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マクラーレン675LTのカーコンフィギュレーター公開。多彩なオプション - Duration: 2:24. For more infomation >> マクラーレン675LTのカーコンフィギュレーター公開。多彩なオプション - Duration: 2:24.-------------------------------------------
トヨタMR2+マツダ・ロードスターの合わせ技で作られたフェラーリ288GTOのレプリカ登場 - Duration: 2:33. For more infomation >> トヨタMR2+マツダ・ロードスターの合わせ技で作られたフェラーリ288GTOのレプリカ登場 - Duration: 2:33.-------------------------------------------
MYC - GREY - Duration: 4:05.Don't Forget To Like, Comment, and Subscribe
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柯P爆料「台大醫院用態度差來制量」 - Duration: 7:34. For more infomation >> 柯P爆料「台大醫院用態度差來制量」 - Duration: 7:34.-------------------------------------------
台大爆發洗腎接錯管 柯P緩頰:台大醫術還是最好 - Duration: 2:00. For more infomation >> 台大爆發洗腎接錯管 柯P緩頰:台大醫術還是最好 - Duration: 2:00.-------------------------------------------
阮昭雄質疑財產3000萬流向 柯P酸:要多做功課 - Duration: 2:20. For more infomation >> 阮昭雄質疑財產3000萬流向 柯P酸:要多做功課 - Duration: 2:20.-------------------------------------------
Kardeş Payı Gelme Ey Ecel Solfej (Bds Müzik) (Gökhan Çelik) - Duration: 13:46. For more infomation >> Kardeş Payı Gelme Ey Ecel Solfej (Bds Müzik) (Gökhan Çelik) - Duration: 13:46.-------------------------------------------
Num Noms Episode 7: Smoosh Cakes For more infomation >> Num Noms Episode 7: Smoosh Cakes-------------------------------------------
インタビュー 若きコーチビルダーの未来は デビュー作、テスラ・モデルSをめぐって - Duration: 12:11. For more infomation >> インタビュー 若きコーチビルダーの未来は デビュー作、テスラ・モデルSをめぐって - Duration: 12:11.-------------------------------------------
24th June 2018 | Sunday First Service | Message by: Apostle S. Daniel Thangaraj - Duration: 0:17. For more infomation >> 24th June 2018 | Sunday First Service | Message by: Apostle S. Daniel Thangaraj - Duration: 0:17.-------------------------------------------
C O U N T R Y R O A D S.wav.mp3.avi (NOW IN 4K!!!!!!) (ALSO WEAR HEADPHONES AND TURN THEM DOWN) - Duration: 0:57.Almost heaven,
West Virginia
Blue ridge mountains,
I-can't-spell-this riverrrrrr
Life is old there, older than the trees
Younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze
To the plaaaace,
M O U N T A I N M O M M A,
Take me home, Country roads
【Vietsub】OST Tươi cười 《快把我哥带走》 | Mau đưa anh tôi đi giùm cái 2018 - Duration: 4:28. For more infomation >> 【Vietsub】OST Tươi cười 《快把我哥带走》 | Mau đưa anh tôi đi giùm cái 2018 - Duration: 4:28.-------------------------------------------
AUSTRALIA | Vlog 139 - Pushing North | Episode 2 - Duration: 6:15. For more infomation >> AUSTRALIA | Vlog 139 - Pushing North | Episode 2 - Duration: 6:15.-------------------------------------------
MYC - GREY - Duration: 4:05.Don't Forget To Like, Comment, and Subscribe
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歲月不老?女神王祖賢發近照如少女,網友:P的吧路人照似大媽 - Duration: 4:06. For more infomation >> 歲月不老?女神王祖賢發近照如少女,網友:P的吧路人照似大媽 - Duration: 4:06.-------------------------------------------
✅ Ruim vijfhonderd kinderen in detentie VS herenigd met ouders - Duration: 1:26.Dat heeft het Amerikaanse ministerie voor Binnenlandse Veiligheid zaterdagavond (lokale tijd) bekendgemaakt
Inmiddels zijn 522 kinderen met hun ouders herenigd. De komende 24 uur volgen nog zestien kinderen die hun ouders weer kunnen zien
De regering verwacht wel dat een klein aantal kinderen gescheiden blijft, onder meer omdat de familieband niet met zekerheid kan worden vastgesteld
De Amerikaanse president Donald Trump maakte eerder deze week een einde aan het omstreden beleid om kinderen van illegalen na aankomst in de VS te scheiden van hun ouders en apart te detineren
Over dat beleid was zowel binnen als buiten de VS veel ophef ontstaan. Zie ook: De week van Trump: kinderen in kooien en de jas van Melania Wil jij elke ochtend direct weten wat je 's nachts gemist hebt en wat er die dag gaat gebeuren?
✅ Představitelka Rudé Sonji (54) se stala popáté matkou! Přivedla na svět svou první dceru - Duration: 1:44.Brigitte Nielsen (54) se stala znovu maminkou! V Los Angeles porodila holčičku Fridu a její manžel Mattia Dessi (39) u toho samozřejmě nemohl chybět
„Jsme nadšení, že jsme konečně mohli přivítat nádhernou dceru do našich životů. Byla to dlouhá cesta, ale vyplatila se. Nikdy jsme nebyli víc zamilovaní," uvedla Brigitte časopisu People
Představitelka Rudé Sonji prozradila, že je v očekávání teprve v květnu, když na svém Instagramu uveřejnila fotky s bříškem
Birgitte už je matkou čtyř synů Raoula Meyera Jr. (23), Douglase Meyera (25), Killiana Gastineaua (28) a Juliana Windinga (34)
Není tedy divu, že je z první dcery tolik nadšená. Před současným manželem byla Brigitte vdaná třikrát, z toho jednou za Sylvestera Stalloneho
Za Dessiho se provdala v roce 2006 a už o dva roky později se nechala slyšet, že by chtěla další dítě. „Děti mi vždy dodávaly sílu
Chtěli bychom zkusit umělé oplodnění. Je to velký risk, ale je to možné. Velmi by nás to naplnilo," svěřila se tehdy magazínu Hello
A přeci se nakonec podařilo a Brigitte se dokonce dočkala vytoužené dcerky! Gratulujeme! ■
L'un des beaux moments de Laeticia Hallyday - Duration: 3:34. For more infomation >> L'un des beaux moments de Laeticia Hallyday - Duration: 3:34.-------------------------------------------
✅ Lukaku is WK-topschutter, maar krijgt ook om andere reden lof van internationale pers - Duration: 2:13.Terwijl de Rode Duivels in het gezelschap van hun familie nagenieten van de weergaloze wedstrijd tegen Tunesië, worden ze op het internet nog steeds overladen met lof
Heel wat van die lofbetuigingen zijn voor Romelu Lukaku, en niet alleen omdat hij twee knappe doelpunten maakte
Romelu Lukaku is op het WK in Rusland in de vorm van zijn leven. 'Big Rom' breekt alle records en mag zich nu al de Belgische topschutter aller tijden noemen
Het is dan ook reikhalzend uitkijken naar waar de grote en sterke spits van Manchester United ons land zal helpen eindigen op dit WK
Na de demonstratie tegen Tunesië kreeg Lukaku in de internationale pers nog om een heel andere reden lof
2-1 was het toen hij vrijgespeeld werd voor het Tunesische doel. Zijn poging om de doelman te omspelen mislukte wat knullig, al leek die hem wel even te raken
"Laat je dan vallen, dan krijg je een penalty", zouden heel wat trainers hem toegeroepen hebben
Lukaku viel, maar vroeg geen penalty. Wel integendeel: hij stapte naar de scheidsrechter en maakte de ref duidelijk dat de keeper hem niet geraakt had
"Een zeldzaam voorbeeld van sportiviteit op het WK", schrijven tal van internationale media
"Wat een mooi gebaar." LEES OOK. Een blik in de ziel van Romelu Lukaku, op zijn 25ste al topschutter aller tijden voor België
✅ Daniele Negroni: Hat er Freundin Tina Neumann geschlagen? Polizei muss anrücken! - Duration: 3:08.Vor nicht einmal zwei Monaten war die Welt noch in Ordnung. Erst Anfang Mai hatten DSDS-Star Daniele Negroni und Tina Neumann ihre Liebe öffentlich gemacht und unserer Redaktion verraten, dass sie ein Paar sind (mehr dazu lesen Sie hier)
Jetzt eskalierte ein Streit auf der Jugendmesse „You" in Berlin. Daniele soll Tina geschlagen haben
Daniele Negroni und Tina Neumann: Trennung! Was wirklich passierte, darüber gehen die Aussagen auseinander
In der Nacht auf Samstag erscheint in IHRER Instagram-Story ein schwarzer Post, in dem man nur einen Satz lesen kann: „Ich hoffe, alle Frauenschläger dieser Welt bekommen das Karma, das sie verdient haben"
ER sagte unserer Redaktion: „Das Ganze war von Tina aufgebauscht. Eigentlich ist so gut wie nichts passiert
Die Polizei wäre nicht nötig gewesen."Nun hat Daniele offenbar den Schlussstrich gezogen: Nach unseren Informationen hat er sich am Samstagabend noch während des Deutschland-Spiels von Tina Neumann getrennt
Die 16-Jährige hatte schon zuvor auf ihrem Instagram-Account alle Bilder von Negroni gelöscht
Polizei vernimmt Tina Neumann nach angeblichen Handgreiflichkeiten Beim Streit des Nun-Ex-Pärchens auf dem Messegelände in Berlin hatte es sogar einen Polizeieinsatz gegeben
Beamte mit Schutzwesten scharten sich im Schein des Blaulichts vor dem Hotel Interconti um eine junge Frau – Influencerin Tina
Polizei bestätigt zwei Anzeigen wegen Körperverletzung Was war passiert? Neumann war mit Freund Daniele zur Jugendmesse „You" nach Berlin gekommen
Am Freitag posteten die beiden immer wieder fröhliche gemeinsame Clips aus ihrem Hotelzimmer und von der Messe
Doch dann soll es laut Zeugen in der Nacht zu einem handfesten Streit gekommen sein
In dessen Verlauf soll Daniele Tina geschlagen haben. Sie rief daraufhin die Polizei
Die Behörde bestätigt, dass es in der Nacht zwei Anzeigen wegen Körperverletzung gab: eine gegen einen 22-Jährigen, eine gegen eine 16-Jährige
Gibt es noch eine Versöhnung zwischen Tina Neumann und Daniele Negroni? Zusätzliche Verwirrung schafft nun ein Video, das Daniele nur kurz vor der Trennung postete
Zu sehen sind die beiden, wie sie eng umschlungen herumalbern. Dazu schreibt Daniele: Ist da das letzte Wort doch noch nicht gesprochen?
✅ Laeticia Hallyday : endeuillée, la veuve de Johnny peut compter sur le soutien indéfectible d'un a - Duration: 2:26.C'est un mois de juin particulièrement éprouvant pour Laeticia Hallyday, qui a dû affronter deux bien tristes anniversaires : les six mois de la disparition de Johnny (le 6 juin) et ses 75 ans (le 15 juin)
Heureusement, celle qui s'est fait huer lors de l'hommage rendu au Taulier par ses fans à la Madeleine, a reçu la visite de quelques amis
La petite troupe a ainsi passé un moment de détente à Palm Springs pour changer les idées de la veuve
Mais malgré tout son chagrin et la bataille judiciaire qui l'oppose aux aînés du Taulier, Laeticia n'en oublie pas d'être là pour ses proches
Récemment, elle a ainsi fait parvenir à Michel Klein une carte postale, lui souhaitant bonne chance pour la présentation de sa collection Mimi Liberté, dans le cadre de la Fashion Week
Très touché, le styliste de 60 ans a tenu à la remercier haut et fort via Instagram
L'homme a ainsi posté une jolie photo de la maman de Jade et Joy sur laquelle elle apparaît tout sourire, lunettes de soleil aviateur vissées sur le nez
Mais ce qui a particulièrement attiré l'attention des internautes, c'est la jolie déclaration que le créateur lui a faite
"Je suis très chanceux d'avoir des amis formidables autour de moi comme Laeticia, la personne la plus présente et chère à mon cœur", a-t-il précisé dans son post
Et de terminer : "Laeticia Hallyday, les amis sont le cadeau le plus important pour moi"
Un message qui devrait réconforter la jeune femme. Crédits photos : Agence / Bestimage
COMMENT S'AMELIORER AU QUOTIDIEN ? - Que sont les #FMDV - Duration: 2:01.(Music)
hello and welcome to a new video it's Johan and I'm happy to find you
today I wanted to share with you something that I particularly like
it is: the magic formulas of life but it is a little all the formulas that we can
use every day to do in kind of give themselves good reminders to
yourself. For me it concerns essentially everything
that I need to remember for improve my life every day but everyone
can create his own formulas magic of life to set up at
daily very quickly for example to get rid of everything that was a
little bit negative around me so this formula of life is: "Any
sending attempt so negative in my direction will be annihilated. "Here is one of my
magic formulas of life, otherwise I have others that may be more than
the order here of the organization: "I'm doing punctuality a priority "I
repeat it regularly in such a way to be able to remember and to do
so that it can be an element important in my day.
That's what I wanted to share today with you do not hesitate to
you have the opportunity to rate all the magic formulas of sight that you
want to use you integrate with you even, I will share some formulas
that I use myself some who have already discovered some
magic formulas of life that I share I really wish it could you
bring the best for you even for to be happy must first love oneself
even. That's all for me I you thanks for following me
you have the little bell to activate you can subscribe below the
video and feel free to share the video if you found that interesting
you simply want to mark in comment what you have the
think if you have life formulas to share and do not hesitate to do
turn information is with big pleasure.
I find you very quickly
for a new video do not forget be happy today.
See you soon
PHOTOS – Karine Le Marchand et Stéphane Plaza s'éclatent à Roland-Garros - Gala - Duration: 3:01.La valse des stars continue dans les gradins de Roland-Garros. Lundi 4 juin, c'était au tour de Stéphane Plaza et Karine Le Marchand de faire un tour du côté de la porte d'Auteuil pour les internationaux de France
Et si le spectacle était au rendez-vous sur le court central avec la rencontre Rafael Nadal vs Maximilian Marterer, c'était aussi le cas dans les tribunes comme le raconte la compagne de JoeyStarr
Dans un message posté sur Instagram, l'animatrice balance : « Stéphane fait tellement rire nos voisins qu'on a du mal à se concentrer sur le match »
Très complices, les deux stars de M6 ont en effet assuré le show dans les gradins, comme on peut s'en rendre compte en regardant la story Instagram de Karine Le Marchand : blagues, pitreries à base de crème solaire, faux commentaires sportifs, commentaires « fashion », clin d'œil à Cristina Cordula, les deux amis se sont visiblement bien amusés
Karine Le Marchand et Stéphane Plaza ont d'ailleurs largement encouragé le numéro 1 mondial, un peu en difficulté sur le troisième set qu'il a finalement remporté
L'agent immobilier avait d'ailleurs une manière très personnel de soutenir Rafael Nadal, puisqu'il parlait avec un espagnol plus que personnel
Par contre, les deux animateurs ont connu une petite déception puisqu'ils voulaient aussi voir le match des revenantes, Maria Sharapova contre Serena Williams
Cependant, l'Américaine a déclaré forfait quelques minutes avant la confrontation
L'explication extrapolée de Stéphane Plaza : « elle s'est cassée le bras ». En réalité, la jeune maman expliquait en conférence de presse : "J'ai malheureusement ressenti une douleur au pectoral droit
Actuellement, je suis incapable de servir, et c'est trop dur de jouer quand on est physiquement incapable de servir"
Malgré la déception, les deux animateurs ont eu l'air de bien s'éclater dans les tribunes, et c'est le plus important ! Crédits photos : Best Image
Genova - Tokyo 2020 è ancora lontana. Ma per i nostalgici dei Giochi, in questa estate di Mondiali s - Duration: 6:13.Criscito e Fognini insieme in Sardegna fra tennis e palestra Vacanze di divertimento, ma anche di preparazione alle prossime sfide Genova - Tokyo 2020 è ancora lontana
Ma per i nostalgici dei Giochi, in questa estate di Mondiali senza Italia, c'è un altro luogo da visitare in cui si respira atmosfera da villaggio olimpico: il Forte Village Resort di Santa Margherita di Pula, in Sardegna
Gli atleti in gara? Su tutti Mimmo Criscito, capitano del Genoa che verrà, e Fabio Fognini, numero uno del tennis azzurro (e n
15 al mondo). A dargli manforte, l'ex rossoblù Salvatore Bocchetti, difensore dello Spartak Mosca, e Flavia Pennetta, moglie del Fogna ed ex campionessa della racchetta
Amico che hai, vacanza che trovi. Criscito e Fognini si sono dati appuntamenti in Sardegna con le rispettive famiglie e il risultato non poteva che essere questo: una vacanza supersportiva
Corsa, palestra, tennis, calcio, nuoto, passeggiate in bici e persino go-kart e bowling: gli "amici dello sport" sono inarrestabili
Da buon capitano, Mimmo dà l'esempio a distanza a tutti gli altri rossoblù. Per correre durante il campionato, si sa, è fondamentale lavorare bene in estate
Ma Criscito va oltre. E si porta avanti con la "preparazione per la preparazione", allenamento utile per farsi trovare già pronto alla ripresa a Neustift
Chiusa l'avventura con lo Zenit, il difensore non si è quasi mai fermato. Prima la Nazionale, con l'ultima partita giocata il 4 giugno, contro l'Olanda
Poi la presentazione rossoblù a Genova, al Galata, la tappa al matrimonio della sorella di Fognini e l'arrivo in Sardegna, una settimana fa
Dove Mimmo si concede relax e divertimento, senza dimenticare, però, la cura del fisico, sotto la guida del preparatore atletico Cristiano Venturini
Nel menù di Criscito e soci c'è di tutto. Sedute in palestra, tra attrezzi e tapis roulant, e corsa sul campo, con allunghi, salti e cambi di direzione
Poi, terminato il programma a secco, ogni occasione diventa buona per sfidarsi. E Criscito, a dire il vero, si sta dimostrando in gran forma, abile anche in altre discipline
Pronti via e nei giorni scorsi si è aggiudicato il Gp dei go-kart, davanti a Bocchetti (che è già tornato a Mosca)
Successo celebrato su Instagram con tanto di foto sul podio e mano sul cuore a immortalare il momento magico
Che nemmeno lo sfottò di Balotelli è riuscito a rovinargli: «Neanche col go-kart arrivi sul fondo a crossarmela», la battuta di SuperMario
«Tu vai in mezzo che ti arriva sempre», la risposta di Mimmo. Primo anche nella sfida serale a bowling, dove ha regolato sua moglie Pamela e i Fognini, doppiati nel punteggio
Ma il momento clou, nell'Olimpiade del Forte Village, sono le lezioni di tennis che Fognini e Pennetta impartiscono a Criscito e consorte
A fine allenamento, ci scappa anche la partitella. Il mancino rossoblù (che come braccio preferisce il destro), è ovviamente svantaggiato rispetto al tennista di Arma di Taggia ma compensa con un pizzico di fortuna
La dimostrazione arriva da un filmato postato sui social, con il nastro che gli dà una mano e beffa Fognini
Criscito ci ride su, e se la cava così: «Per me è una grande emozione giocare a tennis con due campioni e anche con due grandi amici
E scusa Fabio per questo punto.». E Fogna, cosa fa? Si diverte. E il fatto che non provi neanche a spaccare la racchetta conferma che sì, lui e Criscito sono davvero amici
"Amici dello sport".
Woman to seek IVF with dead boyfriend's sperm - Duration: 3:49.An Australian woman has been granted permission to impregnate herself with her boyfriend's sperm two years after he died
On Wednesday, the Supreme Court in Brisbane ruled that Ayla Cresswell, 25, can seek IVF treatment using her deceased partner's sperm, ending a two-year legal battle
In August 2016, Cresswell found her partner of three years, Joshua Davies, dead at their home in Toowoomba, Queensland
He had taken his life after a battle with depression.With the support of her in-laws, "within hours of Joshua's death, Ms Cresswell successfully applied for his reproductive tissue and sperm to be extracted and stored", the Brisbane Times reports
Since then, the sperm has been kept in storage at an IVF facility while Cresswell battled to circumvent legislation which bans the gathering or use of reproductive tissue for IVF without the written consent of the owner
At a hearing last year, Cresswell told the court that the couple "were making plans to get married and start a family before he died", News
com.au reports, and that she had discussed becoming pregnant with her GP a month before Davies' death
The court also heard testimony from the deceased's family and friends, who affirmed Davies' desire to start a family
In her ruling today, Justice Sue Brown said she was satisfied "that it is not contrary to Joshua's wishes if [Cresswell] has a child with his sperm"
"I am also satisfied that Ms Cresswell is acting responsibly and rationally and has taken appropriate steps to ensure that any child that may be conceived is supported and that the extended family will support any child and Ms Cresswell," she said in the judgement
Bill Potts, deputy president of the Queensland Law Society, told the ABC that the ruling was a "landmark decision" with "significant" legal implications for developing medical technologies
"Whilst I'm sure the applicant is overjoyed and she has every right to be, this is an area which is ripe for legislation," he said
"In the last ten years, the technology has developed where a baby can been born literally from a sperm extracted from a dead person
WATCH: Moment Meghan curtsies to the Queen during Buckingham Palace balcony debut - Duration: 3:27.Meghan Markle stunned royal spectators with her Buckingham Palace balcony debut, as she followed royal protocol and curtsied to the Queen, her grandmother-in-law
as the head of the Royal Family arrived back into the palace following her tour inspecting the massed ranks of the troops
commentators Huw Edwards remarked that this was likely "one of those moments" akin to the royal wedding when "you suddenly realise you've arrived"
He noted that Meghan was speaking quite frequently to her husband Prince Harry during her time on the balcony, and suggested she was likely going over royal protocol
The 's royal commentors pointed out that Meghan appeared remarkably confident alongside her new family
The ceremony marked the first joint appearance by Prince Harry and Meghan since returning from their honeymoon two days ago
While Meghan was dressed in pastel pink, her husband Harry was fully-clad in official military uniform
The Duchess of Sussex's dress was by Carolina Herrera and her hat by Philip Treacy
The royal couple stood alongside Prince William and Kate, Princess Beatrice, bride-to-be Eugenie and Sarah Ferguson and Zara Tindall
Husband-and-wife were earlier greeted by the sight of hundreds of Guardsmen lined up on the parade ground The Duke and Duchess married exactly three weeks ago today in the memorable Windsor ceremony
The Queen, 92, travelled to the march without her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh who did not attend after retiring from public duties
She had an eye operation to remove a cataract last month and was spotted wearing sunglasses at recent events
✅ La technique d'Emmanuel Macron et sa femme Brigitte pour échapper aux paparazzi - Duration: 1:56.C'est l'épineuse question que se posent toutes les personnalités publiques : comment faire pour échapper aux paparazzi, surtout en période estivale ? Emmanuel et Brigitte Macron passeront leurs vacances dans le Var, au fort de Brégançon, résidence présidentielle
Pour se baigner tranquillement et éviter les clichés intempestifs, le couple a trouvé la solution : ils installent une piscine dans les jardins du lieu
Ainsi, le président et la Première dame pourront se rafraîchir sans craindre les paparazzi ! Le fort bénéficie d'un accès privatif sur une plage de la mer Méditerranée, mais elle est à portée de vue des photographes et vacanciers de Bormes-les-Mimosas, explique Guillaume Daret dans Le fort de Brégançon, histoires, secrets et coulisses des vacances présidentielles (Editions de l'Observatoire), cité par le Parisien dans un article mercredi 20 juin
« L'absence d'un tel équipement a longtemps été le gros point noir du fort, obligeant les occupants à s'exposer aux paparazzis s'ils souhaitaient se baigner », déplore l'auteur
Emmanuel et Brigitte Macron semblent être de grands amoureux du sud-est de la France. Le couple a passé quelques jours à Marseille l'année passée
Cet été, c'est donc au fort qu'ils prendront le soleil, un lieu chargé de symboles. "Pour Macron, un président en vacances est un président à Brégançon
Il y a chez luicette obsession de s'inscrire dans ces lieux symboliques de la République.Brégançon fait partie de la panoplie présidentielle", explique encore Guillaume Daret dans son livre
Crédits photos : BESTIMAGE
Fat Burn all Week + Q&A ! DAY IN THE LIFE ! How to Lose Weight ? - Duration: 14:38.Hello everyone !
Today is monday
Let's go for the 1st training of the Our Fitness Journey Guide !
Let's go for the first session
it's going to burn !
To access directly to the video of each workout
you just have to click on the link in the pdf
and it sends you to the video !
So let's go !
First circuit
Hello friends, it's been a long time since we vlogged
at least for us it's been a while, but you might have seen our Japan vlogs
There is a lot of others japan vlogs to edit , a lots of you are waiting for them
it takes us a lot of time to edit so I will do one at a time
There is several things that happened, since then, since our trip to Japan
You might have follow this on our social networks, on Instagram. We passed our driving licence !
We find a little car, and we just released our program
A bodyweight program, to do at home
And right now, Clem is starting the 1st day of the program, she's all for it !
I'll show you briefly
So we are super excited and happy, I would love to start the program too
but the only thing is that
I didn't show you but since Japan something silly happened to me
I broke my finger
So it's been a month and a half, almost two months
since I broke my finger
at the gym, foolishly in a seat that closed on my finger
So I keep training at the gym
I changed my workouts
I do this with a strap to compensate for
and I changed some exercises
But then I wanted to start to program, but there is a lot of movements like burpees
or others where you're supposed to have your hands flat on the ground, so I won't be able
I'll try it later, but Clem started it
Some of you started it too, we wish you the best
We are going to move out really soon, so I have to remove something that's been here for years
I show you
It's my beer collection
I have a beer collection, that I brought here six years ago
I was collecting beers, everytime I drunk a beer from a different country I would keep it
So what I'm gonna do today to keep track of these, I am going to take a picture of each one
And then I will throw these away
So let's go
I pulled out the first shelf
I have to take a picture one by one
And you have in the back Clem who's working out
The contrast
So now we are going to to the gym
I am going to show a little shoulders, biceps, triceps workout
with a broken finger
Come with us, let's go
Wait for me I don't have my bag
We just came back from the gym
We are going to have lunch
we wanted a talk a little bit more of the program because we had a lot of questions
we wanted to add some informations
we worked 1 year on this program, Clem spent a year testing, and trying the best exercises, the best circuits..
So it can be the most efficient as possible
First of all, maybe your first question is
How long does the program last ?
The program lasts 12 weeks
it's composed of three workouts a week
and each workout lasts 30min
For example, on monday, you have 3 circuits of 10 min each
and each little circuit is made of 4 exercises that you repeat for 5 rounds
Here it is about the composition of the program
Now in english !
So a question we've been often asked too
regarding the exercises
so first of all, in the pdf, you have all the exercises detailed with little pictures
So for the execution of the movement, everything is explained
and in addition to that
on each circuit, you can click on a link
and the link sends you directly on to the corresponding video
So you don't bother, you click on the link, you have the video
and with this it allows you to have music to motivates you
and the chrono, which is really convenient
and the fact of watching someone doing the workout with you
we focus less on having muscles pain
we are a little bit more distracted, by seeing someone doing the workout too
so time goes faster, and it's get easier
it's more motivating
why does the program is necessarily going to work on you ?
it's because we alternate between periods of intense exercises and rest
In english, maybe you've already heard this term, it's called HIIT
High intensity interval trainings
So you alternate periods of intense exercises with periods of rest
what happen is that your body is burning calories intensively during the workout
But it is still going to burn after
up to 48 hours after the training
so your burn during and you burn again after up to 48 hours
whereas if you are running, you are burning calories for sure
but you are burning during the run
once you're done running, it's over, you're body stops burning
that's why HIIT are really interesting
because you can train like in our program for 30min
so it's doesn't take two hours a day
you burn during the 30min and after up to 48 hours
We choose exercises that are going to make you work a lot !
they are muscular, but they also made your heartbeat up so you can burn a lot of calories
The effect I am talking about, burning calories after the training
it's called.. after effect...
is it after effect or effect after burn ?
No it's the after burn effect !
after effect is a software
it's adobe !
so it's the after burn effect
so in your workout, you have 3 circuits of 10 min each
and in between each circuits, I recommend you to rest for 1min30 to 2min
You breathe, you drink some water
but you start again right after, don't sit or anything because if you do it's gonna be hard
you have to give the best you can
but honestly I did it I was sweating a lot
and I don't easily sweat during my workouts !
So that means your body is chocked
it's true that we didn't share a lot of the inside of the program
you certainly understand why, well .. we are not gonna..
we are not going to tell our secret !
no but.. we won't put this, ok, we don't care
yes, yes I will put it, I put everything of this video
everything you said, even you were scratching your nose, I put it on the edit
you're gross
We tried to do this the easiest we could
you'll see that in the preface of the program
I advice you take a picture of your body before starting the program
and then regularly, every week
because you have to stop
relying on the number on the scale my friends
you can weigh yourself now and then, but don't get crazy with it, don't weigh yourslef every day
the most important I think
you can measure yourself
and you watch the reflect of your body in the mirror, your clothes
you will easily see your progress by watching your body directly and with the pictures you took
you'll see it directly, you take a picture every week, by the end of the week
you'll see the evolution
and at the end of the program you'll see the difference, like crazy
it's important to take picture because after it becomes concrete
so take pictures
even if you don't really like it, it's for yourself
it's for you, so do it
we also told you if you want to send us your pictures
if you want us to share your progress on our social networks
we gave an email address, only if you want to send these
but once again this is for you
what's interesting in this program is that we gave you enough informations
so you can be independent
so you can be independent
and that you can keep
learning by yourself, the program is so varied
that after the 12 weeks, you can continue
there is also a little nutrition section
because we know that for having progress you have to train
but you also have to adapt your food and care for the amount of calories you're eating
we explained you everything,
I made you a section about nutrition
maybe there will be a next pdf about nutrition
that would be really more complete
so tell us in the comments if you would be interested in having, not a program, but
a really complete pdf about nutrition
with recipes, ideas, examples
we could give the amount of calories per recipe etc
I hope we told you the essential of the program
obviously if you have any question
for those who buy the program too
if you questions day by day, you can ask us on instagram
or even below this video
don't hesitate, no question is silly so don't worry
you ask and we'll answer
So here it is
I think we told the essential
don't hesitate of sending messages on instagram
we answer easily, we are pretty accessible
and if you want to get your program
the link is in the description box
spread the word around you,
we opened a facebook group, there is already a few people who started training
everyday people are asking us how we get motivated etc
but I think that when you start working out
and you plan to do it 3 days a week
you just have to tell you that it's a part of you schedule
it's like when you have to do your gocery shopping, you have to do it, so you do it
it's the same with working out
at first maybe it's going to be hard to do it every time
better this than eating chips in front on the tv all the time
it's also cool, it's nice, we like it, sometimes
the fact to put this in your daily schedule
at the end you don't even need motivation
it's one of your daily activities
and you do it, and once you get that after every workout you feel so good
because the endorphins of the after workout
honestly you don't even need motivation in fact
we are going to end our lunch
and I hope you enjoyed this video
I don't if there is something after this clip
you'll see !
I hope you enjoyed this video
we are certainly going to post some Japan vlog
because it was awesome
you need to see this
you only saw 1/20th of everything we filmed there
we really filmed everything there
everything we did, everything we discovered, everything we ate
we would love to share this trip with you
let us know if you are waiting for these
if you like the Japan vlogs
See you next week
and don't forget to like the video
check the link down below
to get your program
Tumsa Dekha Nahi | Official | Video Song | Millinium People | 2018 - Duration: 4:34.Teri ankho si kashish is Jahan me nahi Teri baton sa asar to suna hi nahi,
Tu chale to parinde par bichha de sabhi Jo ruke to zamana dekh thehre wahi,
K tumsa dekha nahi Ha tumsa dekha nahi
K tumsa dekha nahi Ha tumsa dekha nahi
Yara tujhsa humsafar is Jahan me nahi Saath chahu umr bhar aur kuch bhi nahi,
Tu hase to ye mausam rang badle Kai Jo khafa ho to ho shaam jaise ruthi koi,
K tumsa dekha nahi Ha tumsa dekha nahi
K tumsa dekha nahi Ha tumsa dekha nahi
Yara tujhsa humzabaan is Jahan me nahi Dil Jo chahe Teri zubaan hai kehti wahi,
Tere zulfon k saye me Dil ko rahat mili Jiski chahat thi Zindagi bhar wo chahat mili
K tumsa dekha nahi Ha tumsa dekha nahi
K tumsa dekha nahi Ha tumsa dekha nahi
Teri ankho si kashish is Jahan me nahi Teri baton sa asar to suna hi nahi,
Tu chale to parinde par bichha de sabhi Jo ruke to zamana dekh thehre wahi,
K tumsa dekha nahi Ha tumsa dekha nahi
K tumsa dekha nahi Ha tumsa dekha nahi
Le luxe de Meghan Markle à Royal Ascot - Duration: 1:47. For more infomation >> Le luxe de Meghan Markle à Royal Ascot - Duration: 1:47.-------------------------------------------
C O U N T R Y R O A D S.wav.mp3.avi (NOW IN 4K!!!!!!) (ALSO WEAR HEADPHONES AND TURN THEM DOWN) - Duration: 0:57.Almost heaven,
West Virginia
Blue ridge mountains,
I-can't-spell-this riverrrrrr
Life is old there, older than the trees
Younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze
To the plaaaace,
M O U N T A I N M O M M A,
Take me home, Country roads
Qui Prince William et Kate Middleton choisit comme parrains et marraines pour Prince Louis ? - Duration: 2:04. For more infomation >> Qui Prince William et Kate Middleton choisit comme parrains et marraines pour Prince Louis ? - Duration: 2:04.-------------------------------------------
🔴 - KnS - FREESTYLE PAWG -freestyle rap - Duration: 2:53. For more infomation >> 🔴 - KnS - FREESTYLE PAWG -freestyle rap - Duration: 2:53.-------------------------------------------
✅ Laeticia Hallyday : endeuillée, la veuve de Johnny peut compter sur le soutien indéfectible d'un a - Duration: 2:26.C'est un mois de juin particulièrement éprouvant pour Laeticia Hallyday, qui a dû affronter deux bien tristes anniversaires : les six mois de la disparition de Johnny (le 6 juin) et ses 75 ans (le 15 juin)
Heureusement, celle qui s'est fait huer lors de l'hommage rendu au Taulier par ses fans à la Madeleine, a reçu la visite de quelques amis
La petite troupe a ainsi passé un moment de détente à Palm Springs pour changer les idées de la veuve
Mais malgré tout son chagrin et la bataille judiciaire qui l'oppose aux aînés du Taulier, Laeticia n'en oublie pas d'être là pour ses proches
Récemment, elle a ainsi fait parvenir à Michel Klein une carte postale, lui souhaitant bonne chance pour la présentation de sa collection Mimi Liberté, dans le cadre de la Fashion Week
Très touché, le styliste de 60 ans a tenu à la remercier haut et fort via Instagram
L'homme a ainsi posté une jolie photo de la maman de Jade et Joy sur laquelle elle apparaît tout sourire, lunettes de soleil aviateur vissées sur le nez
Mais ce qui a particulièrement attiré l'attention des internautes, c'est la jolie déclaration que le créateur lui a faite
"Je suis très chanceux d'avoir des amis formidables autour de moi comme Laeticia, la personne la plus présente et chère à mon cœur", a-t-il précisé dans son post
Et de terminer : "Laeticia Hallyday, les amis sont le cadeau le plus important pour moi"
Un message qui devrait réconforter la jeune femme. Crédits photos : Agence / Bestimage
Не везет на больших, повезет на мелких - World of Tanks: Blitz - #9 - Duration: 28:10. For more infomation >> Не везет на больших, повезет на мелких - World of Tanks: Blitz - #9 - Duration: 28:10.-------------------------------------------
Pourquoi Meghan Markle et le prince Harry n'ont pas été MIA de la Royal Ascot - Duration: 2:23. For more infomation >> Pourquoi Meghan Markle et le prince Harry n'ont pas été MIA de la Royal Ascot - Duration: 2:23.-------------------------------------------
AUSTRALIA | Vlog 139 - Pushing North | Episode 2 - Duration: 6:15. For more infomation >> AUSTRALIA | Vlog 139 - Pushing North | Episode 2 - Duration: 6:15.-------------------------------------------
개그맨, 이경규 부인 강경희 이혼 루머? 진실은 무엇인가? 딸 이예림 근황! - Duration: 3:58. For more infomation >> 개그맨, 이경규 부인 강경희 이혼 루머? 진실은 무엇인가? 딸 이예림 근황! - Duration: 3:58.-------------------------------------------
Stop Worrying About Your Competition and Start Concentrating On Your Message - Duration: 3:00.If you find yourself worrying about your competition then stay tuned because I've got some good
news and some bad news for you.
Okay so, traditionally when we talk about our competition we automatically start to
think about all those businesses that are similar to us.
All those businesses that offer similar services or products.
But as Don Cooper says in his quote that, "Your competition is EVERYTHING your prospect
could conceivably spend their money on." and I'd like to take it a little bit further and
say that your competition is also time.
So, it's not only money, it's time.
We live in a very busy world and people just don't want to slow down.
Okay, so when we look at our competition, the bad news is that it's probably bigger
than what you think because you're not just competing against other massage therapists,
or homeopaths, naturopaths, acupuncturists.
You're not only just competing against that.
You're not only competing against the conventional medical model.
You're competing against everything that your prospective client can conceivably spend their
money or spend their time doing.
So, what are you going to do?
Are you going to freak out even more, saying "How on earth can I possibly compete with
all of that?
I've found it hard enough to compete with my perceived competition.
I've found it hard enough to compete with all the other therapists and wellness professionals
in my area and now you're telling me that I've got to compete with all this?"
Well, the answer comes down to your message.
The answer comes down to identifying the pain, the frustrations, the problems that your prospects
feel and encounter on a daily basis.
To bring those pain and sufferings to the surface because a lot of people aren't going
to go looking for a solution unless they know they've got a problem.
And humans being humans, we often delete that from our memories.
We push that to the side and it's not front and foremost on our mind.
Okay, so in our messaging, we've got to bring those pains, those frustrations, that suffering
to the forefront.
Make people remember that they've got this problem and then you turn around and you show
them how you have the solution, how you can help them.
Talk about the benefits.
There are ways, okay, and when it comes to your messaging, if you do this properly your
competition will melt away.
Not only competition as far as the businesses who offer similar or the same services as
you but also the competition for your prospect's dollar and your prospect's time, but more
on that later.
Anyway, you know why I'm doing this.
My name's Tim Cooper and I want to help you build the business of your dreams.
Success looks different to everybody, I just want you to build the business of your dreams.
I want to help you go out there and educate the public.
Let them know what we can do from them.
We want to disrupt healthcare, we want to turn it on its head.
We want to make what we do the primary source of healthcare.
Be preventative not reactive, and together we can change the world.
La vraie raison pourquoi le William et Kate ont choisi de baptiser le Prince Louis le 9 juillet. - Duration: 1:43. For more infomation >> La vraie raison pourquoi le William et Kate ont choisi de baptiser le Prince Louis le 9 juillet. - Duration: 1:43.-------------------------------------------
J'ai voulu le faire - AD - Duration: 2:35. For more infomation >> J'ai voulu le faire - AD - Duration: 2:35.-------------------------------------------
💪 BRING SALLY UP GAINAGE (planche) - RELEVE LE DEFI avec moi ! - Duration: 6:34. For more infomation >> 💪 BRING SALLY UP GAINAGE (planche) - RELEVE LE DEFI avec moi ! - Duration: 6:34.-------------------------------------------
IRAN vs PORTOGALLO - Confronto Militare - 2018 (CALCIO) - Duration: 3:16.Military Power Comparison
Iran vs Portugal
Military Ranking
FIFA Ranking
Defense Budget
Total Population
Active Military Personnel
Nuclear Weapon
Armored Fighting Vehicles
Multiple Rocket Launchers
Self-Propelled Artillery
Towed Artillery
Attack Aircraft
Transport Aircraft
Trainer Aircraft
Attack Helicopters
Air force
Aircraft Carriers
Patrol Boats
MYC - GREY - Duration: 4:05.Don't Forget To Like, Comment, and Subscribe
For More Interesting Music Check My Channel
Cristiano Ronaldo to Man Utd: Portuguese star determined to leave Real Madrid - reports - Duration: 3:30.That's the suggestion of the Manchester Evening News. They say that Ronaldo is thought to have made his mind up that he intends to leave the Bernabeu following nine seasons in the Spanish capital
Ronaldo declared after the Champions League final that it was "very nice" to have been in Madrid, speaking in the past tense which inferred that his spell with Los Blancos had come to an end
Days later, the Portuguese star insisted that he did not regret his comments and that an update on his long-term future would be imminent
The 33-year-old indicated that "in a week" he would say more but nearly a month on, he has yet to reveal his plans
But the MEN's latest update says that Ronaldo is keen to leave Real Madrid, following four Champions League wins in five years and three in a row, and crucially for United fans - remain in Europe
Although there would likely be lucrative offers on the table from China, the former United fans' favourite is keen to play in England again or move to France or Italy
The MEN say that the Red Devils' chief executive Ed Woodward has long been keen on bringing Ronaldo back to Old Trafford having deemed it a mistake that his £85million departure was ever allowed
Ronaldo has repeatedly been linked with a United return, sometimes using such speculation as a deliberate ploy to force Real Madrid to improve their contract offer
The La Liga giants are said to be in talks with Ronaldo over a new deal with the forward at the moment
Ronaldo, who has starred at the World Cup for Portugal with four goals in two games, including a hat-trick against Spain, is reportedly demanding to be paid similar wages to Ballon d'Or rivals Lionel Messi and Neymar
United would have to sanction huge wages and a massive transfer fee to sign Ronaldo and while they have the funds - that would damage Jose Mourinho's hopes of strengthening across the squad, the MEN say
Ronaldo's own mother recently declared that, amid links to Paris Saint-Germain to join forces with former Barcelona ace Neymar, she would prefer Ronaldo to move back to Manchester
She said to French TV: "I like Paris. I come every now and again. "Convince Cristiano to sign for PSG? To be honest, it wouldn't annoy me [if he did], but I would prefer him to return to Manchester United
" United have made two signings so far this summer in Fred and Diogo Dalot. Mourinho is also said to want a new first-choice centre-back and has been linked with several left-backs
✅ La technique d'Emmanuel Macron et sa femme Brigitte pour échapper aux paparazzi - Duration: 1:56.C'est l'épineuse question que se posent toutes les personnalités publiques : comment faire pour échapper aux paparazzi, surtout en période estivale ? Emmanuel et Brigitte Macron passeront leurs vacances dans le Var, au fort de Brégançon, résidence présidentielle
Pour se baigner tranquillement et éviter les clichés intempestifs, le couple a trouvé la solution : ils installent une piscine dans les jardins du lieu
Ainsi, le président et la Première dame pourront se rafraîchir sans craindre les paparazzi ! Le fort bénéficie d'un accès privatif sur une plage de la mer Méditerranée, mais elle est à portée de vue des photographes et vacanciers de Bormes-les-Mimosas, explique Guillaume Daret dans Le fort de Brégançon, histoires, secrets et coulisses des vacances présidentielles (Editions de l'Observatoire), cité par le Parisien dans un article mercredi 20 juin
« L'absence d'un tel équipement a longtemps été le gros point noir du fort, obligeant les occupants à s'exposer aux paparazzis s'ils souhaitaient se baigner », déplore l'auteur
Emmanuel et Brigitte Macron semblent être de grands amoureux du sud-est de la France. Le couple a passé quelques jours à Marseille l'année passée
Cet été, c'est donc au fort qu'ils prendront le soleil, un lieu chargé de symboles. "Pour Macron, un président en vacances est un président à Brégançon
Il y a chez luicette obsession de s'inscrire dans ces lieux symboliques de la République.Brégançon fait partie de la panoplie présidentielle", explique encore Guillaume Daret dans son livre
Crédits photos : BESTIMAGE
Des vacanciers découvrent une énorme dent sur une plage américaine - Duration: 2:05. For more infomation >> Des vacanciers découvrent une énorme dent sur une plage américaine - Duration: 2:05.-------------------------------------------
How I Make Money Online For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online-------------------------------------------
「車世界-Review」 | レクサス 新型 RC F / GS F 「F」10周年特別仕様車 2018年2月1日受付発売開始 - Duration: 6:35. For more infomation >> 「車世界-Review」 | レクサス 新型 RC F / GS F 「F」10周年特別仕様車 2018年2月1日受付発売開始 - Duration: 6:35.-------------------------------------------
Lexus RC 300h F SPORT Line / Schuif-kanteldak / Mark Levinson - Duration: 1:07. For more infomation >> Lexus RC 300h F SPORT Line / Schuif-kanteldak / Mark Levinson - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
What basic tools do we need to fix a bicycle - Duration: 4:51.Would you like to have your own workshop at home?
Surely many of you have proposed to have at home a small
workshop for maintenance of your bike. In this video we are going to
count the basic tools that you must have at home to be able to have
your bike always ready. But before starting to relate the
tools; an advice, prepare a box to put them, and also
have them organized, if you are traveling you can easily carry them in the car
with you. Our first advice is have a Workshop Colt like this
Mighty. We've already talked about him in other videos. It is foldable, lightweight, and with a
very affordable price. The comfort of work with the bike: with or without a colt
tremendous. Tools! Well, the first thing would be a
flat screwdriver and one of star a complete set of allen keys
1.5 to 10: with them we can adjust the Most of the screws on our bike,
from those on the seatpost to the automatic pedals. Depending on the
bike will also be combined with screws Torx, so another set of keys
Torx is essential if your bike you need, the most usual measures are
of 15, 20 and 25, but check your bike because you may need other measures.
Although the most advisable to tighten without a doubt it is: to have a torque wrench
how is this Mighty with us we will make sure to give the tightening torque
correct to our screws, and thus prolong their useful life. Do not get lost
the video that we have exclusively by clicking here.
Also having this key, it's coming included a set of tips
interchangeable allen from 3 to 10 and Torx 20, 25 and 30. Another tool
indispensable in the workshop is a tronchachadenas with spare parts of pins and links.
It is very common to fix or make the change
of the chain at home, in this case We recommend this Topeak, which is very
comfortable and also incorporates this tool to relieve tension in the chain and power
unite it without any problem. A pliers to open and close the
Quick links effectively too it's advisable. A meter
Chain wear is highly recommended because that way we can know when
we must change the chain without us has worn the cassette, which is a
much more expensive than the chain and the meter itself together. Other accessory
basic in any workshop are the pumps, and we advise you to always have
one standing and another special one for suspensions. Do not forget to see all the
options that we have in our web.
Cutting pliers like this one superb
It will be very useful to cut cleanly the cables and the covers and also, os
It will also allow to place the terminals to prevent cables from fraying.
Transmission is an essential part of the bike and the one that requires the most care.
A chain cleaner with its Degreaser will allow you to clean the chain
in a minute, without messing anything up! with what that you will do it much more often and the
life of the chain and transmission are It will lengthen a lot. And to dismantle the
cassette, not just to replace it, but to clean and grease the core is
essential that you have: an extractor of cassette, a wrench and a
chain wrench. A spoke key will also be
needed to tighten or replace radios loose or broken, or to center the wheel.
Keep in mind that there are different types and measurements so you have to choose the
correct If you need to hit something, Apart from doing it with care, make sure you
to do it with a hammer prepared so as not to spoil anything, like this one
of Park Tool, with one of the heads covered by nylon, they are also
replaceable so when you wear the leader you can put a
new. And other tools and supplements to complete your
basic workshop or toolbox for the bike are for example: a game of
removable, patches, scissors, a cutter, flanges,
replacement screws that are of the measures that you have on your bike, a
brake and shift cable if not yet you have discs; and very interesting: a
brake pads set in case not we have been cautious and we realize
that are worn out the night before to leave, and of course: grease and lubricants
And nothing else, if it has been interesting and you have learned something
we always appreciate the "like" that it loads us a lot! And we
we say goodbye like a smile like almost always, he says: - Honey ... and if we had a son
And says: - I do not think sky ... I would remember! Thanks for listening and we are waiting for you
in the next video!
AUSTRALIA | Vlog 139 - Pushing North | Episode 2 - Duration: 6:15. For more infomation >> AUSTRALIA | Vlog 139 - Pushing North | Episode 2 - Duration: 6:15.-------------------------------------------
대한민국, 멕시코에 1-2 패 '16강 실낱 희망'… 손흥민 만회골로 영패 모면 - Duration: 4:54. For more infomation >> 대한민국, 멕시코에 1-2 패 '16강 실낱 희망'… 손흥민 만회골로 영패 모면 - Duration: 4:54.-------------------------------------------
대한민국과 멕시코 경기의 광화문광장 거리응원에 오마이걸 미미가 무대를 선사하고 있다 - Duration: 3:37. For more infomation >> 대한민국과 멕시코 경기의 광화문광장 거리응원에 오마이걸 미미가 무대를 선사하고 있다 - Duration: 3:37.-------------------------------------------
박주호,'벤치서 대한민국 응원 합니다' - Duration: 2:03. For more infomation >> 박주호,'벤치서 대한민국 응원 합니다' - Duration: 2:03.-------------------------------------------
한국이 꿈꿧던 항공모함 도입이 불가능한 결정적 이유에 대해서 알아볼까합니다 - Duration: 6:39. For more infomation >> 한국이 꿈꿧던 항공모함 도입이 불가능한 결정적 이유에 대해서 알아볼까합니다 - Duration: 6:39.-------------------------------------------
Σταματίνα Τσιμτσιλή: Δείτε πώς πέρασε το απόγευμα του Σαββάτου με τις κόρες της| Kids | fthis.gr - Duration: 1:09.Στην παραλία βρέθηκε η Σταματίνα Τσιμτσιλή με τις κορούλες της το απόγευμα του Σαββάτου
Η παρουσιάστρια του Happy Day, μπορεί να μην βούτηξε λόγω της ξαφνικής αλλαγής του καιρού, δεν έχασε ωστόσο την ευκαιρία να περάσει τον ελεύθερο χρόνο της παρέα με τις μικρές της
Η Νάγια και η Μαίρη, αυτή την περίοδο είναι ξετρελαμένες με τον αδερφό τους. Ο ερχομός του τρίτου παιδιού, πολλαπλασίασε την ευτυχία της παρουσιάστριας και του Θέμη Σοφού, ενώ αύξησε τις υποχρεώσεις τους, μιας και με τρία παιδιά στο σπίτι, το πρόγραμμα τους μόνο εύκολο δεν μπορεί θα θεωρεί
Δείτε τη φωτογραφία που δημοσίευσε η Σταματίνα Τσιμτσιλή στο Instagram.
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