Hello and welcome to Learn English with Jojo.
Last week I did my first interactive video which means I asked you a question, a discussion
question, and I asked for you to respond and then I went back and I corrected your English
and I gave you some suggestions for where to improve.
And I think it worked pretty well.
I got eleven responses, which...
I don't have a way to gauge whether that's good or bad, but this week I'd like to receive
even more responses.
I think I am going to do this series once every two weeks from now on.
I think that is a good amount for this channel, once a week sounds like a lot and I'm not
sure I will get as good of a response doing it once a week, so there's that.
The question for today is... are you ready?
The question is where is your favorite place that you've ever travelled to in the whole
That's it.
I'm not going to translate the subtitles for the question into French because you are capable
of doing that yourself.
And on the note of subtitles, somebody, I forgot exactly who, let me know that you can't
edit the subtitles yourself once I have submitted them.
I don't know.
I contacted Youtube, but they didn't respond to my email.
So for now if you see a mistake in the French subtitles, just write in the comments what
the mistake is and I will go in and change it myself.
That's it.
I hope you have a great day and I will see you again here in two weeks for another interactive
Yeah ok bye.
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