hello hello!!
If you read the title of this video, you know what's about to happen!
I'm gunna brush out my dreads!
All...48 of them.
I do have 1 that I'm probably gunna keep.
The little tiny one right here because I've literally had it for 5 years so it's like
special to me and if I got rid of it I think I'd just die.
I got me.
I got my brushes.
I got a cup of coffee, comfy pants and netflix.
Lets get started!
I'm gunna watch Lilo and Stitch.
*poppy music* This is my favorite song!
*poppy music*
Same day, but I've migrated rooms. Whatcha gunna do?
*poppy music*
I've done 9 or 10 so far today *sniff* and
I want to die.
I've been doing this since 10:30, it's now 2:10.
I'm really tired, but I really want to finish them today.
I also haven't looked at my hair.
I have no idea what it looks like.I haven't looked in a mirror since i started.
So, when it's all done and when I've showered and do everything it'll all be new.
I have pulled my hair back!
This is what I got, these braids right here.
This is what I have left.
Ta da!
Hey guys, it's currently 3 o'clock in the morning.
Combined form yesterday and today it's been 22...23 hours of working on getting them out.
All of them are out now.
This side has been braided back, this side is full Hermione mode.
I still have no idea what I look like Not a clue.
I haven't looked in a mirror forever.
I just know that this is like super poofy, and I braided this back.
So, I'm gunna braid this side and go to sleep.
It's weird cause I can see in my peripheral but for the most part I don' have a claue.
And crimpy, I don't know if Y'all can see that.
It's like it's like Hermione mode is what it is.
You'll see it tomorrow.
I'm just hoping it's in focus.
I'm not gunna flip my thing up because I don't want to see- we explained this.
I don;t want to see myself until I'm fully done.
I'm really stiff.
I'm gunna shower for the first time with all my hair!
In seven months.
So, that's gunna be fun.
And then I'm gunna see what I look like, then I'mm gunna show my mom what I look like.
She doesn't know this happened.
I told her I had a surprise for her.
We're gunna do that.
Also, sorry I look like a mess I've been awake for 10 minutes.
Hey mom?
Can I use your blowdryer?
*singing* I still don't know what I look like.
We have so many mirrors in this house.
It feels so weird okay....Whoa!
Oh my gosh!
I forgot I had the ends dyed.
Okay first of all it grew about an inch and a half.
It was nowhere near this long.
Oh my gosh guys this is so weird.
It's thinner too.
It definitely feels thinner.
The ends are like disgusting.
This is so weird.
Let's go how my mom.
Do you want to see your surprise?
Are you in the kitchen?
Oh my gosh I LOVE IT.
It looks beautiful.
Aren't you wanting to cut it about here?
Yeah I'd love to cut it.
Ta da.
Here I am, dreadless and a mess.
My hair's all sorts of different lengths.
It's kind of annoying.
I'm gunna get it cut so that it looks not like this, and so that these nasty ends can
be gone.
22 and a half hours later and a lot of pain and a really tender scalp, and I no longer
have dreads.
If any of you don't like seeing hair off of a body then I would highly suggest you look
This is all of my hair.
This is everything that came out of my dreads.
Oh, I did keep this one: the one I said I was gunna keep.
Viewers: NEVER let me get dreads again.
Are we, just clear?
If I ever say "I think I might get dreadlocks again."
Please remind me the pain that went into taking them out.
If I get dreadlocks I have to be fully prepared to just shave my head because I'm never going
to get them and brush them out again.
And with that note: rejoice in the day and be glad in it!
I will see you later.
Bye! *ukulele outro*
For more infomation >> Brushing Out My Dreadlocks! - Duration: 6:01.-------------------------------------------
Diep.io FASTEST Killer | Ranked Part 1 | Diep.io - Duration: 12:52.
diep.io dominator killers
The LEGO Batman Movie
Dads Who Play Barbie®
CNN Student News - January 29, 2017 | World`s Longest Road-Rail Tunnel | CNN 10 - Duration: 10:01.
Suzuki Vitara 1.4 S Boosterjet Automaat Navi+Camera+BT PDC ECC-A - Duration: 1:12.
23/10/16 автограф-сессия Фен ЦзянЮ в новостях - Duration: 6:50.
What you need to know about Copyright, Patents, Trademarks and Open Source! - Duration: 14:25.
Picture this: Because you've got nothing better to do, you take a stroll around the
interweb and you see this awesome design.
You want to have it, too, so you get to work on reproducing it with your 3D printer or,
for that matter, pretty much any other tool you can use to create stuff.
Even the humble ctrl+C, ctrl+V applies here.
But that's where you run into it.
Trademark rights.
Maybe you even though your material was open source.
Well, let me explain.
[Intro] So today i want to touch on those four topics:
Copyrights for intellectual properties, Trademarks, Patents for inventions and, while we're
at it, how open-source works within that ecosystem.
This isn't going to be legal advice, and while a fair bit of what I'm about to show
you is based on the US and European situation and should be similar in other parts of the
world, there are still going to be differences from one country to the next.
So let's get into it!
First of all, these four topics of copyright, trademarks, patents and open-source are all
pretty much separate issues and with the exception of the interplay of copyright and open source,
none of these are inherently connected.
Let's start with copyright: And a lot of it is in the name already.
It's the exclusive right to copy an original work.
That's it.
Well, not quite.
Copyright applies to creative work in the widest sense, such as books and articles,
pictures, videos, music, sculptures etc.
And software, which is considered a literary work in the US.
The scope of copyright is important to know, because purely functional designs do typically
not fall within the scope of copyright and can only really be protected by a patent,
just like ideas and processes, and mere discoveries and unoriginal work don't get any acknowledgement
as far as copyright goes, at all.
So while, for example, I can claim copyright for my videos, the text and photos published
alongside them, I can not claim a copyright for most of my 3D designs because they don't
fall under the definition of creative work, as they are mostly functional, but also run
into another detail of copyright law: The threshold of originality.
Essentially stating that, even when your work is of an artistic nature, it needs to pass
a certain threshold of complexity or effort put into it to even be considered relevant
for copyright at all.
So while, say Loubie's Dragon designs are, no doubt original works of art, to which copyright
does apply, this simple, blocky throne design might not quite pass the threshold.
Actually, neither do these companies' logos, as they are not complex enough.
They are still registered trademarks, though, which, we'll touch on in a second.
Contrary to popular belief, a creator does not need to register their work or add any
sort of mark or text to their work to own the copyright on it.
So basically, any image, video, music piece, design, etc. that falls into the criteria
I just mentioned is essentially (c)opyright the creator, all rights reserved.
And that means *you* can't use it.
Yes, you're allowed to view it, but you can't use it on your own website, post it
to Facebook or use it on a business card, you can't integrate it into your own work
or even publish modified versions.
And neither a disclaimer like "I don't own the content shown here" nor attribution
to the original author are magic bullets that suddenly make that ok.
The US has a specialty there in the form of "fair use", meaning you are allowed to
use excerpts, for example from music tracks or movies, to discuss, criticize and parody
the material as long as you add your own spin.
Now, the question is, how does this even apply to 3D printing?
Well, there's definitely a bit of discussion going on in that area, but my understanding
is something like this: When you've got an original 3D design and simply print it,
the resulting part is still a reproduction of that design and therefore covered under
the author's copy-rights.
That is, considering you're looking at the design that is encapsulated in, for example
an stl file, and not just the bits and bytes of the file itself.
But in either case, grabbing artsy designs, printing them and selling them for profit
is probably not ok.
And even just publishing designs based on other original content can infringe on their
copyright, as for example the authors of a 3D-printable rocket design based on the TinTin
comics and another designer who published a left shark got to know when their designs
were removed from Thingiverse after a DMCA notice.
However, when it comes to something like design files and electronics schematics, the current
legal understanding is that, while the actual drawing of e.g. a schematic is original work
applicable to copyright, the actual function of the circuit is not.
So while you can't redistribute and reuse the actual drawing itself, you can still make
copies of the circuit and use it for your own purposes since that's the exclusively
functional portion of it, which isn't protected by copyright.
And here's where Creative Commons comes in.
As a copyright owner, you have the choice of explicitly allowing others to use your
For free.
This doesn't mean giving away the copyright, you're just giving out usage rights.
Creative Commons lets you decide how and for what purposes people and companies can use
the content you release.
The most drastic one would be the CC-0 license, or public domain, where you allow anyone to
use that work in any way and for any purpose.
Obviously, unless you're super religious about sharing everything, signing away all
rights might be too extreme, so Creative Commons does allow you to put some conditions in place
that people should follow when they use your content.
Those go from having to attribute the author where his or her content is used or requiring
any new content that is created from the original one to be released under a compatible license,
so if the original piece is Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike, the resulting work
also needs to be licensed as Creative Commons Attribution Share alike.
You could also add conditions like not allowing to modify the work or not allowing it to be
used in commercial products.
That last one is a bit critical, because education in particular isn't clearly non-commercial,
so often work with that license addendum doesn't get used where it's needed most.
These terms can be combined to form the various Creative Commons licenses.
So to recap copyright: By default, the creator owns all rights to a creative work, so even
when he or she shows or posts it publicly, it doesn't mean you can, too.
Unless, of course, he decides to specify a liberal license like Creative Commons that
allows other people to use their work.
Copyright does not apply to many 3D printable models, as they are either purely functional
or don't pass the threshold of originality.
But wait, there's more!
Let's quickly touch on trademarks before we move on to patents.
So unlike copyright, a trademark does usually need to be registered.
Its purpose is to identify who made a product, which for example keeps Pepsi from making
a product called "Coca Cola" or even from using similar sounding names or logos on their
Keep in mind that trademarks and copyright are mostly independent of each other, for
example, the copyright on many of the earlier Mickey Mouse shorts has expired, while the
character design and name is still a trademark of The Walt Disney Company.
And companies do need to enforce their trademark or it will be considered abandoned, so don't
be surprised when your flexible filament shoe design bearing those three stripes gets taken
down or you even get some snailmail from a lawyer for publishing it in the first place.
Now, patents start where copyright leaves off, at least when it comes to functional
A registered patent will have a similar effect to copyright when it comes to principles of
operation, processes and mechanical functions.
The difference being, of course, a patent needs to be registered and paid for, which
will give you a maximum of 20 years of protection of your invention.
However, for those 20 years, the patent holder has the exclusive right to sell and import
goods that use the technology covered by the patent.
And in the same way way that copyrighted things can be licensed for others to use, so can
a patent, but it's usually not going to be free.
Quite the opposite, actually.
Patents are key factors when it comes to defending your company against patent claims - we've
seen this in Apple vs Samsung regularly, where both parties know they are infringing each
other's patents and essentially just use the court case to figure out who should be
paying whom how much money.
They are also routinely used in judging how much a company is worth and can even serve
as trading goods, which is where patent hoarders or patent trolls stem from.
And that is because patents are hugely more powerful than copyright - they don't only
apply to an exact part a manufacturer makes, but also to any other implementations somebody
else works out by using the same principles.
So, say you owned a patent for the process of using a heated nozzle to melt plastic and
then smearing that down in layers to make an object, in that case nobody else would
be allowed to make an FDM 3D printer unless the patent holder - in that case, Stratasys
- allowed it.
And rest assured, for those 20 years from 1989 to 2009 Stratasys definitely made sure
that sure that patent was used only where they approved.
Which is also why the RepRap project got started right after the patent expired.
The thing is, for a patent to be considered valid, it needs to be a considerable advancement
of the state of the art and there can't be any prior art, so you or your company actually
have to be the ones inventing something new and, in theory, can't just copy someone
else's prior work.
And one spicy detail about patents is that, by design, they need to be public.
Some companies actually don't patent their developments to keep others from using them
as a blueprint and evading the patent claims by modifying a few minor details.
But it looks like that "the rich get richer" system of patents is slowly getting a bit
of a makeover.
There have been some efforts to limit the power of patent trolls that only buy patents
to sue others without actually making use of the patents for developing a product.
Also, Tesla has declared that their patents will never be used to attack a competitor
for using them, but only as defense when someone to sue them over patents they might be infringing
Elon Musk has called their "open source" or "public domain", which technically,
are terms that only apply to copyright, but we get the idea.
So let's talk about open source in the context of trademarks, patents, and copyright.
Because at its core, the "open source" term only means that you are opening up the
source files of your finished product - for software, that is the source code that the
program is compiled from and for hardware, the design files, drawings and such, are typically
considered the "source".
For something to be considered "open source" as intended, those source files need to come
with a liberal license that allows universal reuse.
So for example a creative commons no-derivatives or Noncommercial license is often not considered
a true open-source license because, even though the source files are public, you're still
severely limited when it comes to how you can use those files.
In general, someone publishing something as open-source will make all files available
that are needed to reproduce and modify it, and also allow that reproduction and modification
to happen by attaching a liberal license.
And the idea behind this is that instead of having to figure out the same things independently
of each other, everyone can build on previous work and then also shares their work under
a liberal license for other to use.
This creates an ecosystem of open-source products that each have a much easier job getting to
the finish line, and in turn give back to the community.
But keep in mind that while something can be shared with, say, a Creative Commons or
GPL license, patents and trademarks of third parties are completely independent of that
and might still put some restriction on how you can them.
So while open-source software is pretty much figured out with the various GPL licenses,
hardware is a bit of a different story.
Putting 1 and 1 together, as functional hardware isn't covered by copyright, it seems as
though there wouldn't be any restrictions on copying, say, 3D printer hardware or entire
machines unless they are protected by patents.
Which seems counterintuitive, but after the research I've done on these topics, it seems
like that is exactly the case.
I might have to update to my position on clone product for that.
So, let's recap: Copyright applies to all creative work and grants the creator the exclusive
right to share the work.
Trademarks typically need to be registered and identify a specific product or company.
Patents protect inventions and unique functional designs, and while they are valuable assets
to a company, they will also expire within a given time.
And lastly, open source is the idea of deliberately sharing plans of a design for others to use
for their own projects.
Now, obviously, if i did get something wrong, let me know in the comments below, this video
isn't legal advice, but a summary of the research i've done over
the years.
If you thought this video was helpful to you, give it a thumbs up, if not, let me know what
i can improve.
Also consider subscribing to the channel, and because Youtube only really shows you
updates from the channel if you also check the bell, remember to also do that.
Check out the affiliate links from the video description to shop on Amazon, eBay, Matterhackers
and iGo3D, those don't cost you a single penny extra, or if you want to support this
channel with a spare dollar or two, head over to Patreon and get access to monthly Q&A hangouts
and more.
And that's it for today, thanks for watching, and I'll see you in the next one.
Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse C 180 Automaat / Avantgarde / ILS / Schuifdak / Tr - Duration: 1:21.
Face Reveal (300 SUB SPECIAL!) (COMPLETE!) - Duration: 4:18.
Music: Forward Thinker - Silent Partner
Hi, YouTube, I am Joe the Fedora Gamer,
but a lot of you can call me, Joe, Joey or Fedora Gamer.
Before I begin, I want to thank you all for the 300+ subs that you guys have given me.
Without them, I wouldn't have gotten this far, and I wouldn't have been able to do this face reveal.
This face reveal is gonna talk a little bit about my time on YouTube.
without further ado,
here we go!
I first joined this site in May 2011,
but I didn't start uploading content until like...2015.
I'm sure a lot of you may know me for uploading the content like:
sped up Family Guy videos,
sound effects,
and asdfmovie bits.
Well, I first started off by uploading videos, particularly of punching sounds.
Then after that,
I began to upload some other funny content like:
sped up Family Guy videos and asdfmovie bits.
These videos did get a lot of views,
and my channel started to grow at a steady pace.
-pace. The most viewed-
-viewed video on my channel is the one where,
uh, Lois Griffin gets fat.
Now, I-uh...
Now I want you guys to keep in mind that I DO NOT OWN...
any of-
any of Family Guy or...
asdfmovie, 'cause they go to the respective own-
owners: FOX and Tomska.
If, eh...
If you guys want me to, I can take these videos down.
But, with that-
but, enough of that, okay?
Lets kee...
Let's keep going.
I...then began to upload some gameplays...
...plays of scary mobile and PC games...
After that, my content was mixed, because, I didn't know-
-know what my channel would be about.
Until then...
...then, I decided to become a gamer.
I started uploading more of the gameplays and less...
...less of the other content.
I couldn't sta-
-and having the mixed stuff, so...
I took off the sound-
Uh, I also had to stop uploading some of the sped up Family Guy clips, because...
...they were being placed under copyright claims.
...that doesn't...
This decreased my views by a lot...
...ot, but that doesn't mean-
-mean I don't have them anymore.
I still have some...
...some of the sped up Family Guy clips, but they're all placed under-eh
...under copyright claims,
so I'm not gonna be uploading them anymore.
Most of my sounds have moved to...
...to my second channel.
The... name of my second channel is called Fedora Gamer's 2nd Channel.
There, you can find all the soun-
-sounds placed under Creative Commons, meaning that you're free to use them.
...use them. Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this video.
...video. And if you did, leave a like-
like, comment, and a subscription...
...iption down below, and you might be able to win a shout out on Sunday.
...unday. Follow the rules in the description for...
...for how to win.
...in. And another thing,
Uh, as they will be deleted along...
...long with the rude comments.
If any of those shou-
-t outs...
...shout out messages contain...
...contain things like you subscribed, liked, or...
...or even liked...
...and I don't see a like or a comment-
Uh, I don't see a like or a subscription,
they will still,
be removed, because I-
I can find out due to-
-due to live count.
Also, in the description, you can find-
-find some links to my other social media such as:
Facebook or Twitter.
Well, I hope you guys enjoy-
-oyed this video. Thank you so much for wa-
Music: Forward Thinker - Silent Partner
Thanks for watching!
Like, comment, and subscribe for more!
Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media.
See you next time!
"La La Land" Trailer
Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.6 GDI BUSINESS PACK Dual ECC-Airco C - Duration: 1:07.
IW: Sniper FFA (Finnish) - Duration: 3:18.
JELIX or SEPTICPIE moments from CRINGEMAS, part 5, ending - Duration: 10:53.
How to Create Cloud in a bottle, interactive experiment for kids - Duration: 0:45.
How to Create Cloud in a bottle, interactive experiment for kids
MMD HAKU bikini 疑心暗鬼 / Gishin'anki "Paranoia" - Duration: 2:51.
Your idle gaze is starting to get duller
Scatterbrained as your mind really starts to wonder
The blood heating up in your veins
Rising you feel it toy
This place is starting to smother
So let's run away and go to another
Go on describe this delight
As you slowly enjoy my bite
Your heartbeat just keeps on elevating
It looks as though your chest is gonna burst
You can't seem to deal with the fact
that I am in full control for tonight
Holding me, is that a terrifying turn on?
How do you feel about this whole ordeal?
Believe me this is all too real
Face this now and open up your eyes
This world is make believe everyone is oh so fake
We'll create our own cuz we could play that game
No more? woah keep going
Fight for this so called wonderland
Night and days been lying about your fate
Listen to my voice you have got to rise awake
No more? woah
Come close and glimpse at this amazing world!
I don't wanna hear the bullshit in your mouth
Your talking is kinda ruining all the fun
I consider this as trivial remarks
I don't need this pointless fluff
You still remember your worries and sorrows?
Do anything you think you can't
Can you live your life to the fullest
If you do not enjoy what you like?
This world is make believe it's bewitching in a way
The old one can't stay. What do you wanna break?
No more? woah keep going
Fight for this so called wonderland
On your way everyone is suspect
Eyes judging you from the first day that you met
No more? woah
Come close and glimpse at this amazing world!
Pale-toned skin turning cool to the touch
A frightened gaze that's searching for the end
A used up frame, the others watching your demise
While others are watching for you to rise
This world is make believe everyone is oh so fake
We'll create our own cuz we could play that game
No more? woah keep going
Fight for this so called wonderland
Night and days been lying about your fate
Listen to my voice you have got to rise awake
No more? woah
You can't throw your future again
This world is make believe it's bewitching in a way
The old one can't stay. What do you wanna break?
No more? woah keep going
No miracles can reach you now
On your way everyone is suspect
Eyes judging you from the first day that you met
No more? woah
Come close and glimpse at this amazing world!
『 Jumping at Shadows 』
Music : Umetora / Vocal : Ashikubi
Movie : Toe
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