Friday, June 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 1 2018

I became friends with an IT student.

He encouraged me to not just work or the sake of money,

but to get a job I would find rewarding.

I said, 'I don't know how to go about doing that.'

'I have a full-time job. I don't have time to focus on studying.'

So, he taught me some C language,

and from C, he trained me in PHP.

So, now I have five plus years of experience in PHP.

Actually, my experience really helped me in Android

because it was only a theoretical change.

The logic is similar.

The syntax changes, so does the condition, loop, etc.

The coding, however, that part is the same.

But you have to invest time.

You have to be up-to-date.

Something new comes out every month.

Actually, when I joined my company...

I didn't know I was the first developer.

When I was interviewed, I didn't know how small the company was.

and I thought I can help make this company a multinational corporation.

If I want to develop for Android,

I should have some proof that I'm an Android developer.

I got to know about Android certificate online.

and my company supported me.

Then I got my boss' confidence,

and now, 40 people are working

under me, after me.

I'm thinking about starting

an Android department here, by myself,

and taking it forward.

The support I had from my family was,

'we will manage ourselves.'

So, I didn't have a choice,

which meant I couldn't give up.

Father: May?

Bhupat: Yes, May.

Father: America?

Interviewer: Yes, America. America.

For more infomation >> Bhupat's Journey - Google AAD Certification - Duration: 3:11.


MeMo - G - Момче 2018 (Official Audio) - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> MeMo - G - Момче 2018 (Official Audio) - Duration: 3:22.


เค้กฝอยทองสตรอเบอรี่ลาวา Gold Threads Strawberry Lava Cake | 1 Minute Cooking - Duration: 3:16.

Gold Threads Strawberry Lava Cake

Egg yolks 2

Sugar 20 g

Oil 25 g

Water 30 g

Cake flour 50 g


Baking powder ½ tsp

Vanilla Extract 1/2 tsp

Egg whites 2

Cream of Tartar ¼ tsp

Sugar 25 g

Bake at 180 c Top and Bottom around 20-25 minutes.

Strawberry Frozen 225 g

Sugar 30 g


Lime juice 1 tsp

Strawberry Jam

Whipped Cream 125 g

Icing sugar 10 g

Foi Thong 200 g

4-5 serve

For more infomation >> เค้กฝอยทองสตรอเบอรี่ลาวา Gold Threads Strawberry Lava Cake | 1 Minute Cooking - Duration: 3:16.


Morinig Musume'18 "Tomb of the Pharaoh" Interview with English Sub - Duration: 10:00.

For more infomation >> Morinig Musume'18 "Tomb of the Pharaoh" Interview with English Sub - Duration: 10:00.


Gossip: continua la querelle tra Albano Carrisi, Romina Power e Loredana Lecciso | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Gossip: continua la querelle tra Albano Carrisi, Romina Power e Loredana Lecciso | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:21.


Wrong Colors With NEEDLE Doraemon Trolls Nobita Xuka Chaien Finger Family Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 2:20.

Wrong Colors With NEEDLE Doraemon Trolls Nobita Xuka Chaien Finger Family Nursery Rhymes

For more infomation >> Wrong Colors With NEEDLE Doraemon Trolls Nobita Xuka Chaien Finger Family Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 2:20.


Gladiator - Tipps für Quereinsteiger | Sketch History - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Gladiator - Tipps für Quereinsteiger | Sketch History - Duration: 2:15.


Fiat 500 - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Fiat 500 - Duration: 0:42.


HANS ULRIK WITH THE TIVOLI ENSEMBLE 1/ - May 2018 - Duration: 21:28.

For more infomation >> HANS ULRIK WITH THE TIVOLI ENSEMBLE 1/ - May 2018 - Duration: 21:28.


Nissan X-Trail - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Nissan X-Trail - Duration: 0:44.


Kia Sportage 1.6 GDI 135pk ECOdynamics BusinessLine - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Kia Sportage 1.6 GDI 135pk ECOdynamics BusinessLine - Duration: 1:12.


劉若英:「我只發一個短信他就來了」!王寶強與劉若英時隔13年後再度重逢,倆人全程緊握手不放! - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> 劉若英:「我只發一個短信他就來了」!王寶強與劉若英時隔13年後再度重逢,倆人全程緊握手不放! - Duration: 3:29.


《結愛》宋茜當導師炫酷開跳,網友:跳舞的人會發光 - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> 《結愛》宋茜當導師炫酷開跳,網友:跳舞的人會發光 - Duration: 3:44.


《結愛》皮皮勇敢表白,賀蘭大人甜蜜額頭吻 網友:剛吐了沒漱口 - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> 《結愛》皮皮勇敢表白,賀蘭大人甜蜜額頭吻 網友:剛吐了沒漱口 - Duration: 4:54.


SpongeBob and Sandy

For more infomation >> SpongeBob and Sandy


Colors for Children to Learn with Excavator Truck Colors with Water Paint Excavator Truck for Kids - Duration: 10:10.

Colors for Children to Learn with Excavator Truck #h Colors with Water Paint Excavator Truck for Kids

For more infomation >> Colors for Children to Learn with Excavator Truck Colors with Water Paint Excavator Truck for Kids - Duration: 10:10.


Camp Digital 2018 - Duration: 2:33.


[Upbeat music]

>> Shaun Gomm: Welcome to Camp Digital.

Lovely to see so many familiar faces here.

[Upbeat music]

>> Shaun: It's really important for us to put on Camp Digital

because it's a means for us

to explore some of the themes and trends and topics

that we are really passionate about

and that are really important

in the digital community today.

[Upbeat music]

>> Joe MacLeod: It's been an amazing success

just getting together, meeting everyone,

and having these discussions.

It's really valuable for me and anyone else who comes along.

>> female: This is the second time now

that I've been to Camp Digital

and I would definitely come again next year.

>> Alistair Duggin: Camp Digital is a great place to come

to hear some really good talks and speakers.


[Upbeat music]

>> Alistair: It's a good place

to have a really good knowledge transfer.

[Upbeat music]

>> Fritz von Runte: As always, it's a fantastic event,

it never fails to deliver,

and the speakers have been amazing.

[Upbeat music]


[Upbeat music]

>> Shaun: Camp Digital 2018 has been a phenomenal success.

It's been a great event.

We've been in a new venue this year at the Royal Exchange,

which has been wonderful,

and we can't wait to come back next year.

[Upbeat music]

For more infomation >> Camp Digital 2018 - Duration: 2:33.


FCAフィアット・クライスラーとGoogleウェイモ、提携を拡大…無人ロボットタクシー向け車両納入へ - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> FCAフィアット・クライスラーとGoogleウェイモ、提携を拡大…無人ロボットタクシー向け車両納入へ - Duration: 1:41.


キャロル・シェルビー個人の所有車多数がオークションに! プロトタイプや製造第1号車も - Duration: 8:38.

For more infomation >> キャロル・シェルビー個人の所有車多数がオークションに! プロトタイプや製造第1号車も - Duration: 8:38.


Mit SEO-Überschriften Suchmaschinen-Ranking verbessern! - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> Mit SEO-Überschriften Suchmaschinen-Ranking verbessern! - Duration: 5:24.


Speed draw -Team X New generation - Duration: 14:33.

Oh, what a sad sack

sheding tears

Dolls are crying, teddy's mad

Oh, i see him laughing, his nose trembling

It was raining, but now tears got dry

The sky is clearing itself

Little smile, like a rainbow,

It's all right, Mom!

All children are ours

Kate, Michael,

Maggie, John,

At the bottom

of our hearts there's a home

Open your heart for them like a door

All children are ours

Boris, Wojtek,

Mary, Tom,

Let the little dreams

come true today, Sing your dreams

and the world

Will be ours!

Although I don't understand your language

I can read the fear,

can read the laughter.

Musical notes don't lie, build a key out of them

Open the shyness of our words.

Alphabet of a heart is what matters

Nice smile, like a dictionary,

We are together!

All children are ours

Kate, Michael, Maggie, John,

At the bottom of our hearts there's a home

Open your heart for them like a door!

You're not alone

Our song pulls you by the sleeve,

Give me your hand

and stand with us

No borders in our home today

All children are ours

Kate, Michael, Maggie, John,

At the bottom of our hearts there's a home

Open your heart for them like a door

All children are ours

Boris, Wojtek, Mary, Tom,

Let the little dreams come true today,

Sing your dreams out loud, and the world

Will be ours!

It will be ours,

Sing your dreams out loud, and the world

Will be ours!

Sing your dreams out loud, and the world

Will be ours!

The sea is rustling in the hand

of your shells ,

raise your hands to your ear and listen ,

Sea tell a tale

of evil people ,

their eyes are fake, their fists

are greedy

The hands

can carry the truth

and help

when it's bad. For once in two world today catch the ears ,

Sorry, the refrain of this song is too difficult for me to translate ;-;

No more translations of songs ;-;

Sorry for the mistakes ;-;

Fate writes on our hands,

our ways

Open the map of life , and read ,

There are rivers of friendship

and bridges of hearts,

There are valleys of suffering

And the hills of shadows

The same hands carry weapons,

the same hands run to a meeting

of the tears

Refrain agaian ;-;

Mom, take my hand and lead me

The same how I run my dolls

Mom, why with song is to live more lightly?

maybe musical notes can bring us the joy of spring,

When our voices will be intertwined into one ,

Even a dolls want to live .


Stand with us , stand with us,

Let common voice , clouds scatter in the circle ,

Stand with us , stand with us,

Let evil disappear

Thanks to our hands

Stand with us , stand with us,

Measure the musical beat

For more infomation >> Speed draw -Team X New generation - Duration: 14:33.


CGM Interviews - 3 Questions à Yoichiro Kawaguchi (L'Univers des Formes) - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> CGM Interviews - 3 Questions à Yoichiro Kawaguchi (L'Univers des Formes) - Duration: 5:31.


Gladiator - Tipps für Quereinsteiger | Sketch History - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Gladiator - Tipps für Quereinsteiger | Sketch History - Duration: 2:15.


Herzensangelegenheit: Kim K. trifft Trump wegen Begnadigung - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Herzensangelegenheit: Kim K. trifft Trump wegen Begnadigung - Duration: 2:05.


ถ้าเราไม่ฆ่าทอสและให้อภัยทอส - Detroit Become Human Not Kill Todd - Duration: 7:10.

For more infomation >> ถ้าเราไม่ฆ่าทอสและให้อภัยทอส - Detroit Become Human Not Kill Todd - Duration: 7:10.


Leia endas võitleja: Triin - Duration: 3:23.

Hi! My name is Triin.

I work as a research fellow in genetics in the University of Tartu

and at The Competence Centre on Health Technologies

I study the genetic background of various

symptoms for female infertility.

Right now I am working with DNA.

These samples will wait here for their genotyping

while I go train at Võimla.

Come join me!

Hi again!

I joined Võimla because

I have always wanted to try grappling.

So I decided last summer that

I will try everything I want to try

and so I signed up for the beginners' course.

It was love at first sight.

I have been training for over half a year.

I got my the first sports medal of my life while training here which was a surprise.

I have met so many

wonderful people

who I can now call my friends.

In addition to developing my physical skills

I have received some mental wisdom

a different attitude in life

as we all have our struggles outside the mats as well

whether at work, in our personal lives or inside us.

Here we are, I am going to change. See you on the mats!

We are done with warming up

and I'd like to show a technique

that I learned lately

and that I like to practice.

It is called

back take from closed guard.

Being in closed guard means that my legs are tightly wrapped around my opponent's body

and I pull her closer with my heels.

She wants to escape by standing up.

To get her back I need to get behind her somehow.

Now I grab her belt and just pull her to my lap.


For more infomation >> Leia endas võitleja: Triin - Duration: 3:23.


Leia endas võitleja: Karoliine - Duration: 4:00.


My name is Karoliine and I work in the Conservation Department at the Estonian National Museum.

I mostly work with plastic.

Right now I am working with a pair of shoes

that are quite grimy

and my job is to clean them

and make them look presentable.

I still have some work to do

but looking at the time

I need to work a bit faster

to get to training on time.

See you on the mats!

Hi again!

It is workout time.

I started training in Võimla

in the autumn of past year

and it has been eight months

since I joined the beginners' course for striking.

I got the idea

because I had been training at the gym for four years by that time

and I felt the need to move differently.

To get new knowledge about my body

and I had the choice between ballroom dancing and MMA.

MMA seemed like a better option for self-defence so that's how I decided.

In addition to self-defence skills

and a demanding workout

I have gotten some

inner courage from Võimla.

The courage to overcome myself.

There is this fear of trying something new

that everyone is looking at you and you feel silly.

Overcoming that

is the cool thing about Võimla.

No one is looking but they are helping

coaches always have your back

and your fear of the unknown

you will overcome it here.

So I will see you on the mats!

Oh, hi!

We are in the middle of training and

in addition to bag work

we also did some sparring.

And I will show you something!

I will show you

how to attack on different levels.

To get your opponent's head lower

it's a good idea to punch them in the stomach

so you could punch them in the head.

It really is that simple! Come and try it!

For more infomation >> Leia endas võitleja: Karoliine - Duration: 4:00.


Leia endas võitleja: Taavi - Duration: 2:38.

Hello! My name is Captain Taavi Liias, I am the Assistant Chief of Staff Operations and Training of Estonian Defence League Tartu District.

I am going to work now, to read some letters and and finish today's work.

I should go, I wouldn't want to be late for training.

See you in Võimla for some jiujitsu! Bye!

Hi again! Here we are at Võimla

I did invite you to Võimla, although no one invited me.

There was a training in the National Defence School

and among my friends I had the courage to join Võimla. It is always strange to come to a new gym.

But you shouldn't be afraid!

I have trained three or four years in Võimla by now

and during that time all my stereotypes

about fight sport and fighters have been debunked.

I have met a lot of great people here.

I have grown stronger, more skillful and more confident.

But it is time to go! See you on the mats!

Hi! Today I will show you my favourite trick.

It is called the butterfly sweep.

I always do it if given the chance.

I try to grab an underhook, the belt

or the collar.

I personally prefer the underhook.

I block my opponent's arm and I sweep them over my shoulder.

I end up in mount.

Cool trick, eh?

I will now show you the more competitive version of it.

For more infomation >> Leia endas võitleja: Taavi - Duration: 2:38.


Leia endas võitleja: Jorgen - Duration: 1:57.

Hi! I am Jorgen, the head coach of Võimla.

At the moment I am doing my most important work.

For the past five years I have been a stay-at-home dad.

But now is the time to take the kids home and get ready for training. See you in Võimla!

Hi again!

I founded Võimla with my friends

because we were curious about real fighting.

We wondered what actually works in hand-to-hand combat, in self-defense and in martial arts in general.

Aside from learning all that we became stronger, more athletic and more skilled.

It has been an exciting journey.

That is what I have gotten out of Võimla.

I get a break from my ordinary life

and on the other hand it is good for your state of mind

because training in Võimla is always honest.

You are who you are on the mats.

There is no pretense or other parts to play.

But here I am!

In MMA I have always been most interested in

joining striking, wrestling, and grappling to one complete whole.

How to combine all three distances?

We will teach you at the advanced MMA group after the beginners' course.

For more infomation >> Leia endas võitleja: Jorgen - Duration: 1:57.


Citroën Grand C4 Picasso 1.2 PureTech Selection 7Persoons - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Citroën Grand C4 Picasso 1.2 PureTech Selection 7Persoons - Duration: 1:12.


Ford Fiesta 1.25 TITANIUM, 5-Deurs / Airco / Bluetooth / Lichtmetalen velgen / USB - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Ford Fiesta 1.25 TITANIUM, 5-Deurs / Airco / Bluetooth / Lichtmetalen velgen / USB - Duration: 0:52.


Stormy Daniels Just Got Rude - Duration: 15:50.

Stormy Daniels Just Got Rude Awakening From The FBI !!!

Stormy Daniels is once again in the news, but this time it's because her manager,

Gina Rodriguez has been subpoenaed by the FBI since reports are now confirming that

Rodriguez has disclosed information to the FBI about Daniels attempt to sell the story

of the alleged affair with Donald Trump for $200k in the months leading up to the 2016

Presidential election.

To make matters worse for Stormy, the FBI also required Rodriguez to submit any communications

between herself and the president's personal attorney Michael Cohen, Stormy's attorney,

and any communications between Rodriguez and Stormy herself.

This move was brought on after the FBI learned that Rodriguez spoke with multiple celeb gossip

magazines, TV shows, and even websites in hopes of finding a buyer for Stormy's alleged

affair story.

Rodriguez's scheme fell apart though when Stormy took the $130k from Trump's attorney

instead of the $200k they had planned to sell the story for.

If this is proven true, then it once again proves Stormy Daniels is likely a liar after

she has said on multiple occasions that the President's lawyer reached out to her out

of the blue and she was never trying to profit from the alleged affair.

Rodriguez is a former adult star who quit the business back in 2008.

She has represented others in the industry as well as Stormy, Some of these have been

Octomom and Sydney Leathers who is the famed texting partner of Anthony "Carlos Danger"


CNN also covered Rodriguez and her issues with the FBI: "Stormy Daniels' former

manager, who helped broker her confidentiality agreement, is cooperating with the FBI as

part of its probe of an arrangement she struck with Donald Trump's lawyer, according to

a source with knowledge of the investigation.

Gina Rodriguez responded to a subpoena by handing over records to the FBI.

Some of those documents pertain to the 2016 hush money agreement signed by Daniels and

Michael Cohen, President Trump's personal attorney.

Cohen signed the agreement on behalf of a shell company he owned known as Essential

Consultants LLC, according to the source.

Rodriguez has signed a confidentiality agreement that keeps her from talking about the Daniels

deal with Cohen, the source said.

In the documents Rodriguez handed over to the FBI, there is evidence that Daniels — an

adult film star whose legal name is Stephanie Clifford — was working an initial deal with

Cohen on October 10, 2016.

Daniels was being represented in that deal by Rodriguez and Daniels' then-attorney

Keith Davidson, according to the same source.

As CNN previously reported, that deal fell through when Cohen failed to pay the money.

Eighteen days later, the second deal was finalized by Daniels and Cohen.

Around the same time negotiations with Cohen were going on behind the scenes, Daniels and

her manager were shopping a story to several media organizations about Daniels' alleged

affair with Trump a decade ago.

Cohen has said that the President did not have a sexual relationship with Daniels.

Trump has said he knew nothing of the financial arrangement between his lawyer and Daniels.

But during a recent phone interview with Fox News, Trump said Cohen "represents me like

with this crazy Stormy Daniels deal, he represented me."

Daniels is suing Cohen and Trump, and Essential Consultants LLC, in federal court in California

over the legality of the 2016 hush agreement in which she was paid $130,000 to keep quiet

about her alleged affair with Trump."

Stormy Daniels 15 minutes of fame might be up.

Critics believe she used the story about the affair as a way to spark her dancing and/or

adult career.

Daniels was basically an unknown in the adult world before the incident of the alleged affair

with Donald Trump.

Now she appears to be a household name, however, it's probably not the way someone wants

to be popular.

Do you think Stormy did all of this on purpose?

Do you think anyone really cares what she has to say?

Do you think Stormy is in trouble with the FBI?

What about her lawyer and former manager?

Please write your comments below and then share this story with someone who supports

President Trump.

For more infomation >> Stormy Daniels Just Got Rude - Duration: 15:50.


Sori Hits Recording Studio! - Duration: 5:32.

Sori's YouTube Channel

Hi, everyone

Sori Not Sorry!

Sori, Sori! I'm not sorry!

Sori, I'm Sori.

Sori here. I'm currently at

a recording studio that I've been frequenting since CocoSori days,

and we recorded lots of anime soundtracks here too.

So I'm back here at this recording studio.

It's because, I'm gonna step inside first,

So, On my YouTube channel, I'm planning on uploading

a dance cover of a song

by Britney Spears called "TOXIC."

I'm going to shoot a dance cover of that song.

But this time around, I'm going to sing on top of the background track as well.

Combining both vocal and dance cover.

So I recorded in studio not so long ago,

But I don't think I sang upbeat enough

So I'm trying to get a more powerful take!

More fitting to the dance song, more upbeat!

That's what I'm gonna do today.

So, that's why I'm at the recording studio today.

Is my throat warmed up enough?

I think it still needs to be warmed up a little more.

Britney Spears, who was a sexy icon of that era,

To capture her sexiness and power

is a difficult task.

The recording has started!

(Producer) I think that was pretty good, let's try that once more.

(Trying to awaken the sexiness in me as much as I can!)

...It's pretty hard...

(Producer)That part, I think was pretty good.

(Even though it's a difficult song to cover, I enjoyed the recording process!)

The recording has finished, guys!

I'm not sure how...

well this video has captured the whole recording process,

But I've tried my best on both shooting and recording the vocal tracks.

So once this song has been completed, as fast as it can...

It will be uploaded on my channel. I'm looking forward to it myself.

As expected, capturing Britney's sexiness is difficult.

I've been kept hearing that I need to sing it smokier, more nasally, and over all badder!

I've been trying to get that "dirty sexy" thing going...

But... it just comes out more...


I was trying to capture the "dirty sexy..." on my part...

Thank you so much!

Sori's recording session has come to an end!


As always, thank you so much!

I hope you all have a wonderful day!

bye bye~

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