Hey, where are we going?
We arrived at the AirB&B.
It's quite cute in here.
She hasn't finished cleaning yet,
but just so you can get an idea of what it looks like.
We are on our way to a shopping mall in Frederiksberg.
We're going to try to do this by foot.
This way, we can see the streets, a bit.
It looks fun, anyway!
First of all, we're going to a drugstore that we bumped into.
It's called Matas.
We're obviously going in! Let's go!
W've entered a supermarket and they sell danishes!
In the supermarket we've found KitKat Cookie MotherF*cking Dough!
I'm going to eat it!
Because, we don't know this in Belgium.
It looks like a regular KitKat.
Who knows, it might not even be tasty.
There's an actual layer of cookie dough.
I don't know what to think about it...
I like it!
But, that doesn't really taste like cookie dough, though.
It doesn't, right?
Nope, indeed it doesn't, per se.
But, it's really tasty, though.
It's tasty, but not a lot more special than the regular.
We're at Frederiksberg center!
I've got a focaccia, and a cinnamon roll,
because I think that is typically Scandinavian.
I've almost brunt down the place!
There are some candles here to make it cosy,
but obviously stupid Sarah, almost burnt it down.
We're at Starbucks now.
Because, we were kind of thirsty.
Hi! We're in the subway, because we want to go the city center.
Zoë discovered a donut shop she wants to try out.
So, that's what we're looking for.
Apparently, it's in the city center,
so we're going to do some shopping, like Flying Tiger, etc.
I see you there!
We're in the city center!
And we're obviously going to Flying Tiger!
We're here at a random square
somewhere around a shopping street.
We're looking for the donut shop,
because we haven't found it yet.
Meanwhile, we've entered another drugstore,
it's called Normal.
We found it!
I have a Daim donut.
And that's the...
It's gay themed!
Gay pride was 2 months ago!
We're in front of a movie theater, I guess...
and it's BEAUTIFUL!
We've rest well,
in the sun!
I almost fell asleep.
We've arrived at Tivoli.
I don't know what it is,
but that's a gate, and that's what's written on it!
"That's like a gate, and that's what's written on it!"
"That's like a gate, and that's what's written on it!"
Good description!
We think it's a theater...
*It's a toys "luna park"
Coffee break.
We're having dinner at Max's.
It's a kind of "Quick" or McDonald's.
I've got special french fries with... whatever!
And a big hamburger!
Damn son!
Them jalapeños are for sure no rip off!
Are they spicy?
Uh huh!
We're back at the apartment.
We're dead tired!
Because, we've walked like... how many steps?
26.000 steps!
I'll end this vlog for today.
And I will see you all tomorrow!
For more infomation >> COPENHAGEN IS GAY? | TRAVEL VLOG - Duration: 11:31.-------------------------------------------
Krajní termín podle Chico Xaviera - Duration: 1:02:58.
Pojďme Hrát Dungeon Siege 1 (VYMÓDOVÁNO, 100%) - 55 - Kdo ty rytíře pasuje? {CZ} - Duration: 16:24.
[KKim Roma] John Wick Offical Trailer HD (CC) - Duration: 2:33.
Japan, a Longtime U S Ally, Now Worried About Trade War with Trump - Duration: 4:09.
Japan, a Longtime U.S. Ally, Now Worried About Trade War with Trump.
Tokyo � With speculation high about a coming trade war � or possibly even a cold war
� with so-called enemy China, the New York Times on Wednesday reminded its readers that
President Donald Trump�s removal of the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership
(TPP) has great implications for America�s allies, as well.
�What comes next, many in Japan believe,� the Times writes, �could be a bruising showdown
between Tokyo and Washington.
They fear a return to the trade wars of the 1980s and early �90s, when many Americans
saw Japan as an untrustworthy economic adversary.�
Trump, who on Monday made good on his promise to pull the U.S. out of the TPP deal immediately
upon entering the White House, has stated he finds the trade imbalance between Japan
and the U.S to be unfair because Japan sells far more goods to the U.S. than it buys in
The president reiterated this sentiment, which is a foundational element of his overall �America
First� policy, on Tuesday, before a group of American auto executives in Detroit.
�It�s the long-terms jobs we are looking for,� President Trump said at a televised
meeting with executives from GM, Ford, and Fiat Chrysler.
Ahead of the meeting, the U.S. leader had once again demonstrated, via tweet, his desire
to strengthen the American workforce at home: �I want new plants to be built here for
cars sold here.�
President Trump has stated he wishes to pursue individual trade deals with nations, rather
than group agreements like the TPP.
This is unfortunate news for Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who, as the Times notes,
had hopes of �drawing the United States closer to Japan and other friendly Pacific
Rim countries� through the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Japan has traditionally preferred multilateral agreements to one-on-one deals of the sort
the new American president is insisting upon, the Times explains, but Abe�s strong desire
to keep the U.S. engaged in the region may leave him no choice but to play along.
�Japan may eventually agree to bilaterals with the U.S. to ensure that the U.S. stays
engaged in Asia,� said former U.S. trade official Glen.
S. Fukushima � now a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress.
Highlighting what a delicate dance Japan will have to play in the coming days if it intends
to safeguard trade relations with the United States, the chairman of the lobbying group
for Japan�s largest corporations says Prime Minister Abe should deal directly with Trump
for the time being, with an overarching �goal of eventually broadening negotiations to a
multilateral level.� This appeasement by Abe, however � even
if it is only to eventually work Trump into a softer position down the road � is what
many locals in Japan are concerned about.
As a rice farmer, interviewed by the Times, explains:
�It�s actually a lot scarier, because what comes next will be a lot harsher.
We have to sell cars to the U.S., and farmers will be traded
away for access.�
John Wick: Chapter 2
The Space Between Us
dean (딘) - D (half moon) (short cover) - Duration: 2:57.
Love-love the stars
Love-love the moon
Nothing's really different
It's the same air
It's the same bed
Looking at the same ceiling
Why do I feel so empty
For no reason at all
It's been a few hours
Since I've been spacing out
(At first)
I thought I was just hungry
No way, no way, no way
(These days)
I listen to Kanye's new album
But it's just typical
I leave the TV on
But I'm just flipping the channels
But bae, there's not much meaning
Nothing comes even close
To half of you
It doesn't fill me up, yeah
If only I had just half of you
Then I wouldn't feel like this
On a night without you
Even when the moon is up
I can't see it
It's hidden by thoughts of you, yeah
Just like you can't make a fair call
If your heart is slanted
Just because you're not here
There's no way I should be like this
But I keep going back to those times
In the place where you used to be
I can see the night sky
That half-full moon
Looks just like me right now
Nothing comes even close
To half of you
It doesn't fill me up, yeah
If only I had just half of you
Then I wouldn't feel like this
Love-love the stars
Love-love the moon
If only I had just half of you
Then I wouldn't feel like this
If only
Isuzu D-max 2.5 4x4 LSX Dubbele Cabine Grijs Kenteken - Automa - Duration: 1:41.
[Eng Sub] AmigoTV Late Night snack Talk with I.O.I Merry Christmas Ep.01 [1/3] - Duration: 25:18.
[A vacation cottage in Paju]
[Whispering] Today I.O.I's will have pajama party.
Pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat.
[Great selfie spot with lighting]
Amigo TV!
[Is the camera shooting all right?]
I guess the selfie stick broke.
I think it's was broken. Hang on.
[Come on, get fixed]
It's broken.
[Oh no] Can't I use this?
I look too ugly here. Don't use my shot here.
[You're cute, so we used it] I look too ugly. Oh no.
We're at a vacation cottage. Look how great it is.
I look forward to the outdoors.
Jieqiong is asleep from fatigue.
[#Lullaby Jieqiong]
[Se-jeong appears on So-hye's self-cam]
Se-jeong got a makeover. Guess what it is.
[Spunky] That I'm more beautiful?
She dyed her hair.
How do you find today?
I'm full of high hopes.
- My stomach is this tight. - Mine too.
- So look forward to us. - I want to hurry and eat. - Me too.
[Too good to be true snack time for hungry girls]
[Coming soon!]
- I'd love to live here. - Let's work harder.
Let's work hard, I.O.I.
[I.O.I way to go!]
Do we meet here every year?
[18 year old girl's wish] Let's have barbecue at a stream.
Eat whole chicken soup and improve our health.
[20 year old Chae-yeon's wanted game] - And play hwatu. - Hwatu?
We can eat and eat and eat.
Kim So-hye, are you sure that you can pig out?
Of course, I'll eat and eat. Amigo, amigo.
[In an old-man's voice] Quiet or you'd get in trouble.
What does "a-mi-go" mean?
- (A) I.O.I... - (A) I.O.I...
- I.O.I's early Christmas? - That sounds right.
Mini Christmas, go go go.
[That's not what it means] What's that?
- I thought Amigo TV means "Tough to like beautiful girls". - Really?
Amigo! Amigo!
[Jung Chae-yeon (20) / Successful SHINee fan] I'm a SHINee's fan.
[Amigo TV stands for "crazy for idols"]
[The show produces great clips to provide in high quality]
[I.O.I's high tension show!] [Amigo TV start!]
[Great dance!]
[Fun entertainment!]
[Full of support!]
[All you want from I.O.I!] [Amigo TV provides them all!]
I want to keep this for myself.
[Today's mission card for I.O.I!] We got a mission card.
[Expectant] Pretty.
Read it for us.
[Awesome] Girls, this is awesome!
[I.O.I's first-ever early Christmas party] We're having a Christmas party.
[Yay, so exciting]
[Christmas party for no reason! I.O.I has been busy for the last year]
[You'll go separate ways with your backs to I.O.I now]
[A refreshing time for our girls who worked hard for the year]
[Christmas party for no reason!]
Find the 11 hidden gifts.
[Gifts?] - Find them? - Gifts?
[Girls go look for Christmas gifts!]
[Is this it?]
- It's this here. - Is this one?
It's this.
[Yeon-jung finds one in a microwave] I found it!
[Girls come running] What is it?
[Looking hard] I'll look for it to my best.
[Do-yeon finds it in the fridge] I found it!
[I.O.I's Christmas gifts are pajamas for their Christmas party!]
- I can't find it. - There are 11.
11 gifts?
[Girls start to find them] I found it!
- What's this? - I found it!
[So exciting] - I'm so excited. - Right? Fun?
[Jieqiong still looks for hers alone] It's not on the top floor.
[Where is Jieqiong's gift?]
[Annoyed] Why can't I find mine?
[Girls help look for Jieqiong's gift] - Let's look for Jieqiong. - How can this be?
[Where is it?] It couldn't be in the toilet.
I already looked there.
- Jieqiong can't find hers? - No.
[Girls, I'm in here]
Girls, can you help me with this?
[Knock knock, are you there?] Maybe it's in here.
Whose is this?
You never know.
[No way] - Not likely. - Probably not here.
- I already looked there. - You did? - Yeah.
I even looked in the trashcan.
[Lonely gift] We shouldn't be impressed.
Maybe we should find the key to this cabinet here.
[No, you don't need to] Probably not here.
- It's too hard. - Yeah, this is difficult.
[So-mi reaches for the hidden gift]
[She looks under the cushion] Maybe we should look for the key.
[So-mi turns her back on it]
[No, don't go]
[#Did I become a gift for this? #Hurt with shame]
[Will they give up the last gift?]
I found it!
[I.O.I's early Christmas party for no reason starts now]
What's that? Oh my.
Ba ba ba.
[Aha, wow]
Na-young and Chae-yeon should go down together.
I look really handsome.
I love this outfit. I want it for myself.
Let's be funny. Funny.
[Welcome to Amigo TV pajama runway]
[No.1 Yoo-jung in wonderland]
[Red that talks of Christmas]
[Ankle long dress fit that prompts motherly love]
[No.2 Bruce Lee Se-jeong, +200 old man]
[Perfect sync of Bruce Lee as a girl]
[Light walking steps is key]
[No.3 Do-yeon loves hamburgers]
[Red that goes with Christmas, looking great with yellow]
[Like a fresh lemonade juice look]
[Burst of laughter]
- I'm embarrassed. - Oh no, you're so cute.
[Get ready to find her cute] - The cutest. - Oh no, so cute.
[Toddling down]
[No.4 Irreplaceably cute Chung-ha Minion] Come here, cutie pie.
[No.5 Mi-na caught red-handed for tugging at guys' heartstrings]
I can fly down.
[Here comes So-mi the Peter Pan!]
[Dashing So-mi lands on the runway]
I won't lie, or my nose will grow.
What's that?
[No.7 Beautiful Pinocchio from cartoons]
Why is Pinocchio this pretty?
[Jump, jump, jump] Cute.
[Singing their BGM]
[No.8 & No.9] [Yeon-jung Mario & So-hye Luigi]
[In lack of sexy appeal]
- Next. - Next!
[No.10 & No.11] [Rudolph Na-young & Chae-yeon Santa]
Rudolph, bark!
Bark? She's a reindeer.
Pose for the camera.
[All together, it's photo time!]
- Hi! - Hi.
We're idols dressed for Christmas.
I'm embarrassed with the music off.
1, 2, 3! Yes, I love it! We're I.O.I. Hello.
[Amigo TV's first star, I.O.I]
[Girls, welcome to Amigo TV]
[Good to see you]
We never imagined that you'd give us such pretty pajamas.
- We thought they'd be ordinary. - Yeah.
Who do you think has the best pajama-look?
[Q. Who has the best pajama-look?]
- I like Mario. - These two here.
[Girls compliment each other] Santa Claus.
And this prisoner looks great.
Minion and Peter Pan are handsome.
- It's like your own outfit. - Yeah, we have on what suits us.
Na-young is waiting for us to say it's her pajama. Na-young!
Na-young is waiting for us to say it's her pajama.
[Na-young the Rudolph is caught]
I heard that I look handsome so many times today.
- It suits you. - Handsome girl.
[So handsome]
Since we have on pajamas, let's go enjoy the party.
[Let's have fun with party looks]
Shall we dance in our pajamas to "Very Very Very"?
- I want to keep it for myself. - I wanted to do this.
["Very Very Very" pajama version!] - Bring your character alive! - Yeah!
[Rudolph the reindeer] Na-young, walk on all four.
[Do you want to die?] Give us music!
[Just joking]
Give us music!
[Hard level, from the chorus] Where do I stand?
- Who's part is this? - What?
[Best of teamwork] [Girls get in their spots]
[Bruce Lee Se-jeong swings nunchaku]
- Here, here! - It's Jieqiong's part!
[Jieqiong acts like Pinocchio]
I know it now.
[Slap on her butt]
[Flap, flap] [Like a real card soldier!]
[Cute Mario blasts strong wind] Na-young, you disappoint me.
[Heavy hamburger beauty] I ate too many hamburgers.
[Minion to the bone]
[Finally, Rudolph takes the floor!]
[Na-young shows off B-Boying moves] Great!
[BIG BANG - Bang Bang Bang (2015)]
[They start to feel the fun]
[Jessy Matador - Bomba (2011)]
[Let's dance] Here we go!
[They unleash with funky dance]
Come here!
[In a trance]
Where should I take you?
[Boi B - Swallowtail (2016)]
[You can really party]
[Kim Heung-gook - Swallowtail (1989)]
[Se-jeong the old man]
I'm down.
Here come the lyrics, "Fly".
We hid!
What? This song?
Get in formation.
[Best K-Pop in 2016 "Pick Me"]
Girls, get in formation.
I'm exhausted.
["Pick Me" in 2x the speed]
[Great dance, girls]
["Pick Me" in 4x the speed]
[You can take this much, right?] - Let's do it right. - "Pick Me" is a cinch.
["Pick Me" in 8x the speed]
[All in sync]
["Pick Me" in 10x the speed] Faster!
Let's do this!
[Here we go]
5, 6, 7, 8!
What was this part?
[Love you I.O.I, you're great] Awesome!
[Check out I.O.I's 10x "Pick Me" on Amigo TV Facebook page]
[All out of energy]
[Breathing hard]
Turn on more music.
[Hard to calm their fun] - I'm so excited. - Swallowtail!
[Amigo TV]
[I.O.I Body Talk Rule]
[In two teams, pick topic of either person or animal!]
[Take turns to express the word in body language]
[Team with more answers wins!]
[Simple way to team up!] Up to Chae-yeon can go that way!
I did "Body Talk" many times that I'm confident.
[Body Talk teams]
- Either animal or person. - I want to do animal!
[Us too] I want to do animal, too.
[Youngest vs. youngest is the best] Rock-paper-scissors between our youngest.
- Who's the youngest on your team? - I'm good at rock-paper-scissors.
[With Luigi's support] I'll give you Luigi's energy!
[Na-young leads] I'll help. Turn around.
[Whimper] I can do well if I look.
[Yeon-jung wins!] Jeon So-mi, as expected.
[What?] We lost, so we get animals.
[Annoyed] [We get to choose!]
[Humph] [You're so mean]
[Topics for Body Talk] Animals for Na-young, people for Se-jeong!
[Se-jeong who bluffs?] [It's okay, we'll win anyways]
[We won't lose, we're just as good] We can guess from making faces.
- Then want to get people? - No.
[No! Be quiet, friend!]
[Funny] We can guess for people.
- Yeah, we'll win anyways. - Let's get it on.
[So-mi's team goes first!] Want us to start the game?
One from my team will turn the page for you.
[No, Yoo-jung] No! If you do that...
[Yoo-jung is pulled back in]\ Quiet. Go back in, card.
Can you scoot more that way?
[Tense before the game] This is our stage.
[All right] Do you know the rules?
[So-mi's team Body Talk starts!] Get set, go!
[Answer is Hulk] We can guess such people.
[Steve Jobs?] You can do it!
- Pass if you don't know. - Steve Jobs!
[Answer is Steve Jobs]
[Excellent] [Answer is Carry, great Kim Do-yeon]
How did she get that?
[Answer is Iron Man]
[Do-yeon guesses right even before the body moves]
This team is doing great.
[Oh my goodness]
[Answer is Jjangu] Why are you so good?!
[No cheating] Don't mouth the answer.
[Do-yeon?] Don't mouth the answer.
[Charmander?!] Charmander. No, not that.
- McDonald! - Don't mouth the answer.
[Who do I look like?]
[Answer is Jeon Ji-hyun]
[Do we look alike?]
[Sorry, but I'll collapse]
[Yoo-jung flinches] Kim Yuna!
[What?] [Answer is Kim Yuna]
[Awesome] [Unbelievable]
[Answer is Park Myeong-su]
[Answer is Elsa]
[Game over] [Time up for So-mi's team!]
Let's see how many you got. So many answers!
- 1, 2... - Why are you so good?
6, 7, 8, 9!
[So-mi's team gets 9 right!] Shall we bother them?
Get set, go!
[Viewers, make your guesses] Turtle!
- Dog! - Fish! - Otter?
[Na-young answers right!] Water strider!
[What's that?]
[Skips what she doesn't know] - Pass! - Just do anything.
[Looks around] Kangaroo!
- Otter! - Frog!
[Answer is Meerkat]
Hurry up!
- Penguin! - Pass!
[Phew] - Great that we got people. - Yeah.
[( ) eagle] - Eagle! - Hawk!
[Bald eagle] You didn't do it right.
- Gorilla! - It's what you like.
[Answer is King Kong]
- Can I look? - Yeah, sure!
[Answer is sloth]
[It's a certain crab] King crab!
[Frustrated] - Sea crab? - Chili crab!
[Yeon-jung squats on floor again]
[She eats off the floor]
[What's that?]
[Game over for Na-young's team!] What was it?
How many did you get? How many?
- 1. - This is hard. - Tarantula. How can we do this?
- 2! - How can we do this? - 5!
- 6! - How do we know Yeongdeok crabs?
[Na-young's team gets 7 right!] - 7. - How many did you get?
[Na-young's team 7 : So-mi's team 9] 7 answers!
Today's winning team is...
[So-mi's team wins Body Talk!] So-mi's team, raise your arms!
[Too bad]
[For the winning girls' skin] Thank you!
[Prize is facial masks!] These are really expensive ones.
- Don't you want to give to me? Look at my skin. - No.
[Humpf] Go see a dermatologist.
[We love it] - Thank you. - My favorite facial masks!
- Put it on Jieqiong and sleep? - Let's all enjoy this Christmas gift.
[Heartwarming] Let's enjoy it!
[Amigo TV]
Mope.io all animal || Mammoth time || New update - Duration: 12:58.
Spray Paint ART - Howling Wolf at the Moon - Duration: 10:14.
Welcome to Skech's SPRAY PAINTING ,crafting and DIY Art.
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DIŞARDA BİR GÜNÜM ( -1 C* ) - Duration: 10:28.
From Kennedy�s video presentation, �7 Minutes on the CDC,� Anne Dachel (Age of
Autism) has transcribed excerpts. This is explosive material, particularly because there
is a chance Kennedy will head up an investigation of vaccine safety under Trump.
Kennedy understands the inherent conflict of interest at the CDC, which operates as
a vaccine sales and marketing company, while at the same time posing as a neutral scientific
body that assesses vaccine safety�AND OF COURSE, THE CDC PRESENTS AN EVER-EXPANDING
Think of it: the CDC has the power�backed by federal and state governments, and supported
by the fake-news media�to buy and sell vaccines, while deciding how many vaccines the population
should submit to. What salesman wouldn�t want to work for an outfit like that?
Here are Kennedy�s remarks. Read them, study them, and learn the truth:
�The CDC is a very troubled agency, and it�s not just me saying that. There have
been four separate, intensive federal investigations by the United States Congress�a three year
investigation, 2001, 2002, 2003, by the United States Senate, Tom Coburn�s committee, by
the Inspector General of HHS in 2008, by the Office Integrity in 2014. All of them have
painted the CDC as a cesspool of corruption, of an agency that has become an absolute subsidiary
of the pharmaceutical industry, and that has become a sock puppet, a spokesperson, a shill
for the industry.� �CDC is not an independent agency. It is
a vaccine company. CDC owns over twenty vaccine patents. It sells about $4.6 billion of vaccines
every year. And its primary metric for success in all the departments in the agency are vaccine
sales. The groups, for example the Immunization Safety Office, where the scientists who are
supposed to be looking at efficacy and safety in vaccines, they are no longer a public service�agency.
They are subsumed in that metric: We have to sell as many of these things as possible.
And so they do things to their science to make sure that nothing interferes�no information�interferes
with sales. �Now there are two divisions of the vaccine
branch where we worry about the corruption. The first one is called the Advisory Committee
on Immunization Practices. That is the committee that makes the decision about what new vaccines
to add to the schedule.� �When I was a boy, I got three vaccines.
My children got sixty-nine vaccines. It changed in 1989.�
�Why did it change in 1989?� �Because in 1986, Congress, [was] drowning
in pharmaceutical industry money�pharma puts more money into lobbying than any other
industry�Pharmaceutical companies have more lobbyists on Capitol Hill than there are Congress
people.� �Do you think oil and gas has big influence
in the Capitol? Well, that�s the next biggest. The pharmaceutical industry puts twice into
lobbying, double the amount that the oil and gas, and four times what defense and aero
space put in. So they control Congress.� �In 1986, Congress passed the Vaccine Act,
and there were good reasons for them to pass it. �At that time vaccine companies were
being sued and were threatening to stop making vaccines. [Congress] said, okay, we�re going
to insulate them from lawsuits. They made it illegal to sue a vaccine company in this
country, no matter how reckless the behavior, no matter how negligent, no matter how toxic
the product, no matter how grievous the injury to the child, you cannot sue.�
�You know how badly the pharmaceutical industry behaves when they are being sued, when there�s
a whole bar of lawyers who spend their whole life looking for ways to sue the pharmaceutical
industry and tell these stories to juries, and how many billions every year are won from
that industry.� �What do you think would happen if all of
a sudden, all the lawyers disappeared, all the class action suits, all the multi district
litigation, all the depositions, all the document searches, the discovery? Just gone. Nobody
can sue. You can make anything you want.� �And then they made it so that it was much
easier to get a vaccine on the schedule than it was to get a pharmaceutical into the market.
There�s no double blind placebo studies. They�re all fast tracked into the market
place.� �The decision is made by this group, the
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. And you�d hope that the people who would
serve on that committee would be kind of nerdy scientists who are narrowly focused on public
health outcomes, but that�s not who they are. The people who serve on that committee,
almost all of them, have strong financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry.�
�I�ll give you an example of how this committee works. In 1999, Paul Offit sat on
that committee. And when you go to this committee, when you go to their meetings, the Advisory
Committee on Immunization Practices is in one room, and then there�s a press deck
in the next room. You have a whole bunch of seats there with guys who look like me, in
suits. They�re Wall Street analysts, pharmaceutical analysts. They�re waiting to hear the decision.
And as soon as they come out and announce which new vaccines they put on the schedule,
those guys run out in the hallway and get on their cell phones, and you can watch the
stocks spike. So it�s become an economic enterprise.�
�Paul Offit sat on the committee in 1999 that added the rota virus vaccine to the schedule.
He owned a patent to a rota virus vaccine. He was then able to sell his vaccine to Merck
for $186 million. He pocketed something around $29 million. He�s never allowed anybody
to ask him exactly how much, but according to the formula that they use, he would have
gotten at least $29 million.� �That caused a little bit of a scandal in
Washington, and the Inspector General of HHS was sent to investigate it. They did a complete
investigation of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, and what they found,
what they concluded was what he did was not illegal under CDC rules. Sixty-four percent
of the people who sat on that committee had conflicts that were similar to Paul Offit,
and ninety-seven percent might have conflicts because the rest of them never made out their
conflict of interest forms. And nobody ever made them do it.�
�It�s very difficult when those kinds of shenanigans are going on. The American
people have faith that all of these new vaccines that were added, beginning in 1989, are put
there solely because this committee is concerned with public health.�
Got it? This is four years� worth of university political-science curriculum in seven minutes.
Well, the actual title is politicized science. Every American who can read should read it.
This is what is really going on at America�s number-one public health agency�the agency
that is also a corporation.
This is war against the American people from within.
Naujieji metai pagal mėnulio kalendorių 2017 Google Doodles Naujųjų Metų 2017 Fejerverkai - Duration: 5:19.
Šiandienos doodle švenčia Mėnulio Naujieji Metai 2017 (Honkongas, Taivanas, Kinija)
Su fejerverkai, kepti koldūnai ir Fai Chun, šiandien doodle sveikina Gaidžio metus.
Švęsti su šeima ir draugais laiką, Mėnulio Naujieji Metai patenka pirmą jaunaties tarp
sausio 21 ir kiekvienų metų vasario 20 d.
Nors tai reiškia, data visada keičiasi, tradicijos aplinkiniai atostogas jau seniai
tas pats.
Vedantis iki jo, šeimos dažnai valyti savo namus išstumti nedalia ir padaryti kambarį
už gerą likimo.
Kai Naujųjų Metų išvakarės atvyksta, artimuosius ateiti kartu Reunionas vakarienė,
kurioje Poon Choi - didelis patiekalas supakuota su mėsos, žuvies, ir daržovių - dažnai
Naujųjų metų dieną, raudona dekoro ir vokai gausu, o liūtas šokėjai, popieriniai
žibintai, fejerverkai ir užpildyti gatvėse.
Legenda pasakoja, kad daugelis šių tradicijų kyla iš Atspindys Nian, mitinis žvėris,
kuris ataką senovės gyvenvietę kiekvienų Naujųjų metų dieną.
Su paslaptingas vyras pagalbos, kaimiečiai netrukus sužinojo, kad padaras bijojo raudoną
spalvą, taip pat garsiai triukšmo - ir todėl šventės prasidėjo.
Nors Nian niekada grįžti, laimei šventės padarė.
Štai kad sveikatos, laimės ir sėkmės naujų metų!
Kinų, Kinijoje ir etninių bendruomenių visame pasaulyje, Mėnulio Naujųjų metų
yra svarbiausia ir labiausiai švenčių šventė šiais metais.
Per šimtmečius Kinijos agrarinės tradicijos, tai buvo vienas laikotarpis, kai ūkininkai
galėtų pailsėti nuo savo darbo laukus.
Šeimos nariai iš arti ir toli būtų keliauti būti su artimaisiais laiku Įvesti iš senųjų
metų atvykę į naują, su dideliu šventinį klestėti.
Su kalendorinio klipai iš trečiojo tūkstantmečio prieš mūsų erą, Kinijos žmonės tūkstančius
metų buvo remiantis senųjų papročių Naujųjų metų šventėms.
Nors jie gali skirtis priklausomai nuo regiono, kaimo į kaimą, ir net šeimos su šeima
pagal socialinę padėtį, daugelis šių papročių vis dar laikomasi.
Šiandien visoje Kinijoje, per tai, kas dabar dažnai vadinama pavasario šventė, keleiviniai
traukiniai, autobusai, ir upių laivai yra supakuota su atostogų keliautojų; parduotuvės
daryti verslo pardavimo dovanos, naujų drabužių ir šventinių maisto sujudimas; Virtuvės
triukšmingo su pasirengimo įmantriais pokyliuose ir gatvės alsuoja fejerverkai ir sezoninių
sveikinimai garsų.
Šiandienos doodle pagerbia Mėnulio Naujųjų metų 2017 (Honkongas, Taivanas, Kinija)
Disney's Pinocchio
From Kennedy�s video presentation, �7 Minutes on the CDC,� Anne Dachel (Age of
Autism) has transcribed excerpts. This is explosive material, particularly because there
is a chance Kennedy will head up an investigation of vaccine safety under Trump.
Kennedy understands the inherent conflict of interest at the CDC, which operates as
a vaccine sales and marketing company, while at the same time posing as a neutral scientific
body that assesses vaccine safety�AND OF COURSE, THE CDC PRESENTS AN EVER-EXPANDING
Think of it: the CDC has the power�backed by federal and state governments, and supported
by the fake-news media�to buy and sell vaccines, while deciding how many vaccines the population
should submit to. What salesman wouldn�t want to work for an outfit like that?
Here are Kennedy�s remarks. Read them, study them, and learn the truth:
�The CDC is a very troubled agency, and it�s not just me saying that. There have
been four separate, intensive federal investigations by the United States Congress�a three year
investigation, 2001, 2002, 2003, by the United States Senate, Tom Coburn�s committee, by
the Inspector General of HHS in 2008, by the Office Integrity in 2014. All of them have
painted the CDC as a cesspool of corruption, of an agency that has become an absolute subsidiary
of the pharmaceutical industry, and that has become a sock puppet, a spokesperson, a shill
for the industry.� �CDC is not an independent agency. It is
a vaccine company. CDC owns over twenty vaccine patents. It sells about $4.6 billion of vaccines
every year. And its primary metric for success in all the departments in the agency are vaccine
sales. The groups, for example the Immunization Safety Office, where the scientists who are
supposed to be looking at efficacy and safety in vaccines, they are no longer a public service�agency.
They are subsumed in that metric: We have to sell as many of these things as possible.
And so they do things to their science to make sure that nothing interferes�no information�interferes
with sales. �Now there are two divisions of the vaccine
branch where we worry about the corruption. The first one is called the Advisory Committee
on Immunization Practices. That is the committee that makes the decision about what new vaccines
to add to the schedule.� �When I was a boy, I got three vaccines.
My children got sixty-nine vaccines. It changed in 1989.�
�Why did it change in 1989?� �Because in 1986, Congress, [was] drowning
in pharmaceutical industry money�pharma puts more money into lobbying than any other
industry�Pharmaceutical companies have more lobbyists on Capitol Hill than there are Congress
people.� �Do you think oil and gas has big influence
in the Capitol? Well, that�s the next biggest. The pharmaceutical industry puts twice into
lobbying, double the amount that the oil and gas, and four times what defense and aero
space put in. So they control Congress.� �In 1986, Congress passed the Vaccine Act,
and there were good reasons for them to pass it. �At that time vaccine companies were
being sued and were threatening to stop making vaccines. [Congress] said, okay, we�re going
to insulate them from lawsuits. They made it illegal to sue a vaccine company in this
country, no matter how reckless the behavior, no matter how negligent, no matter how toxic
the product, no matter how grievous the injury to the child, you cannot sue.�
�You know how badly the pharmaceutical industry behaves when they are being sued, when there�s
a whole bar of lawyers who spend their whole life looking for ways to sue the pharmaceutical
industry and tell these stories to juries, and how many billions every year are won from
that industry.� �What do you think would happen if all of
a sudden, all the lawyers disappeared, all the class action suits, all the multi district
litigation, all the depositions, all the document searches, the discovery? Just gone. Nobody
can sue. You can make anything you want.� �And then they made it so that it was much
easier to get a vaccine on the schedule than it was to get a pharmaceutical into the market.
There�s no double blind placebo studies. They�re all fast tracked into the market
place.� �The decision is made by this group, the
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. And you�d hope that the people who would
serve on that committee would be kind of nerdy scientists who are narrowly focused on public
health outcomes, but that�s not who they are. The people who serve on that committee,
almost all of them, have strong financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry.�
�I�ll give you an example of how this committee works. In 1999, Paul Offit sat on
that committee. And when you go to this committee, when you go to their meetings, the Advisory
Committee on Immunization Practices is in one room, and then there�s a press deck
in the next room. You have a whole bunch of seats there with guys who look like me, in
suits. They�re Wall Street analysts, pharmaceutical analysts. They�re waiting to hear the decision.
And as soon as they come out and announce which new vaccines they put on the schedule,
those guys run out in the hallway and get on their cell phones, and you can watch the
stocks spike. So it�s become an economic enterprise.�
�Paul Offit sat on the committee in 1999 that added the rota virus vaccine to the schedule.
He owned a patent to a rota virus vaccine. He was then able to sell his vaccine to Merck
for $186 million. He pocketed something around $29 million. He�s never allowed anybody
to ask him exactly how much, but according to the formula that they use, he would have
gotten at least $29 million.� �That caused a little bit of a scandal in
Washington, and the Inspector General of HHS was sent to investigate it. They did a complete
investigation of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, and what they found,
what they concluded was what he did was not illegal under CDC rules. Sixty-four percent
of the people who sat on that committee had conflicts that were similar to Paul Offit,
and ninety-seven percent might have conflicts because the rest of them never made out their
conflict of interest forms. And nobody ever made them do it.�
�It�s very difficult when those kinds of shenanigans are going on. The American
people have faith that all of these new vaccines that were added, beginning in 1989, are put
there solely because this committee is concerned with public health.�
Got it? This is four years� worth of university political-science curriculum in seven minutes.
Well, the actual title is politicized science. Every American who can read should read it.
This is what is really going on at America�s number-one public health agency�the agency
that is also a corporation.
This is war against the American people from within.
Hey, where are we going?
We arrived at the AirB&B.
It's quite cute in here.
She hasn't finished cleaning yet,
but just so you can get an idea of what it looks like.
We are on our way to a shopping mall in Frederiksberg.
We're going to try to do this by foot.
This way, we can see the streets, a bit.
It looks fun, anyway!
First of all, we're going to a drugstore that we bumped into.
It's called Matas.
We're obviously going in! Let's go!
W've entered a supermarket and they sell danishes!
In the supermarket we've found KitKat Cookie MotherF*cking Dough!
I'm going to eat it!
Because, we don't know this in Belgium.
It looks like a regular KitKat.
Who knows, it might not even be tasty.
There's an actual layer of cookie dough.
I don't know what to think about it...
I like it!
But, that doesn't really taste like cookie dough, though.
It doesn't, right?
Nope, indeed it doesn't, per se.
But, it's really tasty, though.
It's tasty, but not a lot more special than the regular.
We're at Frederiksberg center!
I've got a focaccia, and a cinnamon roll,
because I think that is typically Scandinavian.
I've almost brunt down the place!
There are some candles here to make it cosy,
but obviously stupid Sarah, almost burnt it down.
We're at Starbucks now.
Because, we were kind of thirsty.
Hi! We're in the subway, because we want to go the city center.
Zoë discovered a donut shop she wants to try out.
So, that's what we're looking for.
Apparently, it's in the city center,
so we're going to do some shopping, like Flying Tiger, etc.
I see you there!
We're in the city center!
And we're obviously going to Flying Tiger!
We're here at a random square
somewhere around a shopping street.
We're looking for the donut shop,
because we haven't found it yet.
Meanwhile, we've entered another drugstore,
it's called Normal.
We found it!
I have a Daim donut.
And that's the...
It's gay themed!
Gay pride was 2 months ago!
We're in front of a movie theater, I guess...
and it's BEAUTIFUL!
We've rest well,
in the sun!
I almost fell asleep.
We've arrived at Tivoli.
I don't know what it is,
but that's a gate, and that's what's written on it!
"That's like a gate, and that's what's written on it!"
"That's like a gate, and that's what's written on it!"
Good description!
We think it's a theater...
*It's a toys "luna park"
Coffee break.
We're having dinner at Max's.
It's a kind of "Quick" or McDonald's.
I've got special french fries with... whatever!
And a big hamburger!
Damn son!
Them jalapeños are for sure no rip off!
Are they spicy?
Uh huh!
We're back at the apartment.
We're dead tired!
Because, we've walked like... how many steps?
26.000 steps!
I'll end this vlog for today.
And I will see you all tomorrow!
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