Agent Coyote, this is headquarters.
Do you copy?
Yes sir, I do.
And Agent Little Dick. Do you copy?
Agent What?!
Agent Little Dick.
[MAGYAR FELIRAT] George Carlin - A vallás - Duration: 10:24.-------------------------------------------
OUTLAST 2 Walkthrough Gameplay Part 3 - PC outlast 2 let's play - Duration: 23:16.OUTLAST 2 Walkthrough Gameplay Part 3 - PC outlast 2 let's play
OUTLAST 2 Walkthrough Gameplay Part 3 - PC outlast 2 let's play
OUTLAST 2 Walkthrough Gameplay Part 3 - PC outlast 2 let's play
OUTLAST 2 Walkthrough Gameplay Part 3 - PC outlast 2 let's play
OUTLAST 2 Walkthrough Gameplay Part 3 - PC outlast 2 let's play
OUTLAST 2 Walkthrough Gameplay Part 3 - PC outlast 2 let's play
Pes6 | The game is Not Properly installed. | Hatası | - Duration: 1:47.-------------------------------------------
Boulevard Toyota: L'occasion de mai 2017 - Duration: 0:07.-------------------------------------------
MAY or MIGHT? - Duration: 9:20.Hi. I'm Gill at
and today the lesson is about the two words "may" and "might",
and I know these can be a little bit confusing because they are connected. "May" and "might"
come from the same verb, but it's a rather strange verb that is only used in certain
ways. So, I'm just going to give you a few examples to show how these words are actually
used in sentences and in different situations.
So, starting with "may", which as you know, is also the name of a month, it can be a woman's
name, but it's also a verb. And it's used in two main different ways. It's used to express
something that is possible, a possibility of something happening; and it can also be
used differently to ask permission in a polite way, to say: "May I do something?" It's more
polite than saying: "Can I" or "Could I". "Could I" is polite, "Can I" is less polite,
but "May I" is the really nice, polite way of asking for something.
Okay, so let's have a look first of all at "may" used to express something possible,
a possibility. So, first of all: I've lost my gloves. I can't find my gloves that go
on my hands. So I say to my friend:
"Oh, I can't find my gloves." And my friend replies:
"Do you think you may have dropped them in the street?"
Okay. So I was walking through
the street with my friend, we have arrived home.
"Do you think you may have dropped them in the street? Is that possible that you dropped them somewhere?"
So, that's possibility. Okay.
And again, going out again, so in this colder weather, my friend says:
"You'd better take a coat - it may get cold later."
If we're going out in the daytime, but we're going
to be out in the evening as well when it gets colder, so: "You'd better take a coat." Good
advice. "Take a coat. It may get cold later." It's possible it will get cold later and you'll
need to put your coat on. Okay?
And then finally for these examples of what is possible, I say to my friend:
"Was that John who just walked by? Someone walked by, was that John?" And my friend replies:
"It may have been. I'm not sure."
Because my friend didn't really see. It may have been, but I'm
not really sure. So, possibly. Possibly it was John. I'm not 100% sure. Okay, so those
are three examples of this first meaning of "may".
And then just two examples of asking permission using "may" in a polite way. If I don't have
a pen, I can say to someone:
"May I borrow your pen, please?"
Okay. "To borrow" is just to have for a short time, use it, give it back. Okay.
"May I borrow your pen, please?"
That's all very polite. "May I", "please". Okay?
And then finally, somebody asks you a question and it's maybe quite a complicated thing.
You can't decide. They invite you to something, you can't decide: Yes, no, not sure. You need
to think about it. So, you reply:
"I can't decide at the moment - may I have a few days to think about it?"
Okay? And hopefully the other person is willing to give you time to
think. It might be a very serious decision, so: "May I have a few days? Give me some time
to think about it." Okay, so that's the two main meanings for "may". We'll now move on
to look at "might".
Okay, so moving on to "might". It's similar in a way, similar to the first meaning of
"may", meaning possible. Okay? But the feeling with "might" is that it's a little bit less
likely to be true. It's more remote, less possible. There's more doubt about it. Okay?
Just slightly more doubt. So let's have a look at some examples. Okay, so I might say:
"I don't feel well." And my friend might say:
"Oh dear - do you think it might be something you've eaten?
Some food you've eaten. Do you think it might be, possibly?"
With some doubt.
Maybe she cooked the dinner so she doesn't want to think it was anything she cooked.
So: "Do you think it might be?" Okay?
Another example, someone asks:
"Where are you going for your holidays?"
And I might reply: "We haven't decided yet, but we might go to Italy."
It's possible, possible, but
not definite. "We might go to Italy."
Another example, you're waiting for your friend to arrive, Anna.
"Anna hasn't arrived yet - do you think she might have forgotten?"
the arrangement to meet. "Do you think she might have forgotten?"
It's not... It's not like her to forget, so there's a lot of doubt
there. "She might have forgotten, but mm." Okay?
And finally, one of the buses I sometimes travel on is a number 54. Okay? And but because I'm...
Can't see very well, if the bus is coming from a long way away I can't see the
number until it's nearer, so I might say to someone else waiting: "Is that a 54 bus coming?"
And they could reply:
"Mm..." They can't see the number either. "It might be - I can't see the number yet."
So, there were four different buses, it might be, it might be a 54, but
it could be one of three other possible ones. Okay.
And then just one final little note about the use of the word "may" with the word "be".
People tend to get this confused. Even English, native English speakers don't understand this.
So, "maybe", if you say "maybe" and if you write it as one word it means "perhaps". Again,
it's the idea of what's possible. Perhaps. Maybe.
-"Will we go to see a film tomorrow?"
-"Maybe. Maybe." Which means perhaps, it's possible. But if you have a sentence which says:
"It may be raining tomorrow", that is two words, "may", "be", two words.
"It may be raining tomorrow", so it doesn't mean perhaps. You can't say: "It perhaps raining tomorrow."
That doesn't work in English.
Okay, so I hope that lesson about "may" and "might" has been helpful. If you'd like to
go to the website,, there is a quiz on this subject which I hope you would like
to try. And if you've found this lesson helpful, please subscribe to my channel on YouTube.
And so, that's all for now. Hope to see you again soon.
Sajjan a un problème avec la vérité - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
Kissing without underwear!? - Y7W (65) English subtitles - Duration: 2:46.-------------------------------------------
Here's My Canada: My home and our home - Duration: 0:31.Here is my Canada. Canada is my home. I met
my wife here in Canada, and we just got
married this year.
Canada is our home, and home to all
immigrants from Africa, Asia, Europe, North
America, South America, Australia and
Antarctica. People here love, respect and
help each other.
2005-2014 Mustang MMD Battery Cover Review & Install - Duration: 2:16.Hey, guys.
Stephanie with, here with an overview and an install of this battery
cover from MMD for all 2005 to 2014 Mustangs.
In this video, we're gonna talk about the materials and construction of this battery
cover, and we'll talk about the install as well.
I'll talk in more detail about the install later on, but this is an easy install, and
I'm gonna call it a one out of three wrenches in the difficulty meter.
The MMD battery cover is gonna be for the Mustang owners out there that still have a
factory or factory-sized battery that are looking for a way to clean up the under-hood
appearance of the battery area.
This battery cover is gonna cover the battery and some of the wiring to make for a cleaner
appearance under the hood.
Now, this is a small piece, but it does have an impact, in my opinion, and you can see
that in the before and after shots.
The cover does have the Ford-licensed Mustang lettering right across the top and a textured
matte black finish.
This is made from ABS plastic so it is gonna be a durable piece that can live under the
hood and hold up over time, but that also means that you can paint it if you want to
and add a little bit more customization, but just be aware that it does have that textured
finish to it so it's not a smooth plastic.
This cover is gonna cost just over $50.
Now, it is an official licensed product due to that Mustang lettering, so if you're thinking
this is a touch expensive, just know that official Ford products usually have a little
bit of a higher price tag to them.
When it comes to the install, you can expect to spend about 15 minutes getting this on
your car, and it's gonna be a one out of three wrenches in the difficulty meter.
One of the pluses of this cover is the fact that it is so easy to install.
You need to remove the two plastic factory cowl screw clips, cut the supplied Velcro
to length, clean them out in surface area with the supplied alcohol prep pad, and align
the cover before you press it down.
You wanna make sure that the mounting holes are lined up before applying the Velcro.
Once the Velcro is on, you just snap the clips back into place, and you're good to go.
Wrapping things up here with the MMD battery cover, this is a matte black ABS plastic battery
cover with a textured finish and the official Ford-licensed Mustang lettering across the
You can check it out more online right here at
ROTARY CLUB DE FLORES. - Duration: 2:43.-------------------------------------------
Overwatch Orisa Guide In-depth - Part 2 Teamplay and Synergies | Tips Tricks Advice Season 4 - Duration: 14:34.Hello guys, welcome to the dojo!
This is our second in-depth video about Orisa.
This video is going to explain how to use her in a team, and how to play against her.
You are going to see her synergies as we explain all potential combos with the characters.
Make sure that you watch our previous episode about her mechanics and abilities in-depth.
Let's get to it!
Orisa is an anchor tank.
This means that she wants all teammates to play around her most of the time.
This allows her to use the abilities to their fullest potential.
Being an anchor tank does not mean however that she should be in the front line soaking
up damage.
She needs a little more tricky play style.
Thus, the best way to play her is with a main tank like Reinhardt in slow comps or a Winston
in dive setups.
You should never consider her a front liner, the only exception is KOTH maps.
When there is no shield in front of her, and the teams are on an equal footing, she is
going to die.
She can't withstand as much punishment as Reinhardt and does not want to draw all the
attention of the enemy team.
You need to understand this to be able to play well in a team where Orisa is present.
You can expect players who do not really know how to play her to pump out damage with Orisa,
while throwing shields into choke points.
We are going to see this is not how she should be played.
You can still use her shield to your advantage, just note that it will go down really quickly.
If she goes in head front and dies, try to stay behind her bulk as much as possible,
doing your job.
If she is played in a dive comp, pay attention to where she puts the shield and play around
that position.
Okay, we are finally ready to discuss the play style that is needed to be a good Orisa
player and add value to the team.
You can consider Orisa as a support tank, someone who enables great plays using abilities
Osia can be surprisingly good in attacking scenarios, in both slow and dive compositions.
The idea here is to provide both defensive utility and raw damage to the team.
She can stay behind a Reinhardt for example and pump damage into the enemy shield, allowing
for an easier push into the choke of the attackers.
Here is a checklist with your priorities: Stick around your main tank.
Do not lose sight of him.
Help him stay alive.
Place the shield in a way that helps to regenerate his own shield, pull away anyone who is hurting
him, etc.
Help to break the enemy shields with your damage.
Your full clip does 1800 damage, that's nearly enough to break a Reinhardt shield
in itself.
Pull targets together so your DPS can do their work.
Pull them away from shields and down from high grounds.
Avoid standing still, and fight prolonged battles in chokes.
Try to push in and gain some ground, so your teammates can come in with you.
Place your supercharger to a position where you have some kind of cover.
Always have a shield ready to protect it from frontal damage.
Flankers will come for it, pull them away and body block as much as needed.
Defensive play is Orisa's stronger side.
As she is able to camp and build nests with her teammates, the only thing to pay attention
to is not to be too predictable.
Checklist: You can be a main tank in some defensive scenarios.
Make sure to use the terrain to your advantage and shield dance.
Do not get picked, better safe than sorry.
Use the shield to cut the enemy back line from the front line when they are charging
You can deny healing and force the supports to play closer to the front line.
Your DPS can use that easily.
Use halt to split engaging enemies.
Let the ball float past the front line and pull away the back line.
This divide and conquer tactic works very well with Orisa team comps.
The supercharger has a long range, but it is stationary.
Make sure to use it in the beginning of a big fight, so you get the most value out of
As you are playing in the front line, try to step back, place and shield it and get
back to the fight.
Orisa is good on all maps, but the weakest game type is payload maps.
Defending is better as you can set up defensive positions, but attacking does not really favor
Orisa's play style.
If you want to pick her still, make sure that you place the shield on the payload and play
around that with a slow comp, or help the divers by pulling enemies and placing shields
into the enemy team for added protection.
Place the supercharger on the rear side of the payload if you don't see a better position.
Now we get to the part where we inspect Orisa's place in a team environment.
You can play every hero in every situation, however it is good to know when she is the
At the time of writing, Orisa is still not part of the meta.
Pro players do not really use her, so the community is still a bit afraid when they
have to play with her in a team.
If you like the play style of the caretaker tank, who provides a lot of utility and dynamic
protection for your team, but still able to do a lot of damage, Orisa is a good pick.
She can be a strong alternative to other off tanks, and has a really nice synergy with
You can deal a lot of damage, help in situations where your team can not advance.
We would suggest picking Orisa when you have good combo potentials.
She alone won't be able to make a difference, there are better picks when you can not depend
on your teammates.
However, she can enable really great plays with the right teammates.
She can be safely picked blindly in the beginning.
If you get hard countered however, change to a better alternative.
Some example lineups where she can excel: Example lineups
Reinhardt / Orisa / Genji / Soldier / Ana / Lucio
Play with Rein, pull enemies close to allow for some free hammer swings.
Pull targets to you and help your team with damage.
When Genji ults, pull the enemies together for an easy wipe.
Reinhardt / Orisa / Roadhog / Hanzo / Zenyatta / Lucio
Help your DPS position to high grounds or where there is line of sight of the enemy
Pull targets into the open.
Place your supercharger behind your bulky frontline and wreak havoc.
Winston / Orisa / Genji / Pharah / Mercy / Ana Help Winston by throwing the shield to the
high ground and pulling enemies together.
Protect Pharah from harassment by placing the shield on the enemy.
You can do a lot of damage while they are focusing others.
What role does Orisa fill Should be clear by now that she is a secondary
support tank with more DPS than others.
She does not have a pick potential like Roadhog, but can provide consistent damage to the team.
Her presence can be really frightening if the enemy does not have the raw firepower
to deal with shields.
Let's discuss some good character combinations.
You can use this knowledge when you are playing solo, to complement a good teammate, or play
with a premade to use these combos.
She can hack Orisa, making a big and slow dummy for everyone to charge their ultimates
Sombra's ult is really devastating in Orisa lineups.
She can come to Orisa up close and personal to unload a clip and fall back to safety with
We suggest swapping when there is a good Sombra around.
She can avoid your shield by taking control of high grounds and kill you in 3 headshots.
If you are not able to position yourself behind shields, you will have a really hard time
staying alive.
Soft counters
Same as Widowmaker, but it is harder to hit Orisa with Hanzo.
However 2 good shots will make quick work of her.
Orisa is slow, and while she is providing good protection to the backline, it's not
her best thing to do.
Tracer can blink around and charge her ultimate quickly on Orisa.
If you have trouble catching her, or she is ulting too much, swap.
Same as Tracer, but he is able to harass you from a longer distance.
A good Genji can avoid being pulled by the Halt, so it can be really annoying for Orisa
to deal with.
He can also deflect the ball and combo with it to your demise if you are too predictable
with it.
Theoretically Orisa can deal with Pharah, but the projectiles from the fusion cannon
are slow and Orisa is a sitting duck when shooting to the skies.
Make sure you have someone in your team dealing with Pharah, or switch to a better alternative.
Orisa is an easy snack for Reaper.
The best thing to do is to try to pull him away, and dance around the shield, but it
is really hard to stay alive against him.
Orisa can work exceptionally well with different characters.
It is a good opportunity to pick Orisa in case you see any one of them in a team and
needing a little bit more tankiness and damage in the lineup
DPS characters
Halt is your best buddy in this setup.
Pull targets in range, wither them down and let Genji dash in dash out quickly finishing
Pulling together a team when Genji is ulting is another synergy that you can use well.
If there is no Ana in the team, your ult can substitute for the damage boost, giving Genji
(and all your other teammates) a lot easier time to deal with the opponents
Not much interaction here, McCree needs protection to be able to do his job.
Make sure your shield is ready when needs it, he can dance around it while shooting
Pull away anybody coming close to him if he has the stun on cooldown.
You can protect him with your body if needed when he ults and the shield goes down.
He can still lock the deadeye if you are in front of him.
Use halt to pull targets up in the air, so they can be direct hit with the Pharah when
they land.
Halt can also be used to pull down potential threats to Pharah from elevated positions,
making them concentrate on staying alive rather than shooting your teammate.
He can dance around your shield and benefits a lot from your ultimate.
If he is fleeing and low on health, make sure to fire a halt bubble into the enemy chasers
and hold them up.
Soldier loves playing around your shield.
Basically same as with McCree, however it is good if you know how to place your shield
to the high ground in order to protect a Soldier there.
Your shield can be placed in a way that protects Sombra when she is doing her job in the midsts
of the enemy team.
A hard trick to pull off, as you need to synchronize well with Sombra if she wants to use the shield.
Halt is like a mini graviton, any Tracer should be able to ult into it.
Good for pulling together key targets and bombing them.
She can use the shield in the same way as Sombra.
Your shield can be really good for Bastion as he changes positions a lot.
This allows your duo to put pressure to the enemy from multiple directions.
Halt can catch fleeing enemies when Bastion uses his ultimate.
Orisa's supercharger gives Bastion insane amounts of damage, a force to recon with.
A cheesy trick is to pull targets upward from behind a shield so Hanzo can one shot them.
Really hard to pull of however.
Halt can also be comboed with Hanzo's ult, make sure that you let Hanzo initiate with
the ult and pull enemies into the dragons, not the other way around.
Hanzo's ultimate moves slowly, so it is hard to sync this the other way.
Hanzo also loves shields projected to his elevated positions.
Halt is really good with him, especially with his ultimate.
While the enemies are getting sucked high up in the air by your halt ability, Mei can
quickfreeze them with ease.
Protecting him and the turret with the shield wherever he is.
Keep an eye out for his nest and help if you need to.
Shields to elevated positions and pulling targets from behinds shields so Widowmaker
can pull of a clean shot.
Shield is her friend when she dives in and tries to take targets out.
Use halt to pull enemies into the ultimate.
A very nice duo.
You can shield your way to the enemy without much trouble.
Orisa can do a lot of damage while Rein is slowly walking to the enemy.
A good combo is to pull the enemy Rein up, allowing yours to Earthshatter freely.
You can also feed Rein's ultimate py synchronizing halt with the firestrike.
He can get up close and personal or attack from good angles with your shield.
Orisa can throw her barrier forward so winston can dance around it when his dies.
Barrier can also be thrown at Snipers Winston is targeting so he can use it as a cover.
She can also use Halt to get DPS and Snipers away from Winston for a short while so he
can focus his target or jump to safety.
You two can dance around the enemies, staying alive for long periods of time.
Make sure that you two harmonize your shields and abilities, so there is always something
protecting you.
Ana will have an easy time healing you and getting her ultimate fed.
If you are able to soak damage, Ana can get a really quick nanoboost.
Then you can do a lot of damage and place supercharger early for a quick team wipe.
Make sure you protect your wardrum.
The speed is really good for Orisa when you want to jump the enemy and pump damage to
their heads.
Mercy can use your big bulk to stay alive.
Your halt is also a good for protecting her from flankers.
Pull enemies in the range of turret nests.
They will never know what happened.
Same as Mercy.
Shoot targets
with orb for quick kills.
What you need to know about the only bill that must pass - Duration: 1:54.We're finally to the last stage of the budget.
The Senate passed a budget, worked out their details.
The House passed its own budget, worked out their details.
And then they have a thing called a 'conference committee' – 5 members from the House,
5 members from the Senate.
They sit down and hammer things out.
They actually have a 3-column thing with the House budget, the Senate budget and the blank
that says what they settled on and they go line by line through the budget.
The biggest difference is on where they get the money that they're going to spend.
The Senate comes in wanting to transfer some money from sales taxes to highway fund.
They can shift $2.5 billion just by delaying this payment into the next budget year.
The House doesn't like that.
They call it "Enron style" accounting.
They have their own trick. They'd like to hit the state's Rainy Day Fund –
kind of a savings account – for $2.5 billion.
And they're also delaying a payment from the state
to its local school districts of about $1.9 billion.
When you get into the part of the budget where they're spending money, there are some
major differences in the way they would spend money on higher education.
The colleges are variously very happy about one plan or the other
or very unhappy about it.
It depends on which college and which plan you're talking about.
The house is spending a little bit more on public education, but only if they can pass
a second bill that's related to the budget that would lower a little bit of the pressure
on local property taxes.
And there's a difference on Health and Human Services spending.
The House would short sheet that spending a little bit on the idea that either the
health and human services agencies in the state will find some efficiencies or there will be time
when the legislature comes back in 2019 to patch up whatever holes there are in the budget.
It's a big complicated bill and it's one of the few pieces of legislation that members realize,
'I'm not gonna like everything in this bill, but I'm gonna like enough of it
to let it go by.'
So they kind of hold their noses and vote.
TEAM17 - Interview #2 - Tour du monde - Duration: 24:38.-------------------------------------------
Onto Adventure | Zelda: Breath of the Wild Part 11 - Duration: 47:45.I have a license to use Nintendo's content in this video through the Nintendo Creators Program. This video is not sponsored or endorsed by Nintendo, but any advertising revenue from this video will be shared with Nintendo.
RETOQUE de RETRATO BÁSICO (Lightroom) - Duration: 14:35.-------------------------------------------
Frozen Elsa CLOTHES SWAP CHALLENGE w/ Spiderman Belle Rapunzel Anna Funny Superhero in real life IRL - Duration: 10:20.Frozen Elsa CLOTHES SWAP CHALLENGE w/ Spiderman Belle Rapunzel Anna Funny Superhero in real life IRL
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Indian wedding dresses for women Flipkart amazon shopping online 785 - Duration: 0:53.Indian wedding dresses for women Flipkart amazon shopping online
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