Friday, June 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 2 2018

(light music)


- Kia ora. - [Crowd] Kia ora.

- The foot hills of the Appalachian mountain range,

the Tennessee River, which is dammed repeatedly

so there's beautiful lakes there.

Y'all, can I get a y'all?

Y'all, can I get a y'all?

- [Crowd] Y'all.

- That's southern for hi y'all.

(crowd chuckles)

Key fact, 50 trillion dollars is passing hands

Key fact, 50 trillion dollars is passing hands

from my generation to your generation, younger people.

In the next three decades,

in North America alone,

it's gotta be a hundred trillion,

200 trillion globally, think about that.

Trillions is passing hands.

New generation, new values, new times,

global urgency, social, environmental, political.

global urgency, social, environmental, political.

We've gotta mobilize that money in the correct way.

Besides inheriting a decent amount of money

Besides inheriting a decent amount of money

from an entrepreneurial family,

Jews from Russia, Poland, Germany,

my people have moved around the world a lot.

Mostly to get away from oppression,

sometimes for opportunity.

So I inherited some of the benefits of a successful

next generation immigrant entrepreneur.

I became an entrepreneurial investor early on.

There was another inheritance that I got,

which was a family genetic kidney disease

that went through my father's lineage.

Most, many of those people died from that kidney disease.

I was diagnosed early and told that I could die soon

and there wasn't anything to do about it.

I didn't like that diagnosis.

I was frustrated about it.

But death is actually an excellent teacher,

keep remembering death and use it.

I thought about a lot of things

to try to deal with that diagnosis.

And the summary was

what does the kidney do, it filters the blood,

so what if I eat cleaner food,

what if put cleaner things in my body?

I translated that to the money side,

how could we possibly sustain money

that's not also on the pathway to clean?

Clean blood, clean money, longer survival for me,

but it's a good metaphor.

I inherited some privilege from entrepreneurial investor,

another opportunity came through,

an early network like this called the threshold foundation.

It was mostly people that inherited money

but some that had made money, thinking about the issues

around money and I began to get influenced

by other mentors the way that you are here,

that money could be the most powerful force

for actually doing good in the world

if we used it very intentionally.

I consider myself at this point

a social change investor.

Doing social change through

using business, money, and finance.

My next big opportunity was to work

with an extraordinary woman named Carol Noll

who had inherited a lot more money.

She wanted the majority of that put out into good deeds

in the world, while she was alive today.

She kept enough to stay comfortable

but I was invited to strategize

and deploy 70 million dollars over about 14 years,

and deploy 70 million dollars over about 14 years,

focused in our region of British Colombia, I migrated.

We did investment, activism and not for profit,

leadership and inter-skills and politics.

Ignore politics at our peril.

Ignore politics at our peril.

We were inspired by a 500 year question.

We started our work around the 500th year celebration

of Christopher Columbus' great "discovery".

That led us to a 50 year thinking.

A human lifetime, a human working lifetime,

what could we do in 50 years with our ingenuity,

our capital, and our intentions to contribute

towards a better long term future?

Natural systems were the model.

I don't think I need to explain that here.

Integrated capital is how we talked about our strategy.

Using every dollar multiple times as many times as possible

to cause good outcomes.

Today I'm part of another fellowship like this called

the integrated capital institute

which is attempting to get people prepared

for the massive amount of capital that is shifting

towards dedication to do good in the world,

but not many people are trained for this multi-dimensional

kind of work with money, including the psychological,

the emotional, and the spiritual.

What are our dollars doing right this minute

What are our dollars doing right this minute

to people and places?

Our global world religions and other forces

have allowed us, and blessed us

to ignore that question, that's not right.

Every single one of us needs to think about our purchases,

our investments, our banks, our insurance companies,

and everything that we do that can influence money.

Because at the other end of that money,

a lot of people and places are suffering,

pretty severely.

Ignoring that is wrong and it's our responsibility

to reclaim that responsibility.

When I thought about meaning and purpose,

what was I gonna do as a life of a white kid

in the south who inherited a little money

and getting involved in those things,

spending time to understand what my values,

my meaning and purpose in life actually were was essential.

We all have to do that, and we have to

revisit it regularly through life.

I was fortunate that a Green Peace activist,

the editor of the Green Peace newsletters,

gave me her kidney ten years ago.

I think that that might have come from the commitment.

The model that was available to me when asking

those questions about meaning and purpose in this era was

become a billionaire.

That's what, that's what real success is.

I didn't like that model,

but I thought the billionaire image was okay.

But how bout being a billionaire of good deeds?

How bout being a billionaire of love?

A billionaire of great relationships.

A billionaire of generosity.

That money that we have,

That money that we have,

we likely have a piece of forced labor

poisoning other people's children and starting wars.

Keep asking that question.

In my lifetime, and lots of yours here,

global population has doubled,

from under three and a half billion

to over seven billion.

That's part of the global crisis.

And that's what we're facing,

that's a really important thing we're facing

in the future and a huge challenge.

We have to move trillions of dollars

from damage and destruction to regeneration.

from damage and destruction to regeneration.

We are some of the luckiest people on the planet, alive,

because we get to have these conversations

and be in this kind of communion

and helping each other along.

We have to have a feminization of the economy,

we need an inclusivization of the economy,

and we need a spiritual evolution

that will help us, and we've had so many

wonderful speakers here to reclaim meaning

wonderful speakers here to reclaim meaning

and purpose and all parts of life to be dedicated

as our ancestors did to be ancestors of what's coming.

That's our biggest responsibility.

We've got deep green to venture capital here in the room,

a very enlightened group, again,

that makes us some of the luckiest in the world.

We each have a big role to play,

we have to have a clean, green, safe,

we have to have a clean, green, safe,

fair, economy going forward, that's our job.

Our responsibility as ancestors,

we are ancestors, whether bloodline or not,

we are ancestors, whether bloodline or not,

we are ancestors, people are studying this period.

We alive today are the first to be alive that had

the power to damage and destroy as much as we do now.

That never existed.

So civilization has advanced,

great technology, all kinds of great learnings.

But the responsibility now is heavier than ever.

We are the ancestors, they are going to be looking back

to find out what we did while we had this power,

authority, and privilege, to be sure

that there was a long term, decent future for everyone.

Thank you so much for your work,

and your attention.

(clapping and cheering)

For more infomation >> The Clean Money Revolution - Joel Solomon at New Frontiers - Duration: 10:59.


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Dodge pede para STF enviar inquérito de Serra à Justiça de SP - Duration: 3:17.

A procuradora-geral da República, Raquel Dodge, pediu ao ministro Gilmar Mendes, do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF),, que envie inquérito sobre investigação do senador José Serra (PSDB-SP) para a primeira instância da Justiça Federal de São Paulo

A apuração teve início no Supremo por meio de declarações de ex-executivos da Odebrecht

Eles  narraram pagamentos indevidos da empreiteira para campanhas do tucano, quando ele era governador do estado paulista

Mais sobre o assunto Quadro de José Serra na sede do Governo de SP custou R$ 85 mil Gilmar Mendes concede liberdade a Paulo Preto, ex-diretor da Dersa Laudo mostra transação financeira entre suspeito e prima de José Serra Paulo Vieira de Souza, ex-diretor da Dersa, liberado da prisão preventiva por Gilmar Mendes duas vezes no mês de maio, também é investigado neste inquérito

Na manifestação, Raquel Dodge destaca que o suposto crime foi cometido fora do mandato de Serra como parlamentar

Pelas novas regras do foro, definidas no início de maio, o processo sairia do STF

Mais de 150 processos já foram baixados para outras instâncias da Justiça desde então

A Corte restringiu sua competência para julgar somente casos de parlamentares federais durante o mandato e em função do cargo

"(…) requeiro o reconhecimento da incompetência superveniente do Supremo Tribunal Federal para processar e julgar os fatos ilícitos investigados neste Inquérito e a consequente remessa dos autos a uma das Varas Federais Criminais da Subseção Judiciária da Justiça Federal de são Paulo", pede a procuradora

Em depoimento à Polícia Federal (PF), o ex-presidente da Odebrecht e delator na Operação Lava Jato Pedro Novis afirmou que José Serra recebeu para si ou solicitou para o partido R$ 52,4 milhões entre 2002 e 2012

Desde o início do inquérito, o tucano nega qualquer irregularidade, e diz que jamais recebeu qualquer tipo de vantagem indevida de qualquer empresa ou indivíduo, especialmente da Odebrecht

For more infomation >> Dodge pede para STF enviar inquérito de Serra à Justiça de SP - Duration: 3:17.


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Malcolm H. Kerr, Steve Kerr's Dad: 5 Fast Facts | - Duration: 11:52.

Malcolm H. Kerr, Steve Kerr's Dad: 5 Fast Facts |

American University in Beirut Malcolm H.

Kerr speaking.

Steve Kerr has had a legendary career with the NBA, winning five championship titles as a player and two as the head coach of the Golden State Warriors.

He is known for his measured, methodical coaching style, which he attributes to his late father, Dr.

Malcolm H.

Kerr.  "When I was 8, 9, 10 years old, I had a horrible temper", Kerr told The New York Times, "[Dad] would be in the stands watching, and he never really said anything until we got home.

He had the sense that I needed to learn on my own, and anything he would say would mean more after I calmed down.".

Malcolm H.

Kerr was an author and professor who taught at UCLA, the American University of Cairo, and the American University of Beirut, where he specialized in Middle Eastern politics and the Arab world.

He served as president of the AUB from 1982 to his untimely death in 1984.

Here's what you need to know about Malcolm H.

Kerr and his life:.

He Received A PhD In International Studies From Johns Hopkins University.

Kerr was born in Beirut, Lebanon in 1931.

His parents, Stanley Kerr and Elsa Reckman, were also educators, with his father being the chairman of the Department of Biochemistry at the American University of Beirut and his mother being the Dean of Women.

The family relocated to the United States for a brief time during World War II, but they returned to Beirut shortly after, starting a trend that would continue throughout Kerr's life.

According to the AUB website, Kerr spent the next decade as a student and a traveler.

He attended Deerfield Academy high school in Massachusetts, and in 1953 he earned a BA in political science at Princeton University.

He returned to Beirut to continue his studies, earning an MA in Arab studies in 1955.

He then traveled to the US again to attend Johns Hopkins University, where he earned a PhD in international studies in 1958.

Kerr's master's thesis at Johns Hopkins, written under the tutelage of famed academics Majid Khadduri and Sir Hamilton Gibbs, would later serve as the basis for his first book, 1959's Lebanon in the Last Years of Feudalism.

Kerr would go on to write several books during his lifetime, including 1966's Islamic Reform: The political and legal theories of Muhammad 'Abduh and Rashid Ridā, 1971's The Arab Cold War: Gamal 'Abd al-Nasir and His Rivals, 1958-1970 and 1979's Inter-Arab conflict contingencies and the gap between the Arab rich and poor: A report.

He And His Wife Ann Had Four Children.

Kerr and Ann Zwicker met at AUB in 1955, when she was studying abroad.

They married in 1956, only a few months after Ann's graduation.

Both had a passion for Middle Eastern politics, and felt that they could make a positive difference.

"I don't think Malcolm would have gone back to be [school] president if he wasn't married to someone interested in the Middle East", Ann told The LA Times.

When asked whether she regretted the events that led to her husband's death, she added: "I can't let myself regret.

Some people just put their head in a hole.

I wouldn't want to live that way.

I don't want my children to live that way.".

In 1996, Ann published the memoir Come With Me From Lebanon: An American Family Odyssey, which recounted the tumultuous years that she and Kerr spent in Beirut, and the emotional toll that his death took on the rest of the family.

She published another book in 2002, Painting the Middle East, and remarried in 2008 to a man named Ken Adams.

The couple currently lives in California.

Kerr and Ann had four children together: Susan, John, Steve, and Andrew. Susan is a County Councillor for Melbourn & Bassingbourn in the UK.

She and her husband Hans van de Ven have three children, according to her website.

Susan also wrote a book on her experiences in Beirut titled One Family's Response To Terrorism: A Daughter's Memoir.

The Mercury News reports that John has a doctorate in applied economics from Stanford and is a professor at Michigan State.

 Andrew earned his MBA at the Thunderbird School of Global Management and works in the construction business.

He Was Also The Director Of Near East Studies At UCLA.

While he is perhaps best known for his work at AUB, Kerr's longest tenure was actually at UCLA.

He joined the college as a professor in 1962, and was eventually appointed the chairman of the Department of Political Science, and the Dean of the Division of Social Sciences between 1973 and 1976.

Historian Nikki Keddie, who took a salary cut to help fund the first Malcolm Kerr Memorial postdoctoral fellows at UCLA, spoke to UCLA Global about the lasting relevance of Kerr's research:.

Even his more historical work about the nineteenth century or about the early reformists in Egypt and the Muslim world, Muhammad Abduh and Rashid Rida, raised many of the questions about the nature of Islamic reform and even relations of Islam and the West which still are relevant to the kind of discussions that intellectuals have today.

In 2014, a memorial was held at UCLA in Kerr's honor.

It was cosponsored by UCLA's Center for Middle East Development and the Political Science Department, according to their website, and celebrated Kerr's Middle Eastern studies.

In 2017, UCLA introduced the Kerr Family Centennial Scholars Endowment.

The endowment is dedicated to promoting international understanding and peace through education, and will be given to young Middle Easterners who attend UCLA. "It is my wish that Middle Eastern scholarship recipients come to know the United States better," Ann Kerr told UCLA Global, "and return to their own countries to share what they have learned… As you learn about another culture, you also come to a greater knowledge of your own.".

He Was Assassinated In Lebanon In 1984.

Kerr was shot and killed on January 18, 1984.

According to the New York Times, he was stepping off the elevator towards his office when he was shot twice in the back of the head.

The identity of the shooters remain unknown, but a group known as the Islamic Holy War took responsibility for the shooting later that day.

President Ronald Reagan released a statement shortly after Kerr's death. "Dr.

Kerr's untimely and tragic death at the hands of these despicable assassins must strengthen our resolve not to give in to the acts of terrorists", he said, "Terrorism must not be allowed to take control of the lives, actions, or future of ourselves and our friends.".

Edwin T.

Prothro, a close friend who worked at AUB, told the NY Times that Kerr knew the risks that came with teaching there and accepted them.

"Since he was a little boy, all Malcolm ever really wanted was to be president of AUB', he said, "When the time came, he knew his life could be in danger – he talked about it to me several times – but he took the job anyways because he loved this place and he wanted to build it into something special." Prothro added that "In the end, he was killed not for who he was or what he did, but for what he symbolized to others who never even knew him.".

Memorial services for Kerr were held at AUB, UCLA, and Princeton.

Steve, a star college athlete at the time, was the only one of the children who did not attend. "It sounds bad," he said, "Obviously, the basketball wasn't more important.

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