hi guys This is roy
And welcome to a brand new video on this channel
you want multiple wireless devices like
tablets pc mobile phone smart TV
And you also connect them with some kind of
Wi-Fi network.
Am I right?
I also used to have this kind of network in my home
But the main problem I face is
Transferring file, or sharing file between
My devices
Like when I transfer file between
my computers to my mobile phone
I generally reconnect with the data cable and
transfer what ever I need
And when I download some movie on my computer
then I want to watch those this movie on my
big screen TV i generally copy the move
on pen drive and attach it with my TV
So last week I set up a wireless
cloud at my home
really cheap it cost less than $100
hundred-dollar and i am getting now
watch 40 to 50 mbps speed over Wi-Fi
insanely fast and now I can share my
file I can watch 4k videos over wifi
awesome so in this video I'm going to
share with you guys how you can do that
too so let's get it started
so this is the router i
talk is the model number is a RT N 10 U
it cost me around $30
used to vote on the back and you can
kinda hard drive or things i put it hard
like I can access eat from anywhere and
that's really cool but the speed is so
slow I get only 3 - 4 mbps maximum with this roouter
i did some research and try to
find out what is that best and cheapest way
to set up a NAS or needle a tester is
at home in total using a 1 TB HDD
with hard drive it costed around $130 - $150USD
In case if you don't have a portable hard drive
And thinking about buying one
I suggest you
Check the xiaomi MI R1D AC
Which has a built in 1 TB HDD
and prizes little is little less than $100 USD
And couple of days ago gear best send me this router
Lets open the box.
wow this is the router itself the router
has a nice piano finish looks like a
WD mybook external harddrive
Its light weight and build quality is average
on the back of the router we have 12v power input
Then a reset button then wan port followed by two
gigabyte lan port & a USB port
The router is super powerful and it powered by
1 Ghz Dual core processor and 256 mb RAM
which is more than out for any home user
let's see what we have
I think its a manual, this is a another manual
look at it later and in this world we have power brick
let me zoom
it's a 12v 2.5 amp power brick
let see what and we have
And we have a convertor
For indian power supply
Now Lets power it on.
Now setup the router it super easy.
and you can do it event using your phone
just connect with the router wifii
and it will automatically open a browser and set up
wizard will appear
Then follow instructions
If the setup wizard. Not appear automatically
find t he default gateway
It is the ip of the
And then type it on the address bar
for this router it is
then hit enter
Accept the term and conditions and click ok
then put the password
It just take only two clicks to setup your
own home multi gigabyte
Cloud Storage
this is the GUI, Web based GUI of the router.
there older I think it's super simple
I think it super simple and it not for advance user
If you are an advance user
this router is not for you
if you attach a big usb HDD it takes time to scan
and indexing those files
if you are not able to access
the USB Drive please go to download apps
and download the ass according you're
always windows mac android whatever you
are using and you will also need a MI
user ID password to use the app
Talking about wifi range and performance
It supports dual band other and 2.4 Ghz and 5 Ghz
2.4 GHZ WiFi
Range is much better than 5GHZ
But file transfer pretty slow in compare to 5GHZ
It able
to cover my 1200 Sq feet
Without any problem
while well penetration mode is turned on
I tested file transfer speed with my laptop
with in 10 feet range
5 GHZ Wi-F file transfer speed is 40 - 60 MBPS.
After a single wall signal strength drop to
-55 DBM and I get up to 30 MBPS
After two walls - 70 DBM
And max speed is UPTO 15MBPS
Then there walls near about 2 -3 MBPS
After 4th well there is no signal at all.
At this price point performance is pretty good. I transfer more than 100 GB
file over Wi-Fi without
With out any interruption
And I was able to stream 4k video
on my xiaomi MI 5
like butter smooth without any buffer at all.
even i able to stream 4k video
simultaneously on three devices on wifi
without any lag.
All of the devices shown in this video the link is in the
description below so you can check them
and thank you so much guys for watching
this video till the end and hope you
like this video if you liked it make
sure you smack the like button
and don't forget to hit the red subscribe button.
it helps me a lot
And if you have any question any suggestion make sure you comment in the comment section below
Thats being said my name is roy and I am signing out meet one my next
video . till then ta ta bye bye. Peace out.
For more infomation >> Setup GIGABYTE Home Cloud Storage IN JUST 2 CLICKS - Duration: 6:29.-------------------------------------------
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Yo-Kai Watch PLINKO Game 4 SLIPPERY VS HEARTFUL YoKai Medallium Medals Battle! ✳ TottyChoCho - Duration: 12:43.
Yo-Kai Watch PLINKO Game 4 TottyChoCho!
Hi Everybody, my name is Sammy from TottyChoCho and I'm so excited because we are going to
do another Yo-Kai PLINKO!
You guys decide which YoKai's battle!
Look how many of you voted for Slippery VS Heartful!
Guys, don't forget to keep commenting.
Let us know who should battle next and what you think of our show.
I hope Heartful will win, who do you hope will win?
Tell us in the comments!
This game goes up to 40 points!
First tribe to get 40 points is the winner.
It's round 1 and I choose Heartful to go first.
First up is Smashibull.
Next up is Rollen.
Next up is Rhyth.
Next up is Happierre.
Last one for Heartful is Tongus.
Heartful ends round 1 with 9 points.
First up for Slippery is Firewig.
Next up is Croonger.
Croonger got a 4.
If one of you guys want Slippery to win, you might be happy right now.
Next up is Dragon Lord.
Next up is Noko. hahaha
Next up is Fishpicable.
At the end of round 1, Slippery is in the lead with 11 to 9.
Round 2.
First up for Heartful is Tongus.
(Fake crying)
Next up is Happierre.
Next up is Rhyth.
Next up is Rollen.
Next up is Smashibull.
First up for Slippery is Fishpicable.
Next up is Dragon Lord.
If your favourite team is Slippery, are you crying right now?
Next up is Croonger.
Last for slippery is Firewig.
It's the end of round 2 and it's 18 to 16 for Heartful.
First up for Heartful is Rollen.
Next up is Smashibull.
Next up is Rhyth.
Heartful ends with 28 points.
First for Slippery for round 3 is Firewig.
Next up is Croonger.
Next up is Dragon Lord.
This is a sparkly medal.
Next up is Noko.
Last one for Slippery is Fishpicable.
At the end of round 3, Heartful and Slippery are TIED!
Round 4, the first for Heartful is Tongus.
Next up is Happierre.
Heartful needs 10 more points to win!
Are you Slippery fans nervous?
Next up is Rhyth.
There's two Yo-Kai's left and I need 9 points to win… the most I can get is 8.
Good thing I have Smashibull so he can smash them down.
Next up is Rollen.
(Fake crying)
Heartful ends this with 34 points.
Slippery needs 12 points to win.
To tell you the truth, I'm a little bit nervous.
Next up is Fishpicable.
Slippery needs 10 points to win.
Next up is Dragon Lord.
Slippery needs just 6 more points to win.
Next up is Croonger.
Slippery has to hit a 4 to win.
It's Firewig.
(DaddyCho) They got it!
No, my team lost!
Congratulations to the Slippery tribe for winning and who ever else wanted them to win.
I'm going to say who was the WORST player and the BEST player of the match.
Can you guess who was the best and the worst Yo-Kai's of the match?
The very worst Yo-Kai was…
it was Happierre and Tongus, they both only got 4 points.
And the very best Yo-Kai was…
He got 11 points!
Guys, thanks again for watching our show.
We are always reading your comments, so keep writing them!
Don't forget, let us know WHO SHOULD BATTLE NEXT???
See you next Tuesday guys!
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