Saturday, June 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Jun 3 2017


Get ready to have your mind blown.

According to an experiment led by two physicists in Australia, reality doesn�t exist.

Turn on, tune in, and drop out man, because the world as you know it is all kinds of weird,

at least on a quantum level.

The experiment raises a basic question: if there is an object, when will it decide to

behave like a particle or a wave?

The mysterious behavior of light is an example.

You can see the effect even when a light shines through two narrow slits.

Light behaves as much as a particle, passing through each slot and casting direct light

on the wall behind it and as a wave, generating a pattern of interference, resulting in more

than two stripes of light.

By deducing from common sense, the object should be a wave or a particle, regardless

of how it is measured.

However, Australian scientists have been able to demonstrate what quantum physics stands

for: how this object will be measured will define whether it has assumed a behavior of

a wave, or a particle.

At the time when John Wheeler's experiment was proposed in 1978, there was no technology

available to carry out the experiment, which had beams of light returned by mirrors.

Now, however, the attempt was recreated using one hundred helium atoms scattered in a suspended

state, known as the Bose-Einstein condensate.

Then they were ejected until only one atom remained.

Then they let the atom pass through a pair of laser beams, propagating in opposite directions,

forming a pattern as if it were a grid pattern, like a solid grid that would

disperse the light.



Nissan Micra 1.2 Mix - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Nissan Micra 1.2 Mix - Duration: 0:58.


Is Diversity Always Good For Team Performance? Empirical And Meta-Analytical Findings - Duration: 10:00.

In this video I will show that diversity is not necessarily a strength for your work team.

It is not a silver bullet, it is not the magical answer that's gonna solve all our problems.

There are some situations where certain types of diversity may be useful, but let's not

hype up diversity into something that it's not.

You disagree with me?

Watch this video.

Empirical research shows that diversity is good for productivity; empirical research

shows that diversity is bad for productivity.

So, which one is it?

If you run a company, do you want your staff to be diverse or homogenous?

Which one is better in your opinion?

And why is that?

In this video, let's take a closer look at the diversity-performance relationship.

First, let's be clear about what diversity is.

If you've got Americans, Chinese, and Germans working together in one team, that's certainly

a diverse team and this diversity is likely visible -- and it's based on nationality.

Now, another team is composed of only Americans, but some of them are young and others are

old; some are republicans and others are democrats; some are religious and others are non-religious;

some are gay others are straight; some are introverted and others are extraverted; some

are married with children and others are happy singles.

So, this second team is also highly diverse, not in terms of nationality, but in terms

of other important indicators.

So, when we talk about diversity, we need to differentiate among three kinds of diversity

-- surface level diversity: age, gender, race, nationality, ethnicity; job-related diversity:

area of expertise and function, professional history and background; and deep level diversity:

personality characters, values, and political beliefs or religious beliefs, things of that


As we will see later, these three types of diversity are related to satisfaction and

productivity in different ways.

This is because some teams can SEEM very diverse on the surface but in fact involve much deep

level similarity while others teams may seem to be homogenous on the surface but are in

fact highly diverse in terms of deep level indicators.

So, that's the first thing -- the three levels of diversity.

Second, we also need to be clear about what we mean by work performance and how it can

be measured.

And this is especially important if we want to make an EMPIRICAL argument about when diversity

is good or bad for work performance.

Researchers distinguish work performance in terms of subjective and objective measurements.

Subjective measures can be further subcategorized into employee self reports or manager ratings;

these ratings can be gathered from either inside or outside the team, in other words,

subjective performance ratings can be internal or external, and the performance rater can

be either blind to the team composition or they may know the level of diversity involved

in the team.

And this knowing or not knowing about the team composition is an important consideration

because rater bias is a key issue when it comes to diversity research.

Objective measures are more straightforward -- they are, for example, sales volumes, production

figures, or revenue numbers, things like that, things that can be directly and objectively

measured and quantified to represent performance.

So, that's the second thing -- about how performance is measured in diversity research also matters.

Third, in addition to measurement issues, we also need to take into account performance

in terms of its nature, specifically, research shows task complexity and innovation to be

of particular importance.

This is due to an inherent argument associated with why diversity matters to task performance.

Whether people are arguing for or against diversity, their arguments tend to boil down

to the core notion that diversity is a rich informational resource.

This resource can be very useful because it can enable the company to better understand

the complex market place and customer demands, or it can be counterproductive because too

much information and too many perspectives can lead to substantial disagreements and


But the argument remains -- diversity matters because it is an incredibly rich informational


So, given this line of thinking regarding diversity being an informational resource,

it is logical to assume and to have found that task complexity and the extent to which

the task involves innovation and creativity would matter to the discussion of diversity

and what kind of diversity is productive or not.

So, this is the third thing -- performance needs to be considered in terms of task complexity

and innovation levels.

So, now, having clarified these three important aspects of the diversity-performance relationship,

let's take a look at empirical findings.

As I have indicated at the beginning of this video, on the surface, the findings from empirical

studies on the diversity-performance relationship appear to be wildly inconsistent.

And the reason or that is exactly what we just talked about -- one study may have measured

surface level diversity in relation to subjective employee self report of performance whereas

another study measured deep level diversity in relation to supervisor rating of employee

work performance.

So, of course their findings would be different; it is logical that they would have found different

things and drawn different conclusions.

As a result, instead of looking at any particular empirical studies, let's take a look at meta-analyses

on the diversity-performance relationship, and there are multiple ones.

Interestingly, the findings of these meta analyses are somewhat inconsistent, too.

But for now, I believe I've found a rather definitive meta analytical study because it

is the most recent one, it is also published in a highly respectable journal, and it incorporated

all the empirical studies that the previous meta analyses used and added additional ones.

And very importantly, this article took into account everything we just talked about.

In fact, many of the things I just talked about were based on this article (instead

of the other way around).

Let's look at the most important findings of this meta analytical study.

I am just going to list out the most important findings and you can pause at any time and

read more even more closely.

SURFACE LEVEL DIVERSITY Negatively related with subjectively measured

performance Unrelated with objectively measured performance

Unrelated with high complexity task performance

JOB RELATED DIVERSITY Positively related with performance rated

by external leaders Positively related with high complexity task

performance Unrelated with internally rated performance

(either team member or leader)

DEEP LEVEL Negatively related with high complexity task


In terms of in role vs. innovative task performance:

Both surface level and job related diversity clusters positively related with innovative

performance No relationship among studies examining diversity-performance

link focusing on in role performance Job related diversity more strongly and positively

related with innovative performance than surface level diversity

So, feel free to pause here and look at these key findings more closely.

There are additional findings that the study reported which are not included here.

The most important conclusions from this meta analytical study are the following.

Key conclusions:


Subjective self-report measures of performance are problematic.

Some of the misperceptions we had with regard to diversity's effect on performance can in

fact be attributed to the issue of subjective measures of performance.

For instance, researchers had long held the opinion that surface level diversity was bad

for performance.

That's not because previous meta analytical findings were incorrect, but rather, that's

because of rater biases.

When we separate out the sources of performance ratings like this Van Dijk et al. study did,

it became clear that surface level diversity essentially had no bearing on objectively

rated performance.

All this indicates that objective performance ratings are more accurate, and when objective

ratings are hard to come by, external performance ratings provided by individuals blind to the

work team composition are more reliable than performance raters who are aware of the team

composition as that has also been found to tend to bias the performance ratings.


With greater task complexity, job related diversity, not surface level diversity, is

more beneficial for performance.

This 2012 meta analysis found task complexity to be a moderator for the diversity-performance


This meta analysis found that the only positive relationship with performance was for job

related diversity in complex tasks.

And this is possibly because job-related diversity functioned as a rich informational resource

which is necessary and beneficial for complex tasks.


Diversity is more positively related with innovative rather than in role performance.

This is also in line with the informational resources proposition in that the rich informational

resources of diversity are particularly relevant for creative and innovative behaviors and

processes at work.

In fact, the diverse perspectives and opinions driven by all levels of diversity appear to

be helpful for stimulating out-of-the box thinking.

However, it is important to note that diversity's effect on in role performance is weaker in

comparison to innovative performance.

So, once again, to sum up -- these are the most important take-aways: subjective performance

ratings are likely to be biased, surface level diversity has little bearing on performance;

job related diversity is the type of diversity which appears to be the most useful for complex

and innovative performances, but not so much for in role performance.

Now, on a different but related subject -- I made several other videos about teambuilding,

many people seem to think teambuilding is magical, it's going to solve all team problems

and increase performance.

Well, that is not true.

And the same goes for diversity.

Diversity is not the magical answer to all team problems, it is not a silver bullet,

but at the same time, it needs not be a problem as long as it is properly managed.

Effective team performance depends on a large number of factors, no amount of diversity,

or teambuilding for that matter, can replace genuine talents and qualifications, strong

motivation and desire for success, proper guidance, management, leadership, as well

as attractive compensation, rewards, and benefits.

So, let's not hype diversity up into something it simply is not.

This video discusses empirical and meta analytical findings on the diversity-performance relationship.

It is not to be taken out of context.

Diversity serves many greater values and purposes in organizations and societies other than

improving task performances per se.

This presentation specifically focused on employee diversity-performance relationship

in work organizations.

For more infomation >> Is Diversity Always Good For Team Performance? Empirical And Meta-Analytical Findings - Duration: 10:00.


Volvo S40 1.6 D S/S Advantage,Clima&Cruise control - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Volvo S40 1.6 D S/S Advantage,Clima&Cruise control - Duration: 0:55.


Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I ASPIRATION Automaat - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I ASPIRATION Automaat - Duration: 0:41.


Audi A4 1.8 TFSI S-Edition B&O audio 125KW AVANT Automaat. - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Audi A4 1.8 TFSI S-Edition B&O audio 125KW AVANT Automaat. - Duration: 1:02.



can happen okay don't you can see the grill marks. Hello you guys and welcome

back to another vivian tries! welcome back to my

channel today I have for you guess what? a copper product but this was different

in probably not what you're thinking it's not a pant it's not a cup it's not

a tray it's not a cookie sheet well it's kind of similar to what a cookie she can

do it is it is this thing baked and grill copper mat and this one is by

copper chef and the infomercial is really interesting because he puts all

kinds of things on here they don't fall through the grill and they took

perfectly with those perfect grill marks what I'm looking for today are the

perfect grill marks because we're inside righty what's right in front of me is my

indoor grill you guys are used to seeing it back there but I moved it up here

today so that we can use it with this guy because it is pouring down we bring

out time today so I have no choice I had to improvise because I had to get a

video out for you guys so we're going to test it on my indoor grill what I really

want to find out is we're going to get those beautiful grill marks just as

promised in the infomercial I'm not only going to test this copper chef girl that

I'm going to put it up against this guy both of these going up against each

other one on each side of my indoor grill and I even thought life hacks oh

just aluminum foil do the same thing the idea is that this little mat will

prevent food from falling through the grill it'll cook it just as well and

you're going to get beautiful grill marks like you were cooking directly on

the grill won't aluminum foil do that I think so I'm pretty sure this does say

that you can use it for baking as well in your oven which is COO it's also

nonstick the aluminum foil is not nonstick

we have to spray it with something still won't the aluminum foil do the same

thing when you're on top so what do I have today to test on this grill mat you

asked I have beautiful tray I put together in the infomercial he talked

about a hot dog he even flipped over a piece of grilled

cheese and then we have some sweet peppers Elizabeth what's in here do I

get a special gift oh it's like a ring I guess when you're

done with it need to store it that's smart

I like it I like it ooh I love the color it's colored duh dum dum you look how

pretty that is yeah and that copper color is not we get

two of them so far I'm loving it guys know I love my copper product the guy

just looks just like a regular black like plastic they're not plastic and you

throw me that so okay this one feels like a taro that's what

this one goes like okay so we have the copper versus well we have all kinds of

colors we also have the aluminum foil float so cool all those colors so I have

the copper chef I have just a regular I don't know how much I paid for this

black one couple bucks and now I have the aluminum foil one side of the grill

I'm going to put the black one on the other side I'm gonna put this guy one of

each of the ingredients will motherf*cker it's hot

don't touch the grill one on this side and one on this side boom perfect

is it hot oh yeah flow is really hot we're going to start with our weenie dog

we're gonna see uh I forgot some utensils so we're going to put them like

this one oh I hear it sizzling you guys hear it okay okay I just fuckin moves

down what is come on grill marks I just want to see some

grill marks on these guys I was going to cut them if I cut them that we can't see

the grill mark he's actually grilling some cheese in the infomercial and you

he flips it over and so thought I wanna try that. Then he said something about an egg. I can't remember

being the infomercial he had an egg I think he did how hot dogs come over for

our dogs guys oh my go ahead put these on here as well one on each side one right

here, press it down and one right here okay I think I'm ready to slip let's do the

weenies first we're going to be just flat first oh it's stuck real are you

guys see that look at that let's do the copper chef's side ready whip it over

hey babe with almost identical now time for the sweet peppers turn this guy over

little bitty grill marks one two three go Oh what was happening here wasn't

impressed the black grill mat seems to be working just as well as this red

copper one and man smells like grilled hot dogs in here smell yum smells like a

barbecue. okay this just little weenie right here just moved on his own it just

kind of flipped. look its still you guys see? its alive.

hell off look it's moving anger that's sometime motherf*cking what it doesn't

kind of witchcraft you guys see that looks like the dark side is pulling it

over saying come to me come to the dark side what is happening with this weenie

look it's you're moving I'm not even touching it

it's moving on its own it's saying get me off of dammit red copper chef sh*t

put me over to the dark side give me what they say I'm just I am I've

heard that whoo look at those of am gonna flip this guy oh thank you moving

it's like when I get close they start moving oh my god there you guys go with

a dirty joke why is this motherf*cker alive do you guys see this is this some

kind of a magical copper chef grill mat it's like has some kind of unique powers

like it literally will run to your food for you what kind of

dark magic of this sh*t happening in here what dude what is happening

somebody this fool is alive are you now that they're both alive I'm

glad I'm catching this on camera because you guys are not going to believe me

and they're both motherfucking alive this is like a crazy science experiment

what what is this you guys are buddies you still here in your silk did you guys

see that my goodness okay y'all need to stay on your side of the bed but I'm

going to say that I'm both nuts with the exact same thing there's nothing really

special about this guy yes this one knee on the copper shell five is completely

out of control he's a rebel he does not want to stay in

place this is so nuts what do you guys think we're going to get out of this

cheese I think it has your cheesy mess in the infomercial he literally flips a

slice of cheese there's one, boom there's number two I'm an official pitmaster

isn't that what you call well if you like I feel like pit masters I don't

know harmless with an egg but then why would you cook an egg on the grill

that's kind of weird so far the black mat is doing just a

good of a job out of the copper ship why do I think this is going to turn into a

gigantic disaster with this cheese okay flip it you guys see that the black mat

is cooking things faster look I think just Oh sticking oh wait I don't know

how you did this in this infomercial it makes me think it was a fake piece of

cheese okay flip it Lou look at that piece of cheese can you guys see that

you have real work who knew you could grill a slice of cheese with that thirty

one two three go this cheese literally has grill marks on it and it's the one

that's coming from the blast grill map now the copper chef is not getting grill

box as fast as the black side what is happening but I'm so impressed that I

can flip over it slice of cheese I mean half of it is right here but who knew

okay now I just have a little it looks like scrambled eggs now okay

we're done we get the idea I'm still impressed with the black mass I'm sorry

to say it because you guys know I love my copper stuff now let's try we're

going to do the black grill mat first

okay look you can see the grill marks underneath up to the egg oh f*ck okay

let me get something to flip them over so far the black mat has totally let me

down with this egg test rule copper chef wait a second

looky looky perfectly cooked egg this black match Space Ghost oh go with the

copper chef grill not as the winner and while we wait let's see what this little

thing is all about oh okay this is cool I like to think of

everything it'll just store your grill mat in the drawer I'm not gonna suck a

little nuts can holder you guys hear that thunder like it's literally like

pouring down rain outside right now thundering near it so far I think the

copper chef gonna take the win so I'm gonna give this guy 5 Vivian heads I am

so impressed once again another copper product has passed the Vivian test I

love it I would keep it and I will use it I'm going to say this guy's totally

worth the money and it totally passed the test it is nonstick it does give me

grill marks inside and things will fall through the grill the black mat is a

cheap imitation of this thing I think you totally invest your money in

this guy all right you guys that is it for another biggie in trying thank you

for coming back week after week I also want to thank all of you guys are

joining my livestream few days ago. I so appreciate it

so want to thank all of my patrons thank you so so much for your support it means

everything to me if you know how to clean what the hell I'm talking about

there is a link down in the description of this video you can click on it and it

will tell you all about my patreon page if you're new to the channel subscribe I

am putting out one two videos soon to be a lot more videos every week for your

entertainment if you have some ideas or review know some cool kitchen gadgets

that you want me to try leave that in the comments down below if you have

enjoyed this video give it a big fat thumbs up and if you could do me one

favor share this video with at least one person I'm trying to get the channel up

to 50,000 subscribers! and I can't do it without your support in your help

I'd share the video and let's see if we can hit 50,000 bitch squad members I was

make my gear thank you so much once again and I'll see you guys in the next

one bye



Audi A3 e-tron Lease Edition Sport 1.4TFSI 204pk 15% - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 e-tron Lease Edition Sport 1.4TFSI 204pk 15% - Duration: 0:58.


Suzuki Celerio 1.0 Comfort Airco - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Celerio 1.0 Comfort Airco - Duration: 0:54.


Nouvelle arrestation dans l'enquête sur l'attentat de Manchester - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Nouvelle arrestation dans l'enquête sur l'attentat de Manchester - Duration: 1:25.


Peugeot 3008 SUV ALLURE 1.6 E-THP 165 PK AUTOMAAT | NETTO DEALDAGEN - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 3008 SUV ALLURE 1.6 E-THP 165 PK AUTOMAAT | NETTO DEALDAGEN - Duration: 1:02.


Kia Rio 1.2 SUPER PACK 5-D - GARANTIE 2021 - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Kia Rio 1.2 SUPER PACK 5-D - GARANTIE 2021 - Duration: 1:00.


Loredana Lecciso punta sulla differenza d'età con Romina Power ma dimentica i ritocchi|K.N.B.T - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Loredana Lecciso punta sulla differenza d'età con Romina Power ma dimentica i ritocchi|K.N.B.T - Duration: 2:42.


Toyota RAV4 2.2 D-4D 4WD Automaat - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Toyota RAV4 2.2 D-4D 4WD Automaat - Duration: 0:59.


Chuwi Hi13 Review: Awesome 3K Display - Duration: 4:41.

hey guys welcome to tech best this is the high 13 made by a company now I'm

not sure how to pronounce their name it is spelled C H U W I I think it's

pronounced chewy and before we even start let me just say it has one of the

best screens of just about any Windows tablet around its up there with much

more expensive devices like this surface book so the chewy high 13 is an

affordable Windows 10 tablet PC it also has support for Ubuntu now I got up from

gearbest and there will be details in the description below if you want to

check it out you can also get an optional keyboard dock to turn it into a

two in one tablet hybrid and there is even a stylus pen that you can get for

it with over 1,000 points of pressure sensitivity now this tablet is all about

the display it has a very similar screen to the one found on the much much more

expensive Microsoft Surface book so like the surface book it is thirteen and a

half inches in size with the same three by 2 aspect ratio it also has the same

incredibly sharp 3000 by 2,000 pixel resolution with 267 pixels per inch of

pixel density so it's sharper than a 13-inch MacBook Pro Retina screen which

is just 2560 by 1600 pixel resolution or 227 pixels per inch

now 3000 by 2000 is 6 mega pixels of resolution now as a comparison 1080p

also known as full HD has around 2 mega pixels of resolution so this is a very

detailed display it also gets pretty bright too at around 480 nits and while

the surface book gets around 97% of the SRGB color gamut the screen on the Chuwi

high 13 can hit 100% and this was verified by Windows central who used a

colorimeter to test it and remember this is a much much cheaper device than

the surface book so really impressive stuff from Chuwi the 13 and a half inch

display size is pretty massive to compare it to a more typical sized 10

point 6 inch tablet and you can see what I mean so the size and resolution make

it ideal for watching movies or reading text and the three by 2 aspect ratio

also makes it better suited for portrait mode the high 13 has a well-built metal

unibody design it has a 5 megapixel camera on the back and a 2 megapixel one

on the front and for a tablet they are better than average video quality is

also pretty good we get power and volume buttons on the top on the right side we

get 2 speakers but we also get another 2 speakers on the left side so yes this

tablet has quad speakers they are clear and loud but just like any other mobile

device they do lack bass we also have an audio jack micro HDMI mic micro USB USB

type-c and a micro SD card slot if you need standard USB ports you'll need to

get the keyboard dock which gives you two full size USB ports the keyboard

dock connects here on the bottom and lastly we have a Windows Home button on

the front the tablet itself weighs about 1.1 kgs which is not the lightest but is

understandable considering the huge display you get and the solid metal

construction it's probably better suited for use around home rather than throwing

into a backpack and taking with you on the go

the only real negative for me was the battery life which was around 5 to 6

hours so a little disappointing considering how great the rest of the

device is internally we get a 1.1 gigahertz Celeron processor which can

turbo boost to 2.2 gigahertz and is faster than any Intel Atom based system web

browsing and even watching 4k content on the big high res display all ran

smoothly in my testing we also get 4 gigs of RAM and 64 gigs of storage now

if you need more performance or more portability then check out the cube mix

plus which has a faster 128 gig SSD and Intel Core M3 Kaby Lake processor and is

one of the fastest affordable Windows tablets you can currently get or

check out the Teclast Tbook 16 Power which comes with 8 gigs of RAM for

excellent multitasking there will be links in the description to my review on

these but overall this is an exceptional tablet PC performance is decent

build quality is solid and the screen is just incredible so that is the Chuwi High

13 keep an eye on this brand they seem to be making some high

quality affordable products anyway guys thanks for watching take care and

catch you in the next one

For more infomation >> Chuwi Hi13 Review: Awesome 3K Display - Duration: 4:41.


Let's Play Skyrim Special Edition - Part 40 - Chapter 3 - Testing Mods as we go! :D - Duration: 46:06.

Let's Play Skyrim Special Editio

For more infomation >> Let's Play Skyrim Special Edition - Part 40 - Chapter 3 - Testing Mods as we go! :D - Duration: 46:06.


The King in the Anna Judic School! - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> The King in the Anna Judic School! - Duration: 4:40.


Heroes and Generals - Tips and tricks (Ep. 2 - Depot Encounter- 2nd spawn) [ENG subtitles] - Duration: 8:25.

Hello everyone

In this video I decide to play on the same map as in the first one

But on the other spawnpoint

In the first I focused on the pillbox spawnpoint

And in this part I will show you some tricks available on the house spawnpoint

The first thing that I want to show you is this little hill

When we will hide in this bushes as I did now

We have good position to snipe down the enemies coming from enemy spawnpoint

Although we dont have as good view angle as on the watchtower

But we are hidden much better, especially when we will buy camo for our soldier

This poistion is great if enemy haven't got too much vehicles

All we have to do is to check sometimes our back

And for self defence it is worth to carry grenades or pistol

As the enemy soldiers and bicycles won't be a problem even for unexpirienced player

Enemies on faster vehicles, especially motocycles might be hard to hit

Other good idea to improve your stats is camping at the place when enemies arrive

Most of enemies arrive near the main gate of the building

To prevent them from coming you have to defend this trenches

Remember to watch out for enemy sharpshooters that main ruin your plans

When you admit that area is clear

You can wait for enemy in this trenches

It is good to have some grenades just in case if large group of enemies arrives

Remeber to check this trees frequently, or else you will be killed by snipers

This time it will be adivice for more expirienced players

And it is highly recommended to have fullauto weapon for this

You have to approach enemy spawnpiont almost directly

You have to remember to not come along the wall and sneak in the bushes instead

When you are at the position you just have to wait a moment for your victims

Beacuse you have fullauto weapon it doesn't matter that enemies have vehicles

As before, it is good to carry some grenades to defend your position

When you see that your teammates can't capture or hold control point

It is worth to help them


In this method fullauto weapon is highly recommended, but not so needful

If you manage to get in the warehouse area

You can take this great position on the box

You are even nice hidden and you have a view at the point where enemy income

If you see that your teammates get doomed by the snipers

It is worth to solve this problem by yourself

We have to get something good at close range, the best is to take SMG, but you can take handgun also

We can easly track enemies by guns sounds

If you are more expirienced adn want to be stealth you can use melee weapons

As the most enemies will camp at this little hill

It is worth to come along the road to enemy base to make sure you eliminate them all

Remember to carefully check all bushes and scrubs

As you can see, trying to snipe enemies with SMG is not so good idea :D

Usually I dont recommend hip firing, but SMGs and handguns are even nice with it

Thanks for watching!

If you enjoy it, please give a like and subscribe.

For more infomation >> Heroes and Generals - Tips and tricks (Ep. 2 - Depot Encounter- 2nd spawn) [ENG subtitles] - Duration: 8:25.


EPIC CURRY TASTE TEST (MUJI) - Duration: 10:31.

For more infomation >> EPIC CURRY TASTE TEST (MUJI) - Duration: 10:31.


DJI Mavic Pro Drone First Flight 4K / Attack of the KILLERWASPS (German / English Subtitles) - Duration: 10:33.

Welcome everybody to my new Vlog

i am going to meet Jascha

who you might know from my Video

about the Sony VR

and you might know him from

some of my gta episodes

He bought himself a drone

I don´t know wich one it is right now

I´ll tell you later this day

I´m on my way to the city

Drive faster

We have a big empty field there

and we are going to let the drone fly at this place

See you soon

I am scared af

Okay let´s go

It´s floating in front of us

Very precise he? Doesn´t move an inch.

Let´s check the collision system

The drone recognizes something in front of it


Now we fly in beginners mode


To let it move smoother

The reflection is to heavy i think

How does the recording works?

There´s a SD card in the drone

And it records automatically or do you have to do it manually?

It records when i push the button

I got two buttons

One for videorecording and one for taking a picture

Direct access to it

Let´s test the coming home function

where it returns by itself

I push the button now

Okay nothing happened

Maybe the drone is to near for that function

Ah no. I have to hold the button. Going home

I don´t do anything

Ahh the sun blinds me

i can´t see...

It lands right where it took off

Yeah you are right

As you heared by yourself

the drone is very noisy

so i decided to make a little voiceover

to tell you something about the data of the drone

and some features

The maximum flight high is about 1640 ft

The recording you see right here is taken

at about 330 ft to 390 ft

so there is

a long way more to go

Maximum speed is about 40mph

but you have to change

to the sports mode

But as you can imagine the accu will go low very fast then

Maximum flight time

is about 27 minutes

at an average of 15mph

The accucapacity is


You can compare it to your mobile

Mobiles got about 2400mA

So as you see the accu is very strong for its size

accordingly they are very expensive

The camera is really fantastic

the images are crystal clear

It´s an ultra HD camera at 30fps

That´s completely okay to take awesome landscape shots

everything´s fine

You can controll the drone with your mobile. Just put it in the remote.

as you saw it in the video at the beginning

Only with that remote you can reach the

maximum flight distance of

4,3 Miles. Also there are some features included.

In case of low battery the drone recognizes it

and flys with gps

to the place it took off.

So it can´t happen for example

when you are about 2 miles away with drone

that the battery gets low and the drone lands and you have just bad luck. No.

She flys back to you automatically

We testet it earlier in this video

Next big advantage

is the low weight

and the small size


You can put it easily in your backpack

to take it everywhere you want

Maybe for vacation

or same good landscape shots

take it with you

On your mobile you can see the image of the drone while flying

Of course because of the maximum range

but also pictures an videos can be taken on the mobile

in 720P

for example

if you like to send a small recording with whatsapp

and on the SD card

in the Mavic Pro

the videos are recorded

in 4k resolution


Have a look at the flys there

ey fuck off

Kill em!

What are they doing?

Dude watch it

What are they doing?

Ahh can´t focus it

Just hack them to pieces

by flying backwards a sec

i don´t want to see the rotors after you´ve done that

Fuck off

There you can see them on screen

Fucking shit

But why?

You hear that?

Dude i think that are wasps

But why should they follow a drone like that?

I think the drone doesn´t smell like one of the :D

Go away

Or maybe because of the noise?

Yeah maybe. They may think

the mavic is their new queen.

Watch the rotors

everything dirty because of the wasps

The recordings are done. I hope

you enjoyed the video

i really like the Mavic Pro

An option to buy for everyone

for vacation or just some

fantastic shots in 4k

1500€ for the drone

My only negative point about it

but good things costs money

i´m on the way to jascha

so we can

exchange our recordings

So as well as on my channel

there will be a video on his channel too

of this awesome day we had

Have a look at his channel

the link is in the description below

I think he will upload more videos

with the drone in near future

I nearly arrived at his house

so if you enjoyed the video don´t forget to like and subscribe

See you next time guys. Have a nice day

For more infomation >> DJI Mavic Pro Drone First Flight 4K / Attack of the KILLERWASPS (German / English Subtitles) - Duration: 10:33.





Gamble - Short Film - Duration: 5:09.

I told you to tighten his gag

not read him a freaking lullaby.


Easy boy..

Is this what you do to entertain yourself?

Just giving people false hope, and playing games with them?

I am a betting man. Giving you and your boy as much chance of living

as well as dying, justifies my actions.

Well, in my crooked mind, it does..


if you don't like my methods, by all means.

That's what I thought. Check.

A quick game's a good game.

I will take my time if needed be.

Oh dear me. It has been a while since your son had a bite..

are you sure you want to drag this?



Listen boy..

it's your hardships that got you into this situation..

don't let it affect you and your boy, as it did to your psycho wife.

Or should I make the message a little more lucid?



Running a little low eh, boy?

But...I feel generous... about we play, next hand wins eh?

Do you have any sense of charity, you piece of sh--


When I say the next hand wins, the next hand wins!

You better agree with it because you don't have a damn CHOICE!!

Dealer. show the final card.

[hysteric laughter] [music intensifies]

You should've given up the game, boy.



Now get the hell out of my house!

You were right about one thing, punchy

..this was just for my entertainment.

For more infomation >> Gamble - Short Film - Duration: 5:09.


Amsterdam 24 by Transcend Tiny Homes 292 Sq Ft | Tiny House Design Ideas | Le Tuan Home Design - Duration: 7:13.


For more infomation >> Amsterdam 24 by Transcend Tiny Homes 292 Sq Ft | Tiny House Design Ideas | Le Tuan Home Design - Duration: 7:13.


Peugeot 308 1.2 PureTech 130pk 5-drs GT-Line - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 308 1.2 PureTech 130pk 5-drs GT-Line - Duration: 1:02.



Hi everyone and welcome back to my channel from the brand new view

So today's topic is totally different from previous sneakers review videos

It is about streetwear trends of 2017

Cobain Sunglasses

The first trend is an essential item in the summer

It is sunglasses

And the trendy sunglasses this summer is Cobain sunglasses

This kind of sunglasses is worn by G-Dragon

Son Tung M-TP

or many rappers

You can find these sunglasses for yourself

with the price from $3 to $350

These sungglasses has many different colors

such as white





but white is the most popular in my opinion

[Baggy pants]

The second trend is the raise of baggy pants

Recently, Supreme and Palace are 2 brands

which design many baggy pants with different color and patterns

Different from summer 2016, distressed jeans are less common

and unfinished hems jeans are becoming popular instead

Unfinished hems jeans are the jeans which has no hem

and have raw cuts instead

Unfinished hems jeans can be made at home easily

So you can find DIY videos on Youtube

Moreover, baggy pants are very suitable for retro runners

It leads to the next trend which is the raise of retro runners

[Retro Runner]

There are many famous design such as

adidas x Raf Simon

or adidas Climacool

About Nike, we have Nike Air Max

Such as Air Max 95

Air Max 97

Air Max 98

I will review this Air Max 97 in the next video

so let's subscribe my chanel to get the latest notifications

Other sneakers such as Balenciaga Triple S

My favorite sneakers at this time

Fila Disruptor 2

Besides, Bitis is a cheap alternative for this trend

Futhermore, a man who has a huge influence on fashion

Kanye West also makes this trend popular

by designs retro runners in Yeezy Season 5

Kanye also is a factor

making baggy pants with retro runners become popular

However, I think retro runners are not for everyone

Because retro runners have a big and bulky shape

So skinny or short people would be very hard to wear

[Vintage Sports Brands

The fourth trend is my favorite

The comeback of vintage sports brands

such as Fila



or Champion

I think 2017 is a successful comeback of Fila

This style is called Athletic wear

2 important elements make this style popular are


and comfort

Ckeckerboard Pattern

The next trend which is indispensable this summer is checkerboard

Checkerboard pattern has become popular since last year

When Vans Checkerboard Slip-on was really hot

Vans is one of the most successful brand in checkerboard pattern

You can buy checkered items easily

Here I have backpack



Vans Authentic

I have some tips for you to wear checkerboard

First, you should only wear 1 main checkered item includes t-shirt or pants

Second, you can wear 1-2 checkered accessories

Meanwhile, you should not wear checkered shirt or pants

Checkerboard pattern looks really great

However, yo shouldn't use too much at the one time

Because you will look like a chessboard

Shoulder Bags / Waist Bags

The last trend, also one of my favorite trend

is shoulder bags or waist bags

It is very convenient because you can keep your accessories inside

There are many famous brands such as



The North Face


And one more brand which I really like its design


However, their designs are more likely techwear

In Vietnam, you can find in Túi

I bought these two 1 year ago

These are very convenient,

I use these all the time so I can put my umbrella or lip balm

instead of my packback

I think Túi is the brand which is fashionable and high quality

You can also find in Saigon Swagger

which has a lot of great designs

And a Supreme shoulder bag I camped online was delivered yesterday

Here it is

Although it is a little bit small, it still looks very good

Above is top streetwear trends of 2017 in my opinion

Like I said earlier, my next video will be about Nike Air Max 97

As you can see, my hair grows longer

After I cut all my hair at the beginning of this year

So next, I will make videos about grooming

I have been learning about grooming for at least 2 years

Since rarely one knows what "pomade" is

and Vietnamese grooming community is still not as big as now

So in the future, I will be glad to share you guys my experiences about grooming

So subscribe my channel to update the newest videos

If you know about other popular trends which is not in the list

feel free to share in the comment section below

If you think this video is helpful, leave a thumbs up, share and subscribe my channel

See ya

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