Now, at least he doesn't look like..
..he's trick or treating like you.
u mad?
For more infomation >> Fashion in Animal Jam - Duration: 0:13.-------------------------------------------
เสื้อผ้าแฟชั่นเทรนด์ใหม่ล่าสุด เสื้อผ้าแฟชั่นกำมะหยี่ ขายส่งเสื้อผ้าราคาถูก - Duration: 2:13.
The LEGO Batman Movie
"La La Land" Trailer
im sponsored - Duration: 9:33.
Rober Franz - Kako Robert skrbi za svoje zdravje, kako se boleznim izogne oz se z njimi sooča - Duration: 31:31.
Lovely Little Beach of Baia Azzurra Is Mortorius ~ 1 January 2017 | Travelling in Sardinia - Duration: 1:00.
Lovely Little Beach of Baia Azzurra Is Mortorius ~ 1 January 2017 | Travelling in Sardinia
Bypass Any Samsung Device FRP (2017 trick) 100℅ working (s7,s7 edge,J series,A ,note series, etc. - Duration: 14:01.
Az ember húsevő vagy növényevő? | vegan | klaraboglarka - Duration: 7:38.
Mi experiencia Erasmus + Opiniones | Blanqui Blogs - Duration: 7:46.
Vicky, ¿Qué piensas sobre el Erasmus?
Ha sido una pasada
¿Lo recomiendas?
Se lo recomiendo a todo el mundo, el Erasmus es lo mejor
Me va a dar mucha pena cuando vuelva a casa
No puedo describirlo con palabras
porque ha sido genial
y la gente que conoces, como Blanqui Blogs,
y las experiencias con los viajes
saliendo con todo el mundo
ha sido muy guay y enriquecedor
y no me puedo creer lo rápido que ha pasado el tiempo
es como, no sé
cinco meses, han volado
pero sí, me ha encantado
Y no es todo sobre sexo y fiesta, ¿verdad?
No lo es
Eso es todo un cliché
del erasmus
Hemos tenido la combinación perfecta entre todo
Muchas gracias Vicky
De nada!
¿Cuál fue tu motivación para irte de Erasmus?
Bueno, quería descubrir una cultura nueva
Venir y ver Europa, aunque sea francés
Conocer a gente nueva
¿Estás contento de quedarte 5 meses más?
Sí, muy contento
Para descubrir más sobre Holanda
Pero me rompe el corazón que todo el mundo se está yendo
¿Recomiendas el erasmus?
Oh sí, y, a ver, Erasmus=Orgasmus
Haha, era broma
¿Lo dices por alguna experiencia propia?
No no haha
No profundicemos en los detalles
Je réalise VOS défis à Disneyland Paris ! - VLOG #OBJECTIF2000 - Duration: 9:29.
Barboskiny New series Heroes in disguise Song, Family fingers ALL SUPERHEROES Spiderman - Duration: 3:05.
Tech Futures: Anywhere, Anytime, Any Device: Creating an Accessible Future - Duration: 41:27.
John Wick: Chapter 2
The Space Between Us
Akcja CS:GO 1vs4 :D De Dast2 :D - Duration: 0:58.
Willow Smith & Jaden Smith - Disneyland [with lyrics] - Duration: 4:09.
♪ [?] says Palace brothers and sisters live forever ♪
♪ Bless them (bless them, bless them...) ♪
♪ And we should go to Disney ♪
♪ (And we should go to Disney) ♪
♪ Ride rides until we're dizzy ♪
♪ (Ride rides until we're dizzy) ♪
♪ Eat way too many Churros ♪
♪ (Eat way too many Churros) ♪
♪ There's way too many zeros ♪
♪ (There's way too many zeros) ♪
♪ Hey, you got me looking ♪
♪ Got me looking ♪
♪ I remember first day we were talking ♪
♪ I told you I had a secret, that I would not tell it ♪
♪ You still don't know ♪
♪ But I can walk down the street like my mind don't know ♪
♪ And I can talk to these people like they might not know, but ♪
♪ I'm always floating in the clouds ♪
♪ I'm always speaking with the angels ♪
♪ Speaking with the E.T.'s ♪
♪ Extraterrestrials, extra more vegetables ♪
♪ Eat-eat your vegetables ♪
♪ Baby, we should fall in love ♪
♪ (Baby, we should fall in love) ♪
♪ For only three days ♪
♪ For three days ♪
♪ Baby, we should fall in love ♪
♪ (Baby, we should fall in love) ♪
♪ For only three days ♪
♪ (For only three days) ♪
♪ Oh, we should fall in love ♪
♪ (Oh, we should fall in love) ♪
♪ For only three days, for only three days ♪
♪ For only three days, for only three days ♪
♪ And, baby, we should go to Disney ♪
♪ (We should go to Disney) ♪
♪ Ride rides until we're dizzy ♪
♪ (Ride rides until we're dizzy) ♪
♪ Baby, we should fall in love ♪
♪ (Baby, we should fall in...) ♪
♪ For three days ♪
♪ (We should fall in... For three days) ♪
♪ For only three days, I could tell you three ways ♪
♪ (I could tell you three ways) ♪
♪ I could tell you three ways ♪
♪ (I could tell you three ways) ♪
♪ There's a couple of our show books on the floor ♪
♪ Pillars of consciousness is opened to page six ♪
♪ And Channel Orange is playing just [?] for us to make conversation ♪
♪ There are crystals in the triangle in front of me ♪
♪ I'm sitting on the floor with my legs crossed ♪
♪ And you're sitting on the bed ♪
♪ You're reading 'Being in Love' ♪
♪ (Love! Love!) ♪
♪ It's like 92 degrees outside ♪
♪ There are white Christmas lights wrapped around two shelves next to the TV in the living room ♪
♪ The Christmas lights are on ♪
♪ And the AC is off ♪
♪ Hot box ♪
♪ Um... Divide that by nine, please ♪
Як ходити вдома) - Duration: 3:48.
Coolest science trick you can do at home! - Duration: 1:24.
Coolest science trick you can do at home!
im sponsored - Duration: 9:33.
POUR TOI FRANCE2016GAMING #6 - Duration: 2:28.
Hi everybody, this is Dylan; I hope you are fine
Today, we find ourselves in a little video, so here, I like the little video, it's funny; here
But friends today, there is a little problem, a big worry, I must speak to you
As you have seen in the description, and finally in the name of the video is not all that pretty pretty
Not at all
Today I will tell you about Adblock, myself I speak to you but I myself am a consumer Adblock
Yes, I admit, there are no worries, as many people are consumers Adblock
But I, the advantage I have, compared to other people is Adblock, it is disabled on youtube
You know to win, to succeed in life, finally to make a living and all that, you have to work, we agree
Here, you're working, you're paid well; You not working, you're not paid, OK; Infact, youtube is the same
and even other works, all the sites on the internet, it's exactly the same thing, you work> you are paid
not you work, you are not paid; But the little worries there on the internet is that to get paid, you have ads
no ads, no money; No money, you're not paid! It is clear, I explained to you the topos is that infact
Here, I think you know but I prefer to say, that when you come across a site like youtube
when you come across one of my videos, for example, there are brands that have filed an advertisement in Youtube
who endorse an advertisement, this brand has sent money to youtube, that we agree
for advertising, for example, an advertising Samsung may go
An advertising Samsung, Samsung youtube paid to its advertising, ok
Now the video you will watch my video of me and there you go down on a ad from Samsung
We agree, so it works, visibility, etc; And exchange me, making views, it means that you will see lots of advertisements
In each of my videos, you may come across advertisements ok; So with that, I saw it reward me you saw ads
It's a bit like a vis-à-vis reward like that, but it's not really a reward but that's good
this is especially the laws, so, I earn money through it so there youtube Samsung paid the ad to youtube
Youtube, in exchange, as I have given visibility to this ad youtube gives me a small part, we agree
I assure you, they do not give large shares for each ad is not just € 10
But hey, that's okay, that and the problem is that there is Adblock, Adblock, I can say it is good but it's not good for both
that's good, because you say that you are alone, you are not harassed ads because that I totally agree with you
either on the Internet at the same TV on the street now, everywhere .. There the ads is very very boring
But I think the problem, I thought that here I am myself youtubeur, and I will not allow me to activate Adfblock because in the end, a youtubeur
How it makes money, it makes money through youtube, we agree; But how YouTube makes money thanks to ads
so no ads, no money to youtube, youtube no money, no money for us and no trade, no new material
0, nothing; What I'm saying is that here, the ads it is super important, it allows some to earn a living
maybe this stupid to say, perhaps it is here; But the ads it's really annoying thing, but I am quite agree with you friends
I Adblock, but I thought to myself, well it's true that ads on youtube, and all the sites, it is very boring
So here, but what I said is that good, I'll be honest here anyway finally here
I said I'll turn off adblock at least for youtube and I turned off adblock at least for youtube and even for some other sites I'll
I disabled the ads simply, that the youtubeur like that when I look at it, he receives a small sum
since I saw her ad Finally you know a little bit how this works bails youtube, that's just so it's still important
because if we, we do not make money how you want them to invest in a Canon under umbrellas in microphones, such as I just buy me a
as you have seen my previous video, etc; this is how you can do that, so there is alot that say ads are boring, you youtubeurs, you earn a lot of money
etc but not really at all, is not earn thousands of euros like that, you have not, to give an estimate vousz to win thousands DESZ
must be several million views, you can imagine, it's millions of views to do to earn thousands of euros
in short, still can not be completely accurate, we most is why I give you a little estimation,
I did not tell you 1 or 2 million, I told you millions for views Millers for a few thousand or perhaps a thousand, we do not know
It's not huge, but that's all that to say that it would be cool, it really would be that at least you make the effort
disable adblock for jusre youtbe, it would be really nice, it helps, I talk to my chain, but I speak for all channels, do not worry
I know you even you are perhaps youtubeur, some string, you imagine if everyone had just about your channel, all views that have
imagine they are all blocked by adblock, you win nothing, a giant bubble, you win
a huge bubble, I take the example, I finally no examples but here, just so there
it'd be off to the ads from adblock, after you do what you want,
I still earns a little money from it but the fact that there are views that are not monetized, I earn less
and so suddenly, it retards for my equipment etc but I speak for any youtubeur, you tell me, too, but yes with adblock,
They are doing very well, they are doing well but then maybe they say I do not know you, they may have a fièreté etc.
I do not know, I just, I just tell you what happens, that's all, it's a little debate like that but I do not criticize anyone
I do not tell you: Turn off adblock, you do what you want, but I acquaints you now if you want to turn off adblock,
or atleast try, I know for a week, for example, you see, because in the end, I have adblock activated
but in the end, ads I have not much either, on youtube, do not exaggerate, I did not fall on each video
with a ad, and videos or you can not delete them, right after it's true that yesterday, I fell a little strange with 2 videos
I could not remove, ads I could not is, remove, not serious; I will wait
You respond to the last message you received, bullshit, short; there simply so this video is finally over
I hope you will be more, if it has more, do not hesitate to put a big thumbs up
feel free to tell me your opinion in the comments, and feel free to subscribe; Go kiss
Learn Colors w/ Surprise Nail Arts foot | Colors to Learn w/ Spiderman Lipstick Car Painting Videos - Duration: 16:45.
Learn Colors w/ Surprise Nail Arts foot | Colors to Learn w/ Spiderman Lipstick Car Painting Videos
Propriétés du Vide et Propriétés de l'Eau - Duration: 10:39.
Nouveau sur Chambéry : Une épicerie 100% végétale ! - Duration: 2:42.
[CE QU'IL SE PASSE SUR TERRE] 2/3 LE PROBLEME 3/7-5 manipulation par l'éducation (stfr) - Duration: 3:30.
Je réalise VOS défis à Disneyland Paris ! - VLOG #OBJECTIF2000 - Duration: 9:29.
Tanki Online Gameplay #7 with Juggler kit - Duration: 9:06.
Fashion in Animal Jam - Duration: 0:13.
Now, at least he doesn't look like..
..he's trick or treating like you.
u mad?
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