we dug up the road for you,

"now you pave."

It's the Olympics at its very, very best,

Fenlator says she and Carrie Russell

have dug up the road for young girls to follow.

I will always be disappointed in the result,

but I'm not disappointed in our effort.

At the end of the day, it was, sure, 19th place

which we're far better than that

but it's not necessarily the number,

it's no other team, I think, would have survived, period,

not at all. And we not only survived, we thrived,

and we showed all these little girls and boys... the Caribbean and Jamaica and across the world

that they're stronger

than people are ever gonna say to them,

and that is far bigger than 19th place for me.

When I cross the line today,

everything flashed back to me, like,

from 2016 September until this day.

What I did today it was not for only me... was for my dad.

He always wanted me to be an Olympian,

probably not in this sport but in track and field.

And that said, I want to thank you all

for making me an Olympian,

and I'm happy to be apart of the Jamaica bobsled team.


Let's eat!





For more infomation >> The "Cool Runnings" legacy - Jamaica's Bobsleigh team in Pyeongchang 2018 | Far From Home - Duration: 11:56.


Découvrez comment combattre la cellulite avec du sel marin ! - Duration: 12:09.

For more infomation >> Découvrez comment combattre la cellulite avec du sel marin ! - Duration: 12:09.


Amazing Tree Stunts Performed by Young Norwegian Forest Cat 2018 - Duration: 2:38.

There are no spoken words in this video, only music

For more infomation >> Amazing Tree Stunts Performed by Young Norwegian Forest Cat 2018 - Duration: 2:38.


LANETLİ EVDEN KAÇIŞ! 😱 - Minecraft (Facecam) - Duration: 11:07.

For more infomation >> LANETLİ EVDEN KAÇIŞ! 😱 - Minecraft (Facecam) - Duration: 11:07.


L'héritage : "Prétendre que Laeticia a forcé la main de Johnny à être une erreur." Pourquoi? ? - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> L'héritage : "Prétendre que Laeticia a forcé la main de Johnny à être une erreur." Pourquoi? ? - Duration: 4:44.


Johnny - Laeticia, avec la vie, à la mort: des textes inédits sur BFMTV Qu'est-ce que la vérité? ? - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Johnny - Laeticia, avec la vie, à la mort: des textes inédits sur BFMTV Qu'est-ce que la vérité? ? - Duration: 2:44.


Summer Fashion For Bald Men Part I | Bald Men Fashion Urban Streetwear Looks | Bald Men Style - Duration: 6:52.

For more infomation >> Summer Fashion For Bald Men Part I | Bald Men Fashion Urban Streetwear Looks | Bald Men Style - Duration: 6:52.


Cyril Hanouna: « Barthès a poussé le curseur du côté bobo » -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Cyril Hanouna: « Barthès a poussé le curseur du côté bobo » -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 1:44.


Une soupe curative contre la fibromyalgie - Duration: 10:58.

For more infomation >> Une soupe curative contre la fibromyalgie - Duration: 10:58.


[PEWPEW STREAM MOMENT] Đang có hứng đánh LOL thì gặp ngay bàn tay nứng LOL - Duration: 8:15.

For more infomation >> [PEWPEW STREAM MOMENT] Đang có hứng đánh LOL thì gặp ngay bàn tay nứng LOL - Duration: 8:15.


Comment Ecrire un Petit Nombre En Notation Scientifique ? - Duration: 12:55.

For more infomation >> Comment Ecrire un Petit Nombre En Notation Scientifique ? - Duration: 12:55.


Eachine E58 Wifi Antenna Mod Install - Increase / Extend Wifi FPV Range And Fly Drone With Phone - Duration: 4:16.

hello everybody thank you all for watching a new episode of eachine e58 how to increase the wifi fpv range

that really needs to be upgraded after we did the 2w signal booster to the transmitter and sma extension mod

now we like to have the wifi fpv of the eachine e58 go the same distance as with the new modifications we made to the transmitter

and we thought it's going to be an easy modification to the eachine e58 to get the wifi fpv range

to improve by a lot by just doing the same modification like we did to the transmitter adding the sma extension lead

to the wifi fpv module that luckly come's with a apex connector so you dodn't even have to solder it's just plug and play

then having the dipole antenna sticking out on the top of the drone and you can already see we try it twice

but it didn't work out because we were not able to trim the drone it kept drifting away a

theoretical it shut work the dipole antenna and SMA connector together weighs 30 grams and we already did a lift test showing it can carry 30grams

at it's maximum for the e58 to carry and still be able to fly really good so the only solution we have to extend the wifi fpv range of the eachine e58

is using a lightweight antenna and the first 3 antenna are omni-direction and 3dbi these 2 are 4dbi but patch antenna's

that doesn't really go to work and this one is 5dbi but that also a patch antenna and the problem with a patch antenna is having 100 meter of range

one way but if you turn the quad 45 degrees you can lose all that range so these 3 antenna are removed from the range test

because there are not really useful on a drone that fly's in all directions that leaves us with 3 antenna 3dbi that we can use and we like the one with the long wire

but they send me a dut there is a slight issue that the positive wire that shut come out the top is broken of

this antnna got a positive wire sticking out but there is heat-shrink over it but we are going to try to connect this antenna to the wifi fpv module

that already come's with an apex connector so you don't have to solder make it simple plug and play modification

the first step is disassembly the drone and if you don't know how to disassemble the e58 drone than check the video linked in the top of your screen

that shows you step by step how to disassemble and when yopu have your eachine e58 fully disassemble

then you can find the antenna wifi module antenna sitting over hire that you somehow have to remove

and then un-plug it and the stock antenna looks very similar to the 3dbi antenna we bought a banggood

I think it's 3dbi but it didn't say in the description so I'm not 100% sure that why we use this 3dbi antenna with extra heat-shrink protection we found on banggood

the second trick is drilling an opening close to the apex connector as possible so we can have the wire sticking outside the body as far as possible

now we run the antenna wire thru the hole and connect that to the apex connector

holy cow that was a hard job but we made it sit nice and tight now you hear that click and you know it's good

now we have the wifi fpv antenna running free under the drone giving us a lot better connection

and test, if we have more range, is coming up in the next episode there is one little thing you have to be careful for

the apex connector wire needs to hug the wall/body so the battery can shift into the drone and don't get snagged by the wire

than you can start rebuilding your eachine e58 drone and test if everything still works

and you can see the wifi FPV works and fly a drone with phone so that all perfectly fine

now it's time to go outside and do the range test for the wifif fpv and how far we can fly a drone with your phone

and hopefully, we get a better signal with the wifi analyser so wer can find the drone a lot easyer at a greater distance

and have more range than the 30 meters we have now but that is coming up in the next episode

so we really hope you subscribe for that and click that notification bell so you will be notified as soon as we realise the video

and it while help me a lot of you give this video a like thumbs up and i want to say thank you all for watching and hope to see you next time goodbye and keep on flying

For more infomation >> Eachine E58 Wifi Antenna Mod Install - Increase / Extend Wifi FPV Range And Fly Drone With Phone - Duration: 4:16.


Cure de désintoxication de sucre, 3 kilos perdus en 7 jours - Duration: 10:07.

For more infomation >> Cure de désintoxication de sucre, 3 kilos perdus en 7 jours - Duration: 10:07.


Breaking News - England can win the World Cup 2018 - John Mikel Obi - Duration: 3:06.

Nigeria captain John Mikel Obi saw enough from England on Saturday to feel he can back Gareth Southgate's team as potential World Cup winners

England beat Mikel's Super Eagles 2-1 at Wembley as goals from Gary Cahill and captain Harry Kane were enough to begin preparations for Russia with a win

Arsenal's Alex Iwobi pulled one back for the visitors, who are also World Cup-bound, but England did enough to secure the victory

Former Chelsea midfielder Mikel played the whole 90 minutes and was impressed by what he saw from Southgate's men

'I think they have a very good chance of going all the way because the youthfulness and energy in this team

you can feel it,' he said. 'I think the pace in the team, you can feel it, and that is why we had some problems in the first half

'In the second half we corrected some mistakes and played a lot better. I think the England team have a good chance

' Nigeria were completely outplayed by England in the first half but reacted after the interval as they aim to go further than the round of 16 that they reached in Brazil four years ago

Gernot Rohr's side are in Group D alongside Argentina - who they beat 4-2 in November - Iceland and Croatia

Mikel, 31, is an elder statesman of the squad these days and the Tianjin TEDA man is keen for the squad to develop together as they head to Russia

'We are a very young team and we have to learn, it is good for this young team to have a taste of what we are going to face in Russia,' he added

'We have to learn together as a team, we have to improve and that is why we played this game against such a quality side so we can know where we are and now we go back to training and try and improve


For more infomation >> Breaking News - England can win the World Cup 2018 - John Mikel Obi - Duration: 3:06.


Grande Fratello sotto accusa per aver 'insabbiato' uno scandalo a luci rosse - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello sotto accusa per aver 'insabbiato' uno scandalo a luci rosse - Duration: 4:00.


PROIECT Copiii sub 7 ani nu vor mai plăti întreţinere. Reducere de 50% şi pentru cei de 14 ani - Duration: 2:29.

Mai mulţi senatori PNL au depus la Parlament un proiect legislativ care prevede că asociaţiile de proprietari pot decide să excludă de la cheltuielile din întreţinere copiii cu vârsta sub şapte ani, dar şi că o să reducă la jumătate costurile pentru cei între 7 şi 14 ani

Proiectul de lege, depus la Senat pe 31 mai, propune modificarea şi completarea Legii nr

230/2007 privind înfiinţarea, organizarea şi funcţionarea asociaţiilor de proprietari

Astfel, iniţiativa modifică mai multe puncte ale articolului 47 care vizează cheltuielile asociaţiilor de proprietari, potrivit b365

ro. "(1) d) cheltuieli pe beneficiari, aferente serviciilor individuale ale proprietarilor, dar gestionate financiar prin intermediul asociaţiilor de proprietari

Beneficiarii exceptaţi de la aceste cheltuieli sunt copiii cu vârsta de până la 7 ani

(2) Asociaţiile de proprietari hotărăsc exceptarea de la plata cheltuielilor prevăzute la alin

(1), lit b) pentru copii cu vârsta de până la 7 ani. (2¹) Pentru copiii între 7-14 ani, plata pentru cheltuielile prevăzute la alineatul anterior pot fi reduse cu 50%, în funcţie de decizia asociaţiilor de proprietari", se arată în textul proiectului de lege al PNL

For more infomation >> PROIECT Copiii sub 7 ani nu vor mai plăti întreţinere. Reducere de 50% şi pentru cei de 14 ani - Duration: 2:29.


Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa

For more infomation >> Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa


The "Cool Runnings" legacy - Jamaica's Bobsleigh team in Pyeongchang 2018 | Far From Home - Duration: 11:56.

It started in a most innocent way.

Sports is not restricted to a country

because of its climate.

Our Olympic experience has been dominated

by track and field athletics.

This outstanding athlete credits Jamaica

with her first Olympic victory ever.

Here comes Usain Bolt!

Storming through, he takes it again!

And we've always had an objective

to broaden the scope.

We have one new element that is

of great interest. We have a women's team.

Back on their bandwagon,

they are very serious about trying to be competitive.

Well, they're real serious!

Whatever you believe in,

don't let no one, no one change that focus.

Nothing is impossible.

We do bobsleigh, and we are from a tropical island.

The dream of Cool Runnings has revitalised.




From the time Carrie could have walked,

it was evident that she would be a runner.

Carrie developed beautifully as an athlete

to the point where she became

one of the top sprinters in the world.

Carifta Games, gold medallist.

Doing sports, that's what get me scholarships

to go to college.

That's a vehicle to get out of poverty for me.

And this is me,

supposed to be me.

The great!

Every time I make plans in my life,

something always go wrong.

I was unbeatable, but I got hurt.

Right hamstring tore,

but I bounced back, won Carifta...

..and then I got hurt at the junior trials...again.

I just start to accept that I'm no longer a somebody,

and that's when I say to myself,

that you have a lot more left in you,

you have a lot more to offer.

So I asked, what next?

And in that same moment, I got a call.

He said that there's an opportunity for you

to join the Jamaica bobsleigh team.

Carrie's an accomplished sprinter, you know.

World championship medallist, World University Games.

Got into a new sport.

I want her to know that you belong here

just like the next person.

She like challenges, she said to me,

"Mummy, I want to try it."

So I asked the question,

who will my pilot be?

Her name is Jazmine.

Jazmine Fenlator.

Come on, here we go.

I was born and raised in Wayne, New Jersey,

but I'm a dual citizen,

so I am American and Jamaican.

I started bobsleigh in the fall of 2007.

Team USA had asked me to come try out

and I really enjoyed bobsleigh driving,

so then I just said, OK,

I'm gonna work towards Sochi, then,

and be a bobsled pilot.

After the Sochi Winter Olympics,

I started to just think about,

what type of legacy do you want to leave?

So I decided to transition back home to Jamaica.

Jazmine is a good woman,

and she loves to help people.

When I found out about Carrie,

I knew I could perform immediately.

Always do the compression,

come on, let's go.

Jazmine decided to take the time out

to give me all the instructions I need,

and mentor me to where I'm at now.

We have a lot of, lot of similarities,

even though technically we grew up completely different.

She's somebody who's just like me.

A true-born Jamaican, she's a true Jamaican.



Slow, slow, slow, slow. OK.


So we just came off of two races in Calgary, Canada,

and then drove our equipment

and the whole team down here to Park City.

This is more of a home track for me.

I learned bobsleigh in Lake Placid and Park City.

For the Olympic Games for qualification,

each circuit has eight races.

But by January 14th,

they will take the best seven results,

and that's what will qualify you

for the Olympic Games in February.

I don't have a year or two,

because the Games is in,

what, 70, 74 days,

so I have to try to learn everything,

but yet still, I'm not pressuring myself.

What you're doing,

you have to enjoy what you are doing,

and if I pressure myself,

I will not enjoy it.

They don't really think that we're capable

of doing four man, four person I should say,

four woman bobsleigh,

and we're still overcoming that in the sport.

Women are doing the sport, like it or not,

and women are doing really, really well in competing.

We're prepping the runners for race tomorrow.

It's a different me on the track on a race day.

So tomorrow, race day one,

our last two before Christmas,

load sleds 11:50...

..2:05 start the women's race with one,

Jaz is 10th off tomorrow, Carrie.

I don't focus on the athletic performance

of Jamaica bobsleigh.

I focus on the idea of Jamaica bobsleigh.

A vision and an idea and a dream

in the midst of very unsupported circumstances...

..but the power of the dream itself is so strong

that you start to put the things together one by one.

We don't care if we're

the first ones to do it,

we look at it more like,

OK, we dug up the road for you, now you pave.


Life is really short in general,

and what do I want my legacy to be when I'm gone?

I don't need people to worship me,

I don't need a statue built of me,

but if there's just one person,

a little girl, a little boy who's like, "Oh, man,

"I saw Jazmine Fenlator-Victorian

"at the Olympics, and she changed countries,

"and she just pushed pennies,

"and did everything she could to follow this mission,

"and she showed me that people like me can do that."

That's to me, success.




We're a small island,

but we have big heart.

They've done it, they have secured their spot.

Today's finish means Jazmine Fenlator

and Carrie Russell are heading to PyeongChang.


An historical event,

as they become the first female bobsleigh team

to qualify for Jamaica in the winter games.

That moment you get to walk into the stadium,

that's when it hits you.

I don't need people to worship me,

I don't need a statue built of me,

but if there's just one person, a little girl,

a little boy, who's like, "Oh, man, I saw

"Jazmine Fenlator-Victorian at the Olympics

"and she changed countries and she just

"pushed pennies and did everything she could

"to follow this mission, and she showed me

"that people like me can do that."

That's, to me, success.

Winning a gold medal

is not necessarily our goal.

Our goal is to break the barrier,

the stigma that we'll not become nothing in this sport.

That the most that can happen is Cool Runnings,

that's our goal, to break that barrier.

We don't care if we're the first ones to do it,

we look at it more like, "OK, we dug up the road for you,

"now you pave."

It's the Olympics at its very, very best,

Fenlator says she and Carrie Russell

have dug up the road for young girls to follow.

I will always be disappointed in the result,

but I'm not disappointed in our effort.

At the end of the day, it was, sure, 19th place

which we're far better than that

but it's not necessarily the number,

it's no other team, I think, would have survived, period,

not at all. And we not only survived, we thrived,

and we showed all these little girls and boys... the Caribbean and Jamaica and across the world

that they're stronger

than people are ever gonna say to them,

and that is far bigger than 19th place for me.

When I cross the line today,

everything flashed back to me, like,

from 2016 September until this day.

What I did today it was not for only me... was for my dad.

He always wanted me to be an Olympian,

probably not in this sport but in track and field.

And that said, I want to thank you all

for making me an Olympian,

and I'm happy to be apart of the Jamaica bobsled team.


Let's eat!





For more infomation >> The "Cool Runnings" legacy - Jamaica's Bobsleigh team in Pyeongchang 2018 | Far From Home - Duration: 11:56.


i tried vlogging for a day and this is how it went - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> i tried vlogging for a day and this is how it went - Duration: 5:44.


LG dares to go notch less with new V35 ThinQ; with dual-lens super bright camera ● Tech News ● #TECH - Duration: 2:55.

LG V30 - The devices are similar to the LG G7 ThinQ in more ways than one.

The LG V35 and LG V35+ are identical in every aspect except the internal storage of the


The LG V35 ThinQ gets 64GB of storage compared to LG 35+ ThinQ's 128 GB. However, both come

with expandable storage via a MicroSD card slot.

Talking about the difference between LG G7 ThinQ, the LG V35 ThinQ comes with a notch-less

FullVision OLED display.

Owing to the lack of a notch, the screen size drops by 0.1-inches to 6-inches in diagonal


LG has also made minor improvement with the camera of the new phone.

The new LG V3 ThinQ gets 3-axis optical image stabilization. The camera uses AI to identify

from a variety of 19 pre-set scenes and make suitable changes.

As discussed earlier, the screen of the new LG V35 ThinQ is a 6-inch OLED panel with 2K

resolution. The display is protected with a Corning Gorilla Glass 5.

The processor is Qualcomm's flagship Snapdragon 845 which comes with 6GB RAM in both LG V35

ThinQ and LG V35+ ThinQ. The processor is coupled with an Adreno 630 GPU.

The camera is a dual-lens setup with two 16megapixel sensors.

One sensor comes with an extremely wide aperture of f/1.6 which will aid the phone in low-light

situation and the other is a f/1.9 wide-angle lens.

The front panel has an 8megapixel wide-angle camera with an aperture of f/1.9. The new

camera set up gets a Super Bright Camera feature.

The LG V35 ThinQ runs on Android 8.0 Oreo. In terms of connectivity, the device comes

with Bluetooth 5.0, USB Type-C port and Wi-Fi. The smartphone houses a 3300 mAh battery.

The phone has been launched in two colours, Aurora Black and Platinum Gray.

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