Saturday, June 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Jun 3 2017

Big Pharma is contaminating nearly all the water in America with toxic drugs that alter

biology, fertility and even gender expression

by Edward Morgan

America has become the luxury playground for pharmaceutical company moguls. As trillions

of dollars trickle through the economy, all those physicians who peddle their poisons,

along with PR and media account executives, are paid millions for mind-numbing advertising

campaigns promoting a daily dose of �ask your doctor.� But your doctor may not need

to play middleman anymore. As reported by Scientific American, trace amounts of many

pharmaceuticals have been found �in the drinking water supplies of some 40 million

Americas.� Need your ADHD medicine? Just take a sip of tap water.

In 2013 and 2014, Dr. Sylvia Lee, along with her team from The Cary Institute of Ecosystems

Studies based in Milford, New York, collected water samples from six different streams surrounding

Baltimore, Maryland. ARS Technica has reported that the researchers found 14 different drugs

in the samples, with two drugs, amphetamines and methamphetamine, discovered at all six

sites with varying levels of concentration. The amount of amphetamines, the drug well

known for its use in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), was the highest ever recorded

in surface waters, beating earlier saturation levels as measured by scientists in Spain.

Dr. Lee took the experiment a step further and created a method to test exactly how the

amphetamines would affect aquatic life. Her group built artificial streams, clean of any

toxins, and filled them with living bacteria, algae, microorganisms and aquatic insects.

Gradually, the researchers introduced D-amphetamine, the same substance found in the ADHD medications

and their six samples, and added the exact amount they had previously discovered into

their artificial streams. Within a week, algae were down 50 percent and the aquatic insects

reproduced like �they were on speed.� Additionally, the diversity of diatoms and

certain bacteria, so essential for aquatic life, were greatly diminished.

In 2012, there were 16 million people taking prescription medications with amphetamines

as a key ingredient. USA Today reports that in 2013, �American manufacturers of prescription

stimulant drugs produced 191,723 kilograms, or 211 tons of legal speed.� Amphetamines

are now also prescribed for asthma, obesity, narcolepsy and depression. And that�s just

one prescription drug leaking its way into our water supply. Add that to the enduring

remnants of the other 4.4 billion prescriptions written in 2015, which are seeping into the

�environment through sewage and cesspool systems across the country.�

Pain medication, antidepressants and cholesterol-lowering statins are the most common drugs prescribed

by doctors. Birth control pills and other hormone supplements are also widely used across

the country. When these medications enter our waterways the chemicals and compounds

contained in them do not break down easily. Fish and amphibians absorb these chemicals,

and often experience �changes in intersex development.� Chemicals from medications

have�been found in the brains tissue of fish� who swim in streams and ponds near

wastewater plant discharge stations.

Research on pharmaceuticals in the streams, as well as chemicals from personal care products,

is ongoing at the Cary Institute of Ecosystems Studies.

If you think the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is interested in any cleanup

effort, you may be mistaken. As reported by, the EPA decided to delay publishing

�its Final Rule for hazardous waste pharmaceuticals, proposed in September 2015, until it can adequately

address the comments received in response to the proposal� .�

That delay isn�t a concern for Big Pharma elite, who probably have an amazing water

filtration system that even takes out the fluoride, along with their mass produced toxins.

What keeps 88 percent of pharmaceutical executives up all night is not how their products are

destroying the water supply, or how they are killing the populous. What they are most concerned

about, reports is the pressure they feel to lower drug prices. Is there a

pill for that?

For more infomation >> Big Pharma is contaminating nearly all the water in America with toxic drugs that alter biology, fer - Duration: 6:07.


Kimi No Na Wa café in Osaka // 君の名はカフェ (2017) ! - Duration: 4:09.

Hey guys!

So today I am going into Shinsaibashi with Leina to go to another theme café.

I know, it's truly shocking!

And this time it is another one at The Guest café and diner, which is where we've been

to the Hello Kitty and Little Twin Stars restaurants before.

But this one is a Kimi No Na Wa or Your Name café, and I'm actually pretty excited about

this one.

Um, The Guest is usually fairly standard in terms of themed cafés, it's kind of like

right in the middle, however the online menu for this particular one looks incredible.

It looks like they have quite a lot more variety than usual, so I'm really excited to check

it out.

Let's go see!

So we just got done with the Kimi No Na Wa café, and as expected the menu was incredible.

Most of the main dishes are kinda like normal food, but it was really really good normal

food, which is kind of unusual for a themed café, and then the desserts and the drinks

are really something special, so I hope that you've seen that in the footage, and I will

talk to you next time.


For more infomation >> Kimi No Na Wa café in Osaka // 君の名はカフェ (2017) ! - Duration: 4:09.


Cristiano Ronaldo 's Funny Images Before Match Real Madrid Vs Juventus In UEFA Champions League - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Cristiano Ronaldo 's Funny Images Before Match Real Madrid Vs Juventus In UEFA Champions League - Duration: 2:17.


Audi A3 Cabriolet 1.8 TFSI Ambiente Pro Line S-TRONC * VOL * LEDER * NAVI - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 Cabriolet 1.8 TFSI Ambiente Pro Line S-TRONC * VOL * LEDER * NAVI - Duration: 0:54.


How Gal Gadot Got Ripped To Play Wonder Woman - Duration: 3:43.

A former model and Miss Israel winner, actress Gal Gadot has always been lean and mean.

In order to play the title character in Warner Bros.'s Wonder Woman, Gadot had to make her

body a little less lean, and a whole lot meaner.

Making the leap from model to superhero is no easy feat, but here's how Gal Gadot got

in shape to play Wonder Woman.

Real life warrior

It's well known that Gadot represented her home country of Israel in the 2004 Miss Universe


Less well known, however, is the fact that as an Israeli citizen, Gadot also served a

compulsory two-year term of service in the nation's military.

But she didn't merely scrape through and serve her time — Gadot dominated the intensive

three-month military boot camp and earned herself a spot as a combat trainer.

Even still, Gadot said that her training for Wonder Woman was actually even more difficult

than training for the army.

"Do you think being in the Israeli army helped you with your training?"

"Um, it was a lot more intensive."

She loves sports

Physical fitness is a lifelong passion for Gadot, who learned to swim when she was four.

Growing up, she spent 12 years training as a dancer, while also playing tennis, basketball,

and volleyball.

She told ESPNW that she's highly competitive and that she always plays to win — "otherwise,

why bother, right?"

In her spare time, she also indulges in rock climbing, all while taking care of her two

young daughters.

Now there's a real Wonder Woman.

Diet of the gods

It may be hard to believe, but Gadot actually didn't go on an insane diet to achieve her

superhuman fitness level.

Instead, she simply practiced moderation and common sense, using the tried and true method

of mixing greens with lean proteins to get the most out of her workouts.

She also kept hydrating, drinking a gallon of water each day.

But she told Harper's Bazaar that she more or less ate what she wanted, when she wanted,

and was able to get away with it because she respected her body's needs.

"I look at food as fuel and I want to give the best to my body.

It's all a matter of measurements and quantity of the food; just enjoy your food and don't

eat while you drive and don't eat when you talk on the phone.

Just give the food the respect and give yourself the respect to enjoy it."

A beast in the gym

In order to prepare for the role of Wonder Woman, Gadot spent months working with professional


When she started, she couldn't execute a single pull-up.

But by the end she was ripping through a daily routine that included rowing machines, stationary

bikes, broad jumps, crab walks, pull-ups, push-ups, squats, ball exercises, and weightlifting.

She may use a sword and a lasso in the film, but there's no question that she can bust

out the gun show whenever she wants.

No cheat days

When you're a superhero, you don't get any days off.

After all, the world isn't going to save itself.

That's why Gadot trained "six or seven hours a day" every single day for half a year.

And that training wasn't confined to the gym alone.

She also had to undergo ultra-intense weapons training to learn how to properly use a sword

and shield.

But the most difficult part of her training?

Surprisingly, it was horseback riding.

She explained it all in an Australian news interview, "I also thought I was going to

love horse riding because it always looked as if it'd be so easy.

It's not.

It was super painful and I had tons of bruises."

She defeated Conan

Ever wonder what might happen if Wonder Woman battled Conan?

Well, we learned the answer during Gadot's promotional tour for Wonder Woman.

Except it wasn't Conan the Barbarian she faced off against — it was Conan O'Brien.

Claiming he would accomplish in 35 minutes what took Gadot months and months of everyday

training, Conan O'Brien bragged about his three months of Girl Scouts service before

Gadot and her trainer critiqued his less than heroic physique.

Afterwards, Gadot showed off her powerful high kicks before battling the comedian in

a swordfight.


If there's one thing to take away from this segment, it's that Gal Gadot can not only

dominate with her high kicks and physical prowess, but also slay with her stunning good

looks, personality and charm.

She's a wonder, that Wonder Woman.

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> How Gal Gadot Got Ripped To Play Wonder Woman - Duration: 3:43.


Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Movie Clip | The Tesseract Test Scene | Blu-ray HD - Duration: 2:44.

Are you ready, Dr. Zola?

My machine requires the most delicate calibration.

Forgive me if I seem overcautious.

Are you certain that those conductors of yours

can withstand the energy surge long enough for transference?

With this artifact

I am certain of nothing.

I fear it may not work at all.

Twenty percent.



Stabilizing at 70%.

I have not come all this way for safety, Doctor.

What was that?

I must congratulate you, Arnim.

Your designs do not disappoint.

Though they may require some slight reinforcement.

The exchange is stable.


The energy we have just collected

could power my designs. All my designs.

This will change the war.

Dr. Zola,

this will change the world.(CoolestClips4K)

For more infomation >> Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Movie Clip | The Tesseract Test Scene | Blu-ray HD - Duration: 2:44.


Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Movie Clip | Steve Rogers Meets Dr. Abraham Erskine | HD - Duration: 4:13.

Come on. You're kind of missing the point of a double date.

We're taking the girls dancing.

You go ahead. I'll catch up with you.

You're really going to do this again?

Well, it's a fair. I'm gonna try my luck.

As who, Steve from Ohio?

They'll catch you. Or worse, they'll actually take you.

Look, I know you don't think I can do this.

This isn't a back alley, Steve. It's war.

- I know it's a war. - Why are you so keen to fight?

- There are so many important jobs. - What do you want me to do?

Collect scrap metal in my little red wagon?

- Yes. Why not? - I'm not gonna sit in a factory, Bucky.

Bucky, come on. There are men laying down their lives.

I got no right to do any less than them.

That's what you don't understand. This isn't about me.

Right. 'Cause you got nothing to prove.

Hey, Sarge! Are we going dancing?

Yes, we are.

Don't do anything stupid until I get back.

How can I?

You're taking all the stupid with you.

- You're a punk. - Jerk.

Be careful.

Don't win the war till I get there!

Come on, girls. They're playing our song.

Wait here.

- Is there a problem? - Just wait here.

Thank you.


you want to go overseas. Kill some Nazis.

Excuse me?

Dr. Abraham Erskine.

I represent the Strategic Scientific Reserve.

Steve Rogers.

Where are you from?

Queens. 73rd Street and Utopia Parkway.

Before that, Germany.

- This troubles you? - No.

Where are you from, Mr. Rogers?

Is it New Haven?

Or Paramus?

Five exams in five different cities.

That might not be the right file.

No, it's not the exams I'm interested in.

It's the five tries.

But you didn't answer my question. Do you want to kill Nazis?

Is this a test?


I don't want to kill anyone.

I don't like bullies. I don't care where they're from.

Well, there are already

so many big men fighting this war.

Maybe what we need now is a little guy.

I can offer you a chance.

Only a chance.

- I'll take it. - Good.

So where is the little guy from? Actually?


Congratulations, soldier.(CoolestClips4K)

For more infomation >> Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Movie Clip | Steve Rogers Meets Dr. Abraham Erskine | HD - Duration: 4:13.


Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Movie Clip | Steve Rogers Training & Flagpole Scene | HD - Duration: 3:16.

Ready, exercise!

Recruits, attention!

Gentlemen, I am Agent Carter.

I supervise all operations for this division.

What's with the accent, Queen Victoria?

I thought I was signing up for the U.S. Army.

What's your name, soldier?

Gilmore Hodge, Your Majesty.

Step forward, Hodge.

Put your right foot forward.

We gonna wrassle?

'Cause I got a few moves I know you'll like.

Agent Carter!

Colonel Phillips.

I can see that you are breaking in the candidates. That's good!

Get your ass up out of that dirt

and stand in that line at attention till somebody comes tells you what to do.

Yes, sir!

General Patton has said

that wars are fought with weapons, but they are won by men.

We are going to win this war because we have the best men.

And because they are going to get better.

Much better.

The Strategic Scientific Reserve is an Allied effort

made up of the best minds in the free world.

Our goal is to create the best army in history.

But every army starts with one man.

Rogers! Get off of there!

At the end of this week, we will choose that man.

He will be the first in a new breed of super-soldier.

Rogers! Get that rifle out of the mud!

And they will personally escort Adolf Hitler to the gates of hell.

Pick up the pace, ladies!

Let's go, let's go! Double time!

Come on! Faster! Faster!

Move! Move!

Squad, halt!

That flag means we're only at the halfway point.

First man to bring it to me gets a ride back with Agent Carter.

Move, move!

Come on! Get up there!

If that's all you got, this army's in trouble!

Get up there, Hodge!

Come on! Get up there!

Nobody's got that flag in 17 years!

Now fall back into line! Come on, fall in!

Let's go! Get back into formation!

Rogers! I said fall in!

Thank you, sir.(CoolestClips4K)

For more infomation >> Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Movie Clip | Steve Rogers Training & Flagpole Scene | HD - Duration: 3:16.


Toyota RAV4 2.0 D4-D LUNA | VERKOCHT - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Toyota RAV4 2.0 D4-D LUNA | VERKOCHT - Duration: 1:14.


UFC 2 - THE GYPSY ALWAYS WINS - Duration: 0:13.




For more infomation >> UFC 2 - THE GYPSY ALWAYS WINS - Duration: 0:13.


Here's My Canada: You Can Explore - Duration: 0:22.

I like Canada because it's a beautiful

place and it's a free country and it

has different seasons than other countries.

Other countries have summer or others but

Canada has beautiful places that

you could explore.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: You Can Explore - Duration: 0:22.


Here's My Canada: Peaceful & Loving Country - Duration: 0:16.

Canada is a peaceful and loving country.

It has a beautiful climate. Everyone from

different countries came to Canada.

Canada is the best place ever.

I love Canada.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: Peaceful & Loving Country - Duration: 0:16.


Here's My Canada: Animals & Living Things - Duration: 0:20.

I love Canada because of its wonderful

countries, animals, and living things.

It is also a wonderful country that I live

in. Before, I used to live in the Phillippines,

but now I live here in Canada.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: Animals & Living Things - Duration: 0:20.


Here's My Canada: Beautiful Climate - Duration: 0:11.

Canada has a beautiful climate and they

welcome other people from other countries.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: Beautiful Climate - Duration: 0:11.


Sous le soleil de l'atome - Duration: 5:50.

For more infomation >> Sous le soleil de l'atome - Duration: 5:50.


Can You Learn Perfect Pitch? - Duration: 2:56.

If you heard some random music notes, would you be able to figure out what they were?

Like, could you just tell that this ... is a D,

and this—absolutely an A-flat?

Maybe you're just great at guessing, or you could have a rare ability called perfect pitch,

which puts you in the same club as Mozart.

Perfect pitch, also called absolute pitch,

allows you to identify musical notes without context,

which is especially helpful if you are a musician.

Most research seems to say you have to learn it as a kid.

But with lots of practice, it might be possible to develop sort-of perfect pitch as an adult.

Many studies suggest that to have perfect pitch,

you need to start musical training around six years old, during a critical period of development.

During this time, your brain is figuring out which neural pathways will be useful,

and which ones it should just get rid of.

The key is giving sound meaning, like that this sound ... is a C.

Just like learning that the fluffy, slobbery thing that cuddles up next to you is called a dog.

Also, if you speak a tonal language where pitch affects the meaning of words, like Mandarin,

you could be more likely to develop perfect pitch,

since your brain has been associating different pitches with meaning from the start.

But if you're not actively learning musical notes,

your brain will get rid of those extra sound-identifying connections so it can become more efficient.

Most of this research is only correlational, meaning scientists didn't manipulate any variables and, like,

teach babies certain combinations of language and musical notes.

But it still makes sense with what we know about how the brain develops.

If you missed that critical period of development,

researchers aren't sure if you would ever be able to develop true perfect pitch.

But some studies have found that adults can be trained to better identify notes,

which can last for months.

In a 2015 paper from the journal Cognition,

researchers tested 17 university students with various musical backgrounds, but no perfect pitch,

and got a baseline for how well they could name different notes and recreate notes that they just heard.

Then, the participants went through training where they listened to 180 piano notes,

were asked to name them, and got corrected when they were wrong.

After all that, the participants did the baseline tests again and scored at least 8% better,

and their scores were still higher for 6 of them when they were retested around half a year later.

This study and others like it are pretty small,

and the participants aren't all that close to the accurate, lifelong perfect pitch you

might develop as a kid.

But as long as you're willing to put in the work to learn, it's at least a half-step

in the right direction!

Thanks for asking, and thanks to our patrons on Patreon for making this episode possible!

If you would like to support SciShow, head on over to—

there's lots of ways to give various amounts, depending on what you can, and that's great.

and if you'd just like see more like this, every single day in your subscription box,

you can go to and subscribe.

For more infomation >> Can You Learn Perfect Pitch? - Duration: 2:56.


New Songs017 | Atif Aslam: Pehli Dafa Song (Video) | Ileana D'Cruz | Latest Hindi Song 2017 - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> New Songs017 | Atif Aslam: Pehli Dafa Song (Video) | Ileana D'Cruz | Latest Hindi Song 2017 - Duration: 5:14.


Message pour votre nuit 3 Juin - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Message pour votre nuit 3 Juin - Duration: 1:03.


un Futuro por los Niños - Duration: 1:06.

Lima, Pérou, is...

But Peru is also...

2 000 000 of kids in extreme poverty

1 kid out of 5 suffer from malnutrition

34% of kids give up school to take a job

Thankfully, CIMA is here to get them out of situation

Everyone has the right to have a future

For more infomation >> un Futuro por los Niños - Duration: 1:06.


How to set up your own passcode to "YouTube Kids" app - Duration: 2:06.

How to set up your own passcode to "YouTube Kids" app

Hello everyone

This time, we will introduce how to set up your own passcode to "YouTube Kids" app

When you open the settings and the "YouTube Kids" app when you set up in the "YouTube Kids" app "timer", the input of the pass code will be required

This is done so that it does not tampered without permission set to your child

The input of the pass code is in the normal you become used to input a four-digit kanji numbers that are displayed in a random, set your own path code,

It looks like it is also possible not to be able to mess more freely set

How to set up your own path code in the "YouTube Kids" app, touch the lock icon that is displayed in the lower right corner of the "YouTube Kids" Home screen,

In addition to touch the "set your own path code" in the screen that appears

On the next screen, enter the once Chinese characters 4-digit pass code that is displayed in random

Finally, it's done input twice in succession your own path code

This is set its own path code in the "YouTube Kids" app, and later will be able to release the lock in its own path code

By the way, modify or delete your own passcode that you set,

It is possible to carry out from the item of "authentication by the guardian" section is in the setting of the "YouTube Kids" app

Please be like if you would be decoded in the path code by random Kanji numbers to go a set of unique passcode that introduce this time

Above, it was the introduction of how to set up your own passcode to "YouTube Kids" app

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