Sunday, June 3, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 3 2018

Domowy sposób z użyciem Guggula.Guggul to pochodząca z Indii roślina lecznicza.

Przez wielki tradycyjnie stosowano ją do obniżania poziomu cholesterolu i triglicerydów we krwioraz do regulowania stosunku między poziomami cholesterolu złego i dobrego.

Zgodnie z zapewnieniami wielu naukowców Guggul posiada zdolność do ograniczania produkcji trjglicerydów w wątrobie.

Domowy sposób z użyciem owsa.Owies to zboże, które bardzo korzystnie wpływa na nasz organizm – między innymi pomaga utrzymać niski poziom cholesterolu i triglicerydów. 

Tę cudowną moc, zawdzięczamy zawartości dużych ilości rozpuszczalnych włókien. Według ekspertów żywieniowych zboże to zawiera również  beta-glukany lub polisacharydy,

które wykazują naturalne właściwości antyrakowe – dlatego też owies jest uważany za jeden z najważniejszych produktów żywieniowych polecanych jako naturalny i skuteczny środek do zwalczania wielu chorób.

Domowe sposoby z użyciem kozieradki.Kozieradka (zwana też fenegryką lub greckim sianem) to lecznicze zioło, którego rodzimym obszarem występowania jest Europa Południowa i Azja. 

Od wieków jest wykorzystywana jako naturalny i skuteczny środek na obniżenie wysokiego poziomu triglicerydów, Najcenniejszą częścią kozieradki są jej nasiona, które – wysuszone – ograniczają wchłanianie triglicerydów w jelitach.

Najlepszym sposobem na utrzymanie niskiego poziomu cholesterolu i triglicerydów jest stosowanie ubogiej w tłuszcze diety oraz systematyczna aktywność fizyczna.

Ponadto należy spożywać kilka porcji warzyw i owoców dziennie oraz pić duże ilości wody.

Jednak najważniejszym elementem przeciwcholesterolowej diety jest unikanie tłustych potrawtakich jak smażone dania, sosy czy fast foody, które zawierają tłuszcze nasycone, a te z kolei wpływają na niekontrolowane podwyższenie poziomu cholesterolu oraz wzrost wagi ciała.

For more infomation >> Jak obniżyć poziom Cholesterolu? - Duration: 1:49.


最新突发消息!美國人沒有放過華為 P20 Pro標價945美元不夠賣 - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> 最新突发消息!美國人沒有放過華為 P20 Pro標價945美元不夠賣 - Duration: 3:23.


The next generation of Trance

For more infomation >> The next generation of Trance


Voici comment blanchir des dents jaunes | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 11:34.

For more infomation >> Voici comment blanchir des dents jaunes | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 11:34.


How to cope with the heat of a Texas summer - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> How to cope with the heat of a Texas summer - Duration: 3:16.


La plus grande erreur au lit que la plupart des gens font | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 6:26.

For more infomation >> La plus grande erreur au lit que la plupart des gens font | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 6:26.


Himiko's Casket Scene | Tomb Raider (2018) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:57.

All right, this is it.

We're finishing this.

It's not too late to change your mind.

There's a very big difference

between myth and reality, Richard.

Something that you could never understand.


Open it.

You see? I told you there was nothing to be afraid of.

It's just...

...a little old lady.

Prepare her for transport.

Something doesn't add up.

She's not a monster in any of these paintings.

It looks like she was taking herself here.

Not being forced.

The Death Queen turns day to night.

She must die to bring back life.

"Bring back life."

Spreading death and destruction

with just the touch of her hand.

Go on.

All myths have foundation in reality. reality.

Sacrificing one life is worth saving millions.


She was sacrificing herself.

She was protecting the world.


Smoke and mirrors.

All right, let's bag her up. Come on.

They thought it was magic.

She was a carrier.

She was immune.

It's a disease.

For more infomation >> Himiko's Casket Scene | Tomb Raider (2018) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:57.


"Fox Hunt" Bicycle Chase | Tomb Raider (2018) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:58.

Five, four, three, two, one! Go!


Excuse me!

Go, go, go!

Where is she, bro?

I won't be long, my love.

- Oi! Watch where you're going! - Use your mirrors!

Go! Go!

Fancy seeing you here.


You didn't have to come.

I don't need a guardian anymore.


Have you been decorating?

Haven't seen you for a long time.

You've never seen me.

I'm sorry.

Thanks for coming.

What was today about?

I needed the money.

No, you don't. There's an inheritance

waiting for you if only you would step...

I won't.

It's been seven years, Lara.

Tokyo police stopped looking for your father

five years ago.

Private investigators won't even take our money anymore.

I know it's difficult to accept.

But you really must come in and sign those papers now.

Hmm. That's why you came.

No. I came for you.

Just think what you can do for the world,

with your potential, with your wealth.

His wealth. Not mine.

Listen, it's very simple...

If you don't sign the papers,

then everything your father worked for will be sold off.

Not just the company,

but Croft Manor, also.

Can you imagine how he would feel if you lost the house?

Lara, your father's gone.

But you can pick up where he left off.

It's in your blood.

I'm sorry.

I'm just not that kind of Croft.

For more infomation >> "Fox Hunt" Bicycle Chase | Tomb Raider (2018) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:58.


과자를 마신다? 카라멜콘 땅콩 카페라떼 ► Good Morning ► - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> 과자를 마신다? 카라멜콘 땅콩 카페라떼 ► Good Morning ► - Duration: 2:55.


Nettoyez votre sang et débarrassez-vous de toutes les douleurs et inflammations grâce à ce jus - Duration: 7:53.

For more infomation >> Nettoyez votre sang et débarrassez-vous de toutes les douleurs et inflammations grâce à ce jus - Duration: 7:53.


Docks Chase / Lara Meets Lu Ren | Tomb Raider (2018) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:55.

Excuse me,

do you speak English?

Sorry, no.


Thank you.

Sorry. Excuse me.

Do you know a Lu Ren?

Lu Ren?

Not even a tiny bit?

- Do you speak English? - Lady.

You need help?

Yes. I do.

I'm looking for this guy called Lu Ren.

Um, he's supposed to...

- Lu Ren boat. - Yes.

Endurance. Over there.

"Endurance"? Which one?



Stay back.

Give me the bag.

You just lost your tip.

You just lose your tongue.

Lu! Lu Ren!

Help! Help!

Run! Run! He's drunk again!

Thank you.


I said what are you doing on my boat?

I'm not with them.

I'm looking for a man named Lu Ren.

Congratulations, you found me. Now get lost.

Please. Wait. Just listen. I need...

- Okay, let's go.

I'm not here to make any trouble.

Keep walking.

Could you please put that gun down and just...

Oh, for God's sake.

My father, Richard Croft, tried to buy a boat from you.

No. No. Not me, he didn't.

Yes, he did.

Your name is Lu Ren.

This is from you.

Yes, I know my name, thanks.

It's the same as my father's, and he wrote that, not me.

Well, then I need to talk to him.

You and 100 other people he owed money...

- Where is he? - I don't know, okay?

One day, he just left on his boat,

and I never saw him again, all right?

Was this seven years ago?

For more infomation >> Docks Chase / Lara Meets Lu Ren | Tomb Raider (2018) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:55.


Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 0:42.


✅ Slavné modelce se na ulici vymstilo, že nenosí podprsenku. Ale nic si z toho nedělala - Duration: 1:31.

Je krásná, slavná, žádoucí a bezstarostná, a to za všech okolností, jak modelka Bella Hadid (21) předvedla v sobotu na ulici v New Yorku, když ji pozlobil top

Tomu, že jí vykouklo ňadro, se jen pousmála. Jako modelka je zvyklá ukazovat hodně ze svého těla, což se promítlo i do soukromí

A to, co už by třeba pro jinou ženu bylo faux pas, je pro Bellu jen důvod k úsměvu

Hlavu teď má plnou jiných věcí, po několika měsících se dala znovu dohromady s raperem The Weekndem, takže se vznáší na obláčku - i s igelitkou v ruce

Hadid působila jako rozverná holčička. V minulých několika týdnech ji povinnosti zavedly mimo New York, cestovala po Evropě, mimo jiné se zúčastnila festivalu v Cannes, a tak byla nejspíš ráda, že má volno a může jen tak vyrazit ven s kamarádkami


For more infomation >> ✅ Slavné modelce se na ulici vymstilo, že nenosí podprsenku. Ale nic si z toho nedělala - Duration: 1:31.


✅ Dans "SLT", Naulleau s'en prend violemment à Aymeric Caron - Duration: 3:01.

MÉDIAS - La hache de guerre n'est pas enterrée, et c'est un doux euphémisme que de le dire

Ce 2 juin, l'un des invités de "Salut les Terriens!", sur C8, était le journaliste et chroniqueur Éric Naulleau

Et l'homme s'est lâché, notamment au cours d'une séquence baptisée "L'interview excuses", dans laquelle Thierry Ardisson lui proposait de revenir sur certaines de ses sorties les plus violentes à l'encontre du PAF

Quand est venu le moment d'évoquer Aymeric Caron, Éric Naulleau ne s'est pas franchement prêté au jeu, répliquant d'emblée: "Non, je ne m'excuse pas

Et je l'emmerde." Ambiance. Pour rappel, dans une interview à Télé-Loisirs, Éric Naulleau avait expliqué que son successeur sur le plateau de "ONPC" était "inculte et fier de l'être", "extrêmement sectaire", "tout en certitudes"

Des propos auxquels il s'est donc conformé ce 2 juin sans le moindre remords. "C'est bizarre: Aymeric Caron, partout où il est passé professionnellement, il a laissé un souvenir détestable

" Et de poursuivre: "Quelqu'un m'a arrêté l'autre jour dans la rue -moi, je ne demande rien sur Caron, ce n'est pas un de mes sujets de conversation préférés-, et il m'a dit que dans une radio où il est passé, le jour où il est parti est maintenant un jour férié pour toutes les personnes qui travaillent dans la radio

" Une anecdote qui a beaucoup amusé le plateau. Et Éric Naulleau en a profité de la séquence pour distribuer quelques gifles au reste du paysage médiatique français

Au sujet de Christine Angot, devenue comme lui quelques années plus tôt chroniqueuse pour Laurent Ruquier dans "On n'est pas couché", et dont il avait expliqué qu'elle était "la pire imposture littéraire des cinquante dernières années", il a déclaré: "Je demande pardon à Christine Angot d'avoir dit tant de mal de ses livres parce que je suis à peu près sûr que le prochain sera pire

" Et en vrac d'évoquer "le pire texte que je n'ai jamais entendu" à propos d'un morceau de Maître Gims, de regretter d'avoir critiqué le dernier ouvrage de Frédéric Beigbeder "parce que ça fera un peu de publicité pour un livre qui n'a pas marché", ou de s'en prendre la volonté de Stéphane Bern de faire payer l'entrée dans les cathédrales, symptomatique d'un "phénomène de cour" qui se met en place autour d'Emmanuel Macron

Oui, tout le monde en a pris pour son grade. À voir également sur Le HuffPost:

For more infomation >> ✅ Dans "SLT", Naulleau s'en prend violemment à Aymeric Caron - Duration: 3:01.


✅ Avicii : Sa famille révèle les détails de son enterrement - Duration: 2:44.

Le 20 avril 2018, le DJ suédois était retrouvé mort dans sa chambre d'hôtel à Mascate, la capitale du Sultanat d'Oman où il était venu passer des vacances

Plus d'un mois après son décès, sa famille et ses proches s'apprêtent à lui faire leurs adieux lors de funérailles organisées dans la plus stricte intimité

Comme le révèle le communiqué publié par le site Variety ce 22 main, Avicii (Tim Bergling de son vrai nom) sera inhumé au cours d'une cérémonie en comité restreint : "Il y a eu beaucoup de sollicitations en ce qui concerne les arrangements funéraires pour Tim Bergling, connu par ses fans sous le nom d'Avicii

La famille Bergling vient de confirmer que les funérailles seront privées, en présence des personnes qui étaient proches de Tim

Elle demande aux médias de respecter leur volonté. Il n'y aura pas d'autre précision." Sa dernière petite amie, Tereza Kacerova, accusée d'être en partie responsable de son décès, sera-t-elle présente ? Rien n'est moins sûr

Après plusieurs semaines de doute, il est aujourd'hui certain que le jeune DJ de 28 ans s'est suicidé. L'auteur de Wake Me up se serait entaillé les veines avec un éclat de verre alors même que son frère était dans un avion pour le ramener d'urgence auprès des siens

Il serait malheureusement arrivé deux heures trop tard. Avicii souffrait de dépression et d'une sévère addiction à l'alcool depuis de longues années

Après avoir été opéré de la vésicule biliaire et de l'appendice en 2014, il avait annoncé vouloir arrêter les performances live deux ans plus tard, invoquant des raisons de santé

Dans un précédent communiqué publié quelques jours après sa mort, sa famille tentait d'expliquer son geste : "Notre cher Tim était un chercheur, une âme artistique fragile qui recherchait des réponses à des questions existentielles

C'était un perfectionniste qui voyageait, travaillait dur, sur un chemin qui l'a conduit dans une situation de stress extrême

(...) Il ne pouvait plus continuer. Il voulait trouver la paix."

For more infomation >> ✅ Avicii : Sa famille révèle les détails de son enterrement - Duration: 2:44.


✅ Emilia Clarke Says 'Game of Thrones' Finale 'Messed Me Up' - Duration: 2:46.

Since mobile phones were banned from the set of the HBO drama, the Khaleesi depicter wrote a daily journal to remember the final season

May 28, 2018 AceShowbiz - Emilia Clarke's final scenes on Game of Thrones really messed her up

The actress, who plays Mother of Dragons Daenerys Targaryen on the HBO show, has already shot her character's final moments, which will be screened late next year (19), and she tells Vanity Fair that filming has had a long-term effect on her

"It f**ked me up," Emilia says. "Knowing that is going to be a lasting flavour in someone's mouth of what Daenerys is

I'm doing all this weird s**t. You'll know what I mean when you see it." Mobile phones were banned from the set of the fantasy drama, so Emilia took to writing a daily journal to remember the final season, and asked set photographer Helen Sloan to snap the occasional behind-the-scenes photo for her

The 31-year-old has left the realms of the Seven Kingdoms and is currently starring in Solo: A Star Wars Story, alongside Alden Ehrenreich and Donald Glover

And she has ambitious plans to write and produce her own material in an effort to create new opportunities for other women in the industry

However, she is worried people won't be able separate her from Daenerys Targaryen: 'It becomes harder to separate you from the role when you've been with it so long,' she admits

Emilia had to ask Game of Thrones bosses David Benioff and D.B. Weiss for permission to delay filming the final season of the show so she could film Solo, and her request was granted almost immediately

"Solo felt like a great fit that would let her show off her versatility,' Weiss and Benioff explained

'Also, we figured she'd probably get to shoot a ray gun. Ray guns are something we just can't offer, unfortunately


For more infomation >> ✅ Emilia Clarke Says 'Game of Thrones' Finale 'Messed Me Up' - Duration: 2:46.


PHOTO – Eva Longoria très enceinte : elle « attend toujours » son accouchement, et surtout son bébé - Duration: 2:29.

À 43 ans, Eva Longoria, qui est mariée depuis 2016 avec José Antonio Baston, un magnat des médias mexicain pour lequel elle a eu le coup de foudre lors de leur deuxième rencontre, vit sa première grossesse

Une grande nouvelle qu'elle a annoncée à ses fans sur ses réseaux sociaux. Si l'actrice, qui n'a eu de cesse de partager l'évolution de ses formes, s'est épanouie à mesure que son baby bump s'est arrondi, aujourd'hui, alors qu'elle arrive à son terme, elle semble avoir hâte que cela se termine

Et pour cause, prévue pour le printemps, la naissance de son petit garçon se fait attendre

Très très enceinte, l'ex desperate housewife a publié un cliché sur Instagram sur lequel elle apparaît de profil dans une robe blanche moulante

Perchée sur des escarpins à talon, l'actrice, qui aura travaillé jusqu'au bout de sa grossesse, semble être sur un plateau de tournage

Le moins que l'on puisse dire, c'est que son ventre ne passe pas inaperçu comme elle s'en est elle-même amusée

"Woah bébé. Ça c'est du profil", a-t-elle légendé le post en ajoutant le hashtag #StillWaitingForHimToArrive

Comprenez "toujours à attendre qu'il arrive". Pas de doute, la future maman n'espère plus qu'une chose pour être entièrement comblée : serrer son bébé dans ses bras

Heureusement pour elle, à ce stade, ce n'est plus qu'une question de jours. Crédits photos : Chris Delmas / Bestimage

For more infomation >> PHOTO – Eva Longoria très enceinte : elle « attend toujours » son accouchement, et surtout son bébé - Duration: 2:29.


Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa

For more infomation >> Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa


Il ne suffit que d'un instant pour que tout change - Duration: 9:34.

For more infomation >> Il ne suffit que d'un instant pour que tout change - Duration: 9:34.


May Wrap Up & June TBR | 2018 - Duration: 13:14.

Hi everyone. I've got my May wrap-up and June TBR today.

Thanks to finally having a few very sunny days spent outside reading and then also probably mostly

the fact that every single one my TV shows that I've been watching over the

past couple of months, seem to have finished in May.

Either the series just finished or I finished them. Which was on the one hand

very frustrating but on the other hand led to me actually having a really good

reading month in May. So I'm just gonna skip over the rambling intro and get

straight on into it because I think I have about ten books to talk about today.

Which I also think is probably the most books I've read in a month in a very, very long time.

The first book I read in May was 'The One and Only Ivan' by Katherine Applegate

and this is a middle grade children's book, written through the perspective of Ivan the gorilla.

Who lives in this really awful tiny zoo in a shopping mall.

But when one day a baby elephant moves into the cage next door to his,

he vows to keep her safe and send her to a proper safe big zoo.

I'm a huge animal person. I always have been and elephants are my favourite animals.

So honestly this was always going to be an instant win for me but it was just wonderful.

The way it was written was so moving and the fact that it was written

through the perspective of the gorilla, gave it this childlike fun tone to it.

Whilst also allowing it to be completely brutally honest at times.

Almost to the point where you wonder whether this would be suitable for children but it

told so many truths that just kind of need to be told and as someone that

was a child who was totally obsessed with animals, I know that I would have

enjoyed this just as much then as I did now and I ended up giving it a 5 out of 5 stars.

I then read 'Fire Colour One' by Jenny Valentine and this follows Iris

who meets a father who is a wealthy art collector for the first time after she

discovers that he is dying and honestly I can't really remember anything more

than that and I feel as though that perfectly sums up my feelings for this

book because honestly I just didn't really have any. I didn't care for the characters.

I didn't care for the story. I didn't really care for the writing style.

The only reason I even finished it is because I read it in one sitting because

it was so incredibly short and yeah I ended up giving this a 2.75 out of 5 stars.

After what felt like 100 years of waiting for this book, I finally read

'Leah on the Offbeat' by Becky Albertalli and this is the companion sequel to

'Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda' and it follows Leah as she's basically

navigating life in terms of her future her family, her friendships,

her bisexuality, body image, money, mental health

and also the growing feelings she has for a friend she never intended to fall for.

I love Becky Albertalli. I love her books. I love her characters.

I love her writing and this was no exception to that rule.

The way she writes is so easy and comfortable to read and she just gets it.

Everything she writes about she just gets it. I think my favourite aspect of this book was the

anxiety of representation and also the body image representation.

There was a scene in this where Leah is trying on prom dresses with her mum that is probably

now one of my favourite scenes I've ever read in a book. I absolutely adored it.

There are were so many pop-culture references to things like Gilmore Girls

and Harry Potter and Hamilton. Which is always a win in my eyes and then also I

loved the fact that we got to spend more time with Simon and the gang from

'Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda' because as I said, she just creates characters that

you completely fall in love with and this was no different.

I honestly just couldn't put this down. To the point where I spent so long reading this outside,

that I got extremely sunburned and I ended up giving this a 5 out of 5 stars.

I then stuck with the contemporaries for a while and picked up

'Starfish' by a Akemi Dawn Bowman. Which follows Kiko, who is Japanese American

and an amazing artist living with anxiety, who dreams of going to art school.

It follows her after she discovers that she didn't get into her dream school

but when she has starts meeting with her childhood best friend and

longtime crush Jamie, she accepts his invitation to stay with him whilst she

tours art schools in California, so that she can escape her toxic and abusive home life.

This definitely wasn't a light-hearted cutesy contemporary,

although there were some super cute moments in it but I just really enjoyed

the way that it managed to discuss so many heavy and important topics, whilst not becoming overwhelming.

I thought Kiko's relationship with herself and

her art and her anxiety and her family members and Jamie and her Japanese heritage,

were all so brilliantly written and extremely emotional and candid and I

loved the fact that, especially in terms of her anxiety, nothing was wrapped up in

this neat little bow or fixed by romance and I just absolutely adored each and every page.

It somehow managed to totally break my heart and then also start to put the pieces back together again

and I ended up giving this a 5 out of 5 stars.

I then read 'Far From the Tree' by Robin Benway and this is told through the perspectives of three teenagers

who meet for the first time after discovering that they are all siblings.

You have Grace who is 16 and has just that her own baby up for adoption.

Maya whose adoptive parents's relationship troubles are kind of starting to finally bubble to the surface

and Joaquin, who has been in and out of the foster system his whole life due to being the only one

of the three siblings who was not adopted. I really, really enjoyed this.

I loved the way that it explored family and identity and discovering who you are and

discovering your place in the world. And I thought it did a really good job with

discussing so many different things, like teen pregnancy and adoption and race and

sexuality. As Maya was in a female female relationship and Joaquin's biological

father, who he had never met, was Mexican. I think it did a really good job of

simultaneously keeping those things intertwined, whilst also never feeling as

though it was discussing too many things and never feeling as though it was just too much.

And although each character's story was connected, I also really liked

their individual narrative and story and I ended up giving it a 4 out of 5 stars.

Next I picked up 'The Start of Me and You' by Emery Lord,

which follows Paige one year after her first boyfriend died in a swimming accident.

It basically follows her after she decides that it is about

time that she had finally rejoins the world and decides to make a plan of all

the things that she needs to do before the year is up. But then the cousin of the

guy she has been crushing on a moves into town and recruits her for the QuizBowl

and her plan basically kind of goes awry and changes and this was absolutely adorable.

I instantly warmed to all of the characters. The friendships and the

romance just filled my heart with all the warm fuzzies. They were just funny

and honest and caring and respectful and there wasn't any huge explosive drama in

terms of the romance, which I just thought was so refreshing.

It also had brilliantly explored family dynamics and a great narrative on grief

and Gilmore Girls references, which again is always a win.

I just thought it was the perfect, cute multi layered, summery read

and I ended up giving this a 4.5 out of 5 stars.

And this is the first book I have ever read by Emery Lord but

I'm definitely wanting to read more by her soon because I really enjoyed this and I

also just found out there's gonna be a sequel to this, which I am all for.

Next I read 'The Chaos of Longing' by K.Y. Robinson, which is a poetry collection

split into four sections: inception, longing, chaos and epiphany and there were

poems in this about things like relationships and love and abuse

trauma and identity and mental health and I like this but I didn't love it.

There where a few poems in this that I did absolutely love and will definitely be

rereading multiple times but for the most part I think this was a collection

of mostly likes with a few loves in it. I do think that was probably more of a

case of me just not emotionally connecting to the poems, rather than

disliking them because I do feel as though a lot of people would absolutely love these.

Also I'm still very, very new to poetry and I'm still figuring out my

preferences and tastes when it comes to it. So I did like this but I didn't love it and I gave this a 3 out of 5 stars.

After that I read 'Monday's Not Coming' by Tiffany D. Jackson

and this follows Claudia after her best friend Monday goes missing

and Claudia feels as though she's the only one that cares or has noticed,

especially since it seems as though everyone around her, including Monday's family,

are just ignoring it and refusing to acknowledge it.

This was absolutely devastating and gripping and so intense. It had my heart beating a million times a minute

and the fact that this was very much inspired by the

countless stories of young black girls seemingly vanishing from the face of the earth,

just made it all the more heartbreaking. I will say that I wasn't

the biggest fan of the structure of this. As it kind of jumped back and forth in

time and I therefore found myself a little bit confused at times.

There where also some potentially harmful plot points in this and I don't feel as though

those narratives and the language used alongside those, really added much to the story.

But those things aside, I thought this was an incredibly important

and relevant a story. With wonderfully written characters and relationships and

applauded that that was just a rollercoaster from start to finish and I ended up giving this a 4 out of 5 stars.

I then picked up 'Starlight Nights' by Stacey Kade which is a new adult book following Calista,

a former teen TV star, who left LA to escape her past mistakes and controlling mother.

And Eric, her former co-star who wants Calista to move back to LA to star in his new show.

This was incredibly cheesy, totally cliche and full of very unhealthy relationships

in terms of both family and romance but I can't deny it was pretty entertaining.

It wasn't the best book I've ever read and I doubt I'll remember it in a couple of months time

and I wouldn't necessarily recommend it to anyone but despite myself,

I did find it pretty addictive and I ended up giving it a 3 out of 5 stars.

Although now thinking back on it, I think I'd probably just give it a 2.75 out 5 stars.

After that I read 'Forest of a Thousand Lanterns' by Julie C. Dao and this is an East Asian inspired fantasy

which I would describe as kind of a reimagined Snow White prequel but following the

Evil Queen and following how she came to be. This was dark and gritty and unique and unpredictable

and honestly I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a fantasy as much a I did this one. I absolutely loved it.

I thought the way that the narrative of the Evil Queen was kind of intertwined into the story was

so incredibly clever and the protagonist, who is basically just a villain, was one

of the most intriguing and complex characters I've come across in a very

long time and this was just absolutely superb. I was so pleasantly surprised

with how much I enjoyed this. As I haven't really been getting on with

fantasy that much lately but this was so fantastic and I'm so incredibly excited

about the sequel. Although I feel as though the wait from now until the end

of the year when it comes out, is going to be very painful but I'm hoping and

I'm honestly just assuming that it will be totally worth the wait because this

was so brilliantly written and I ended up giving this a 4. 75 out of 5 stars.

And then finally in May I finally finished, after literally reading this for months and months and months,

'The Disney Princess Comic Treasury'. Which is just basically a collection of all the Disney Princess stories

in comic form, with also a few original stories in it as well and I have as I said been

reading this for months. I feel as though it's probably been almost a year now.

I only ever read these stories at a very specific time, which is when I have

finished a book but I haven't finished feeling like reading but the time was

too close to start a new book. So I would just read a couple of these stories.

This was so bizarre because I am the biggest Disney fan.

So it would have been impossible for me not to love this but the stories in this

were so simplified to make them short enough to put into a book, that they

almost just became parodies of themselves and I found it hilarious because it was just so awful.

They would quote all of the Disney songs in it but it would just be wrong.

The way that they would write the lyrics were just always slightly wrong.

I haven't rated this because I honestly don't know what to

give it a rating because on the one hand it was just

truly terrible but on the other hand it was so incredibly brilliant and I feel

as though had I read this at the age that this was most definitely aimed for.

Which was properly like six year olds, I would absolutely love it.

So I don't know what to rate this but I am very happy that I have finally

finished it because it has been a long time. So those were all of the books that I

read in May and I only have one book on my TBR for June and that is 'Floored'

which is a collaborative novel written by seven UKYA authors and I don't

really know anything about this book, other than it's been described as

'The Breakfast Club' meet 'One Day' and I believe it's about a load of teens who are

all totally different, that get trapped in an elevator together and then return

to the elevator every year or something like that.

I really don't know but it sounds very intriguing and I'm just incredibly

intrigued to see how this is gonna work because I don't know whether each author

wrote a different chapter or whether they wrote a different character.

I haven't quite worked it out because I'm not entirely sure but it sounds great.

So this is the only book that I kind of have on my TBR to get to this month.

In terms of what I was watching in May and what I'm hoping to watch in June, as I said

I have just finished every single one of the TV shows that I've been

watching over the past couple of months, So I finished 'Marvel's Agents of Shield'

and 'iZombie' and 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' and everything is just gone. I have nothing left.

So I do not know who I'm going to be watching in June but if you have any

recommendations for anything I would love to hear them. I'm definitely in the

mood to watch something 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' esque. I just want an uplifting sitcom to watch.

But yeah, that is everything and I would absolutely love to

know what you've been reading and watching in May and what you are hoping

to read and watch in June and I will leave the links to my Twitter, Instagram,

Tumblr, Goodreads and blog in the description box below. So feel free to

follow me on any of those if you would like and I just hope you have the most

fantastic June and I hope you're having a really, really lovely day. Bye!

For more infomation >> May Wrap Up & June TBR | 2018 - Duration: 13:14.


Trump Announces Plans To Pardon - Duration: 14:10.

Rush Limbaugh Says This THING Proves The FBI Tried To Frame Trump

Spygate is a quickly growing scandal that proves every Trump supporters worst fears.

Conservatives who warned of a Deep State coup against the President believe the FBI and

Obama administration colluded to sabotage Trump.

Now Rush Limbaugh says this is the smoking gun that proves the FBI tried to frame Trump.

The FBI claims the investigation into the Trump campaign and Russia – codenamed "Crossfire

Hurricane" – began after the Australian government informed the FBI of a months-old

conversation between one of their former diplomats and Trump foreign policy aide George Papadopoulos.

Papadopoulos allegedly told the diplomat that was he approached by a mysterious professor

who informed him that Russia had Hillary Clinton emails.

The professor was Joseph Mifsud and the plea agreement Papadopoulos reached with special

counsel Robert Mueller claimed Papadopoulos knew Mifsud was known to have connections

to Russian intelligence.

But this fact – and the substance of his conversation with Papadopoulos – is now

in dispute.

In an interview with Real Clear Investigations, authors Stephan Roh and Thierry Pastor, who

wrote the book "The Faking of Russia-gate: The Papadopoulos Case, an Investigative Analysis,"

explained who Joseph Mifsud really was:







Mifsud has since disappeared which led to speculation that he either went into hiding

once his ties to the Kremlin became known or that the Russians had him killed.

This is not the case as Roh and Pastor's book has an interview with Mifsud and they

claim he is in hiding in Italy with the help of an Italian intelligence agent.

In addition, as Great American Daily previously reported, Roh and Pastor's book confirms

that Mifsud never told Papadopoulos that the Russians had Clinton emails – only merely

damaging information.

On his Wednesday broadcast, Rush Limbaugh put two and two together and stated that the

whole deal with Papadopoulos was a set-up by the FBI.

Limbaugh stated:















This is what Congress and the media should be investigating.

And the fact-pattern Limbaugh lays out provides a good explanation as to why the Department

of Justice and the FBI have been slow-walking Congresses document


The real scandal here is the conduct of the Obama administration, the FBI, and intelligence


They may have manufactured a basis for launching a counterintelligence investigation into the

Trump campaign.

We will keep you up to date on any new developments in this story.

Facebook has greatly reduced the distribution of


stories in our readers' newsfeeds and is instead promoting mainstream media sources.

When you share to your friends, however, you greatly help distribute our content.

Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with

your friends

and family.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Trump Announces Plans To Pardon - Duration: 14:10.


Top 10 Superhero Weddings - Duration: 5:41.

Welcome back nerd squad, my name is Roya Destroyaa and this is Top 10 Nerd.

I LOVE a good wedding.

Hors d'oeuvres, fancy dresses, open bar, your uncle drinks too much and needs to be

escorted outside.

Okay maybe that one only happens in a few weddings.

But a super hero wedding, now that is potential breeding ground for some drama.

Or at the very least, a little bit of fun.

To help me with this video, I've invited charlotte from our sister channel Inform Overload.

Hey I'm charlotte, I'm the main host on Inform overload, we cover trending news in

a fun way so if you need a news source on youtube, make sure you check out IO.

Alright, let's take a look at the top 10 SUPERHERO WEDDINGS.

In the number 10 spot IS LUKE CAGE AND JESSICA JONES.

I know I said that superhero weddings are grounds for drama, but we are kicking off

the list with a rather uneventful but super sweet wedding.

These two heroes got married in Avengers Annual #1.

Yes, villains still descended but it was quite beforehand and the actual wedding itself was

only a moment of happiness for the two long time lovers.

It felt as real as the couple do, so we will give it a pass for not having any crashers

or drunk uncles.


Yes, okay here is a fun one that you just know isn't here because of genuine love

and beauty.

The Amazing Spidrman volume 1 issue 131 brought us this pairing between the relatively young

Doc ock and his much, much, much older bride to be.

Sure, May deserves a second shot at love after Uncle Ben.

But with a villain who only wanted to marry her for inheritance of a Canadian power plant?

Big no, but a big yes for comic book drama.

Coming in at number 8, is RICK JONES AND MARLO CHANDLER.

Good old Hulk sidekick rick Jones got to play the main man in the form of his wedding.

But it wasn;t easy for him.

First off in Incredible Hulk #418, the adult film he got to watch for his bachelor party

turned out to star none other than his fiancée Marlo.

And not on purpose.


And secondly, more than a few familiar but uninvited faces showed up, including Mephisto

and the Kree.

Hopefully they brought gifts at least.

In the number 7 spot IS SPIDERMAN AND MARY JANE.

This wedding occurred in the amazing spiderman annual #21.

Now some fans may have still been salty that he was marrying MJ and not Gwen Stacy, and

to be honest the wedding itself wasn't anything spectacular in the comic.

Plus the lead-up to it as a drab story of doubt.

But it gave birth to this iconic cover, which has been touted as one of the best Spiderman

covers out there.

And I lowkey would love to try on that fab dress.


Deadpool settles down with the queen of the undead in Deadpool volume 3 issue 27.

This was in order to prevent her from being forced into marriage with Dracula.

Lot of good that did.

But this giant picture of their wedding was simply too much fun to ignore, despite the

fact that the marriage was short lived.

Plus, the bride dared to be different in red, the rain magically disappeared, and Wade seemed

pretty happy.

But I think they need a bigger cast for the wedding, like seriously.

Not enough guests.

Coming in at number 5 IS SUPERMAN AND LOIS LANE.

This wedding took place in Superman The Wedding Album, to beat the wedding that was about

to happen on Lois and Clark: The new Adventures of Superman.

It was a rough road to the altar as Supes kinda died and Lois broke off the engagement

at one point.

But the iconic couple couldn't stay away from each other for long, and when they finally

tied the knot it felt right.

Plus, basically every artist who had held a pen to Supes was invited to take part in

this issue.

Next up, at number 4 we have NIGHTWING AND STARFIRE.

New titans 100 attempted to unite the much beloved couple of the teen titans, Nightwing

and Starfire.

But of course we can't have anything nice, so a corrupted Raven crashes the wedding and

attempts to plant the seeds of father Trigon's demonic soul.

Like excuse me, can't you do that at your own wedding?

Suffice to say, the wedding was put on hold because now the bride has disappeared!

Up next at number 3 is FLASH AND IRIS WEST.

The wedding of the speedster and his lovely fiancé happened in Flash issue 165.

Except she almost married a different guy entirely.

Eh, whatever, as long as he can run fast right.

Turns out the man Iris was about to marry was Professor Zoom.

So of course he had to intercept his own wedding that was actually not his wedding anymore.

And Iris still doesn't know his identity as the flash, so that's helpful.

I love a good husband switcheroo!

In the number 2 spot WE GOT NORTH STAR AND KYLE.

Now this wedding, which took place in Astonishing Xmen #51, got people talking.

Not because the alcohol was top shelf or the party favors were puppies.

But because this was Marvel's first gay wedding, a big step in the right direction

toward increased diversity and representation in their books.

Soon after what followed was comics felt the freedom to open themselves up to a host of

characters who didn't fit the mould.

Marvel strives to reflect the world outside your window, and this is a part of that world.

And finally, in the number 1 spot WE HAVE REED RICHARDS AND SUE STORM.

Known as the wedding that set the standard for all to follow, the ceremony took place

in Fantastic 4 annual 3.

And of course we can't let this big wedding go without its hitches.

Most wedding couples face the wrong flowers being delivered or their drunk uncle.

Sue and reed faced Dr. doom and his emotionally-controlled huge legion of Marvel villains who were sent

to absolutely sabotage the party.

But yeah, you got sent freesia instead of baby's breath.

Your problems are much worse.

So those were the top 10 SUPERHERO WEDDINGS.

Let me know in the comment section down below which superhero would you marry.

My name is Roya Destroyaa, thanks for watching, and don't forget to subscribe so you never

miss another nerdy list!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Superhero Weddings - Duration: 5:41.


[VOSTFR] iKON TV - Episode 2 (2/5) - Duration: 12:01.

For more infomation >> [VOSTFR] iKON TV - Episode 2 (2/5) - Duration: 12:01.


The Cape Henlopen Ferry Has An Incredible History Dating Back To WWII | Sunday TODAY - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> The Cape Henlopen Ferry Has An Incredible History Dating Back To WWII | Sunday TODAY - Duration: 4:16.


7 preuves que vous avez un kyste ovarien, n'ignorez plus ces symptômes - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> 7 preuves que vous avez un kyste ovarien, n'ignorez plus ces symptômes - Duration: 4:41.


Thug Life - Kids With Attitude #38 - Duration: 3:11.


your first day of school

let me do it

For more infomation >> Thug Life - Kids With Attitude #38 - Duration: 3:11.


Plus belle la vie : Fremont fait plonger Franck, Luna et Sacha sauveurs d'enfants... | France 365 - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Plus belle la vie : Fremont fait plonger Franck, Luna et Sacha sauveurs d'enfants... | France 365 - Duration: 3:19.


Spare Me Your Outrage: Benghazi Survivor Tears into Whiny Leftists Complaining About D'Souza Pardon - Duration: 6:17.

For more infomation >> Spare Me Your Outrage: Benghazi Survivor Tears into Whiny Leftists Complaining About D'Souza Pardon - Duration: 6:17.


Jus à l'ananas et au gingembre pour traiter la cellulite - Duration: 8:03.

For more infomation >> Jus à l'ananas et au gingembre pour traiter la cellulite - Duration: 8:03.


Perché e come bisogna esfoliare la pelle? - Duration: 9:36.

For more infomation >> Perché e come bisogna esfoliare la pelle? - Duration: 9:36.


L'illusion de contrôle en thérapie : une mauvaise raison d'y mettre fin - Duration: 6:09.

For more infomation >> L'illusion de contrôle en thérapie : une mauvaise raison d'y mettre fin - Duration: 6:09.


Nettoyez votre sang et débarrassez-vous de toutes les douleurs et inflammations grâce à ce jus - Duration: 7:53.

For more infomation >> Nettoyez votre sang et débarrassez-vous de toutes les douleurs et inflammations grâce à ce jus - Duration: 7:53.


【Android】天華百剣 -斬- 加州清光ストーリー 第1話 吐血少女 - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> 【Android】天華百剣 -斬- 加州清光ストーリー 第1話 吐血少女 - Duration: 2:19.


I Love Donostia San-Sebastian - Euskadi Surf TV - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> I Love Donostia San-Sebastian - Euskadi Surf TV - Duration: 2:15.


Voici comment blanchir des dents jaunes | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 11:34.

For more infomation >> Voici comment blanchir des dents jaunes | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 11:34.



For more infomation >> DESENHANDO DONQUIXOTE ROSINANTE | COLLAB ONE PIECE - Duration: 4:07.


How to Setup Hue Sync - Phillips Hue Sync - Duration: 1:46.

Immerse yourself in lights after I show you how to set up Hue Sync: next.

Hi I'm Chris Fry. Here on Chris Fry Tech Guy, you'll find tech reviews and tutorials

like this one to help make technology work for you. In this video, I share how

to set up Hue Sync. You'll need a PC with macOS or Windows, the Hue app

version 3 or later, Philips Hue Bridge and compatible color lights. If you do

not have compatible equipment, or if you are like me and want more lights, I'll

post affiliate links in the video description below. Let's get started. Open

the Hue app. Tap Settings. Tap Entertainment Areas.

Click Create Area. Select rooms to sync and hit continue. Select lights. Continue.

Make sure lights are on and hit lights are ready. Position lights. Hit Test area.

Hit perfect match, if the colors are syncing. Hit all good and got it. On the

computer side of things, download the application from the Hue website. I'll

provide links in the description. Click search for bridge. When you find the

bridge, agree to the terms and conditions and hit connect. Once your bridge is

connected you are ready to start exploring. Since Hue Sync is brand new,

let's discover it together. Leave questions or share your observations in

the comments below. Thank you for watching Chris Fry Tech Guy. I'll see

you next time.

For more infomation >> How to Setup Hue Sync - Phillips Hue Sync - Duration: 1:46.


Moundir et les apprentis aventuriers 3: Julien Bert prêt à tout arrêter ? - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Moundir et les apprentis aventuriers 3: Julien Bert prêt à tout arrêter ? - Duration: 3:16.


Blockchain Summit San Fran...

For more infomation >> Blockchain Summit San Fran...


Apresentação do demonstrador do Gripen F (NG) na Suíça - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Apresentação do demonstrador do Gripen F (NG) na Suíça - Duration: 1:31.


✅ Emilia Clarke Says 'Game of Thrones' Finale 'Messed Me Up' - Duration: 2:46.

Since mobile phones were banned from the set of the HBO drama, the Khaleesi depicter wrote a daily journal to remember the final season

May 28, 2018 AceShowbiz - Emilia Clarke's final scenes on Game of Thrones really messed her up

The actress, who plays Mother of Dragons Daenerys Targaryen on the HBO show, has already shot her character's final moments, which will be screened late next year (19), and she tells Vanity Fair that filming has had a long-term effect on her

"It f**ked me up," Emilia says. "Knowing that is going to be a lasting flavour in someone's mouth of what Daenerys is

I'm doing all this weird s**t. You'll know what I mean when you see it." Mobile phones were banned from the set of the fantasy drama, so Emilia took to writing a daily journal to remember the final season, and asked set photographer Helen Sloan to snap the occasional behind-the-scenes photo for her

The 31-year-old has left the realms of the Seven Kingdoms and is currently starring in Solo: A Star Wars Story, alongside Alden Ehrenreich and Donald Glover

And she has ambitious plans to write and produce her own material in an effort to create new opportunities for other women in the industry

However, she is worried people won't be able separate her from Daenerys Targaryen: 'It becomes harder to separate you from the role when you've been with it so long,' she admits

Emilia had to ask Game of Thrones bosses David Benioff and D.B. Weiss for permission to delay filming the final season of the show so she could film Solo, and her request was granted almost immediately

"Solo felt like a great fit that would let her show off her versatility,' Weiss and Benioff explained

'Also, we figured she'd probably get to shoot a ray gun. Ray guns are something we just can't offer, unfortunately


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