Friday, June 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 1 2018

Dear investors, partners and viewers of the SKY WAY CAPITAL News Channel !

My name is Dariya, and you will be watching number 117 release of the SKY WAY news, in which we as always tell you about all the events and achievements of SkyWay and SKY WAY CAPITAL.  What news was so memorable last week?  We will tell you about it right now. Today in our release:

tell you about all the events and achievements of SkyWay and SKY WAY CAPITAL.

What news was so memorable last week?

We will tell you about it right now. Today in our release:

Anatoliy Yunitskiy, the author of the string transport concept and General Designer of CJSC "String Technologies"

has sent a petition for including the string transport in the Law "On Road Traffic".

The SkyWay technologies were originally developed for the sake of making better the quality of human life by improving the environment.

Now, the idea of creating a comfortable microclimate that contributes to improving the employees' health and productivity

has already been applied inside the building of the design organization.

Let us find out the details of such a development first hand.

The 8th International Exhibition of Products and Technologies for City Electric Transport and Subways "ElectroTrans 2018"

took place in Moscow at the Sokolniki Exhibition Center on 16-17 May. This year, the exhibition was held simultaneously with the 12th International Exhibition of Information Technologies and Electronics "Electronics-Transport 2018".

Let us find out the details of the discussed questions and the taken decisions.

The tests of the traction modules of bi-rail unibus U4-220 are continuing at the EcoTehnoPark.

At the current stage of the new models testing, the company engineers are checking the operation of traction modules in coupling with each other,

and also are analyzing the operation of their main units and systems.

We will look at these developments in more detail:

Anatoliy Yunitskiy has sent a petition for including the string transport in the Law "On Road Traffic",

in which he notes that the string transport system already exists, and the first samples of the rolling stock, unibus and unibike, have already passed certification.

Based on that fact, the string transport is practically ready to work in the transport system of the country,

and the regulations about the "second level" transport can be included in the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On road traffic".

This addition corresponds to the world trends,

in which electric vehicles, including unmanned ones, become road users.

The full text of the petition is posted on our website, and everyone can have the access to it.

The SkyWay technologies were originally developed by Anatoliy Yunitskiy for the sake of making better the quality of human life by improving the environment.

As a result, there has appeared the idea of utilizing roofs of buildings, underground garages,

flyovers and other artificial bases for the creation of objects, using green plantations.

Already in July 2017, the guests of the EcoFest could enjoy the aromas of flowering gardens on the roofs of the anchor supports and the guest house at the SkyWay EcoTechnoPark.

The work on such an important element of the string technologies continues.

Now, the idea of creating a comfortable microclimate that contributes to improving the employees' health and productivity

is applied inside the building of the project organization.

The details, the nuances and subtleties of the implementation of this important direction of the SkyWay development

can be found on our website in the video interview with Marina Tretyak, Deputy General Director of CJSC "String Technologies" on Design,

who turned her office space into the blooming garden.

The 8th International Exhibition of Products and Technologies for City Electric Transport and Subways "ElectroTrans 2018" took place in Moscow in the middle of May.

During the seminar, which was organized in the framework of the exhibition,

there were being discussed the conditions for the sustainable development of the existing electric transport systems

and the prospects for creating the electro transport of the new formation, such as electric buses, new models of trams,

and also the string transport.

The seminar participants received the information about the changes in the legislation,

which are being prepared following the results of the meeting of the State Council Presidium. The meeting was devoted to strengthening the legal,

economic base of passenger enterprises and public control measures.

Within the framework of the State Council, Russian President Vladimir Putin emphasized the necessity to develop a strategic vision of how

passenger transportation will be developing in Russia in the medium-term and longer-term perspective.

President drew attention to the need of developing more environmentally friendly and efficiently advantageous technologies,

using new energy sources and enhancing the use of unmanned vehicles.

The issues of developing new types of transport are now breaking into the most urgent agenda for discussion.

Not so long ago, we wrote that there are being prepared changes in the legislation,

aimed at regulating unmanned vehicles in Russia and Belarus.

SkyWay also participates in these processes: the technology is presented at most industry exhibitions,

and the company specialists are actively promoting the idea of developing new modes of transport.

The tests of the traction modules of bi-rail unibus U4-220 are continuing at the EcoTehnoPark.

At the current stage of new models testing, the company engineers are checking the operation of traction modules in coupling with each other,

and also are analyzing the operation of their main units and systems.

After the new traction modules have successfully completed the set of commissioning and the necessary data has been collected,

the traction modules will be sent to the SkyWay pilot production facilities.

There, the SkyWay specialists will conduct the modules' docking with the unibus body.

The next step is the running tests of the bi-rail unibus on the section of the urban track.

This normative testing is an integral part of the SkyWay rolling stock certification.

That has been all the breaking news this week.

We will follow the development of the key events and will share them with you.

Watch our Youtube or Vimeo channels, do not forget to subscribe to our social networks,

and remember that the SkyWay is our future already today!

I say goodbye to you for now. Dariya has been with you today!

See you next week!

For more infomation >> SKY WAY CAPITAL News Release 118 - Duration: 6:21.


最近舒淇真是沉迷於帶娃啊,這是提前練習當媽的節奏? - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> 最近舒淇真是沉迷於帶娃啊,這是提前練習當媽的節奏? - Duration: 3:35.



Welcome in a new video! today we talk about personalized plates!

my official label retailer is Fata Morgana, link on the screen and under the video

produces customized plates in plexiglass, metal and eco-leather

Today I show you the absolute preview of the new collection in eco-leather: new shapes and new colors

the labels are customizable with your logo, if you do not have one, it will be tailor-made for you

colors available: beige, black, red, blue, gray, leather, green, fuchsia

some of the plexiglass and metal proposals already available



Leoš krmil svoji Koblihu celý večer: K nakousnutí byla nejenom pralinka - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Leoš krmil svoji Koblihu celý večer: K nakousnutí byla nejenom pralinka - Duration: 1:31.


Panda & Conejo | I'm sorry 【El hijo de Satanás (Trailer)】 - Duration: 1:01.

Life has a way of making you humble.

Day after day it's bringing you to your knees.

All's okay, then everything crumbles.

And all that you perceive is blowing away.

But while I'm tearing at the seams,

I'll apologize to anything.

I'm sorry...

Sorry, sorry...

For more infomation >> Panda & Conejo | I'm sorry 【El hijo de Satanás (Trailer)】 - Duration: 1:01.


✅ ベルシャザール産駒の注目馬は、美浦・大竹厩舎のアルチェーレ(牝)。今年のマーチSを勝ったセンチュリオンの半妹で、注目度は高い。4月12日の産地馬体検査でも、その馬体のよさはひときわ目立っていた。入 - Duration: 5:39.

 ベルシャザール産駒の注目馬は、美浦・大竹厩舎のアルチェーレ( )。今年のマーチSを勝ったセンチュリオンの半妹で、注目度は高い。 月12日の産地馬体検査でも、その馬体のよさはひときわ目立っていた

入厩は秋になるようだが、出走してきた際には目が離せない一頭だ。 続く要注目馬が栗東・松田国英厩舎のオリーブジュエルの16(牡)。 父がディープインパクトなので、サンデーサイレンスの3×3のクロス 生じる

「この大胆な配合が功を奏するかどうかは走ってみないとわかりませ が、生産した社台ファーム関係者は『体重が増えるのに比例して、動き グングンよくなってきている』と話していますね

入厩は少し先になるようですが、出走してきたら注意したい。芝、ダー ともに走りそうですが、手堅く狙うのならダートを使ってきた時でしょ 」(競馬ライター)  内国産では、非サンデーサイレンス系の貴重な 牡馬、トーセンジョーダンも気になるところ

 天皇賞・秋をレコードで制したように、スピードとスタミナを兼備 ているのが魅力だ。しかも、春の天皇賞でも2着するなど、長距離適性 備えている。先にデビューした半弟のトーセンホマレボシも初年度産駒 ら重賞ウィナーを出しており、種牡馬として成功する条件はそろってい

産駒の登録頭数は74頭と決して多くはないが、期待していいのではな か。トレセン関係者が言う。 「その期待値は、初年度にノーザンファ ムが12頭(全てサンデー系牝馬)の種付けをしたことでも証明できま

注目馬はその12頭のうちの一頭、栗東・池添厩舎のバンクショット( )ですね。母バプティスタは重賞勝ち馬こそ出していませんが、イース ー、デウスウルトなど、重賞入着馬は多数

そう考えると、一定レベル以上の活躍馬が出る可能性は高い。今はじっ りと鍛え上げているところで、秋以降のデビューとなる予定です。産駒 父に欠けていた切れ味がアップするかどうかがカギとなるでしょう」 ノーザンが切れ味に定評のあるサンデー牝馬を徹底して付けたのも、そ に狙いがあったからだ

 朝日杯FS、NHKマイルCと2つのGIを制した名マイラー、グ ンプリボスも注目の一頭だ。父サクラバクシンオーはスプリンターズS 覇など、短距離重賞を5勝した歴史的なスプリンター

種牡馬としても優秀で、高松宮記念を勝ったショウナンカンプやビッグ ーサーを輩出している。グランプリボスはその後継馬として期待され、 年度からサクラバクシンオー産駒としては過去最高となる123頭の牝 に種付けされたほどだ

For more infomation >> ✅ ベルシャザール産駒の注目馬は、美浦・大竹厩舎のアルチェーレ(牝)。今年のマーチSを勝ったセンチュリオンの半妹で、注目度は高い。4月12日の産地馬体検査でも、その馬体のよさはひときわ目立っていた。入 - Duration: 5:39.


Borkovcovi ze SuperStar zachutnalo mladé masíčko: Podezřele se motá kolempatnáctileté - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Borkovcovi ze SuperStar zachutnalo mladé masíčko: Podezřele se motá kolempatnáctileté - Duration: 1:45.


Sakura no Ame - Hatsune Miku (Subtitles cc) - Vocaloid Live Concert - Duration: 5:55.

Whenever our journeys may lead

We'll still be friends

It goes without saying it, right?

Those glory days, no two of us alike

Give us confidence, push us forward

The track we kicked up dust

The buttoned up uniforms we wore loose

The graffiti we wrote on our desks

All proof we made our mark

We shed a tear for every memory

That can't be relieved in a graduation speech

The wounds inflicted by our youth

But maybe we're grown up

Through the classroom window, sakura rain

Landing softly on my palm

Drawn on my heart

Let's take the bouquet we all made together

And set it free into the sky

Don't forget

Right now....

Each of us might be a single, small petal

Bu't we're not alone

The love letters we found in our shoe rock

The grumblings of our discontent in the hallway

The future we drew hand-to-hand on the roof top

All of them are our testimonies

Although it's not written in our diplomas,

We have learned to trust and love people





Just like us, The blue sky is also clearing up

A rainbow of cherry blossoms stretched, into our classroom from the windows

As a piece of our dream

Stirred up the feelings in our chest

Believing that we separate now in order to reunite later,

Let's all wave goodbyes at each other

Do not forget,

Once we've grown out an extravagant flower,

Let's meet again here

Out of all countless schools out there

The miracle is that we met each other

Those sweet smile will never change

No matter how years pass

Oooh, Aaah

Through the classroom window, sakura rain

Landing softly on my palm

Drawn in my heart

Let's take the bouquet we all made together

And set it free into the sky

Don't forget

Right now....

Each of us might be a single, small petal

Bu't we're not alone


We'll bloom, petals spreading wide

And meet again here

For more infomation >> Sakura no Ame - Hatsune Miku (Subtitles cc) - Vocaloid Live Concert - Duration: 5:55.


Doris Burke: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 11:43.

Doris Burke: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

Doris Burke is the first woman to work as a full-time NBA analyst on television.

Burke, 52, has been with ESPN since 2001.

According to Sports Illustrated, she was selected as the replacement for Doug Collins in 2017, and assigned a full season rotation of NBA commentating on both ESPN and ABC Sports.

Her career prior to that consisted of color commentary and sideline reporting, the latter of which she still does during the NBA Conference Finals and the NBA Finals.

Burke will be the sideline reporter for the 2018 NBA Finals alongside commentators Mike Breen, Mark Jackson, and Jeff Van Gundy, who once described Burke as "the LeBron James of sportscasting.

" It will be their ninth championship series together, and Burke's tenth overall.

Here's what you need to know about Burke and her groundbreaking career:.

She Set The Record For Assists On Her College Basketball Team.

Burke, born Doris Sable, discovered her love for basketball in the second grade.

"The love of the game is something I found [early on]", Burke told NJ Advance Media, "I literally picked that ball up as a 7-year-old and I have not put it down to this day." This passion allowed Burke to play competitively throughout high school and college.

She landed a spot on the Manasquan High School girls varsity team as a freshman, and eventually became the all-time leading scorer in the school's history. "She was the kind of kid, if she saw the boys do something, she wanted to know how to do that," said her high school coach Bill Rogers, "I don't know how many girls — if at all — had a jump shot.

The boys did.

So Doris would watch the boys and she would come to me and say, 'I want to learn a jump shot.

How do I shoot a jump shot?'".

Burke's jump shot led to scholarship offers from a number of eastern colleges, including UMass, Boston College, and Boston University, but she decided to attend Providence College in Rhode Island. "For me to even think about attending a college or university would have been a real financial hardship.

It would not have happened," she admitted, "That basketball scholarship changed my life.".

Burke's success on the court continued at Providence, where she made the Big East Women's Basketball Tournament twice in four years, and was a second-team All-Big East player.

Hartford Courant reports that Burke was also the Providence's Co-Female Athlete of the Year.

By 1987, she was the school's all-time career assist leader. Burke graduated from Providence College with a bachelor's degree in health service administration and social work.

  My favorite people!! (And pup)! A post shared by Doris Burke (@dorisaburke) on Nov 9, 2017 at 3:04pm PST.

Burke worked under Providence's head coach Bob Foley between 1987 and 1989, but left the coaching staff after she married Gregg Burke, who was an employee in the athletic department.

They had two children, Sarah (born 1993) and Matthew (born 1995), during their marriage, which later ended in divorce.

According to GoRhody, Gregg Burke is currently the Deputy Director of Athletics and Head Golf Coach at the University of Rhode Island.

She Began Her Broadcasting Career On the Radio In 1990.

Burke began her broadcasting career in 1990, as a means of staying close to the sport she loved.

She was the regular announcer for the Providence women's basketball games on the radio, but a random stroke of luck– a male announcer failed to show up for a televised Pittsburgh-Rhode Island game– forced her in front of the camera for the first time.

Her ex-husband Gregg recounted the incident to the Hartford Courant:.

We both shower, we bomb down there, 55 minutes before the game, she hasn't prepared for either team.

She visits the Pitt people for 10 minutes, the PC people for 10 minutes and they drag her out to do the opening.

And she nailed it. She nailed the game.

I'm not just saying that because I'm married to her, either.

I did it and it went very well", Burke added, "Though I hadn't prepared, I knew Providence, I knew Pittsburgh.

I would've watched the game anyways." Her career skyrocketed from there.

In a span of eight years, Burke reported on Big East men's games, announced New York Liberty games, and began her longstanding relationship with ESPN by covering women's basketball and the NCAA Tournament.

In 1999, the Atlantic 10, a collegiate conference, signed her as the primary analyst on its men's basketball package.

"She was, flat out, the best analyst," said Bob Steitz, Atlantic's associate commissioner, "Initially there were some raised eyebrows.

I don't think a lot of coaches had seen or heard her work.

I told them, 'At the end of the year, let's talk.' And they had nothing but glowing things to say about Doris.".

In 2000, Burke made history as the first woman to be a commentator for a New York Knicks game on both radio and television.

The following year, she signed her first official contract with ESPN.

Brian Sherriffe, a coordinating producer for ESPN at the time, spoke to the Hartford Courant about why the network found her to be so appealing:.

She immediately stood out, she was very consistent in her delivery.

She could do a quick interview in tough situations.

The closest she reminds me of is Bill Raftery.

She does have that burst of energy that Raf has always brought to the table.

Some would be accused of being over the top, but Doris savors the moment.

You know when you're at a big moment in the game with her.

Since 2003, Burke has been a member of ESPN's top men's basketball team, and has worked the sidelines for both ESPN and ABC Sports.

She has also been a columnist for Basketball Times Magazine and Eastern Basketball Magazine since 2001, and a contributing writer for the Center for Sports Parenting.

She Believes There's Still A Glass Ceiling For Women In Sports.

While Burke signed a multiyear contract extension with ESPN in 2013, ensuring that she'll be a commentator through the 2018 season, she has raised concerns regarding her age and whether the network will allow her to stay on as she gets older.

In a 2017 interview with Sports Illustrated, Burke said that she would like to retire by the age of 60 to spend time with her grandchildren, but worries that women who chose to continue past that age will be allowed to.

"We still have a long way to go," Burke said, "Because the reality is that I'm 52 years old.

And how many 55 to 60-year-old women do you see in sports broadcasting? How many? I see a lot of 60-year-old men broadcasting. The physical appearance and natural aging of all the men doing this job don't matter." Burke went on to call the glass ceiling that women are forced to deal with as a result is "bulls**t.".

She feels that women's appearances are still being stressed as too important in the broadcasting industry, and that while she wants to be considered attractive, she will not take extreme measures to alter her natural looks:.

I want to be considered attractive, [but] am I going to undergo surgery to make myself look younger? No.

So the wrinkles you see on my face and the signs of age that I have, they're going to be there, period, and it's up to the networks to decide [if it's acceptable].

"The older I've gotten," she told The New York Post in April, "The more I have paid attention to disparities, or what I consider to be different treatment." Burke also referenced the situation involving Sports Fox Network and sideline reporter Stephanie Ready.

In 2015 Ready was promoted to full-time analyst, but after two years, she was sent back to the sidelines.

For more infomation >> Doris Burke: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 11:43.


「50歳若返る」12代目カローラ、6月26日発表…トヨタ カローラハッチバック 新型[詳細画像] - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> 「50歳若返る」12代目カローラ、6月26日発表…トヨタ カローラハッチバック 新型[詳細画像] - Duration: 5:13.


今度はピラーレス!! 日産「リーフ」のオープンモデルを公開!! - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> 今度はピラーレス!! 日産「リーフ」のオープンモデルを公開!! - Duration: 2:20.


電気自動車 e-ゴルフに無料で乗れる…VWと自治体がコラボ - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> 電気自動車 e-ゴルフに無料で乗れる…VWと自治体がコラボ - Duration: 1:45.


Estos son los mejores lácteos para bajar de peso - Duration: 6:20.

For more infomation >> Estos son los mejores lácteos para bajar de peso - Duration: 6:20.


L'amour en question - Interview KYO - Épisode 5 - découverte du titre "Plan A". - Duration: 9:38.

For more infomation >> L'amour en question - Interview KYO - Épisode 5 - découverte du titre "Plan A". - Duration: 9:38.


SKY WAY CAPITAL News Release 118 - Duration: 6:21.

Dear investors, partners and viewers of the SKY WAY CAPITAL News Channel !

My name is Dariya, and you will be watching number 117 release of the SKY WAY news, in which we as always tell you about all the events and achievements of SkyWay and SKY WAY CAPITAL.  What news was so memorable last week?  We will tell you about it right now. Today in our release:

tell you about all the events and achievements of SkyWay and SKY WAY CAPITAL.

What news was so memorable last week?

We will tell you about it right now. Today in our release:

Anatoliy Yunitskiy, the author of the string transport concept and General Designer of CJSC "String Technologies"

has sent a petition for including the string transport in the Law "On Road Traffic".

The SkyWay technologies were originally developed for the sake of making better the quality of human life by improving the environment.

Now, the idea of creating a comfortable microclimate that contributes to improving the employees' health and productivity

has already been applied inside the building of the design organization.

Let us find out the details of such a development first hand.

The 8th International Exhibition of Products and Technologies for City Electric Transport and Subways "ElectroTrans 2018"

took place in Moscow at the Sokolniki Exhibition Center on 16-17 May. This year, the exhibition was held simultaneously with the 12th International Exhibition of Information Technologies and Electronics "Electronics-Transport 2018".

Let us find out the details of the discussed questions and the taken decisions.

The tests of the traction modules of bi-rail unibus U4-220 are continuing at the EcoTehnoPark.

At the current stage of the new models testing, the company engineers are checking the operation of traction modules in coupling with each other,

and also are analyzing the operation of their main units and systems.

We will look at these developments in more detail:

Anatoliy Yunitskiy has sent a petition for including the string transport in the Law "On Road Traffic",

in which he notes that the string transport system already exists, and the first samples of the rolling stock, unibus and unibike, have already passed certification.

Based on that fact, the string transport is practically ready to work in the transport system of the country,

and the regulations about the "second level" transport can be included in the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On road traffic".

This addition corresponds to the world trends,

in which electric vehicles, including unmanned ones, become road users.

The full text of the petition is posted on our website, and everyone can have the access to it.

The SkyWay technologies were originally developed by Anatoliy Yunitskiy for the sake of making better the quality of human life by improving the environment.

As a result, there has appeared the idea of utilizing roofs of buildings, underground garages,

flyovers and other artificial bases for the creation of objects, using green plantations.

Already in July 2017, the guests of the EcoFest could enjoy the aromas of flowering gardens on the roofs of the anchor supports and the guest house at the SkyWay EcoTechnoPark.

The work on such an important element of the string technologies continues.

Now, the idea of creating a comfortable microclimate that contributes to improving the employees' health and productivity

is applied inside the building of the project organization.

The details, the nuances and subtleties of the implementation of this important direction of the SkyWay development

can be found on our website in the video interview with Marina Tretyak, Deputy General Director of CJSC "String Technologies" on Design,

who turned her office space into the blooming garden.

The 8th International Exhibition of Products and Technologies for City Electric Transport and Subways "ElectroTrans 2018" took place in Moscow in the middle of May.

During the seminar, which was organized in the framework of the exhibition,

there were being discussed the conditions for the sustainable development of the existing electric transport systems

and the prospects for creating the electro transport of the new formation, such as electric buses, new models of trams,

and also the string transport.

The seminar participants received the information about the changes in the legislation,

which are being prepared following the results of the meeting of the State Council Presidium. The meeting was devoted to strengthening the legal,

economic base of passenger enterprises and public control measures.

Within the framework of the State Council, Russian President Vladimir Putin emphasized the necessity to develop a strategic vision of how

passenger transportation will be developing in Russia in the medium-term and longer-term perspective.

President drew attention to the need of developing more environmentally friendly and efficiently advantageous technologies,

using new energy sources and enhancing the use of unmanned vehicles.

The issues of developing new types of transport are now breaking into the most urgent agenda for discussion.

Not so long ago, we wrote that there are being prepared changes in the legislation,

aimed at regulating unmanned vehicles in Russia and Belarus.

SkyWay also participates in these processes: the technology is presented at most industry exhibitions,

and the company specialists are actively promoting the idea of developing new modes of transport.

The tests of the traction modules of bi-rail unibus U4-220 are continuing at the EcoTehnoPark.

At the current stage of new models testing, the company engineers are checking the operation of traction modules in coupling with each other,

and also are analyzing the operation of their main units and systems.

After the new traction modules have successfully completed the set of commissioning and the necessary data has been collected,

the traction modules will be sent to the SkyWay pilot production facilities.

There, the SkyWay specialists will conduct the modules' docking with the unibus body.

The next step is the running tests of the bi-rail unibus on the section of the urban track.

This normative testing is an integral part of the SkyWay rolling stock certification.

That has been all the breaking news this week.

We will follow the development of the key events and will share them with you.

Watch our Youtube or Vimeo channels, do not forget to subscribe to our social networks,

and remember that the SkyWay is our future already today!

I say goodbye to you for now. Dariya has been with you today!

See you next week!

For more infomation >> SKY WAY CAPITAL News Release 118 - Duration: 6:21.


Saqqal çıxartmaq üçün nə etməli 100% HƏLLİ | AMV - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Saqqal çıxartmaq üçün nə etməli 100% HƏLLİ | AMV - Duration: 3:15.


L'effectif du Front national s'amenuise au Parlement européen - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> L'effectif du Front national s'amenuise au Parlement européen - Duration: 4:03.


Et les roues du bus | Comptines | KiiYii - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Et les roues du bus | Comptines | KiiYii - Duration: 2:12.


Emotions et Sentiments | Chansons Originales | Par LBB Junior - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Emotions et Sentiments | Chansons Originales | Par LBB Junior - Duration: 1:55.


Jeder ist anders | Originale Lieder | Von LBB Junior - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Jeder ist anders | Originale Lieder | Von LBB Junior - Duration: 2:06.


Les bienfaits du vinaigre de pomme pour traiter la cellulite - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Les bienfaits du vinaigre de pomme pour traiter la cellulite - Duration: 5:10.


ベルシャザール産駒の注目馬は、美浦・大竹厩舎のアルチェーレ(牝)。今年のマーチSを勝ったセンチュリオンの半妹で、注目度は高い。4月12日の産地馬体検査でも、その馬体のよさはひときわ目立っていた。入厩… - Duration: 3:01.

 ベルシャザール産駒の注目馬は、美浦・大竹厩舎のアルチェーレ(牝)。今年のマー Sを勝ったセンチュリオンの半妹で、注目度は高い。4月12日の産地馬体検査でも、そ 馬体のよさはひときわ目立っていた

入厩は秋になるようだが、出走してきた際には目が離せない一頭だ。  続く要注目馬が 東・松田国英厩舎のオリーブジュエルの16(牡)。母父がディープインパクトなので、 ンデーサイレンスの3×3のクロスが生じる

「この大胆な配合が功を奏するかどうかは走ってみないとわかりませんが、生産した社 ファーム関係者は『体重が増えるのに比例して、動きもグングンよくなってきている』と していますね

入厩は少し先になるようですが、出走してきたら注意したい。芝、ダートともに走りそう すが、手堅く狙うのならダートを使ってきた時でしょう」(競馬ライター)  内国産で 、非サンデーサイレンス系の貴重な種牡馬、トーセンジョーダンも気になるところ

 天皇賞・秋をレコードで制したように、スピードとスタミナを兼備しているのが魅力 。しかも、春の天皇賞でも2着するなど、長距離適性も備えている。先にデビューした半 のトーセンホマレボシも初年度産駒から重賞ウィナーを出しており、種牡馬として成功す 条件はそろっている

産駒の登録頭数は74頭と決して多くはないが、期待していいのではないか。トレセン関 者が言う。 「その期待値は、初年度にノーザンファームが12頭(全てサンデー系牝馬 の種付けをしたことでも証明できます

注目馬はその12頭のうちの一頭、栗東・池添厩舎のバンクショット(牡)ですね。母バ ティスタは重賞勝ち馬こそ出していませんが、イースター、デウスウルトなど、重賞入着 は多数

そう考えると、一定レベル以上の活躍馬が出る可能性は高い。今はじっくりと鍛え上げて るところで、秋以降のデビューとなる予定です。産駒は父に欠けていた切れ味がアップす かどうかがカギとなるでしょう」  ノーザンが切れ味に定評のあるサンデー牝馬を徹底 て付けたのも、そこに狙いがあったからだ

 朝日杯FS、NHKマイルCと2つのGIを制した名マイラー、グランプリボスも注 の一頭だ。父サクラバクシンオーはスプリンターズS連覇など、短距離重賞を5勝した歴 的なスプリンター

種牡馬としても優秀で、高松宮記念を勝ったショウナンカンプやビッグアーサーを輩出し いる。グランプリボスはその後継馬として期待され、初年度からサクラバクシンオー産駒 しては過去最高となる123頭の牝馬に種付けされたほどだ

For more infomation >> ベルシャザール産駒の注目馬は、美浦・大竹厩舎のアルチェーレ(牝)。今年のマーチSを勝ったセンチュリオンの半妹で、注目度は高い。4月12日の産地馬体検査でも、その馬体のよさはひときわ目立っていた。入厩… - Duration: 3:01.


SpongeBob and Sandy

For more infomation >> SpongeBob and Sandy


8 choses du quotidien qui peuvent déclencher une rupture d'anévrisme cérébral (AVC) - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> 8 choses du quotidien qui peuvent déclencher une rupture d'anévrisme cérébral (AVC) - Duration: 3:34.


Baguette Quiche - Recette facile d'apéritif - - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Baguette Quiche - Recette facile d'apéritif - - Duration: 2:42.


01.06.2018 - REPORTAJES UMH TV "Programa ÓSMOSIS" - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> 01.06.2018 - REPORTAJES UMH TV "Programa ÓSMOSIS" - Duration: 5:23.


5 Days on a Remote Brasilian Island! Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 175 - Duration: 32:45.

For more infomation >> 5 Days on a Remote Brasilian Island! Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 175 - Duration: 32:45.


Panda & Conejo | I'm sorry 【El hijo de Satanás (Trailer)】 - Duration: 1:01.

Life has a way of making you humble.

Day after day it's bringing you to your knees.

All's okay, then everything crumbles.

And all that you perceive is blowing away.

But while I'm tearing at the seams,

I'll apologize to anything.

I'm sorry...

Sorry, sorry...

For more infomation >> Panda & Conejo | I'm sorry 【El hijo de Satanás (Trailer)】 - Duration: 1:01.


Mr Nice Is Changed Man After Cheating On Ex | First Dates - Duration: 2:56.

which are like relationship history I've been single since I was nine it's about

one relationship from 15 to 19 so four-year relationship which ended

sourly through my own wrongdoing you doing did cheat on her she was away for

six weeks and I was getting attention elsewhere if that's the right way of

saying it that was very flattering and I made a mistake I was so sorry for her

and how much I was there at the time it taught me a lesson very broad very young

the emotions that I went through were really it was extreme guilt afterwards I

felt extremely sad or shocked with myself I spoke to some family members

who were very close to me and they were shocked I have little sisters I have an

older sister and if someone did that to them I would be livid I've never done

anything like that since and the way I've acted since and my friendships work

on people around me who know me really well would stand by the fact that that's

not that's not me it's not a manly thing to do it's not the right thing to do

it's not there's no excuse for it so yeah change man

hey listen we've all made bad decisions I'm one of those more I support

someone's bad decision and help them through the position no matter what it

is okay he is the mr. nice guy that I've been looking for for a very long time

and you made sure I had a very good evening everybody like I'd like to see

you again before they ask the question Oh catch you off guard okay

thank God yeah I found a love thank you for lovely thank you for that is the

most perfect first date that I have had so it's looking good from here

make sure you subscribe to get a regular serving of love and romance

Mr Nice is changed man after cheating on girlfriend - First Dates UK

For more infomation >> Mr Nice Is Changed Man After Cheating On Ex | First Dates - Duration: 2:56.



Welcome in a new video! today we talk about personalized plates!

my official label retailer is Fata Morgana, link on the screen and under the video

produces customized plates in plexiglass, metal and eco-leather

Today I show you the absolute preview of the new collection in eco-leather: new shapes and new colors

the labels are customizable with your logo, if you do not have one, it will be tailor-made for you

colors available: beige, black, red, blue, gray, leather, green, fuchsia

some of the plexiglass and metal proposals already available



5 causes du vieillissement prématuré chez la femme - Duration: 12:01.

For more infomation >> 5 causes du vieillissement prématuré chez la femme - Duration: 12:01.


Careers Day feat. Vicente del Bosque | Top Eleven - Duration: 1:37.

Our last guest for today is...

Mr. Vicente Del Bosque.

He managed Spain to their first world title in 2010.

And he previously...managed Madrid!

...where he was also a player.

Any questions?

Go ahead, Marta.

-How many goals did you score?

-40, more or less

-40 goals in a season?!

-No...In my career! I was a midfielder, you know...


-If you really won in 2010, how come your face isn't in the official sticker album?

-Well, I don't think they have managers in those...


-Do you have your own signature football boots?

-What kind of car do you drive?

-How many Instagram followers do you have?


-What is your favourite nightclub in Dubai?

-Kids, don't be loud. There are lessons going on in the other classrooms.


-In the 2010 Final, you were coming up against a sturdy Dutch defense that sat deep,

but then started pressing high.

How did you initially plan to break through?

-To be honest, I ask myself the same questions.

-One, two, three. -Magnificent -And four.

-What's your name?

-They call me The Special One!

The Special One? Great!

For more infomation >> Careers Day feat. Vicente del Bosque | Top Eleven - Duration: 1:37.


Broken Rainbow | MeBears | Cartoon Videos For Kids - Duration: 3:06.

Me Bears

For more infomation >> Broken Rainbow | MeBears | Cartoon Videos For Kids - Duration: 3:06.


Fabien Lecoeuvre brise le silence sur les addictions de Johnny Hallyday ? ? - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Fabien Lecoeuvre brise le silence sur les addictions de Johnny Hallyday ? ? - Duration: 2:21.


L'amour en question - Interview KYO - Épisode 5 - découverte du titre "Plan A". - Duration: 9:38.

For more infomation >> L'amour en question - Interview KYO - Épisode 5 - découverte du titre "Plan A". - Duration: 9:38.


Ants Go Marching | Nursery Rhymes and Videos for Babies - Duration: 1:00:24.

The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah

The ants go marching two by two, hurrah, hurrah

The ants go marching three by three,

The little one stops to climb a tree

And they all go marching down to the ground

To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

The ants go marching four by four, hurrah, hurrah 四只蚂蚁前进着,万岁,万岁 8 00:00:33,640 --> 00:00:38,080 The ants go marching five by five, hurrah, hurrah

The ants go marching six by six,

The little one stops to pick up sticks

And they all go marching down to the ground

To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

The ants go marching seven by seven, hurrah, hurrah

The ants go marching eight by eight, hurrah, hurrah

The ants go marching nine by nine,

The little one stops to check the time

And they all go marching down to the ground

To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

The ants go marching ten by ten, hurrah, hurrah

The ants go marching ten by ten, hurrah, hurrah

The ants go marching ten by ten,

The little one stops to shout "The End",

And they all go marching down to the ground

To get out of the rain.

For more infomation >> Ants Go Marching | Nursery Rhymes and Videos for Babies - Duration: 1:00:24.


✅ Amici 17: Irama ed Emma rispondono a Carmen, interviene Einar - Duration: 4:32.

Amici, Irama risponde allo sfogo di Carmen: "Discorso da rosiconi" Dopo lo sfogo di Carmen contro Emma e Irama, il compagno di squadra della cantante siciliana, Einar, dice la sua

Einar cerca di difendere Carmen anche andando contro il pensiero del suo amico più intimo Irama e poi continuano con lo sfogo su Emma

Il cantautore dei Bianchi non ci sta: "Fratello mio, io ti voglio bene però non fare così adesso

Non mi dire che si comporta bene". Irama continua rispondendo alle parole di Carmen: "Tutti qua lavoriamo e diamo il massimo

Io mi faccio un mazzo così. Come lei si fa un mazzo a interpretare, io mi faccio un mazzo così a scrivere, a metterci del mio

Lei dice che sono avvantaggiato. Non c'è una legge che vieta che anche lei lo faccia, anzi io sarei ben contento

Io ho scritto degli inediti, ho delle canzoni, faccio il cantautore e quindi ho portato delle mie canzoni

Non mi sento avvantaggiato, penso sia un discorso da rosiconi. Io sono una persona onesta e sincera, mi comporto bene

Dico semplicemente che non mi è piaciuto l'atteggiamento. Tendere quasi a screditare una persona mentre dalla parte di Emma c'è sempre stato, secondo me, rispetto e tutt'ora Emma ha sempre detto che Carmen è bravissima

A me come si comporta, il suo modo di fare, a me non piace tanto. Lo so che non piace tanto anche a Einar, magari ha cambiato idea in questi giorni

Einar è un fratello. Ti voglio bene Einar, non dirmi che si è sempre comportata bene"

Amici: Irama difende Emma Muscat dalle parole di Carmen "Emma non è una persona che parla alle spalle" afferma Irama difendendo la compagna di squadra dallo sfogo di Carmen

"Sei stata tu prima a parlarle alle spalle all'inizio e non lei. Trovo che sia un atteggiamento incoerente

Esiste la competizione positiva e la competizione negativa. La competizione positiva è una cosa rispettosa

La competizione negativa è qualcosa dove si manca di rispetto. Non venirmi a dire che tu sei sempre stata rispettosa"

Il cantautore si riferisce poi alla sfida diretta tra Emma e Einar e, parlando ancora a Carmen, dice: "Mi sembrava carino, educato, gentile sostenerli entrambi"

Atteggiamento malizioso di fondo è quello che pensa Irama del comportamento di Carmen

Amici: Emma risponde a Carmen: "Mai parlato male, tu lo hai fatto. Mi aspettavo almeno un in bocca al lupo" Anche Emma risponde allo sfogo di Carmen

"Tu hai detto che non hai mai parlato male di me. Durante il pomeridiano è andato in onda due o tre volte che tu parlavi male

Mi ricordo che hai detto qualcosa su di me con gli altri, quando io non c'ero, in sala relax

Mai ho detto niente su di te. La prima volta che ho detto qualcosa che non mi è piaciuta, di cui ci sono rimasta un po' male, era qui nel giardino con Irama, dopo la puntata

Ero in un momento di tensione contro Einar. Mi aspettavo almeno un in bocca al lupo

Non ho detto niente di male" dice Emma.

For more infomation >> ✅ Amici 17: Irama ed Emma rispondono a Carmen, interviene Einar - Duration: 4:32.


Les vitamines et les minéraux qui combattent la dépression - Duration: 12:44.

For more infomation >> Les vitamines et les minéraux qui combattent la dépression - Duration: 12:44.


《海贼王》藏东西最神秘的地方,有一个藏了无数年都没有被发现 - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> 《海贼王》藏东西最神秘的地方,有一个藏了无数年都没有被发现 - Duration: 3:02.


【區塊鏈專題#2】世界當紅炸子雞"區塊",2分鐘迅速弄懂blockchain -Blockchain特輯 @601 - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> 【區塊鏈專題#2】世界當紅炸子雞"區塊",2分鐘迅速弄懂blockchain -Blockchain特輯 @601 - Duration: 2:19.


SKY WAY CAPITAL News Release 118 - Duration: 6:21.

Dear investors, partners and viewers of the SKY WAY CAPITAL News Channel !

My name is Dariya, and you will be watching number 117 release of the SKY WAY news, in which we as always tell you about all the events and achievements of SkyWay and SKY WAY CAPITAL.  What news was so memorable last week?  We will tell you about it right now. Today in our release:

tell you about all the events and achievements of SkyWay and SKY WAY CAPITAL.

What news was so memorable last week?

We will tell you about it right now. Today in our release:

Anatoliy Yunitskiy, the author of the string transport concept and General Designer of CJSC "String Technologies"

has sent a petition for including the string transport in the Law "On Road Traffic".

The SkyWay technologies were originally developed for the sake of making better the quality of human life by improving the environment.

Now, the idea of creating a comfortable microclimate that contributes to improving the employees' health and productivity

has already been applied inside the building of the design organization.

Let us find out the details of such a development first hand.

The 8th International Exhibition of Products and Technologies for City Electric Transport and Subways "ElectroTrans 2018"

took place in Moscow at the Sokolniki Exhibition Center on 16-17 May. This year, the exhibition was held simultaneously with the 12th International Exhibition of Information Technologies and Electronics "Electronics-Transport 2018".

Let us find out the details of the discussed questions and the taken decisions.

The tests of the traction modules of bi-rail unibus U4-220 are continuing at the EcoTehnoPark.

At the current stage of the new models testing, the company engineers are checking the operation of traction modules in coupling with each other,

and also are analyzing the operation of their main units and systems.

We will look at these developments in more detail:

Anatoliy Yunitskiy has sent a petition for including the string transport in the Law "On Road Traffic",

in which he notes that the string transport system already exists, and the first samples of the rolling stock, unibus and unibike, have already passed certification.

Based on that fact, the string transport is practically ready to work in the transport system of the country,

and the regulations about the "second level" transport can be included in the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On road traffic".

This addition corresponds to the world trends,

in which electric vehicles, including unmanned ones, become road users.

The full text of the petition is posted on our website, and everyone can have the access to it.

The SkyWay technologies were originally developed by Anatoliy Yunitskiy for the sake of making better the quality of human life by improving the environment.

As a result, there has appeared the idea of utilizing roofs of buildings, underground garages,

flyovers and other artificial bases for the creation of objects, using green plantations.

Already in July 2017, the guests of the EcoFest could enjoy the aromas of flowering gardens on the roofs of the anchor supports and the guest house at the SkyWay EcoTechnoPark.

The work on such an important element of the string technologies continues.

Now, the idea of creating a comfortable microclimate that contributes to improving the employees' health and productivity

is applied inside the building of the project organization.

The details, the nuances and subtleties of the implementation of this important direction of the SkyWay development

can be found on our website in the video interview with Marina Tretyak, Deputy General Director of CJSC "String Technologies" on Design,

who turned her office space into the blooming garden.

The 8th International Exhibition of Products and Technologies for City Electric Transport and Subways "ElectroTrans 2018" took place in Moscow in the middle of May.

During the seminar, which was organized in the framework of the exhibition,

there were being discussed the conditions for the sustainable development of the existing electric transport systems

and the prospects for creating the electro transport of the new formation, such as electric buses, new models of trams,

and also the string transport.

The seminar participants received the information about the changes in the legislation,

which are being prepared following the results of the meeting of the State Council Presidium. The meeting was devoted to strengthening the legal,

economic base of passenger enterprises and public control measures.

Within the framework of the State Council, Russian President Vladimir Putin emphasized the necessity to develop a strategic vision of how

passenger transportation will be developing in Russia in the medium-term and longer-term perspective.

President drew attention to the need of developing more environmentally friendly and efficiently advantageous technologies,

using new energy sources and enhancing the use of unmanned vehicles.

The issues of developing new types of transport are now breaking into the most urgent agenda for discussion.

Not so long ago, we wrote that there are being prepared changes in the legislation,

aimed at regulating unmanned vehicles in Russia and Belarus.

SkyWay also participates in these processes: the technology is presented at most industry exhibitions,

and the company specialists are actively promoting the idea of developing new modes of transport.

The tests of the traction modules of bi-rail unibus U4-220 are continuing at the EcoTehnoPark.

At the current stage of new models testing, the company engineers are checking the operation of traction modules in coupling with each other,

and also are analyzing the operation of their main units and systems.

After the new traction modules have successfully completed the set of commissioning and the necessary data has been collected,

the traction modules will be sent to the SkyWay pilot production facilities.

There, the SkyWay specialists will conduct the modules' docking with the unibus body.

The next step is the running tests of the bi-rail unibus on the section of the urban track.

This normative testing is an integral part of the SkyWay rolling stock certification.

That has been all the breaking news this week.

We will follow the development of the key events and will share them with you.

Watch our Youtube or Vimeo channels, do not forget to subscribe to our social networks,

and remember that the SkyWay is our future already today!

I say goodbye to you for now. Dariya has been with you today!

See you next week!

For more infomation >> SKY WAY CAPITAL News Release 118 - Duration: 6:21.


Philippines 2018 - Iloilo, Panay island - VLOG_02 - Duration: 9:13.


We arrived in Iloilo!

We are at Ong-bun pension house

Yes! 12 euros a night

With airconditioning, a tv and...

a queen size bed...

the restroom is here.. better to show it.

This is the restroom

There is water

We are going to look for a rope to hang our clothes for the laundry that we haven't found...

So we are in a supermarket in Iloilo ( Robinsons mall)

I just met a counter-figure of Antonino Zichichi ;-)

We haven't found the rope in the supermarket but we found it in a hardware store

This is the hardware store in the Philippines

And this is the rope.

The underwear is quite explicative ;-)

It cost?

200 pesos = around 3 euros

A jeepney!

We should be close....( Robertos place!)

We should almost be there

Here it is, Robertos!

a long time but finally we got here...

good morning!

So Robertos is famous for the best Siopao in the area

Lami kaayo ( Taste good )

Siopao of Robertos

Good morning!

We arrived

Madge Cafe

We made it!

I had another immagination where it was...

Yeah but it is characteristic ;-)

Magandang umaga (tagalog)= Good morning !

Kumusta mam = How are you?

Ok lang= I'm fine

Salamat po! = Thank you!

We are at Madge cafe

In the middle of the market in Iloilo ( LA PAZ market)

I like it here

We are eating a bread typical of iloilo , Warm!

and with a boiling coffee

I haven't put ice cubes on the coca cola but they brought it to me WARM ;-((((

And it's 34-35 degrees C and with a 100% humidity!!!

if this is not massochism !!!

I don't know, but i like the place!

Even if it is interesting to get here ;-)

But once you get here....

Someone is crushing me with the chair behind...

Madge Cafe I recommend it!

Dili lami kaayo = The bread was not that good!

Instead of using the ice cubes for putting it on the coca cola

I used it instead to put it inside my underwear!!!!

But now it's getting too COLD!!!

But it's a good solution to cool off that i can recommend ;-))))

Molo Church

This is a Balete tree, a particular plant

typical of Iloilo

that seems to engulf everything!!!



There are birds inside

We are at Molo Church

The statues represented only women saints

Everybody is here...

I've seen St. Therese down there..

Santa Polonia

Here it is St. Therese

My grandma was named after her

Very nice

This church is a UNESCO heritage

Nindot Iglesia(simbahan) = Nice church

Pietro found a new job!

How is it?

The saddle is too hot and beyond that it must be very clean (LOL)

We are getting on the bus to go to Miag-ao

The bus terminal is close to Molo church

Naa mi sa bus padung Miag-ao = We are on the bus going to Miag-ao

For more infomation >> Philippines 2018 - Iloilo, Panay island - VLOG_02 - Duration: 9:13.


Les Etats-Unis accusent à nouveau la Corée du Nord d'attaques informatiques - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> Les Etats-Unis accusent à nouveau la Corée du Nord d'attaques informatiques - Duration: 5:28.


SpongeBob and Sandy

For more infomation >> SpongeBob and Sandy


F-35가 작동하지 않는다면 미국은 어떻게 대응할까? | MILITARY SECRET - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> F-35가 작동하지 않는다면 미국은 어떻게 대응할까? | MILITARY SECRET - Duration: 5:25.


Part 1 "Beauty of stillness" Pawel Ulatowski Architecture Photography with Irix 11mm f/4.0 - Duration: 3:28.

Hello everyone. My name's Paweł Ulatowski, and I'm a professional photographer

that specializes in the photography of interior and external architecture.

I've been working in the profession for over 20 years so I think I've got quite a bit of experience!

Today I'd like to tell you how you can take a creative and technically correct photograph

within a small interior so that it looks more spacious with a wide-angle 11mm Irix lens.

Now It really is a very nice machine when you consider the tools one uses for working in small interiors because it's ultra wide and,

at the same time, has fairly small distortion which is very easy to correct in post processing.

I think it also has quite a small chromatic aberration if we fix the lens to an aperture of f 8 / 11 / 16.

It's really this aberration that ceases to be noticeable, while the corners remain very sharp and clear which is important in interior photography.

As I mentioned, it gives us a lot of possibilities to frame in a small interior, and by showing the interior in a very interesting way in just a few frames,

we can build up perspective in the first plan with a strong connection to the background. Always try to show different design ideas in the interior.

I can highly recommend this lens in this type of photography.

When I'm preparing to photograph the interior first, I always check if I have a charged battery.

Ideally you should have two because running out of power with your camera is the worst thing that can happen,

especially when we're working outside the home, city or anywhere around the world.

Besides having an additional power source, I always take a tripod and a little spirit level

with me because photographs of architecture and interiors mainly consist of simple lines of walls and coils,

therefore that small bubble upon which we put on the sleds of the flash helps us a lot.

Of course you can also use the level built into the camera if you don't have the external kind.

In today's pictures I don't use external lighting sources but the existing light.

I also used HDR technology gently in post processing,

that is, combining several images into one to brighten the shadows and gently knock out the lights

so that the image is balanced and well exposed.

The ideal situation is that moment when we can devote a whole day to photograph the interior,

because then we can choose different times of the day from dawn to dusk and play with light,

which unfortunately isn't a situation that happens very often

because the interior may simply be unavailable in any given period.

It is, therefore, necessary to deal with the time either by using external light sources

or by exposing several frames to form a multi-exposition.

For more infomation >> Part 1 "Beauty of stillness" Pawel Ulatowski Architecture Photography with Irix 11mm f/4.0 - Duration: 3:28.


美國欲對台出售F-35B:以防颱空軍被一鍋端 - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> 美國欲對台出售F-35B:以防颱空軍被一鍋端 - Duration: 4:48.


今度はピラーレス!! 日産「リーフ」のオープンモデルを公開!! - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> 今度はピラーレス!! 日産「リーフ」のオープンモデルを公開!! - Duration: 2:20.


電気自動車 e-ゴルフに無料で乗れる…VWと自治体がコラボ - Duration: 1:45.

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✅ Η Νάντια Μουρούζη περιγράφει τη νέα της ζωή στο Παρίσι! | News | - Duration: 2:48.

Για τη ζωή της μακριά από την Ελλάδα και τις αλλαγές στην καθημερινότητά της, μίλησε η Νάντια Μουρούζη στο περιοδικό Down Town

Η γνωστή ηθοποιός περιέγραψε την εμπειρία της αλλά και τις ευκαιρίες που είχε, μετακομίζοντας στο Παρίσι

Ακολουθεί απόσπασμα της συνέντευξης… Άρα από εδώ και πέρα είστε και με τη βούλα, μόνιμη κάτοικος Παρισιού; Καi Παρίσι και Αθήνα

Στο Παρίσι δεν ἔχασα τον καιρό μου. Γνώρισα σκηνοθέτες τοῦ κινηματογράφου όπως τον Φρανσουά Οζόν, ηθοποιούς, ζωγράφους, θεατρικούς συγγραφείς, μουσικούς και κριτικούς τέχνης

Είδα πολλές θεατρικές παραστάσεις και χορό, πήγα σε συναυλίες κλασσικής και σύγχρονης μουσικής, σε ἐκθέσεις ζωγραφικής και γλυπτικής

Ό,τι πιό σύγχρονο γίνεται σήμερα στο χώρο της τέχνης. Πάνω απ᾽ όλα όμως ήθελα να σπουδάσω κάτι που δεν υπάρχει στην Ελλάδα σχετικό με τη δουλειά μου

Έτσι έκανα κινηματογράφο στη Σορβόννη και πήρα master « Σενάριο-Σκηνοθεσία-Παραγωγή», πριν έναν χρόνο

  Πώς είναι τώρα η καθημερινότητά σας στο Παρίσι; Μένουμε στην καρδιά του Παρισιού

Ακούμε τις καμπάνες της Νοτρ νταμ και τις καμπάνες του Σεν Λουί. Είναι παραμυθένιο το σκηνικό

Το σπίτι μας είναι του 1600 με πολύ ωραίες ξύλινες σκάλες που εἶναι διατηρητέες και τις οποίες ανεβοκατεβαίνω τέσσερις ή πέντε φορές την ημέρα επειδή δεν έχουμε ασανσέρ

Εκεί που μένουμε εμείς τώρα, έμενε και η ερωμένη του Μποντλαίρ. Στα χρόνια της γαλλικής επανάστασης έμενε κι ένας φίλος του Ροβεσπιέρου που κατέληξε στο ικρίωμα

Δίπλα μας μένει η Βαλερί Καπρίσκι, μια ηθοποιός της γενιάς μου, που βλέπω κάθε μέρα στον δρόμο κατά μήκος του Σηκουάνα

Επίσης στη γειτονιά μας έχουμε τον πιο σνόμπ μανάβη γιατί πηγαίνει φρούτα και λαχανικά στο αρχοντικό του Αγά Χαν, λίγα μέτρα πιο κάτω, και την έχει δει κάπως

Και φυσικά, ως λάτρης της καλής διατροφής ο Νίκος μου

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