Friday, June 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 1 2018

now in today's lesson we're going to be looking at this quick riff that you've

just heard and it's a really simple piece up in thumb position plays it back

down in half position and really it's just a nice way of you playing something

that's got a few chords in it to really make sure that your tuning is OK

you'll be able to hear any clashes as the notes ring next to each other it's

all pretty straightforward I'm going to talk you through it and give you a few

ideas of things to look out for on the way so let's get into the lesson

well it starts out using a chromatic hand shape in thumb position so this is

the same as in half position in terms of the access to the nose so you've got G

with your first finger a flat a B flat and you can use the D harmonic is a kind

of tuning anchor to see if you're playing playing in tune this is the

hand shape so we're staying in this chromatic hand shape starting on the

note G and it goes G-E-F, A Bb-E-D that's the first part let's have a

listen to that again G-E-F a hang on to the E to the D pulling off and

the next bit is a nice B flat major chord you've got a F and then b-flat in

the bass so B flat then this chord A-F-Bb and here we go

A, down onto the G-F-A harmonic. F again and then the D so that's the whole riff

pretty much repeating down in half position so it's the same notes

and this is a nice way of checking that you're actually in tune Lauren did a

lesson on this recently or you play something down in half position and then

in thumb position and see if it's on the same now the last time it goes, then up

to c-sharp and you should have C sharp G and then open A. C-F-C-B. Bb- E-Bb-A

okay let's just do that bit again just to finish off so what we've got here Ab

to the G, sliding down to the F with your thumb

and then basically playing the note D on the a string with D harmonic on the D

string there as well so it's a really kind of straightforward simple pattern

but it's quite good for the hand because when you're playing these cause when the

notes ring out you can hear if there's a mistake happening and what I recommend

is that you practice in front of the mirror and really keep an eye on the

hand shape otherwise there's pretty much nothing else to it apart from shifting

it's always good practice by the same thing in the two different registers and

if you go back and you're out of tune it's because the shift isn't might you

haven't landed properly on there the G harmonic so I would practice

and see if it stays exactly the same so this is a really quick short video today

something just to give you something to work on over the weekend maybe. Add in to

your practice routine if you're exploring this area in thumb position

and if you are into Thumb Position Lauren Pierce has got an amazing course

on that you can check out I've got a whole bunch of

lessons and courses over there and there's a whole lot of other tutors as

well who have got some fantastic material people like Adam Ben Ezra Danny

Ziemann so you can go and check out those guys see what we've got on offer at thanks for watching I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> Quick Riff in Thumb Position - Duration: 5:16.


WPL Upgrade part 4 - Mounting servo - Duration: 8:50.

Link and information in movie description

I print this from PLA (because I don't have other materials :D )

It's designed for popular servos like MG90S or SG90

Depending on printer settings You may need to file this part

Yes I will cut it :D

Did not fit :D

First center servo

I use servo tester

I set it to neutral position

I use BEC to power it

And My old testing battery

Now mount arm

Wrong one

Wrong angle

Now better

Just slide servo inside

I don't have other arms so I cut this one

Put bottom first

1mm drill

2mm drill

First 1mm

Mark holes

yes I cut My finger :D

Now using 2mm drill enlarge holes

I did that but camera did not turn on :D

And screw it in

I use 2mm screws

Not to tight or it will brake

And ready

Simple, easy and You can always replace servo :)

Space for receiver or ESC

For more infomation >> WPL Upgrade part 4 - Mounting servo - Duration: 8:50.


Seat Arosa 1.4I lmv nap apk - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Seat Arosa 1.4I lmv nap apk - Duration: 1:07.


ホンダ「ステップワゴン/フリード」20万台、ダイハツ「ハイゼット」等が大量リコール - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> ホンダ「ステップワゴン/フリード」20万台、ダイハツ「ハイゼット」等が大量リコール - Duration: 3:07.


2018年6月爆上げ通貨3選!暴落中には仮想通貨でFXトレード!?アルトコイン、リップル・エイダ・ノアコインの高騰期待ポイントとは?6月高騰タイミングになるか!?初心者もおすすめ最前線暗号通貨ニュース - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> 2018年6月爆上げ通貨3選!暴落中には仮想通貨でFXトレード!?アルトコイン、リップル・エイダ・ノアコインの高騰期待ポイントとは?6月高騰タイミングになるか!?初心者もおすすめ最前線暗号通貨ニュース - Duration: 3:56.


小物と夢をお届けします。ランボルギーニに引き続き、今度はポルシェ「911」のクロネコヤマト仕様も登場? - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> 小物と夢をお届けします。ランボルギーニに引き続き、今度はポルシェ「911」のクロネコヤマト仕様も登場? - Duration: 3:36.


これは珍しい。VW「ビートル」+トレーラー(リヤウィング付)を車高短仕様にする猛者が登場 - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> これは珍しい。VW「ビートル」+トレーラー(リヤウィング付)を車高短仕様にする猛者が登場 - Duration: 1:56.


トヨタがイギリス市場向けに「GT86クラブシリーズ・ブルーエディション」を発売。価格は約420万円から - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> トヨタがイギリス市場向けに「GT86クラブシリーズ・ブルーエディション」を発売。価格は約420万円から - Duration: 2:51.


Automobili Amosがランチア「デルタ・HFインテグラーレ16vエヴォルツィオーネ」を完全復活。見た目そのままでも1,000以上のコンポーネントを変更 - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Automobili Amosがランチア「デルタ・HFインテグラーレ16vエヴォルツィオーネ」を完全復活。見た目そのままでも1,000以上のコンポーネントを変更 - Duration: 3:15.


Hello! PLUS Visually Impaired Favs - Duration: 12:53.

and were' off

and their like 'we need some boy dancers, so i look around nobody doing it'

so I'm like 'I'll do it!'

and that is how i met Alyssa Edwards


<i>tongue pop</i>

Hello! My name is Jake

I am an actor, comedian film maker

whatever pays the bills

Am right?

International spy, zoo keeper, anthropologist

I don't even know what an anthropologist is


He said what now?

and I am from a beautiful place called Wales

Its in the UK

but i'm not english

I don't speak the language

Peidiwch a Chyffwrdd a'r Peiriannau, now sling your hook or i'll break your face

Not English!

Welsh and proud

and basically, i've always wanted to start a YouTube channel

but, ya know… life

"life keeps getting in the way"

a few months ago however, something really exciting happened

BBC Wales got in touch with me and asked if i could create some content for their new online platform BBC Sesh

BBC Sesh features loads of fresh new content and talent from across Wales

and they picked me

they think i'm tallented


Some of it will make you laugh

some of it will make you cry

and hey? You might even learn something on the way

go on! give it a like, give it a like! Go on, BBC Sesh

My first video titled

what do blind people see

'next question, you there, eating the paste!'

went life last week, and honestly i've been so overwhelmed by the response, its amazing

Link to my video in the description

I have always wanted to say that!

Sot the video is about what it might be like to be blind and all the lingo attached with being blind

Its something i know quite a bit about as I was born severely sight impaired

or as i like to say

very important visually impaired person

<i>click, click, click</i>

anyway, I was so blown away by the response from the BBC Sesh video that I was like

do you know what? I'm gunna do it, i'm gunna get on the youtube


So here I am

'Mother…has arived'

I'll be giving you comedy, i'll be giving you fun, i'll be giving you 'oh wow I didn't know that'

and I shall be doing it all in the name of changing perceptions of visual impairment and disability

all while, not taking myself to seriously

So if you want in give that subscribe button a cheeky press

go on, go on

But don't go anywhere! Now that our introductions are done we can get down to the business dat hand

My visually impaired favs

so i'm going to be talking about things that i use as a visually impaired person just to make my life a little bit easier

My videos are for everyone, so if your not visually impaired, don't go!

I have split the things up into categorises, these categories are all worth a video so i've just picked the best ones out of each catagory

that i'm going to talk about now

So without further adieu

category is, technology

'check out my new computer'

so for a lot of people, their technology is sort of a luxury for them

but being a visually impaired person

your technology, ya know, is a necessity

like life saver

warning, I'm a big Apple fanboy


Number 1, the iPhones magnification app

We all know iPhones are great and i'll make another video talking about that

but here, today, specifically. I'm going to be talking about the iPhone magnifier

Its relatively new

It was added a few software updates ago

but basically, it enables me to be able to tap the side button on my phone 3 times

and it brings up an app thats very similar to the camera app, expect its got a few additional features

you can just use your finger to slide up to zoom in

you can change all your contrasts, you can use the flash, you can take a screenshot

Its just a really really convenient way of accessing information that you need to do quick

so i'll use it in restaurants for things like menus, i'll read bus signs that are far away

even for recognising faces, I mean it sometimes looks like i'm taking a picture of someone but…

everyones got their phones glued to their hands most of the time so at best i look like a bit of a millennial

which I can deal with, i'm a proud millennial

avocados. Yes.

tap that button three times, its up, i've seen what i need to see, and i'm off doing ya know whatever I do

its in my technology category but I think its top in every single catagory

I'll use it in the kitchen, i'll use it for things like self care, i'll use it when i'm out and about

I mean its my set of eyes, really

I love it, its great

Number 2

still on our technology catagory

you can't see it, but its here

Alexa, how are you today?

<i>I'm great, i've been thinking about what makes people happy, for me, its the little things, wifi and good conversation</i>

true that, true that girl. halleloo

so of course i'm talking about Amazons Alexa

specifically, this little hockey puck

I don't like to say her name out loud, because you know, she's listening

This is the Amazon Echo Dot

so i had this for christmas in 2016 along with this, its an Anker Sound Core speaker

theres a lot of Echo products out at the moment

You've got the big tall one which is a speaker, the new one which is like a screen

but this one is the simplest, and cheapest one, the speakers not great on it

but thats why I have the Anker sound core, because they both pair, they talk to eachother

This is a decent speaker, this has all the fancy Alexa stuff

and the reason I like having the two separate is because when i'm at home they are aways connected

which is great, but when I leave the house I can take the speaker with me

I've honestly used my Alexa every day since i've had it, I absolutely love it

I use it for timers in the kitchen, I live on Spotify so i'm always getting her to play my playlists

she's got a lot of cool skills as well so skills are like apps for Alexa

So you can get ones that tell you the weather, you can get ones that give you quiz questions, theres loads of fun things

Alexa, moo like a cow

<i>here comes a cow sound, mooooooooooo</i>


<i>what animal would you like to hear now?</i>

I'm good thanks

So there really is a lot of potential there with your alexa

I mean its a no brainer, theres no visuals to it, visuals, visually impaired…no visuals, good things

category is! Kitchen

so i've been living independently for about a year now

and, i needed to learn how to cook

because somebody had gotten awful dependent on mammy cooking for him

cooking is always something i've really really enjoyed but it does stress me out

Number 3, this carrot

No i actually have this peeler, this peeler was recommended to me by another YouTuber, was recommended to me by The Domestic Geek

who has basically taught me how to cook, I absolutely love her

You know, i'm okay at doing things around the kitchen but peeling was like a no go

I think it was about £15 but I had 2 peelers!

I had this one, and a fancy one that juliennes your vegetables

good for a salad…not that I eat salad

all you need to know is its super sharp so do be careful with it

but, it makes peeling an absolute breeze

here we go


I'm not even looking at it

So if you struggle with peeling like I do

this peeler is without a doubt what you need

carrot peel all over my floor


Number four, and we can't have this for too long because my dinner is actually in it right now

the slow cooker, oh smells like chilli, lush

the great thing about a slow cooker is you can do all your stress in the morning

you can cut up your things

and basically you dump it all in the slow cooker leave it all day

very low risk, and then by the time you come home, you've got a lovely meal already waiting for you, without the stress

and there plenty of, ya know, slow cooker recipes out there

I think the thing i hate most about cooking is that i've cooked a meal, i'm absolutely dripping with sweat once i've done it

the last thing i actually want to do is sit down and eat the thing

and thats where the slow cooker comes in

I come home and its all been done by past jake, we like past Jake, he made good choices

I picked mine up for a tenner when it was on sale in ASDA

there is 2 settings on it, you can either have it on low heat or high heat

Category is! Self care

number five

So call me crazy but i love this product, its called the style life nail clippers

Yes i'm talking about a pair of nail clippers because everybody grooms

if you'd like to know more, you can read about it in my book, everybody grooms

So a bit of history, when i was younger the 2 things I hated most was having my hair cut, and having my nails cut

so I'd have to be dragged to my Nanas house to have my nails cut I was like 15

and was like, I should start doing this for myself, might have been 18… might have been last year

they look like normal nail clippers but instead of like, ya know nail clippers normally go crunch, like that and you hear it

and the nail flicks off and hits somebody in they eye, this one doesn't do that it sort of glides across the nail

glides, can you see that glides across the nail, look at it gliding

number 6

I like a good skincare routine, don't get me wrong

if you'd like to know your unread about it in my book, everybody skincares

and, beng a VIP, my eyes do get very tired

I invested in this, its from the body shop, its a vitamin E eye cube

so its super cooling, so its sort of like a lipstick, and what you do is you twist it up and put a bit under your eye

and it sort of, sorts you out for the day

I mean its not makeup

if it was, would I care, no I wouldn't HA

But its great if you have dry eyes, puffy eyes you know, its just a bit of freshness for the eye area

category is! Out and about

Number 7, a monocular

In Wales you can go to a low vision eye clinic

they'll give you an eye test

and they'll give you loads of low vision aids

for free, we love something free

so its basically a binocular, but half, mon, mono, monocular?

and i've had one of these for as long as i can remember to be honest with you

its what I would have used instead of the magnifier app before iPhones were a thing

I use it in those situations where you can't really use your phone

for example, i'll use this in the theatre

It's also good for like seeing busses in the distance, if your waiting on the stop

because you know, you can't always have your phone out, because 1 your going to waste the battery

and 2, you know, i wanna be doing other things on my phone

also really good if your phone has died

you know, your not stuck your not 100% depending on that technology

Number 8

so this is very Welsh specific one

and its my Hynt card

So Hynt is a really really amazing service

thats all across wales

It entitles you as a disabled person, to have one free carer ticket who your going to the theatre

so if i'm off to see something that i really wanna see but ya know, i don't want to go by myself

because accusing things is hard everyone, its difficult

the theatre will give me one concession ticket for my carer

who can be anyone, which is great

its a Wales wide things works in like majority of theatres that i've been in

I wouldn't be surprised if it worked in all of them now in Wales

ring up to book your tickets say your on the Hynt scheme, and bam you've got your 2 tickets for the price of one

I love it, its a fabulous service

thats Hynt, H Y N T

I mean its always been a thing i've asked in theatres like

<i>can i have a free carer</i> but you sometimes feel a bit awkward

I was wondering if ummm offer umm a free umm carer?

So there you have it guys, you've had my top favourite for technology, out and about, in the kitchen and self care

i'm going to do individual videos about all of those specific things

and more videos hopefully, so if theres anything you want to see just leave a comment below

I would really love it if you would subscribe to my channel and i'd love you even more if you shared this video with your friends

bye bye!


For more infomation >> Hello! PLUS Visually Impaired Favs - Duration: 12:53.


✅ Guilhermina Guinle entrega truque para minimizar olheiras: 'Hipoglós' - Duration: 3:29.

Gente como a gente! A atriz Guilhermina Guinle, que acredita ter alcançado a plenitude após ser mãe de Minna, com 4 anos, em entrevista ao Purepeople, entrega que assim como a atriz Drew Barrymore se preocupa com a saúde da pele e tem dicas infalíveis para amenizar as olheiras: "Às vezes uso um pouco de Hipoglós na olheiras, que é uma dica mais velha do que eu e funciona sempre! É sempre bom para manter a pele hidratada"

Assim como o ator José Loreto, Guilhermina também confessa a sua paixão por cremes para a pele

"Uso 550 mil cremes. É creme para tudo, adoro! Agora estou em uma fase de usar muito os produtos da Skinceuticals

É uma marca maravilhosa que já vende no brasil, bem mais caro. Quem puder compra lá fora, aconselho

São uns oito potinhos, cada um para uma coisa e cada dia uso um", conta a artista que é casada com o irmão de Giovanna Antonelli

'Acho legal transparecer a sua idade de forma saudável', explica a atriz Aos 43 anos e bem resolvida com a idade, Guilhermina conta a sua rotina de cuidados com a pele para mantê-la saudável

"Tento não tomar sol, o que é difícil no Rio de Janeiro. Tenho uma boa dermatologista que me acompanha sempre e faz um bom laser uma vez por ano

Vou cuidando aos poucos com bons cremes, bons tratamentos. Acho legal envelhecer de uma maneira bonita

Transparecer a sua idade de forma saudável. É bonito uma mulher de 40 com cara de 40, de 50 com 50

Temos que usar a tecnologia a nosso favor. Antigamente não se tinha tudo que tem e aos 50 a mulher fazia uma plástica e esticava o rosto inteiro

Não sou contra plástica, se um dia tiver que fazer". Guilhermina fala da rotina como mãe: 'Minna agora está na fase do cabelo' Mãe superpresente na educação de Minna, com quem já foi flagrada em momentos fofos durante passeio em um shopping do Rio de Janeiro, Guinle fala que a filha também é vaidosa como a mãe: "Ela adora! Agora está na fase do cabelo, de fazer penteados para ir à escola

Todo dia tem que acordar mais cedo para fazer um penteado diferente, mas é tão bom

Ela vai curtindo. Acho que ela vê as amiguinhas de trancinha, de maria chiquinha

Fico me perguntando onde ela vê isso e é na escola, quando a criança vai para a escola começa a ver os outros

Aprender coisa boa e coisa ruim, de tudo!". (Apuração de Patrick Monteiro e texto de Helena Marques)

For more infomation >> ✅ Guilhermina Guinle entrega truque para minimizar olheiras: 'Hipoglós' - Duration: 3:29.


Disney A Wrinkle in Time

For more infomation >> Disney A Wrinkle in Time


The UNI+'s - Great Gangwon-do(YangYang) [KBS World Idol Show K-RUSH3 / ENG,CHN / 2018.05.25] - Duration: 17:45.

Where should we go next?

Gangneung comes to mind.

In Wonju, there's that one camp.

Marine stuff, a boot camp.

No! No! I'm done with that.

- I choose Yangyang. / - Yangyang?

Back in my trainee days,

I danced at a Yangyang concert.


They have so many things to see.

- Yangyang? / - I like the idea.

- Okay with Yangyang? / - I say yes.

Yangyang, here we come!

Let's go!

What place is this?

Don't you feel that good energy?

Performing as UNB,

we've been working nonstop.

But this place puts you at ease.

This is Hyuhyuam, which will cleanse your mind.

What a great place.

"Hyuhyu" as in rest and rest some more.

I guess you did your research.

You sound nothing like before.

Kijung has exams coming up.

I'm a high school senior now.

You need to pray hard.

But unfortunately...

What? What? What?

Why are you giving up?

Let's rest easy and look around

to enjoy this relaxing break.

Shall we go?

After all our hard work, let's enjoy this.

Such fresh air.

Are these souvenirs from here?

I bought one on every trip.

Doesn't this look like sugar candy?

It sure does.

Feels good.

That's like a miniature.

Does it hurt?

Yeah, it really hurts.

Let's hurt each other with it 5 seconds.

- It's good for your health. / - Yeah.

Rock, paper, scissors.

Rock, paper, scissors.

Rock, paper, scissors.

Rock, paper, scissors.

You better not lose.

You better not.

What will you make?

I don't know.

Guys make fists. You know mine now.

Rock, paper, scissors.

Rock, paper, scissors.

Come back here!

Get ready.

- I didn't think it'd be me. / - Go!

5, 4, 3...

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0.

Okay, next.

- This tires me out. / - What's this?

What's this? What are you doing?

3, 2, 1.

Okay, next.

1, 2, 3...

1, 2, 3, 4...

You should really try this.

Look at my hand.

Hold it.

Don't do that!

Don't do that!

Wow... Look at that.

You can dunk your feet there.

Hang on, let's enjoy this view.

A relaxing break.

The water is crystal-blue.

- Do you see that? / - Is that really Korea?

It'd be great to eat sweet ice flakes here.

What a beautiful shore.

I want to see the water.

It's crystal-clear!

I can't believe what I'm seeing.

Such clear water.

It tricks your eye, as if there is no water.

Let's lighten the mood

and go relax some more!

- A toad! / - What's this?

There's something you do at a temple.

- Right. / - What is it?

You bow.

Let's play a coin-toss game.

Whoever wins can pick someone to bow 108 times.

To bow 108 times.

That's cheating.

It won't be easy to bow 108 times.

Let's decide who goes first.

- Since you're there... / - I'll go.


- This isn't easy. / - Okay.

That was over quick.

I have a knack for this stuff.

Don't spin, but land it straight.

It's not as easy as you say.

Land it straight down.

You're allowed to bend the rules.

This might work.

I'm next.

Oh man.

Hang on, what's that?

Hang on, what's that?

What's that?

No, that won't work.


That won't work.



- Does this count? / - It does.

Now it's time to choose.

Stand in a line.

And turn around for me.

- You! / - Who is it?

Who is it?

Marco! Marco!

We'll leave a camera here while everyone else moves on.


Should I bow here?

What's that?

They look like sharks.

Half water, half fish.

I've never seen anything like it.


The fish are amberjack.

A bunch of them are together.

We drew them in.

That's all of them.

Should I throw all this in?

What a sight.

I hear there's a turtle rock.

No, that's the Buddha rock.

A Buddha rock?

The one lying down?

Yes, he's the reclining Buddha.

Where is he exactly?

Do you see those rocks?

The ones below the white boulder.

There it is!

The ones with the crevices, lying down.

That's the reclining Buddha.

If you look down from there, it's just like Buddha.

Too bad Marco can't see this.

This is our second destination.

We've come to Susan Port!

Transparent canoes are famous here.

Yeah, that's right.

Our team lost in Sokcho.

For a chance to redeem ourselves,

let's play in the same teams.

Really? I guess you want to lose.

- They'll lose again. / - Yeah.

One, two,

One, two.

- Those who watch... / - You have on matching colors.

Want to dance to our chorus?

Wearing this?

Dance as if on stage.

- Real as it gets? / - The real thing.

Go down lower?


I was... That was amazing.

Being here and all, that was hard.

I danced harder than our last episode.

You can't see our shoulders.

You can't see them move.

Let's go ride transparent canoes!

Let's go!

Over there, you can see a white buoy.

"Yangyang-gun No. 4" is written on it.

Whoever paddles back from there wins.

What does the losing team have to do?

Jump in the water.

Is there a penalty for the losing team?

A penalty?

Jump in the water? Any ideas?

Your suggestion saves us the hassle.

Why did you...

- Since that's what you want. / - Hey!

- For this game? / - Our life is on the line.

But I don't know how to paddle.

Let me help you. Now lower it, okay.

Dip and pull, dip and pull.

Like this?

Don't hit my head. Now lower it down.

Are you ready?



Turn it around?

This is how you do it.

One, two, one, two, one, two.

One, two, one, two.


- Here we go. / - Want to hit their boat?

Bump them, bump them.

That's uncalled for!

Bump them, bump them.

That's uncalled for!

Bump them, bump them.

Come on, bump them.

We need to paddle.

Let's go!

Forward! Bump them!

Let's go!

Here we go!

They're fast.

Oh man.

Is this how you're going to play?

Hurry, let's get in there.

Is this how you're going to play?

Hurry up, you'll jump in anyway.

Do we need to dock it?

Up to where?

- Hang on. / - Here, here, here.

One, two, one, two.

Where did we start from?

Here, here, here.

- Over there. / - To the right.

Okay, perfect.

Get in, get in.


Get in faster, get in faster.

Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry.

Okay, okay.

No, no, no.

It has to go all the way in.

No, no, no.

But we got it in.



Hang on, you have to dock it.

We got it in.

Enjoy getting wet.

- No teasing. / - Enjoy getting wet.

What am I going to do?

But this is a game.

Yeah, you're right.

Since you lost again,

one of you must jump into the water.

Did you catch cold?

You have a cold?

That sounds like a real cough.

Yeah, I feel awful.

You can hug from the behind.

Okay, a back-hug.

Kijung, you pick.

This could be unexpected.

Okay, get ready.


Okay, get ready.


Don't do that.

Don't do that... No.

No, don't hug yet. Not yet!


What's this?

What's this?

Way to go!

Oh man!

I'll push you over!

This is great.



No stress at all.

Look, the beach!

The beach!

Finally, we're at a beach!

The tide is getting low.

He needs time to get ready.

No, I don't need any of that.

Want to go right in?

Why are your socks wet?

Since we're in Gangwon-do,

go for it looking awesome.

It's cold.

What do you want to eat, Kijung?



Then I'll go catch some.

- Hey! / - Daewon!

Don't go!

The water isn't getting deep.

It seems to get more shallow. Look, it's shallower.

Are you pulling our leg?

Swim, swim, swim.

I'll go catch fish.

Be careful!

- That's so shallow. / - Shallow.

Too shallow.

It might suddenly get deep.

He might drop out of sight.

No, it's the same.

It's not deep.

Why doesn't it get deep?

I can even see his pants.

We can see your pants!

- Keep going. / - We can see them!

Is this the Yellow Sea?

Is this some kind of set?

That's strange.

What's going on?

Go further in!

This is more like a creek.

Yeah, we're at a stream.

A stream?

It's getting deep now. Wait, maybe not.

More, more, more!

More, more! Go in more!

More, more!

Until the lighthouse!

♪ It was nice knowing you ♪

♪ My good friend Daewon ♪

Let's stand here.

Daewon, let's take a picture!

Say "Way to go" after Daewon says NB!

UNB, way to go!

UNB, way to go!

We came to Yangyang, Gangwon-do

to have fun and share a lot of stuff.

I hope you come to visit

and join in our good memories.

Did you enjoy watching K-RUSH?

Here is our Viewers Quiz.

Which is LOVELYZ's new song

on our 4th mini album?

1. "Ah-Choo."

2. "Twinkle."

3. "That Day."

We're giving CDs to those who answer correctly!

Please join and participate!

For more infomation >> The UNI+'s - Great Gangwon-do(YangYang) [KBS World Idol Show K-RUSH3 / ENG,CHN / 2018.05.25] - Duration: 17:45.


Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I ASPIRATION Full-Map Navi | Camera | Trekhaak - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I ASPIRATION Full-Map Navi | Camera | Trekhaak - Duration: 1:00.


Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I MULTIDRIVE CVT - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I MULTIDRIVE CVT - Duration: 1:07.


Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTI ECOFLEX S/S **Eerste eigenaar** - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTI ECOFLEX S/S **Eerste eigenaar** - Duration: 1:10.


Suzuki S-Cross 1.6 Exclusive Clima/Cruise/Trekhaak - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Suzuki S-Cross 1.6 Exclusive Clima/Cruise/Trekhaak - Duration: 1:06.


Suzuki S-Cross 1.6 Diesel Exclusive/Navigatie - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Suzuki S-Cross 1.6 Diesel Exclusive/Navigatie - Duration: 1:09.


Lamborghini Aventador S Roadster: Free your Ego • 60fps Limitless Quality - Duration: 1:12.


imagine those a way to amplify your



imagine that every sensation you feel

was always the strongest the fullest

sensations so powerful they elevate

yourself free

For more infomation >> Lamborghini Aventador S Roadster: Free your Ego • 60fps Limitless Quality - Duration: 1:12.


Ford S-Max 1.6 EcoBoost Titanium Lease 7-pers. XENON/PANODAK/TREKHAAK/PDC - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Ford S-Max 1.6 EcoBoost Titanium Lease 7-pers. XENON/PANODAK/TREKHAAK/PDC - Duration: 1:09.


【SFC】SD英雄挑戰1代 - 中文字幕 Part 6 ( SDザ・グレイトバトル ) - Duration: 6:44.

For more infomation >> 【SFC】SD英雄挑戰1代 - 中文字幕 Part 6 ( SDザ・グレイトバトル ) - Duration: 6:44.

------------------------------------------- - Οι δέκα (10) πιο εμπορικές παιδικές ταινίες του 21ου αιώνα - Duration: 9:59.

For more infomation >> - Οι δέκα (10) πιο εμπορικές παιδικές ταινίες του 21ου αιώνα - Duration: 9:59.


Audi Q2 1.0 TFSI Design Pro Line 116 pk S tronic (vsb 19675) - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Audi Q2 1.0 TFSI Design Pro Line 116 pk S tronic (vsb 19675) - Duration: 0:44.


Chinnathambi Serial Swetha Birthday Celebration at Shooting Spot - Duration: 1:20.

Chinnathambi Serial Swetha Birthday Celebration at Shooting Spot

For more infomation >> Chinnathambi Serial Swetha Birthday Celebration at Shooting Spot - Duration: 1:20.


Justice League vs Steppenwolf Final Battle (Part 2) | Justice League (2017) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:26.

This is definitely east.


Oh, it's on.

I'll take the ones on the right.

It's okay.

Hold on. Hold on. Yeah.


Is this guy still bothering you?


We gotta pull these things apart.

A couple more seconds, you'll see your opening.

- Any blowback? - Big time.

But I think we can take it.


'Cause I really like being alive.

So do I.


I take it back.

I wanna die.

Man, my toes hurt!

I don't even understand the physics of how my toes hurt.

Children. I work with children.

Uh... Have you guys seen what's going on outside?

I am the end of worlds!

Who are you to defy...

This world is my right!


This cannot be.

You recognize that smell?


No! Leave me!

Get off me! I command you.



I'll kill you!

I'll kill you all!


For more infomation >> Justice League vs Steppenwolf Final Battle (Part 2) | Justice League (2017) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:26.


Justice League vs Steppenwolf Final Battle (Part 1) | Justice League (2017) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:57.

Is this what conquering is?

Hiding from the fight?

Oh, no.

You're all mine.

- Thanks for the lift. - Yeah, no problem.

You got this?


These things are gonna keep coming.

Okay. You get technical, I'm on bug duty.

Let's do it.

Yes! That was gross! Oh...

Thank you.

This is...

This is a lot.

Now do you see it?

Whatever you're in the middle of, it's spreading for miles.

Satellites show civilians moving east.

They're not gonna make it.


I need you to take a walk.

God, I hope this is east.

You're not worthy to touch Mother.

She's power, and power is the only law.

You're all too weak to see the truth.


I believe in truth.

But I'm also a big fan of justice.

All right.


So, how do I help?

We buy him some time, he can stop that box from destroying all life on Earth.

We hope.

Well, I knew you didn't bring me back 'cause you liked me.

I don't not...

- Civilians. - Barry's headed...

There's too many of them.

Come on.

For more infomation >> Justice League vs Steppenwolf Final Battle (Part 1) | Justice League (2017) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:57.


Mystique vs Soldiers & Stryker Scene | X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 2:59.

It's all getting packed up and shipped back.

Where is it going?

Same place they are.

Trask Industries.

Let's go, gentlemen.

I'm taking you out of this shit show.

Shipping home?

Not just yet.

What are you doing with those?

Something to make the ride a little smoother.

I'm transferring you to a private facility...

where we can run a few more tests.

Your men are not military.

Private outfit.

We're authorized to remand these men.


These troops are going home.

Well, Colonel, I don't believe you have jurisdiction in this matter.

I'm afraid I do, son.

I'm sorry, who are you?

The question is, Major...

...who are you?


That's not my name.

I had that.

I know.

Let's move out. Come on, let's go.

Where's Erik?

I'm on my own now.

Let's go! Move it!

Hold that plane!

Wouldn't wanna leave these boys in this godforsaken country.

Yes, sir.

You're not coming with us, are you?

My war's not over.

The enemy is still out there.

For more infomation >> Mystique vs Soldiers & Stryker Scene | X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 2:59.


✅ Giovanni Ciacci lascia Detto Fatto? "Mi hanno offerto altre cose" - Duration: 3:00.

Giovanni Ciacci abbandona Detto Fatto? Le dichiarazioni del costumista a Vero Dopo Caterina Balivo, pure Giovanni Ciacci potrebbe lasciare Detto Fatto

A farlo sapere il diretto interessato che, però, al momento non ha ancora preso una decisione

Ma dovrà farlo a breve, visto che tra qualche settimana verranno annunciati i nuovi palinsesti Rai per l'autunno 2018-inverno 2019

"Non so se tornerò a Detto Fatto. Sicuramente sono molto legato al programma, ma mi hanno offerto altre cose, sto valutando

Il mio futuro è incerto", ha spiegato Ciacci. Che non ha escluso la possibilità di lavorare di nuovo con la Balivo, con la quale è nata una vera e propria amicizia

"Il nostro rapporto prosegue in amicizia. E stiamo lavorando per farlo proseguire anche sul lato professionale

Faremo qualcos'altro in coppia", ha assicurato Giovanni. Forse il costumista è pronto a seguire Caterina nel nuovo show di Rai Uno, il cui nome è al momento ancora top secret? Dopo Ballando con le Stelle tanti impegni per Giovanni Ciacci Se il futuro in tv è incerto per Giovanni Ciacci, di sicuro non lo è quello nel mondo della danza

"Per questa estate ho un'agenda ricca di serate insieme a Raimondo (Todaro, ndr)", ha detto il costumista

La coppia Ciacci-Todaro è piaciuta molto a Ballando con le Stelle e i due gireranno in lungo e in largo l'Italia con le loro originali e scoppiettanti coreografie

Tornando a Detto Fatto, si stanno valutando sei nuove conduttrici in sostituzione di Caterina Balivo

Dopo che Serena Rossi ha deciso di non tornare a condurre il factual show – che ha presentato per un mese lo scorso autunno – la Rai sta vagliando sei candidature "fuori dagli schemi"

Chi sarà la nuova conduttrice di Detto Fatto Per il futuro di Detto Fatto si stanno esaminando le candidature di Laura Chiatti, Elena Santarelli, Bianca Guaccero, Anna Tatangelo, Ilenia Lazzarin, Carolina Di Domenico

Escluso quest'ultima, che lavora in televisione da molti anni, si stanno analizzando profili particolari, fuori dagli schemi della classica conduttrice

For more infomation >> ✅ Giovanni Ciacci lascia Detto Fatto? "Mi hanno offerto altre cose" - Duration: 3:00.


Star Stable Online [SSO]: Kartoffelfest? - Duration: 2:00:15.

For more infomation >> Star Stable Online [SSO]: Kartoffelfest? - Duration: 2:00:15.



For more infomation >> YLANDS #2 LETS PLAY AVEC BIKETTE : ON S'EST BIEN MARRE ! [SHADOW PC] - Duration: 24:08.


Hello! PLUS Visually Impaired Favs - Duration: 12:53.

and were' off

and their like 'we need some boy dancers, so i look around nobody doing it'

so I'm like 'I'll do it!'

and that is how i met Alyssa Edwards


<i>tongue pop</i>

Hello! My name is Jake

I am an actor, comedian film maker

whatever pays the bills

Am right?

International spy, zoo keeper, anthropologist

I don't even know what an anthropologist is


He said what now?

and I am from a beautiful place called Wales

Its in the UK

but i'm not english

I don't speak the language

Peidiwch a Chyffwrdd a'r Peiriannau, now sling your hook or i'll break your face

Not English!

Welsh and proud

and basically, i've always wanted to start a YouTube channel

but, ya know… life

"life keeps getting in the way"

a few months ago however, something really exciting happened

BBC Wales got in touch with me and asked if i could create some content for their new online platform BBC Sesh

BBC Sesh features loads of fresh new content and talent from across Wales

and they picked me

they think i'm tallented


Some of it will make you laugh

some of it will make you cry

and hey? You might even learn something on the way

go on! give it a like, give it a like! Go on, BBC Sesh

My first video titled

what do blind people see

'next question, you there, eating the paste!'

went life last week, and honestly i've been so overwhelmed by the response, its amazing

Link to my video in the description

I have always wanted to say that!

Sot the video is about what it might be like to be blind and all the lingo attached with being blind

Its something i know quite a bit about as I was born severely sight impaired

or as i like to say

very important visually impaired person

<i>click, click, click</i>

anyway, I was so blown away by the response from the BBC Sesh video that I was like

do you know what? I'm gunna do it, i'm gunna get on the youtube


So here I am

'Mother…has arived'

I'll be giving you comedy, i'll be giving you fun, i'll be giving you 'oh wow I didn't know that'

and I shall be doing it all in the name of changing perceptions of visual impairment and disability

all while, not taking myself to seriously

So if you want in give that subscribe button a cheeky press

go on, go on

But don't go anywhere! Now that our introductions are done we can get down to the business dat hand

My visually impaired favs

so i'm going to be talking about things that i use as a visually impaired person just to make my life a little bit easier

My videos are for everyone, so if your not visually impaired, don't go!

I have split the things up into categorises, these categories are all worth a video so i've just picked the best ones out of each catagory

that i'm going to talk about now

So without further adieu

category is, technology

'check out my new computer'

so for a lot of people, their technology is sort of a luxury for them

but being a visually impaired person

your technology, ya know, is a necessity

like life saver

warning, I'm a big Apple fanboy


Number 1, the iPhones magnification app

We all know iPhones are great and i'll make another video talking about that

but here, today, specifically. I'm going to be talking about the iPhone magnifier

Its relatively new

It was added a few software updates ago

but basically, it enables me to be able to tap the side button on my phone 3 times

and it brings up an app thats very similar to the camera app, expect its got a few additional features

you can just use your finger to slide up to zoom in

you can change all your contrasts, you can use the flash, you can take a screenshot

Its just a really really convenient way of accessing information that you need to do quick

so i'll use it in restaurants for things like menus, i'll read bus signs that are far away

even for recognising faces, I mean it sometimes looks like i'm taking a picture of someone but…

everyones got their phones glued to their hands most of the time so at best i look like a bit of a millennial

which I can deal with, i'm a proud millennial

avocados. Yes.

tap that button three times, its up, i've seen what i need to see, and i'm off doing ya know whatever I do

its in my technology category but I think its top in every single catagory

I'll use it in the kitchen, i'll use it for things like self care, i'll use it when i'm out and about

I mean its my set of eyes, really

I love it, its great

Number 2

still on our technology catagory

you can't see it, but its here

Alexa, how are you today?

<i>I'm great, i've been thinking about what makes people happy, for me, its the little things, wifi and good conversation</i>

true that, true that girl. halleloo

so of course i'm talking about Amazons Alexa

specifically, this little hockey puck

I don't like to say her name out loud, because you know, she's listening

This is the Amazon Echo Dot

so i had this for christmas in 2016 along with this, its an Anker Sound Core speaker

theres a lot of Echo products out at the moment

You've got the big tall one which is a speaker, the new one which is like a screen

but this one is the simplest, and cheapest one, the speakers not great on it

but thats why I have the Anker sound core, because they both pair, they talk to eachother

This is a decent speaker, this has all the fancy Alexa stuff

and the reason I like having the two separate is because when i'm at home they are aways connected

which is great, but when I leave the house I can take the speaker with me

I've honestly used my Alexa every day since i've had it, I absolutely love it

I use it for timers in the kitchen, I live on Spotify so i'm always getting her to play my playlists

she's got a lot of cool skills as well so skills are like apps for Alexa

So you can get ones that tell you the weather, you can get ones that give you quiz questions, theres loads of fun things

Alexa, moo like a cow

<i>here comes a cow sound, mooooooooooo</i>


<i>what animal would you like to hear now?</i>

I'm good thanks

So there really is a lot of potential there with your alexa

I mean its a no brainer, theres no visuals to it, visuals, visually impaired…no visuals, good things

category is! Kitchen

so i've been living independently for about a year now

and, i needed to learn how to cook

because somebody had gotten awful dependent on mammy cooking for him

cooking is always something i've really really enjoyed but it does stress me out

Number 3, this carrot

No i actually have this peeler, this peeler was recommended to me by another YouTuber, was recommended to me by The Domestic Geek

who has basically taught me how to cook, I absolutely love her

You know, i'm okay at doing things around the kitchen but peeling was like a no go

I think it was about £15 but I had 2 peelers!

I had this one, and a fancy one that juliennes your vegetables

good for a salad…not that I eat salad

all you need to know is its super sharp so do be careful with it

but, it makes peeling an absolute breeze

here we go


I'm not even looking at it

So if you struggle with peeling like I do

this peeler is without a doubt what you need

carrot peel all over my floor


Number four, and we can't have this for too long because my dinner is actually in it right now

the slow cooker, oh smells like chilli, lush

the great thing about a slow cooker is you can do all your stress in the morning

you can cut up your things

and basically you dump it all in the slow cooker leave it all day

very low risk, and then by the time you come home, you've got a lovely meal already waiting for you, without the stress

and there plenty of, ya know, slow cooker recipes out there

I think the thing i hate most about cooking is that i've cooked a meal, i'm absolutely dripping with sweat once i've done it

the last thing i actually want to do is sit down and eat the thing

and thats where the slow cooker comes in

I come home and its all been done by past jake, we like past Jake, he made good choices

I picked mine up for a tenner when it was on sale in ASDA

there is 2 settings on it, you can either have it on low heat or high heat

Category is! Self care

number five

So call me crazy but i love this product, its called the style life nail clippers

Yes i'm talking about a pair of nail clippers because everybody grooms

if you'd like to know more, you can read about it in my book, everybody grooms

So a bit of history, when i was younger the 2 things I hated most was having my hair cut, and having my nails cut

so I'd have to be dragged to my Nanas house to have my nails cut I was like 15

and was like, I should start doing this for myself, might have been 18… might have been last year

they look like normal nail clippers but instead of like, ya know nail clippers normally go crunch, like that and you hear it

and the nail flicks off and hits somebody in they eye, this one doesn't do that it sort of glides across the nail

glides, can you see that glides across the nail, look at it gliding

number 6

I like a good skincare routine, don't get me wrong

if you'd like to know your unread about it in my book, everybody skincares

and, beng a VIP, my eyes do get very tired

I invested in this, its from the body shop, its a vitamin E eye cube

so its super cooling, so its sort of like a lipstick, and what you do is you twist it up and put a bit under your eye

and it sort of, sorts you out for the day

I mean its not makeup

if it was, would I care, no I wouldn't HA

But its great if you have dry eyes, puffy eyes you know, its just a bit of freshness for the eye area

category is! Out and about

Number 7, a monocular

In Wales you can go to a low vision eye clinic

they'll give you an eye test

and they'll give you loads of low vision aids

for free, we love something free

so its basically a binocular, but half, mon, mono, monocular?

and i've had one of these for as long as i can remember to be honest with you

its what I would have used instead of the magnifier app before iPhones were a thing

I use it in those situations where you can't really use your phone

for example, i'll use this in the theatre

It's also good for like seeing busses in the distance, if your waiting on the stop

because you know, you can't always have your phone out, because 1 your going to waste the battery

and 2, you know, i wanna be doing other things on my phone

also really good if your phone has died

you know, your not stuck your not 100% depending on that technology

Number 8

so this is very Welsh specific one

and its my Hynt card

So Hynt is a really really amazing service

thats all across wales

It entitles you as a disabled person, to have one free carer ticket who your going to the theatre

so if i'm off to see something that i really wanna see but ya know, i don't want to go by myself

because accusing things is hard everyone, its difficult

the theatre will give me one concession ticket for my carer

who can be anyone, which is great

its a Wales wide things works in like majority of theatres that i've been in

I wouldn't be surprised if it worked in all of them now in Wales

ring up to book your tickets say your on the Hynt scheme, and bam you've got your 2 tickets for the price of one

I love it, its a fabulous service

thats Hynt, H Y N T

I mean its always been a thing i've asked in theatres like

<i>can i have a free carer</i> but you sometimes feel a bit awkward

I was wondering if ummm offer umm a free umm carer?

So there you have it guys, you've had my top favourite for technology, out and about, in the kitchen and self care

i'm going to do individual videos about all of those specific things

and more videos hopefully, so if theres anything you want to see just leave a comment below

I would really love it if you would subscribe to my channel and i'd love you even more if you shared this video with your friends

bye bye!


For more infomation >> Hello! PLUS Visually Impaired Favs - Duration: 12:53.


Le Prince Harry et Meghan Markle seraient-ils en lune de miel secrète au Canada? - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Le Prince Harry et Meghan Markle seraient-ils en lune de miel secrète au Canada? - Duration: 2:24.


SpongeBob and Sandy

For more infomation >> SpongeBob and Sandy


«Johnny était le diable», les révélations d'un proche de la star ? - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> «Johnny était le diable», les révélations d'un proche de la star ? - Duration: 3:31.


Mercedes-Benz GLC-Klasse 250 D automaat 4-MATIC AMG LIne Night Pakket Schuifdak - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz GLC-Klasse 250 D automaat 4-MATIC AMG LIne Night Pakket Schuifdak - Duration: 1:12.


BMW X3 3.0D 6 CIL. X-DRIVE HIGH EXECUTIVE - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> BMW X3 3.0D 6 CIL. X-DRIVE HIGH EXECUTIVE - Duration: 1:09.


[NO BGM] 야쿠르트 아이스크림 케이크 먹방 _ 넘 귀여워서 꼭 사먹어야만 했다 :D - Duration: 12:24.

For more infomation >> [NO BGM] 야쿠르트 아이스크림 케이크 먹방 _ 넘 귀여워서 꼭 사먹어야만 했다 :D - Duration: 12:24.


Kia cee'd 1.0 T-GDi 120PK DynamicLine met Navi, Clima en 7jr garantie!! - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd 1.0 T-GDi 120PK DynamicLine met Navi, Clima en 7jr garantie!! - Duration: 1:06.


Pérusse Cité – Saison 2 – Épisode 1 - L'arrangement – François Pérusse - Duration: 21:36.

For more infomation >> Pérusse Cité – Saison 2 – Épisode 1 - L'arrangement – François Pérusse - Duration: 21:36.


Naturalisation de Mamoudou Gassama : Rihanna se réjouit de la décision d'Emmanuel Macron - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Naturalisation de Mamoudou Gassama : Rihanna se réjouit de la décision d'Emmanuel Macron - Duration: 2:43.


WaL仔回應觀眾:有無後悔爆料之後無左好多機會仲收律師信? - Duration: 11:33.

For more infomation >> WaL仔回應觀眾:有無後悔爆料之後無左好多機會仲收律師信? - Duration: 11:33.


Kolkata Mutton Biryani Recipe—Detailed Step-By-Step Recipe For Bengali-Style Mutton Biryani At Home - Duration: 13:45.



salad onion, tomato, cucumber, green chilli, and lime

moment of truth!

turn off heat and rest

cook on dum on medium-low heat

tight-fitting lid *instead of foil, you can also seal the pan with wet dough

seal well so that no steam escapes

cover with thick aluminium foil if yours is thin, use double layers

the rice should still be hot when put on dum—work quickly!

don't forget the sides!

melted ghee + butter

milk + aromatics

gently flatten the mound

don't take the rice off the heat— work quickly less cooked rice will go at the bottom, more cooked on top

quickly strain and add the remaining rice

saffron + colour

rest of the khoya kheer

rest of the biryani moshla

repeat for half the quantity of rice

don't try to drain all the water some starch is good for the biryani

add directly to the pan

strain rice

ours took 5 minutes, but follow your packet instructions

cook until 80% done centre should not be raw

OPTIONAL HACK for bright white rice add about 2g fitkari (alum); don't add too much or the taste of rice will change

add soaked and strained rice

...extract the bag of spices

when water comes to a rolling boil and its colour changes...

lime juice


khoya kheer half of total

biryani moshla half of total



potatoes! don't place them too close to the edge or you might accidentally cut into them when serving

arrange mutton pieces in a single layer

line the base with bay leaves they impart aroma and provide a buffer against burning!

grease your pan with ghee

the next two steps and have to be done in parallel

keep everything ready before you start assembling once rice is set to boil, it cannot be left standing in hot water

melt in microwave

butter 20g

ghee 30g

meetha attar 5 drops

use sparingly—a little goes a long way

meetha attar is a special essence used in Calcutta biryani which gives it its unique, heady aroma

rose water 5g

kewra water 5g

milk 180g

saffron + yellow food colour mix in 20g warm milk

juice of half a lime (5g)

grated khoya kheer 50g 'mawa' or reduced, solidified milk

biryani moshla 5g

birista 15g

alubukhara 40g dried plums

200g yakhni


let the water come to a boil

add the spice bag

30g salt

take 3kg water in a large pot

tie securely

bay leaves 3g

fennel seeds 7g

cloves 7g

cinnamon 4cm stick (1g)

black cardamom 2 pcs (1.5g)

green cardamom 6 pcs (1.25g)


we need 200g measure and keep ready

the broth resulting from cooking meat with spices

this is yakhni!

separate the mutton and strain the liquid

turn off heat and rest it for 15 mins

pressure cook medium-low heat, 30 mins

150g water remember, mutton will release water too

add fried potatoes we want potatoes to soak up flavours from the mutton

transfer* mutton to a pressure cooker *you can also marinate it directly in the pressure cooker

strain over a colander soaking rice leads to longer, fluffier grains

wash and soak rice

cover and let it rest

massage spices into crevices

coat well with marinade

add the mutton

birista 20g

ground pepper ½ tsp

ginger 10g garlic 10g

kewra water 5g

red chilli powder ½ tsp

biryani moshla 8g

salt 20g

yoghurt 100g

make a paste

garlic 10g

ginger 10g

kewra water 5g

red chilli powder ½ tsp

biryani moshla 8g

salt 20g

yoghurt 100g

marinate mutton with

link in description

how to make biryani moshla

make biryani moshla make it fresh!

link in description

how to make birista

make birista with 150g onions this will yield about 35g birista (20g for mutton and 15g for rice)

make birista with 150g onions

set aside

fry on medium heat until lightly coloured

fry potatoes in plenty of oil you can use the same oil to fry onions in the next step

heat vegetable oil, 3cm deep

smear yellow food colour don't add too much

keep them whole each piece is about 100g

peel potatoes

With some practice and prep, 2 people can make a good biryani in 4 hours.

ask your grocer for aged (purono) rice; the right kind of rice is important

aged, long-grained, non-parboiled (aatop) basmati rice 500g

use starchy varieties such as Jyoti

whole potatoes about 100g each

mutton 1kg large pieces (100g each) should have fat and bones; pieces from the legs, ribs (seena), neck, and shoulder are ideal

A distinctive biryani, full of flavour, but low on spiciness and heat. Contains potatoes!

Calcutta Mutton Biryani

order of assembly


For more infomation >> Kolkata Mutton Biryani Recipe—Detailed Step-By-Step Recipe For Bengali-Style Mutton Biryani At Home - Duration: 13:45.


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Ακολουθεί απόσπασμα της συνέντευξης… Άρα από εδώ και πέρα είστε και με τη βούλα, μόνιμη κάτοικος Παρισιού; Καi Παρίσι και Αθήνα

Στο Παρίσι δεν ἔχασα τον καιρό μου. Γνώρισα σκηνοθέτες τοῦ κινηματογράφου όπως τον Φρανσουά Οζόν, ηθοποιούς, ζωγράφους, θεατρικούς συγγραφείς, μουσικούς και κριτικούς τέχνης

Είδα πολλές θεατρικές παραστάσεις και χορό, πήγα σε συναυλίες κλασσικής και σύγχρονης μουσικής, σε ἐκθέσεις ζωγραφικής και γλυπτικής

Ό,τι πιό σύγχρονο γίνεται σήμερα στο χώρο της τέχνης. Πάνω απ᾽ όλα όμως ήθελα να σπουδάσω κάτι που δεν υπάρχει στην Ελλάδα σχετικό με τη δουλειά μου

Έτσι έκανα κινηματογράφο στη Σορβόννη και πήρα master « Σενάριο-Σκηνοθεσία-Παραγωγή», πριν έναν χρόνο

  Πώς είναι τώρα η καθημερινότητά σας στο Παρίσι; Μένουμε στην καρδιά του Παρισιού

Ακούμε τις καμπάνες της Νοτρ νταμ και τις καμπάνες του Σεν Λουί. Είναι παραμυθένιο το σκηνικό

Το σπίτι μας είναι του 1600 με πολύ ωραίες ξύλινες σκάλες που εἶναι διατηρητέες και τις οποίες ανεβοκατεβαίνω τέσσερις ή πέντε φορές την ημέρα επειδή δεν έχουμε ασανσέρ

Εκεί που μένουμε εμείς τώρα, έμενε και η ερωμένη του Μποντλαίρ. Στα χρόνια της γαλλικής επανάστασης έμενε κι ένας φίλος του Ροβεσπιέρου που κατέληξε στο ικρίωμα

Δίπλα μας μένει η Βαλερί Καπρίσκι, μια ηθοποιός της γενιάς μου, που βλέπω κάθε μέρα στον δρόμο κατά μήκος του Σηκουάνα

Επίσης στη γειτονιά μας έχουμε τον πιο σνόμπ μανάβη γιατί πηγαίνει φρούτα και λαχανικά στο αρχοντικό του Αγά Χαν, λίγα μέτρα πιο κάτω, και την έχει δει κάπως

Και φυσικά, ως λάτρης της καλής διατροφής ο Νίκος μου

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