Friday, June 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 1 2018

Hello everyone, here's what's up in San Bernardino for June 4th, through June 10th,


Debbie Ocean attempts to pull off the heist of the century at New York City's star filled annual, Met Gala.

Her first stop is to assemble the perfect crew to acquire a necklace that's worth more

than One-Hundred and fifty million dollars!

Get your tickets at the Regal Cinemas in San Bernardino or purchase them online at

The Regal Cinemas is located at: 450 North E Street San Bernardino.

For more information call: (844) 462-7342

Come out and support your Inland Empire 66ers as they take on the Lake Elsinore Storm!

It's Two dollar Tuesdays so bring the family and enjoy hot dogs, soda, popcorn, and tacos!

The game will be held at: 280 South E Street San Bernardino.

For more information call: (909) 888-9922

Need a night to let your worries melt away?

Join CSUSB for their Chocolate Ball! This is a formal attire night of fun, dancing, and plenty of chocolate!

This event will be held at the Santos Manuel Student Union located at: 5500 University Parkway, San Bernardino.

For more information call: (909) 537-7201.

Flashback is celebrating its 25th anniversary!

This high-concept adventure game is making its return by coming to Nintendo Switch!

You can purchase this 90's nostalgic game at GameStop, located at: 5250 University Parkway, San Bernardino.

Its Jelly filled donut day!

Enjoy one with your coffee for breakfast or maybe just as a Friday treat!

You can get your Jelly filled donut at Mimi's Donuts & Ice Cream located at: 4000 University Parkway, San Bernardino.


Come join the Inland Empire Greek Fest On the Hill to help celebrate Greek culture!

Enjoy authentic food, live music, dancing, Olympic games, vendors and so much more!

This event will be held at the Inland Empire Greek Fest On the Hill located at: 1035 Inland Center Drive, San Bernardino.

For more information call:(909) 885-6213

Menopause the musical is coming to the California Theater!

Witness these four women at a lingerie sale that have nothing in common but a black lace

bra AND memory loss, hot flashes, night sweats, not enough sex, too much sex and so much more!

Come and see what millions of women have been laughing about with this hilarious musical parody!

The California theater is located at: 562 W. 4th Street, San Bernardino.

For more information call: (909) 885-5152

And that's what's up in San Bernardino for June 4th, through June 10th, Twenty-Eighteen.

If you have an event that you'd like us to highlight here, please send an email to

events at

And we'll see you next time when we'll let you know!!

What's up San Bernardino

For more infomation >> What's Up! San Bernardino (June 4th to June 10th) - Duration: 2:48.


Burger King® | Whopper® Donut! 🍔👑🍩 - Duration: 4:39.

hey everyone it's Ian K back again with another one for ya this time headed

into the only BK location in California where the king is celebrating national

donut day that's right guys you already know it's the whopper donut so let's see

what this one's all about after we scoop it up to that drive-thru hi peep

this out can I go for the whopper donut with no mayo and no tomato please and

that's all sure would you like that and bacon or cheese today

no no that's fine and just the whopper by yourself you got it and no mayo

no tomato correct OK you're total will be $5.46 at the window

thank you great thanks a lot so thist whopper donut apparently has

a sidekick you'll see in a second happy national donut day you bet awesome

thanks so much we'll see 'ya bye alright guys it's donuts done the

BK way let's peep this out

ooh a whopper hey King what are you doing wait no well

this could be the Batman and Robin of national donut day and it's featured at

the only BK location in California to offer it the whopper donut feast your

eyes upon this one guys it's the iconic whopper that you know and love with a

shot down the middle over here to give you something reminiscent of what a

classic donut should look like let's pop the top on this one really quick you guys

will recognize it for sure we've got plenty of the chopped lettuce we've got

some ketchup normally some Mayo and cheese but I opted to just kind of keep

it playing here to give you an idea what this looks like and of course you've got

the flame grilled beef patty underneath that so very cool concept very cool

marketing gimmick absolutely for the day but I gotta be honest I think what's

gonna steal the show is this little guy when I grow up I want to be a whopper

that is just a very very cool little sidekick little Robin and doing this thing

for Batman over here and I think we all know what's on the inside of this one

basically the middle of it so we've got the pickles visible we've cut some more

of the onions and of course that piece of the flame grill patty here as well as

the bun but basically it is the mini slider that accompanies the bigger

whopper here but very cool guys very cool marketing and I got to say I am

definitely diggin the packaging that these come in here this is the whopper

donut here at BK let's peep out this flavor oh it looks like a donut now

on June 1st the whopper donut and it comes with a free mini slider at select

Burger King restaurants you know this isn't so much about how this one looks

from the side I mean it still is the same standard whopper that we all know

it's more or less what it looks like from the very top or in this case from

the very bottom through the top a very cool marketing gimmick for the holiday

and one that I think suits the personality of the King just fine let me

take a quick bite of this one before we check out that sidekick one more time

yup classic beefy iconic whopper flavor now this isn't so much a review of the

whopper as it is showing you the current promo for today only so if you guys want

to see some extended thoughts on the whopper itself at the link in the upper

right hand corner of your display that review has got everything you need to

know about this one but what I want to see and I think what you guys want to

see as well besides the hole down the middle of the iconic whopper is the

little sidekick that it comes with aka the mini slider the very middle of the

burger it sure is amazing what a cylindrical

cookie cutter can do to your marketing game when you take out the midsection of

the iconic whopper here at BK and hey let's see if I can make this a 2 biter

real quick super fun again if you want some more detailed thoughts on the

whopper hit that review in the upper right-hand corner of your display still

a pretty tasty bite one more quick cross-section shot in the middle of the

whopper guys if you ask me this is kind of like when you get to the middle of a

cinnamon roll you've got a nice hearty little bite to finish everything off and

actually now that I think of it why hasn't BK come out with sliders this

definitely works so there you go guys a quick look on how the King does Donuts

his way on national donut day here at BK guys a very very cool concept like I

said super fun marketing and again if you ask me I think BK should get into

the slider game because this is really a fun way to package them BK if you're

watching this definitely get on that so to close this one out how are you guys

celebrating national donut day or actually you know what I should be

asking you is how many donuts are you having drop some comments down below and

definitely let me know and that's my look at a really fun promo coming at ya

on national donut day from BK as we close out another episode of peep this

out guys and like I always say I've got brand new content every single week here

on my channel so while you stay tuned for the next review coming real soon in the

meantime stay frosty when I grow up I want to be a whopper I see you BK I see

you alright everyone until next time I'll talk to you soon

For more infomation >> Burger King® | Whopper® Donut! 🍔👑🍩 - Duration: 4:39.


Visualising Healthy Seeds, Soil, and Life - Kay Baxter and Bob Corker at New Frontiers - Duration: 11:58.

(upbeat music)

- Okay, it's a real pleasure to be here.

I'm gonna go first and Bob's gonna do some

picture stuff at the end.

Okay, it's very humbling and I'm very happy to be here.

And I just want to thank everyone

that's created this incredible event.

I'd like all of you to close your eyes

and imagine,

pick up

an imaginary magic microscope.

The microscope is magic is lots of ways.

It's going to show you all kinds of things

that are happening in the soil.

But it's a two way one, so it kinda goes back

into your body as well,

and it


all parts of the living system,

parts of, including you, parts of you

that you maybe didn't know existed

and which are able to

see things which we haven't seen before.

We're gonna look at some

amazing black earth

maybe terra preta soil from the Amazonian jungle

or the river basin

We're looking through this magic microscope

and we've got it down there in the soil

and what we can see is, first of all, it's really black.

It's really, really black, first glance, it's really black.

This magic microscope enables us to see

everything that's moving, enables us to see loads

of colors, enables us to not only see the colors

but because it's a two way microscope into our own mind

and it opens our own, all kinds of things in our own head,

we can know that those colors relate to

different minerals, different molecules.

We can see all kinds of different microbes and fungi

and they're all different colors and we know what they

are and we can identify them.

Most importantly,

we can see it looks black to begin with but

there's lots of air in there, it's aerobic.

There's lots of life in the air.

There are loads of, we can see high levels of minerals.

We can see them all.

They're all different colors and they all look different.

They're all vibrating differently

and they all have different strengths of

electrical energy and current flowing through them

and out from them.

They're changing shape.

We can see loads, a huge diversity of things in there.


We can really notice that it doesn't look

as though there's any separation or skin

between one thing and another.

It's all energy and color.

Things are moving and changing.

We can see exchanges happening.

We can see

things growing

and regenerating, building, living, and dying, degenerating.

Bits of the degenerating things get grabbed

by something else.

It feels like, it looks like this incredible

alive, enormously diverse

enormously integrated, connected living thing.

Into that thing, we see a seed get planted.

It's a bean seed.

Maybe it's a corn seed - it doesn't really matter.

The seed gets planted and the seeds are

really strong, healthy, vibrant seed.

We can see it pulsing.

We can see it vibrating.

Because the seed was grown to be high Brix nutrient dense,

it's got a lot of carbon in it.

It's got a lot of manganese in it.

We can tell that by the colors that are coming off it

and the vibration that's coming off it,

pulsing seed in this living environment in the soil.

It attracts water really fast.

Carbon always attracts water.

As the seed coat becomes moist,

it attracts microbes

that break down the seed coat,

break down all the phytates and

the antinutrients in the seed coat.

The seed swells and a root, a taproot comes down

into this living environment.

There are loads of microbes and fungi and

really alive living, moving things in this environment.

The taproot that comes down also doesn't appear

to have any separation between it and all the

color and life and vibration in the soil.

It's moving into it.

Things are connecting with it.

The fungi and the microbes and the soil

becoming connected to that root.

And as the root goes down, first two leaves go up.

Up until the first two leaves go up,

all the energy for that growth comes from within the seed.

The stronger and healthier that seed was

to begin with, the stronger

the taproot will be that goes down,

the bigger and stronger the two leaves will be that go up.

Now we can see a real switch and if we're watching

really carefully through this magic microscope,

we'll notice

that there's a really strong pulsing

energy going

from the leaves

down to the root,

out into the soil, connecting with the microbes

and the fungi and the soil and the minerals

and then going back up

into the plant,

creating a really strong electromagnetic lightning rod,

and that plant becomes an electromagnetic

lightning rod which attracts the strength of it.

The amount of electric energy that it holds

is what attracts in

or has a direct relationship to how much

it attracts in from the universe.

We've got this plant and

because we've got a functional rhizosphere, functional soil

that's got so much color so much energy

so much life

the phosphate, the available phosphate in the soil

is able to grab loads of minerals in the soil

and carry them into the plant

and the phosphates synthesizes, catalyzes the

photosynthesis process which means

the plant's able to photosynthesize

more and more efficiently and more strongly

which means it has more sugars in it

and it means it got stronger electrical current in it.

It brings in more energies from the universe.

The quality of the plant goes up and up

in every way and it goes from producing simple sugars

to complex sugars to complete sequestering

complete proteins and

in its body to sequestering omega-three

and omega-six into its reproductive and

vegetative tissue to what we currently know is

the highest level it can operate it at

which is the level where it's producing essential oils

which is how plants communicate

with the whole ecology and with us.

Every plant can be medicine.

Every plant can photosynthesize

to this ability and every plant is medicine

if it's grown in a functional rhizosphere.

One of the key things about plants

that are grown in a functional rhizosphere

is that they sequester more carbon

not into their bodies but really importantly

into the soil.

They build soil.

It's through this process of photosynthesis

and life in the soil that we build soil

and we build life and all life as we know it

is totally dependent on that process.

That is what I call a regenerative process.

If we're working with the laws of nature,

the soil's got air, it's got moisture,

it's got high levels of balanced minerals,

and it's got a full range of the microbes

that we need.

There's no reason why we can't be

building soil, building life, and increasing the health

of all life in the ecological niche that we're in.

There's two key components to making that work.

One of them is the genetics of the seed

and the other one is the ecology of the environment which

I don't want to talk about that one any more.

The seed is a really important part of it.

We've a range of seeds to choose from

when we want to grow our food.

We've got open pollinated heritage seeds.

We've got hybrid seeds, different hybrids.

We've got CMS seeds

which most people don't know what they are.

They're actually genetically engineered seeds

which have been hidden under the carpet

and they're being labeled as different hybrids.

When you go buy certified organic Brassicas in this land

they're mostly - (mumble)

- grown from CMS seeds.

- Okay

Then we've got GE seeds and the whole Goliath story.

The only seeds that I know of that fully capable

of communicating with the microbes in the soil

and the life in the soil that are fully able

to embody their bodies the complete range of minerals

they need to grow to be nutrient dense

and high Brix food

and that are fully able

fully nourish human bodies

is the food grown from open pollinated heritage seeds

in a fully functional rhizosphere.

I won't bother talking about all the degenerative stuff.

Okay, sorry.

My main message now is that

we've got the largest collection of

heritage food plants in this land.

We are looking for, we can't hold

that collection any longer.

It's too much for us.

We need support.

We need everybody to pick up a brochure,

which we've got a whole lot of.

I'll get them out later.

Become a member, pass the brochure,

go on our website, become a member,

pass the brochure onto someone else

so they can become a member.

We're specifically looking for a range of

businesses who can work with us.

We've got loads we can offer businesses

and people that work in businesses

and we want to develop relationships

with businesses so we can save the seeds

so we can get on with the job

of making these seeds become the seeds

that our food is grown from in this land

and around the world.

(audience claps)

- Cue it up.

(audience claps)

- Okay, we're out of time, but I'll quickly add

that we've been through this journey,

we've been on this journey for about 37 years now.

What we got to at a certain point was

we found the canary in the cage and

we kicked the cage and there was no response.

The industrial paradigm that we live in

is inherently degenerative and unsustainable.

We have to find a different way.

The Koanga Institute at that point said

"Okay, it's not just about the seeds,

"it's also about the productive ecosystems

"that we pull together and it's about

"how we change the development,

"our economic and social development."

Quickly, the industrial paradigm is

mainly about empowering the cities.

This is where all the energy goes

and it's depleting the rural areas.

Three percent of the lands,

of our global land is in cities.

97% is elsewhere.

This is where the action is, in the 97%.

We actually have to find another way

of nurturing that 97%

and changing the agenda in the cities.

That's mainly what we want to do.

(audience claps) - Thank you, Bob.

For more infomation >> Visualising Healthy Seeds, Soil, and Life - Kay Baxter and Bob Corker at New Frontiers - Duration: 11:58.


Belen Rodriguez, fa' una sorpresa a Santiago !! - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Belen Rodriguez, fa' una sorpresa a Santiago !! - Duration: 2:10.


Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 0:51.


Opel KARL 1.0 75pk ROCKS Demo-voordeel - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Opel KARL 1.0 75pk ROCKS Demo-voordeel - Duration: 1:09.


Lego Stop Motion Animation | Lego City Prison Break Island | Lego Cartoon For Kids [4K] - Duration: 11:03.

Lego Stop Motion Animation | Lego City Prison Break Island | Lego Cartoon For Kids [4K]

For more infomation >> Lego Stop Motion Animation | Lego City Prison Break Island | Lego Cartoon For Kids [4K] - Duration: 11:03.


Volkswagen Polo Comfortline Connected 1.2 TSI 90PK | Navigatie | Parkeersensoren - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo Comfortline Connected 1.2 TSI 90PK | Navigatie | Parkeersensoren - Duration: 1:08.


Volkswagen Passat 1.4 TSI 150PK VARIANT COMFORTLINE - DAB - Parkeersensoren - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Passat 1.4 TSI 150PK VARIANT COMFORTLINE - DAB - Parkeersensoren - Duration: 1:14.


남경필의 반성, 핵심은 첫째 아들이 아니라 사건 은폐 의혹이다 - Duration: 9:17.

For more infomation >> 남경필의 반성, 핵심은 첫째 아들이 아니라 사건 은폐 의혹이다 - Duration: 9:17.


✅ Bonservisini eline alacak olan 29 yaşındaki orta saha oyuncusu Galatasaray'dan yıllık 3 milyon eur - Duration: 2:47.

Nuri 4 yıllık imza istedi Bonservisini eline alacak olan 29 yaşındaki orta saha oyuncusu Galatasaray'dan yıllık 3 milyon eurodan 4 yıllık imza istedi

Görüşmeler sürüyor. Sarı-Kırmızılılar, orta yolun bulunması durumunda Nuri'ye imzayı attıracak

Akşam'dan Orçun Özateş'in özel haberine göre yeni sezonda Şampiyon Ligi'nde mücadele edecek G

Saray'da transfer harekatı başladı. Gündemdeki isim Dortmund'ta forma giyen Milli yıldız Nuri Şahin… 29 yaşındaki ortaoyuncusunun 30 Haziran 2019'a kadar Alman Kulübü ile sözleşmesi bulunuyor

Ancak Dortmund yeni sezonda takımda düşünmediği Nuri'yi bonservis bedeli almadan yollamaya sıcak bakıyor

Tecrübeli orta saha oyuncusu kendisini isteyen G.Saray Yönetimine İstanbul'a gelme şartlarını iletti

Nuri Şahin, Cim-Bom'dan 3 milyon eurodan 4 yıllık sözleşme istedi. F.BAHÇE VE BEŞİKTAŞ İLGİLENİYOR Sarı-Kırmızılı idareciler, Nuri'ye bu kadar yüksek yıllık ücret ödemek istemiyor

Bu konuda Nuri Şahin ile görüşmeler sürüyor. Orta yol bulunduğu takdirde imzaların atılması bekleniyor

Avrupa'dan Liverpool, Roma ve Napoli 29 yaşındaki oyuncuyu isteyen takımlar arasında yer alıyor

Ancak Teknik Direktör Fatih Terim ile iyi bir ilişkisi olan Nuri'nin ilk tercihi G

Saray. Milli yıldız ile F.Bahçe ve Beşiktaş'ta ilgileniyor. İki kulüpte oyuncunun durumunu yakından takip ediyor

UEFA'NIN KARARI BEKLENİLİYOR Dortmund formasıyla bu sezon 17 lig maçına çıkan Nuri Şahin 2 gol, 2 asistlik performans sergiledi

Orta sahanın göbeği, ön libero ve zaman zaman da 10 numaralı bölgede forma giyen Nuri Şahin, 52 kez A Milli Takım forması giydi

Nuri Şahin Dortmund'tan önce 1 sezon da Real Madrid forması da giymişti. G.Saray Yönetimi, UEFA'dan 'Sattığın kadar al' cezası alırsa kiralık ve bonservisi elinde olan oyunculara yönelecek


For more infomation >> ✅ Bonservisini eline alacak olan 29 yaşındaki orta saha oyuncusu Galatasaray'dan yıllık 3 milyon eur - Duration: 2:47.


Quý ông đại chiến tập 5 ,tối thứ 7 đáng xem ,ngày 2 tháng 6 - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Quý ông đại chiến tập 5 ,tối thứ 7 đáng xem ,ngày 2 tháng 6 - Duration: 1:47.



Yo what is going on guys it is your boy Yogge here and today

For more infomation >> ALL FORTNITE BATTLE ROYALE TRAILERS!! (UPDATED) - Duration: 5:40.



For more infomation >> Renault Twingo 1.2 PRIVILÈGE,AIRCO,ELEK RAMEN+SPIEGELS,CENTR VERGR - Duration: 1:04.


Nissan Note 1.4 VISIA,AIRCO,ELEK RAMEN,CENTR VERGR. - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Nissan Note 1.4 VISIA,AIRCO,ELEK RAMEN,CENTR VERGR. - Duration: 1:03.


Chevrolet Spark 1.0 16V LT BI-FUEL,(lpg 0,65 c/liter) AIRCO,4 ELEK RAMEN,CENTR VERGR - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Chevrolet Spark 1.0 16V LT BI-FUEL,(lpg 0,65 c/liter) AIRCO,4 ELEK RAMEN,CENTR VERGR - Duration: 1:04.


Volkswagen Golf 1.6 TDI HIGHLINE,NAVI,AIRCO,LM VELGEN,4 ELEK RAMEN - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.6 TDI HIGHLINE,NAVI,AIRCO,LM VELGEN,4 ELEK RAMEN - Duration: 1:09.



For more infomation >> Ford S-Max 1.6 TDCI TITANIUM 7P. NAVI,AIRCO ECC,TREKHAAK,LM VELGEN,CRUISE C - Duration: 0:53.



For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.2-16V EDITION OPC UITVOERING,17' LM VELGEN,AIRCO,ELEK RAMEN,CENTR VERGR - Duration: 0:52.



For more infomation >> Škoda Citigo 1.0 ELEGANCE, AUTOMAAT,NAVIGATIE,AIRCO,LM VELGEN - Duration: 1:11.


Ford Fiesta 1.0 STYLE,NAVIGATIE,AIRCO,LM VELGEN - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Ford Fiesta 1.0 STYLE,NAVIGATIE,AIRCO,LM VELGEN - Duration: 1:11.



For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT COMFORT PACK,AIRCO,ELEK RAMEN,CENTR VERGR - Duration: 1:11.



For more infomation >> Kia Optima 2.0 CVVT HYBRID PLUS PACK, HALF LEDER,CRUISE C,PDC,LM VELGEN,4 ELEK RAMEN - Duration: 1:07.


Seat Ibiza 1.6 SPORT-UP,PANODAK,20 'LM VELGEN,AIRCO ECC,CRUISE C./ - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Seat Ibiza 1.6 SPORT-UP,PANODAK,20 'LM VELGEN,AIRCO ECC,CRUISE C./ - Duration: 1:08.


I ate ramen noodles when my mother was sleeping ㅣ RabbitPlay - Duration: 5:36.

I ate ramen noodles when my mother was sleeping ㅣ RabbitPlay

For more infomation >> I ate ramen noodles when my mother was sleeping ㅣ RabbitPlay - Duration: 5:36.


Baystate receiving $500K to provide healthcare services for hurricane evacuees - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Baystate receiving $500K to provide healthcare services for hurricane evacuees - Duration: 1:17.


Woman offers $5K reward for ring lost at speedway - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Woman offers $5K reward for ring lost at speedway - Duration: 2:07.


Burger King® | Whopper® Donut! 🍔👑🍩 - Duration: 4:39.

hey everyone it's Ian K back again with another one for ya this time headed

into the only BK location in California where the king is celebrating national

donut day that's right guys you already know it's the whopper donut so let's see

what this one's all about after we scoop it up to that drive-thru hi peep

this out can I go for the whopper donut with no mayo and no tomato please and

that's all sure would you like that and bacon or cheese today

no no that's fine and just the whopper by yourself you got it and no mayo

no tomato correct OK you're total will be $5.46 at the window

thank you great thanks a lot so thist whopper donut apparently has

a sidekick you'll see in a second happy national donut day you bet awesome

thanks so much we'll see 'ya bye alright guys it's donuts done the

BK way let's peep this out

ooh a whopper hey King what are you doing wait no well

this could be the Batman and Robin of national donut day and it's featured at

the only BK location in California to offer it the whopper donut feast your

eyes upon this one guys it's the iconic whopper that you know and love with a

shot down the middle over here to give you something reminiscent of what a

classic donut should look like let's pop the top on this one really quick you guys

will recognize it for sure we've got plenty of the chopped lettuce we've got

some ketchup normally some Mayo and cheese but I opted to just kind of keep

it playing here to give you an idea what this looks like and of course you've got

the flame grilled beef patty underneath that so very cool concept very cool

marketing gimmick absolutely for the day but I gotta be honest I think what's

gonna steal the show is this little guy when I grow up I want to be a whopper

that is just a very very cool little sidekick little Robin and doing this thing

for Batman over here and I think we all know what's on the inside of this one

basically the middle of it so we've got the pickles visible we've cut some more

of the onions and of course that piece of the flame grill patty here as well as

the bun but basically it is the mini slider that accompanies the bigger

whopper here but very cool guys very cool marketing and I got to say I am

definitely diggin the packaging that these come in here this is the whopper

donut here at BK let's peep out this flavor oh it looks like a donut now

on June 1st the whopper donut and it comes with a free mini slider at select

Burger King restaurants you know this isn't so much about how this one looks

from the side I mean it still is the same standard whopper that we all know

it's more or less what it looks like from the very top or in this case from

the very bottom through the top a very cool marketing gimmick for the holiday

and one that I think suits the personality of the King just fine let me

take a quick bite of this one before we check out that sidekick one more time

yup classic beefy iconic whopper flavor now this isn't so much a review of the

whopper as it is showing you the current promo for today only so if you guys want

to see some extended thoughts on the whopper itself at the link in the upper

right hand corner of your display that review has got everything you need to

know about this one but what I want to see and I think what you guys want to

see as well besides the hole down the middle of the iconic whopper is the

little sidekick that it comes with aka the mini slider the very middle of the

burger it sure is amazing what a cylindrical

cookie cutter can do to your marketing game when you take out the midsection of

the iconic whopper here at BK and hey let's see if I can make this a 2 biter

real quick super fun again if you want some more detailed thoughts on the

whopper hit that review in the upper right-hand corner of your display still

a pretty tasty bite one more quick cross-section shot in the middle of the

whopper guys if you ask me this is kind of like when you get to the middle of a

cinnamon roll you've got a nice hearty little bite to finish everything off and

actually now that I think of it why hasn't BK come out with sliders this

definitely works so there you go guys a quick look on how the King does Donuts

his way on national donut day here at BK guys a very very cool concept like I

said super fun marketing and again if you ask me I think BK should get into

the slider game because this is really a fun way to package them BK if you're

watching this definitely get on that so to close this one out how are you guys

celebrating national donut day or actually you know what I should be

asking you is how many donuts are you having drop some comments down below and

definitely let me know and that's my look at a really fun promo coming at ya

on national donut day from BK as we close out another episode of peep this

out guys and like I always say I've got brand new content every single week here

on my channel so while you stay tuned for the next review coming real soon in the

meantime stay frosty when I grow up I want to be a whopper I see you BK I see

you alright everyone until next time I'll talk to you soon

For more infomation >> Burger King® | Whopper® Donut! 🍔👑🍩 - Duration: 4:39.


Yukiko Cosplay : Sortie Disneyland - Duration: 10:52.

and were is Kurtis

So we going to do Big thunder Mountains

Look what are you going to do

They arrive so look

I explain why they look like this

Because they see what happening

Lou : and there is a looping inside

Hey look this just a boat for us !

There is no one

The end of the day do you like it

Kurtis : yes so much

Girls : it was great

a good it was amazing

Thank you for looking this vlog. Big kiss and bye bye.

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