It has a little bit of cocaine in there. WHAT??? WHAT THE F#([<???
You wanna try this one now? No I am good
I'm starting a new company. We're doing honey
Would you sample it and tell me what you think about it? Okay.
It is two types
What is it? One of each, it's honey sticks Oh Okay Okay
Would you sample it, and tell me what you think about it?
Honey? Yeah! Oh You like honey? yeah yes yes yes
Oh you have samples? Yeah! Oh OK cool yeah
Would you sample and tell me what you think about it? Sure!
We are producing honey. Would you try it and tell me what you think about it.
I'm chewing gum isn't that going to affect? No it is fine.
OK so what do you want me to do? Just try one of each.
Feels real. FEELS REAL?!!!!
YEAH It is honey!
Which one I like better? Yeah and like describe it too.
This one is like very heavy flavor Heavy sugar flavor
I don't like honey all that much This is very sweet
Where are you from It is a Russian accent you are hearing
yes! yeah! that was good
What's so special about the darker honey It's made by special bee colonies
That pollinate marijuana flowers oh really?
Yeah! And you finished all of it, So you'll get high right now hahaha
No way! Yeah! Sick!
Bee colonies derive it from marijuana flowers OOOHH =)
Bee colonies that pollinate marijuana flowers SERIOUSLY??? Yeah
So they pollinate marijuana flowers. HUH? Yeah! Whaaaat?
And if you finish that thing it will get you pretty high! That's ...... Jesus
You can do two MAX I wouldn't recommend more than two
You want one more? NO I am good!
This darker one it's made by special bee colonies and it comes from marijuana flowers
OOHH Haha Cool! Hahahaha
If you want more. Is there THC in it? A? Is there THC in it?
Yes but it is not it's not injected it's actually derived naturally from flowers very low
OOOHH So it is like a very low percentage
It is not that low actually if you eat the whole one of this it will get your high
You're kidding!!! What! No way! Do it!
Just finish it! Ahahaha
Ashley I will save it for my pancakes for later!
It's made by special bee colonies from marijuana flowers
From WHAT? From marijuana flowers
From marijuana flowers Oh really? Yeah! That is crazy! That is really cool!
And they pollinate marijuana flowers so this is....MARIJUANA? ...made of Marijuana! Yeah
If you finish it you'll get mildly high OMG! You are giving me marijuahahahana? Yeah!
[Spanish on the phone]
I mean you're in California!!!
Do you usually smoke? I don't! You don't. I don't AT ALL!
That's good! That is good for you! Hihihi
I like your positive energy! Oh thank you
If you want to get really high I can give a second one for free
Aaaahhh Sure!!! Two will get you really high! SUURE!!!
I wouldn't advice more than that! OK
You want more? Ah Yeah! I'll give it to you for free
Oh okay cool!
So does it have any affect? It does! It does
So if you like eat full one of them it get you like high not like too crazy
You can probably can have two to get crazy - if you have to
OK I will let my friends know My friends love marijuana
I can give you more. I have one left Aaaahahahahaaa
Would you get something like that? Yeah I mean knowing now that it is marijuana
I mean ..... Yeah
So if you finish one of them you'll get high Oh ha hahaha ..... I Finished one! ..... hahahah
So are you gonna finish that? Yeah I actually wanna see if I get high from this.
Can you take a drug test? It would show up.
Well I hope you don't need to take a drug test any time soon
Yeah Hopefully I'm not an athlete so whatever
Selling very Illegally. You wanna try this? No I have to drive!
Well I hope, you all of you are 21, right? aah "yeah" hahahaha
Oh yeah It will do nothing! Lol you are really trying to get all now
We will see! We will see what happens. Okay.
And then the other one. I mean it is a little less legal, but you can order it online and pay with bitcoin!
It has a little bit of cocaine in there. WHAT??? WHAT THE F#([<???
Serious? Yeah. You wanna try this one now? No I am good
[Laughter] That is so dumb What company is it? What the shit?
SO... It is Artami Network Just go to
Wait but how is that can be legal I mean it's not, but you won't see me again
and you'll just order it online oOh you wont see me again aahh
OMG! This is funny as f#([< This is F#([<ing hilarious TAKE SAMPLE B (Coke)
Also,... no one knows how to use bitcoin so I feel like you should accept some other form of payment
Well... That is the only not traceable form of payment
What movie is that from? They had all this Bitcoins and they chained them .... Yeah Bitcoin is a pretty scary stuff
I mean if you want to have more of just marijuana one Yeah! Go for it! I will give it to you for free
I will take the Marijuana OH MY ...
THANK YOU! Thank You you don't do .... you don't do coke AH? haha, Thank you
Since you guys are so cool about it I'll will tell you what's in second one Oh oooh oh well do it
It is actually regular honey OH okay! yeah but it has a little bit of cocaine in there
OH Cool! See This is not cool! Yeah
Since you are so cool about it I'll will tell you what's in second one. What?
It is a regular honey and it has a little bit of cocaine in there. Little bit? Yeah. How little are we talking about?
you won't see me again and you can pay with Bitcoin online
It has a little bit of cocaine in there OH MY GOODNESS!
It has a little bit of cocaine in there
You'll have a good time but it will wear off in like an hour.
What is in second one? It is actually regular honey, but it has a little bit of cocaine in there
oh really? yeah! Damn! I mean I wouldn't sell it to you right now but you can order it online and pay with Bitcoin
and then the other one has some cocaine in there.
Yeah I like the softer one. I like the cocaine better Because I tried it before, it is really good
I like to be like energy and a hyped up
you would never see me again, but you can order it online if you want
ha ha .... Are you 21? No, but I have got friends who are 21
You'll start feeling cocaine sooner once it wears off you will start feeling marijuana after that.
Yeah! That Makes Sense! So it is a good combination
Yeah I am totally hyper right now so it makes sense haha .... Interesting
It has a little bit of cocaine in there
Where? Oh that is interesting. How come you are just giving it to random people?
Because I'm trying to make it more popular on campuses!
But isn't it's like unsafe to give it to without telling what's up
No,... Yeah, but you would never see me again and you can order it online.
True, but what if I have like bad reaction to this???
Wouldn't You like be ... I DON'T CARE! HAHAHA Damn. I will be honest with you! OK
I kind of do feel a little bit high right now. A little bit,
Just trying to make it popular in colleges. I think you can do it
I can do it? Yeah! Yeah
Bro how are you not getting in trouble for this???
Just make sure you don't call cops on me No Yeah, no you are fine!
I would prefer to talk to few more people that, before I would have to change spot
Yeah. Oh I see what you are saying okay Oh Yeah cool I wouldn't do that
Okay. Don't worry yeah thank you thank you so much! enjoyed it!
You might wanna let people know just a little bit about what is in ...
What I am not letting you know is that we are filming YouTube Prank
SERIOUSLY??? YES! It is regular honey!
You were so calm I bet you just like quietly go and call cops on me right?
No No. Oh my goodness This is so weird. This is so funny!
I love it! This is cool So don't be worried about finishing it
So many things were going through my mind
You know like do I take some for my neighbor who is really into it
This changes my whole life experience
Did you really believe it? I did! I thought that can totally be
I don't know, I thought it could be, but I certainly don't like marijuana or cocaine
Okay well that is good for you yeah I don't do anything like that too
I was like cocaine, How is this even legal Right right
Okay guys this was a YouTube prank and this guy has probably seen it
I was freaking out I was like what did you just try
FouseyTUBE is fake
Well now you know this is not fake It worked but FouseyTUBE is fake
Maybe some, but not all of it.
FouseyTUBE is fake Vitaly is fake
You think so? haha you are exposing people
don't call cops on me noooo haha See you, See you
hey guys we are actually filming YouTube Prank it's not real
now like before he does this and pushes me away now he like really does it
Thank you for the honey by the way
Can I actually have two more of this? Which one do you want? Like one more of each
I am actually meeting with my friend I would like to let him know because I think this is really cool.
I am glad you liked it Yeah don't call cops on me
No I wont I am not a rat
Thank you so much. Wait a second we're actually filming YouTube prank
you're on camera right now it's right there What the Hell? Is this serious? Yes
OMG! Did you believe me? Yes I was so exited! You took more
It is a joke OMG!
We're actually filming YouTube prank right there OOH
It is not, there's nothing in it. It's regular honey! OH Is this real? Yeah! Oh ok!
You can feel free about finishing it
Oh OK so I don't have to worry about having like little bits of cocaine in my system? No no
We're filming a YouTube Prank camera is right there OH really? Yeah!
Did you freak out when I told you cocaine or something I was like HMMMM OK cool interesting
Hey guys actually we're filming a YouTube prank video It is right there
OOO MY GOD! OMG! ........OMG!
Well that was good! That was so good Is it OK if I put you online?
The part that scared me was "Your will never seen me again!"
I was like OMG! ... YEAH I WAS LIKE OMG! It Is Real! IT IS REAL! IT IS REAL!!!
This is actually going to be my first video! so you can Subscribe and see it right away when it comes out
Are we the first people? You are! You are!
YEEESSS!!!!! And good reactions too! OMG! Yeah I even screamed what the f#([<
So you think my accent is helping? YEAP!!! Oh so it is real? OOHH
You believed it ah? Yeah! You believed it? Yeah!
Does my accent help? YEahahahahahahaha
More videos coming every week Thank you! Thank you!
I ... WAS ... SHOKED!
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