For more infomation >> FaceMelt Crew | Coming to a Festival Near You [] - Duration: 0:33.-------------------------------------------
How to Pronounce BODY & BUDDY - American English Pronunciation Lesson - Duration: 1:36.
welcome to the minute of speech this confusing word pair is from a Spanish
speaker from Ecuador body the physical structure of something and buddy
a friend to say these words correctly focus on the vowel sounds oh and uh to say
body start by saying b with your lips together move to an oh by opening your
mouth wide add a d by touching the tip of the tongue to the back of the top teeth
end with a long E by smiling body to say buddy start by saying B with your lips
together move to and uh by relaxing your lips and tongue make this sound very
short add a D by touching the tip of the tongue to the back of the top front teeth end
with a long e by smiling buddy let's try it
body body body budddy budddy buddy body buddy my buddy and I fixed the body of the car
my buddy and i fixed the body of the car
people will notice the difference
KoA Social Platforms - Find Your Network - Duration: 2:33.
Greetings my Lords and Ladies!
This is Lady of Avalon from the KoA Studio.
In today's video I'm going to introduce you
our main social platforms which you can use daily
to progress in the game.
Following our channels is the best way
to talk to other players, to win rewards
and to get all the latest news about the game.
We recently started to grow on another platform
which is called Discord.
Discord is a chat for gamers
and it's also available as a mobile app.
I'm not going to explain to you all the features
because that would take forever
just keep in mind that it's an improved version
of an IRC chat and it's very fun to use!
We first build it for our moderators,
that means that you can use this chat
to talk to other players, to our mods,
sometimes to our developers and to me too.
We also use it to organize contests and for example
there is one going on right now.
You just have to send us videos
of your best moments in-game
and you're going to get rewarded with gold.
So, if you want to try it out
just follow the link in the video description
and you won't even have to register
to join our channels.
YouTube is our main video platform
where we publish the videos produced by the studio.
There's also the Lady of Avalon section
where you can find my videos to help you out.
There I found very awesome players
that leave super nice comments
and I'm very grateful for their support.
There's also some gameplay content and trailers
that we're going to bring to you
and a lot of very nice video projects
so keep an eye on the channel.
Our biggest platform is Facebook.
If you're not following it yet it's very easy,
just type King of Avalon on the search bar
and tap on the first result.
On our fan page you can participate
into a lot of activities that we organize
where you can win rewards.
We're also going to keep you updated
about all the news of the game
and we'll also provide fun content.
Remember that there's going to be
a lot of very experienced players on the fan page
so if you have any question you can ask them
and they're going to help you with your strategy.
Also, if you're looking for an Alliance
that's definitely the best place
as we organize alliance events every week.
That's it for today guys,
thank you for watching, I hope that
you're going to have a great time on our platforms.
If you have any suggestion or any improvement,
if you have questions, leave a comment below.
Remember to Like this video, Share it and
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel.
Numbness - theJunieBird - Duration: 2:40.
[door opening and closing]
(voice over) Truth is that this has been
a hard week.
I was working for a lot of it, which is great in theory, but the schedule of my two main
gigs meant that I lost touch with my community.
Just for a minute.
But that was long enough.
[Love is All Around coming from the TV]
On Wednesday Mary Tyler Moore died.
I don't like making a big deal of celebrity deaths
and I try not to, but this one hit
me hard.
I wanted to BE Mary Richards.
Laura Petrie.
[TV suddenly goes dark]
And now she's gone.
I'll miss her.
This month feels like it could be split in two.
Beginning and hope and before.
Ending and overwhelming hopelessness and after.
The internet is full of anger right now.
And I want to be angry.
But all I am is numb.
Portal #13 | TESTS WITH WHEATLEY! - Duration: 18:24.
Hey there Bots, my name is Boss-Tron Bot and today I am playing more Portal 2!
💗 Modern bedroom - cozy lighting ideas - Duration: 2:53.
𝕋𝕠𝕜𝕠𝕪𝕠 𝕂𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕌𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕊𝕜𝕚𝕟 - Sub español - Duration: 2:05.
Meet the 5 Families that control the WORLD - Duration: 4:08.
Meet the 5 Families that control the WORLD
by Ivan
At some point in history, which many point out around the Renaissance, political and
economic models were oriented toward the creation of financial and commercial entities, now
transformed into the most powerful corporations on the planet. There are five families that
control the world, by having unprecedented ties in political, economic and military systems.
Beyond the political-business framework, behind the corporations, there is a hardcore basis
of hegemonic power, which is perpetrated almost exclusively in a subsidiary way. Here are
the families that according to historians and scholars control the world:
The Rothschilds: although many claim this family has extremely ancient ancestral links,
it is possible to identify the official beginning of this dynasty in the middle of the eighteenth
century, with German banker of Jewish origin Mayer Amschel Rothschild, identified by Forbes
magazine as �the founding father of international finances�. Since then, the family has remained
at the top of the planetary oligarchy and has a determining influence on the US Federal
Reserve, as well as the British financial system.
The Rockefellers: this empire began at the end of the nineteenth century when the consolidation
of the Standard Oil Company placed the family at the head of an incipient oil industry.
John D. Rockefeller, the first of the dynasty, was considered the richest man in history
by Forbes magazine, with a fortune to date equivalent to 340 billion dollars. The family
has been perpetrated in the most ambitious circles of power and has influence over virtually
any world politics.
The Morgans: Towards the end of the nineteenth century, John Pierpont Morgan founded J. P.
Morgan & Company, a financial company that has played a leading role in the economic
history of the United States and, therefore, the world.
This banker is identified as the savior of the American economy, leading a movement of
bankers to sell bonds and buy back gold, avoiding the sinking of national reserves. Since then,
the Morgan family has controlled its country�s gold supply.
The Du-Pont: Economist Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours, arrived in the United States in
1799, escaping the French Revolution. He founded his company, which did not take long to establish
itself as the main supplier of gunpowder of the government, and went on later to monopolize
the dynamite market. 40 percent of the Allied armament of the First War was provided by
him and he was involved in the Manhattan Project, which led to the creation of the first atomic
The Bush: This family is considered as the newest family of the world elite and began
its legacy with Prescott Sheldon Bush, a US banker and senator who was accused, together
with the United States government, of obscenely profiting from World War II and having established
large Businesses with the companies that financed Adolf Hitler�s government. The alleged speculation
and lack of ethics were documented by an investigation of The Guardian newspaper.
Issue TV|EP.1|開箱!Anna Sui藍夢金雀口紅筆,大學生平日愛用唇膏?! - Duration: 9:40.
Peugeot 208 1.2 VTI 60KW/82PK 5-D - Duration: 1:46.
Peugeot 208 ENVY 1.2VTI 82PK 5-D - Duration: 1:46.
Peugeot 208 ACTIVE1.2 VTI 60KW/82PK 5-D - Duration: 1:52.
Peugeot 208 ALLURE 1.6THP 156PK NAVI, PANODAK 3-D - Duration: 1:52.
Peugeot 208 ENVY 1.2VTI 82PK 5-D *NAVI + LICHTMETAAL* - Duration: 1:44.
-Rolox-Murder Mystery 2-with maththinker - Duration: 20:01.
COLLIDE - Starring Nicholas ...
Tauzha Blew A Bag ft. Lil Durk
Peugeot 107 ENVY 1.0-12V 5D - Duration: 1:17.
BiWald presents: FIRST MEETING CD release tour - Duration: 2:59.
Opel Corsa 1.4 16V 3D Cosmo - Duration: 1:27.
Lebron James Clapsback At Charles Barkley After Charles Airs LBJ Out Live On TNT - Duration: 7:02.
LeBron James is tired.
Tired of carrying the Cleveland Cavaliers.
And tired of Charles Barkley.
A week after James ripped his general manager's team-building efforts, drawing criticism from
the media, including TNT's "Inside the NBA" crew, the Cavs star let loose to ESPN's
Dave McMenamin:
"I'm not going to let him disrespect my legacy like that," James said of Barkley.
"I'm not the one who threw somebody through a window.
I never spit on a kid.
I never had unpaid debt in Las Vegas.
I never said, 'I'm not a role model.'
I never showed up to All-Star Weekend on Sunday because I was in Vegas all weekend partying.
"All I've done for my entire career is represent the NBA the right way.
Fourteen years, never got in trouble.
Respected the game.
Print that."
If that wasn't enough, James went on to describe the outspoken Hall of Famer as "a
hater" who "wanted to retire a long time ago" from broadcasting, but is "stuck
up on that stage every week."
James called for Barkley to convey face-to-face the criticisms he levied on television, pointing
to Cleveland's schedule, which features three games on TNT in February.
"Screw Charles Barkley," added James, before adding, "I'm tired of biting my
There's a new sheriff in town."
No word on whether LeBron blew on his pointed index fingers and put his hands back into
a fake holster on his hip.
LeBron's comments came in response to Barkley's criticism a week earlier, when he called James
"inappropriate, whiny, all of the above" for his plea to the front office for another
"f***ing playmaker."
"The Cleveland Cavaliers have given him everything he wanted.
They have the highest payroll in NBA history," said Barkley.
He added of James, "He's the best player in the world.
Does he want all the good players?
He don't want to compete?
He's an amazing player, but they're the defending champs.
… He's got Kyrie Irving and Kevin Love.
Does he want everybody?
He don't want to compete?
He want to be the favorite all the time?
It just pisses me off that a guy that great doesn't want to compete."
In that same 2016 interview with Bill Simmons on HBO, Barkley added, "I will say this
about LeBron James: I've never seen a man coming out of high school who has handled
the success, been a great player, never got in a stitch of trouble — it's probably
been the greatest career ever."
So, that should give you an idea of Barkley's true regard for
James as well as the 53-year-old's strange reasoning.
First asked about Barkley's latest comments after a win over the Brooklyn Nets on Friday,
James told reporters, ""He has to do that.
mean, it's good for the ratings.
That makes no sense in the world.
Ever since I picked up a basketball at age 9 I've competed every single time, so you
can never question that about me.
But that's Charles.
He's the guy who has to sit on a panel and says stuff like that, but at the end of the
day, it doesn't matter.
That means absolutely nothing.
I wasn't even watching last night."
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