its work!
For more infomation >> clash royal real hack 100% WORK - Duration: 5:40.-------------------------------------------
The Most Awesome Epic Video Ever - Duration: 4:42.
Oh hello there! I didn't see you come in.
Me and Zwhatsh here...
Were just browsing through your comments and we have noticed that not all of you are too happy with our video making.
And that is why we are here now!
Where we will satisfy all our viewers!
Okay! Let's begin!
Worst sound effects ever.
Ah yes! The sound effects!
They are pretty shit aren't they?
There we go!
That is the sweet sound of no sound effects.
No sound effect will ever appear in this video.
The music is shit.
Well of course! I mean... This guy clearly has a monopoly on the music taste market.
Let's change the music!
This is nice! Isn't it?
Dislike for the awful music all the way through the video.
I'll be damned!
So maybe there are different people that like different music after all?
Is that really possible?
There is only one way to solve this...
No music whatsoever.
That way everybody will be happy!
Great! NEXT!
Too much shit editing.
Ah yes! The editing!
Why didn't we think of this before?
Screw all the hardcore editing! We prefer the raw footage!
Way too much editing.
Too much?
Well shit...
I mean... We have liked removed everything by now.
How on earth are we supposed to make everyone happy?
Same like world of lols by OneAndOnly016 bad and don't copy...
Screw it!
This is like the millionth time we have been accused of copying other YouTubers.
Let's get to the bottom of this!
Here is OneAndOnly's latest video! And here is ours!
Let's compare!
Nothing wrong here...
Well... It's the same game.
Both videos show gameplay from World of Tanks!
Maybe that's why people are so confused?
Maybe they don't understand that TWO different channels can make TWO different videos about ONE game!
That kind of math is clearly beyond normal human comprehension.
But wait a minute!
Oh... My... God...
It is the exact same video!
They were right all along!
We are in fact copying everything we do!
Well ****...
I guess there is only one thing left to do...
[VARSITY]| 27.01.17| TENASIA [TV10] SALUDO POR AÑO NUEVO!! - Duration: 0:20.
Renault Modus 1.4-16V Privilège Luxe - Duration: 1:19.
Peugeot 207 SW 1.6 16V Blue Lease Executive LEDEREN BEKLEDING - Duration: 1:37.
"La La Land" Trailer
New Barbie™ Movie
Lic. Montserrat Váquez, #DeCorazonPorCelaya - Duration: 4:28.
COLLIDE - Starring Nicholas ...
Renault Espace 2.0 Expression - Duration: 1:01.
Swedish Professor Issues a Wake Up Call on Electromagnetic Frequencies - Duration: 4:59.
Swedish Professor Issues a Wake-Up Call on Electromagnetic Frequencies.
by Catherine J. Frompovich.
One of the foremost researchers in electromagnetic frequencies and their effects on human health
is Professor Olle Johansson of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden.
Dr. Johansson made a 7-minute YouTube explanation telling why everyone should be concerned about
the science being promoted regarding EMFs/RFs.
That happened back on October 8, 2010, and you can listen to it here.
Take note of what Professor Johansson says about public officials.
Unfortunately, the microwave industry and all EMF/RF technologies, especially cell,
smart and iPhones, Wi-Fi, utility smart meters, etc., have not taken Dr. Johansson and other
scientists seriously regarding total public exposure to the sea of electromagnetic frequencies
humans, animals, plants and the environment are exposed to minute-by-minute, day-by-day,
year-by-year with obvious negative impacting effects, which have been diagnosed as electromagnetic
hypersensitivity (EHS) or idiopathic environmental intolerance (IEI) in a growing number of humans:
26% of the USA population (Caress & Steinemann, 2003)
19% of the Swedish population (Johansson et al, 2005)
27% of the Danish population (Berg et al 2008) 32% of the German population (Hausteiner et
al, 2005)[1]
Furthermore, no one that I�ve been able to find has calculated the cumulative doses
effects of EMF/RF/ELF.
Some give exposures for only 30 minutes.
Humans live longer than 30 minutes in those totally-saturated EMF environments, especially
humans who are exposed to Wi-Fi at work or school, and day after day!
The U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) issued a preliminary report about cell phone
exposure health issues that some affiliated with the microwave industry think is poppycock.
Consequently, no way will cancer ever become an adverse health effect from microwave non-thermal
radiation waves, if vested interests can keep forcing their skewed science while invoking
their political and financial-largess influences.
The U.S. Federal Communication Commission (FCC) and government agencies worldwide need
to wake up to how they�ve been had by nothing short of scientific fraudsters, in my opinion
as someone who�s researched the subject in greater detail in order to represent myself
in a Pro Se case before the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission Administrative Law Court.
Many vested industry societies keep setting the tolerance bar higher � ICNIRP, in particular
� than the human organism can tolerate, thus many experience such problems as sleep
interference, tinnitus, heart palpitations, depression, nervousness and other anomalies
they did not experience until, in many instances, a utility AMI Smart Meter, e.g., electric,
natural gas and water, was retrofitted onto their home service(s) meter(s).
Some unfortunate folks can have all three smart meters!
If anyone experiences strange symptoms, I suggest checking out where your utility meter
is located.
If it�s on the outside of the house bedroom wall, you may need to change your sleeping
location and/or ask your utility company to change your meter back to an analog meter
or invest in some EMF protection devices.
There are smart meter opt-outs available; you just have to do your research regarding
your location and utility company to enforce them.
EMF sickness is in the same category that multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) was years
ago when people were complaining about indoor pollution from all the chemical gas outs from
carpeting, upholstered furniture, paints, etc.
Now everyone is familiar with �sick building syndrome.� There even are builders and other
trades people who specialize in removing offenders and/or constructing pollution-free environments.
It�s called �Green Building Standards.� [2]
We need the same sort of standards and/or process for electromagnetic frequencies abatement
before it�s too late, in my opinion.
Formula of Empathy for Patient Experience-USMLE-Step 2 CS Exam - Duration: 3:19.
Welcome to Vital Checklist where we make unique doctors with the help of emergent coaching
and the Road to USMLE book, authored by Dr. Harpreet Singh a practicing physician in the
United States.
This one book will teach you how to make patients happy and is based on years of clinical and
teaching experience.
Introducing Dr. Harpreet Singh.
Hi, I am Dr. Harpreet Singh.
I am chief medical author of Road to USMLE step 2 Clinical skills..
Now, most of the medical students have difficulty in answering challenging questions.
As I have experience in my Vital Checklist workshop.
What I am going to do is, I am going to teach an easy to remember, difficult to forget methodology
for answering those challenging questions.
Let�s dive in.
This is called �Lucky Touch.� L - Label the emotions.
If the patient is crying, give them tissue paper.
U - Understanding.
Try to understand the patient's concern, then speak.
C - Commend, always congratulate or commend the patient and then recommend it.
K - Keep is simple and smart.
With the help of pictures, checklist, acronyms.
Try to explain the patient in great detail why you want to do it.
And last but not the least always start with the why of the issue, not what you have to
make a log book.
Why do you have to make a log book?
Because you can see what the patient�s issues are, it gets managed.
Touch - always make sure you have a good handshake with the patient.
Always make sure you have touching the patient in the elbow or arm.
Always make sure you have respect for the patient and I call this �mothers rule.�
I always think, what if you patient is you mother, what if you patient is your sister,
what if you patient is your dad?
How are you going to help the patient in that way?
Why touch is important?
Just going into the nitty gritty of the neuro-anatomy.
As you know, we have touch receptors in our body.
These touch receptors take the signal to the area of the brain that is called Insula, right?
And these touch receptors have, one is called as A beta which is myelinated and the other
is a non myelinated fibers which are C fibers they take the sensation to the insula and
it will inhibit and make amygdala, it is the center of fear.
When you touch a patient in a good way.
The context is important.
Good way it stimulates the insula but it inhibits the amygdala the fear goes away.
That is why you should be empathetic, that is why you should use this lucky touch approach.
I have explained this in my book.
Have fun in reading this book.
Thank you.
To purchase Road to USMLE - Step 2 CS book, go to our website, you can also enroll in
a Vital Checklist workshop or invite Dr. Singh to your medical school, residency, fellowship
or hospital to speak.
For all your options, visit
The Space Between Us
"La La Land" Trailer
Jenny Lyric Video - Duration: 3:42.
Formula of Empathy for Patient Experience-USMLE-Step 2 CS Exam - Duration: 3:19.
Welcome to Vital Checklist where we make unique doctors with the help of emergent coaching
and the Road to USMLE book, authored by Dr. Harpreet Singh a practicing physician in the
United States.
This one book will teach you how to make patients happy and is based on years of clinical and
teaching experience.
Introducing Dr. Harpreet Singh.
Hi, I am Dr. Harpreet Singh.
I am chief medical author of Road to USMLE step 2 Clinical skills..
Now, most of the medical students have difficulty in answering challenging questions.
As I have experience in my Vital Checklist workshop.
What I am going to do is, I am going to teach an easy to remember, difficult to forget methodology
for answering those challenging questions.
Let�s dive in.
This is called �Lucky Touch.� L - Label the emotions.
If the patient is crying, give them tissue paper.
U - Understanding.
Try to understand the patient's concern, then speak.
C - Commend, always congratulate or commend the patient and then recommend it.
K - Keep is simple and smart.
With the help of pictures, checklist, acronyms.
Try to explain the patient in great detail why you want to do it.
And last but not the least always start with the why of the issue, not what you have to
make a log book.
Why do you have to make a log book?
Because you can see what the patient�s issues are, it gets managed.
Touch - always make sure you have a good handshake with the patient.
Always make sure you have touching the patient in the elbow or arm.
Always make sure you have respect for the patient and I call this �mothers rule.�
I always think, what if you patient is you mother, what if you patient is your sister,
what if you patient is your dad?
How are you going to help the patient in that way?
Why touch is important?
Just going into the nitty gritty of the neuro-anatomy.
As you know, we have touch receptors in our body.
These touch receptors take the signal to the area of the brain that is called Insula, right?
And these touch receptors have, one is called as A beta which is myelinated and the other
is a non myelinated fibers which are C fibers they take the sensation to the insula and
it will inhibit and make amygdala, it is the center of fear.
When you touch a patient in a good way.
The context is important.
Good way it stimulates the insula but it inhibits the amygdala the fear goes away.
That is why you should be empathetic, that is why you should use this lucky touch approach.
I have explained this in my book.
Have fun in reading this book.
Thank you.
To purchase Road to USMLE - Step 2 CS book, go to our website, you can also enroll in
a Vital Checklist workshop or invite Dr. Singh to your medical school, residency, fellowship
or hospital to speak.
For all your options, visit
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