HEY TRIPPSTERS okay Garth major announcement wait let me reword that
Garth's major disappointment huh okay I know that sounds mean and I don't care
I'm a huge huge Garth fan okay but he builds these things up and makes them so
huge that when he finally announces whatever the hell it is it ends up being
a huge disappointment and that is basically what happened in this case
they made a big deal out of oh my god he's going to make a major announcement
okay in the fence as fans we all win nuts I call my home what's coming what's
coming okay and then it turns out here's the information he is going to lend his
voice to something called Nash next 2017 it's basically a talent competition
which is always a good thing you know it's a talent competition but basically
from reading the article the only thing I see that he's going to actually do is
announce the winner okay fine but why make that big of a deal out of it
so basically his huge announcement is a huge disappointment because all it is is
oh he's going to be announcing the winner of a contest that is going to
take five months to get through so five months from now he'll be announcing
whoever the winner is that is not that big of a deal it's not something you
make a huge announcement over and that's just the way I take it okay that's just
my opinion now I will link to the actual article down below in the description
now you guys can read it and if you catch something that I missed
because now how's your not great okay but to just leave me a comment saying
more Garth is going to be you know doing this for the talent show we're that for
the talent show because if there's anything I missed I
want to know and if there was another major announcement over the last 48
hours and I missed it guys let me know okay because there was such a huge deal
made out of oh my god there's a major announcement coming from Garth you know
and then this is all it is he's going to announce the winner of a contest really
that's the huge major announcement I am truly truly disappointed I really
am because when you say huge announcement coming from Garth what the
fans expect to get is new music new box set new bundle new something not oh I'm
going to be announcing the winner of a talent show I don't care anyway and I'm
a little pissy about it because I got all excited and then it turned out to be
nothing so like I said guys if I missed something please let me know just drop
me a comment but as far as I have found this was the major announcement that
they were talking about so if anybody has any other details please let me know
so that I'll know my whole buildup wasn't just a you know huge
disappointment anyway that is going to do it for now this is ICEPETS Queen and I
am tripping out
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