Friday, June 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 1 2018

Hi there! Let's continue.

This segment needs to be sanded and filled.

CA glue can be used as a putty.

I use a toothpick as a transfer to make sure the drop will fall where it should.

My favourite washable acrylic putty.

I'll use it where there's no need to sand the surface flat.

It's also safe for clear parts.

We have to use a new blade for this masking technique.

Some primer to reveal potential imperfections.

Looks OK.

I'll attach some parts temporarily with a white glue.

I'll use this Olfa knife to re-scribe panel lines.

This Dymo tape is perfect to guide the blade.

This time I've decided to attach all the antennas before painting.

I've got a feeling I'll regret this ;).

In the next episode something most of us likes the best - the painting.

I hope you'll come back and watch it :).

Subscribe now so you won't miss it.


For more infomation >> Model G.222 - 1/72 Italeri - Fuselage - Duration: 13:17.


Real Life Testemonials about Nutt Butter™ by TAME the BEAST® - Mike G. Review - Duration: 0:40.

Gentlemen. This evening, we'll hear the words of men

who have taken their well-being into their own hands.

Men who have chosen to trade hot and wrinkly for cool and supple.

Men who smell great, right where they're the most manly.

I present to you: Real Testemonials about Nutt Butter™ from


For more infomation >> Real Life Testemonials about Nutt Butter™ by TAME the BEAST® - Mike G. Review - Duration: 0:40.


I am woman│I need your love│Trust me│I Won't Let You Down - Duration: 7:56.

My Name is Nosheen and I am woman

For more infomation >> I am woman│I need your love│Trust me│I Won't Let You Down - Duration: 7:56.


WORKOUT your English with these phrasal verbs - Duration: 3:14.

Hi everyone I'm Dana from and in this video I am

going to teach you some different ways to use a phrasal verb that you're

already pretty familiar with. That's it, this phrasal verb is to work out and a

lot of you will commonly know this as a way we speak about exercise. But did you

know there are several other ways that we use work out to describe different

situations that have nothing to do with exercise? Let's get started with today's

lesson. Now before we begin don't forget to subscribe to my channel. I make new

English videos every week so if you're subscribed then you won't miss out.

Now the first way that we can use work out is to solve a problem. This can be to

solve a problem using information and facts. So I might say, "we want to go to

Jamaica on holiday but Cuba sounds nice too we can't really work out which one

to choose". So you're going to weigh the options of what a holiday in Jamaica

versus the holiday in Cuba looks like. We also use work out to solve a

mathematical problem so a calculation. I could say to you I am born in 1947,

work out how old I am. We can also use work out to describe how

a situation ends or the outcome of a situation. This can be positive so you

could say "I'm really glad that your new job is working out" here I use the

present continuous "working out" because it's still going well so this hasn't

ended, it hasn't stopped being good so I'm really glad your new job is working

out. If something doesn't go so well we just make this phrase negative and we

say "I'm really sorry that it didn't work out". We also use work out when we talk

about how something adds up to a particular

amount. So if you buy a lot of items at a store the cashier might say to you that

works out to 950 dollars. We also say work out when we're talking about the

true cost of something versus another way. So I might say "it works out

cheaper if I take the bus every day instead of paying for a month's worth of

parking". I hope that you liked this lesson and you found some new useful

ways to use the phrasal verb work out. If you would like the lesson notes for this

video they are in the first link in the description. And what are in these lesson

notes you ask well these lesson notes contain the transcript for this video as

well as some exercises so you can test what you learned. Until next time bye bye!

For more infomation >> WORKOUT your English with these phrasal verbs - Duration: 3:14.


Getting 'That Shot' | Exploring the 'Island of the Colour Blind' with Sanne De Wilde - Duration: 3:14.


This photograph is the key image of the series,

The Island of the Colorblind.

A lot of my work on my personal projects

is centred around a certain genetic trail

that runs through people's lives

and that shapes and forms their community

or their personal life or their physical identity.

The Island of the Colorblind is a series about achromatopsia

or complete colour blindness.

There's an island in the Pacific in Micronesia

where there's an extremely high percentage

of this very extraordinary kind of colour blindness

that doesn't allow people to see colour.

I started photography developing in the dark room.

In black and white, on film and making my own prints.

Since then, I never touched black and white

until this project came up.

So after I returned from the island,

I invited achromatopic people from the Netherlands and Belgium

to bring colour back into my black and white images,

to literally paint onto the image.

People felt free and at the same time struggled

with not being able to have control over colour as well,

because I wouldn't tell them which colours they were using.

And it makes people feel unsecure and uncomfortable.

During the painting sessions I organised, I met Annefloor.

She's from the Netherlands

and she has achromatopic vision and she's super talented.

She made beautiful paintings

and really added on another layer to the work

by really allowing me to see through her eyes.

To Pingelap I brought my D700 that I had converted to infrared

and the D810 that I used as a normal camera.

I wanted to experiment with infrared

because I wanted to find a way for myself to redefine

and rediscover colour while shooting the project.

With this converted camera that reads light differently,

I was also triggered to rethink the colour perspective

and the result of that are images that are so surreal in their colours

that it makes people open up to this whole new reality

and this freedom of colour that you get

if you let go of the conventional way of looking at it.

The work The Island of the Colorblind is about trying to open people's eyes

to not seeing the absence of something

as something you lack or as a weakness,

but as strength, as something that is a richness,

as something that adds on to your own reality that you create

and that you have the power to create and that you create in your own way.

And it's about connecting vision at the same time acknowledging

that we all see the world differently.


For more infomation >> Getting 'That Shot' | Exploring the 'Island of the Colour Blind' with Sanne De Wilde - Duration: 3:14.


Mamma Jolanda è felice del riavvicinamento tra il figlio Albano e Romina | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Mamma Jolanda è felice del riavvicinamento tra il figlio Albano e Romina | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:13.


Emma Marrone torna a Sesto Fiorentino | M.C.G.S - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Emma Marrone torna a Sesto Fiorentino | M.C.G.S - Duration: 1:42.


"Ciao Fabrizio, hai lasciato una scia d'amore infinito", Frizzi segna il gol del cuore | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> "Ciao Fabrizio, hai lasciato una scia d'amore infinito", Frizzi segna il gol del cuore | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:26.


「Nightcore」→ Suicide (Deeper Version) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:08.

「Nightcore」→ Suicide (Deeper Version) (Lyrics)

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Suicide (Deeper Version) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:08.


Audi A1 1.0 TFSI 95pk Sportback Adrenalin | Navi | Cruise Control | Airc - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Audi A1 1.0 TFSI 95pk Sportback Adrenalin | Navi | Cruise Control | Airc - Duration: 1:07.


Phim Tình khúc Bạch Dương Tập 34,Tôi đã gặp lại Hùng và chúng tôi vẫn yêu nhau Vân ngơ ngẩn người ? - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Phim Tình khúc Bạch Dương Tập 34,Tôi đã gặp lại Hùng và chúng tôi vẫn yêu nhau Vân ngơ ngẩn người ? - Duration: 2:17.


Vi presento baby rino - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Vi presento baby rino - Duration: 0:57.


2018中国公开赛张继科能击败日本新生代接班人张本智和吗? - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> 2018中国公开赛张继科能击败日本新生代接班人张本智和吗? - Duration: 2:25.


Gordon Ramsay's 24 Hours t...

For more infomation >> Gordon Ramsay's 24 Hours t...


Battlestar Galactica: Celestra Class Resupply Ship - Deadlock Proving Grounds - Spacedock - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Battlestar Galactica: Celestra Class Resupply Ship - Deadlock Proving Grounds - Spacedock - Duration: 2:56.


透明咖啡 與 透明桃茶 feat. 鰻魚骨 | 東京近郊 - 番外篇 - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> 透明咖啡 與 透明桃茶 feat. 鰻魚骨 | 東京近郊 - 番外篇 - Duration: 4:00.


The adventures of CARTOON HERO, game cartoon for children #1 the New cartoon 2018! Rayman Nintendo - Duration: 13:04.

For more infomation >> The adventures of CARTOON HERO, game cartoon for children #1 the New cartoon 2018! Rayman Nintendo - Duration: 13:04.


Μάρω Κοντού: Φωτογραφίζεται ακομπλεξάριστη χωρίς μακιγιάζ στα 84 της - People Greece - Duration: 1:41.

H Μάρω Κοντού αποτελεί ένα θρυλικό όνομα στο χώρο της εθνικής υποκριτικής τέχνης. Εκτός από αυτό όμως, πρόκειται για μία γυναίκα χωρίς κόμπλεξ και ανασφάλειες που δεν έχει τίποτα να αποδείξει

Η ομορφιά λοιπόν δεν έχει ηλικία, ειδικά όταν πηγάζει από μέσα μας και δεν είναι επιφανειακή

Η ίδια η Μάρω Κοντού μας δείχνει πως διαθέτει τα κότσια να ποζάρει χωρίς μακιγιάζ ακόμη και στα 84 της χρόνια

Με επιδερμίδα που συναγωνίζεται πολύ νεότερές της και αφοπλιστικά εκφραστικό βλέμμα, κοιτάζει τον φακό της φίλης της και επίσης ηθοποιού Χρύσας Κλούβα

Μπορεί η ίδια να μη διαθέτει λογαριασμούς στα social, αλλά η συνάδελφός της την πόσταρε, και έκανε hashtag: «Ένα όνομα, πολλές ιστορίες

Την αγαπώ». Πηγή φωτογραφιών:Instagram, NDP

For more infomation >> Μάρω Κοντού: Φωτογραφίζεται ακομπλεξάριστη χωρίς μακιγιάζ στα 84 της - People Greece - Duration: 1:41.


유지비 줄이고 신무기 수출 기회 늘고..'K무기 원조' 이중 포석 / korean army 24h - Duration: 9:43.

For more infomation >> 유지비 줄이고 신무기 수출 기회 늘고..'K무기 원조' 이중 포석 / korean army 24h - Duration: 9:43.


Mesut Kurtis - Ilahi (Ramadan 2018) | مسعود كرتس - إلهي - Duration: 4:40.

From the poetry of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (RA)

O Allah! You see my condition, my poverty and my destitution

O Allah! You see my condition, my poverty and my destitution

And You hear my softly-whispered supplication

O Allah! Even though my mistakes are grave and numerous…

Yet your Forgiveness is far greater and bigger (than those sins)

O Allah!

O Allah! I've become filled with sorrow & regret when I remembered your countless blessings on me (despite my continued disobedience)

And at the remembrance of my mistakes my eyes filled with tears

O Allah! Grant me peace from You and mercy

For I knock but at the gates of Your mercy

O Allah!

O Allah! Resurrect me as a follower of the religion of Muhammad

And as a devout, cleansed, obedient, and humble (servant) to You

And do not deny me, O my Lord and Master…

His [Muhammad PBUH's] noble intercession, for he is the one whom You have granted intercession

And bless him whenever a monotheist calls upon You

And whenever the righteous bow at Your door, beseeching You

O Allah! O Allah! O Allah!

For more infomation >> Mesut Kurtis - Ilahi (Ramadan 2018) | مسعود كرتس - إلهي - Duration: 4:40.


Nonsense - Official Trailer | Rinosh George | MC Jithin | Johny Sagariga - Duration: 1:44.

Can I have all your attention here for a minute? Just a minute.

Look Arun, I won't have any more excuses.

Your name is Nonsense, right?






Doctor, everyone at school calls me Nonsense.

Miss, I am fed up with this Arun.

Anna, this isn't some circus act. Its cycle stunt.


By BMX you mean?

Bicycle Motocross

BMX is even an Olympics sport.

Oh! I had no idea about that.

How high do you think this flag post is?

Actually, why are you struggling this hard for?

What rubbish?

Arun! Come explain on the board

Bring your parents first and then enter the class.

What are you writing in such a hurry?

Imposition. On speed and Velocity.

Imposition for speed?

Then tell me, What do you mean by speed?

Jeevan Kumar!

It's Arun Jeevan.

I don't think we can go this way.

Why? Any doubts?

Get out of the car, Madam.

We are almost the same age. I mean just pass your exams already.

Shabarimala, Manali or Shimla. Go where ever you want to.

I have an idea. It may or maynot work out.

Who is that girl to you?

What we need is not a whole lot of doctors or engineers but some good human beings.

Peace out.

What does that mean?

You don't know what peace out means?

No! I don't.

For more infomation >> Nonsense - Official Trailer | Rinosh George | MC Jithin | Johny Sagariga - Duration: 1:44.


Seat Leon 1.2 TSI Reference - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Seat Leon 1.2 TSI Reference - Duration: 1:11.


「Nightcore」→ Suicide (Deeper Version) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:08.

「Nightcore」→ Suicide (Deeper Version) (Lyrics)

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Suicide (Deeper Version) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:08.


✅ Marlène Schiappa rend hommage à son "mentor" Jean-Claude Boulard, mort à 75 ans - Duration: 2:36.

POLITIQUE - Stéphane Le Foll et Marlène Schiappa ont été parmi les premiers à rendre hommage à Jean-Claude Boulard

Le maire socialiste du Mans, élu depuis 2001, est décédé ce jeudi 31 mai des suites d'une longue maladie

"C'est un jour triste pour nous tous", a tweeté le député de la Sarthe, ancien porte-parole du gouvernement

Quant à la secrétaire d'Etat chargée de l'égalité femme-homme, elle a évoqué "sa peine immense" après la mort de son "mentor"

Jean-claude Boulard nous a quitté. J'adresse toutes mes condoléances à sa femme Dominique, à ses trois enfants et à toute la famille

C'est un jour triste pour nous tous. — Stéphane Le Foll (@SLeFoll) 1 juin 2018 Il était exceptionnel, politiquement et humainement

Jean-Claude Boulard, mon mentor, « notre maire » s'est éteint. Je lui dois tout

Pensées à son épouse Dominique ses enfants; l'équipe JCB, les Manceaux, tous ceux qui ont eu le bonheur de le connaître

Notre peine est immense. — MarleneSchiappa (@MarleneSchiappa) 1 juin 2018 Membre du Parti socialiste, il avait soutenu Emmanuel Macron au début de l'année 2017 siégeant dans le groupe macroniste au Sénat (tout en restant au PS) avant de quitter son poste à l'automne dernier

Dans un communiqué, l'Elysée souligne que "le président de la République perd, à titre personnel un ami et un soutien de la première heure

" Député dans les années 80 et 90, Jean-Claude Boulard avait pris part à la construction de deux réformes sociales majeures: le RMI (revenu minimum d'insertion remplacé depuis par le RSA) sous Michel Rocard et la CMU (couverture maladie universelle devenue protection universelle maladie) sous Lionel Jospin

À voir également sur Le HuffPost:

For more infomation >> ✅ Marlène Schiappa rend hommage à son "mentor" Jean-Claude Boulard, mort à 75 ans - Duration: 2:36.


The TRUTH Behind My Lead Generation Process (How I Generate Millions in Revenue Every Year) - Duration: 10:18.

For more infomation >> The TRUTH Behind My Lead Generation Process (How I Generate Millions in Revenue Every Year) - Duration: 10:18.


✅ Nicole Kidman: Der "massive Kummer" einer Fehlgeburt - Duration: 2:26.

Eine Fehlgeburt ist für eine Frau immer ein herber Schlag. Wie schwer es Schauspielerin Nicole Kidman (50, "Big Little Lies") fiel, den Verlust ihrer ungeborenen Kinder während der Ehe mit Tom Cruise (55, "Die Mumie") zu verkraften, darüber hat sie nun in einem Interview mit dem Magazin "Tatler" gesprochen

Zwei Seiten einer Medaille "Ich kenne diese Sehnsucht [Mutter zu werden]. Diese Sehnsucht ist gewaltig und schmerzvoll

Und der Verlust! Der Verlust durch eine Fehlgeburt, darüber wird nicht oft genug gesprochen

Er bedeutet für einige Frauen massiven Kummer", sagte Kidman übereinstimmenden US-Medienberichten zufolge in dem Gespräch

"Da ist auf der einen Seite viel Schmerz, aber auf der anderen Seite auch viel Freude", so Kidman

Nach all der Sehnsucht und dem Schmerz endlich ein Kind zu haben, rufe "dieses Ahhhh!-Gefühl" hervor

Die erste Fehlgeburt erlitt Kidman bereits kurz nach der Hochzeit mit Tom Cruise aufgrund einer Eileiterschwangerschaft

Das Paar heiratete 1990. Im Jahr 2001, kurz bevor sich das Paar trennte, verlor die heute 50-Jährige ein zweites Kind

Nach der ersten Fehlgeburt entschlossen sich Kidman und Cruise zu adoptieren, sie haben zusammen Tochter Isabella (25) und Sohn Connor (23)

Seit 2006 ist Nicole Kidman in zweiter Ehe mit Sänger Keith Urban (50) verheiratet

Mit ihm gemeinsam hat die Schauspielerin zwei Töchter. Sunday Rose (9) brachte Kidman 2008 auf die Welt

Faith Margaret (7) wurde von einer Leihmutter ausgetragen.

For more infomation >> ✅ Nicole Kidman: Der "massive Kummer" einer Fehlgeburt - Duration: 2:26.


Full HTML training in Hindi for free part 01 From absolute beginner to total advanced | basic tags - Duration: 14:23.

For more infomation >> Full HTML training in Hindi for free part 01 From absolute beginner to total advanced | basic tags - Duration: 14:23.


Wix ou Wordpress - Faut il créer son site sur WIX ? - Duration: 6:21.

For more infomation >> Wix ou Wordpress - Faut il créer son site sur WIX ? - Duration: 6:21.


✅ Stomy Bugsy, papa poule avec ses deux fils : "J'ai du mal à être strict..." - Duration: 2:52.

Actuellement candidat dans The Island Célébrités sur M6, Stomy Bugsy se montre sous un nouveau jour aux téléspectateurs de la chaîne..

celui d'un père de famille positif et particulièrement aimant. Loin de son image de rappeur "gangster" du milieu des années 90, le rappeur d'aujourd'hui 46 ans a récemment accepté de parler de sa vie de famille et surtout de son côté papa poule ! Interrogé par nos confrères de Public, Stomy Bugsy a par exemple confié qu'il avait élevé son fils Bilal seul – enfant qu'il a eu à 20 ans, et que le public a d'ailleurs entendu sur le single Mon papa à moi..

–, une situation qui l'a aidé à ne pas céder aux sirènes de la "lascarisation" comme il dit. "À 20 ans, j'étais un lascar et je me retrouve avec ce petit bout dans les bras sur qui il faut veiller 24 heures sur 24

J'ai senti le poids des responsabilités d'un seul coup. Il était tout pour moi et j'étais tout pour lui. Sa mère le voyait rarement

Il vivait avec moi, c'est moi qui m'en occupais", a commencé l'artiste. Et de poursuivre sur le style de papa qu'il a été et qu'il est toujours aujourd'hui : "Je suis un papa très câlin

Je suis une sorte de papa/maman, un hybride. Comme j'ai eu mon premier enfant tout seul, j'ai joué les deux rôles, à la fois tendre et autoritaire, même si j'ai du mal à être strict." Concernant la possibilité pour lui d'offrir une belle-mère à ses enfants, Stomy Bugsy n'a pas caché qu'il n'avait pas spécialement envie dans se lancer dans une histoire sérieuse avec une femme

"C'est vrai que j'ai brisé pas mal de coeurs. (...) La routine me tue. Pour moi, habiter avec une fille, ce n'est pas bon

Aller au lit à côté de sa femme pour dormir tous les soirs, c'est la fin. Quand t'es dans un lit, c'est pour faire l'amour passionnément, c'est tout

Faut vivre chacun de son côté. Pourtant, je ne suis pas contre le mariage, on ne sait jamais", a-t-il expliqué. Stomy Bugsy est le papa de Bilal, aujourd'hui 26 ans, et de Lat Dior, fruit de ses amours passées avec la chanteuse Lynnsha, et aujourd'hui âgé de 5 ans

Une interview à retrouver en intégralité dans le magazine Public, actuellement en kiosque.

For more infomation >> ✅ Stomy Bugsy, papa poule avec ses deux fils : "J'ai du mal à être strict..." - Duration: 2:52.


Früher Emo: So wurde GNTM-Klaudia mit K ihr eigenes Vorbild! - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Früher Emo: So wurde GNTM-Klaudia mit K ihr eigenes Vorbild! - Duration: 1:02.


K-beauty 16 BRAND ONE-SWIPE EYE SHADOW! - Duration: 6:52.

For more infomation >> K-beauty 16 BRAND ONE-SWIPE EYE SHADOW! - Duration: 6:52.


유지비 줄이고 신무기 수출 기회 늘고..'K무기 원조' 이중 포석 / korean army 24h - Duration: 9:43.

For more infomation >> 유지비 줄이고 신무기 수출 기회 늘고..'K무기 원조' 이중 포석 / korean army 24h - Duration: 9:43.


How to draw a hamster - 3d hamster drawing | #Drawing-Extra - Duration: 5:49.

how to draw a hamster, how to draw a hamster easy, how to draw a hamster for kids, how to draw a hamster step by step, how to draw a hamster step by step for beginners, how to draw a hamster art for kids hub, how to draw a hamster cage, how to draw a hamster for beginners, how to draw a hamster easy for kids, how to draw a hamster face,

For more infomation >> How to draw a hamster - 3d hamster drawing | #Drawing-Extra - Duration: 5:49.


Funky House & Afro Mix 2018 - Dj XS June Funk Selection - Funky Vibes London Summer House Mix 2018 - Duration: 1:13:35.

Dj XS - Funky House & Afro Mix 2018

For more infomation >> Funky House & Afro Mix 2018 - Dj XS June Funk Selection - Funky Vibes London Summer House Mix 2018 - Duration: 1:13:35.


GTA 4 GTA 5'TEN DAHA MI İYİ? - Duration: 13:49.

For more infomation >> GTA 4 GTA 5'TEN DAHA MI İYİ? - Duration: 13:49.


Emma Stone i Justin Theroux są parą - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Emma Stone i Justin Theroux są parą - Duration: 2:21.


Pes 2018 Hile Pes 2018 Myclub Coins Hilesi Aninda Bedava Myclub Coins Mobil (LİNK AÇIKLAMADA) - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Pes 2018 Hile Pes 2018 Myclub Coins Hilesi Aninda Bedava Myclub Coins Mobil (LİNK AÇIKLAMADA) - Duration: 3:07.


Corrado Formigli umilia Enrico Mentana a Piazzapulita: il duro attacco - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Corrado Formigli umilia Enrico Mentana a Piazzapulita: il duro attacco - Duration: 4:05.


'어서와 한국은' 스페인 3인방, 韓 때밀이 문화에 "충격적" | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> '어서와 한국은' 스페인 3인방, 韓 때밀이 문화에 "충격적" | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 2:46.


Young Signorino alle prese con un fan durante il suo primo live - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> Young Signorino alle prese con un fan durante il suo primo live - Duration: 5:24.


Una Vita, fine giugno 2018: Pablo accusato, la rivelazione inaspettata di Celia - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Una Vita, fine giugno 2018: Pablo accusato, la rivelazione inaspettata di Celia - Duration: 4:12.


손예진 '오늘이 몇 일 이지?' | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> 손예진 '오늘이 몇 일 이지?' | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 1:09.


✅ Václav Postránecký bojuje s vážnou nemocí: Herec poslal fanouškům dojemný vzkaz - Duration: 2:10.

Herec Václav Postránecký je vážně nemocný. Spekuluje se dokonce o tom, že bojuje s rakovinou

Poprvé o svém stavu pomluvil a vydal prohlášení. drží panu Postráneckému palce, aby nadále zářil na scéně

"V životě každého z nás nastávají různé momenty a různá období. V tom svém právě prožívám zásadní etapu, kdy se snažím vrátit své tělo za pomoci týmu lékařů do obvyklé kondice

Je však jen na mně, abych se k celé věci postavil statečně a čelil tomu beze strachu, jak nejlépe dokážu," říká herec

"Současnou situaci beru jako novou výzvu a příležitost. Nechci se skrývat ani stranit veřejného zájmu, ale věřím, že pochopíte, že nové síly chci nabírat zejména v soukromí a se svými nejbližšími

V některých situacích jsou další slova zbytečná a rozebírání detailů nežádoucí," vysvětluje

"Nadále však aktivně pracuji, na Primě pokračuji v natáčení Receptáře Prima nápadů a nového seriálu, jehož detaily se včas dozvíte, a už teď se těším na jeho vysílání

Velmi si vážím vaší podpory, a zároveň prosím o respektování mého soukromí a uvítám, když v nejbližší době bude mediální zájem o moji osobu omezen na minimum

Děkuji za pochopení a těším se brzy na shledanou," dodal herec v oficiálním prohlášení, které vydal přes televizi Prima


For more infomation >> ✅ Václav Postránecký bojuje s vážnou nemocí: Herec poslal fanouškům dojemný vzkaz - Duration: 2:10.


"타노스 아빠된다"···19살 연하 아내 임신해 아빠 되는 조쉬 브롤린 - Duration: 6:39.

For more infomation >> "타노스 아빠된다"···19살 연하 아내 임신해 아빠 되는 조쉬 브롤린 - Duration: 6:39.


✅ Václav Postránecký (74):Přiznal boj s vážnou nemocí! - Duration: 1:35.

Václav Postránecký o svém soukromí příliš nemluví, tentokrát ale udělal výjimku. "Vážení a milí, v životě každého z nás nastávají různé momenty a různá období

V tom svém právě prožívám zásadní etapu, kdy se snažím vrátit své tělo za pomoci týmu lékařů do obvyklé kondice

Je však jen na mně, abych se k celé věci postavil statečně a čelil tomu beze strachu, jak nejlépe dokážu

Současnou situaci beru jako novou výzvu a příležitost. Nechci se skrývat ani stranit veřejného zájmu, ale věřím, že pochopíte, že nové síly chci nabírat zejména v soukromí a se svými nejbližšími

V některých situacích jsou další slova zbytečná a rozebírání detailů nežádoucí, " svěřil se herec v prohlášení, které získal deník Blesk

Vzhledem k tomu, jak rychle se herec vrátil do práce, je jasné, že Postránecký svůj boj s vážnou nemocí nevzdává

For more infomation >> ✅ Václav Postránecký (74):Přiznal boj s vážnou nemocí! - Duration: 1:35.


✅ Ekin Koç'un gereksiz agresifliği! - Duration: 1:19.

Ekin Koç'un gereksiz agresifliği! Oyuncu Ekin Koç, geçen akşam Cihangir'de objektiflere takıldı

Genç oyuncunun gazetecilere karşı sergilediği agresif tavırlar şaşkınlığa neden oldu

Son olarak Star TV'de yayınlanan 'Hayat Sırları' dizisiyle ekrana gelen Ekin Koç, önceki akşam Cihangir'de bir mekandan kız arkadaşıyla çıkarken görüntülendi

Sözcü'de yer alan habere göre; bir mekanda kız arkadaşıyla birlikte uzun süre sohbet etti

Genç, oyuncu mekan çıkışı ise agresif hareketler sergiledi. Ekin Koç, flaşların patlamasıyla kendisini görüntüleyen muhabire "Ne çekiyorsun, başka işin yok mu?" diyerek çıkıştı

For more infomation >> ✅ Ekin Koç'un gereksiz agresifliği! - Duration: 1:19.


✅ Zinédine Zidane au gouvernement ? Emmanuel Macron y songe sérieusement - Duration: 1:44.

C'est l'une des plus grandes figures du sport en France. A 45 ans, Zinédine Zidane vient de réaliser un exploit en remportant trois Ligue des Champions d'affilées en tant qu'entraîneur du Real Madrid

Et pourtant, il a surpris le monde entier en annonçant son départ du club, après seulement deux ans et demi de service. Si les supporters madrilènes devront désormais se passer de lui, certains ont déjà trouvé un emploi de substitution à l'ancien numéro 10

Et pas des moindres, puisqu'il s'agit de celui de ministre ! Contre toute attente, Emmanuel Macron ne serait d'ailleurs pas contre l'idée…Je souhaite qu'il joue un rôleGrand amateur de football, le président de la République a suivi avec attention les dernières actualités de Zinédine Zidane

Et il ne tarit pas d'éloges à son égard ! "C'est une grande figure du sport français et du football, il a une carrière de joueur et d'entraîneur exceptionnelle" a-t-il en effet déclaré face aux journalistes de BFM TV

Plus encore, il souhaite qu'il "joue un rôle pour le pays", étant une personnalité particulièrement "inspirante pour la jeunesse"

De quoi faire trembler Laura Flessel, actuellement ministre des Sports. Par Lana Muller

For more infomation >> ✅ Zinédine Zidane au gouvernement ? Emmanuel Macron y songe sérieusement - Duration: 1:44.


Herecký bard Václav Postránecký (74) hlásí smutné zprávy. Jeho tělo napadla nemoc, se kterou se ale - Duration: 1:57.

Muž, mezi jehož nejslavnější role patří dirigent Michal Adámek z komedie století S tebou mě baví svět, Přemek Tvaroh v seriálu Byl jednou jeden dům, Bedřich Pavlíček ve Vinařích, Michalica v Bobulích nebo Bejval v Bylo nás pět, to prozradil sám, aby tak předešel spekulacím

„V životě každého z nás nastávají různé momenty a různá období. V tom svém právě prožívám zásadní etapu, kdy se snažím vrátit své tělo za pomoci týmu lékařů do obvyklé kondice

Je však jen na mně, abych se k celé věci postavil statečně a čelil tomu beze strachu, jak nejlépe dokážu," začal Postránecký ve svém prohlášení, které rozeslal prostřednictvím Pri­my

S jakou nemocí se pere, nechtěl konkretizovat. Spekuluje se ale o rakovině. „V některých situacích jsou další slova zbytečná a rozebírání detailů nežádoucí

Současnou situaci beru jako novou výzvu a příležitost. Nechci se skrývat ani stranit veřejného zájmu, ale věřím, že pochopíte, že nové síly chci nabírat zejména v soukromí a se svými nejbližšími," svěřil se oblíbený herec, který dozrál do rolí moudrých a rozšafných dědečků

Přes vážné potíže se zdravím ale práci neomezuje. „Na Primě pokračuji v natáčení Receptáře Prima nápadů a nového seriálu, jehož detaily se včas dozvíte, a už teď se těším na jeho vysílání," uzavřel Václav Postránecký

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