Friday, June 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 2 2018

Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Verb Phrase 35. The verb phrase today is to make off with

someone or something. Okay. Let's look at the note here. This verb phrase

expresses the idea that someone is trying to steal or escape with something. All right. . Let's look at example number one.

That ex-employee embezzled money from the company. He made off with 20 million. Twenty million

dollars and disappeared. He is believed to be out of the country. Yeah. So you can

make off with money. You can make off with something, especially something of

value. All right. Let's take a look at example number two.

Jill's best friend made off with her husband. Yeah. So maybe you could make off

with a person. So it's like her best friend stole her husband. So anyway,

that's what it means. Jill's best friend made off with her

husband. She stole her husband. She escaped with the husband. All right.

Anyway I hope it's clear. I hope you got it. Thank you for your time. Bye-bye.

For more infomation >> Tutor Nick P Verb Phrase (35) Make Off with Something - Duration: 1:11.


SpongeBob and Sandy

For more infomation >> SpongeBob and Sandy


Pourquoi David Hallyday a choisi de s'exiler seul à Londres, sans sa femme ni son fils ? - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Pourquoi David Hallyday a choisi de s'exiler seul à Londres, sans sa femme ni son fils ? - Duration: 2:09.


Jacques Chirac : son amusant stratagème pour s'éloigner de Bernadette et draguer des femmes - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Jacques Chirac : son amusant stratagème pour s'éloigner de Bernadette et draguer des femmes - Duration: 2:18.


Audi Q3 1.4 TFSI CoD Sport Pro Line S (automaat) / NW MODEL / PANODAK / S-LINE - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Audi Q3 1.4 TFSI CoD Sport Pro Line S (automaat) / NW MODEL / PANODAK / S-LINE - Duration: 1:07.


Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I ASPIRATION Full-Map Navi | Camera | Trekhaak - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I ASPIRATION Full-Map Navi | Camera | Trekhaak - Duration: 1:00.


Land Rover Range Rover Sport 2.7 TdV6 S - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Land Rover Range Rover Sport 2.7 TdV6 S - Duration: 1:07.


Japanese Dollar Store Top 10 Things to BUY at Daiso - Duration: 11:31.

For more infomation >> Japanese Dollar Store Top 10 Things to BUY at Daiso - Duration: 11:31.


美國威脅勸阻無用,俄「莫斯科之眼」已部署,德國直呼危險 - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> 美國威脅勸阻無用,俄「莫斯科之眼」已部署,德國直呼危險 - Duration: 3:10.


Eddy Mitchell évoque ses « terribles et douloureux » derniers souvenirs de Johnny Hallyday - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Eddy Mitchell évoque ses « terribles et douloureux » derniers souvenirs de Johnny Hallyday - Duration: 4:13.


Jeane Manson explique pourquoi elle a été obligée de laisser mourir sa mère à domicile - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Jeane Manson explique pourquoi elle a été obligée de laisser mourir sa mère à domicile - Duration: 2:55.


警察出身入行27年曾是TVB當家小生 坦承生意失敗致門店倒閉 - Duration: 1:38.

據最新港媒消息指,香港藝人馬德鍾日前接受訪問正面回應有關早前 然關閉食肆門店事件。馬德鍾受訪時坦言承認,這次之所有突然關閉 肆門店,全因生意失敗所致。 他表示:「香港營商環境實在太差 請人亦難,要保持食品質素更不容易,感謝上天在我的人生中給了我 次經營飲食業的經歷,啟發對飲食健康的關注,很多反式脂肪食品, 多生吃的細菌,動物脂肪的害處等等的問題

」 據悉,馬德鍾近年來轉戰內地演藝圈發展,並於兩年前發展副 進軍飲食界,在香港分別投資經營了一家日本料理餐廳及一家蚝吧食 ,其中蚝吧就是早前馬德鍾所結業的門店。不過更令人震驚的是,馬 鍾昨天又於個人社交網宣布,指自己剩餘的日本餐廳亦都已經轉讓出 了

連續結束兩家門店,不少網友紛紛表示香港的行業競爭大,想在 界站穩一席之地實屬不易,希望馬德鍾能夠振作。對此,馬德鍾卻非 樂觀表示:「賺了人生經歷,今後我不會再做飲食,因為希望減少殺

」 馬德鍾又謂:「現時我的食用品大多以素食及有機食品為主, 覺我身健康了不少。現時不再經營飲食,我可以更專注我自己最熱愛 演藝事業,亦有更多時間享受生命,多做運動

」受訪全程,可以看出馬德鍾非常輕鬆自如,彷如卸下沉重包袱,心 大好。看來,塞翁失馬,焉知非福。 1968年出生的馬德鍾, 是TVB當家小生之一,早在1991年馬德鍾便以模特身份出道, 後在1993年獲無線高層賞識加盟TVB開始接拍電視劇

馬德鍾曾先後主演過多部無線人氣經典劇集,其中包括有《無考不成 家》、《烽火奇遇結良緣》、《一屋兩家三姓人》、《驚艷一槍》、 情迷黑森林》、《酒店風雲》、《鳳凰四重奏》、《東山飄雨西關晴 、《跳躍生命線》、《飛虎1/2》、《原來愛上賊》、《以和為貴 等等(不一一列舉)

多年來,馬德鍾為觀眾帶來無數精彩作品,深得民心,其實力演 早已經獲得認可,不容置疑。直到2012年,在無線服務了近20 的馬德鍾約滿無線後不再續約選擇離巢外闖,正式轉戰內地發展


For more infomation >> 警察出身入行27年曾是TVB當家小生 坦承生意失敗致門店倒閉 - Duration: 1:38.


41岁舒淇现身活动,深v长裙性感美艳,网友:这样给福利冯德伦不会吃醋? - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> 41岁舒淇现身活动,深v长裙性感美艳,网友:这样给福利冯德伦不会吃醋? - Duration: 6:10.


A.J.'s first vlog - Duration: 1:18.

And I and my name is AJ.

And we be in town.

And Big Sis's Ds: not found, and Tiny Sis's Ds: not found.

and my Ds: not charged. mom did not take back the pictures, and now we are going home :(((

isnt that really bad???

We are gonna be home in a little bit.

Dat be really really bad.

I have this scratch right here.

*shows scratch* I know it's really bad huh?

Well uh bye, and remember my name is A.J.


For more infomation >> A.J.'s first vlog - Duration: 1:18.


Música en Inglés 2018 - Las Mejores Canciones Pop en Inglés - Duration: 57:44.

For more infomation >> Música en Inglés 2018 - Las Mejores Canciones Pop en Inglés - Duration: 57:44.


New DIY Series

For more infomation >> New DIY Series


Un enfant de 9 ans atteint d'un cancer rencontre sa petite sœur avant de mourir.... - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Un enfant de 9 ans atteint d'un cancer rencontre sa petite sœur avant de mourir.... - Duration: 5:03.


Nathan D. Larson: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 11:28.

Nathan D. Larson: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

When threatening to kill the president of the United States and serving federal prison time for it is the least of his "abhorrent," and "vile," actions and opinions, it might be a tough road to a seat in Congress for accountant and admitted pedophile Nathan D.

Larson. Or maybe not.

Larson claims in a Huffington Post profile that, "A lot of people are tired of political correctness and being constrained by it.

People prefer when there's an outsider who doesn't have anything to lose and is willing to say what's on a lot of people's minds.".

Here's what you need to know about Nathan D.


Larson is an Independent 'Neo-Reactionary Libertarian' Candidate With a Shocking History, Resume & Manifesto.

Larson is seeking election to Virginia's Tenth Congressional District which includes all of Frederick, Loudon and Clarke counties and portions of Fairfax and Prince William counties and sections of Manassas.

It's a majority white, upper middle class district that since the 1950s has nearly always elected Republicans to Congress, including Frank Wolf who held the seat from 1981 to 2015, but in 2008 voted to elect Democrat Barack Obama and in 2016, by a 10 percent margin, voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton.

In a capture of his 'manifesto,' Larson, a self-described "quasi-neo-reactionary libertarian," says his agenda includes stopping the war on drugs, protecting gun ownership rights, putting an end to American involvement in any foreign wars that protect ally Israel, will "restore benevolent white supremacy" and the patriarchy, will close borders, and promises "rights" that include the right to discriminate and the right to commit and suicide.

In 2009, Larson was convicted of threatening to kill Obama and served more than a year in federal prison.

Normally, someone with a criminal history that included such a felony wouldn't be allowed to seek office, but in 2016, then-Virginia Gov.

Terry McAuliffe restored rights to ex-felons.

Larson got a pass.

But it's his actions and views on social and cultural extremism marked by zealous misogyny, racism, and stunning admissions that he's a pedophile, rapist and that he not only condones both practices but advocates for, in his campaign 'manifesto' that are raising alarms.

Larson, an Admitted Pedophile, Advocates For Child Pornography, Incest & Wrote About Raping His Very Young Daughter.

"I am for legalization of child pornography possession and distribution, because important truths about the human condition, and human sexuality in particular, might be revealed in this art form," he writes in his 'Nathan Larson for Congress campaign manifesto.

Larson cites a study that concluded "89.

9 percent of those convicted of child pornography possession are white, so it does seem like these laws are being used to target white America for persecution.

Larson supports "legalizing early marriage …(s)ince young women begin to enter their years of peak beauty and fertility before age 18…".

HuffPo interviewed Larson, who posted on his forums like, which stands for 'suicidal pedophile,' since been removed as can be seen by the screenshot below, using alias Lysander.

In a disturbing and graphic, be forewarned, post a reporter was able to capture as a screenshot before it was removed, read:.

"I just want to bang my daughter, actually, but even if it were legal, I'm not sure it would happen, since I don't have custody.

After sex with kids is legalized, parents parentheses or other guardians parentheses will still be gate keepers to some extent, and a lot of them will want to bang their own kids and not share with others.

I think that to get with girls, whether they're young or old, you'll usually need to have charm and Dor money.

That's especially true if you trying to get with the more attractive girls.

One sex with kids is legalized, I imagine the competition to get in their pants will be fierce.".

It was reported that just before the Huffington Post story was published, and after reporters had spoken to Larson and had already obtained website and forum details, screenshots and captures, Larson using an alias identified himself on Incelapocalypse, an abominable and monstrous forum for pedophile incels and rapists looking to 'The Day We Make Jailbait Our Sex Slaves,' as a "hebephilic rapist" and not the average incel since he's had sex by raping his former spouse. was successful in getting the forum removed from the internet.

Larson Raped His Former Wife, Who Later Killed Herself, Believes Rape Should be Legal & is an Avowed Misogynist Demanding a White Patriarchy.

Larson blames everything wrong in society on women and feminism.

Mass shootings for example especially ones in schools: "Guns don't kill people — feminists do.

The way to prevent school shootings is to reinstitute patriarchal rule in American families …" he says.

Larson says: "All feminism will do is change the order in the socio-sexual hierarchy to place women above betas.

Alphas will remain at the top and gammas (aka cucks) and omegas (aka incels) will remain at the bottom," he says.

Larson also says "physical discipline of wives shouldn't even be a crime anyway.".

"We have to keep in mind that the nature of relations between the sexes are that men and women can never have a truly equal partnership.

One will have to be dominant and the other submissive," he says.

"We need to get back to the wholesome American traditions of motherhood and apple pie if we want to restore harmony to relations between the sexes.

Production of children and home baked goods has been way down ever since women were told they should aspire for success according to the standards by which men are measured, rather than doing what would play more to their strengths.

That needs to change.".

Larson 's campaign manifesto reads that the "purpose of women, in a patriarchal society, is to be reliable conformists to what is expected of them, and to be judged primarily based on their beauty and cooperativeness …" He says the only way to "fight back against the feminists, to subjugate women and force them into submission.

" In other words, rape.

Larson himself has admitted he raped his ex-wife, HuffPo reports.

The Washington Post reported in March of 2017 that after serving his prison sentence for threatening to kill the president, he moved back to Virginia and his then-wife obtained a restraining order against him.

Pregnant with Larson's child, after the baby was born, she committed suicide.

The child, a daughter, is being raised by family in another state and Larson has no access to her, the Post reported.

Larson thinks there should be no "domestic violence restraining orders issued" on men since they are, he says, are sued to obtain divorces, are a means of harassment and inexplicably he says, "…anyway; if women actually were as 'strong' and 'independent' as feminists claim, they would be able to just ignore men who try to bother them, rather than relying on the state to keep those men away.

Larson Supports Limitless Gun Rights & Blames Women & Feminism For Shootings Committed by White Males.

Staying with his theme about white males as innocent victims, Larson says banning men with domestic violence restraining orders is a "provision needs to be abolished, since it treats men who have not even been convicted of a crime as though they were criminals.

He says "all guns including the M14 machine gun should be legalized for manufacture, distribution, and possession by private citizens and businesses, and subject to no more regulations than are applied to other potentially dangerous tools, such as buzzsaws or bottles of muriatic acid," he writes.

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