Hey guys, long time no see. I know, I'm so
sorry that I haven't posted any videos
lately, right after getting this YouTube
channel started. I went home for about a
week in December for a little Christmas
trip and then once I got back here to
Florida work just started picking up
because of the holiday season and we
had our Christmas here in our apartment
for the first year which is really fun.
And then after that I just didn't have
time to go to the park to film anything
we just kind of been sitting at home doing a
lot of stuff, trying to save some money. I
actually just dropped my mom off to the
airport from here in Florida. She came
down to visit for my birthday which was a
couple days ago so that was super exciting,
but she's going home now so hopefully I
can start making some more videos. I should
have one posted pretty soon for Festival of the
arts. It's a little small just
because it got dark really fast and I didn't
have time to film a lot, but hopefully
you guys enjoy that. We do plan on going
to the rest of the festivals, the
weekend at least, because they're
Friday through Monday over the next couple
weeks to see all the performers so
hopefully I should get a video up for each one of
those. Since I posted my last video i've read a
couple books here and there, mostly just
Series of Unfortunate Events since the
show did come out on netflix. I
absolutely love it as well, so if you guys haven't
checked it out make sure you go and watch
I was really hesitant about Neil Patrick
Harris but he actually does a really good
job. I haven't finished this series on
netflix yet. I think I'm on book six or seven
book wise. They're in my box that I haven't
gotten around to them, just trying to
read them all before I watch the entire
series that I know it ends on like book six
maybe, book 3 I don't know one of my friends
told me but right now i'm on the
episode that starts book 3 so so far it is very
good. So even though I've been reading here
and there one of my goals for this year
was trying to cut down on book buying
basically purchasing any other things that I
don't really need but the stuff that I
want. I actually took about twelve books off
my shelf and donated them to the library
about a week ago and they were books that
I knew I was ever going to read or
I had read once and I knew that I
wasn't going to read again. But I just
thought that they were okay.
Most of them were
the 100 series. I really loved the first
one, didn't like the second one. The hunger
games which I loved when I read them but
I'm just not going to read them again and
just a couple of other things that I knew
there was no point for them to be on my
shelf. I've really been looking into
minimalism, kind of, not necessarily the hardcore
kind, but just trying to cut back on
what I buy because our library here does
deliver to our door and so it's so
easy to get the books that I want and so
it's kind of if I read the words and get
what I want out of the books that I
don't have to own it. And I guess if I
really do want to copy I can buy it
later. You guys might also notice that the
background, kind of, behind me. I actually
bought a tapestry, I'll insert a little clip of it here
. I got this off of Society6
after christmas because I little extra
money and iI eally wanted a very nice
tapestry to put on this blank wall which helps
because now I have a nice background if
I don't want to use my bookshelves. It
just says you are a story and it's from
one of my favorite books which is the
little princess and yeah, it's absolutely
gorgeous so that's one of my favorite
things that I bought since I started
trying to cut back a little bit. But I
figured I will show you guys kind of what I'm reading
right now and few books that I did
pick up before I kind of started trying
to cut back just a little bit and
some thinng I bought with my Christmas
money so yeah. So for Christmas I ended up
getting a Barnes and Noble gift card
I bought a couple books and I bought a
record because I got a record player for
Christmas as well. The first one of those
books was Dan and Phil Go Outside and
this is basically just about their tour
which me and my friend did go to at
playlist live last March or April, I
think but I actually really like this
one much better than their original book
which was The Amazing Book is not on Fire. I
couldn't remember the title, but this just has a lot
more pictures in it and I don't know it was just super cute.
And since I actually did go
and see the tour it was really fun to see behind the
scenes but I just am a big Dan and
Phil fan. I was actually watching the
Sims before I came to film this.
So one of the other books that I got was Where
Am I Now by Mara Wilson. Matilda is one
of my favorite movies of all time
when I was a child and I just love Miss
Honey and I love Matilda and they were so
sweet and I don't really...I used to follow Mara on
twitter. I don't
really get on Twitter that much anymore
now but when I did she is a really great
speaker and feminist and writer and I just
really wanted to kind of know the
behind-the-scenes of the movie so I
picked this up. I've been wanting it for
a while it was really really good! I
think I gave it a 4 out of 5 stars so
definitely check out if you're a fan. The
next book I bought was also with my gift card
and that is going to be Stephen King's
IT. So I did read Misery a couple of
months ago, I think, and I liked it enough, but
I really wanted to read something a
little bit more scary. I'm about 400 pages
which is basically what I'm reading
right now. I'm not really reading much of
anything else.
It's huge it's 2,000 pages long. So far it's
pretty good it's definitely very very
slow so I can understand that it might
be better as a movie. I haven't really heard that
much like comparison wise but you know I
haven't seen the movie yet so it's creepy it's a lot creepier than misery
but I just really
love this cover and I just wanted
something spooky so I got this as well.
The last thing I ended up getting with my
barnes and noble gift card wasn't a book because
that's kind of when i decided that I
didn't really need to buy any more books
if I was going to order from the library
all the time and so I got a record
player for Christmas so I decided... one of
my friends got me a princess disney
album for Christmas so I wanted
to get something else for it and I ended
up getting Aurora All My Demons Greeting
Me as Friends. She's really popular right
now you guys watching this you probably have
heard of her she's absolutely amazing.
I think she's only 17 or 18 years old,
singer and this album is great, it's absolutely
gorgeous it's just black so I'm not going to
pull it out. It has 12 songs on it so
it's not her deluxe but I really love it
and I love having a record player in my room, it's just
so cute and makes it a
little bit cozier so I got this instead.
I can keep replaying it and it was
something that I had to have in order to
It''s like super hot in here but I can't turn on
the fan on because it
makes noise so like...awkward. It got way too hot in here so I had to
take that jacket off
because I'm like...ugh it's not even that hot.
So the last books I bought before I stopped buying things
was from the library and that was
Illuminae by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman.
I've read the one with Meaghan Spooner and
Amie Kaufman, the stars?
I don't remember what it's called now
right off the top of my head.
Great, I'll insert it below. I read it,
thought it was ok. I've not heard great
this was only at the library for $3
dollars so I decided to pick it up. My
friend read it, she thought it was just
meh she couldn't really understand it because there
is so much, like, its graphic texts really
so it's a lot of things broken up which
for me is gonna be a quick read. So if I don't
like it, whatever, I'll just donated
back to the library for someone else and I
just thought the cover was really cool.
I couldn't really pass up anything that was three
So finally one of my other last books is
going to be something I got for
Christmas which I knew I was getting and that was
Harry Potter and the Chamber of
Secrets Illustrated edition. I told my
mom back in October I wanted this for
Christmas because I'm going to get them
every year and I just hadn't picked up
this one yet. I read the first one is
absolutely gorgeous artr like you have
probably read this, I'm not gonna go
through it. I started it and I'm not that
far like a third of the way I think. I've
just kind of put it down while I was reading
Stephen King but I've read Harry Potter like
eight times so I'm not know missing out.
I feel like i'm going to get to this
like within thenext two weeks I feel
like I really want to. And then finally
I was gonna tell you guys today I actually
bought a Rode microphone and then I
bought a new lighting system so I bought a new
triple kit a while back on Amazon I'll link those
down below the ones that I bought. Last
December so in 2015 after I graduated I
bought some lights and I really
really liked them they do so much better
for videos right now I'm just using
natural light because I don't have anything in the
apartment but I wanted to finally get
these because I bought them and one of lights didn't
work so I used it like a few days, just
you know, taking photos and I was like you
know it's not gonna work
I'm not gonna pay full price and I sent
it back and then I was moving to Florida
so I didn't want to rebuy and have to
drag all the way down here so I have
never repurchased it but today I
had some extra money from my birthday.
So I decided that would be a good investment
along with the microphone so that these
videos are gonna be hopefully so so much
better so I'm really excited about that.
Especially when we go out to Disney I can
get better microphone quality and sound
quality and that's really exciting. So
sorry again for the lack of videos I
should have one coming up, I should be
making more a couple days because my
roommates are out and they're coming
back and
we're going out and we're gonna have fun it's going to
be so exciting so thank you guys for
watching and subscribe and comment down
below if you read any of these books or
know of any of that, like microphones or
lights or you've used them or anything.
And I'll talk to you guys later!
For more infomation >> I'm Back...Finally + Recent Purchases [CC] - Duration: 9:38.-------------------------------------------
CİNLİ EVE GİRDİK (beni çektiler arkadaşlarım zor kurtardı) 👻👻 - Duration: 14:30.
Champagne Glitter Princess Makeup Tutorial-Tutorial World - Duration: 8:32.
Welcome All my friends
The Space Between Us
Build Your Dreams With Lego
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 200 K. Avantgarde - Duration: 1:27.
Environmental Health and Safety Message from K-State's Dean, College of Agriculture - Duration: 2:00.
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the College of Agriculture and K-State Research and Extension.
We're committed to providing a safe working and learning environment for you.
Our teaching, research and extension activities are located throughout the state in labs,
greenhouses, farms, ranches, and field sites.
And there are a wide variety of hazards that you may be exposed to in the course of your work.
It's important to understand that each person in our workplace family has a critical role to play
in protecting their own safety and health, as well as that of others.
Each person must adhere to the highest standards for worker safety, health and
environmental protection within our campus and statewide community.
Accidents and environmental incidents are preventable, and I ask that you work diligently
to perform your work in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.
The College of Agriculture Environmental Health and Safety Office is responsible for developing
and facilitating health, safety, and environmental services for you.
We offer job-specific training to assist you in working safely.
As part of your on boarding process, your manager will complete a training needs assessment
to determine the safety and environmental training you'll need.
Your departmental Environmental Health and Safety coordinator will then work with you
to complete your training.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your safety, contact us at the
College of Agriculture Environmental Health and Safety office.
Our focus is on your safety and heath.
We want you to make every day free from injury or illness.
Peugeot 2008 1.2 VTI ACTIVE PACK PREMIUM - Duration: 0:51.
Trading trotz Grippe - Kann das gut gehen? - Duration: 4:53.
[ENG SUB] MY KNK TV #66 Hello Tokyo! Part 2 - Duration: 8:55.
My KNK Television
[8:00 am breakfast]
I contemplated for a long time on whether or not I should get up
[eating well for the performance]
[The first desert seungjun eats is an orange]
[second is bread]
[lastly, a cup of coffee]
[breakfast is finished!]
[on their way to the venue]
[walking to the store]
Don't cling to my arm~
It's so cold~
Ah don't be like this
I've arrived at the market
If you come to Japan, you must eat onigiri.
[onigiri] You must eat this
Look at these mini breads
It must taste yummy
[currently thinking about what snack to buy]
[finally decided on another snack!]
I want to eat this one
I finished shopping, I like it
[1:30 rehearsal] Please test the mic
Let's start rehearsing Okay
[hair styling]
[memorizing] Right now, I'm memorizing my lines
10 minutes before we go on stage
Ah, butterflies are flying around in my stomach right now
I'm ready
We're going to the stage now.
Let's do well!
This is the most nerve racking moment
Right before we get on stage
The moment I put on my in-ear
Everyone, it's really nerve racking
But when stand on stage
nervousness will turn into excitement in a bit
Instantly the stage
belongs to us
I think it's really amazing
Each country has a different language
Has people who hold different views
Yet they gather together
That's music
[ power? ] [ charm? ]
I have to go listen the music
[ these two laughing at Heejun kekeke ]
One, two, three, bang!
Until now, it has been KNK. Thank you everyone!
It was a really fun Japanese concert
A lot of people came, I'm really grateful
Also, our song came out
They even cheered for us, I'm really thankful
During the concert, I felt ah
If we had a solo concert, it would be even more fun
Only us and Tinkerbell
It would be the amazing if we could be together
Please just wait a little more~
The next time we come
I will definitely present good vocals
You must wait for us until then~ Thank you~
[10:00 after the concert] Both parts of our Japanese concert are finished
The hi-touch is also over
We're finally going to eat!
Yesterday, we ate beef~
So today we are going to eat sushi
I like it~
This right here is sushi
[dinner time]
Could you please give us apples
It is really tasty
[ yummy ^ㅠ^ ]
When we're eating
Me and Heejun will go take a walk later on
Aye~ We are wearing the same clothes that we wore yesterday
The viewers might think that it's still the same day
But today is actually the second day
Everyone, today is the day of the performance
This is the convenience store that is often shown in manga's
[ looking left and right ]
There is only a language difference
Walking like this is actually very amusing
[ as they're walking, sounds of someone calling them appear ]
[ excited ] Everyone! There are people who recognized us!
Unexpectedly in Japan
Please buy us beef then~
Our manager often says this,
"If you get recognized when we're outside
I will buy you guys beef"
But somehow it's always when the manager is not around
That there are people who recognize us
[ two people strolling happily ] Oh! Amazing!
Near the store
Isn't that tight
I finished eating
The food was really tasty
so I ate a lot
I am now going to return to the hotel
[ 1:00am arrived at the hotel ]
I'm right about to enter our room
These are the beds me and Jihun sleep on
Right now
Um~ shower
I have to get ready
The flight is really early tomorrow
It's a really early flight
Time to go to bed
Now, I'm going to start getting ready for bed
All clean
For now, I'm going to go take a shower
See you in a bit
[ finished showering ]
[ getting ready to go to bed ]
Now I'm really going to sleep.
Good Night, sleep well~
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