Oh, that was so cool!
All these people are in danger!
Quick, we need to do something!
All together!
ALL: Crystal Modus Mora!
You might have frozen the Earthlings, but you can't stop us!
Let's up our game!
Talia, Princess of Xeris!
Iris, Princess of Ephedia!
Auriana, Princess of Volta!
Amaru, now!
For more infomation >> LoliRock, Season 2 - Episode 1 - Musical Magic Tour (Talia, Auriana & Iris Transformation) - Duration: 2:10.-------------------------------------------
CRW - Electric Feel (MGMT Cover) - Duration: 4:20.
All along the Western front People line up to receive
She got the power in her hand To shock you like you won't believe
Saw her in the Amazon With the voltage running through her skin
Standing there with nothing on She gonna teach me how to swim
I said, ooh, girl Shock me like an electric eel
Baby girl Turn me on with your electric feel
I said, ooh, girl Shock me like an electric eel
Baby girl Turn me on with your electric feel, electric feel
All along the Eastern shore Put your circuits in the sea
This is what the world is for Making electricity
You can feel it in your mind Oh, you can do it all the time
Plug it in and change the world You are my electric girl, electric girl
I said, ooh, girl Shock me like an electric eel
Baby girl Turn me on with your electric feel
I said, ooh, girl Shock me like an electric eel
Baby girl Turn me on with your electric feel, electric feel
Do what you feel now Electric feel now
I said, ooh, girl Shock me like an electric eel
Baby girl Turn me on with your electric feel
The LEGO Batman Movie
Dads Who Play Barbie®
nWo vs. The Hardy Boyz [2002-05-27] - Duration: 7:01.
Lets Get Physical - Duration: 3:45.
I'm sayin' all the things that I know you'll like,
makin' good conversation.
I gotta handle you just right,
you know what I mean.
I took you to an intimate restaurant,
then to a suggestive movie.
There's nothing left to talk about
'less it's horizontally.
Let's get physical, physical,
I wanna get physical.
Let's get into physical.
Let me hear your body talk, your body talk.
Let me hear your body talk.
Let's get physical, physical,
I wanna get physical.
Let's get into physical.
Let me hear your body talk, your body talk.
Let me hear your body talk.
I've been patient, I've been good,
try'n to keep my hands on the table.
It's gettin' hard this holdin' back,
you know (((what))) I mean.
I'm sure you'll understand my point of view,
we know each other mentally.
You've gotta know that you're bringin' out
the animal in me.
Let's get physical, physical,
I wanna get physical.
Let's get into physical.
Let me hear your body talk, your body talk.
Let me hear your body talk.
Let's get physical, physical,
I wanna get physical.
Let's get into physical.
Let me hear your body talk, your body talk.
Let me hear your body talk.
Oh, let's get physical, physical,
I wanna get physical.
Let's get into physical.
Let me hear your body talk, your body talk.
Let me hear your body talk.
Let's get animal, animal,
I wanna get animal.
Let's get into animal.
Let me hear your body talk, your body talk.
Let me hear your body talk.
Let me hear your body talk.
Let me hear your body talk.
BTD5: How to Win Special Mission MOAB Madness! Tutorial -KingChris - Duration: 3:27.
Hello citizens!
And welcome back to another video!
Its king- (burp) oops thanks burp! (beep) Hello Citizens and welcome back to another
Its King chris games and today weare playing BTD5 and its another tutorial of the MOAB
Madness! and how to beat it, i have alredy beten it as you can see i have disabled any
upgrades that i have so its just pure how to beat it!
so lets get straght into it, there is a very easy way and i am going to teach you, so the
MOAB's are the most damaged by these maulers they do extra damage to them so you need to
put about 6 or 7 of these all around the start thats the third one...
4th... 5th,
in fact we might need more, yeh, they dont cost a lot to be honest
so you only want to upgrade it to yellow ones not to the balck ones because then its just
not worth it to be honest alright, once you got all of them i might just pop one more
up here, i got 10, 10 will be fine! you need to change them all, down here is
the priority change them all to prioritise strong.
so they will prioritise the MOAB not the bloons this is an extremally important step because
thats what you need right so thats going to break all the big
blue MOAB's and then what you need is the Glue Gunner, the Glue Gunner has a very usefull
upgrade which is bloon dissolver and these basically liquify bloons so we are going to
use the rest of our money on these there we go,
we dont have enough for another one so i am going to put another bomb tower and then yes,
see we got no money left! we have 10 of bomb towers, upgraded to the
yellow state and looks like this, one with extra range, and then 5 glue gunners
not using this upgrade just upgrading this one 3 times, see that and you should be able
to win just like this with noting else and that uses all your money! if we play it this
should do it fine! so they are only targeting these big MOAB's
and these glue gunners are compleatlly destorying all these ceramics and bloons
so yeh, that should do it compleatlly and you can see you are done! not a single life
lost! and we made, nearly 20,000 cash and i did
not even need to use it! and you will get a lot more Monkey Money if its your first
time any more times you only get 5 anyway, thats a quick tutorial on how to do MOAB Madness
i hope you enjoyed and you find it usefull! i am going to do tutorials on the others Too!
so keep an eye out for that!
And anyway, have a good dayand ill see you in the next one
A goodbye!
"Rock Dog" Movie Trailer
The Space Between Us
Possibilités d'emploi pour les jeunes autochtones - Duration: 2:13.
future - Duration: 0:08.
wheouat let dog, niggas weren't fee
You really shouldn't mumble.
Because I can't understand a word you're saying.
How far I'll go (Norwegian) Subs + Trans - Duration: 2:44.
Vlog - The Outskirts of Nottingham - 2017 - Duration: 17:44.
Hello friends, my name is Arith Härger
and today we are going to see what's on the outskirts of Nottingham
come along
(relaxing music beings)
to Southwell Minster!
looks cool
it's bloody cold in here
it's too early in the morning
pagan Greenmen
on this church
here we go to Wollaton Hall
(ravens croaking in the distance)
(stones on ice) *thek, thek, thek*
*thek, thek, thek*
Hello friends!
this is the last part of this video
and today we are going to Sherwood Forest
Sherwood Forest is haunted my Lord!
(birds singing)
(chirping of birds)
(chirping of birds and Robins whistle)
I hope you have enjoyed this friends
see you on the next video
and tack för idag!
(birds chirping)
(the wind rustles)
Little Mix Evolution - Emily Dimes - Duration: 18:17.
Amazing honey uses as a home remedy, see! - Duration: 4:16.
Amazing Honey uses as a home remedy, Look!
Honey Surprising Uses
Honey is great as a sweetener, but better also as a way to cure. It can be used
to treat wounds and speeds healing. It's great for the hair, moisturize the skin, helps in
digesting stomach, and can be used in cough syrups.
For medicine, the best is raw honey which It was not heated. The liquid form is more
easy to use.
Here are some ways to use honey:
1. Wound Healing Honey can be used to heal wounds and
burns, for its anti-inflammatory properties stimulating the immune system. The honey
decreases inflammation, redness, the swelling and heat. Reduces pain and speeds
healing. Just spend honey on the wound and let
it dries. Repeat until heal.
2. Mask for appeal Honey is a powerful natural element
moisturize the skin. Unlike oils, It prevents the skin from getting greasy. Prone Skin
acne can also be benefited with use of honey due to its antibacterial properties.
Just apply a thin layer of honey on your face, and let stand for 30 minutes. then rinse
and dry.
3. Natural Shampoo If you want a shampoo, all natural
to wash the hair, try diluting a tablespoon of honey in 200ml of water.
This shampoo prevents oiliness, treats dandruff, keeps the hair moisturized and adds shine
and smoothness.
4. Cough Syrup Most syrups, need
sweetener. Instead of using sugar, opt the honey.
Honey soothes the throat and helps draw inflammation naturally.
You can also add lemon or ginger.
5. Adjust the intestine Honey acts as a mild laxative that facilitates
bowel movements. Just add a tablespoon of honey and vinegar
mace in a glass of warm water and drink in the morning.
6. Improves digestion Honey is a good remedy for digestive problems
as heartburn or ulcers. It regulates the secretion of gastric juices, while its effects
anti-inflammatory help to heal and replace the digestive mucous membranes.
You can consume before meals. Furthermore, it can be used to prevent
and treat progressive liver problems and gallbladder.
7. Help sleep better Honey consumption improves the quality of sleep.
Besides being rich in vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids, contains sugars
that increase insulin levels and produce serotonin. This hormone is related
the humor, and provides feeling of relaxation.
Enjoy this video? If you liked the video, short, join the channel and share
with your friends.
How to display the history in the "calculator" app of Android - Duration: 1:57.
How to display the history in the "calculator" app of Android
Hello everyone
This time, we will introduce how to display the history in the "calculator" app of Android
Is Installed "calculator" app on Android in v7.2 update of 2017 the end of January, we will be able to easily view the calculation history up to this
You can Do reaffirm back in like this in the wrong in the calculation that have deleted in the past
How to display the history in the "calculator" app is simple
The calculation results part that appears when you start the "calculator" app will be displayed only by swipe down
In the case of current during the calculation "the current expression" it will also be displayed at the bottom of the screen
Since history is separated by date, it is useful if you want to check back the date
Also can be copied to the clipboard by pressing the calculation result of history long "copy" and,
It can also appear to use items in the memory function of the "MS" "M +" "M-"
In addition By Touch the top right corner of the menu, touch the "Delete" is displayed, it is also possible to erase the history
Display function of computing history also I think it was often function better is that demand in what mind
Because the function is now finally available, please try to definitely give it a try
Or more, was the introduction of how to view the history in the "calculator" app of Android
3Ds MAX İç Mekan Tasarım ve Vray Render Seti (Ofis Odası Part 2) - Duration: 11:29.
"Rock Dog" Movie Trailer
Disney's Pinocchio
Jeep Wrangler Power Stop Brake Rotor & Pad Kit - Front & Rear (2007-2017 JK) Review - Duration: 5:42.
I'm Ryan from extremeterrain.com, and this is my review of the Power Stop Brake Rotor
& Pad Kit, fitting all 2007 and up JKs.
This kit is available with the drilled and slotted rotors as you see here, but it's also
available with plain rotors for a few dollars less.
So it's up to you, depending on what you want on your Jeep.
Today, we are going to talk through the installation of this kit, which is going to be a very simple
one out of three wrenches, as is doing a brake job on most vehicles that have disc brakes
all the way around.
If you decide to tackle this in your driveway, you're gonna be able to get it finished in
under two hours.
We're also gonna talk through the construction and a few of the other features of this kit.
This brake rotor and pad kit is for those of you who have factory rotors and pads on
your JK and you need to swap out the brakes because they're worn out, but aren't looking
for an upgrade.
If you have factory-size tires or even slightly larger than the factory, chances are the factory
brakes are just fine for you, and you're not looking to upgrade them.
So a kit like this is going to replace them with really high-quality components that are
designed to work together and give you great gripping power.
Now, if you do decide to go with the version of these that are drilled and slotted, you
should get a little bit better performance out of them because the drilled and slotted
pattern helps to vent some of the gases away from the brake that are created during heavy
braking, which will allow, again, for more friction and a little bit better stopping
This is a fairly-priced kit that includes all four of your rotors and all eight brake
pads, so it's gonna have everything you're going to need to get your brake job done.
The pads that are equipped in this kit are a ceramic pad, so they're going to do a nice
job of cutting down on brake dust, which is a nice feature.
It keeps your wheels from turning black.
But moreover, they are designed to work specifically with the premium rotors that are also included
in this kit to give you as much stopping power as is possible from a factory-style setup.
Now, if you do have big wheels and tires on your Jeep or you just want more performance,
you can always upgrade to a larger rotor, to a larger or a multiple-piston caliper.
But for a kit that is designed to work with your factory calipers with a factory-style
rotor, this is a setup that is going to give you the best possible performance out of that
factory-style setup.
As I said before, getting these installed on your Jeep is something you can do easily
in your driveway, if you choose to tackle it, and get it done in about two hours.
I'm gonna give this a very simple one out of three wrenches.
The process for getting these installed, again, is very simple.
All you'll need to do is, of course, remove your tire, then remove your caliper and caliper
bracket, and finally remove your rotor, installing your new rotor and then changing out the brake
pads in the caliper before reinstalling it on the bracket.
Now, anytime you're installing brake components, you do wanna make sure that they're nice and
These don't come with a lot of oil on them right out of the box, but you will wanna clean
them with a good cleaner that isn't going to leave any sort of residue behind, like
a good aerosol brake cleaner.
And on the contrary, you wanna make sure that you don't get any sort of contaminant on the
Now, on the pad boxes, they do give you a break-in procedure for these brakes, and it's
a good idea to follow that and follow it carefully.
That's gonna ensure that you get the best braking performance out of your new brake
And the idea behind breaking in the setup pads and rotors is to transfer some friction
material from your new pads onto your rotors, so that you're getting the best possible bite.
And the way that you do that is by heating up the pads and the rotors and then cooling
them down gradually.
The most important thing in a break-in period is that you don't come to a complete stop
for a long time with your foot on the brake with a hot rotor and a hot pad.
What that can do is create a slippery spot on your new brake rotor, which can actually
feel like a warped rotor as you're stopping because you'll get a little bit of that pulsing
So make sure you follow the break-in procedure properly, have everything cool off before
coming to a complete stop, and these brakes are gonna work really well.
All in all, I think that this is a fairly-priced kit for what you get.
Again, it's all four of your rotors, all eight of your pads, everything you need to do a
complete brake job, and they are going to work really well for you.
They're gonna give you a little bit better performance than an OEM set of brake pads
and brake rotors, and if you decide to spend about $55 more to get the drilled and slotted,
you have that look but also that additional performance.
Now, some people will say, if you're going off-road, don't get the drilled and slotted.
They're just going to hold mud.
Chances are, yes.
There's just gonna hold some mud, but it's not really going to hurt anything, either.
And when you are on the road, you may get a little bit more performance out of them,
so that's up to you if you have the extra $55.
So if you have worn-out brake rotors and pads on your JK and it's time to do a brake job,
this is a kit that gives you all the components you'll need in one box, designed to work together,
and you're gonna get a little bit better stopping power than your OE-quality components.
So that's my review of the Power Stop Brake Rotor & Pad Kit, fitting all 2007 and up JKs,
that you can find right here at extremeterrain.com.
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