Saturday, June 2, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 3 2018

a bonsai tree creating yourself in this video

i will show the progression of this young plant

first step

start to clean out the tree

removing dead things


remove unwanted leaves and branches

after cleaning


pruning the tree

before pruning your tree

decide on what shape you intend to create

once you have decided which branches should be removed

observe your tree and decide which branches do not fit the desired design


will need to be removed

prune slowly working your way up the tree

start with freeing up the trunk of it

if you are pruning big or large tree

when pruning larger branches you need a concave cutter

it's a young plant so there is no large branches

after pruning the larger branches

focus on smaller branches until you are satisfied with the result

pruning leaves

leaves that have grown out of shape

using a twin shear we prune long shoots

slowly hold the branches and prune the leaves

prune branches and leaves that do not fit the desired design

after pruning your tree

next shaping the tree

start to wiring the tree

selecting the proper thickness of wire

In this tree I selected a 3mm thickness wire

wrap the wire around the trunk

branch wiring

i selected a 2mm wire to wiring the branches


wrap the wire neatly in line with the previously applied 3mm wire

the side branch, you can wire the smaller branch growing to the right with a 1mm wire

when multiple wires are applied at the same part of the trunk or branch

try to put them neatly in line

and continue wiring the branch

after wiring

bending the wired branches

after having wired the entire tree

you can start bending and repositioning the branches

use your hands to hold the outside of the branch with your fingers


bend the branch from the inside of the curve with your thumbs

this way you reduce the risk of splitting branches

by spreading the force around the outside of the branch

when a branch is in position stop moving it

as repeated bending will likely damage the branch

bend straight sections of branches slightly to make these look more natural

after wiring your tree

potting in bonsai pot

preparing to pot the tree

first remove the old soil with a tool

do not put in water to remove the soil

use a tool to remove the soil carefully

you can also use a chopstick to remove soil

starting on the sides and bottom of the tree

avoid damaging roots in the process

after removing the soil next prune the roots

cut away any roots that have grown too long

do not prune more than 40% of all roots

the tree is now ready to replace in the pot

select a small size bonsai pot

covering the drainage holes with mesh

add a thin layer of heavy grain soil first

next add another thin layer of bonsai soil

place the tree in the pot

and then

add bonsai soil around the tree

remove air pockets in the soil


fill all the air pockets around the root system

use a small stick or chopstick to fill the air pockets

after adding soil

on the top layer add the small stones

this will help to keep the soil moisture

finally water the tree thoroughly

place the tree in the shade and fertilize

For more infomation >> How to create a Bonsai tree at Home | Bonsai Trees for Beginners | Do It Yourself //GREEN PLANTS - Duration: 11:34.


ฝอยทองใบเตย | FoodTravel ทำขนมไทย - Duration: 9:56.

Pandan Gold Threads

Pandan Gold Threads

Eggs 12 , Duck eggs 3

Pandan 4-5

Sugar 2 ½ cup

Water 1 ½ cup

Jasmine flavor 1/2 tsp


Duck eggs





Jasmine flavor


For more infomation >> ฝอยทองใบเตย | FoodTravel ทำขนมไทย - Duration: 9:56.


임성민 남편 마이클 엉거 - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> 임성민 남편 마이클 엉거 - Duration: 4:59.


Bigbang與少女時代:太陽Yuri相過親,G-Dragon想和允兒去無人島 - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> Bigbang與少女時代:太陽Yuri相過親,G-Dragon想和允兒去無人島 - Duration: 5:45.


판검사도 이제 '스폰서'로 사는 세상인가 - Duration: 7:04.

For more infomation >> 판검사도 이제 '스폰서'로 사는 세상인가 - Duration: 7:04.


사면됐으니 퇴직연금 돌려달라고 한 변양균은 누구? - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> 사면됐으니 퇴직연금 돌려달라고 한 변양균은 누구? - Duration: 5:14.


Belgium handed massive injury blow as Vincent Kompany looks set to miss World Cup with groin injury - Duration: 3:24.

Belgium handed massive injury blow as Vincent Kompany looks set to miss World Cup with groin injury

Belgium boss Roberto Martinez faces an anxious wait on Vincent Kompany's fitness after the defender picked up a groin injury in Saturday's goalless stalemate with Portugal.

The injury-prone Manchester City skipper was subbed off 10 minutes into the second half after over-stretching for a challenge before telling Martinez he felt 'discomfort' in the friendly encounter at the King Baudouin Stadium.

Martinez, who will name his final 23-man squad he will be taking to the World Cup on Tuesday, will now wait until Monday before deciding whether Kompany will be one of the names who will be on the plane to Russia.

Speaking after the game Roberto Martinez said: 'With Vinnie we will need to assess him tomorrow [on Sunday].

He felt his groin slightly.

Tomorrow he will have a scan and we will need to wait 48 hours. .

'We need to let it settle down and then see.

It is one of those blows nobody deserves.

Since day one he has worked at an incredible level.

He has tried to drive the team forward and taken responsibility. .

'It has been a joy and you wouldn't want to break that.

When he came off we were all very much worried, particularly because it is so close to naming the final squad. .

'We need to remain neutral in our judgement.

He told me he felt discomfort and he knows his body well.

He knows when something is not right.

We will name the squad on June 4.'.

Martinez's men were whistled by their own fans after their sluggish performance on Saturday evening.

The Red Devils face Egypt and Costa Rica in friendlies before the World Cup gets underway in two weeks time.

For more infomation >> Belgium handed massive injury blow as Vincent Kompany looks set to miss World Cup with groin injury - Duration: 3:24.


ฝอยทองใบเตย Pandan Gold Threads | 1 Minute Cooking - Duration: 3:32.

Pandan Gold Threads

Eggs 12

Duck eggs 3

Albumen 40 g

Albumen 40 g

Pandan 4-5

Water 1 ½ cup

Sugar 2 ½ cup

Jasmine flavor 1/2 tsp

Pandan 4-5

Bring to the Boil

For more infomation >> ฝอยทองใบเตย Pandan Gold Threads | 1 Minute Cooking - Duration: 3:32.


Greve dos caminhoneiros: donos de postos dizem não poder reduzir lucro - Duration: 5:57.

Em meio aos protestos de caminhoneiros devido à alta dos preços dos combustíveis e às tentativas do governo de mitigar o problema, o presidente da Federação Nacional do Comércio de Combustíveis e Lubrificantes (Fecombustíveis), Paulo Miranda, afirmou que não há "a menor chance" de reduzir a margem de lucro mantida pelos postos de gasolina

O valor representa atualmente cerca de 12% do valor final. De acordo com a entidade, a diminuição nos preços nos últimos dois dias nas refinarias e o anúncio do governo de retirar a Contribuição de Intervenção no Domínio Econômico (Cide) sobre o diesel não devem gerar grande impacto no valor cobrado nas bombas

O órgão participa nesta quarta-feira (23/5) de uma audiência pública a respeito do tema na Comissão de Minas e Energia da Câmara dos Deputados

Mais sobre o assunto Em meio à polêmica do preço, litro da gasolina chega a R$ 4,78 no DF Brasiliense faz fila por gasolina a R$ 2,98 em protesto contra imposto Governo e Congresso fecham acordo para reduzir preço de combustíveis "O setor vive hoje uma crise absoluta

A distribuição teve um aumento maior do que conseguimos passar para o consumidor nos postos de gasolina

Não há a menor chance de desprender mais a margem do jeito que está", declarou Miranda

 Segundo a federação, do ano passado para cá, a Petrobras realizou 114 aumentos com média de 1,28% e 88 reduções com média de 1,19%

A estatal controla hoje o monopólio do refino de petróleo no Brasil. Desde julho de 2017, a empresa adotou uma nova política de preços

Com o método, os valores dos combustíveis são reajustados diariamente com base no custo do barril do petróleo e nas variações cambiais

Representante da Petrobras na audiência, Flávio Santos afirmou que a estatal tem "pouca margem de manobra" sobre o preço final da gasolina repassado aos consumidores

"Se você encher o seu tanque com R$ 300, a Petrobras só recebe R$ 96 desse total", explicou

Alta dos preços A gasolina é alvo de sucessivas subidas de preço desde dezembro de 2017

De lá para cá, o aumento já chegou a um acumulado de 3,85%, segundo a Petrobras. Os reajustes são resultado de uma nova política adotada pela estatal em julho do ano passado

Com o pico no valor do dólar e do valor do barril do petróleo, os valores dos combustíveis dispararam

 No Distrito Federal, a média do preço cobrado pelo litro da gasolina é de R$ 4,24, conforme dados mais recentes da Agência Nacional de Petróleo (ANP)

O valor é 173% mais caro do que quando o derivado do petróleo sai da refinaria, a R$ 1,55

Protestos O aumento dos preços provocou uma série de protestos de caminhoneiros desde o início da semana em pelo menos 22 estados

 Entre eles, Bahia; Espírito Santo; Goiás; Maranhão; Mato Grosso; Mato Grosso do Sul; Minas Gerais; Pará; Paraíba; Pernambuco; Rio de Janeiro; Rio Grande do Sul; Rondônia; Santa Catarina; São Paulo; Sergipe e Tocantins

 A manifestação segue nesta quarta-feira (23). Caminhoneiros protestam contra a alta dos preços dos combustíveis desde o início da semana   No Distrito Federal, eles se concentram no Entorno, onde estão com caminhões parados

Conforme informou o Sindicato do Comércio Atacadista do DF (Sindiatacadista-DF), pelo menos 10 empresários do DF enfrentaram problemas nessa terça (22) decorrentes da paralisação

 De acordo com relatos, alguns carregamentos não chegaram da indústria e mercadorias não alcançaram clientes do comércio varejista


For more infomation >> Greve dos caminhoneiros: donos de postos dizem não poder reduzir lucro - Duration: 5:57.


Two new priests ordained on Saturday - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Two new priests ordained on Saturday - Duration: 0:31.


How to do metric conversions | Basic | SUPER EASY way to remember SI Prefixes – Dr K - Duration: 7:36.

in this video we're going to go through how to do metric conversion involving

one prefix like picosecond going to second, meter going to megameter,

centimeter cube going to meter cube, just to name a few.

I'm going to share with you a foolproof method and tips to make sure you'll be

able to do the conversion successfully. Let's get to know some of the common

SI prefixes. I've included 12 of them from tera all the way to pico.

Depending on your school, you might need to memorize them. Tera, giga, mega,

all the way to pico, those are the names of the prefixes and the numbers are the

value for each of the prefixes. For example, 10 to the power of 12 that is

the value for tera. 10 to the power of 9 for giga and so on and so forth.

I've also included in base which has a value of 10 to the power of 0 which is the

same as 1. Sometimes when you see prefixes being used they are abbreviated

like this. Like capital T to represent tera, small letter d to represent deci.

So how do we use prefix and base? Let's take kilometer for example. That's a unit

for distance, so meter in this case is the base unit. k which stands for kilo

is the prefix. To make life easy I came out with a mnemonic to help you remember

all the 12 prefixes. That should help you remember the name of the prefixes in the correct order.

The great man King Henry's daughter, Beth, drinks cold milk until nine pm.

I've worked off from the abbreviation

for each of the prefixes starting from tera all the way to pico.

As for the numbers on the exponent we will start off with 0 for base and then 1 2 3 6 9 12

on each side.The difference between the left side and the right side on the

deci centi milli all the way to pico, there's negative sign in front, so if you

remember, The great man King Henry's daughter, Beth, drinks cold milk until nine pm

and then you go from 0 1 2 3 6 9 12 .

Do that on both sides and then make sure you put in the negative sign for the right-hand

side which is deci all the way to pico and you'll successfully memorize

all 12 SI prefixes. Hope this helps. Now that we know our prefixes let's proceed

to the metric conversion. I went through a foolproof method of unit conversion in

a video I've posted. The link is on the top right corner and in the description

box below. Do check it out if you haven't seen it so we're going to proceed using

this method and so let's start with our first example. Question is asking us to

convert 936 picosecond to second. If you recall from our SI prefixes, the value

for pico which is p it's 10 to the power of negative 12 so what this means is,

1 picosecond is 10 to the negative 12 s. Second is the base unit in this case.

Pico is the prefix so we're trying to convert picosecond to second. Now that

we know the conversion factor we can easily convert. Start with what is given

which is 936 picosecond. Multiply, draw a line across place the unit that you want

to get rid of at the bottom which is picosecond and then place the unit that

you want which is second on the top. Pico second will cancel each other off and

then after that we place in the values from our conversion factor. We have one

in front of picosecond 10 to the negative 12 in front of s, so we do the

math 936 times 10 to the power of negative 12 divided by 1 that will give

us 9.36 times 10 to the power of negative 10 seconds.

Let's try on another example. Convert 25 meter to megameter.

So the question is asking us to convert from meter to megameter. Again from the

prefix table mega the value is 10 to the power of 6 so what this means is

1 megameter is 10 to the power of 6 meter. Meter is the base unit in this case, so,

start with what we have which is 25 meter multiply draw a line across, put

meter at the bottom and megameter on the top because we want to cancel off

the meter giving us megameter and then we place in the values in front of the units.

1 in front of megameter, 10 to the power of 6 in front of meter so that

gives us 25 times 1/10 to the power of 6. If you punch it in your calculator or if

you can do mental math that will give us 2.5 times 10 to the power of

negative 5 mega meter. Moving on to our third and final example, it's slightly

more difficult than the last two that we've tried. So this question is asking

us to convert 25 meter cube to mega meter cube. The previous example we were

asked to convert from 25 meter to megameter. Do you see the difference?

Do you think we're going to get the same answer like the last one which is 2.5 times 10

to the power of negative 5 except for the unit now we'll be mega meter cube?

Well, stay tuned and we're gonna go through the calculation. Let's start with

the prefix mega. Mega is 10 to the 6 so 1 megameter is 10 to the 6 meter, then we

start with what's given which is 25 meter cube and then we multiply draw a

line across and then we place meter at the bottom and megameter at the top

because we want to try and cancel off the meter so we place the meter at the

bottom and we place in the values for the conversion factors so far is the same

steps as the previous example but now notice that the unit for 25 is meter cube.

So that means we need to cube everything as well so that meter cube

will cancel off meter cube like this. So, let's simplify now, we have 25 times 1

divided by 10 to the power of 18 because we cube the exponent 10 to the 6

so 6 x 3 gives us 18 and then the meter cube can now cancel off each other and

we do the math we get 2.5 times 10 to the power of negative 17 megameter cube.

That is definitely not the same as the answer that we got from the previous

example this kind of conversion that involves cube or square a lot of people

make mistakes when trying to solve this because they

miss out that cube part. So when you perform calculations that has cube or

square, please make sure after you've placed in the conversion factor.

Make sure you cube it or you square whichever that's appropriate. So we went through

three examples together. Why don't you try one out on your own?

Try converting 0.028 nanometer to meter. I'll place the answer in the description box below.

Thanks for watching, I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> How to do metric conversions | Basic | SUPER EASY way to remember SI Prefixes – Dr K - Duration: 7:36.


Peter trips and hurts his knee and cries the best cry ever - Duration: 0:13.




For more infomation >> Peter trips and hurts his knee and cries the best cry ever - Duration: 0:13.


[REACTION] Ladki Badi Anjani Hai+Yeh Ladka Hai Allah-Bollywood Music Videos - Duration: 18:08.

Welcome to a new reaction video today we watched two older Bollywood music videos If you liked it, don't forget to like, subscribe and feel free to comment

Namaste Guys

Welcome to a new video

my siblings and me

i am helin

My name is mira

and i am Kübra

We will watch two bollywood songs

The first one is ladki badi anjani hai

from the movie kuch kuch hota hai

and the other one is Yeh ladka hai allah from K3G

Lets start with the first Video


Ah, you meant that song

I know this song

i like this song



There is Rahuls child

I love Rahul

i love this movie

really? -yeah

Are they in this summer camp?


they have played basketball

and she lost against him

it will come later

oh no, it was before

that song is after that basketball game

now is anjali so beautiful

Her dress is so beautiful

yes its so beautiful

who is the grandmother

rahul's mother


she is no grandmother

-she is -there is the grandmother

whats the name of the girl?


oh my god, her name is anjali, too?

fishing fish

the little boy can do everything

- Its cold - yes

Rahul will be ill

Rahul is freezing

because of Anjali, she should wear warm clothes

now, she is wearing a black dress

-this is beautiful -this is the most beautiful dress

Kajol and Shahrukh Khan are fitting very well together

they are the dream couple of bollywood

my heart is melting

-Old Memories -I wanted to say the same

rahul has strong muscles

violin...i love violin

you wanted to learn playing violin

Yeah, but i get only piano lesson

and now he can play the violin without touching

oh my god - magic

he plays with it like a guitar

now she is dancing


actually, anjali had short hairs


but it has grown

because she want to be like a woman

but woman has short hair tooo

it looks funny

really funny

Looks like builder

now rahuls part

with basketball

now the other anjali with short hair will come

he missed the old anjali - when they played basketballl

is he dreaming?

he imagines the old anjali

i thought that she is the real anjali

there is the real anjali

Did Anjali saw the other anjali?


are they falling in love?

rahul has another woman

but she died


i dont believe - she isn't dead

did you see her in the other movie

do you have proofs

this dress is so beautiful

i like the black one better

i like this one and the black dress

i like all dresses

which dress was the first

what was the first?


they are sad

do you like this song?


i will watch this

No, we will watch something other

you can do a reaction alone to this video

are you ready




not there


do you know this

do you like the bride

she is beautiful but anjali is the bride


this is her marriage

but anjali will marry too

but later

not in this song

what are you doing

you are so sweet

look how they are dancing - so quick and great

she is so beautiful

Her hand gesture is fantastic

i am trying to dance

this boy again

i wish that boy is my little brother

she is jealous

i will buy the same dress to mira

in yellow

do you like that

or this pink dress

this is beautiful

pink is your favourtie color

she wants cropped dress

this yellow dress fits better to helin

oooh they are falling in love again

you shouldnt wear jewelry

what are the kids doing

do you see how long anjalis hair is


i have no long hair

but soon

we won't cut it

rahuls clothes have glitter

why the men have long dresses?

they wearing trousers and this long clothes. it looks like dresses

it looks good

this is traditional indian men wearing

that did the grandmother too

i will!

i will too

Mira and i will marrrry too

no i dont want

i will

what is that meaning

we watched both videos

which one was better

i like one video

the video with the marriage

i like both videos

thiboth videos are classics

These music videos are great and i can watch it everytime. it wont be boring

the dances are great

we will watch it often

we are big fans of Kajol and Shah Rukh Khan

especially the both

you want to marry shahrukh khan

what is?

why you are angry

are you jealous

if you like the video

please press the like button

comment, which song do you like or some request

and subscribe to see more



to a new video

We will to two reaction videos..Here are my siblings

who are you?


who is that?


in a good looking dress

i mean you Hatun

Guys, can you wait just a moment


Helin, make this, what you did

we dont force you for this video - we dont pay you

i will drink something

you can drink later

i am thirsty

Firstly, we wanted to do a reaction to Deewani mastani and Lovely

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