- She's not coming back, you know.
- I know she's not. - Do you?
Because you just lashed out at Louis
when your intention was to let him down gently,
and I find it hard to believe it had nothing to do
with this office being empty.
- She didn't even come back to say good-bye.
She just packed up her things.
- Harvey... - They're all leaving, Donna.
First Jessica, now Mike.
They're family.
And family's not supposed to...
- Harvey, I've always stayed away from a certain subject
with you, but I can't anymore.
You always talk like we're your only family.
We're not.
You have another one,
and you need to reconcile with them.
- Donna, I am not gonna-- - Enough is enough.
You need to go make things right with your mother.
Because as long as you keep her at arm's length,
you're gonna keep looking to us to fill that void.
And I'm not sure that any of us can.
Go see her.
For more infomation >> Suits | Season 6, Episode 11: 'Donna and Harvey' - Duration: 1:38.-------------------------------------------
How to pronounce "plus" in French - Duration: 1:59.
Peanut Butter and Jelly Palette Makeup Tutorial | BeautyByMeg - Duration: 9:25.
hi guys welcome back to my channel and I am
so happy to be back
I was on time called weird great i don't
know why but thank you so much for still
be subscribed and so waiting and I
supposed to be back
I don't worry said that but you have no
idea how I am and I have so whatever you
guys its doors so make sure you hit
subscribe and true today I'm going to
show you guys how I got to thinking of
butter and jelly how it look I have been
wearing this all the time it's my go-to
move now is my I feel like it's my
favorite makeup i love it so much I love
the football underneath the hunt the
facts are so excited and yeah so let's
get videos everything we do is we're
going to respect all my hair using this
little bauble thing about from for
between 1 and starting with lids a lot
so i'm gonna be putting my eyes with
that my favorite Air Patrol five events
in my third following so corny but will
it still wasn't eyes
all for it and of course the future to
see you i'm using this repeat putting
butter and jelly college I love so much
it's so gorgeous and do so much with it
i'm studying that with a powerful blend
and making peanut butter going to be our
transition shade
thinking nuts about you hang up right
underneath century schoolmarried
reference for the local population on
our dressing promise it will all look up
next I'm taking a little that's all of
the look as I don't offer my mother and
people achievement and I'm lower our
life away any access by refusing / boxes
own finish foundation violence as my
color is green and red knit thank you my
ex for filler invasion I'm thinking
oriel to match foundation and with color
w1 and I have a loving the foundation
was laudable methylation that what a
little potion bottle i love this
foundation i love the color choices one
because they just have so many and not
really taking this audience and move
people around
that's my makeup I you find yourself
I didn't have a clear under here but
that's like to start cleaning up
I like how like coverage the foundation
is to iso file you sent me and
foundations and until messages you will
like cover it and hold a bell
I haven't going to get people are
passing at the implementation for mostly
a solid foundation to cut the I should
have just a bit sharper never everything
I mean I've never gone back to upper st
elevation it's just like everything else
looks beautiful flawless condition
actually like electric relationship
until I could be but it really helps so
interested in and the relative think
some gum and compared to actual people
under protest is published and the city
under which is all
what happened when top and the bottom of
the difficulties we really bonded out
once I've said it was just what about
shine always the outpatient leaving tart
full-coverage concealer to highlight and
we are under the eyes I've been addicted
to highlighting 70 here I Indian keep
running out that underlies anything
along with a translucent powder i love
this Christmas and it has been my
favorite setting powder as per it gives
you self flawless look it makes last so
much longer i used to use like the
meetings are like your studio line they
have a very latest always liked it
this is just everything
corn and
but when i get some people probably fix
what has now i'm gonna be doing my
eyebrows and my Nana's i'm giving me on
solidly of brow definer little fully on
the end up with a home
they're kinda got me singing under the
floor out aligning and giving to fill it
and when you always stop in the back
like a little bit of agency to me of how
do you help means our route all my love
it some people like my mother
it really like colors that here writing
component I'm like when you find it via
is light color brown but this helps the
Browns have prisons the two space once
again stretch markers and i love how the
office saying 454 it felt drive with one
lauriol are
are also involved with the heart
let's scare easy Mississippi for the 2nd
Para and so formal on the bottom line is
i press this is my favorite shade and
this panel is pushing belly gorgeous
purple we have gotten like seriously
makes it pop actually putting mascara on
the bottom lashes for brow highlight
only taking two crazy but he felt so
much for contracting cap on these i
contour palette around later here total
was quite remember hell that means like
that is the back of it or facts are
known to see the Latin origin and oh I
because angled brush from morphe and I'm
going to keep bagging on to hear this is
like the perfect shade for me and the
kids nothing else and I control
I'm going to work ok right as always
I'll show a little cup of trouble
well it's going to be taking tiny look
at first capital requirements and kandi
kay and therefore from my my my xterra
look in the quickest oh look
run both the Harris college freshman
using the template
peanut-butter-and-jelly palette i hope
you guys really enjoyed this video I
cannot wait to start making more videos
and get them out war with all the
products that I met him for you today
double a description so check them out
online social medias they're probably
out in front of active on Instagram
suggested call me as we start back and
also we found the link below protect it
out please give the video like comment
down below and please subscribe to make
sure you subscribe you hit the little
belt thing today you know what I upload
videos and if you know you did it have a
little in single around the valve that's
how you know he hit that makes you hit
that button so you know what happens
next and i'll see you guys next time
hiatus and i will I way to Memphis
GRWM Q+A | Wedding Date, Dirty Locs, Being BULLIED & More AMA | JASMINE ROSE - Duration: 19:10.
MUSIC: Kehlani "Get Like"
hey you everyone
long time no see. I know I know- I've been
taking a little break - I went to
Florida for a bit
came back, just wanted to relax reassess you
know? Rebrand myself so I'm going to be
doing a chitchat get ready with me and I
asked you guys questions on Instagram and
so I'm going to be answering them while
i get ready and of course my mom calls
Hi mummy! I'm good how are you?
as you can see i have absolutely no
makeup on my face
somebody trying out some new makeup I
mean there's going to be some familiar
faces in there but all in all of them be
a lot of you make up that I'm gonna be
trying out put everything that I used in
the description box down below so that's
making that a look
so the first question comes from live
and actually love she's one of my very
good friends here on YouTube and in real
life she asks what drives you to
continue to with your blog and your
brand that is a very good question thank
you so much for asking
so what drives me to continue with you
to my blog and my bland the fact that i
loved it so much i mean i have found a
passion for this space and i love the
fact that i'm able to be creative
I'm kind of able to be my own ball to
you know just like coming up with
different ideas and this is also like a
really nice escape from reality 2 x
minus 5 isn't my ideal situation Black
Radiance asked what do you do for a
living so I mean I've mentioned this
plenty of times before on my very like
chatty videos I were for Rome and on
I work for the government basically i
study poli-sci and
the grad I also study on production and
undergrad as well but you know I decided
to be a poly side because what my mother
wanted me to do you wanted me to have a
stable career and I would fearful of not
having anything table so I've been at
this 5 i've been in government for six
phoenix and he asked if you want a
blogger / youtuber what would you do
instead I probably do something
photography or film related because I
mean it's something that I love to do
even before I got into youtube I was
taking some production classes in
undergrad I was taking photography
classes in undergrad don't mind the
ground right now they're looking pretty
great but they always look great when i
first started out so do not be a long i
repeat do not be along you'll make sure
to ask how did you start blogging I
don't have a DSLR camera and I have a
Niger and rifle many people actually
start blogging using their phone when i
first started blogging I didn't have my
phone i use my laptop webcam definitely
recommend you have a good camera
I mean enjoys have really good camera
quality so i would suggest you film when
it's daylight outside i love so many on
cloudy days remember that matter of fact
i'm filming on a cloudy day right now
perfect ka blogs acts when the wedding
is short answer 2018 there are i can't
think about the wedding right now I just
I like i said before i'm not sure if I
said is on this channel or the other
Carol but i'm having my sister really
your head this thing because the thought
of the wedding kind of service you know
jolie asked what are your goals for 2017
girl I got plenty might be plenty i want
to finish like typing up my book draft
this has been quite long in the making
our kind of like stalled on it several
time that the go let's go right let's go
right now
another goal is of course reading at
least one book a month i just go myself
also last year i believe and that work
out for you well I just want to continue
with that right now I'm reading the lure
of art by steven pressfield they go on a
defenceless up even more
another goal of mine is to be a yes I
need to save my money on last year I was
a bit responsible with my coin but this
year i'm keeping track like literally
keeping track of how much I spend every
day I keep a little book with me
everywhere I go and then on whatever I
spend I make a note of it in my little
book and that way i can track my daily
expensive dining out is my guilty
pleasure I can't be having that all the
I can't be clean myself like royalty
every other day because it wasn't every
other day thing going to door dash we're
going to concealing or grubhub it was
back it was grilling jolie also ask if
i'm planning to get more tattoos and if
so what are your ideas i definitely want
to get some tattoo
y'all wanna get some more tattoos i have
this one tattoo here which says be you
can't really tell right now because it's
really small but yeah I want I want to
get another tattoo maybe on the other
wrist maybe like somewhere here
oh but the really cool elephant will do
you don't know everything for elephant
feeling different um you know this is
working out is it I don't know
yeah and also my sister and I plan on
getting a tattoo going on getting
attached to you together
friday for dad we're going to put
something i don't know what it is we're
still thinking about it where we're both
still not agreeing on a couple of things
but we do both want to get a tattoo a
matching tattoo in honor of our dad
the next question is from nica sweet
recycled question from famous Maya what
is the belief you one tell that no
longer resonates now that's a really
good question i put a look at this
question the other day and I really have
to think about it and I'm to be honest
still thinking about it because I really
don't know how to answer that question
you always so there is one that I
definitely can think of when I was
younger I used to think locks were dirty
those one time I was like in second
green and villages kid in my class is a
guy he had lot and like I never knew how
one would wash locked so you know I was
very important through and I kind of
asked him but I kind of asked him and
like a shady type of way unintentionally
and you're keeping me in check basically
he put me in check so I no longer
believed that obviously because now that
i have locks and I know how to watch law
i know that they're not dirty
thank you for making me think mica mica
have a couple more questions I'll get
all antsy dolls while I put on my
foundation nikka also acts with your dad
life teach you about your own my
thank you make up to a really great
question and that really maybe think I
should always do what I love never give
up your dream he was attacking driver
everything he came to this country and
he wanted to provide a better life for
family only
my sister and me and my sister at the
time he gave up his passion for music he
put that on hold
he also put on hold his passion for
photography just so he could work work
work and he worked himself basically to
death just trying to provide my sister
that mean of course I thank him for
providing us with peace and life I just
wish that he was able to do what he
wanted to do I learned that I shouldn't
take much for granted i only have one
life to live and I don't want to live it
stuck behind a desk maybe friday nine to
five days a week except on holidays
nika also asked at a self-proclaimed in
tumor / control freak
how do you resolve conflict how do i
resolve conflict do I even know where i
used to get bullied by a co-worker from
my old job at first my way of resolving
conflict was to vent to whoever would
listen so I mean hear the term on
twitter where I mean I just want my mind
about it by the way I'm trying out this
new black radiance clean pocket i got me
into dark matter of fact if you guys
wanted to know I didn't want to like
confront her i would go on Twitter and
vent to basically whoever would listen
and that really wasn't a good idea
no it was not a good idea because both
man file know and know that He gave me a
good talkin to like that wasn't a good
idea to because the fact that it was out
there on the internet she end up finding
out about my bullies end up finding out
about it also and she confronted me one
day after work with her to do new
friends and I don't care they don't get
beat up so I went back into the office
and told my people by very end up
walking me to my car I'm telling bossman
because I was afraid for my life in fact
that she brought out her gooeys after
that i really had to get out of that
situation so
I had to tell boss man look if you're
not gonna fire her I have to leave if
you know any other position please let
me know and so he he wasn't going to
fire her
so instead she end up helping me find
this gig that I have mounted to the day
next question from Mika is what our
music artist you are loving right now
i'm loving pouco i played her track for
my your interview video a lot of people
ask me where you know I found that all
good looking on YouTube one day and his
song came on
of course I love the weekend music is
definitely brainwashing a little cake
yeah i know this already know oh my gosh
I I with Cosima wanna with Alan that
that they're about that song how far
I'll go all my gosh it's so inspiring i
love it if I have any other musical
artists that i'm loving i'll definitely
put in the description box joy asked and
i plan on sharing my wedding on youtube
well of course I plan on sharing my
wedding on you too and of course my
wedding plans and ideas
next question from mica what's your
favorite thing about having you and
having your particular life path for
those of you who watch my second channel
you know that I dealt with a really bad
able to step mother situation that
really got to me emotionally mentally
you know that happened even though end
of rebelling a terrible i yeah i didn't
i didn't make really good life decisions
in my team because of both negative
experiences that I had passed through
all of that I managed to like pull
through i managed to graduate from
college I managed to get a masters
degree i end up living on my own and
supporting myself end up becoming an
adult on my terms i think i think this
myself I think my sister and I big good
for ourselves this man asked how did you
transition to being vegan and why did
you become vegan so i made the
transition to begin actually almost a
year ago i'm going to be a year in
February and I started that because well
it would because of length so every year
for Lent give up something for 40 days
and 40 nights and I decided to give up
meat and dairy and all that stuff i mean
i was paleo before i was doing a lot of
research and I really wanted to do
something that pushed me I i really
wanted to try veganism because of the
health benefits and of course I wanted
to help out with the environment and
animals of course that's an important
part of this journey is helping out the
animals and lucky enough to me out and
decided to join me in this vegan journey
as well that made this journey a lot
easier to find a difficult because I had
kind of resources of online resources
pinterest instagram made it easy to
because i am following a lot of vegan
hopefully this I don't know we can ask
what talent or skill you don't have that
you admire and others i admire a lot of
these makeup artist on youtube we're
able to be awesome look I mean me I'm
trust me I'm just a novice job I'm not
no makeup artist or anything like that
but i'll be seeing so many talented
people on Instagram not even just makeup
artist but like photographers to and you
know people who are able to do really
cool edit to their photos i really
really admire that we can ask what
regenerate you on low energy d
I mean if I have money I go play
volleyball volleyball always regenerate
me if I don't have money to go play
then she then i would probably listen to
music or watch one of my favorite TV
shows golden girls always puts me right
back on track and luckily for me i have
the entire season
on BB wow oh good
gala who was actually one of my
Instagram buddies he asked what do you
love about being a blogger I love being
I love meeting new people and meeting
people who are into the same thing that
I'm into my mind keeps like trying to
come up with these new ideas i really
really love that i might be girls it
what are your goals this year and how do
you plan to accomplish them well I
already a talk about some of my goals to
end of the second part of your question
which I totally can
now how I plan on accomplishing them
well to accomplish a big goal you need
to have little goals to help you get to
the big goal i keep a bullet journal now
for those of you who don't know what a
bullet journal is I'm going to put the
video in the description box if I have
to say what a bullet journal is it's
like a to-do list of calendar schedule
all if anything you wanted to be
basically locked lifestyle asked how do
you find the courage to share so much of
yourself with people you have never met
I mean it's hard can you really like
talked about myself and public but like
me just talking to you in front of my
camera with no interruptions and just
kind of find it easy and it's like a
really good way for me to like express
myself and my feelings and my thoughts
and things because i have like so much
bottled up inside of me that I just want
to like let it out
mr. Malik CS where's the clip of the
interview with Deborah Roberts i would
love to see the entire interview and how
did you get that opportunity affected
go-getter I really admire that about you
thank you Miss no lekha um well okay so
i'll leave the link to that interview in
the description box so busy you don't
know I was on Nightline on ABC and i was
interviewed by Deborah Roberts and one
of the producers of the show contact me
because they saw my
deleted video that I did way back when
they wanted to interview we because of
that whole situation with little kids
and her looking like she bleep turkey
skin kinda like those too i look so far
i want to try urban nista and BFF
together that's what i want to do this
is really really nice computed purple
see ya this work and then I put BSS in
the center can be a nice little
highlight yeah yeah okay yeah I like it
I like it so I'm going to finish off
this look by the way I dyed my hair back
to black
ok so this should be completed makeup
look I think this is very valentine's
day II you know any yeah i think it's
what do you guys think of the look gay
name let me know of course if you like
this video please give me a thumbs up
let's try and get this video to 500
likes because i think it's doable
also check out jazz eros.com to check
out what outfit I'm wearing with this
comment below and let me know what your
new year's resolutions are already told
you my 3 i'm looking forward to hearing
your definitely subscribe to my channel
because i make videos and becomes a week
i want to thank you all so much for
watching and supporting and subscribe to
my channel and I will see you all in the
next video
Yucatan Peninsula EXPAT MEMOIR - Duration: 6:18.
People ask how frequently we go home and
I have to say, "This is home." So, I don't go back.
I like it here.
The other question I suppose is, "Why am I
You know, "How did you GET here?" And I was
enchanted with Uxmal, the ruin site, the
pyramid, the Temple of the Magician, from
Uxmal, not from any other place, years
ago. And when my children were about 12
and 14, we came down here to find that
pyramid. We all fell in love with it, and
it just was like a magnet to me. It just really
captured something that no place else
in the world had. So I kept coming back
and back and, I finally, after about seven
years, I finally gave up and said, "I'm
just going to stay down here for about a
year." And I've never . . . I'm still here.
And, people will ask, "Do you like it?" If I
didn't like, I still wouldn't be . . . I wouldn't
be sitting here. I wouldn't stay here for
21 years in a place that I didn't like. And, I
think it's one of the greatest, most
peaceful places in the entire world to
be, because the Mayan people are
gentle, they're kindly, they will go out of their way
to help you.
They're very good to their women, to
their mothers. I mean, the one person I would
never have argued with in my life would have been
Carmen. I would have lost and Santiago's
mother would have won every single
argument. And she wasn't an argumentative
woman, but Santiago would have taken her
word over mine and would have . . . Literally
she would have been right. If there was
anyone that would have been wrong in
the conversation, it would have been me.
The Sleeping Hut, and basically that's what
its purpose is. You won't find people in
this during the day, because all of the
activity is work. This is the old
console that's been there forever. And this
hasn't change a bit. This is exactly
what it was, so when I moved in, sort of
all of my junk was all the way around this poor
woman's house. I mean, I just can't even
imagine what it was. And then, up in
the rafters here, was where they had all
my clothes stored. It was a little bit of a
surprise--a little bit of a shock. And Carmen was just . . .
she was a saint as far as I was concerned. I really
enjoyed both of his parents. Yeah, people
do, they ask, "What is it that you find so
intriguing that you're out in the
village rather than being in some place
like Merida where I can go from Sam's
Club to Costco to Home Depot without
ever having to learn a word of Spanish or
any other language?" It's the real people,
because these are real lives out here.
They are concerned with each other.
During a hurricane--we've had like three of them
go over the village--
everybody's out the next day, and they're
all working together. And nobody's really
asking for money. They're not asking,
they're not coming around and saying, "Well, I'll
do this for you IF." They're very open,
friendly, warm, giving people, and they're
also very forgiving. And I think this was one
thing that it took me a long time to
realize: is that they don't hold grudges.
And they really don't, even sometimes
when you think maybe they should, they don't.
And it's not the Hatfields and McCoys
and years later they're still fighting
about the same thing. I'm not saying that
nobody does this but it's kind of rare,
because they forgive . . . Let's say if a person was
drunk and really stupid, the next day,
it's well, "You know, that was then, this is
now." It's like being given a fresh slate
every single day to start all over again
and do the best job that you can.
It's not a gift-giving society, and it never has
been for any reason. If a child gets a
gift, out here, it isn't typically at
Christmastime. It's for the Day of the
Kings in January. And that will be
something that they can use. It will be
clothing, or it'll be shoes, or a new shirt
to go to the school. So gift-giving is
not big out here either. And that's
another refreshing thing to me, because
the United States is so, sort of, spend
and gift oriented that you are almost
obligated to buy and to give gifts. So you end up
getting presents that you don't really
want either. It's because this person
felt like they had to buy you something,
because it's your birthday, let's say.
Down here, this is not true.
The whole idea of getting together is to
sit and eat and and talk and prepare the
meal and be happy together. And it has
nothing to do with the stack of presents
sitting there.
These people are genuinely happy. One of
the things you hear most here is laughter,
not screaming. You hear laughter. You don't
hear harsh voices. You hear them having
hysterics that some funny joke that
somebody told the other person, and they have
the most amazing unaffected laugh, that
I dearly love to listen to.
Wheels on the bus
Wheels On The Bus Rhyme
splatoon SFM happy birthday fox - Duration: 0:16.
loo: there happy birthday fox inkling
loo: cuee
loo: sorry its late
fox inkling: thank u loolucario
fox inkling: cuee
Peanut Butter and Jelly Palette Makeup Tutorial | BeautyByMeg - Duration: 9:25.
hi guys welcome back to my channel and I am
so happy to be back
I was on time called weird great i don't
know why but thank you so much for still
be subscribed and so waiting and I
supposed to be back
I don't worry said that but you have no
idea how I am and I have so whatever you
guys its doors so make sure you hit
subscribe and true today I'm going to
show you guys how I got to thinking of
butter and jelly how it look I have been
wearing this all the time it's my go-to
move now is my I feel like it's my
favorite makeup i love it so much I love
the football underneath the hunt the
facts are so excited and yeah so let's
get videos everything we do is we're
going to respect all my hair using this
little bauble thing about from for
between 1 and starting with lids a lot
so i'm gonna be putting my eyes with
that my favorite Air Patrol five events
in my third following so corny but will
it still wasn't eyes
all for it and of course the future to
see you i'm using this repeat putting
butter and jelly college I love so much
it's so gorgeous and do so much with it
i'm studying that with a powerful blend
and making peanut butter going to be our
transition shade
thinking nuts about you hang up right
underneath century schoolmarried
reference for the local population on
our dressing promise it will all look up
next I'm taking a little that's all of
the look as I don't offer my mother and
people achievement and I'm lower our
life away any access by refusing / boxes
own finish foundation violence as my
color is green and red knit thank you my
ex for filler invasion I'm thinking
oriel to match foundation and with color
w1 and I have a loving the foundation
was laudable methylation that what a
little potion bottle i love this
foundation i love the color choices one
because they just have so many and not
really taking this audience and move
people around
that's my makeup I you find yourself
I didn't have a clear under here but
that's like to start cleaning up
I like how like coverage the foundation
is to iso file you sent me and
foundations and until messages you will
like cover it and hold a bell
I haven't going to get people are
passing at the implementation for mostly
a solid foundation to cut the I should
have just a bit sharper never everything
I mean I've never gone back to upper st
elevation it's just like everything else
looks beautiful flawless condition
actually like electric relationship
until I could be but it really helps so
interested in and the relative think
some gum and compared to actual people
under protest is published and the city
under which is all
what happened when top and the bottom of
the difficulties we really bonded out
once I've said it was just what about
shine always the outpatient leaving tart
full-coverage concealer to highlight and
we are under the eyes I've been addicted
to highlighting 70 here I Indian keep
running out that underlies anything
along with a translucent powder i love
this Christmas and it has been my
favorite setting powder as per it gives
you self flawless look it makes last so
much longer i used to use like the
meetings are like your studio line they
have a very latest always liked it
this is just everything
corn and
but when i get some people probably fix
what has now i'm gonna be doing my
eyebrows and my Nana's i'm giving me on
solidly of brow definer little fully on
the end up with a home
they're kinda got me singing under the
floor out aligning and giving to fill it
and when you always stop in the back
like a little bit of agency to me of how
do you help means our route all my love
it some people like my mother
it really like colors that here writing
component I'm like when you find it via
is light color brown but this helps the
Browns have prisons the two space once
again stretch markers and i love how the
office saying 454 it felt drive with one
lauriol are
are also involved with the heart
let's scare easy Mississippi for the 2nd
Para and so formal on the bottom line is
i press this is my favorite shade and
this panel is pushing belly gorgeous
purple we have gotten like seriously
makes it pop actually putting mascara on
the bottom lashes for brow highlight
only taking two crazy but he felt so
much for contracting cap on these i
contour palette around later here total
was quite remember hell that means like
that is the back of it or facts are
known to see the Latin origin and oh I
because angled brush from morphe and I'm
going to keep bagging on to hear this is
like the perfect shade for me and the
kids nothing else and I control
I'm going to work ok right as always
I'll show a little cup of trouble
well it's going to be taking tiny look
at first capital requirements and kandi
kay and therefore from my my my xterra
look in the quickest oh look
run both the Harris college freshman
using the template
peanut-butter-and-jelly palette i hope
you guys really enjoyed this video I
cannot wait to start making more videos
and get them out war with all the
products that I met him for you today
double a description so check them out
online social medias they're probably
out in front of active on Instagram
suggested call me as we start back and
also we found the link below protect it
out please give the video like comment
down below and please subscribe to make
sure you subscribe you hit the little
belt thing today you know what I upload
videos and if you know you did it have a
little in single around the valve that's
how you know he hit that makes you hit
that button so you know what happens
next and i'll see you guys next time
hiatus and i will I way to Memphis
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