Sunday, June 3, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 3 2018


Look. We all poop, but pretty much nobody wants to deal with it.

We don't want to touch it, smell it, look at it...

And there's a really good reason for that.

While your own poop probably won't hurt you, many serious diseases, like cholera, typhoid,

and polio, are all caused by microbes in human waste.

Thankfully, most of us are relatively protected from them and enjoy convenient, clean pooping

experiences -- but it's only because of the unsung heroes of your bathroom.

You probably don't think about them much, but these little pieces of technology are

hard at work every day, protecting you from your own waste -- and everyone else's.

Here are six of them.

It may not get lots of fame and glory, but the flush toilet is a kind of modern masterpiece.

Think about it: There's no more, like, walking out into the cold outhouse in the dark, no

stinky chamber pots tucked under the bed.

You can poop in the comfort of your own home, and it's magically whisked away down a pipe

and into the sewer or the septic tank.

The toilet may be one of the greatest inventions ever, and much of its success is thanks to

a little-known hero: the S-bend.

If it hadn't been created, your bathroom -- and probably the rest of your house -- would

be filled with… like, just some nasty sewage stink.

The S-bend was patented in 1775 by Alexander Cumming, who was also the first to patent

a flush toilet design.

Despite the common misconception, it was not Thomas Crapper -- as great as that would be.

Today, your toilet probably has a differently shaped pipe, called a U-bend, since it's

less likely to jam up.

But the technology works the same way.

Water settles into the bend in the pipe, also known as the trap, and it blocks stinky sewage

gases from moving up the pipe and out of your toilet.

When you flush, a large volume of water rushes from the cistern, or tank, into the toilet


It pushes the water in the trap up and over the bend, ultimately creating a siphon that

sucks the waste out of your toilet and down the pipe.

Then, the water in the bowl and trap is gradually replaced as the cistern refills.

And all those smelly gases are kept exactly where they belong: not in your house.

Even if the ingenious bend in your pipes prevents sewer gases from wafting into your home, you

probably create some stink all by yourself.

Nobody's poop smells like roses, but when your roommate walks into the bathroom right

after you were in there, you may kind of wish it did.

That's where corporate America came in.

Science and entrepreneurs teamed up to create toilet spray, a solution for your stink.

Just spray it into the bowl before you go, and your problems are supposedly solved.

This spray works by creating a little oil slick on the surface of the water in your

toilet bowl.

This oil acts as a barrier between the toilet water and the air, trapping smelly molecules

so they don't stink up the bathroom.

There are several commercial brands -- like Poo-purri, V.I.

Poo, and Just a Drop -- as well as homemade versions.

But they all contain basically the same main ingredients: essential oils, alcohol, and

glycerine or soap.

The essential oils create the barrier and provide the pleasant odor.

And the glycerin or soap, as well as the alcohol, act as surfactants and help the oily and watery

ingredients mix.

Officially, the watery and oily molecules are called hydrophilic and hydrophobic, respectively.

And they don't like to mingle.

Surfactants can make them mix because those molecules have both hydrophilic and hydrophobic


They essentially hold hands with the oil and the water, allowing things to blend and keeping

everything from separating in the spray bottle.

There's no shame in your number two, but your roommate might thank for you for applying

one of these scented spritzes before you…

go make your deposit.

No matter whether you live by yourself or with a bunch of roommates, you should probably

still be using another simple, important feature of your toilet: the lid.

It's not just there to prevent things from falling in or for aesthetic reasons: It serves

an important sanitary purpose.

Putting the lid down before you flush prevents the dreaded toilet plume!

It's a real thing!

Ah—toilet plumes, they occur during flushing.

When water rushes into the toilet bowl, tiny droplets of liquid, which contain microbes

from your waste, are blown out and start floating around the air.

Which nobody wants.

Get ready to, you know, clutch your pearls here: one study found that the bacterium Clostridium

difficile, which can cause diarrhea and severe colon inflammation, was suspended in air up

to 90 minutes after flushing!

And other studies have shown that norovirus -- a highly contagious cause of vomiting,

diarrhea, and general misery -- can also end up floating around there and eventually settling

on surfaces in your bathroom… like your toothbrush.

So, for the sake of humanity, put a lid on it!

Of course, if you're using a public toilet, these don't usually have lids.

According to at least one toilet maker, that's because people don't want to touch them,

and it's one more part to clean.

They also would block those fancy auto-flush sensors.

Still, the seat is probably the least of your worries.

Public toilets are frequently cleaned -- at least, hopefully -- and the skin on your butt

is a pretty good barrier to microbes.

So you'll probably be fine.

The bigger risk is getting microbes on your hands.

So handling those fancy toilet seat covers, or fashioning your own out of toilet paper,

is probably not a great idea, since these paper supplies are prime targets for the toilet plume.

Instead, some experts just recommend washing your hands thoroughly on the way out.

And I will look at you… if you don't.

Like this.

Now, you can take all kinds of precautions in your home to avoid your waste.

But what about when you're in public and there isn't a bathroom around?

Enter the chemical toilet -- also known as the porta-potty.

The porta-potty is nobody's favorite, but without them, outdoor festivals, construction

sites, and large road races would get pretty messy pretty fast.

These toilets are basically just big plastic closets full of poo, but they're still designed

so that you can think about your waste as little as possible.

That's primarily thanks to that mysterious blue stuff in the tank.

Among other things, this liquid contains a biocide -- something like gluteraldehyde or

helpful, non-smelly bacteria -- to kill the microbes in poop that create stink.

Other porta-potties used to use formaldehyde for this, but formaldehyde is actually pretty

toxic if you come into contact with it, like in the event of a dreaded splash back.

Today's blue stuff also contains fragrance to mask odors -- because there will be odors

-- and a surfactant to make everything mix together.

But why is that stuff always blue?

Well, it's mostly for aesthetics.

It helps hides the waste in the tank so you're not treated to an up close and personal view

of other people's poop.

It also serves a crude indicator of when the tank needs to be emptied.

When there is too much waste in there, the blue fluid turns green.

So how do they make that happen?

Well, it's not fancy chemical reactions.

There's also yellow stuff going in there, and yellow and blue make green.

It's just… just art class y'all.

So if you see the liquid in the porta-potty tank is green, you probably should use a different

one if there's one available.

But your nose also will probably have told you that.

Thankfully, airplanes do not have water-filled flush toilets.

If they did, turbulence would get nasty real fast.

For a while, though, we didn't actually have a good alternative.

In the early days of flying, planes had a slop bucket, and World War II pilots often

had to pee in bottles.

I don't know about you, but these both sound like a nightmare on a commercial flight.

Until the mid-1980s, most airliners used what was essentially a porta-potty with a pump-powered

flushing mechanism.

And it pushed the blue fluid into the bowl and then flushed the waste down into a holding tank.

But this system had some major drawbacks.

First, to accommodate all that flushing, planes had to carry hundreds of gallons of the blue

solution, which adds a lot of weight and reduces fuel efficiency.

Second, these systems had a habit of leaking.

And if you ever heard of the dreaded blue ice falling from the sky, this is where that

came from.

If the waste managed to leak onto the exterior of the plane, it would freeze, because at

9000 meters the air temperature is around -50°C.

Then, as the plane started to descend towards the airport, this blue poo-sicle would begin

to melt and detach from the plane -- which is not only gross but actually dangerous.

Even a relatively small chunk falling from a height generates a lot of force.

Blue ice falling off of descending airplanes is known to have torn through the roof of

a house and smashed a car.

This isn't a made-up thing!

It actually happened.

And then you have to call your insurance company and be like, "I don't know man, it's

just a chunk of blue stuff and poop.

It's on my car.

I don't—I don't—I don't know how to explain it!"

Thankfully, most planes nowadays use a fluid free system called a vacuum toilet.

Now, when you flush the toilet on a plane, a pump generates suction to pull the waste

into the holding tank.

A special non-stick coating on the toilet bowl also makes sure there's a relatively

clean exit, all without the need for a lot of fluid.

While it may make a terrifying sound, the vacuum toilet has made planes much more fuel


And it's made living near an airport a lot less terrifying.

Now once you flush, you probably don't think much about your poop.

But even if it's no longer a problem for you personally, collectively, it's a big problem.

We humans create large volumes of waste, and for the sake of public health -- and our noses

-- it needs to be processed before it goes back into the world.

We've talked sewage treatment on SciShow before, but the real heroes in this process

are the microbes.

After the garbage and some other solids are filtered out of sewage, microorganisms are

put to work breaking down the leftover organic matter.

In other words, they feast on your poo.

Sewage treatment plants are a virtual microbe zoo, with hundreds of different species enjoying

that smorgasbord: bacteria, of course, but also fungi, protozoans, rotifers, and nematodes.

A lot of these microbes are already in your waste when it arrives at the plant, or they

could come in from the surrounding environment.

Many treatment plants even seed their sludge with a bit of microbe-filled sewage, too.

They use it kind of like a sourdough bread starter, if you're okay with that analogy. [DING]

The treatment process provides the beneficial microbes with ideal conditions in terms of

temperature, aeration, and acidity so they can do their job most efficiently.

Then, before all that waste goes into the environment, the microbes are killed off -- which

makes sense.

But someday, scientists might have another use for them, too.

See, all this waste processing requires a lot of electricity.

So some teams are trying to take advantage of those sewage microbes and turn them into a battery.

It's called a microbial fuel cell.

When cells -- including bacterial ones -- convert food into energy, they do it using something

called the electron transport chain.

They essentially shuttle electrons around.

The idea behind a microbial fuel cell is to stick some bacteria in a chamber, keep stuffing

them with sewage, and collect the ions and electrons that spill out.

Then, as those charged particles flow through a wire, they create an electric current that

can be stored in a battery.

This technology is still being developed, and it remains to be seen if it can work on

the huge scale of a municipal sewage treatment plant, but that's still pretty slick.

Using technology to protect you from your waste is an easy place to start a joke, but

it's also kind of a big deal.

Lack of basic sanitation is linked to at least 280,000 deaths per year.

And the United Nations reports that one of biggest factors determining child survival

worldwide is sewage disposal.

The good news is, we're making progress.

But if you're a lucky person with access to a fancy U-bend toilet and modern sanitation,

don't take it for granted!

The science that protects your from your poop makes your life more pleasant and probably

longer, too!

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!

You might spend a lot of your time and energy avoiding your waste, but animals have found

some pretty clever ways to put theirs to work.

Like, we're talkin' poop shields.

You can learn about them -- and five other ways animals use their poop -- in our episode

all about that.


For more infomation >> 6 Everyday Ways Science Protects You from Your Poop - Duration: 11:52.


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For more infomation >> My Baby Bright com Krist e Singto (Legendado) [Link na Descrição] - Duration: 0:21.


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For more infomation >> Resultados Loteria Nacional de Panama En Vivo Viernes 1 de Junio 2018 Que Jugó Gordito de Mayo - Duration: 1:15.


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For more infomation >> Videos for children


Koupelna na klíč s invalidními prvky - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> Koupelna na klíč s invalidními prvky - Duration: 0:37.


Top 5 NEW Features For Pokemon Let's Go, Pikachu! and Pokemon Let's Go, Eevee! - Duration: 13:14.

Well Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee have finally been revealed to us

as legitimate games, and I gotta say, it looks AMAZING.

From Graphics, pokemon scaling, pokemon go integration to even a fricking Co-op mode

there is going to be a lot of new features added to this revisit to Kanto.

But even though there was a lot revealed to us in this latest trailer I still think there

are some more new features that could potentially be added to let's go pikachu and let's

go eevee.

So I thought today I count down the list of what I believe to be the top 5 Best New features

to add to Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee.

Now before we start I do want you to make note that these games aren't the true core

rpg games we've been waiting for.

Yes they're being developed by gamefreak themselves but these games are more of a casual

main series game, rather than a core main series game that the more hardcore fans are

used to, and those will be coming to us sometime in 2019.

So with that in mind plus the fact that let's go pikachu and eevee seem to stray away from

the traditional pokemon game, some of the features/mechanics on this list will be a

bit out there.

But let's not forget that these games are giving us a co-op mode literally anything

is possible here.

If you guys enjoy the video be sure to leave a like subscribe and share this video with

a friend and with that being said let's get started.

5 One of the newest features and talking points

that were brought to the table when the nintendo switch was just revealed was the addition

of their newest controllers called joycons.

Not Only were these things cool to look at and had the same abilities as a wiimote but

they also added one of the best mechanics to a controller the HD rumble.

And I think there's so much you can do with motion controls in these pokemon games.

In the trailer gamefreak already showed signs of using that mechanic by giving us the ability

to actually throw a pokeball with either the joycon or the new pokeball plus.

But I think gamefreak can go even farther with motion controls.

What if you had to actually act out a mega evolution or z-move in order to use it?

Sure that may seem stupid to an adult but for kids I think this would be an extremely

fun feature to add.

Plus coming from a YouTuber can you imagine actually seeing some of these poketubers trying

to act out z-moves?

The amount of entertainment one can get for that is insane, like imagine mystic doing

twinkle tackle.

And with HD rumble, I think it's possible for gamefreak to add another brand new feature

where players can actually feel things that goes on in game.

For example if you're getting hit with an attacking move like flamethrower or surf the

hd rumble can mimic the feeling of actually getting hit with those moves.

Of course it wouldn't like burn your hand or anything but they can mimic fiery wisps

and movement of water.

But the buck doesn't stop there, there of plenty of other things you can do with this

like feel the movement and vibration of a pokeball, feel the feeling of actually throwing

a pokeball, to even something feeling how you're petting or taking care of your pokemon

on refresh.

All of these features add up to a goal that gamefreak is trying to achieve with these

pokemon games which is to fully immerse oneself in the pokemon world and to be honest I would

love to see them added.

4 Persona 5, which you can find a let's play

of on my 2nd channel, is a game that I admit hold near and dear to my heart.

And I think one of the best things about this game is the whole relationship system and

how you actually have to spend time with your friends and get to know them.

It adds a sense of realism to a video game and is just a fun mechanic to have in a game.

And adding a feature similar to this into a Pokemon game could work very well.

Of course im not asking gamefreak to have the exact same model as in the persona games

because that would be crazy but a much simplified version of it is something that can be attainable.

An idea I had in mind was maybe adding extra text for specific important characters like

brock, misty, and professor oak providing more of a backstory or just friendly conversation.

But after that dialogue is done they'll ask you to do seperate side quest like catch

them a certain pokemon, get them an item, or maybe even help them stop team rocket from

doing a crime.

These are just barebones quests but I'm sure you can further improve it to make it

more fun.

The point here is that you have to do a certain amount of these quests to progressive farther

in the relationship and become better friends with certain characters.

And as a reward for completing these tasks you can unlock new interesting dialogue, get

rare awesome items like the shiny charm, lucky egg, or amulet coin, and maybe even have them

join you in your adventure?

I think since they have this new Co-op feature added if you have no friends like me then

having something this around could really help make up for that fact.

*sniff* But, with this cool idea in mind is it possible to add it to a pokemon game?

And well with everything that I've seen from this new trailer I do think it's something

that can be brought in in the future, I just hope it's sooner rather than later.

3 Speaking of Persona 5 another feature to have

come from that was the option to get yourself a job.

This system was a good mechanic because of the fact that money can be scarce in game

and taking a job would earn you said money to purchase the goods you need.

And I think adding a feature like this to pokemon let's go pikachu and eevee would

be a really interesting thing to see.

And there are a lot of things you can do with this like work at the mart, the pokemon center,

clean up the ss anne, maybe even work at a restaurant I don't know the possibilities

are endless.

I mean come on I think we've all thought about what it's like to work at the pokemon

center at least 1 time.

And these events don't have to be boring spend time events where all you do is just watch

a cutscene.

To make things more interesting why not add a mario party style of minigames specific

to the job you are doing.

For example if your cleaning up the ss anne why not have a game where you have to wipe

up dirty spots in a certain amount of time?

Or if you're working at a restaurant you can have gameplay similar to the style of

one of my favorite wii games and apps on the phone order up!

And order up to go.

And depending how well you do on each minigame it will determine how much money you would

be getting in return.

But the rewards don't have to just be money, because I know that isn't the most difficult

thing to come by in pokemon games, so being rewarded with rare items such as rare candies,

heart scales, good tms, or even items required to evolve certain pokemon would be great too.

All in all this isn't a groundbreaking important feature to add, but it would be something

that adds another layer to the game and it could be fun to see too.

2 Now when the Pokemon let's go pikachu and

let's go eevee leaks first surfaced a very worrying detail that was given on the post

was that these were yellow remakes for the switch.

Now don't get me wrong I can dig a good remake, but we already visited Kanto so many

times in the past that I don't want it to be just the same region over and over again.

It's like only eating pizza everyday for the rest of your life.

It's great, but sometimes you want a little variety.

But lucky enough during the nintendo press conference a point that gamefreak wanted to

highlight was that these games aren't just yellow remakes, but rather a reimagining of

the gen 1 games.

So it got my mind thinking, what if these new pokemon games brought about a completely

new change to the pokemon region.

And what I mean by that is that kanto doesn't look entirely like kanto.

This would be a brilliant idea to bring to these games because it would not only please

the casual fans by bringing back gen 1 nostalgia, but also keep the hardcore fans like myself

still very interested in the games itself.

Because while yes new mechanics like the ones shown in the trailer are nice what will really

keep us super invested in the games is a new experience of kanto region wise and story


What I would personally like to see in terms of a new kanto would be new cities, small

towns, and maybe even new gyms.

And gamefreak wouldn't really have to think about it too much because in the anime there

were some awesome cities that weren't even used in the pokemon games.

You can literally just pull these cities from the anime and plop them into the games that

is more than enough to make me happy.

In terms of gyms you can close down viridian and cinnabar island's gyms and just create

2 new ones in one of these newly created towns.

I think adding this feature would give the game its own identity and give us another

reason to fully play out let's go pikachu.

It's not necessary in order for the games to be successful or good but I think this

would make them even better.

1 And finally coming in at the number 1 spot

we have something that i've been wanting out of pokemon for a very long time.

Ever since gen 7 brought us these mini side quest missions like the haunted trainer school

it made me wonder if pokemon was ever going to switch into a more quest style of rpgs.

I mean come on man I think it would be so freaking cool to see the extra content added

to let's go because it would increase the longevity of the game.

But one of the problems that I had we the extra side quest missions in gen 7 was the

fact that the only thing you got from it, was a little bit of extra lore and that's

about it.

Now don't get me wrong I love a bit of lore, but I don't really see how other people can

be incentivized to do these tasks.

So what I suggest is to improve the mechanic that was already built.

So in order to obtain side quest missions you would still have to go up and talk to

certain people throughout the region.

But now instead receiving virtually nothing for it let's instead incentivize the players

by giving them cool exclusive items, maybe some extra exp for the entire team, and of

course the added lore.

This would give fans an a new way to grind there pokemon up and can make it a lot less


And another problem I had with the sun and moon side quests was that we couldn't really

keep track of any of the quests you took.

So I offer that you add a new item to these games called the journal where you can track

main quests along with side quests and directions on where to go.

This would keep things a lot more organized and easy to manage.

This to me is the most important feature gamefreak needs to add because the side quest added

in gen 7 were good but it can definitely be improved, and I would love to see it happen

in Pokemon Let's go Pikachu and Let's go Eevee.

Thank you guys so much for watching if you guys enjoyed the video be sure to leave a

like and let me know in the comment section below.

If you haven't already subscribe to the channel to become an Eryibro today.

I honestly have to say that i'm so excited for these new games to come out and really

enjoyed making this video.

So if you want to see more Let's Go content on the channel make sure you let me know by

leaving a like on this video.

If you want to check out the previous video I did be sure to click the annotation on the


If you want to see some more Let's Go videos click the other annotation on the right.

And with that being said I will see you guys next time.

For more infomation >> Top 5 NEW Features For Pokemon Let's Go, Pikachu! and Pokemon Let's Go, Eevee! - Duration: 13:14.


6 Everyday Ways Science Protects You from Your Poop - Duration: 11:52.


Look. We all poop, but pretty much nobody wants to deal with it.

We don't want to touch it, smell it, look at it...

And there's a really good reason for that.

While your own poop probably won't hurt you, many serious diseases, like cholera, typhoid,

and polio, are all caused by microbes in human waste.

Thankfully, most of us are relatively protected from them and enjoy convenient, clean pooping

experiences -- but it's only because of the unsung heroes of your bathroom.

You probably don't think about them much, but these little pieces of technology are

hard at work every day, protecting you from your own waste -- and everyone else's.

Here are six of them.

It may not get lots of fame and glory, but the flush toilet is a kind of modern masterpiece.

Think about it: There's no more, like, walking out into the cold outhouse in the dark, no

stinky chamber pots tucked under the bed.

You can poop in the comfort of your own home, and it's magically whisked away down a pipe

and into the sewer or the septic tank.

The toilet may be one of the greatest inventions ever, and much of its success is thanks to

a little-known hero: the S-bend.

If it hadn't been created, your bathroom -- and probably the rest of your house -- would

be filled with… like, just some nasty sewage stink.

The S-bend was patented in 1775 by Alexander Cumming, who was also the first to patent

a flush toilet design.

Despite the common misconception, it was not Thomas Crapper -- as great as that would be.

Today, your toilet probably has a differently shaped pipe, called a U-bend, since it's

less likely to jam up.

But the technology works the same way.

Water settles into the bend in the pipe, also known as the trap, and it blocks stinky sewage

gases from moving up the pipe and out of your toilet.

When you flush, a large volume of water rushes from the cistern, or tank, into the toilet


It pushes the water in the trap up and over the bend, ultimately creating a siphon that

sucks the waste out of your toilet and down the pipe.

Then, the water in the bowl and trap is gradually replaced as the cistern refills.

And all those smelly gases are kept exactly where they belong: not in your house.

Even if the ingenious bend in your pipes prevents sewer gases from wafting into your home, you

probably create some stink all by yourself.

Nobody's poop smells like roses, but when your roommate walks into the bathroom right

after you were in there, you may kind of wish it did.

That's where corporate America came in.

Science and entrepreneurs teamed up to create toilet spray, a solution for your stink.

Just spray it into the bowl before you go, and your problems are supposedly solved.

This spray works by creating a little oil slick on the surface of the water in your

toilet bowl.

This oil acts as a barrier between the toilet water and the air, trapping smelly molecules

so they don't stink up the bathroom.

There are several commercial brands -- like Poo-purri, V.I.

Poo, and Just a Drop -- as well as homemade versions.

But they all contain basically the same main ingredients: essential oils, alcohol, and

glycerine or soap.

The essential oils create the barrier and provide the pleasant odor.

And the glycerin or soap, as well as the alcohol, act as surfactants and help the oily and watery

ingredients mix.

Officially, the watery and oily molecules are called hydrophilic and hydrophobic, respectively.

And they don't like to mingle.

Surfactants can make them mix because those molecules have both hydrophilic and hydrophobic


They essentially hold hands with the oil and the water, allowing things to blend and keeping

everything from separating in the spray bottle.

There's no shame in your number two, but your roommate might thank for you for applying

one of these scented spritzes before you…

go make your deposit.

No matter whether you live by yourself or with a bunch of roommates, you should probably

still be using another simple, important feature of your toilet: the lid.

It's not just there to prevent things from falling in or for aesthetic reasons: It serves

an important sanitary purpose.

Putting the lid down before you flush prevents the dreaded toilet plume!

It's a real thing!

Ah—toilet plumes, they occur during flushing.

When water rushes into the toilet bowl, tiny droplets of liquid, which contain microbes

from your waste, are blown out and start floating around the air.

Which nobody wants.

Get ready to, you know, clutch your pearls here: one study found that the bacterium Clostridium

difficile, which can cause diarrhea and severe colon inflammation, was suspended in air up

to 90 minutes after flushing!

And other studies have shown that norovirus -- a highly contagious cause of vomiting,

diarrhea, and general misery -- can also end up floating around there and eventually settling

on surfaces in your bathroom… like your toothbrush.

So, for the sake of humanity, put a lid on it!

Of course, if you're using a public toilet, these don't usually have lids.

According to at least one toilet maker, that's because people don't want to touch them,

and it's one more part to clean.

They also would block those fancy auto-flush sensors.

Still, the seat is probably the least of your worries.

Public toilets are frequently cleaned -- at least, hopefully -- and the skin on your butt

is a pretty good barrier to microbes.

So you'll probably be fine.

The bigger risk is getting microbes on your hands.

So handling those fancy toilet seat covers, or fashioning your own out of toilet paper,

is probably not a great idea, since these paper supplies are prime targets for the toilet plume.

Instead, some experts just recommend washing your hands thoroughly on the way out.

And I will look at you… if you don't.

Like this.

Now, you can take all kinds of precautions in your home to avoid your waste.

But what about when you're in public and there isn't a bathroom around?

Enter the chemical toilet -- also known as the porta-potty.

The porta-potty is nobody's favorite, but without them, outdoor festivals, construction

sites, and large road races would get pretty messy pretty fast.

These toilets are basically just big plastic closets full of poo, but they're still designed

so that you can think about your waste as little as possible.

That's primarily thanks to that mysterious blue stuff in the tank.

Among other things, this liquid contains a biocide -- something like gluteraldehyde or

helpful, non-smelly bacteria -- to kill the microbes in poop that create stink.

Other porta-potties used to use formaldehyde for this, but formaldehyde is actually pretty

toxic if you come into contact with it, like in the event of a dreaded splash back.

Today's blue stuff also contains fragrance to mask odors -- because there will be odors

-- and a surfactant to make everything mix together.

But why is that stuff always blue?

Well, it's mostly for aesthetics.

It helps hides the waste in the tank so you're not treated to an up close and personal view

of other people's poop.

It also serves a crude indicator of when the tank needs to be emptied.

When there is too much waste in there, the blue fluid turns green.

So how do they make that happen?

Well, it's not fancy chemical reactions.

There's also yellow stuff going in there, and yellow and blue make green.

It's just… just art class y'all.

So if you see the liquid in the porta-potty tank is green, you probably should use a different

one if there's one available.

But your nose also will probably have told you that.

Thankfully, airplanes do not have water-filled flush toilets.

If they did, turbulence would get nasty real fast.

For a while, though, we didn't actually have a good alternative.

In the early days of flying, planes had a slop bucket, and World War II pilots often

had to pee in bottles.

I don't know about you, but these both sound like a nightmare on a commercial flight.

Until the mid-1980s, most airliners used what was essentially a porta-potty with a pump-powered

flushing mechanism.

And it pushed the blue fluid into the bowl and then flushed the waste down into a holding tank.

But this system had some major drawbacks.

First, to accommodate all that flushing, planes had to carry hundreds of gallons of the blue

solution, which adds a lot of weight and reduces fuel efficiency.

Second, these systems had a habit of leaking.

And if you ever heard of the dreaded blue ice falling from the sky, this is where that

came from.

If the waste managed to leak onto the exterior of the plane, it would freeze, because at

9000 meters the air temperature is around -50°C.

Then, as the plane started to descend towards the airport, this blue poo-sicle would begin

to melt and detach from the plane -- which is not only gross but actually dangerous.

Even a relatively small chunk falling from a height generates a lot of force.

Blue ice falling off of descending airplanes is known to have torn through the roof of

a house and smashed a car.

This isn't a made-up thing!

It actually happened.

And then you have to call your insurance company and be like, "I don't know man, it's

just a chunk of blue stuff and poop.

It's on my car.

I don't—I don't—I don't know how to explain it!"

Thankfully, most planes nowadays use a fluid free system called a vacuum toilet.

Now, when you flush the toilet on a plane, a pump generates suction to pull the waste

into the holding tank.

A special non-stick coating on the toilet bowl also makes sure there's a relatively

clean exit, all without the need for a lot of fluid.

While it may make a terrifying sound, the vacuum toilet has made planes much more fuel


And it's made living near an airport a lot less terrifying.

Now once you flush, you probably don't think much about your poop.

But even if it's no longer a problem for you personally, collectively, it's a big problem.

We humans create large volumes of waste, and for the sake of public health -- and our noses

-- it needs to be processed before it goes back into the world.

We've talked sewage treatment on SciShow before, but the real heroes in this process

are the microbes.

After the garbage and some other solids are filtered out of sewage, microorganisms are

put to work breaking down the leftover organic matter.

In other words, they feast on your poo.

Sewage treatment plants are a virtual microbe zoo, with hundreds of different species enjoying

that smorgasbord: bacteria, of course, but also fungi, protozoans, rotifers, and nematodes.

A lot of these microbes are already in your waste when it arrives at the plant, or they

could come in from the surrounding environment.

Many treatment plants even seed their sludge with a bit of microbe-filled sewage, too.

They use it kind of like a sourdough bread starter, if you're okay with that analogy. [DING]

The treatment process provides the beneficial microbes with ideal conditions in terms of

temperature, aeration, and acidity so they can do their job most efficiently.

Then, before all that waste goes into the environment, the microbes are killed off -- which

makes sense.

But someday, scientists might have another use for them, too.

See, all this waste processing requires a lot of electricity.

So some teams are trying to take advantage of those sewage microbes and turn them into a battery.

It's called a microbial fuel cell.

When cells -- including bacterial ones -- convert food into energy, they do it using something

called the electron transport chain.

They essentially shuttle electrons around.

The idea behind a microbial fuel cell is to stick some bacteria in a chamber, keep stuffing

them with sewage, and collect the ions and electrons that spill out.

Then, as those charged particles flow through a wire, they create an electric current that

can be stored in a battery.

This technology is still being developed, and it remains to be seen if it can work on

the huge scale of a municipal sewage treatment plant, but that's still pretty slick.

Using technology to protect you from your waste is an easy place to start a joke, but

it's also kind of a big deal.

Lack of basic sanitation is linked to at least 280,000 deaths per year.

And the United Nations reports that one of biggest factors determining child survival

worldwide is sewage disposal.

The good news is, we're making progress.

But if you're a lucky person with access to a fancy U-bend toilet and modern sanitation,

don't take it for granted!

The science that protects your from your poop makes your life more pleasant and probably

longer, too!

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!

You might spend a lot of your time and energy avoiding your waste, but animals have found

some pretty clever ways to put theirs to work.

Like, we're talkin' poop shields.

You can learn about them -- and five other ways animals use their poop -- in our episode

all about that.


For more infomation >> 6 Everyday Ways Science Protects You from Your Poop - Duration: 11:52.


je n'ai plus d'insectes à la maison Depuis que j'utilise cette astuce naturelle - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> je n'ai plus d'insectes à la maison Depuis que j'utilise cette astuce naturelle - Duration: 2:19.


ゆっくり工魔クラフトS5 Part51【minecraft1.10.2】0167【ゆっくり実況】 - Duration: 13:36.

For more infomation >> ゆっくり工魔クラフトS5 Part51【minecraft1.10.2】0167【ゆっくり実況】 - Duration: 13:36.


Selon les scientifiques, le sperme peut guérir la dépression chez les femmes | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 9:32.

For more infomation >> Selon les scientifiques, le sperme peut guérir la dépression chez les femmes | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 9:32.



For more infomation >> MC HACKUDAO - VAI CRIA A LISTA (CLIPE OFFICIAL FULL HD) - Duration: 2:07.


What Have I Done To My Hair!? - Long Hair to Short Hair - Duration: 11:32.

I like I like legitimately don't know

how they're gonna take like the

difference though because I've been

growing it for like a whole year and

then all of a sudden I've just cut it

all off so they're gonna be like really

you're filming at you okay really okay

guys yeah Wow I do have a lot of

explaining to do and thanks for watching

this video but it's a way did I fool

anyone no I'm just kidding with you you

guys know I would not spend a whole year

and a bit growing my hair out

just to chop it all off right it is

definitely a day for wings

I'm actually really excited about this

video so if you want to know more about

these male wigs keep watching okay hello

everybody and welcome back to my channel

my name's Thomas if you're brand new

here and I make Stalin he related videos

style and wig videos every single week

here on YouTube so if that's your kind

of thing make sure you hit the subscribe

button and come back next week so what

are we doing in today's video we are

definitely trying on wigs and I just

wanted to cover why I even went for this

right cuz usually I do a lot of hair

videos about my own hair if you've been

following me for a while now you'll know

I've been talking a lot about hair

growth and really really waiting out the

growing out process and I thought man

what if I wanted to just have short hair

for a minute it's totally possible but

not only that wigs are really great

thing for guys that are balding guys

that are feeling maybe a little bit

ashamed about not having so much hair or

even for guys that just want to change

up their look you know it's 2018 we are

all able to express our individuality

these days and that is my main message

so why not I felt like wigs definitely

fell into the bucket of Thomas in action

so here we are also I'm gonna be giving

myself a little bit of a challenge today

I'm gonna be answering every single

comment that comes onto this video in

the first 24 hours okay

so if you've ever wanted to have your

questions answered or just say something

to me you better believe in the first 24

hours of this video going live I will be

responding to every single comment and

that means even if there's a thousand

comments I'm gonna be responding to a

thousand people don't challenge me okay

I'll see you in the comments see ya hey

you air has been kind enough to provide

us with these two wigs they didn't

actually reach out to me and do a brand

deal this is not sponsored I was just

thinking of really cool content ideas

that I could put out for you

guys and I reached out to them and I

said hey your wigs look really cool

really realistic and I want to scare the

shit out of my audience so what do you

think and they happily sent me over to

wigs the two bigs were trying today edge

and daring and I will be leaving links

to these in the description box below it

doesn't really matter what your your

reasoning for wanting to wear a wig is I

mean they're pretty cool thing to try

and the hair line on these is freaky

obviously I couldn't get these in the

mail and not try them straight away I

have tried them already and let me tell

you learning how to wear a wig is a

process in itself so I'm gonna be doing

it all for you today and showing you

what I've learned over the last couple

of weeks so I thought we'd cover the

structure of the wigs first seeing is

like my first impression of a wig was a

wig from crazy clucks which is like the

cheap shop and they're probably the

worst wigs you could probably ever buy I

didn't really notice how much actually

goes into the cap of these so if we

unfold it like this we've got all of

these which you call the wefts I learnt

this term actually when my friend Travis

turned me into a drag queen we he taught

me about these being the wefts of the

wig so they're what the hair is actually

stitched to and then at the front here

you've got the lace front cap the lace

front cap is essentially just like a bit

of mesh with all of the hairs stitched

into it so when it sits on your forehead

about here you it just looks like a

normal hairline that's what it's

supposed to do and there's all different

types of things you can do to make your

wig look a lot more realistic so by

wearing a wig cap you can like tuck all

your hair back and yeah we're gonna do

it today I actually just cannot wait to

start doing it for you so without

further ado let's get into it I've shown

you the inside of the wig when you do

get a wig as well you have to be very

gentle and very careful with it because

the hair has been stitched into this

thing and if you're too rough with it

the hair obviously can fall out and

unfortunately with the wig the hair

doesn't grow back go figure

anyway alright let's get to it in the

section of beginners for wigs or wigs

for beginners I kind of just thought I

need to get all of this hair to sit as

flat as possible and a wig caps gonna

help me do that but if I don't have

something else to pin my hair down or

make it more closer to my head then I'm

kind of gonna have trouble with it it's

gonna look all bumpy and lumpy so what

I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna tie

these little tiny elastics around the

bottom of my hair my hair still a bit

damp so

still moldable which is cool and then

tie this one back as well well this is

gonna look so groovy

step one is I just tied them like this

the back and then what I do is just get

a thousand bazillion bobby pins and I'm

gonna try I'm gonna make it as flat as

possible right that's the deal

I took another one in it so got those

pinned up

I've actually got like a thousand bobby

pins ready to go because my hair is that

unruly it just does whatever the hell at

once whenever it wants so then once we

got that sit in I'm just gonna do a

little bit here I really can't wait to

see their reaction alright that's

looking pretty good to me that's like as

close to my head is I'm gonna get it and

not being a professional I don't know

how drag queens do this all the time man

like they're they're dedicated alright

now it's time for the wig cap this is

where it gets really freaky looking as

well so kind of like morphs over my

whole head I'm only a newbie at this as

well alright give me a break

also if you feel like your wig caps not

sitting properly you can use like a big

wad of tape over your head I've seen

drag queens do it before but because I'm

not a drag queen and I just don't have

the resources for it I just kind of I'm

gonna go with what I have today

wig 101 I thought I was gonna try the

edge one on first but I think I actually

want to try the daring wig on first so

this one's more of like a ashy blonde

color very very different and if we have

a look at the hairline of this one as

well the hairline is completely

different to my normal hairline my

normal hair lines quite jagged as many

of you have pointed out in the comments

section below before but yeah we're

gonna try this bad boy on and here we go

so let's get him on is he on the biggest

yes we'll adjust that milker he has

velcro on the inside of him as well

and now it's time to put him on whoa

surfer man Wow

I think you can also get wigs cut to the

way that you want them as well so if I

kind of wanted to go to the hairdresser

and get this one cut to a little bit

shorter on the sides I could probably do

that to give it more of an undercut kind

of look for the most part it's actually

it's such a different look compared to

what I'm used to

Wow and that hairline though like look

at it so you can see it like flap up

there that's what it looks like but like

when you put it down it kind of just

blends in and kind of like goes in with

my skin like I don't think you can tie

these up like a man bun either like

because you'll all the whips wefts will

get exposed to it oh look at that that

looks pretty cool what do I look like to

you leave me a comment

hey you know what I could even

potentially passes something from Dragon

Ball Z I'm like a Super Saiyan or

something like that so this is daring

guys just wanted to show you that close

up have another close look at the

hairline there all right now let's get

edge on we'll try the other wig on and

yeah get into it all right now I'm

taking that one off I'm gonna reapply

these wig caps surely there's like a

more like sturdy method to do England

caps I guess on my wig journey I'm gonna

have to figure it out a little bit more

but for now these bad boys or we've got

to play with okay time to try this guy

on I look like I could be part of kpop

right now oh come on hairline yeah see

if I like tuck that hairline up right

there you that's too far forward like

whose hairline comes to there it just

doesn't work like that so obviously

you've got to work the wig back but the

trouble is like mmm I think this one

actually might be a little bit too small

for me but it does look pretty cool I

can't believe how much it like changes

my face I look so much younger that's

the first the wig cap staying in place

it's about making it look as realistic

as possible now I don't even think these

sideburn bits are like for a young kid I

don't think they're that in fashion I


this would definitely go well an older

guy or it's like a Leonardo DiCaprio

look if you know what I mean like back

in the day when he was super super young

you don't see too many young guys

rolling around with this right now but I

guess in terms of wearing a wig for a

day like I guess you could rock it like

easy little more believable hey it's


and the actual hair itself looks quite

realistic like it looks like real hair

but I've pretty sure they are synthetic

I'll give you a back look at this one as

well it's so weird I haven't seen myself

with short hair for so long so yeah let

me know what you guys think of this one

as well this one's called edge and the

colouring of these also comes in

multiple different colors you can get

them in blonde you can get them in

lighter brown dark brown there you go

there's the Hale and it looks quick

looks pretty disguised there doesn't it

yeah this is my real hair line what I

think my head is a little bit bigger

than most people as well so this one

definitely takes a minute to get right

but once you do it's actually pretty

cool-looking so yeah guys that is me

trying on these how you wear wigs from

the hem range I really hope you enjoyed

this video and I'd be really keen to

know your thoughts or how I made you

feel when I first started this video

with short hair I just can't believe it

I haven't had short hair in so long

so it's very very different and just

remember if you want to wear wigs he'll

just go and wear one go and get one make

sure you know what your size is as well

and make sure you do a little bit of

research on how to put one on because

they can be very tedious its 2018

remember that you can express yourself

in whatever way you want these would

also be a great thing for the growing

out process if you are struggling with

that awkward stage and you really want

to kind of do something to make yourself

look a bit different or cover up that

bad hair day something like this could

really work for you because they're

quite realistic looking and yeah pretty

funky in it anyway make sure you join

the Facebook group if you haven't

already as well hair styles in action

and also keep in mind I will be

responding to every single comment that

comes in on this video within the first

24 hours so if you want you to comment

responded to make sure you head down

there straight after watching this video

and I'll get back to you

again if there's a thousand comments I

will be replying to a thousand people

other than that have

great week and I will see you next week

for another video okay goodbye men's

hair piece men's hair pieces before and

after boy wigs wigs for males male wig

mens wigs mens wigs that look real mens

wigs human hair mens wigs long hair mens

wigs UK men's wigs and hair pieces

For more infomation >> What Have I Done To My Hair!? - Long Hair to Short Hair - Duration: 11:32.


✅ Julie Ricci enceinte : Ses premières révélations sur sa grossesse - Duration: 2:05.

Alors que la rumeur courait depuis quelques jours, Julie Ricci a officialisé sa grossesse en vidéo, vendredi 1er juin 2018

L'ancienne candidate de Secret Story et son petit ami Pierre-Jean apparaissaient plus complices que jamais pour l'occasion et ont dévoilé des photos de l'une des échographies

Julie Ricci ne compte pas s'arrêter en si bon chemin maintenant que la nouvelle a été annoncée

Pour preuve, elle a dévoilé son impressionnant baby bump sur Instagram. "Première photo avec mon petit bidou, j'entre dans mon 6ème mois de grossesse

Je me sens si heureuse et j'ai déjà tellement hâte de découvrir ce petit être", a-t-elle légendé pour une photo sur laquelle elle pose lors d'une séance de sport

Et, en story, elle a précisé être enceinte et "en forme". Julie Ricci se permet donc encore de faire du sport afin de garder la ligne durant sa grossesse

Elle n'est d'ailleurs pas la seule future maman a toujours pratiquer une activité physique

Sylvie Tellier, qui attend son troisième enfant, partage régulièrement des vidéos de ses exercices

Et elle précise bien qu'elle a l'accord de son médecin pour continuer à faire du sport

For more infomation >> ✅ Julie Ricci enceinte : Ses premières révélations sur sa grossesse - Duration: 2:05.


最新突发消息!重兵压境之下,伊朗求购千枚鹰击反舰导弹,白宫:最好别卖 - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> 最新突发消息!重兵压境之下,伊朗求购千枚鹰击反舰导弹,白宫:最好别卖 - Duration: 3:49.


je n'ai plus d'insectes à la maison Depuis que j'utilise cette astuce naturelle - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> je n'ai plus d'insectes à la maison Depuis que j'utilise cette astuce naturelle - Duration: 2:19.


Ecco come le emozioni negative influiscono sulla tua salute fisica. - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Ecco come le emozioni negative influiscono sulla tua salute fisica. - Duration: 3:43.


6 Everyday Ways Science Protects You from Your Poop - Duration: 11:52.


Look. We all poop, but pretty much nobody wants to deal with it.

We don't want to touch it, smell it, look at it...

And there's a really good reason for that.

While your own poop probably won't hurt you, many serious diseases, like cholera, typhoid,

and polio, are all caused by microbes in human waste.

Thankfully, most of us are relatively protected from them and enjoy convenient, clean pooping

experiences -- but it's only because of the unsung heroes of your bathroom.

You probably don't think about them much, but these little pieces of technology are

hard at work every day, protecting you from your own waste -- and everyone else's.

Here are six of them.

It may not get lots of fame and glory, but the flush toilet is a kind of modern masterpiece.

Think about it: There's no more, like, walking out into the cold outhouse in the dark, no

stinky chamber pots tucked under the bed.

You can poop in the comfort of your own home, and it's magically whisked away down a pipe

and into the sewer or the septic tank.

The toilet may be one of the greatest inventions ever, and much of its success is thanks to

a little-known hero: the S-bend.

If it hadn't been created, your bathroom -- and probably the rest of your house -- would

be filled with… like, just some nasty sewage stink.

The S-bend was patented in 1775 by Alexander Cumming, who was also the first to patent

a flush toilet design.

Despite the common misconception, it was not Thomas Crapper -- as great as that would be.

Today, your toilet probably has a differently shaped pipe, called a U-bend, since it's

less likely to jam up.

But the technology works the same way.

Water settles into the bend in the pipe, also known as the trap, and it blocks stinky sewage

gases from moving up the pipe and out of your toilet.

When you flush, a large volume of water rushes from the cistern, or tank, into the toilet


It pushes the water in the trap up and over the bend, ultimately creating a siphon that

sucks the waste out of your toilet and down the pipe.

Then, the water in the bowl and trap is gradually replaced as the cistern refills.

And all those smelly gases are kept exactly where they belong: not in your house.

Even if the ingenious bend in your pipes prevents sewer gases from wafting into your home, you

probably create some stink all by yourself.

Nobody's poop smells like roses, but when your roommate walks into the bathroom right

after you were in there, you may kind of wish it did.

That's where corporate America came in.

Science and entrepreneurs teamed up to create toilet spray, a solution for your stink.

Just spray it into the bowl before you go, and your problems are supposedly solved.

This spray works by creating a little oil slick on the surface of the water in your

toilet bowl.

This oil acts as a barrier between the toilet water and the air, trapping smelly molecules

so they don't stink up the bathroom.

There are several commercial brands -- like Poo-purri, V.I.

Poo, and Just a Drop -- as well as homemade versions.

But they all contain basically the same main ingredients: essential oils, alcohol, and

glycerine or soap.

The essential oils create the barrier and provide the pleasant odor.

And the glycerin or soap, as well as the alcohol, act as surfactants and help the oily and watery

ingredients mix.

Officially, the watery and oily molecules are called hydrophilic and hydrophobic, respectively.

And they don't like to mingle.

Surfactants can make them mix because those molecules have both hydrophilic and hydrophobic


They essentially hold hands with the oil and the water, allowing things to blend and keeping

everything from separating in the spray bottle.

There's no shame in your number two, but your roommate might thank for you for applying

one of these scented spritzes before you…

go make your deposit.

No matter whether you live by yourself or with a bunch of roommates, you should probably

still be using another simple, important feature of your toilet: the lid.

It's not just there to prevent things from falling in or for aesthetic reasons: It serves

an important sanitary purpose.

Putting the lid down before you flush prevents the dreaded toilet plume!

It's a real thing!

Ah—toilet plumes, they occur during flushing.

When water rushes into the toilet bowl, tiny droplets of liquid, which contain microbes

from your waste, are blown out and start floating around the air.

Which nobody wants.

Get ready to, you know, clutch your pearls here: one study found that the bacterium Clostridium

difficile, which can cause diarrhea and severe colon inflammation, was suspended in air up

to 90 minutes after flushing!

And other studies have shown that norovirus -- a highly contagious cause of vomiting,

diarrhea, and general misery -- can also end up floating around there and eventually settling

on surfaces in your bathroom… like your toothbrush.

So, for the sake of humanity, put a lid on it!

Of course, if you're using a public toilet, these don't usually have lids.

According to at least one toilet maker, that's because people don't want to touch them,

and it's one more part to clean.

They also would block those fancy auto-flush sensors.

Still, the seat is probably the least of your worries.

Public toilets are frequently cleaned -- at least, hopefully -- and the skin on your butt

is a pretty good barrier to microbes.

So you'll probably be fine.

The bigger risk is getting microbes on your hands.

So handling those fancy toilet seat covers, or fashioning your own out of toilet paper,

is probably not a great idea, since these paper supplies are prime targets for the toilet plume.

Instead, some experts just recommend washing your hands thoroughly on the way out.

And I will look at you… if you don't.

Like this.

Now, you can take all kinds of precautions in your home to avoid your waste.

But what about when you're in public and there isn't a bathroom around?

Enter the chemical toilet -- also known as the porta-potty.

The porta-potty is nobody's favorite, but without them, outdoor festivals, construction

sites, and large road races would get pretty messy pretty fast.

These toilets are basically just big plastic closets full of poo, but they're still designed

so that you can think about your waste as little as possible.

That's primarily thanks to that mysterious blue stuff in the tank.

Among other things, this liquid contains a biocide -- something like gluteraldehyde or

helpful, non-smelly bacteria -- to kill the microbes in poop that create stink.

Other porta-potties used to use formaldehyde for this, but formaldehyde is actually pretty

toxic if you come into contact with it, like in the event of a dreaded splash back.

Today's blue stuff also contains fragrance to mask odors -- because there will be odors

-- and a surfactant to make everything mix together.

But why is that stuff always blue?

Well, it's mostly for aesthetics.

It helps hides the waste in the tank so you're not treated to an up close and personal view

of other people's poop.

It also serves a crude indicator of when the tank needs to be emptied.

When there is too much waste in there, the blue fluid turns green.

So how do they make that happen?

Well, it's not fancy chemical reactions.

There's also yellow stuff going in there, and yellow and blue make green.

It's just… just art class y'all.

So if you see the liquid in the porta-potty tank is green, you probably should use a different

one if there's one available.

But your nose also will probably have told you that.

Thankfully, airplanes do not have water-filled flush toilets.

If they did, turbulence would get nasty real fast.

For a while, though, we didn't actually have a good alternative.

In the early days of flying, planes had a slop bucket, and World War II pilots often

had to pee in bottles.

I don't know about you, but these both sound like a nightmare on a commercial flight.

Until the mid-1980s, most airliners used what was essentially a porta-potty with a pump-powered

flushing mechanism.

And it pushed the blue fluid into the bowl and then flushed the waste down into a holding tank.

But this system had some major drawbacks.

First, to accommodate all that flushing, planes had to carry hundreds of gallons of the blue

solution, which adds a lot of weight and reduces fuel efficiency.

Second, these systems had a habit of leaking.

And if you ever heard of the dreaded blue ice falling from the sky, this is where that

came from.

If the waste managed to leak onto the exterior of the plane, it would freeze, because at

9000 meters the air temperature is around -50°C.

Then, as the plane started to descend towards the airport, this blue poo-sicle would begin

to melt and detach from the plane -- which is not only gross but actually dangerous.

Even a relatively small chunk falling from a height generates a lot of force.

Blue ice falling off of descending airplanes is known to have torn through the roof of

a house and smashed a car.

This isn't a made-up thing!

It actually happened.

And then you have to call your insurance company and be like, "I don't know man, it's

just a chunk of blue stuff and poop.

It's on my car.

I don't—I don't—I don't know how to explain it!"

Thankfully, most planes nowadays use a fluid free system called a vacuum toilet.

Now, when you flush the toilet on a plane, a pump generates suction to pull the waste

into the holding tank.

A special non-stick coating on the toilet bowl also makes sure there's a relatively

clean exit, all without the need for a lot of fluid.

While it may make a terrifying sound, the vacuum toilet has made planes much more fuel


And it's made living near an airport a lot less terrifying.

Now once you flush, you probably don't think much about your poop.

But even if it's no longer a problem for you personally, collectively, it's a big problem.

We humans create large volumes of waste, and for the sake of public health -- and our noses

-- it needs to be processed before it goes back into the world.

We've talked sewage treatment on SciShow before, but the real heroes in this process

are the microbes.

After the garbage and some other solids are filtered out of sewage, microorganisms are

put to work breaking down the leftover organic matter.

In other words, they feast on your poo.

Sewage treatment plants are a virtual microbe zoo, with hundreds of different species enjoying

that smorgasbord: bacteria, of course, but also fungi, protozoans, rotifers, and nematodes.

A lot of these microbes are already in your waste when it arrives at the plant, or they

could come in from the surrounding environment.

Many treatment plants even seed their sludge with a bit of microbe-filled sewage, too.

They use it kind of like a sourdough bread starter, if you're okay with that analogy. [DING]

The treatment process provides the beneficial microbes with ideal conditions in terms of

temperature, aeration, and acidity so they can do their job most efficiently.

Then, before all that waste goes into the environment, the microbes are killed off -- which

makes sense.

But someday, scientists might have another use for them, too.

See, all this waste processing requires a lot of electricity.

So some teams are trying to take advantage of those sewage microbes and turn them into a battery.

It's called a microbial fuel cell.

When cells -- including bacterial ones -- convert food into energy, they do it using something

called the electron transport chain.

They essentially shuttle electrons around.

The idea behind a microbial fuel cell is to stick some bacteria in a chamber, keep stuffing

them with sewage, and collect the ions and electrons that spill out.

Then, as those charged particles flow through a wire, they create an electric current that

can be stored in a battery.

This technology is still being developed, and it remains to be seen if it can work on

the huge scale of a municipal sewage treatment plant, but that's still pretty slick.

Using technology to protect you from your waste is an easy place to start a joke, but

it's also kind of a big deal.

Lack of basic sanitation is linked to at least 280,000 deaths per year.

And the United Nations reports that one of biggest factors determining child survival

worldwide is sewage disposal.

The good news is, we're making progress.

But if you're a lucky person with access to a fancy U-bend toilet and modern sanitation,

don't take it for granted!

The science that protects your from your poop makes your life more pleasant and probably

longer, too!

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!

You might spend a lot of your time and energy avoiding your waste, but animals have found

some pretty clever ways to put theirs to work.

Like, we're talkin' poop shields.

You can learn about them -- and five other ways animals use their poop -- in our episode

all about that.


For more infomation >> 6 Everyday Ways Science Protects You from Your Poop - Duration: 11:52.


The Truth About Mama June's Boyfriend - Duration: 4:04.

June Shannon better known as Mama June garnered reality TV fame as Alana "Honey Boo Boo" Thompson's

stage-mom on TLC's Toddlers & Tiaras.

When Alana got her own spin-off series with 2012's Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, a commitment

ceremony between Mama June and Alana's father, Sugar Bear, soon followed in 2013.

But their relationship crashed and burned the next year.

"We're still getting over that disaster"

After the show's scandalous cancellation, it seemed like we'd seen the last of Mama

June and fam.

But when she landed WE tv's Mama June: From Not to Hot, fans not only saw the mother of

four shed 300 pounds, they also saw her fall in love.

Now we're dishing all the juicy details about Mama June's boyfriend, Geno Doak.

"My favorite thing about June, is she's a real motherf-----….what you see is what

you get."

Not his first rodeo

One reason why Mama June and Doak seem so comfortable, is that they already have a history


RadarOnline reported they first met in late-2015, but put their relationship on ice soon after.

In 2017, the stars realigned, and the former flames were able to rekindle their budding


"Mama looks at Geno like I look at a bowl of cereal.

All googly eyed and whatnot"

Cash money hustle

Mama June may have made her fortune on the reality TV circuit, but Doak keeps a respectable


He's appeared on Mama June: From Not to Hot, but Celebuzz revealed the Georgia-native runs

a home remodeling company and even did some work on Mama June's place after they first

met in 2015.

And for anyone wondering whether Doak has plans to kick back and mooch off his lady,

Mama June says no, claiming,

"He makes very good money.

He does remodeling and construction work, so he makes good money himself."

A second meet cute

Mama June told ET just how the couple first became acquainted with each other, saying,

"We met through my sister and her boyfriend.

We all hang out in the same circle.

We all knew each other from back in the day."

The star said Doak then became the "first guy" she dated since she dropped a ton of


It took her some time to fully trust him because of her previous failed relationships, but

she told E! News,

"He actually restored my faith and the girls' faith in men.

It's the little things.

[…] He is above and beyond anything that I could ever expect."

Standing by his woman

After weighing 460 pounds, Mama June hit her lowest weight at 160.

But her battle to keep the weight off and remain healthy hasn't always been easy.

"My eyesight has gotten worse and worse over the years, but right now I can't see a thing.

And I'm scared"

She told ET in 2017,

"I've been through hell and back the last few months.

I've been through a lot within the last year.

[...] It's been crazy."

But the one person who was by her side through it all, was Doak.

She said,

"I told him, 'Look, you don't have to deal with this.

We haven't been together long.

If you want to walk away, you can.'

And he didn't."

Are those wedding bells?

On January 4th, 2018, Mama June showed up to the Us Weekly office, wearing some major


But she played coy about the sparkly jewelry, and the mag revealed she wasn't officially


June did hint to Life & Style, that she may be ready to finally get married, saying,

"For the first time in my life, I would say the [m-word] and Mama June in the same sentence."

However, for fans holding out for the made-for-reality-TV wedding special, June warns,

"Nowadays, you don't have to get married to show that you love somebody.

A piece of paper doesn't show that."

Doting dad

Part of the reason this couple gets along so well is because they have a lot in common.

"Are you ready for my crazy bunch?

Of course I'm ready, are you ready is the question.


Doak has four kids of his own, according to E! News.

And June told Us Weekly,

"We're always with the kids.

[...] Outside of this [show], we are a very normal, everyday crazy bunch."

Will there be a spin-off series featuring the blended family?

We'll have to wait and see.

But for now, Mama June's found real love with Geno, who appears to be with her for all the

right reasons.

"I love her, she's cool"

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> The Truth About Mama June's Boyfriend - Duration: 4:04.


Dragon Ball Z 「AMV」Another You - Duration: 0:52.

you'll always be my memory.

Say anything,

say anything,

Say anything that can make this all okay.

Take it away,

take it away.

Take away all of this emptiness I feel

'Cause I will never find another you...

For more infomation >> Dragon Ball Z 「AMV」Another You - Duration: 0:52.


Kenyas unmatched Steeplechase Record | The Olympics On The Record - Duration: 4:47.

In the world of Olympic steeplechase,

no country comes close to Kenya.

This 3,000 metre race may have its origins in a dash

between village steeples in genteel England, but,

since 1968, it has been utterly dominated by the East Africans.

Kenya missed the 1976 and 1980 Olympics for political reasons,

but they won 21 of 30 medals available through

the ten Olympic Games, with a clean sweep of gold medals.

Perfection. Ten out of ten.

It's not merely a domination - it's a monopoly.

And here's something else - it's not like it's all because

of one or two superhuman individuals.

These ten golds have been spread around

nine different men. The Magnificent Seven.

- There's nine. - The Hateful Eight.


Ocean's Nine?


In 1968, Amos Biwott set the ball rolling, a man

whose technique was as unorthodox as his rise to fame.

He leapt the hurdles with feet together, and soared over

the water jumps as if the shallow pool was full of crocs.

But Biwott became an inspiration, a pioneer.

His young countrymen who admired his gold medal

soon set about emulating him.

In 1972, in Munich, Biwott was back, but back in sixth.

The gold and silver hung around the necks of Kipchoge Keino

and Ben Jipcho,

who went toe-to-toe until Keino streaked clear at the death.

In 1984, after the boycott, Kenya came back with a bang.

American Henry Marsh was the man who was supposed to have

the final kick, but Julius Korir showed him

how it was really done.

The Kenyan momentum was just getting started.

Seoul, 1988.

Kenya one and two.

Julius Kariuki powered to a new Olympic record.

Kenyans swept the board in Barcelona, 1992,

even with world champion Moses Kiptanui injured.

In the Olympic final, Matthew Birir tore his shoe

after a collision with an Algerian runner,

but still battled back from ninth to win gold.

It then went to Joseph Keter in 1996.

And Reuben Kosgei in 2000, but only after an almighty tussle.

The Kenyans went to Greece in 2004

and finished one, two, three,

with Ezekiel Kemboi holding off Kipruto and Koech.

It's a sweep - gold, silver and bronze for Kenya!

Each of them checked down the back straight that they were on

for the sweep, then celebrated

as one as the track lay scattered with the defeated.

Kipruto upgraded silver to gold four years later in Beijing.

But back to Ezekiel Kemboi.

The man from Rift Valley Province,

an Olympic champion in Athens,

was still going strong in London 2012.

At the end of a competitive, tactical race, Kemboi became

the first man to win two golds at the Olympic steeplechase.

He swapped his vest with the second placed Frenchman,

Mahiedine Mekhissi-Benabbad,

but there was no doubting Kemboi was Kenyan.

Analysts have tried and usually failed to figure out

how one nation can be so good at one discipline.

They point to genetics, national diet

and a life lived at altitude.

Maybe. But maybe it's all about passion.

Kip Keino nailed it in 1972 when he said:

For more infomation >> Kenyas unmatched Steeplechase Record | The Olympics On The Record - Duration: 4:47.


What Have I Done To My Hair!? - Long Hair to Short Hair - Duration: 11:32.

I like I like legitimately don't know

how they're gonna take like the

difference though because I've been

growing it for like a whole year and

then all of a sudden I've just cut it

all off so they're gonna be like really

you're filming at you okay really okay

guys yeah Wow I do have a lot of

explaining to do and thanks for watching

this video but it's a way did I fool

anyone no I'm just kidding with you you

guys know I would not spend a whole year

and a bit growing my hair out

just to chop it all off right it is

definitely a day for wings

I'm actually really excited about this

video so if you want to know more about

these male wigs keep watching okay hello

everybody and welcome back to my channel

my name's Thomas if you're brand new

here and I make Stalin he related videos

style and wig videos every single week

here on YouTube so if that's your kind

of thing make sure you hit the subscribe

button and come back next week so what

are we doing in today's video we are

definitely trying on wigs and I just

wanted to cover why I even went for this

right cuz usually I do a lot of hair

videos about my own hair if you've been

following me for a while now you'll know

I've been talking a lot about hair

growth and really really waiting out the

growing out process and I thought man

what if I wanted to just have short hair

for a minute it's totally possible but

not only that wigs are really great

thing for guys that are balding guys

that are feeling maybe a little bit

ashamed about not having so much hair or

even for guys that just want to change

up their look you know it's 2018 we are

all able to express our individuality

these days and that is my main message

so why not I felt like wigs definitely

fell into the bucket of Thomas in action

so here we are also I'm gonna be giving

myself a little bit of a challenge today

I'm gonna be answering every single

comment that comes onto this video in

the first 24 hours okay

so if you've ever wanted to have your

questions answered or just say something

to me you better believe in the first 24

hours of this video going live I will be

responding to every single comment and

that means even if there's a thousand

comments I'm gonna be responding to a

thousand people don't challenge me okay

I'll see you in the comments see ya hey

you air has been kind enough to provide

us with these two wigs they didn't

actually reach out to me and do a brand

deal this is not sponsored I was just

thinking of really cool content ideas

that I could put out for you

guys and I reached out to them and I

said hey your wigs look really cool

really realistic and I want to scare the

shit out of my audience so what do you

think and they happily sent me over to

wigs the two bigs were trying today edge

and daring and I will be leaving links

to these in the description box below it

doesn't really matter what your your

reasoning for wanting to wear a wig is I

mean they're pretty cool thing to try

and the hair line on these is freaky

obviously I couldn't get these in the

mail and not try them straight away I

have tried them already and let me tell

you learning how to wear a wig is a

process in itself so I'm gonna be doing

it all for you today and showing you

what I've learned over the last couple

of weeks so I thought we'd cover the

structure of the wigs first seeing is

like my first impression of a wig was a

wig from crazy clucks which is like the

cheap shop and they're probably the

worst wigs you could probably ever buy I

didn't really notice how much actually

goes into the cap of these so if we

unfold it like this we've got all of

these which you call the wefts I learnt

this term actually when my friend Travis

turned me into a drag queen we he taught

me about these being the wefts of the

wig so they're what the hair is actually

stitched to and then at the front here

you've got the lace front cap the lace

front cap is essentially just like a bit

of mesh with all of the hairs stitched

into it so when it sits on your forehead

about here you it just looks like a

normal hairline that's what it's

supposed to do and there's all different

types of things you can do to make your

wig look a lot more realistic so by

wearing a wig cap you can like tuck all

your hair back and yeah we're gonna do

it today I actually just cannot wait to

start doing it for you so without

further ado let's get into it I've shown

you the inside of the wig when you do

get a wig as well you have to be very

gentle and very careful with it because

the hair has been stitched into this

thing and if you're too rough with it

the hair obviously can fall out and

unfortunately with the wig the hair

doesn't grow back go figure

anyway alright let's get to it in the

section of beginners for wigs or wigs

for beginners I kind of just thought I

need to get all of this hair to sit as

flat as possible and a wig caps gonna

help me do that but if I don't have

something else to pin my hair down or

make it more closer to my head then I'm

kind of gonna have trouble with it it's

gonna look all bumpy and lumpy so what

I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna tie

these little tiny elastics around the

bottom of my hair my hair still a bit

damp so

still moldable which is cool and then

tie this one back as well well this is

gonna look so groovy

step one is I just tied them like this

the back and then what I do is just get

a thousand bazillion bobby pins and I'm

gonna try I'm gonna make it as flat as

possible right that's the deal

I took another one in it so got those

pinned up

I've actually got like a thousand bobby

pins ready to go because my hair is that

unruly it just does whatever the hell at

once whenever it wants so then once we

got that sit in I'm just gonna do a

little bit here I really can't wait to

see their reaction alright that's

looking pretty good to me that's like as

close to my head is I'm gonna get it and

not being a professional I don't know

how drag queens do this all the time man

like they're they're dedicated alright

now it's time for the wig cap this is

where it gets really freaky looking as

well so kind of like morphs over my

whole head I'm only a newbie at this as

well alright give me a break

also if you feel like your wig caps not

sitting properly you can use like a big

wad of tape over your head I've seen

drag queens do it before but because I'm

not a drag queen and I just don't have

the resources for it I just kind of I'm

gonna go with what I have today

wig 101 I thought I was gonna try the

edge one on first but I think I actually

want to try the daring wig on first so

this one's more of like a ashy blonde

color very very different and if we have

a look at the hairline of this one as

well the hairline is completely

different to my normal hairline my

normal hair lines quite jagged as many

of you have pointed out in the comments

section below before but yeah we're

gonna try this bad boy on and here we go

so let's get him on is he on the biggest

yes we'll adjust that milker he has

velcro on the inside of him as well

and now it's time to put him on whoa

surfer man Wow

I think you can also get wigs cut to the

way that you want them as well so if I

kind of wanted to go to the hairdresser

and get this one cut to a little bit

shorter on the sides I could probably do

that to give it more of an undercut kind

of look for the most part it's actually

it's such a different look compared to

what I'm used to

Wow and that hairline though like look

at it so you can see it like flap up

there that's what it looks like but like

when you put it down it kind of just

blends in and kind of like goes in with

my skin like I don't think you can tie

these up like a man bun either like

because you'll all the whips wefts will

get exposed to it oh look at that that

looks pretty cool what do I look like to

you leave me a comment

hey you know what I could even

potentially passes something from Dragon

Ball Z I'm like a Super Saiyan or

something like that so this is daring

guys just wanted to show you that close

up have another close look at the

hairline there all right now let's get

edge on we'll try the other wig on and

yeah get into it all right now I'm

taking that one off I'm gonna reapply

these wig caps surely there's like a

more like sturdy method to do England

caps I guess on my wig journey I'm gonna

have to figure it out a little bit more

but for now these bad boys or we've got

to play with okay time to try this guy

on I look like I could be part of kpop

right now oh come on hairline yeah see

if I like tuck that hairline up right

there you that's too far forward like

whose hairline comes to there it just

doesn't work like that so obviously

you've got to work the wig back but the

trouble is like mmm I think this one

actually might be a little bit too small

for me but it does look pretty cool I

can't believe how much it like changes

my face I look so much younger that's

the first the wig cap staying in place

it's about making it look as realistic

as possible now I don't even think these

sideburn bits are like for a young kid I

don't think they're that in fashion I


this would definitely go well an older

guy or it's like a Leonardo DiCaprio

look if you know what I mean like back

in the day when he was super super young

you don't see too many young guys

rolling around with this right now but I

guess in terms of wearing a wig for a

day like I guess you could rock it like

easy little more believable hey it's


and the actual hair itself looks quite

realistic like it looks like real hair

but I've pretty sure they are synthetic

I'll give you a back look at this one as

well it's so weird I haven't seen myself

with short hair for so long so yeah let

me know what you guys think of this one

as well this one's called edge and the

colouring of these also comes in

multiple different colors you can get

them in blonde you can get them in

lighter brown dark brown there you go

there's the Hale and it looks quick

looks pretty disguised there doesn't it

yeah this is my real hair line what I

think my head is a little bit bigger

than most people as well so this one

definitely takes a minute to get right

but once you do it's actually pretty

cool-looking so yeah guys that is me

trying on these how you wear wigs from

the hem range I really hope you enjoyed

this video and I'd be really keen to

know your thoughts or how I made you

feel when I first started this video

with short hair I just can't believe it

I haven't had short hair in so long

so it's very very different and just

remember if you want to wear wigs he'll

just go and wear one go and get one make

sure you know what your size is as well

and make sure you do a little bit of

research on how to put one on because

they can be very tedious its 2018

remember that you can express yourself

in whatever way you want these would

also be a great thing for the growing

out process if you are struggling with

that awkward stage and you really want

to kind of do something to make yourself

look a bit different or cover up that

bad hair day something like this could

really work for you because they're

quite realistic looking and yeah pretty

funky in it anyway make sure you join

the Facebook group if you haven't

already as well hair styles in action

and also keep in mind I will be

responding to every single comment that

comes in on this video within the first

24 hours so if you want you to comment

responded to make sure you head down

there straight after watching this video

and I'll get back to you

again if there's a thousand comments I

will be replying to a thousand people

other than that have

great week and I will see you next week

for another video okay goodbye men's

hair piece men's hair pieces before and

after boy wigs wigs for males male wig

mens wigs mens wigs that look real mens

wigs human hair mens wigs long hair mens

wigs UK men's wigs and hair pieces

For more infomation >> What Have I Done To My Hair!? - Long Hair to Short Hair - Duration: 11:32.


Selon les scientifiques, le sperme peut guérir la dépression chez les femmes | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 9:32.

For more infomation >> Selon les scientifiques, le sperme peut guérir la dépression chez les femmes | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 9:32.



For more infomation >> ANIMAL JAM [DE NUEVO SOY MIEMBRO] LOL EDICIÓN 10/10 XD - Duration: 3:21.


6 Signs Of Appendicitis That Can Easily Be Missed If You're Not Careful - Duration: 5:30.

6 Signs Of Appendicitis That Can Easily Be Missed If You're Not Careful.

Wonderland or not, at the end of the day, John Mayer's body is just like yours and

mine: prone to physical ailments that sometimes need medical attention ASAP.

The singer-songwriter was reportedly rushed to the hospital on Dec. 5 to have an emergency

appendectomy, a medical procedure to remove his appendix.

What's scary about appendicitis is that it's not always clear what causes the condition.

Still, there are obvious signs of appendicitis to make yourself aware of, so you can get

the proper medical attention should you or a loved one ever need to have the surgery.

Mayer's representatives confirmed to People that Mayer was admitted to the hospital for

an emergency procedure the morning of Dec. 5, causing the Dead & Company concert in New

Orleans to be postponed until further notice.

So for fans moaning and groaning over the delay, consider this Mayer's doctor's


Even if the performer had wanted to put on a show despite the pain, an appendectomy is

necessary when you have an appendicitis, according to SELF.

"When we see people who have ruptured, it's generally because they waited and thought

they would be fine," Dr. Sanford Vieder, medical director of Lakes Urgent Care in Michigan,

told SELF.

"But appendicitis doesn't get better."

Appendicitis happens when the appendix becomes irritated and fills with pus as a result of


An even bigger issue than appendicitis itself is that identifying the problem can be tricky

because symptoms aren't exactly what I'd call "unique" to the illness.

However, it's absolutely vital to your health to at least become better aware of the following

red flags, as it could be a life-threatening condition if not properly cared for.

1.You Have The Worst Stomach Pain.

Personally, I'd be really thrown off by this one because, as someone who struggles with

IBS on the reg, how my stomach is feeling varies from day to day.

According to Healthline, however, the abdominal pain you experience when your appendix is

just about ready to burst is unlike any stomachache you've ever, well, stomached.

See, the appendix ruptures in response to severe inflammation, and when your appendix

is angry and super swollen, it starts to "irritate the lining of the abdominal wall," leading

to horrible pain in the right lower part of the abdomen.

Because this pain feels like your typical stomachache at the beginning of appendicitis,

it's often overlooked, so you might want to evaluate if your tummy issues are because

of the bad sushi you ate the night before, or something a little more serious.

2.You Feel Feverish.

High body temperatures are another tell-tale sign of a burst appendix, so the next time

you assume a fever and chills is just a passing cold, consider this fun (or scary) fact.

Appendicitis can cause your body temperature to raise to anywhere between 99 and 100.5

degrees Fahrenheit, and a fever greater than 101 degrees is a red flag that the appendix

has already ruptured.

3.Nausea And Vomiting.

Not even Pepto-Bismol can get you out of this one, friends.

Unlike the heinous abdominal pain that can occur during appendicitis, feelings of nausea

probably won't be as severe.

Take note of your appetite during this time.

If you're suddenly uninterested in food, and mild nausea and/or vomiting continues for

a few days or so (in addition to lower-right abdominal pain), gastroenterologist Michael

Payne, MD, told this means you should seek medical attention ASAP.

4.You Have The Painful Urge To Pee Constantly.

One of the most common symptoms of appendicitis involves experiencing a painful urge to pee,

and if you've ever had a UTI, then you know the feeling I'm talking about.

When an inflamed appendix comes in contact with the bladder, your urinary tract can also

become inflamed, resulting in the dire need to pee.

Unfortunately, doing your thang in the bathroom will hardly bring you any relief.

The peeing process itself in this situation is extremely painful, but oh so necessary.

5.Uncontrollable Diarrhea.

You know that "gotta go" feeling?

Diarrhea or, on the flip side, constipation, can both be signs of appendicitis.

This is said to happen to one in five people who suffer from the illness, so it's not a

guaranteed red flag to watch for, but it's definitely something to keep in the back of

your mind.

6.You Have Major Brain Fog.

Consider this one a giant red flag violently waving in front of your face.

If, on top of any of the prior mentioned symptoms, you're experiencing a noticeable amount of

mental disorientation, there's a good chance the infection has entered your bloodstream.

When anything feels even slightly off in the brain, you should always reach out to a medical

professional to figure out whether or not your body's sending out an SOS, or just feeling

under the weather.

Bottom line: If you're feeling the fog, don't hesitate to seek help immediately.

For more infomation >> 6 Signs Of Appendicitis That Can Easily Be Missed If You're Not Careful - Duration: 5:30.


Le petit robot perdu (Little lost robot) (1962) - Duration: 51:18.

For more infomation >> Le petit robot perdu (Little lost robot) (1962) - Duration: 51:18.





Maine Coon, el gato más espectacular - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Maine Coon, el gato más espectacular - Duration: 3:29.



For more infomation >> GABY HARVEY


6 Everyday Ways Science Protects You from Your Poop - Duration: 11:52.


Look. We all poop, but pretty much nobody wants to deal with it.

We don't want to touch it, smell it, look at it...

And there's a really good reason for that.

While your own poop probably won't hurt you, many serious diseases, like cholera, typhoid,

and polio, are all caused by microbes in human waste.

Thankfully, most of us are relatively protected from them and enjoy convenient, clean pooping

experiences -- but it's only because of the unsung heroes of your bathroom.

You probably don't think about them much, but these little pieces of technology are

hard at work every day, protecting you from your own waste -- and everyone else's.

Here are six of them.

It may not get lots of fame and glory, but the flush toilet is a kind of modern masterpiece.

Think about it: There's no more, like, walking out into the cold outhouse in the dark, no

stinky chamber pots tucked under the bed.

You can poop in the comfort of your own home, and it's magically whisked away down a pipe

and into the sewer or the septic tank.

The toilet may be one of the greatest inventions ever, and much of its success is thanks to

a little-known hero: the S-bend.

If it hadn't been created, your bathroom -- and probably the rest of your house -- would

be filled with… like, just some nasty sewage stink.

The S-bend was patented in 1775 by Alexander Cumming, who was also the first to patent

a flush toilet design.

Despite the common misconception, it was not Thomas Crapper -- as great as that would be.

Today, your toilet probably has a differently shaped pipe, called a U-bend, since it's

less likely to jam up.

But the technology works the same way.

Water settles into the bend in the pipe, also known as the trap, and it blocks stinky sewage

gases from moving up the pipe and out of your toilet.

When you flush, a large volume of water rushes from the cistern, or tank, into the toilet


It pushes the water in the trap up and over the bend, ultimately creating a siphon that

sucks the waste out of your toilet and down the pipe.

Then, the water in the bowl and trap is gradually replaced as the cistern refills.

And all those smelly gases are kept exactly where they belong: not in your house.

Even if the ingenious bend in your pipes prevents sewer gases from wafting into your home, you

probably create some stink all by yourself.

Nobody's poop smells like roses, but when your roommate walks into the bathroom right

after you were in there, you may kind of wish it did.

That's where corporate America came in.

Science and entrepreneurs teamed up to create toilet spray, a solution for your stink.

Just spray it into the bowl before you go, and your problems are supposedly solved.

This spray works by creating a little oil slick on the surface of the water in your

toilet bowl.

This oil acts as a barrier between the toilet water and the air, trapping smelly molecules

so they don't stink up the bathroom.

There are several commercial brands -- like Poo-purri, V.I.

Poo, and Just a Drop -- as well as homemade versions.

But they all contain basically the same main ingredients: essential oils, alcohol, and

glycerine or soap.

The essential oils create the barrier and provide the pleasant odor.

And the glycerin or soap, as well as the alcohol, act as surfactants and help the oily and watery

ingredients mix.

Officially, the watery and oily molecules are called hydrophilic and hydrophobic, respectively.

And they don't like to mingle.

Surfactants can make them mix because those molecules have both hydrophilic and hydrophobic


They essentially hold hands with the oil and the water, allowing things to blend and keeping

everything from separating in the spray bottle.

There's no shame in your number two, but your roommate might thank for you for applying

one of these scented spritzes before you…

go make your deposit.

No matter whether you live by yourself or with a bunch of roommates, you should probably

still be using another simple, important feature of your toilet: the lid.

It's not just there to prevent things from falling in or for aesthetic reasons: It serves

an important sanitary purpose.

Putting the lid down before you flush prevents the dreaded toilet plume!

It's a real thing!

Ah—toilet plumes, they occur during flushing.

When water rushes into the toilet bowl, tiny droplets of liquid, which contain microbes

from your waste, are blown out and start floating around the air.

Which nobody wants.

Get ready to, you know, clutch your pearls here: one study found that the bacterium Clostridium

difficile, which can cause diarrhea and severe colon inflammation, was suspended in air up

to 90 minutes after flushing!

And other studies have shown that norovirus -- a highly contagious cause of vomiting,

diarrhea, and general misery -- can also end up floating around there and eventually settling

on surfaces in your bathroom… like your toothbrush.

So, for the sake of humanity, put a lid on it!

Of course, if you're using a public toilet, these don't usually have lids.

According to at least one toilet maker, that's because people don't want to touch them,

and it's one more part to clean.

They also would block those fancy auto-flush sensors.

Still, the seat is probably the least of your worries.

Public toilets are frequently cleaned -- at least, hopefully -- and the skin on your butt

is a pretty good barrier to microbes.

So you'll probably be fine.

The bigger risk is getting microbes on your hands.

So handling those fancy toilet seat covers, or fashioning your own out of toilet paper,

is probably not a great idea, since these paper supplies are prime targets for the toilet plume.

Instead, some experts just recommend washing your hands thoroughly on the way out.

And I will look at you… if you don't.

Like this.

Now, you can take all kinds of precautions in your home to avoid your waste.

But what about when you're in public and there isn't a bathroom around?

Enter the chemical toilet -- also known as the porta-potty.

The porta-potty is nobody's favorite, but without them, outdoor festivals, construction

sites, and large road races would get pretty messy pretty fast.

These toilets are basically just big plastic closets full of poo, but they're still designed

so that you can think about your waste as little as possible.

That's primarily thanks to that mysterious blue stuff in the tank.

Among other things, this liquid contains a biocide -- something like gluteraldehyde or

helpful, non-smelly bacteria -- to kill the microbes in poop that create stink.

Other porta-potties used to use formaldehyde for this, but formaldehyde is actually pretty

toxic if you come into contact with it, like in the event of a dreaded splash back.

Today's blue stuff also contains fragrance to mask odors -- because there will be odors

-- and a surfactant to make everything mix together.

But why is that stuff always blue?

Well, it's mostly for aesthetics.

It helps hides the waste in the tank so you're not treated to an up close and personal view

of other people's poop.

It also serves a crude indicator of when the tank needs to be emptied.

When there is too much waste in there, the blue fluid turns green.

So how do they make that happen?

Well, it's not fancy chemical reactions.

There's also yellow stuff going in there, and yellow and blue make green.

It's just… just art class y'all.

So if you see the liquid in the porta-potty tank is green, you probably should use a different

one if there's one available.

But your nose also will probably have told you that.

Thankfully, airplanes do not have water-filled flush toilets.

If they did, turbulence would get nasty real fast.

For a while, though, we didn't actually have a good alternative.

In the early days of flying, planes had a slop bucket, and World War II pilots often

had to pee in bottles.

I don't know about you, but these both sound like a nightmare on a commercial flight.

Until the mid-1980s, most airliners used what was essentially a porta-potty with a pump-powered

flushing mechanism.

And it pushed the blue fluid into the bowl and then flushed the waste down into a holding tank.

But this system had some major drawbacks.

First, to accommodate all that flushing, planes had to carry hundreds of gallons of the blue

solution, which adds a lot of weight and reduces fuel efficiency.

Second, these systems had a habit of leaking.

And if you ever heard of the dreaded blue ice falling from the sky, this is where that

came from.

If the waste managed to leak onto the exterior of the plane, it would freeze, because at

9000 meters the air temperature is around -50°C.

Then, as the plane started to descend towards the airport, this blue poo-sicle would begin

to melt and detach from the plane -- which is not only gross but actually dangerous.

Even a relatively small chunk falling from a height generates a lot of force.

Blue ice falling off of descending airplanes is known to have torn through the roof of

a house and smashed a car.

This isn't a made-up thing!

It actually happened.

And then you have to call your insurance company and be like, "I don't know man, it's

just a chunk of blue stuff and poop.

It's on my car.

I don't—I don't—I don't know how to explain it!"

Thankfully, most planes nowadays use a fluid free system called a vacuum toilet.

Now, when you flush the toilet on a plane, a pump generates suction to pull the waste

into the holding tank.

A special non-stick coating on the toilet bowl also makes sure there's a relatively

clean exit, all without the need for a lot of fluid.

While it may make a terrifying sound, the vacuum toilet has made planes much more fuel


And it's made living near an airport a lot less terrifying.

Now once you flush, you probably don't think much about your poop.

But even if it's no longer a problem for you personally, collectively, it's a big problem.

We humans create large volumes of waste, and for the sake of public health -- and our noses

-- it needs to be processed before it goes back into the world.

We've talked sewage treatment on SciShow before, but the real heroes in this process

are the microbes.

After the garbage and some other solids are filtered out of sewage, microorganisms are

put to work breaking down the leftover organic matter.

In other words, they feast on your poo.

Sewage treatment plants are a virtual microbe zoo, with hundreds of different species enjoying

that smorgasbord: bacteria, of course, but also fungi, protozoans, rotifers, and nematodes.

A lot of these microbes are already in your waste when it arrives at the plant, or they

could come in from the surrounding environment.

Many treatment plants even seed their sludge with a bit of microbe-filled sewage, too.

They use it kind of like a sourdough bread starter, if you're okay with that analogy. [DING]

The treatment process provides the beneficial microbes with ideal conditions in terms of

temperature, aeration, and acidity so they can do their job most efficiently.

Then, before all that waste goes into the environment, the microbes are killed off -- which

makes sense.

But someday, scientists might have another use for them, too.

See, all this waste processing requires a lot of electricity.

So some teams are trying to take advantage of those sewage microbes and turn them into a battery.

It's called a microbial fuel cell.

When cells -- including bacterial ones -- convert food into energy, they do it using something

called the electron transport chain.

They essentially shuttle electrons around.

The idea behind a microbial fuel cell is to stick some bacteria in a chamber, keep stuffing

them with sewage, and collect the ions and electrons that spill out.

Then, as those charged particles flow through a wire, they create an electric current that

can be stored in a battery.

This technology is still being developed, and it remains to be seen if it can work on

the huge scale of a municipal sewage treatment plant, but that's still pretty slick.

Using technology to protect you from your waste is an easy place to start a joke, but

it's also kind of a big deal.

Lack of basic sanitation is linked to at least 280,000 deaths per year.

And the United Nations reports that one of biggest factors determining child survival

worldwide is sewage disposal.

The good news is, we're making progress.

But if you're a lucky person with access to a fancy U-bend toilet and modern sanitation,

don't take it for granted!

The science that protects your from your poop makes your life more pleasant and probably

longer, too!

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!

You might spend a lot of your time and energy avoiding your waste, but animals have found

some pretty clever ways to put theirs to work.

Like, we're talkin' poop shields.

You can learn about them -- and five other ways animals use their poop -- in our episode

all about that.


For more infomation >> 6 Everyday Ways Science Protects You from Your Poop - Duration: 11:52.


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For more infomation >> 最新突发消息!重兵压境之下,伊朗求购千枚鹰击反舰导弹,白宫:最好别卖 - Duration: 3:49.


✅ Γιώργος Σαμαράς – Κωνσταντίνα Κομμάτα: Έτοιμοι να ανέβουν τα σκαλιά της εκκλησίας; | News | fthis. - Duration: 1:23.

Τον παραμυθένιο τους έρωτα απολαμβάνουν, ο Γιώργος Σαμαράς και η Κωνσταντίνα Κομμάτα! Το ζευγάρι το οποίο αποφεύγει να μιλά για την προσωπική του ζωή, πραγματοποιεί συχνά ταξίδια στο εξωτερικό, μιας και οι επαγγελματικές υποχρεώσει του ποδοσφαιριστή, θέλουν τον ίδιο εκτός Ελλάδος

Σύμφωνα με την εφημερίδα Real Life, δεν αποκλείεται τους επόμενους μήνες να έχουμε ευχάριστα νέα για το ζευγάρι, αφού ο ποδοσφαιριστής και η ηθοποιός ενδέχεται να ανέβουν τα σκαλιά της εκκλησίας

«Στο πλευρό του Γιώργου νιώθει πρωτόγνωρα συναισθήματα. Είναι τρελά ερωτευμένη μαζί του

Δεν είναι τυχαίο ότι άφησε στην άκρη την καριέρα της και τον ακολουθεί παντού. Σύντομα θα ακούσουμε ευχάριστα νέα», αποκάλυψε πρόσωπο από το περιβάλλον του ζευγαριού στην εφημερίδα, Real Life

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