Pork Curry with Water Spinach
Streaky pork 200 g
Coconut cream 1 cup
Roasted curry paste 1 ½ tbsp
Coconut milk 2 cup
Fish sauce 1 ½ tbsp
Tamarind juice 4 tbsp
Palm sugar 1 ½ tbsp
Water spinach 300 g
Bergamot 1
Kaffir lime leaves 4
Câu Chuyện Hy Hữu Thoát Khỏi Bệnh Ung Thư Nhờ Bài Thuốc Tự Chế Không Tốn 1 Đồng Mua Thuốc - Duration: 7:48.-------------------------------------------
How To Make ANY Lipstick MATTE - Best Makeup HACK | ShrutiArjunAnand - Duration: 5:00.See today m going to show you a lip tutorial n a pimple popped out just below my lips to say hii to you guys ;)
hey guys shruti here , today i came up with a gorgeous lipstick hack
uh guys know matte lipsticks are so dominating nowadays ,, from celebrities to you tubers all are talking
about liquid or matte lipsticks nowadays, so i m going tell you today a easy hack by which u can try matte lipsticks at home
without using matte lipsticks n u can use any of ur old lipper.
n with only few steps uh can transform ur any lipstick to matte lipstick, so lets start:
if you dOn't have concealer use a foundation, B.B or C.C cream around the lips.
now using fingers m blending this, do not press just dab ur finger on concealer to blend it.
to make sure this concealer wouldn't go anywhere else n stays for long so use a compact powder
before lipstick use a lip liner so that ur lipstick gets stick to it n it won't spread the whole day.
this is very amazing n inexpensive somewhere around Rs.180. in the starting while applying lip liner our hands shiver so m going to start from this area right here.
so if there would be any mistake it can be rectified easily.
now as i did this we will line fill all the boundaries of lips,
for ur lip line to be visible just stretch them like this n them apply lip liner,
yeah it looks weird but lip liner will get a perfect finish.
make sure you hold the lip liner in such a way that you could be able to see the lip line uh r creating.
its cream finish lipstick n its too shiny so m able to show u how to convert it to matte one.
this lipstick is very creamy so make sure uh apply this just 1 to 2 mm beneath the lip liner
so that it would't slip n spread around the lips.
now uh can see how shiny is this lipstick looking, now to make it matte
we have to wait for atleast 2 minutes to let the lipstick stick with lip liner.
if want to use transculent powder or compact powder, uh can them but m using this normal talcum powder.
firstly take it on ur hand, n now take it on ur finger n very gently n slowly i will apply it over my lipstick ,
Apply it slowly n gently to avoid lipsticks to bleed out of the lip line.
apply a gud amount of powder coz we have to blow it away later on.
now wait for thirty seconds.
n after 30 seconds take a cotton ball n remove the extra powder.
you can see then n now we have completely changed a simple lipstick to completely matte n long lasting.
n if you apply this lipstick, ur lipstick is going to last for 8 hours n it won't budge an inch .
so this was my easy lip hack video , n if u liked n want me to bring these sort of amazing videos for u
so dnt forget to like n subscribe to my channel.
Learn Colors for Kids & Toddlers - How to color creative for Kids - Nursery Rhymes for Children #021 - Duration: 4:34.Welcome to Kids School
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Next Video: Learn Colors for Kids & Toddlers - How to color creative for Kids
Learn Colors for Kids & Toddlers - How to color creative for Kids - Nursery Rhymes for Children #022 - Duration: 4:34.Welcome to Kids School
Let's try again
Goodbye! See you next Videos!
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Next Video: Learn Colors for Kids & Toddlers - How to color creative for Kids
Demi Lovato - Kingdom Come ft. Iggy Azalea (From The Fate of the Furious: The Album) - Duration: 4:05.Can we love until there's nothing left And we're collecting dust?
Use the hell out of our golden souls Until we're flecks of rust
A love so deep, nothing else like it Scars go deep, but they can't find it
Flame so bright make the daylight look dark Cross my heart, that I'll die for you
Cross my heart, that I'll always keep you Cross my heart like a bitter sweet tattoo And we go...
Oh, you're my kingdom come Oh, you're my kingdom come
So sit me on your throne Yeah, yeah, yeah
Let it intertwine Your hand in mine And fill the empty space
All the demons cry Cause you and I Found love in a broken place
A love so deep, nothing else like it Scars go deep, but they can't find it Flame so bright make the daylight look dark
Cross my heart, that I'll die for you Cross my heart, that I'll always keep you Cross my heart like a bitter sweet tattoo
And we go...
Oh, you're my kingdom come Oh, you're my kingdom come
Sit me on your throne Yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) yeah (Iggs)
Gather 'round, now I'm back from my holiday "Long live the Queen" what the people say And that be me, I got a king in my cavalry Them other knights, say goodnight, they get apathy
You'll never catch an Adam without Eve You'll never catch a Blue without Steve See what I mean? You're my Caesar, burn my chariot You know Family Matters, what's Carl without Harriet?
Inseparable like Mary Kate and Ashley Incredible, I'm ready if you ask me To ride on them, them meaning chicks, you feel me? I break 'em down, it's a sport, I should win an ESPY
Royalty, another level, boy your throne shine Legendary love nation needs a paradigm Call all the king's horses and all the king's men We rule until the end, kingdom come
And we go
Oh, you're my kingdom come Oh, you're my kingdom come
So sit me on your throne Yeah
You're my kingdom come So sit me on your throne Yeah
You're my kingdom come So sit me on your throne
15 ASTUCES ET REMEDES DE GRAND MERE POUR MAIGRIR VITE - Duration: 4:20.-------------------------------------------
GBR Thrifts #7 - Seaside Thrifting | Nostalgia Nerd - Duration: 11:13.Ahhhhhhhh.
Can you feel that summer sun?
That can only mean that it's time to go thrifting near the seaside.
Cromer - The Gem of the Norfolk Coast - and the town I grew up in, is our first destination,
and as we pass Jarrolds on the right - the place I bought many a toy in my infantile
years, I should mention that other than visiting my parents, the reason I'm here is because
of Adam Clarke.
Now Adam is from Australia, but for some crazy reason is currently on holiday in my home
town and emailed to inform me of a box of Spectrum games he found in a second hand shop.
So, I'll be needing money then, and right across the street is the shop in question,
called Much Binding, and gosh darn it.
Look at all those glorious things.
This Alien 3 video and watch set particularly caught my eye, and right in the door - Oop,
there's a date for your diary - just as described, I find a box of Spectrum games.
According to the shop owner, a local chap recently passed away, and he managed to obtain
his entire garaged collection of film and gaming memorabilia.
Along with that massive 30 game pack, there's Butt-Ugly Martians VHS - Remember when everyone
was trying to cash in on Turtles, with Battletoads and the like - yep, this is from that era.
I almost grabbed Tin Tin on the Speccy and Stir Crazy featuring BoBo.
Both in excellent condition, but I actually grabbed some other games not shown here.
I'll show you what they were later in the video.
Books is clearly the anchor point of this shop, and rather splendidly there was a collection
of Sinclair magazines, including this marvelous poster.
I grabbed a few of these, along with some other bits, and began my path to visit the
charity shops of Cromer.
Now there's something about the faded boxes in small town toy shops which fills me with
Save for a few modern day incarnations, this shop window just feels like it could have
been taken straight from the 1980s.
Wandering down the street, I see what used to be my favourite video and games shop on
the right hand side, now some kind of gift emporium.
Iceland on the left, where once the fabulous Woolworths stood, and then a row of charity
shops, which seems unchanged through the ages.
Inside we find, DVDs... endless DVDs... along with the usual bric-a-brac items and the mandatory
Frankenstein's monster on a T-shirt setup.
Next door, we find MORE DVDs.
It's clear what the people of Cromer do these days, or at least did.
It looks like they've given all their DVDs away... high speed internet must have finally
There's a Tracy Beaker set, and even a couple of classic board games, but I have these.
Over on the other wall, I find an upsettingly empty beer stash.
I presume the beer must have dashed from this stash....
I'll get my coat.
Next up!
Down Garden Street is an RSPCA outlet.
A few PC CD games here.
Sitting Ducks, which I haven't played, and a budget hitman release... but I'm not a huge
fan of these small cases.
This Rise and Fall of WCW looked compelling, I always found the WWF, WCW rivalry fascinating
in the early 90s.
Even further up top there was the Golden Balls board game!
Remember that?
With Jasper Carrot.
Anyway, upstairs I was promised electrical goods and glory.
Sadly, all I found was a mirror to look into.
But you can at least see how I film these videos.
I just carry around a little Polaroid Cube, which for the most part goes un-noticed, and
for the some part gets some strange glares of abject horror.
So.. onto Cromer's final charity shop destination.
Annnd, what is this I see?
An old Philips cassette deck?
Wow, what a piece of shiny glory.
If you watch LGR's thrifts, you often see a lot of woodgrain effect goods.. that didn't
really happen for us.
We went more down the Japanese route, with shiny items, like this.
Just look at that level meter, it's so tantalising.
But this apparently needed some work... probably just a rubber drive band, but ahhhh, I passed.
This boxes AirFix Starter set looked pretty nice.
I've always wanted a Jaguar XJS, but good god.
There's so many warnings on the back, it put me off.
There was also this little Sharp organiser thing, which didn't exude enough charisma
for me to consider purchasing.
Soooo, we make our way back to Norwich, and visit what I like to refer to as the lower
triple of shops, being as there's another triple, but these ones are lower... in terms
of mapping at least.
Anyway, digression is the burden of the devil so inside Relate I was mildly satisfied enough
to find some Wii maracas, which offered Shake, Rattle and Roll opportunities.
My satisfaction quickly turned sour, and they were returned to the shelf.
But what have we here?
Strip Teez?
OH, I get it.
They're golf teas, but in the guise of naked, headless women.
I guess the ball becomes a massively oversized head.
Oh you golfers.
Children's Society.
Reasonable selection of small box games here.
Spore is always a keeper.
City Life is always something I've never heard of, but was intrigued enough to get to know
it, in the form of purchasing.
The last triple shop yielded "things"..
A Model * set which looked decidedly 80's enough to warrant purchase and ATMOSFEAR 2!
I love the Atmosfear board games so this one is definitely coming home.
I also found this Family Tree Maker, which looked bizarre enough for me to buy.
Because I just love, old, bizarre, PC software.
I probably have more fun with this kind of thing than playing actual games.
The next shop - HEAL, an animal charity - is quickly becoming my favourite haunt, not because
of the half naked blokes gathering outside, but because there seems to be a constant flow
of interesting PC software here.
We've got various iterations of the Sims.
A windows copy of Lemmings, which I'm sure I found a copy of in my last episode as well.
Over near the counter was this Usborne book, which reminds me of a Detective Usborne book
I have in the same series, and because I cannot abstain from Nostalgic memories, I decided
to part with 20 pence for it.
Also, check out this Smith Corona electronic type-writer, complete with sealed ink cartridge!
I love this era when electronc type-writers came head to head with proper PCs in terms
of cost and print quality, and for that reason, £5 is £5 well spent in my book.
Alright, onto some shops north of the City.
First Children's Hospices.
A regular guest on GBR Thrifts, and holding a rather spanking looking Fussball table.
Next to what appears to be Action man, having a whole heap of fun.
I'll just put him back there, and leave him to it.
None really of interest.
None really of interest.
A Red Dot Sale, but nothing with a red dot on of interest.
Otherwise I might have grabbed this flat bed scanner, because I love Epson flat bed scanners.
Yeah, it's some kind of fetish I think.
Next door we find "Splatter Face"...
I'm pretty sure I watched a video with the same title the other day.
Pretty much ended like that as well.
And ahhhh, a Microwave menus book.
I remember there were so many of these in the 80s, when Microwaves were the radioactive
devices to use for cooking food.
Those dishes actually look alright.
I bet they were cooked in an oven.
Check out this Sonic Zoomers game.
They've lifted the Sonic font directly from Sonic the Hedgehog.
Didn't even try to hide it.
Other than that it just looks like a fun disc firing game, but far too modern for my tastes.
We also have "Who Am I"?
A "Guess Who" knock off, filled with comical faces that wouldn't look out of place in a
horror film.
Annnd, what's this in the window?
An old style BT telephone.
Man, this thing brings back memories.
Not bad for £4.
Also, not bad is this keyboard for the Nintendo Wii.
Or should I say...
Ideal for gaming & online!
Well, I guess I'll be having that then.
I love gaming and online.
Behind this ioniser I also located a very vintage Uniross charger.
I remember having one of these on pretty much round the clock to run my radio controlled
car in the late 80s.
Some lovely yellowing going on there as well.
Alright, so here's the bits I bought from that shop in Cromer which I didn't capture
on film.
Reason being that I actually went in twice, but the first time I didn't have my camera.
Looking forward to reviewing Lost in LA for the PC and Doomdark's revenge on the Speccy.
Also grabbed these corgi red dwarf models, because I've never seen them before and I'm
a big fan.
Also the Terminator 2 box for the PC actually contained load of cover disks, a hero quest
manual and Wishbringer.
I'm not sure how I feel about that.
Anyway that's the haul for this episode.
With those additional bits the total spend was £80.
Although that Red Dwarf set was £30 alone.
So overall, not bad.
Stay tuned for more in depth features on some of these, otherwise, happy bargain hunting,
and I'll see you on the next episode.
If you want more thrifting, then here's a video for you.
There's also a subscribe button and a Patreon button if you want to support what I do.
Otherwise, thanks for watching, and have a great evening!
How To Make ANY Lipstick MATTE - Best Makeup HACK | ShrutiArjunAnand - Duration: 5:00.See today m going to show you a lip tutorial n a pimple popped out just below my lips to say hii to you guys ;)
hey guys shruti here , today i came up with a gorgeous lipstick hack
uh guys know matte lipsticks are so dominating nowadays ,, from celebrities to you tubers all are talking
about liquid or matte lipsticks nowadays, so i m going tell you today a easy hack by which u can try matte lipsticks at home
without using matte lipsticks n u can use any of ur old lipper.
n with only few steps uh can transform ur any lipstick to matte lipstick, so lets start:
if you dOn't have concealer use a foundation, B.B or C.C cream around the lips.
now using fingers m blending this, do not press just dab ur finger on concealer to blend it.
to make sure this concealer wouldn't go anywhere else n stays for long so use a compact powder
before lipstick use a lip liner so that ur lipstick gets stick to it n it won't spread the whole day.
this is very amazing n inexpensive somewhere around Rs.180. in the starting while applying lip liner our hands shiver so m going to start from this area right here.
so if there would be any mistake it can be rectified easily.
now as i did this we will line fill all the boundaries of lips,
for ur lip line to be visible just stretch them like this n them apply lip liner,
yeah it looks weird but lip liner will get a perfect finish.
make sure you hold the lip liner in such a way that you could be able to see the lip line uh r creating.
its cream finish lipstick n its too shiny so m able to show u how to convert it to matte one.
this lipstick is very creamy so make sure uh apply this just 1 to 2 mm beneath the lip liner
so that it would't slip n spread around the lips.
now uh can see how shiny is this lipstick looking, now to make it matte
we have to wait for atleast 2 minutes to let the lipstick stick with lip liner.
if want to use transculent powder or compact powder, uh can them but m using this normal talcum powder.
firstly take it on ur hand, n now take it on ur finger n very gently n slowly i will apply it over my lipstick ,
Apply it slowly n gently to avoid lipsticks to bleed out of the lip line.
apply a gud amount of powder coz we have to blow it away later on.
now wait for thirty seconds.
n after 30 seconds take a cotton ball n remove the extra powder.
you can see then n now we have completely changed a simple lipstick to completely matte n long lasting.
n if you apply this lipstick, ur lipstick is going to last for 8 hours n it won't budge an inch .
so this was my easy lip hack video , n if u liked n want me to bring these sort of amazing videos for u
so dnt forget to like n subscribe to my channel.
Injection services and vitamin infusion c Jakarta - Duration: 7:52.Kop dapat membersihkan darah kotor
Demi Lovato - Kingdom Come ft. Iggy Azalea (From The Fate of the Furious: The Album) - Duration: 4:05.Can we love until there's nothing left And we're collecting dust?
Use the hell out of our golden souls Until we're flecks of rust
A love so deep, nothing else like it Scars go deep, but they can't find it
Flame so bright make the daylight look dark Cross my heart, that I'll die for you
Cross my heart, that I'll always keep you Cross my heart like a bitter sweet tattoo And we go...
Oh, you're my kingdom come Oh, you're my kingdom come
So sit me on your throne Yeah, yeah, yeah
Let it intertwine Your hand in mine And fill the empty space
All the demons cry Cause you and I Found love in a broken place
A love so deep, nothing else like it Scars go deep, but they can't find it Flame so bright make the daylight look dark
Cross my heart, that I'll die for you Cross my heart, that I'll always keep you Cross my heart like a bitter sweet tattoo
And we go...
Oh, you're my kingdom come Oh, you're my kingdom come
Sit me on your throne Yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) yeah (Iggs)
Gather 'round, now I'm back from my holiday "Long live the Queen" what the people say And that be me, I got a king in my cavalry Them other knights, say goodnight, they get apathy
You'll never catch an Adam without Eve You'll never catch a Blue without Steve See what I mean? You're my Caesar, burn my chariot You know Family Matters, what's Carl without Harriet?
Inseparable like Mary Kate and Ashley Incredible, I'm ready if you ask me To ride on them, them meaning chicks, you feel me? I break 'em down, it's a sport, I should win an ESPY
Royalty, another level, boy your throne shine Legendary love nation needs a paradigm Call all the king's horses and all the king's men We rule until the end, kingdom come
And we go
Oh, you're my kingdom come Oh, you're my kingdom come
So sit me on your throne Yeah
You're my kingdom come So sit me on your throne Yeah
You're my kingdom come So sit me on your throne
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