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What's your number (2011) - Fuck Fuckity Fuck - Duration: 0:23.(and waisting all my time)
(cause when you're standing oh so near)
(I kinda lose my mind)
- This is bullshit!!!
- Fuck!
- Fuck.
- Fuck!
Fuckity fuck! Fuckity fuck!
Iveco Daily 40 C 17 410 Open Laadbak 460x220x50 31000 KM !!!!!!!!!!!!! - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
Breaking news - Here Are The 2017 Baeksang Nominees For K-Dramas and Movies - Duration: 0:45.Here Are The 2017 Baeksang Nominees For K-Dramas and Movies
Korea's biggest awards show for K-Dramas and Movies is about to start, and here are all the nominees this year. The 2017 Baeksang Awards are basically like the Golden Globes for Korea.
All the biggest celebrities like Gong Yoo, Park Bo Gum, Kim Go Eun, Kim Ha Neul, Park Bo Young and more will be in attendance!. Can you predict who the winners will be? .
Ya Moqetoo ka wazifa ! urdu wazifa for success ! qurani wazifa for problems - Duration: 4:37.Ya Moqetoo ka wazifa ! urdu wazifa for success ! qurani wazifa for problems
Rewriting the Mark Scheme: Using an Analytical Mark Scheme with Level 6 Nursing Students - Duration: 4:38.-------------------------------------------
UNBOXING ► JIMIN DOLL PLUSHIE & BTS YNWA (LEFT + RIGHT) - Duration: 28:57.Hello, it's a beautiful spring day
Beautiful spring day
Welcome to our channel! I am Ann, this is Carol
And today we'll be opening the post!
It's been a long time since we've done any unboxing
But we ordered the newest...
Better late than never
... BTS album
We decided to open it before the camera because we have two versions
The blue and the pink one, left and right version
so we're gonna share our reaction with you
To make it more interesting, because probably everyone already saw those photobooks on the internet,
you know how it looks like
so we'll also make a plush Jimin unboxing
It's just the beginning
Yes, you heard right
A plush Jimin!
I bid it on eBay and I'm really proud of it
If you have me on Facebook then you probably know because I was posting things like 'Keep your fingers crossed' because it was really important
So we can start the unboxing and if you're using the headphones, maybe turn the sound down
You can turn the sound down just in case
(it's too late to heal it)
Because the reactions will be completely natural
If you are new on this channel (Short survival guidebook)
and you are wondering why am I the normal one
Why half of my face is covered with hair
And why we pronounce J-Hope this way
I suggest you watching our other videos
But sometimes I say smart things
and you can watch the whole BTS THEORIES serie
- Hello? (it's never going to be normal...)
Just like a typical pack from China because it came to me from...
From China
It's packaged in a trash bag or at least it looks like that
But I can feel the legs
So I should open it this way
It's the head and the head is supposed to come out first
Who am I living with...?
I can't stand it
Take it from me
- Oh God - JIMINSU
Wait, I have to zoom it cuz it's insane
My plush Kai will have a friend
And it's gonna be the sickest pairing in K-POP history
Okay, you finished
You won't touch him anymore. This is my Jimin
Do you like it?
I don't know
I'm afraid to look at him
I wanted to say that those dolls are really ugly
But one day during classes I checked eBay
and I typed Jimin doll
And I could bid it
So I was like 'Oh, I'll click here'
And it ended like this
Hip hop monster! Are you sure it's Jimin?
It's written Jimin but looking at this 'Hip hop monster', I'm not that sure
Can you stop touching him?
You wanna take his clothes off?
It's a very good doll
Very touchy
A very good quality of Chinese plush
Yes, a very good quality of Chinese plush
and this is not plush... But it's awesome!
I'm gonna sleep with it
and he won't refuse anymore... (keep hope alive)
We're changing the place so you can see the CDs better
But if you are interested in other stuff
We ordered from kpoptown
The CDs costed around 62PLN
It took a month for them to arrive
The shipping took around two weeks
but we waited till they post the money
and the time between getting a mail about posting the money and a mail about shipping our order was quite long
I paid by PayPal
You can also choose a credit card but PayPal is much more easy for me
I use it quite often when I buy something on eBay
It was really easy for me but I've waited loooong untill they get the money
but they sent the package finally
As I already said, we ordered 2 versions of You Never Walk Alone
and one more CD but you'll see it later
And keep your fingers crossed - maybe we'll get Suga's and Jimin's cards
Or V and J-Hope
or Jimin and Jimin
The package came from Daegu so it's a... D-pack
We'll open it now so this video is not 1h long
I'm afraid that I'll do something wrong
You will cut the photobook in half
It says that it weighs 6kg
It's not 6kg, don't believe them
But it means they lied to us
More things happen
I think we don't need it anymore
Something is happening...
Tape! Please, cut the tape
- One more tape - Scalpel
Everyone who likes the bubble wrap, give your thumbs up!
Yes, but I'm not able to cut it!
But it doesn't mean that if you dislike the bubble wrap you leave thumbs down, remember
Okay now I know why it's so heavy and so big
It's a piece of the You Never Walk Alone photoshoot
with ice cream
It's my beautiful album!
Now you know why I dressed like this today
It's really interesting, I have pink hair, it's just...
Can I reach for mine already?
It's so beautiful and big
Beautiful and big, wow...
If fits me perfectly
You probably noticed that here...
We have one more album!
And this album is for you!
Not for everyone
For one person who will attend the contest
A contest for our 100th episode
As you can see, we are getting more and more prizes for you
But we don't have all of them
But it's the main one
So we're killing the surprise
A pretty, new album
It's for you
We welcome you, me and my friend. And it's my first unboxing on this channel
I'm a bit nervous
I hope it'll be fine and I won't do something wrong
And it'll survive
And that I'll get Suga, please, let it be Suga
I'm gonna be so gentle I'll never open it
If anyone asks me why I chose the blue CD
it's simple - I liked it more
I like this bus stop more than some pipes
I also liked the photobook more but both are beautiful
these are really simple reasons why I chose this one
And it's really awesome that...
We have two different albums
it's gonna be more interesting and like I already said, I'll never open it
Because I'm too careful
I can smell it
The smell of a new album
it reminds me of something... It's so beautiful!
So fast?
Really, that fast?
I just opened it!
I'm scared
This is Jimin
This is Jimin
Oh my God, it's Jimin
Why?! (I love Jimin)
It was my reaction
To this card
I'm watching
I love mint
It's very interesting
If you wanna know, my favorite song from this album is 'First Love'
And I love this song
But I feel completely tricked
I was sure that those lyrics are about BTS, their feelings and so on
But it's mostly Demian turned into music
That's why I feel tricked
Why it's not Hoseok's card...
He is so perfect
Here we have JiHope moment
and I was hated for this pairing on Bykon convention by everyone who doesn't ship this pairing
And I used it quite often in Crack videos
Oh God
I love photos where they show their true selves - 100% derps
Have you ever wondered why Koreans wear those knee socks?
BTS wear those knee socks very often
Oh Gosh, so sweet...
Like sugar
The maknae looks like the oldest one and the most normal one
This is uncensored
They didn't tell us it's +18
I have an inner heart attack and I'm trying not to show it
Oh my God
Suga with blue highlights is life
I don't know... Do you see it?
He is so perfect
Kookie, what are you doing?
Why are you doing this to me?
But I like Jimin, he's okay, he looks good in pink
But Jimin is...
But Jimin... Jimin
You know what I mean. And if you don't,
you should watch the video with out BTS experience
Jin's hair...
I love this photo
I love this photo!
I love Hoseok's face
It's really interesting
I skip this guy today
Why not you?
I love this pic too
And this one
Everything is so mint
I can have my own bus stop
I can put it somewhere
I have my beautiful bus stop
I'm watching
Did you see Yoongi's face?
Yoongi's face...
Can you see it?
I love each of them
I cannot choose my bias but why I got Jimin's photocard?
And you know who will get it, right?
But only if she gets a photocard I want
I really like Jimin, I like his voice,
but I'm not Jimin-biased at all!
I love him but I could have him as my brother
He would call me Noona
and everyone would live happily ever after
I just can't stand it
It's some kind of a punishment
Black and white pictures
Everyone is laughing here
Yoongi looks like he doesn't know what he's doing and that live exists
Totally normal
Peachy and mint
We decided today that those colors don't fit with each other
Oh my God
Everything's in Korean...
You can see who is my bias...
V is very photogenic, everyone is
The same picture from the back
And the CD
Of course, I've listened to it like a mln times
This is what I got
Like I already said, I chose this version because I like the cover more
and I liked the photobook more
And the CD is the same so why would I choose something else, not the one I like more?
But this photobook...
Those photos are amazing
Everything's like...
Keep your fingers crossed for Carol, maybe she'll get a photocard I want
If not, you know where to find me
I wanted to say you're not gonna look for her
Because I won't leave without this card and it's her house
She knows nothing about life
Matching hair, matching nails
It's perfect
and matching album as well
Everything fits perfectly
It's my turn to open my pink album and my assistant Jimin will help me
My album is pink... Because it's pink
Nah, we had this idea that we should order two different CDs and record it so you can see the differences
But let's ignore the fact that it fits my hair and nails
I'm gonna open it and it's really stressful
But I wanna talk about this
It's the best picture ever!
V looks like... Where is he?
V looks like a perfect man
My album is easy to open
I'm wondering if I'll get my photocard as soon as Ann did and I'm really nervous
She is crossing her fingers in the back, it has to be Suga
Or Hoseok or Jin
Or maybe a second Jimin?
I don't have a photocard right in the beginning
I'll find my surprise later on
This pink color is really beautiful
Those pipes are not super attractive but I hope the rest is much more beautiful
This photoshoot is perfect
I won't tell you anything about this hair
Everyone looks perfect on this photoshoot but Jin's hair is a mistake
He looks perfect
What's about those ice creams, why is it blue?!
When Ann was watching hers, I was like...
There is something about this lollipop, it relates to Blood Sweat & Tears because Kookie had a lollipop there
It's like that
And they have ice cream
V is made for photoshoots
I think it's uncensored
This one even more
What's with the blue color?
He looks good
What's with this ice cream... Is it a flower...? It is a flower!
There is a flower on this ice cream, people
It's not good
We have to analyse it
The lyrics...
More ice cream
Those ice cream are full of flowers?!
Come on
Have a nice meal
It looks like Abraxas' wings...
Ann has a breakdown at the moment but I can't... My brain is just demaged
But don't you think so?!
It's totally the same!
It looks like feathers
He has an ice cream without flowers
What a difference!
It's sick!
It shouldn't exist!
This is 18+ and this one is 3+
I'm gonna stay here longer
I will definitely stay here longer
Ann would probably skip it
and I will just stay here
I also wanna pay your attention to the fact that he has NEVERMIND on this sweater
This is life... Jimin with pink hair is life!
He is perfect, I admit that
What is it?
I don't see it
I don't ship it
Someone in the back is saying something but I can't hear anything
He has flowers
Maybe this color... Nah, next!
Where is my photocard?!
This photoshoot... I've never seen this picture before
What is that...?
Okay, next
Here we have confetti
He seems high
And he even more
It's so...
This is just... What is it?
Why is it black and white and has...? Nope, next!
I don't have time for that right now, next
A fly tries to be a star now...
Even though you can't see their faces, it's so perfect
This is the best picture ever!
and I just cut my finger
Where is my photocard?
I have Jimin right here
Ah, Suga
More Suga
I thought it's the same picture
It's just... OMG
Next before it's too late!
I'm really nervous
It's the same picture as at the back
I've never seen many of those picture. Are they hidden somewhere on the Internet?
I didn't expect this. It was really sudden
Do you remember what I said awhille ago about his hair?
Jin hair here is some kind of mistake
This is the proof
But the photocard is pretty! What? I don't understand
This is my photocard with Jin
Maybe you already know who is Jin biased in this Unbridled Buffalo duo
I'll put it here
I'll continue
He looks like a dwarf
What is that?
Those pics are...
I really haven't seen many of those photos
It's just... Is it a lamp?
But what...
I thought it's an elephant but nevermind
It's just...
I will just print bigger versions and put them as my wallpaper
I haven't seen this and this one... Why his hand is blue?
As always some...
BigHit website and so on
It's beautiful!
The hair
This hair is horrible... But I really like Jin!
but they did wrong to him with that hair!
Ah, thanks to...
Why not for us?
Why does he have so many thank-you?
This is Rap Monster's
and this is Jimin's
Maybe Jimin is more thankful
or maybe he thanked hamsters or something...
The blonde girl in the 1st row who he refused
He's too much
This is just perfect
This is my bus stop!
We were wondering if it's going to look the same but it's the same
I will have my own altar at home
And it'll be in the background on theories videos
Jimin is also going to be at the background and there will be a lot of BTS
How amazing it is...
I wanna see the CD
I told Ann already but when she was watching her photobook, I completely forgot about the CD and I was like...
Why there's a CD?
Yeah, I bought a photobook only
It's a really beautiful CD
I'm gonna listen to it
Not that I don't listen to it because I analyse the lyrics all the time but it's just...
I'm extremely happy
I'm in love
I have my Jin
They got to be kidding us
Those photocards...
It's a joke
But the album is amazing and I really, really, really love it!
I couldn't wait to get it!
Ann will agree because when I saw that this package is in Warsaw,
I just burst
Ann got million messages like...
It arrived and we have it here!
And a CD for you!
And we hope that you will tell us everything after you get this CD
Maybe unboxing or something?
If anyone wants Jin
I will exchange him for 1mln Jimins
I have one
To sum up,
we have two You Never Walk Alone albums
photocards with Jin and Jimin
Of course, we exchanged them
Yeah, it was like this... But the fight was tough
We have a plush Jimin and it's completely normal!
But I have to show you something, wait, I just have to!
It's 18+ rated!
But it's so sick
He has a tail!
It's a tiny Jimin tail...
I have to fix his clothes
Now you can open your eyes
We also have two bus stops!
And we're extremely happy!
'Finally' is a good word
because we waited a looooooong time to buy any BTS CD
This album refers to the theories because we have all the short films here
And this is why those CDs are quite important for us
And from now on, I'm running this channel with Jimin
Thank you!
For those ARMYs who have no idea how they got here because there were many ARMYs like this under our video about KCON
We promise that it wasn't as weird as it can be
But we suggest you watching our others BTS videos
You can find BTS theories which are way more smarter
You can find the crack videos!
And they're not normal at all
But if you're looking for BTS, check our channel!
And in UBTV you can find all the other K-POP groups which are worth knowing
So subscribe and leave the comments!
And if you have this album or any other BTS album
Tell us what photocards you got!
Maybe any of you is as crazy as she is and bought a plush Jimin!
Or maybe any other plush BTS toy
I have also Kai from EXO
Or Kai from EXO
You can also write about it in the comments because we like reading your stories!
Maybe it will help us to think that we're not the only one
Thank you for watching this video!
We're saying bye! Me, mint Ann
and pastel pink Carol
and Jimin
It was an accident
I'm done
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