Hey everybody it's Doctor Jo, and today I'm gonna show you some stretches and
exercises for an ankle fracture.
Let's get started.
So just to clarify, don't start these stretches and
exercises until after you are cleared by your doctor. This is not during the
fracture, this is once the fracture has healed. So let's start off with some
stretches. I like to do stretches sometimes if you're on the ground and
not able to hang it off like a chair or bed, to prop it up on something so it
just gives you more room to move your ankle around. You can use a strap or a
belt, you can use a dog leash if you have a dog, or you can use a big beach towel
if you don't have any of those. Make sure and wrap it kind of around the ball of your
foot, not up at your toes and not down low. That will help give you the
best stretch. You want to keep your leg nice and straight and just relax your
ankle. So the strap is doing all the work, and then you're just going to pull it
towards you as far as you comfortably can and hold that for about 30 seconds.
You should feel the stretch in your calf area underneath here. If you've had an
ankle fracture, you might actually feel it in the joint and that's fine as long
as it's not painful just that tension. That kind of hurt so good feeling. So 30
seconds, do that three times. Then you're going to go into some exercises. I like
these loop bands, they're really nice because then you'll have to hold on as
much. You don't have to tie your bands in knots. And King Athletic was very nice
to donate some of these loop bands to us, so check those out if you get a chance
and you want to try some out. And they have different weights which is really
cool, too. But just to start off with, again you're going to put it kind of around
the ball of your foot there because you don't want it to be up on your toes
where the band's going to come flying back at you, but you want to don't want
to be too low because then you're not going to get that resistance either. And
this time you're just going to push down like you're pushing on a pedal, and then
slowly come back up. Now if your muscles are weak from the fracture, it might kind
wiggle a little bit like that, but try and keep it is steady as you can. If
you're wiggling a lot, you might not be ready for either that resistance band or
a band at all, and just try it without the band. So just start off with about 10
of those and then if it gets easy, you can go up to 20 - 25, and those are easy
then you can get a stronger resistive band. Then wrap it around both feet kind
of at the ball of your feet, and then turn your foot out into the eversion, going
out. Now try to keep your leg itself pretty still, so it's not the whole leg
turning out, it's just that ankle going out, and then if you need to kind of hold
that leg a little bit that's fine. It's going to turn just a little bit, but you
don't want the whole leg turning. You're trying to do all that movement at the
ankle, so coming out and then slowly coming back in. So make sure you're
controlling that band,
don't let the band control you. And then you're going to cross over, and with the
band still at the ball of your feet, now you're going to push inwards, even though it's
going out that way, into inversions. So again, just at that ankle not the whole
leg. So if you feel like your whole leg is moving, you might want to hold on to it or
something like that to make sure you're just getting that movement at the ankle.
And if you feel like it's too hard, then just try it without the band at all.
Alright now we're going to do some exercises standing up. So for the
standing calf stretch, you're going to take the foot that you want to stretch,
and put it back behind you.
The front leg can bend a little bit. The back heel stays down and your foot stays
fairly forward. So not turned out to the side, that's going to take away from the
stretch. Hold onto something nice and sturdy like a chair or counter top, and
then bend this knee forward as much as you can until you feel the stretch in
the back. Make sure you keep that heel down, so you're just stretching this way,
and then you want to hold that stretch for about 30 seconds,
and then come back up, and do that three times for the calf stretch. Then you're
going to stretch the soleus muscle, which is the muscle underneath, and to stretch
that one this time you bend the back knee as well, but you're still trying to
keep that heel down. And again if you had an ankle fracture, you might feel it
more in the ankle joint vs here, but that's okay. You're just trying to get
that movement in there. So this time, bend that back one and the front one, and then
stretch. So right there hold that for about 30 seconds again, and then do three
of those as well. Then for some strengthening. You're going to do some
heel raises, so with your feet about shoulder-width apart, again hold onto
something if you need to for balance, and come up on your toes and then slowly
come down. Really try and control that movement because if you're your muscles
are pretty weak in the ankle, it's going to just try and come straight down, but
really try and control it going up and coming back down. That's the
important part. So just start off with about 10 of those, get up in 20-25, if that
becomes easy, then you can try it with one foot. So the same thing, just coming
up and then slowly coming back down. With that single heel raise right there. And
then for the last one, just doing some balance because our balance muscles have
a lot to do with our ankles and our hips, so when those muscles are weak, then we
get off balance a lot. We don't want you falling, so then you're just going to
stand on one foot. Again make sure and hold onto something nice and sturdy.
Start off with two hands and just maybe go 15-20 seconds. If you get to a minute
and that's easy, then just go to your fingers, and if that becomes easy, try just
one finger, and then if that's still easy, then just balancing on that one foot. And
if you look down, you're going to see your foot wiggling and moving just a
little bit. That's fine. That's just those muscles trying to find the balance. Even
when you don't have an injury,
they're going to do that, but if it's painful, you're probably not quite ready
for that yet. So there you have it, those were your stretches and exercises for an
ankle fracture. If you have any questions, leave them in the comment section. To check out some
other videos go to askdoctorjo.com, and remember,
be safe, have fun, and I hope you feel better soon.
For more infomation >> Ankle Fracture Stretches & Exercises - Ask Doctor Jo - Duration: 6:49.-------------------------------------------
Знакомства с иностранцами: международный опыт сватовства - Duration: 3:17.
New Barbie™ Movie
Disney's Moana
My Favorite Things To Taste - Duration: 4:00.
The following video tastes like chicken.
[swoosh] In earlier videos, I've told you about
my favorite things to hear, smell, and touch.
And this time, let's do it --- my favorite things to taste.
[music plays] McDonald's french fries.
Unbelievable. They are so good. I don't know what it is, but they
are better than everybody else's and you know it when you eat them.
McDonald's burgers. The regular hamburger. I love that.
I even like it better than the Quarter Pounder. It's just different.
I don't know what it is, but i love it. A turkey dinner.
An American Thanksgiving with all the trimmings.
You know, the potato and the stuffing and the cranberries and everything.
Probably one of my favorite meals of all. A good steak dinner.
A nice piece of steak. A good filet mignon that's cooked just right.
Like at a baseball game, for example, a hot dog.
It always tastes better at the ball game, right? Same with one of those hot pretzels.
Always good in the bleachers. I love chocolate.
Dark and milk chocolate like Kit Kat and stuff and
plain M&Ms are delicious. And I love foreign
chocolate too. Stuff that's not made here in the US.
I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the vegetable oil that's in the U.S. stuff
that's not in the other but's so much better
outside this country. Fruit flavors. You know, like
Jolly Ranchers and Now and Laters and things like that, but I don't like the
real fruit. A Twix candy bar is a good one too. Those are always
nice. You get two - one for each cavity. [laughs]
[music plays]
After all this food I need something to drink.
How about a cold beer on a hot summer's day. Even after a long day
at the plant, you know, there's nothing like an ice cold beer.
Or a rum and tonic. One of my favorite drinks.
I always get that with a little bit lime. Fantastic.
A Coca-Cola or a root beer. Two of my favorite sodas. I'll get those.
Nothing like a shot of great tequila as well. You know,
it's fantastic. You can taste all the different notes that are in it.
And I liked a mixed drink with vodka too. I just do.
[laughs] [music continues]
Ooh, after all this to eat and drink I've got take care of my mouth now.
Some nice minty toothpaste. A good strong one.
Right? It feels so good when you brush your teeth. Listerine or
those Listerine breath strips are fantastic. And of course, that minty
dental floss, right. Not just the regular plain old floss,
but it's got a little flavor on it. The taste novacane. Every now
and then you get a little on the back of your tongue. It's a strange little
flavor but I like it. [music plays]
There's a bunch I forget in the food and drinks category.
I like pizza. But I like good pizza like New York pizza.
I like some fish. You know, swordfish is great.
Salmon. I like tuna. But I like a tuna
fish sandwich or real tuna steaks. Nothing in between.
Who can forget salt, right?
I mean, it's delicious and you can put it on just about anything.
In the morning, an egg sandwich, right. A couple of eggs
on a bagel. Even scrambled eggs are nice too. Pancakes
are so good. Nice stack of pancakes in the morning. Waffles
too. Even french toast. All that good breakfast stuff.
I'm not sure what it is and I've only had it a couple
times but it's fantastic. These little peppers you that you can just
have a bite of, but oh my god it makes my eyes
water. It makes me dance in my chair but it's wonderful. I love it.
A roast beef sandwich with horseradish.
That's my go to lunch every time. And the hotter
the horseradish, the better I like it. Shrimp cocktail
I'll eat sometimes. I don't know if it's one of my favorites but it's good.
And again, the hotter the sauce, the better I like it.
I like ketchup but I only like ketchup on a burger.
That's it. I won't have it anywhere else. Ice cream of course.
Like who doesn't like that, right? But I'm a little bit of a snob.
I like the fancy ice cream. You know, I don't like the stuff
just in your grocer's freezer.
You know, not Breyers.
I'm kidding. I'm kidding. [music plays]
[music continues]
Back when I smoke, there was nothing I liked better than a nice Newport filter
cigarette. Or, the first drag of a cigarette
with a match or a Zippo lighter. [gasp]
Mmmm. Just thinking about it I could taste it right now.
This video is not meant to encourage smoking... but if you want to
live it up. [laughs]
WWE RAW 30th January 2017 Highlights HD - WWE Monday Night RAW 1/30/2017 Highlights - Duration: 12:59.
Disney's Moana
Talk To Me - Nightly
【🎤GROUPDUB】BTS (방탄소년단) - Butterfly - Duration: 4:04.
Don't think of anything
Don't say anything, not even a word
Just give me a smile
I still can't believe it
All of this seems like a dream
Don't try to disappear
Is it true Is it true
You You
You're so beautiful, that I'm scared
Untrue Untrue
You You You
Will you stay by my side
Will you promise me
If I let go of your hand, you'll fly away and break
I'm scared scared scared of that
Will you stop time
If this moment passes
As though it hadn't happened
I'm scared scared scared I'll lose you
Butterfly like a Butterfly
Just like a Butterfly bu butterfly
Butterfly like a butterfly
Just like a Butterfly bu butterfly
You're just like a Butterfly
From afar, I steal glances; if we touch hands, will I lose you?
You shine in this pitch darkness that is the butterfly effect
Your light touches, I forget the reality at once
It's like a wind that gently strokes me
It's like a dust that gently drifts along
You're there but for some reason, I can't reach you, stop
You, who's like a dream is a butterfly high to me
Untrue Untrue
You You You
Will you stay by my side
Will you promise me
If I let go of your hand, you'll fly away and break
I'm scared scared scared of that
Will you stop time
If this moment passes
As though it hadn't happened
I'm scared scared scared I'll lose you
The small pieces guttered down darkly
From my heart, a barren noise
I don't know if this is reality or a dream
My Kafka on the seaside
Don't go to those woods over there
My heart is still shattering on you
(I just wanted to vaporize like this)
My love that is forever
It's all FREE for you baby
Will you stay by my side
Will you promise me
If I let go of your hand, you'll fly away and break
I'm scared scared scared of that
Will you stop time
If this moment passes
As though it hadn't happened
I'm scared scared scared I'll lose you
Butterfly like a Butterfly
Just like a Butterfly bu butterfly
Butterfly like a butterfly
Just like a Butterfly bu butterfly
Greatest Inaugural Address In U S History - Duration: 7:16.
Greatest Inaugural Address In U.S. History.
�Trump Issues Earth-Shattering Ultimatum!
Elites Don�t Know What To Do!
War Of The Titans Looms Large!� � BIN Headline
State of the Nation
President Donald J. Trump�s inaugural speech today was like no other in the history of
the American Republic.
Truly, President Trump gave an oration the likes of which has never been heard in the
nation�s capital or any other capital.
His sincere and stirring speech no doubt was uttered from the depths of his soul, his heart
and his entire being.
Rarely are the elites ever forced to listen to such a scathing indictment of their negligent
lack of leadership and implicit criminality.
Slash & Burn
Trump �slashed and burned� all of the the main facilitators of whole bloody system,
on boh sides of the aisle.
It�s not very often that the entire political establishment is forced to sit and listen
to their horrible performance report while the world community of nations watched and
Not only did the political elites receive the worst report card in history, but they
had to grin and bear it (and squirm a LOT), again, IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE WORLD.
Obama and Biden, Pelosi and Schumer, Clinton and Clinton, were all there listening to what
was essentially the greatest scolding of their lifetimes.
Trump thrashed them with his words of truth as he trashed their empty promises and politics
of betrayal.
Let is be known that Donald Trump began his term as the 45th president of the United States
of America in the best possible way.
He brought his wrecking ball to Inauguration Day and let it swing like a dousing rod, banging
every corrupt person in power and flawed institutional policy.
Washington, D.C. has never witnessed such a public flogging.
It was, at once, searing in its naked truth, dramatic in its potent delivery and determined
to hit its every mark.
The Donald pulled out every trump card in his deck and showed that he clearly has the
winning hand.
Jesus Christ and the moneychangers
Reminiscent of Christ chasing the moneychangers out of the temple in Jerusalem, Donald Trump
essentially told the criminal politicians to get out� to get our of our house.
And, that if they do not get out of their own volition, they will be summarily chased
out� and it ain�t gonna be pretty.
Even the stately buildings of Washington, D.C. set the backdrop similar to the imposing
Second Temple of Jerusalem.
Trump seemingly alone in his crusade, but really supported by millions of Trumpsters
around the country, entered their politically hallowed ground and tore up the turf with
one short but very powerful tirade of truth.
It�s been said that President Trump wrote the inaugural speech himself pouring his populist
message into every word and punctuation.
Not only was it peppered with religious language and sentiment, it was uttered as if from the
mouth of The Almighty.
It�s clear that Trump would never have delivered such an incisive message unless he felt he
had the backing of a Higher Power much greater than himself, and certainly greater than his
many formidable opponents.
Clearly Trump is cognizant that he is going head on against the entire U.S. political
and corporate establishment, as he is also threatening the status quo of the global power
In this very special mission he will require nothing short of the aid and support of the
Supreme Being.
Trump: Part Fire Monkey, Part Silverback Gorilla
Where do we go from here?
The bookies are already taking bets for the greatest fight of the millennium.
Actually, there�s never been a war quite like this one.
Trump�s address today made it clear that there will be NO compromise.
He�s not looking to meet anyone in the middle.
Already the talking heads have gone apoplectic about how the speech did nothing to bring
the nation together.
Trump knows that the divisions sewn by Obama�s 2 catastrophic terms cannot ever be bridged.
He knows in his heart that the Obamanation needs to be knocked down with his wrecking
And so he will.
In the execution of this sacred mission, Trump has called upon his alpha male qualities and
type A personality characteristics.
He already walks the stage of Washington like the silverback gorilla no one wants to, or
knows how to, fight.
Of course, the same Trump previously assumed the profile of the Red Fire Monkey burning
down everything in sight during the campaign season and post-election transition.
In this way he took full advantage of the current Year of the Fire Monkey which officially
ends on January 27, 2017.
Intuitively Trump knows that it all comes down to timing.
If he�s in the right place at the right time performing righteous actions for We the
People, he knows that nothing can stop him.
As long as he stays true to his core mission above all else, nothing can harm him.
He made crystal clear what his core mission is: to give the U.S. Federal Government back
to the American people.
And to take it from those who have stolen it.
In this specific regard, there is only room for one silverback in the jungle of Beltway
The truth be told, the earth-shaking repercussions of Donald Trump�s historic inaugural are
so far-reaching and transformative that very few have yet to grasp their paradigm-shattering
No one addresses the ruling elites like Trump just did�EVER!
They know it; Trump knows it; and now We the People know it.
Once uttered, the new president cannot go back on his sacred vow.
The NWO cabal is fully aware of the profound implications of such a gauntlet thrown down
via this unequivocal presidential commitment to the American people.
TPTB now know that a declaration of war has just been issued, should they not stand down
in every way.
Trump�s promise to give the government back to the people will eventually translate to
the complete dissolution of the treasonous C.I.A. and shutdown of the traitorous Mainstream
And these mark only the beginning of what will become a complete overhaul of the U.S.
Federal Government and upgrade of the U.S. Constitution.
Donald Trump�s most zealous supporters, known as centipedes, affectionately (and playfully)
call him God Emperor.
They do this with no disrespect to The Almighty; rather, they see him as infallible in his
divine mission�to Make America Great Again.
As long as President Trump stays true to his stated purpose and oath to the U.S. Constitution,
he will receive the loyal support of his legions of followers.
This is his only real insurance policy.
To his own Self be true.
For the second time in three weeks, a Trump-funded space launch will attempt to confirm widely
circulated reports that Nibiru has frozen in space and no longer endangers the Earth.
Earlier this month, President Donald J. Trump rallied the aid of SpaceX founder Elon Musk,
a shadowy entrepreneur whose Falcon 9 rocket blasted off into space on January 14, carrying
classified Nibiru monitoring equipment.
That mission suffered catastrophic failure; Democratic saboteurs tampered with the rocket�s
alluvial guidance systems, sending it plunging into Venus�s scorching atmosphere. SpaceX
and the Trump administration concealed the true nature of the January 14 launch, claiming
the rocket carried standard communication satellites.
During the week of 30 January, weather permitting, SpaceX�funded by Trump to the tune of $300,000,000�hopes
to launch another rocket to gather critical information on Nibiru�s current state of
cyclic movement. This time, however, the lift off will take place in Florida, not California.
Part of the reason next week�s launch will occur at Kennedy Space Center is because,
sources say, Democratic spies have been spotted lurking near the Vandenberg launch site. The
Trump-Musk team has planned for all possible contingencies and has taken steps to mitigate
future sabotage attempts.
Last Monday, Elon Musk joined Trump for a �closed-door� breakfast meeting at the
White House. Our source within the administration heard Trump�s thunderous voice while standing
outside the White House�s Roosevelt Room, where the clandestine meeting took place.
�On Monday morning President Trump met with many business leaders,� our source said.
�After the meeting officially concluded, Musk stayed behind. He and Trump talked for
nearly an hour, and I specifically heard them discussing details on the launch. Trump was
dishing out a lot of money. He wanted to avoid another failure. Trump hates failure. He�s
deeply concerned about this Nibiru thing, and is afraid that handling it incorrectly
will cause his approval ratings to plunge lower than they already are�if that�s
possible. So he and Musk hammered out details.�
First, Musk explained the science behind the failed launch: agents of opposition reprogrammed
Falcon 9�s telemetry system using a modulated ultra-high frequency radio signal. The Rocket�s
electronics, it turned out, were vulnerable to existential interference, a flaw SpaceX
engineers solved soon after Falcon 9 crashed into Venus.
Trump was heard barking at Musk: �If you don�t get it right this time, you�re fired!�
When Musk suggested hiring additional security to guard the launch site, Trump brushed him
off with a dismissive wave of his hand, saying, �That�s not your concern. Prince has taken
care of everything.�
The comment referenced notorious �Blackwater� mercenary Erik Prince, who, according to an
interview published in Democracy Now, has been secretly advising Trump from the shadows.
Our source said that Prince and his sister, Betsy DuvVos�Trump�s pick for Secretary
of Education�were at the White House and conferred with President Trump shortly before
Elon Musk�s arrival.
�There�s a lot going on here we don�t yet full understand,� our source admitted.
�But I�m sure Trump hired Erik Prince to safeguard the launch.�
Additionally, Trump invested in an elaborate security apparatus designed to intercept and
repel foreign microwave signals that attempt to penetrate the launch platform. The Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) has imposed a �no fly zone� around Kennedy Space Center
for the entire week. Any aircraft straying into the restricted area will be ordered to
change course immediately, and eliminated with extreme prejudice if they fail to comply.
If the mission is successful, the Falcon rocket will reach mars in just over two days. The
payload module will establish orbit over Mars�s southern polar region and deploy thermal imaging
optics and motion sensor devices able to gauge accurately whether Nibiru�s axes of inertia
have caused the celestial interloper to freeze in space. The payload module is said to include
a transverse funnel capable of siphoning red iron oxide dust from the Nibiru system for
comparison against known liquidity factors.
The exact time and date of launch are closely guarded secrets, known to only Musk, Trump,
and a handful of engineers who have been sworn to secrecy.
The Space Between Us
Build Your Dreams With Lego
Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse Estate 180 K BlueEFFICIENCY Elegance - Duration: 1:17.
Tharsis Stories - My name is Pacal Lavorin - Duration: 3:41.
We Need to Kill Our Perfectionism! - Duration: 1:48.
Oh I kind of want to see my notes.
I should just like talk naturally about it and then grab the best sound bytes from it.
Hey guy!
I don't know how to start these things.
Alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, My name is Zach Sperrazzo
and I'm a filmmaker and umm... no see I keep like-
I hope you enjoy my channel.
So my goal for this channel is to make stuff so that I can consistently create stuff, stop
saying stuff.
Hey guy!
I'm desperate follow me!
That's horrible, ok I don't like that at all.
My name is Zach Sperrazzo....
See I feel expressionless because I'm overthinking everything I'm saying.
Do I look expressionless when I'm talking to the camera?
A little bit.
Bummer, okay here we go.
What?? it's so weird.
Alright long story short umm, subscribe.
Just kidding.
Do good a lot! okay here we go.
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