Oddly Satisfying Video That Will Definitely Help You To Sleep
Oddly Satisfying Video That Will Definitely Help You To Sleep
Heather O'Rourke (06 01 2018) - Duration: 2:14.-------------------------------------------
「Nightcore」→ Suicide (Deeper Version) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:08.「Nightcore」→ Suicide (Deeper Version) (Lyrics)
Incredibles 2 Sneak Peek-------------------------------------------
S. Korea's FM briefed by U.S. delegates back from Panmunjom talks - Duration: 0:43.The nation's top diplomat also met with the U.S. delegation who sat down with their North
Korean counterparts over in Panmunjom.
The team arrived at Seoul's foreign ministry at 5:30 pm local time.
Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-hwa and Sung Kim, a former nuclear negotiator for the U.S. who
led the delegation, exchanged views on the latest developments in the pre-summit talks
between Pyongyang and Washington.
He stressed that there's much work left before the proposed summit, but they are moving in
the right direction.
The U.S. delegation had initially planned to leave after the second round of talks with
the North on Wednesday, but has since extended their stay,... with the White House Press
Secretary Sarah Sanders emphasizing that "their talks will continue."
Top diplomats of S. Korea, U.S. share latest on N. Korea-U.S. summit prep - Duration: 0:50.A phone meeting lasting about 25 minutes... was held between the nation's top diplomat
and Mike Pompeo.
According to the foreign ministry the Secretary of State shared with Kang Kyung-hwa... the
results and details of the recent preparatory talks between Pyongyang and Washington held
in various places, including the border village of Panmunjom.
He also filled the minister in on what America plans do in the future.
The duo once again reaffirmed their close bilateral cooperation, and promised to continue
dialogue on bringing about the denuclearization of the Peninsula as well as permanent peace
in the region.
The foreign minister held another phoner today.
Speaking with the EU's foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, Kang acknowledged the
Union's support for Seoul's policies on North Korea, and the two sides also agreed to further
communicate and cooperate to bring about permanent peace.
Favorability rate for N. Korea, U.S. leaders rise among S. Koreans: Gallup - Duration: 0:41.A poll by Gallup Korea shows a greater number of people here in the nation view Kim Jong-un
and Donald Trump in a more positive light…compared to March.
According to the survey conducted between May 29th and 31st, the favorability rate for
the North Korean leader climbed to 31 percent from 10 percent in the second week of March.
The American president's rating increased to 32 percent from 24 in the same period.
The poll shows more than four out of ten South Koreans in their 40s and 50s expressed favorability
for Kim.
However, a Gallup official pointed out the rate for the regime's leader is expected to
depending on the results of the upcoming Pyongyang-Washington summit.
Nils Heinemann und seine Frauen | Sturm der Liebe - Duration: 3:27.-------------------------------------------
✅ Václav Postránecký bojuje s vážnou nemocí: Herec poslal fanouškům dojemný vzkaz - Duration: 2:10.Herec Václav Postránecký je vážně nemocný. Spekuluje se dokonce o tom, že bojuje s rakovinou
Poprvé o svém stavu pomluvil a vydal prohlášení. Super.cz drží panu Postráneckému palce, aby nadále zářil na scéně
"V životě každého z nás nastávají různé momenty a různá období. V tom svém právě prožívám zásadní etapu, kdy se snažím vrátit své tělo za pomoci týmu lékařů do obvyklé kondice
Je však jen na mně, abych se k celé věci postavil statečně a čelil tomu beze strachu, jak nejlépe dokážu," říká herec
"Současnou situaci beru jako novou výzvu a příležitost. Nechci se skrývat ani stranit veřejného zájmu, ale věřím, že pochopíte, že nové síly chci nabírat zejména v soukromí a se svými nejbližšími
V některých situacích jsou další slova zbytečná a rozebírání detailů nežádoucí," vysvětluje
"Nadále však aktivně pracuji, na Primě pokračuji v natáčení Receptáře Prima nápadů a nového seriálu, jehož detaily se včas dozvíte, a už teď se těším na jeho vysílání
Velmi si vážím vaší podpory, a zároveň prosím o respektování mého soukromí a uvítám, když v nejbližší době bude mediální zájem o moji osobu omezen na minimum
Děkuji za pochopení a těším se brzy na shledanou," dodal herec v oficiálním prohlášení, které vydal přes televizi Prima
Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I Trend | Climate | Cruise | Pano.dak & Achteruitrijcamera Bel voor een mooie - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Getting 'That Shot' | Exploring the 'Island of the Colour Blind' with Sanne De Wilde - Duration: 3:14.THAT SHOT SANNE DE WILDE
This photograph is the key image of the series,
The Island of the Colorblind.
A lot of my work on my personal projects
is centred around a certain genetic trail
that runs through people's lives
and that shapes and forms their community
or their personal life or their physical identity.
The Island of the Colorblind is a series about achromatopsia
or complete colour blindness.
There's an island in the Pacific in Micronesia
where there's an extremely high percentage
of this very extraordinary kind of colour blindness
that doesn't allow people to see colour.
I started photography developing in the dark room.
In black and white, on film and making my own prints.
Since then, I never touched black and white
until this project came up.
So after I returned from the island,
I invited achromatopic people from the Netherlands and Belgium
to bring colour back into my black and white images,
to literally paint onto the image.
People felt free and at the same time struggled
with not being able to have control over colour as well,
because I wouldn't tell them which colours they were using.
And it makes people feel unsecure and uncomfortable.
During the painting sessions I organised, I met Annefloor.
She's from the Netherlands
and she has achromatopic vision and she's super talented.
She made beautiful paintings
and really added on another layer to the work
by really allowing me to see through her eyes.
To Pingelap I brought my D700 that I had converted to infrared
and the D810 that I used as a normal camera.
I wanted to experiment with infrared
because I wanted to find a way for myself to redefine
and rediscover colour while shooting the project.
With this converted camera that reads light differently,
I was also triggered to rethink the colour perspective
and the result of that are images that are so surreal in their colours
that it makes people open up to this whole new reality
and this freedom of colour that you get
if you let go of the conventional way of looking at it.
The work The Island of the Colorblind is about trying to open people's eyes
to not seeing the absence of something
as something you lack or as a weakness,
but as strength, as something that is a richness,
as something that adds on to your own reality that you create
and that you have the power to create and that you create in your own way.
And it's about connecting vision at the same time acknowledging
that we all see the world differently.
Porsche 911 3.8 Carrera S Gesigneerde 50th Anniversary Edition 832/1963 - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
✅ Krutý osud: Václav Postránecký přiznal BOJ S VÁŽNOU NEMOCÍ! - Duration: 1:52.Muž, mezi jehož nejslavnější role patří dirigent Michal Adámek z komedie století S tebou mě baví svět, Přemek Tvaroh v seriálu Byl jednou jeden dům, Bedřich Pavlíček ve Vinařích, Michalica v Bobulích, drogista v Andělských očích nebo Bejval v Bylo nás pět, to prozradil sám, aby tak předešel spekulacím
„V životě každého z nás nastávají různé momenty a různá období. V tom svém právě prožívám zásadní etapu, kdy se snažím vrátit své tělo za pomoci týmu lékařů do obvyklé kondice
Je však jen na mně, abych se k celé věci postavil statečně a čelil tomu beze strachu, jak nejlépe dokážu," začal Postránecký ve svém prohlášení, které rozeslal prostřednictvím Primy
S jakou nemocí se pere, nechtěl konkretizovat. Spekuluje se ale o rakovině. „V některých situacích jsou další slova zbytečná a rozebírání detailů nežádoucí
Současnou situaci beru jako novou výzvu a příležitost. Nechci se skrývat ani stranit veřejného zájmu, ale věřím, že pochopíte, že nové síly chci nabírat zejména v soukromí a se svými nejbližšími," svěřil se oblíbený herec, který dozrál do rolí moudrých a rozšafných dědečků
Přes vážné potíže se zdravím ale práci neomezuje. „Na Primě pokračuji v natáčení Receptáře Prima nápadů a nového seriálu, jehož detaily se včas dozvíte, a už teď se těším na jeho vysílání," uzavřel Václav Postránecký
Allah Duhai Hai Song Video - Race 3 | Salman Khan | JAM8 (TJ) | Amit, Jonita, Sreerama, Raja Kumari - Duration: 2:48.-------------------------------------------
鹿晗靠综艺提升影响力?大S学谢娜复出套路?王俊凯千玺互动多? - Duration: 7:17.-------------------------------------------
SQPH 2018 - Témoignage de Lise sans médaillon en langue des signes québécoise (LSQ) - Duration: 3:44.-------------------------------------------
Vikram Vedha Scenes | Maddy intro as Encounter Specialist | Madhavan romance with Shraddha srinath - Duration: 11:08.The cries of Death touch the skies
Nefarious forces lead to inconvincible sufferings
King Vikramadhityan was tormented
There emerged a strange sorcerer
The reason for all this is a vile Demon
To vanquish the Demon is the only way forward
Shall I tell a story?
Hey Kattai, this is the spot...right?
Don't blush...confirmed or what?
Sir, I promise...they are inside
you know how dangerous it is to follow these people?
I have taken a risk for your sake... now take care of me sir
Lay low for a couple of days
Sure. Thanks sir
Mind you! If they aren't inside, then...
They are there sir...you go
Sir, don't know how many of them are inside...
go for it, we can definitely capture them sir!
We entering alone may be inadequate sir... only if the guys from forces come...
Is it enough for just the bullets to march by... don't they need 'the gun'?
Arrive late and on top of that...
who is this over enthusiastic specimen? Name?
Mr.Antsy pants? He's the newbie; just joined us...
Haha... (laughs) Yes sir.
My name is Santhanam sir
Santhanam sir, are you married?
No sir
Any girlfriend of sorts... No sir
No? Prabakar, our man here has no girlfriend!
Why don't you lend him one of your many?
That wouldn't work sir Why so?
Because they are way too old for him!
Look at you bragging about it!
Santhanam Sir, have you at least made out with somebody... like not even first base?
God forbid... no way sir Not even that?
Then shut your trap and go to the back Yes sir
Now, what did I say? Shut up and go to...
Then go!
Velraj Sir, already here?
Yes sir What's going on?
All inside sir Is that so?
Guess, they are pretty smashed sir That's convenient
Ansari, tuck your stomach in...
How will you chase with this big tummy? Trim it down...
Shall we? Boys, all ready?
Hey dumb ass newbie, who recommended you for the job?
Have the local cops been informed? Yesterday informed, sir
Let's see
Velraj, this way right? Yes sir
Boys, make sure not to get punctured
Knock 'em out...Knock 'em dead!
Who is it?
You would have died!
Sir, I will surrender sir
You could have dropped your gun and surrendered there only nah?
After making me chase you... what the hell surrender?
I was too tense to think of that sir... don't shoot me sir!
Now, where is Vedha?
Really don't know sir
Where the hell is Vedha?
Sir, I promise...I don't know sir
Sir, sir...I'm a family man sir. Please don't shoot me sir!
Sir, I will give you anything sir...
Give me anything? Like what?
Sir, money? How much ever you ask for...
Haha (smiles)... who cares?
Ok, now tell me a joke
Joke, huh?
Sir, what will happen if you mute an ant?
Haha (nervous laugh)... Don't know sir?
If you mute an ant it will become 'mutant' sir..
Is this a 'joke'? It's pathetic
Tell me another joke
Sir, once upon a time...
Simon, why were your hands shivering?
Nothing...what happened over there?
Put a 'bindhi' to their foreheads... will die like 'married woman'
Mr.Santhanam, don't stamp in the evidence
Hey, the guy I shot last was Muni, right?
Yes sir. He's the top shooter in Vedha's gang
He's got 5murders and 8 assaults to his name
He's very adept with the gun
Like how he was today? (all laugh)
The other one is 'Fat Babu'?
Sir, he's been in Vedha's gang for only the past 6mts
He's got two attempt murders and a couple of extortion cases on him
Who is this?
Not like he's some gold fallen in the gutter!
Look at him... just another accused!
Sir, he's got no weapons on him sir!
No weapons? Check thoroughly Yes sir
Shit! If the ADGP comes to know, he will dig deep!
Hey, didn't we seize some weapons from the Pulianthope encounter?
Where are they? In the jeep, sir
Go, get it ok sir
Boys, come here Move the body a bit...
Lets see Position it, favoring the door
Move it...Yes sir
Hey give me bullets
If you hand it this way, only your fingerprints will stick you will go behind bars
Prabakar, take two bullets
Last time...who took a bullet?
Sir, it was me Oh, it was you
Then, shall we pierce Prabakar's lovely fat thigh, this time?
The local flesh trade thrives on Prabakar...
It will be a pity, if the bullet hits a few inches higher?
Shut up dude!
Sir, my arm? Ok, on my arm. Now come here, come
Hey, go and hold his arm...
Hello Mr.Lover, hold it tight man!
Prabakar ready? Yes sir
On 3 ok? Ok sir...
1... (Both scream)
Hey, why the hell are you screaming... when I'm the one who's getting shot?
Let go of my hand! (all laugh)
Is he a leftie or a right hander? Don't know sir
Not sure sir... Don't know?
Which hand sports a watch?
Right... no, on his left hand sir
That means? He's a right hander sir
Ok boys, listen carefully
We entered that way, searching for the goons
This guy fired at us first
Simon ducked... bullet hit the wall behind
Next bullet hit Prabakar's arm
We returned fire
The goons tried to fire and escape
We chased them and in the encounter Fat Babu died
Muni ran; I followed He tried shooting at me
As self defense, I killed him
Clear? Any doubts? No sir
Ok. Now, take Prabakar to the clinic Sure sir
Santhanam, its your turn next (All laugh)
Infact, it will be a bit tough this time
First hearing was in September 2011
Sir, that's the reason for the caveat
huh...his name is Balaraman sir
Is that your new boy friend?
Sir, even the other day his wife and daughter came to our office
Near Valasarawakkam sir
No sir. Its pretty safe only
Who? Hey...
As if cops are a big deal sir...
Go to bath
Priya... How long babe?
Ours only sir... Wait!
Yes sir. I already made the call this noon
I asked them to be at court by 8am itself
Cheers. Cheers!
Yes, I have it sir
Sure sir! Shall I take a photo and whats app it to you?
Haha (cheeky) Are you checking me out?
Hmm. Do you have eyes behind your head as well?
This is exactly why I hate cops!
I hate lawyers too
Look over there. It's been 3months since we came to Chennai
You still haven't unpacked your stuff!
Vikram Vedha | Vikram Vedha Video songs | Sam CS Songs | Vijay Sethupathi Songs | Vijay Sethupathi - Duration: 9:22.Okay...
Hey, wait...
'First meet'
"Yaanji, Yaanji... why do you keep recurring in my heart? Why?"
She's a lawyer? Then, this won't work...
I too hate 'cops'!
"I try to slide and sway; But you just capture me with a glance!"
Whiskey large with ice
"You grow in my dreams..."
Whiskey large with ice
"like a moon, when close my eyelids"
"I bend over like a question mark when I reminisce about you! Why do I?"
"From the depth of my soul, you're my life! You're the only one that matters to me!"
"Oh... you are just an extension of who I am..."
"Like how I'm just an extension of who you are!"
"From the depth of my soul, you're my life! You're the only one that matters to me!"
"Oh...you are just an extension of who I am..."
"Like how I'm just an extension of who you are!"
'First fight'
"Yaanji, Yaaannnn..."
You do 'everything' and then gift me?! I feel used
"My life was like a regular calendar; just sailing smoothly without any significance..."
"You entered like a violent storm; making every day and moment significant! that's magical!"
"You're doing something; makes me feel like you"
"are the endless boundary of my life and joy!"
'First Night'
"you attract me like a magnet and tie down my fury with your gentle love; that's magical!"
"How do you do that with your divine form of femininity?!"
"I have 1000s of wishes; to walk by your side and"
"fulfill them till the eternity of life, itself!"
"You and me complete each other!"
Shall we hit the bed?
Rather hit the sack?
"That's what my heart echoes in my ears!"
"From the depth of my soul, you're my life! You're the only one that matters to me!"
"Oh... you are just an extension of who I am"
"Like how I'm just an extension of who you are!"
"From the depth of my soul, you're my life! You're the only one that matters to me!"
"Oh... you are just an extension of who I am Like how I'm just an extension..."
Alex, breathe
No This is usual
He will be okay
Wow! Hop on Cheta
"By the beds of Bay of Bengal In a locality called Vannarapettai"
"By the 7G road signal In our MKB Nagar..."
"Where over a 1000 families reside..."
"In this fortress resides their guardian angel..."
"Vedha, who is a 'Lion' at heart!"
"All our area highlights should be featured in this song."
"Who can do it? 1000bucks bet?"
"Gimme the 1000 bucks; now listen to the song!"
"As you down large after large, a stallion starts jumping inside you!"
"Our glory, greatness and grandeur will galore in the stories we say"
"In our narrow streets and corners, we form associations and protest for our rights..."
"Wherever we're from, we proudly say we belong to this great city!"
"If you show us love, we're your friends forever"
"taking care of you like the apple of our eye"
"But, your arms and legs will fly far if you try and pick a fight with us!"
"It's not a rat hole; it's a lion's den It's a miracle; come see for yourself!"
"If it comes to conflict, there's no question of"
"politics; it will all just burst out into flames!"
"There's no room for enmity what so ever! Tata, tata!"
"As you down large after large, a stallion starts jumping inside you!"
"Our glory, greatness and grandeur will galore in the stories we say"
Gaja, go easy on the drinks
Vellai, try not to puke man!
Hey, who is the supplier here? Take care of Cheta
Come Go
"There's no poster for any heroes in our minds!"
"But, if you make a movie based on us, it will go on to win the Oscars!"
"We will hold on to our nick names, like its our ancestral property!"
"Hey, Half Boil!"
"If you lie and betray us,"
"we will slit your throats for sure (in Malayalam)"
"We live in unity among different generations with no hang ups or hiccups"
"We form deep bonds in a moment; so deep that,"
"we will sacrifice our lives if the need arises"
"There's no room for enmity what so ever! Tata, tata, tata, tata!"
"As you down large after large, a stallion starts jumping inside you!"
"There's no end to our glory, greatness and grandeur...Absolutely, no end!"
"Life is a race"
"rambling and roaming ruptured and fractured"
"And you end up in the same spot you started from"
"In the end, we will just be buried or burnt!"
"There's no proof of anybody going to heaven or hell!"
"Just live as the moment exists..."
"If the moment is favorable, thrive on it!"
"There's nothing good or bad here. Just life. Let go!"
"The Coward and the brave are one."
"Brave cowards do exist!"
"The righteous and the vicious are the same."
"Just the same!"
"To uphold righteousness, vicious things have been done!"
"Don't believe in anybody..."
"Anybody here and now!"
"If you believe, then don't doubt!"
"Until the end of time"
"Don't go to war..."
"Come may whatever, fight till end"
Yeah Vikram? SP sir, it was Ravi who killed Simon!
Vikram Vedha Movie Songs | Tasakku Tasakku Video Song | Vijay Sethupathi songs | Vijay Sethupathi - Duration: 3:58."By the beds of Bay of Bengal In a locality called Vannarapettai"
"By the 7G road signal In our MKB Nagar..."
"Where over a 1000 families reside..."
"In this fortress resides their guardian angel..."
"Vedha, who is a 'Lion' at heart!"
"All our area highlights should be featured in this song."
"Who can do it? 1000bucks bet?"
"Gimme the 1000 bucks; now listen to the song!"
"As you down large after large, a stallion starts jumping inside you!"
"Our glory, greatness and grandeur will galore in the stories we say"
"In our narrow streets and corners, we form associations and protest for our rights..."
"Wherever we're from, we proudly say we belong to this great city!"
"If you show us love, we're your friends forever"
"taking care of you like the apple of our eye"
"But, your arms and legs will fly far if you try and pick a fight with us!"
"It's not a rat hole; it's a lion's den It's a miracle; come see for yourself!"
"If it comes to conflict, there's no question of"
"politics; it will all just burst out into flames!"
"There's no room for enmity what so ever! Tata, tata!"
"As you down large after large, a stallion starts jumping inside you!"
"Our glory, greatness and grandeur will galore in the stories we say"
Gaja, go easy on the drinks
Vellai, try not to puke man!
Hey, who is the supplier here? Take care of Cheta
Come Go
"There's no poster for any heroes in our minds!"
"But, if you make a movie based on us, it will go on to win the Oscars!"
"We will hold on to our nick names, like its our ancestral property!"
"Hey, Half Boil!"
"If you lie and betray us,"
"we will slit your throats for sure (in Malayalam)"
"We live in unity among different generations with no hang ups or hiccups"
"We form deep bonds in a moment; so deep that,"
"we will sacrifice our lives if the need arises"
"There's no room for enmity what so ever! Tata, tata, tata, tata!"
"As you down large after large, a stallion starts jumping inside you!"
"There's no end to our glory, greatness and grandeur...Absolutely, no end!"
Karuppu Vellai Song | Madhavan comes to know the truth | Vijay Sethupathi meets Kathir & Varlaxmi - Duration: 14:01."Life is a race"
"rambling and roaming ruptured and fractured"
"And you end up in the same spot you started from"
"In the end, we will just be buried or burnt!"
"There's no proof of anybody going to heaven or hell!"
"Just live as the moment exists..."
"If the moment is favorable, thrive on it!"
"There's nothing good or bad here. Just life. Let go!"
"The Coward and the brave are one."
"Brave cowards do exist!"
"The righteous and the vicious are the same."
"Just the same!"
"To uphold righteousness, vicious things have been done!"
"Don't believe in anybody..."
"Anybody here and now!"
"If you believe, then don't doubt!"
"Until the end of time"
"Don't go to war..."
"Come may whatever, fight till end"
Yeah Vikram? SP sir, it was Ravi who killed Simon!
Yeah Vikram? SP sir, it was Ravi who killed Simon!
What? Ravi played us to destroy Vedha!
Now, they are both at the cable factory...
Vikram, listen to me. Simon already died there...
Don't enter alone trusting Vedha. You wait...
I'll immediately assemble our team and come there
You come sir.
But, I will finish them both before you arrive
Sir! Come in, come in...
Vikram Sir, I have a doubt
Have they built these factories to function...
or for the purpose of people like us to fight?
Thanks; For the chain gear sprocket
No mention
So, you have come with a plan, huh?
Only after hearing Ravi's story, I realise how comicall all this is.
Sir, listen to this story. You'll understand
All you criminals are just the same, right?
Will act like friends and back stab when needed?
Why did you kill Simon? Tell me... Why the hell did you kill Simon?
Don't laugh; don't you dare. The only reason I've
left you alive is to find out why Simon died!
Vikram sir, a guy in my area lost something here; but searched for it there!
When asked why search for it there instead of here
he told it's bright and easy there than here!
Your logic is like that sir! ENOUGH!
If you continue speaking in circles, I will shoot
you straight in the temple! Speak straight!
Shoot sir...shoot me! Shoot!
Sir, you know very well that there's not just a single dimension to my stories!
This story is also about us!
Not just that, by now you are used to listening to
my story and I'm used to telling you; so, listen!
'Gangsta - Police 6 months back...'
Here, keep it 2000 bundle? It will be hard to get change. 500s?
You brat, keep it
My domestic goddess! Are you still eating with your left hand?
So what?
What happened?
Our boys are fighting with all sincerity.
But Cheta is a big man! He has Dilli's support as well...
If we send 10 guys, they are sending a 100! Our shirts are stained and stink of blood!
Then why don't you quit all that and settle down here?
Hmm. Get married and settle. Your wife will whip you down and silence you!
I'm not averse to the idea... but, I've aged without the scent of a woman!
Hanging out with men all day, sometimes I feel like I'm stuck in a gents toilet!
I too have a love story. Want to listen?
Don't believe me? You haven't seen me romance, huh?
It's pretty heavy. Pulli, don't panic; guns are common here
Why all this brother? Didn't I tell you already? Blood stained shirts...
Only if you slay people in close quarters will shirts stain...
With guns, I can shoot from afar!
How's my idea? Super
Keep half a dozen ready. I'll pick it up Don't place it near your temple
Bro, I'm sorry bro What are you sorry for?
It's because of me that you have to fight this gang war?
If an egg breaks, don't crib that its broken
Use the broken egg to make an omelet and eat!
Don't you agree Chandra? Only the hen that laid the egg feels the pain!
How long can one be working under a man like Cheta? Am I right Chandra?
Pulli, there will be problems in life.
Only when the problem gets bigger, can you reach next level!
Who is our man Vedha? Who's he?
Now, don't pull a long face. Shall I leave?
I didn't know at the moment that this will be the last time I'll see them alive!
Take care
There's a new twist to the intense gang war going on in North Chennai:
Gun culture is in!
Nobody knows when and where one will attack!
But Vedha, if you just walk down the streets,
the rats run into their holes and bury themselves!
Even if kids fuss to eat, moms threaten that they
will call the boogeyman Vedha and make them eat!
You've become 'the made man' in our area! I'm really proud of you
Ravi, there's nobody better than you to lick ass!
You call me an ass licker?
Let go Ravi. Ignore him
Where's my drink?
You've become old and fat! Better hit the gym!
Half Boil, one drink please...
Also Ravi, the rules have changed
What rules? You take care of business as usual...
But, the share is not 80-20. It's 50-50, ok?
To hell with 50-50? Why don't you take it all?
I'll take a bowl and beg in the streets Sure. That's left to you
You were a dock worker; a dog!
It's my fault that I let you talk to me like an equal!
Hey, hey stop it man
Sit Ravi
How dare he Vedha? Sit down Ravi, relax. I'll take care
What? Don't you know what to talk to who?
Who do you think he is? He was peddling dope in the slums
He has worked hard and become a great business man
Yeah Vedha, tell him
Who are you? You were just a pack mule and dare to fight him?
Sir, but you pay the 50% share as he says... Pay up bum!
- Vedha - What?
Ravi, are you still employing kids? No.
Ravi, don't you dare... I told you I don't!
Hey, fix me a drink, please... Fix me one too
Fix me a drink, please...
Look at him, pretending to be angry
I'll give you extra. But, Vedha and his gang, all of them should die!
Money is not the problem;
Guns are the issue! Vedha's boys are invincible with guns!
Our boys are unable to touch them.
Whatever said and done, Vedha is a powerful guy!
What powerful? What do you know?
There was a Don named Sangu in my area. I was his next in line!
Vedha stepped in and spoilt it.
How dare he order me? How does it matter if I employ kids?
Vedha has to die! All of them have to die! That's it!
The gang war in North Chennai is affecting the public very badly
In order to control this, a special task force has been appointed!
Heard the news bro? We're in the limelight!
They have appointed 'Special cops' to catch us!
We're in the 'big league' dude!
We're the Kings of our area!
Hey, who is it? Police!
The cops!
Hey, no... don't... no!
Half Boil, what's happening?
Why are they only targeting our boys? Vellai is too young to die!
That's why I'm telling you Vedha.
Let's go into hiding till all this nonsense settles down
Hey, are you senile?
If Vedha goes underground, what happens to his reputation?
Couple of his boys die and Vedha went into hiding like a coward?
Who will be scared then?
You get back at them Vedha! He doesn't get you...
Hey chameleon, those stupid cops shot our golden boys instead of scum like you...
Peahen, they should kill you next! You're a drug mule!
And you... think you're a collector? Just get lost
Cops are on trail... Its nothing new for cops to do encounters on guys like us!
It doesn't look like a police man's job to me
Then, who?
Somebody is behind all this
if only I find out...
Find out and do what? How much longer, Vedha?
Men in flesh and blood have died. As if we're bigger...
Hey, what are you saying?
Pulli was right. Pack up your bags and move to Bombay!
Half Boil, are you trying to pack me off alone? Drive, just drive
Where will I go bro? You go first; I'll follow you like a lamb
You just drive...my dear symbol of sacrifice!
Dude, you go; I'll follow, I'll be ok; don't worry, just go! Jump...
There's no way I'm leaving you alone... aiyyy... Half Boil!
He's sharp; He'll be back!
I always thought the glory was in winning
That day I realised it was all meaningless
Where's Vedha sir?
You told me he'll be in this car?
He was in this car only; the son of Satan! Escaped somehow!
Take it sir
The amount we agreed for him 25 lakhs
Guys got guns from Bombay and created a scene?
I got the real gun power...
'the cops' to finish you guys! Catch that, catch!
Sir, finished the whole gang sir...only Vedha is remaining. I'll find him somehow
I'll give you information sir.
The way you shoot, his whole body should be punctured!
I'll double the payment
Wolverine Meets Beast & Professor X (Scene) | X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 3:00.Can I help you?
Uh... Yeah, what happened to the school?
The school's been shut for years. Are you a parent?
I sure as hell hope not. Who are you?
I'm Hank. Hank McCoy.
I look after the house now.
You're Beast?
Look at you. I guess you're a late bloomer.
I don't know what you're talking about,
but I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.
So where's the Professor?
There's no professor here.
You're pretty strong for a scrawny kid.
You sure there's not a little Beast in there?
No, he's not here. Come on, Beast.
Come on, Beastie. No.
I said the school's closed.
You need to leave. Not until I see the Professor.
There's no professor here, I told you that.
Look, kid. You and I are gonna be good friends.
You just don't know it yet.
What's going on here?
Please don't call me that.
Why? You know this guy?
Yeah, he looks slightly familiar.
Get off the bloody chandelier, Hank.
You can walk.
You're a perceptive one.
I thought Erik--
Which makes it slightly perplexing that
you missed our sign on the way in.
This is private property, my friend.
I'm gonna have to ask him to ask you to leave.
I'm afraid I can't do that...
because, uh, I was sent here for you.
Tell whoever it was that sent you that I'm busy.
That's gonna be a little tricky...
because the person who sent me was you.
About 50 years from now.
I know. Stay with me.
Like in the future, 50 years from now? Yeah.
I sent you from the future? Yeah.
Piss off.
If you had your powers, you'd know I was telling the truth.
How do you know I don't have my p--
Who are you? I told you.
Are you CIA? No.
You've been watching me?
I know you, Charles.
We've been friends for years.
I know your powers came when you were 9.
I know you thought you were going crazy when it started...
all the voices in your head.
And it wasn't until you were 12...
that you realized all the voices were in everyone else's head.
Do you want me to go on?
I never told anyone that.
Not yet, no, but, you will.
Vikram Vedha Movie Scenes | Madhavan chases Vijay Sethupathi | Madhavan fights with Vijay sethupathi - Duration: 8:09.Priya, the cops are gunning to file a new case on Vedha and arrest him
You file for another anticipatory bail...need
to prepare documents and get Vedha's signature
So, make a call to him and...
Vedha's very intelligent. He's aware that his phone will be tapped and will not use it
Ok Priya, then how do we get his signature?
I will get his signature sir Ok then, good.
Hey, don't tail too close
It's your wife we're following sir; might get iffy
Would we even hesitate if it was some lawyer? Right sir
Hey, it's working...trace the number from which this SMS was sent
Koot road is coming up. Ask the bikes to take a lead
Hey, stop the vehicle a little ahead
Ask Ansari and Prabakar alone to follow her in the bike
Madam is just returning home. Sir, madam is heading home
Sir, the number is switched off; but the last known location is this road
Wait a minute! At the speed breaker, a green Qualis stopped, didn't it?
Yes sir. Document transfer must have happened there
That green Qualis must be around this area only. Trace the vehicle
Common, lets go! Let's go!
The vehicle has stopped at an eatery. It's moving then, follow the vehicle
Don't loose him. Follow. Fast Come on. Make a u-turn
Go, go, go go!
Sir, it's Mullai Nagar Housing board
Spotted him sir. He's even carrying the file madam gave. Ok sir
Sir, this area for sure. But, don't know which flat or even block
Vedha has many informers in this area sir
Sir, but if we knock and check on every flat, we can find him for sure
Shut up
- Who are they? - Look like cops
Correct. Start from A block and search every house! Yes sir
Vedha brother, the cops have crept in. They are sniffing around nooks and corners
Hey...what happened?
Cops are enquiring Please go from here
Age is catching up!
Hey, move out...give way
Hey, where are you going?
Who are all there at home? No one sir
Who lives in that house? Inspector is on his way
Whom do you want?
Whom do you want? Why are you entering our house?
What are you up to? huh?
This is what I call a cop!
Vikram sir, I under estimated you
Heard your friend Simon died? I feel sorry
Sir, sir...wait sir
Sir, when you're emotional, you can't see nor hear sir! Sir, listen to me sir...listen
Sir, just cool
Sir, stop it sir Why the hell did you kill Simon?
Sir, sir, wait... Why did you have to kill him?
Get off me sir
Sir, sir, my brother also died... you killed him!
What did you say?
Pulli was a criminal; but Simon, a cop. Are both the same, huh??
But the emotion is the same...right sir?
If you bleed, it's blood; If we bleed, is it tomato ketchup?
Hey, get up now!
Can I tell you another story sir?
The adventures of CARTOON HERO, game cartoon for children #1 the New cartoon 2018! Rayman Nintendo - Duration: 13:04.-------------------------------------------
LIDL meuleuse d'angle 12v PARKSIDE test carrelage Cordless Angle Grinder Winkelschleifer - Duration: 3:28.-------------------------------------------
SpongeBob and Sandy-------------------------------------------
Parkside meuleuse d'angle 12v lidl test disque multimatériaux Cordless Angle Grinder Winkelschleifer - Duration: 2:43.12v angle grinder - PARKSIDE - Multi-material disc test
nail - 5 millimeters
melamine wood
plasterboard (the bad idea: p)
light wood board
I have the impression that the battery indicator is quickly becoming red, (in my test steel I can be stopped too early thinking that the battery was empty)
these blades are bad qualities (the one for steel are good)
you tested these blades what do you think?
for wood and nails: to avoid
we will use for the plastic and the plates of plaster
thank you for leaving your opinion, thank you and see you soon ++
LIDL meuleuse d'angle 12v PARKSIDE test carrelage Cordless Angle Grinder Winkelschleifer - Duration: 3:28.-------------------------------------------
Kia cee'd 1.6 GDI COMFORT PACK 5-D - GARANTIE 2019 - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
BMW X3 2.0D Xdrive High Execitive Automaat M-Sportpakket Navi/Leder/Ecc/Pdc/Xenon - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
Volvo V50 1.6D 110pk Sport Edition II/ Climate control/ Trekhaak/ Cruise control/ Tel. bluetooth/ Lm - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
Trailer The triumph of the heart - Net For God June 2018 - Duration: 1:48.-------------------------------------------
Phineas e Ferb | Questo è il tuo passato - Crediti finali - Duration: 0:30.-------------------------------------------
Distress Oxide Stamping with a Masculine look - Duration: 8:41.-------------------------------------------
✅ Laeticia Hallyday évoque "avec des trémolos dans la voix" le prochain cap très douloureux de son d - Duration: 2:06.« Elle a des trémolos dans la voix ». Le magazine Public l'assure dans ses pages : quand Laeticia Hallyday parle du 15 juin, date à laquelle Johnny aurait fêté ses 75 ans, sa gorge se serre et sa voix se brise
Ce serait « comme une nouvelle première fois » à ses yeux, selon une source du magazine : habituellement, à cette période de l'année, Laeticia Hallyday est en plein dans les préparatifs pour organiser une fête digne de ce nom à son mari
Mais pour la première fois depuis qu'ils forment un couple, elle va devoir passer la mi-juin sans lui
Se rendra-t-elle sur la tombe de Johnny à Saint-Barth, pour être auprès de lui malgré tout ? A priori, Laeticia Hallyday devrait rester à Los Angeles – pour être certaine que Jade et Joy ne ratent pas un jour d'école
Peut-être, aussi, pour éviter tous les fans qui ne manqueront pas de venir rendre hommage au Taulier à côté de sa dernière demeure
D'autres le célébreront avec une messe spéciale à l'église de la Madeleine à Paris – un événement qui a bien failli ne pas voir le jour à cause de problèmes d'argent, mais qui aura bien lieu
Des personnalités pourraient faire le déplacement : pourquoi pas Eddy Mitchell, grand ami de Johnny, qui refuse de se rendre à Saint-Barth pour se recueillir sur sa tombe
Crédits photos : Sipa
Allah Duhai Hai Song Video - Race 3 | Salman Khan | JAM8 (TJ) | Amit, Jonita, Sreerama, Raja Kumari - Duration: 2:48.-------------------------------------------
HIT! Babka różana z malinami / Rose pound cake with raspberries (English subtitles) - Duration: 1:56.Rose pound cake. For full list of ingredients check the description below.
Whip egg whites until stiff.
Beat butter and rose sugar until light and fluffy. I recommend using hand mixer for this.
Add eggs and lemon zest.
Next add flours and baking powder.
Finally very gently mix in the beaten egg whites.
Grease the pan and sprinke with bread crumbs. Fill it with half of the batter.
Spread raspberries coated in flour on top and cover with remaining batter.
Bake in pre-heated oven at 160C for about 1 h. (Check with a toothpic)
Prepare frosting by mixing rose powdered sugar and lemon juice.
Add raspberries.
Spread the icing evenly over cooled cake.
And voila! We're done!
Thanks for watching! Please like and subscribe!
LFS NİSSAN SKYLINE R34/OSMANLI GARAJ/LOGİTECH G29 - Duration: 10:18.-------------------------------------------
Oakville band preps for trip to France - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
le prince Harry et Meghan Markle vont devoir se séparer de 8 millions d'euros de cadeaux - Duration: 2:22.-------------------------------------------
✅ Doch kein KZ-Besuch? Farid Bang und Kollegah haben sich noch nicht weiter dazu geäußert und auch d - Duration: 1:39.Eigentlich hätte es an diesem Wochenende super gepasst, doch das Management von Farid Bang und Kollegah hat sich noch nicht gemeldet Doch kein KZ-Besuch? Farid Bang und Kollegah haben sich noch nicht weiter dazu geäußert und auch das Auschwitz-Komitee hat vom Management nichts gehört
Berlin - Für den angekündigten Besuch der Rapper Farid Bang und Kollegah in der KZ-Gedenkstätte Auschwitz gibt es bisher keinen Termin
Der Besuch werde definitiv nicht an diesem Wochenende stattfinden, sagte der Vizepräsident des Internationalen Auschwitz Komitees, Christoph Heubner, der Deutschen Presse-Agentur am Freitag in Berlin.Ursprünglich war der 3
Juni ins Gespräch gebracht worden. Er sei aber nie als fester Termin vorgesehen gewesen, sondern nur in Zusammenhang mit dem Beginn eines Besuchs von deutschen und polnischen Jugendlichen, die den Mitarbeitern der Gedenkstätte auf dem Gelände helfen wollen
Dem hätten sich die Rapper eventuell anschließen können. Er warte noch auf ein Zeichen des Managements der beiden Musiker, so Heubner weiter.Farid Bang und Kollegah waren im April trotz Antisemitismus-Vorwürfen mit dem Musikpreis Echo ausgezeichnet worden
✅ Marlène Schiappa rend hommage à son "mentor" Jean-Claude Boulard, mort à 75 ans - Duration: 2:36.POLITIQUE - Stéphane Le Foll et Marlène Schiappa ont été parmi les premiers à rendre hommage à Jean-Claude Boulard
Le maire socialiste du Mans, élu depuis 2001, est décédé ce jeudi 31 mai des suites d'une longue maladie
"C'est un jour triste pour nous tous", a tweeté le député de la Sarthe, ancien porte-parole du gouvernement
Quant à la secrétaire d'Etat chargée de l'égalité femme-homme, elle a évoqué "sa peine immense" après la mort de son "mentor"
Jean-claude Boulard nous a quitté. J'adresse toutes mes condoléances à sa femme Dominique, à ses trois enfants et à toute la famille
C'est un jour triste pour nous tous. — Stéphane Le Foll (@SLeFoll) 1 juin 2018 Il était exceptionnel, politiquement et humainement
Jean-Claude Boulard, mon mentor, « notre maire » s'est éteint. Je lui dois tout
Pensées à son épouse Dominique ses enfants; l'équipe JCB, les Manceaux, tous ceux qui ont eu le bonheur de le connaître
Notre peine est immense. pic.twitter.com/Ezsy5f5Exj — MarleneSchiappa (@MarleneSchiappa) 1 juin 2018 Membre du Parti socialiste, il avait soutenu Emmanuel Macron au début de l'année 2017 siégeant dans le groupe macroniste au Sénat (tout en restant au PS) avant de quitter son poste à l'automne dernier
Dans un communiqué, l'Elysée souligne que "le président de la République perd, à titre personnel un ami et un soutien de la première heure
" Député dans les années 80 et 90, Jean-Claude Boulard avait pris part à la construction de deux réformes sociales majeures: le RMI (revenu minimum d'insertion remplacé depuis par le RSA) sous Michel Rocard et la CMU (couverture maladie universelle devenue protection universelle maladie) sous Lionel Jospin
À voir également sur Le HuffPost:
КАТОЧКИ WARFACE: РМ-чик и паблик №70 - Duration: 2:23:11.-------------------------------------------
Marine Le Pen "épatée" par sa nièce après son discours aux Etats-Unis - Duration: 1:44.-------------------------------------------
SQPH 2018 - Témoignage de Lise avec médaillon en langue des signes québécoise (LSQ) - Duration: 3:44.-------------------------------------------
Maroon 5 - Girls Like You Lyrics | Lirik + Terjemahan Indonesia - Duration: 3:34.-------------------------------------------
福特新款F-150猛禽官图发布 乘坐更舒适【图】_中国汽车消费网 - Duration: 2:39.-------------------------------------------
1997-2018 F150 Viair Heavy Duty Onboard Air System Review & Install - Duration: 19:43.If you're looking to add a bunch of functionality to your '97 and
newer F-150, then you might want to consider adding an onboard air system
like the Viair heavy duty option that we have here. Now, with onboard air,
prospective buyers can power things like air horns, supply load leveling air
suspension kits, or an air locker or power air tools, and maybe most importantly,
air up tires after doing some off-roading. Now, price point for the all-inclusive
system here will be just south of 400 bucks, and the install will get a soft
three out of three wrenches on the difficulty meter from me as there is some
advanced mechanical expertise needed here. But we will give you a more thorough
walk-through later in the video. So if you're watching this video then,
chances are you guys already know the value or benefit of running an onboard air
system like this and its infinite number of uses. Now, this particular option that
we're talking about here today happens to be Viair's heavy duty onboard air system,
which will be a few steps above their entry level system and is good enough
to air up to a set of 35-inch tires, according to the company.
Now, you guys have to keep in mind that Viair has a number of different options
on the site here which should appeal to a wide spectrum of truck owners out there,
including the constant duty kit, which might be a step or two above this
option and will air up to tires 37 inches or larger. Now, in addition to that,
that kit will be a little bit more capable overall and handle just about any task.
Now, the biggest difference you will find between each of these Viair kits typically
boils down to the compressor in addition to some small other little bits as well.
Now, for this kit, you're going to be receiving Viair's 400 C compressor,
which will draw 26 amps and put out 1.1 CFM at 90 psi and can be used for 20
minutes straight before needing to be rested for at least 30 minutes. So again,
you can use this thing for just about any duty, including airing up those 35s
like we already talked about. But, if you had a bigger set of tires or needed
to use the compressor for prolonged periods of time, you might want to look
into a different kit like the extreme duty or even the constant duty kit we already
talked about. But let's jump back to the heavy-duty kit we have here and talk a
little bit more about what this thing will deliver. And you're going to be looking
at a max of 150 psi and a max duty cycle of 33% at 100 psi.
Now, for reference sake, the compressor will fill the included
2-and-a-half-gallon tank here in about two-and-a-half minutes,
and will fill a 35-inch tire from 0 to 30 psi in roughly five minutes per tire.
Now, besides the compressor and the tank we've already talked about here,
this kit will also include roughly 35 feet of this coiled air line, as you can see,
and with the clip-on tire chuck. But, by the way, guys, you can easily swap that
guy out for a standard quarter-inch coupler or whatever you had in mind if you
wanted to. Now, this kit will also feature this included dash-mounted gauge panel and
switch here, which will basically turn your compressor on and off and tell you
how much air or psi you are currently working with. Now, Viair also includes a
pressure switch relay right here to automatically kick the compressor
on at 110 psi and shut it off automatically at 150 psi.
Now, in the rare event that the relay should fail, Viair also includes a 175 psi
safety relief valve. Finally, they're going to kick in all
of the hardware, the wiring and miscellaneous bits needed to get this
system up and running for the first time. Speaking of getting up and running,
you're going to encounter a few different options when mounting this system
to your F-150. Now, me, personally, I see a majority of guys going
underneath the truck, to the frame rail or maybe somewhere
underneath the bed. But I have also seen some guys throw it under the hood,
if you can find the real estate, of course, or even in some rare cases
throwing everything inside the cab. Which, I don't know I would totally recommend
because the compressor can get a little warm if it's really being worked.
And for the owners who might be a little apprehensive about mounting this thing
underneath the truck and maybe getting it a little bit wet, you shouldn't be,
because I've got a few buddies who actually have a very similar kit,
including the Viair stuff here, that has been fully submerged and keeps
on ticking. Now, granted, you don't want to do that when the
compressor is running, but it shouldn't be an issue
for you whatsoever.
All right, the first thing we're going to do is start to plumb up our
air tank. And we're going to take two three-eighths compression fittings and put
them in each hole here on the tank. Now, these do come with thread sealant on them,
but I'm going to apply some teflon tape as well because I don't want any leaks and I
do not want to trace any leaks. So, better safe than sorry.
Now we can move to the bottom of the tank and we can install our drain,
better well-known as the drain cock.
Next, moving to the top of the tank, we will install the safety relief valve.
So, included in the pack is a three-eighths to quarter-inch reducer that
we need to use for the pressure switch. So we are going to install the reducer
into the side of the tank first.
And then we can install the pressure switch into our reducer.
And the last port that we have open in our tank is for the lead line
off the compressor. We're not going to install this just yet,
we're going to wait until we have our tank mounted up on our truck and then we can
install our compressor line.
So we removed our spare tire and we're going to relocate it
to the bed of the truck. That's going to give us a ton
of room to mount our air compressor and our tank right where the spare tire used
to be, with the least amount of holes in the bed as possible.
All right. So, what we're doing here is marking up the air tank and marking our
holes to where we're going to mount this thing.
I'm going to drill four quarter-inch holes up here
so we can get our air tank mounted up into place.
With the air tank up in place, I'm going to try and do this one-handed.
I don't know if I'm going to be able to do it.
All right. So now we're going to mount our compressor.
We're kind of limited on places to mount this.
There's a hundred different places you can actually put this thing.
To not make it super permanent, we're going to use a hose clamp for now,
to get this strapped up to the frame, and we're going to see how well
this works.
Now, the first connection we can make is the compressor to air tank,
now that we got both of these things mounted up.
All right. So we're going to start making some electrical connections.
We're going to start off by taking the ground off the compressor,
and the ground off of the pressure switch. And I'm going to ground them right to the
chassis of the truck. And if it's a painted surface,
make sure you grind it down a little bit so it's bare metal so you get a
good ground. I'm going to put both of these wires under the same grounding stud.
Clean them up a little bit. Zip tie them and we'll get them mounted
right to the frame.
All right. Like I said before, we ground down a
little spot on the frame so we get a good ground. And we're going to put both the
compressor and the pressure switch ground wires under the same lug.
And I'm going to ground it up. Next thing we're going to do is mount our
switch and our pressure gauge. I'm going to choose to mount this right
here on our trailer hitch. For one thing, it's going to keep everything in the back
of the truck. I'm also going to have the air chuck come out of our spare tire hole.
Since we don't have the spare tire under the truck anymore, everything will be
at the back of the truck. Come back, turn your switch on,
watch your pressure gauge, watch the tank fill and everything will be
right here. You can also mount this in the cab of your truck if you'd like,
but we're going to choose to mount it back here.
All right. So this wire here is going to connect our pressure sensor to our switch
on the gauge. I'm extending the wire a little bit longer just to get it to where
we need to go.
We can connect this wire to the bottom terminal on our switch and
we're going to just use some zip-ties and clean this up a little bit,
and we'll move on to our next wire.
All right. So this is our power wire.
It's going to go from the battery all the way to the back of the truck.
There's a thousand different ways you can route it. I'm going to go along the driver
side frame rail next to the brake lines, and that's going to get us
where we need to be.
And we're making our connection here from the wire that's going to come
from our battery. This is a fused power wire and it's going to give our
system power.
All right. Now, we can start plumbing up our air system. We have two outlets on our
tank right here. One is going to go to our gauge and the other is going to go to the
yellow coiled-up hose that's going to give us our air supply. So I'm going to start
with the gauge first. We can take off our compression fitting.
We're going to slide this end onto the hose and then this end onto the gauge.
You really got to push hard on these guys to get it over the barb.
You want to keep pressure on it while you're tightening this guy up.
All right. Now, we want to go up to the air tank.
I'm going to measure out some line here.
All right. Now, we got our last line here. We're going to make the last connection
and this is going to be the feed to our yellow hose that's going to come
out of our bumper.
All right. We're going to make our last connection here. Lift a little slack so we
can pull this in and out when we're ready to use it.
And any time we need air, we can come back to our truck,
pull our line out.
Now, I'm going to get this boy up to the battery.
All right. We just need to make our way over to the battery with that guy.
This is our fused positive cable.
This runs all the way back to the air compressor.
All right, guys, that wraps up our install for our onboard air system.
Be sure to check out more at americantrucks.com.
SBD Dauntless 1540mm and SY91 four stroke engine Maiden with dead stick landing - Duration: 18:42.This was really the nitro flight of my life. First the half of elevator come lose and I was flying with only the second half and then engine died and I was testing dead stick landing. Oh yeah... But can you believe that the bird survived and it was almoust repared on the runway. If I had spare prop with me I would be able to fly again in 10 minutes. I just love this awesome warbird and I cant wait for the second flight. This is why we love this hobby so much. You never know what will happen when you go flying. I love it... Big salute to all RC lover all over the world from Captain Blaž & Pilot Robert Slovenia. Thanks for subscriptions and all support. See you soon...
Getting 'That Shot' | Exploring the 'Island of the Colour Blind' with Sanne De Wilde - Duration: 3:14.THAT SHOT SANNE DE WILDE
This photograph is the key image of the series,
The Island of the Colorblind.
A lot of my work on my personal projects
is centred around a certain genetic trail
that runs through people's lives
and that shapes and forms their community
or their personal life or their physical identity.
The Island of the Colorblind is a series about achromatopsia
or complete colour blindness.
There's an island in the Pacific in Micronesia
where there's an extremely high percentage
of this very extraordinary kind of colour blindness
that doesn't allow people to see colour.
I started photography developing in the dark room.
In black and white, on film and making my own prints.
Since then, I never touched black and white
until this project came up.
So after I returned from the island,
I invited achromatopic people from the Netherlands and Belgium
to bring colour back into my black and white images,
to literally paint onto the image.
People felt free and at the same time struggled
with not being able to have control over colour as well,
because I wouldn't tell them which colours they were using.
And it makes people feel unsecure and uncomfortable.
During the painting sessions I organised, I met Annefloor.
She's from the Netherlands
and she has achromatopic vision and she's super talented.
She made beautiful paintings
and really added on another layer to the work
by really allowing me to see through her eyes.
To Pingelap I brought my D700 that I had converted to infrared
and the D810 that I used as a normal camera.
I wanted to experiment with infrared
because I wanted to find a way for myself to redefine
and rediscover colour while shooting the project.
With this converted camera that reads light differently,
I was also triggered to rethink the colour perspective
and the result of that are images that are so surreal in their colours
that it makes people open up to this whole new reality
and this freedom of colour that you get
if you let go of the conventional way of looking at it.
The work The Island of the Colorblind is about trying to open people's eyes
to not seeing the absence of something
as something you lack or as a weakness,
but as strength, as something that is a richness,
as something that adds on to your own reality that you create
and that you have the power to create and that you create in your own way.
And it's about connecting vision at the same time acknowledging
that we all see the world differently.
Speed PixelArt - A fox - Duration: 5:00.-------------------------------------------
【ホンダ新型N-VAN最新情報】発売日は2018年7月!バモス後継の価格や燃費、スペックは? - Duration: 18:54.-------------------------------------------
✅ Jubel på Kongsberg: USA kjøper norsk sjømålsmissil - Duration: 2:47.Naval Strike Missile er utviklet i Norge spesielt for marinens største krigsskip, fregattene
Det brukes også om bord på MTB-våpenets korvetter, og en annen variant av samme missil er også et hovedvåpen på de norske F-35 kampflyene
Denne utgaven heter Joint Strike Missile (JSM). Norge har i årevis jobbet hardt for å selge missilene til andre land
Nå er en avtale med USA et faktum for NSM. KNM «Storm», en av MTB-våpenets kystkorvetter
Hovedvåpenet om bord er NSM, missilet USA nå vil kjøpe. Petter Brenni Gulbrandsen, Sjøforsvaret NI NORSKE KRIGSFARTØYER skal bli til fire – her forklarer forsvarssjefen hvorfor
På amerikanske fregatterDet er gjennom sin amerikanske samarbeidspartner Raytheon Kongsberg Gruppen er tildelt kontrakten
Det er mange års arbeid som ligger bak, skriver E24. Naval Strike Missile- rakettene skal utgjøre en del av det den amerikanske marinen kaller «Over the horizon Weapon Systems» på amerikanske fregatter
Kongsberg Gruppen opplyste om kontrakten i en børsmelding sent torsdag kveld, men er ellers sparsomme med opplysninger
I en kunngjøring på det amerikanske forsvarsdepartementets side går det frem at kontrakten har en fast del på 14,86 millioner dollar, tilsvarende 114 millioner kroner
Videre ligger det opsjoner verd 847,6 millioner dollar, om lag 6,9 milliarder kroner
Det går videre frem at 78 prosent av arbeidet med å lage rakettene vil foregå i Norge, 75 prosent ved Kongsberg Gruppen selv og 3 prosent ved Raufoss
Resten vil foregå i USA samt noe i Tyskland.Avtalen kan også åpne for ytterligere leveranser til fremtidige amerikanske fregatter, skriver E24
Det norske NSM-missilet er utviklet for å brukes om bord på marinens fregatter, her representert ved KNM «Helge Ingstad»
Lars Magne Hovtun, Forsvaret
✅ Η Δούκισσα Νομικού ποζάρει με shorts, δύο μήνες μετά τη γέννηση του γιου της | News | fthis.gr - Duration: 1:06.Πανέτοιμη για το πιο όμορφο καλοκαίρι της ζωής της, η Δούκισσα Νομικού! Η ξανθιά παρουσιάστρια προγραμματίζει τις πρώτες διακοπές με τον σύζυγό και τον γιο τους, την ώρα που μοιράζεται μαζί μας φωτογραφίες και στιγμές της καθημερινότητάς της
Η όμορφη Δούκισσα επέλεξε το αγαπημένο της summer style, προκειμένου να μας ευχηθεί Καλό Καλοκαίρι
«Καλό μήνα!!! Καλό καλοκαίρι!!! Η αγαπημένη μου περίοδος μόλις ξεκίνησε!!! Από τη χαρά μου νιώθω ήδη πεταλούδες στο στομάχι μου
και στην τσάντα μου» έγραψε η παρουσιάστρια κάτω από τη φωτογραφία της.
✅ Η Δούκισσα Νομικού ποζάρει με shorts, δύο μήνες μετά τη γέννηση του γιου της | News | fthis.gr - Duration: 1:06.Πανέτοιμη για το πιο όμορφο καλοκαίρι της ζωής της, η Δούκισσα Νομικού! Η ξανθιά παρουσιάστρια προγραμματίζει τις πρώτες διακοπές με τον σύζυγό και τον γιο τους, την ώρα που μοιράζεται μαζί μας φωτογραφίες και στιγμές της καθημερινότητάς της
Η όμορφη Δούκισσα επέλεξε το αγαπημένο της summer style, προκειμένου να μας ευχηθεί Καλό Καλοκαίρι
«Καλό μήνα!!! Καλό καλοκαίρι!!! Η αγαπημένη μου περίοδος μόλις ξεκίνησε!!! Από τη χαρά μου νιώθω ήδη πεταλούδες στο στομάχι μου
και στην τσάντα μου» έγραψε η παρουσιάστρια κάτω από τη φωτογραφία της.
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