Today I collected all the cosmetics at the 100yen store
I had an image of pastel colored dreamy outer space
Hello, this is Haruka Kurebayashi
I am doing modeling for the magazine KERA and vocal for the band MJR-Cookie
Today I want to introduce the colorful makeup using 100 yen cosmetics
So let's start
The color contacts are Shwa Shwa Grape from Cecil
The diameter for this color contact is 14.5mm
These color contacts do not have a clear rim to it,
so it has a gradation color which makes you have a nice half eye
The base color is purple, but there are some brown colors mixed in as well
It blends in well
The DAISO BB Cream in the color Ocre
I had no idea DAISO would have a BB Cream
When I used it, rather than adding color,
it's as though it blends in like a makeup base
It feels like it's close to skin milk
but if you spread it out, the finish will be quite moist
so it's good for base makeup
Concealer from Ever bi Lena in color Light Ocre
This is also a cosmetic from DAISO
Compared to the BB Cream before, it gives a lot of color
The dip under the eyes and the nostrils
and the edges will be hidden with this
The BB cream doesn't add so much color since it's quite light
so I'm erasing the parts I want to hide with this concealer
As a finish for the base makeup, I'm using one from DAISO
I have the BB cream on before, so it's just adding some on top
Just adding the powder in an image to hold down the stickiness.
This cotton puff is quite large so you cannot cover to the very edges,
so closing your eyes and going to the edges as possible and adding it on gently
Elfar Pearl in Eye Shadow Cool Blue
You can buy this eye shadow at DAISO as well
Starting off with white with a little pearl glitter in it
As an eye shadow to make the colors I will be adding later on to stand out,
Spreading all over the face to add color
This liquid can stick out a little more than normal
If you tap it and blend it in, it will disappear
so go dynamic
The next one is on the same palette in mint green color
This one also has a pearly glitter in it so it gives good color
so I took some on the fingers and added to the inner corner
If you add it in tapping motion, the base will not wrinkle, and gives good color
The inner corner side is quite sticking out
I will be adding spangles on the inner corner side
so shifting a little to the center of the face and sticking out
From one third of the eyes to the edge of the nose
This one you can buy at DAISO Colorful Eye shadow Brown
It says brown, but the color I'm using is the one in bottom right
Bottom right?
Pink on bottom right
It's got some pearl in it
If you add it, quite a clean pink gets on
Just tapping it in
Connecting with the mint green a while ago
and adding to 1/3 of the eyes
For people with double eyelids, if you place it sticking out of your eyelids,
it will look quite beautiful when you open your eyes
I add about double the size of my eyebrows for coloring when I close my eyes
For those of you with mono-lids, if add about 3mm of color on it, it will look nice
Since the pink is on, adding the green color
It's the same palette as the mint green one
Perhaps this green color gave the best color of them all
First you add to the outer corner 1/3 the length,
Where you added the pink first, you make like an arch over it
You can go pretty dynamic and stick out quite a lot as well
I will be adding glitter later on, so adding now to make it quite sharp looking
Adding the Purple Express Eye Shadow Pen
Also from DAISO
From the look of it, I didn't think it was purple
You can see the white glitter, so I thought it would be that color, but when I opened it, it was purple
It has small glitter in it, and very beautiful
Where the edge of the eyes will be, around the width of your eyelids
and adding it to the whole area,
Sticking about 1cm from the outer corner
It's taken pretty wide
When the last line pulled with the green shadow meets at the end,
It will finish nicely
When you open you eyes, the the bottom of the white of your eyes should connect with the other line
and drawing it like this
Lou Jene Eyebrows Kit 01 color
This is an eyebrow kit you can buy at CanDo
The light brown will be used for the nose shadow
The brush's like the broom that we used in elementary school to sweep the floor
It looks like a brush so it may hurt a little
For people with sensitive skin, it may be better to use it all
For 100yen store cosmetics, there are variations on the darkness so it's hard to tell which is what
so it's better to once take it on a brush and try the color out in a different place
It actually was better color than I thought
Adding it to the area between the eyes and the nose
and then move the brush as if to spread it downward
The other side as well. Placing it between the nose and the eyes and pulling it down
Next is under the nose. Right between the two holes of the nose is where I place it
By doing this, the nose will look slightly longer
This time I had a plan of adding blush to the middle of the face
I wanted to make it a childish impression,
so I placed a line on the 1/3 position of the nose to create a shadow
It will look like it's facing upward
This glitter can be bought at DAISO. Heart Ring Lip Gloss
The color is Clear Orange
Using the clear part
There are some glitter inside, but it's probably very hard to see when you apply it
so it would be ok if you use a clear gloss
Taking some with your fingers, and adding over the mint green shadow you had added the very first time
You don't have to put it where it is close to the eyes, or where it will be hidden with the double eyelid
Over the mint color
From the edge of the eyes where you added the nose shadow,
up to the beginning of the eyebrows is where to add
If you touch it too much, the ingredients of the gloss will take away the shadow
so I wouldn't rub it in, but adding it softly on it
Adding glitter
The glitter I'm using is the big and small holograms I bought at DAISO
and using a clear star hologram
There are 3 types, but I'm going to start with the big round hologram
It's a clear color but has some white in it,
When the light shines on it, it shows some dreamy cute color of purple
so to make it spread out, I'm placing 4 or 5 of them
Try to have space between them
You will be placing holograms on it later, so for this one have some space
and placing 4 or 5 of them
Next is placing the star holograms
A silver-ish white
This one also will change to blue-purplish color when the light shines on them
Using a slightly different color will give it depth, and gives a more outer space look
On the inner corner side, it will be 2 or 3 of them. Make it less
Since the size is quite big, the amount should be small
Look at the balance, and place it wherever you like
and finally placing the small round holograms
This one is also white based, but when the shines on it, it turns to pinkish color
Between the big round ones and the stars,
Adjusting the length in between and placing it
Perhaps 4 or 5 of them. Place them wherever you like
What would be the substitute for the eye shadow will be Elefar Pearl in Eye Shadow
Palette name : Natural Brown
Brown very close to black
There is pearl and glitter in it, so it's going to be pretty dark color
The cosmetic chip which comes with it is big so...
so I'm using a cotton swab to draw the line below
Holding down the bottom eyelid a little and
and going up to half way of your eyes, applying to the edge of the eyes
The line using eye shadow makes you able to adjust it later,
and compared to the line drawn by the eyeliner, it doesn't become so vivid but looks soft, so it's good
The edges will be filled in, and it also gives a soft impression
When I bought eyeliner at the 100yen store, there were loose ones as well as ones you have to really draw in
There are so many ones
so I was scared to use the eyeliners at first,
so instead of drawing with eyeliner, using a dark eye shadow to draw the eye line works very well
After finishing the bottom, drawing the top
For the top, if you start out from the outer corner, it will give a nice finish
So starting from the outer corner, and when doing so, holding the temple a little bit,
and placing it lightly to fill in the outer corner
There was a purple base that I added before, and tracing over it
making a nice gradation
Once the outer corner is finished, filling in the inner corner side
The key is not making it too wide, but just tapping it in the edges to fill it in
Once the outer and inner corner is done, connecting it with the eye shadow on the bottom
Just spreading out the outer corner a little bit,
and coming back to the very middle at the end
will make it round and cute
Since my hair is blue this time,
the Elefar Pearl in Eye shadow Cool Blue Palette
I chose this color since it's got some pastel essence and will match with my hair color
People with black hair probably won't need this color
Choose a color matching with your hair
This one gives quite some strong color, so test it on the back of your hand and take some off,
and use it when you feel is the good color
The furthest inner corner of the eyebrows,
adding it in a tapping motion
Up to the middle of the eyebrows in a straight line
For the eyebrows, the Lousie Eyebrow Kit which I used on the nose shadow
Using the dark color
This one also gives strong color, and added dark color
If you think it got on too much, take some off before you add some in,
it will not become a mistake but will add a nice eyebrow color
From the middle of the eyebrows in a straight line, tapping it in
and adding in a finish to the outer corner
Doing it in one stroke will prevent it from being a wiggly line,
so hold your breath and just do a straight line in one stroke
Once that is done, stretching that to the inner corner
If you add too much to the inner corner, it will be too dark and the eyebrows will stand out
so don't draw the tip of the inner corner, but have an image of circling around it
Top, bottom in a straight line circling
As a finish, from around the middle towards the inner corner in small motions
Drawing as if creating a gradation
Not drawing the inner corner but stretching it
Since the outer corner of the eyebrow has been colored,
so placing some color over it isn't going to change much
So when I do flashy hair, I only color my eyebrows from the inner corner up until half the length of the eyes
Crayon Touch Me from CanDo
Black Mascara
It's pretty good
Since I have eyelash extension on top, I tried to look at the balance of top and bottom
Even if you don't have it, if you start from the bottom, it's likely you won't make a mistake
The eyelashes below will be colored all over
Since I have the eye bags, and they are quite wide vertically,
If I color from the middle and outward, the width will be enhanced and look cute
so applying it with an image of stretching the middle
People who have wide eyes, or quite a narrow almond eyes,
when you concentrate on the outer corner side, the finish will be nice
This time I am concentrating in the middle part
If you happen to add too much or stretched too much,
if you take some off after it dries off, it will look nice
so start out by fearlessly applying it and taking some off afterwards will work well
After the bottom is the top
For the top lashes, since I said that I have eyelash extensions so adding just slightly
For those of you who has not done the extension, for the people who has vertical width should do the middle,
and those of you who has the width or has a sharp almond eye should concentrate on the outer corner
For places where you want to extend, you should add 2 or 3 times and after it dries out
and if you don't like it, pull it out
As a finish for the eyes, adding glitter to the side
For the base is Heart Ring Lip Gloss Orange in the clear middle color
I had added to the inner corner before, so this time I'm adding to the outer corner
Since this time I had placed the nice colored green on the outer corner,
so trying to keep the green color as it is
so adding the ones slightly on the fingers to be added really gently
If you rub it too much, the nice glitter will come off
and the color maybe not quite be what you want so be careful when applying
Applying one step outside of the green that you added
Under the eyebrows that you drew
To fill in the gap between, tap the gloss on
Adding the hologram
Adding the big round ones
Looking at the balance with the inner corner, the base shadow is drawn in a droopy way
so the glitter will be added in a pointing motion
3 or 4 adding to be spread out
Next is the star hologram to be spread out casually
may be around 3 of them
as if creating a triangle
Adding the round small holograms to the eyebrows side, outer corner side,
and 1/3 of your eyelid in a very clean position
and the final one is around 4 or 5 of them
Putting the mirror far away, you will find a balance which makes it look nice
If you check the balance and place it, you will find it where it will look nice
The blush you can buy at DAISO in Smokey Pink
Starting with the lighter pink on the right
It was quite a vivid pink, taking some of the powder off first,
and adding to the middle of the nose
and to spread it sideways, up until the pupils of your eyes, blending it in
At this point, the color is pretty strong, so
so on the edges and around it, taking some off with your own fingers
that will blend in better than spreading it with a brush so taking off that excessive powder with your fingers
Taking the orangish pink with the brush
This one has strong color as well, so taking off some color with the brush,
Going to the middle of the nose in a straight line
The highest point will be the darkest color, so it will become a gradation
It will be like the good old child you only find in folk tales so I like it
Espaleur Lip Gloss you can buy at DAISO
The color is juicy orange
It's not the type that gives a vivid color,
since it's a lip gloss, if you add it with your fingers it gives some shine
and it's slightly orange so it's cute color
as I said on the blush, it's like the child you see in folk tales, a rather fantasy like taste
It was a natural orange which blended in well
Finally the hairstyle
I wanted the fairy tale and dreamy image,
so I'm doing the hairstyle which is anti-gravity
Making two pig tails , and taking the half and dividing it into 3
and making braids for all three of them
The key is make the braids a little tight
The end is pinned with a hair pin
When all three of the braids are made, using the 3 color ribbon from DAISO
Matching the color of the hair, I chose two colors
Taking a look at the color of the hair,
and taking about 15cm longer than that will be the length of each side
so taking double that length
Folding it in half and cutting at midway
This will create two sets, for it will go on each side
The two ribbons will tied in a very simple knot, like this
The knot part should come below the middle braid
and hold the ribbon together with the side braids
and hold it tighter to create some braids
When you tie the braids with braids, the hair will be tied even harder
This will create a strong hair withstanding gravity
The tip of the hair will be tied down with a rubber band
The key point here is, when the anti gravity braid tip becomes like a broom,
the tip will be all over and will not look cute
so I want it to be unified
When you are tying the rubber band at the very last knot, if you bend the tip
as if creating a small ball at the end
and pushing in the knot while it is still folded
The ribbon part will not be in there, but stay outside
Using a U pin, having a metal pin going through
The U pin comes in a U shape so make it a straight line first
and go through the knot first
and go through the braid like in a zig zag motion like this
If the tip hits your scalp, it's going to hurt so you might want to bend the tip a little,
or let it point at a different direction and make it blend into the hair
Once the metal line is in, you can shape it into any shape you like
The excessive ribbon can be made into a knot
Once the knot is made, creating the finish for the ribbon
Fold the ribbon horizontally,
Cutting toward the tip of the ribbon from the folded side with an angle,
It will create a nice look like the ribbon you see on gift wrapping
With this method, cutting the tip of the ribbon, and the tip of the ribbon near the root of the hair
The anti-gravity hair style is done
How was it? All the cosmetics were from the 100yen store
The image was a pastel dreamy outer space look makeup
I think the mixed marble color gave it a very nice look
Please try out different colors
The clothes coordination is matching with this hair and it says magical girl
It's a girly Dreamy looking cute T shirt
There are other videos as well, so please check them out
Bye bye
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