Rayalaseema Rasam Recipe
Tamarind - small lemon size (3 inches)
Tomato - 1/4 kg (big 3 numbers)
Garlic pods - 4 and Red dry chilli - 5 (depends upon spiciness)
Cumin - 1 teaspoon and pepper corns - 20 numbers
Coriander seeds - 1 teaspoon
Cilantro - 6 bunches and curry leaves - 2 bunches
Seasoning - 1 teaspoon
Oil - 2 teaspoons
Jaggery - 2 tablespoons (optional)
Turmeric powder - 1/4 teaspoon and salt tasty
Water - 2 liters
Take a cooker, add tamarind and tomatoes
Add 1/2 liter water
Cook for 3 whistles
Mash well
Add approximate 2 liters water
Crush masala in mortar or grinder into coarse powder
First crush garlic and redchilli
Grind cumin and peppercorns
Add coriander seeds
Grind well
Keep a side
Switch on the stove and heat deep vessel
Heat oil
Fry seasoning
Add curry leaves
Add chilli pepper paste
Fry on low flame for 1 mint
Keep stirring
Add tamarind water
Add salt and turmeric powder
Mix well and boil for 10 mints on high flame
Add jaggery (optional)
Allow until rolling boil
Boil for 10 minutes
Add cilantro and boil for 2 more minutes and serve hot
Serve hot with any fry
Try today this Rayalaseema Rasam
For more infomation >> Rayalaseema Rasam Recipe by Attamma TV - Duration: 8:32.-------------------------------------------
COLLIDE - Starring Nicholas ...
Fundamentals of a Web Desi...
December 13th Stream; Overwatch Christmas Highlight Part 4 - Duration: 10:39.
K: You guys see the main menu?
N: Yeah
K: Look at the right window
J: What? N: Ey
K: It's our boy N: I see that. I just said it J: Oh!
J: It's Scrooge!
N: It's ya boi T: Nooo! Fuck
T: I was tryin' to do something
K: Scrooge McCree
N: Alright, Ima try to save up as many lootboxes as I can for tonight
K: Yeah, that's what they all say J: Oh, I get it because, like,
J: Ohhhhh!
K: Like Scrooge McDuck? Yeah
J: Yeah, it's pretty good
T: Like the Scrooge? Yeah
J: Ey, that's pretty good
K: Hey, that's pretty good
K: Nice. Mei's Offensive
T: We have to watch that every time?
K: Yeah, but it's beautiful J: Yeah
J: it's pretty good
T: Uhhhhh K: Hey, that's pretty good!
K: So-- Oh my gosh, Nick
J: What'd he do?
K: Classic spearchucker
J: Op, someone got sniped
T: Got 'ee' ass J: Op, Nick, I saw that
N: Oh, where's Kevin?
K: No
T: "No"
N: Eh, naw, I'm dead. I'm watching you
T: No!
T: fuck
N: Go over and T-bag Kevin's dead carcass over there, Taylor
T: I have-- Oho!
J: woah
K: Alright, soldier, you've got this. ApacheWolf T: Damn, that Mei ass
K: Not a helicopter, but close enough
J: ok
N: We're gonna get wiped here
T: At least I got-- Oh my God, I have gold in every category
K: Nice J: Yeah T: Pppppppp
J: Normally if you get the most kills, you get gold N: This guys getting ahead in life
N: Get it? Ha!
K: Nice. "Head"
K: That's a blowjob joke
Donald J Trump, the Glorious God Emperor: Wall
J: Ohhhhhhhh! (Joey's a massive Trump supporter)
K: Oh, how'd I miss that?
T: (I) see her! NOOOOOOOO J: Nice, Kevin
K: yeah
K: easy mode
K: oh noo
K: I'm ready for a flurry
J: I'm just gonna, you know
J: Oooo, sniped T: Well, shiet
K: Did you get the Whap! achievement again? J: Awww!
K: 'Cause I need it
K: You can give it to me
J: I don't think that's how it works, Kevin
J: Otherwise I would have gotten it like 5 times T: "Give it to me for Christmas"
T: C'mon Kevin and Nick, you gotta carry us K: Where's your Holiday Spirit?
T: There's one behind you. Oh, there's one in the main center J: What's your account number, Kevin. I'll uh...
K: Got it. Alright
J: Oh yeah, right there
J: Give me your account number, I can get it for you S76: I've got them in my sights
N: God Damnit!
T: C'mon, Kevin!
J: Kevin, just wait! There you go
J: Oh, no
N: Above you, I think
K: Above me, got it
K: Oh no, I thought I had my E J: Ohhhhhhhhhhh
N: He's up there, he's up there, he's got a shot K: I was...FRANtically...
K: Alright J: Alright
J: Don't-- no shots
J: Try to find something
N: E him off the shot. E him J: Uh oh
K: They've got 'em
K: Got it*
J: Kevin, right there, you-- ohhhh
K: Is it 1v1? Yeah, its 1v1
K: Alright J: Gotta collect some snow N: There's some below you. There's some snow below you
K: nice
N: He's comin'. He's right above you
J: Right above. Right there!
K: Uh! J: Uhhhhhh N: KEVIN
K: Aw, Taylor disconnected, too
N: RIP Taylor
Mei: Get ready for a flurry!
J: Oo, gotcha
J: Op. What just happened?
K: It's called an ultimate, Joey
Mei: I'm putting a rock in this one!
K: Oh, they're putting a rock in that one
Mei: I'm putting a rock in this one!
K: And that one
K: Oh, I'm lagging hard N: Oh, am I lagging?
N: Am I lagging, too? K: I'm lagging, as well
K: I think we're all lagging
J: Oh, yeah
K: Yeah, server shut down J: Aw!
J: What?
J: Maaaaaan, why?
K: Rush B-- Oh my gosh. We have little boys sitting in spawn
J: Oh come on!
K: Yeah, we lost
J: Yeah. Hey, Taylor K: f in chat, you guys
K: Oh, is Taylor back?
J: Mhm
J: "In sp--" did you literally just put-- T: I don't want to talk about it
J: You told them they're in spawn!
N: I ain't here to play around for an hour
J: I ain't here to wait
J: Oh my God, that's great. Oh man
J: Alright, that's one down
J: heh "seeka." "Rush spawn, 'seeka' "
J: Oh, my God K: cyka
J: Oh, he left
K: Don't you know how to speak Russian?
J: nope
N: God damn, Torbjorn has GIANT hands
K: yeah T: yeah
N: Like look at--
N: Look at Mei's hand and then look to the left
T: Yeah N: That's Torb's hand
T: Yes J: Yeah
T: Actually, that's Luch-- Lucio's hand, but you know
J: The one on the shoulder is Lucio
N: You know what they say about guys with big hands...
K: Massive... gloves T: They can grab alot of food
T: "Massive"
T: Well, that's true!
N: They can... chuck spears farther
K: Is that--?
J: God... K: I've never heard that. Are you sure?
T: They can flick harder as well
T: Big-ass hands
T: Also, if you get bitch-slapped by them
your life is over
K: Oh, I'm Bastion. Alright
J: Oh, my God!
T: Uh, guys?
I'm Aner
I got you Bastione
J: No!
J: So close! K: (quiet af) o f me
J: C'mon!
T: Get in there, Bastion!
T: You got 2 people pocket healing you right now
J: Dude... Oh my God
J: C'mon!
K: Oh my gosh... J: Kill 'em!
J: Heal 'em
J: Kill 'em!
J: They did-- oh God
J: There's one person
Oh my God
T: Wait, ah!
T: I started lagging
J: Oh my God... T: Yeah!
K: Are they gonna complain about Bastion now?
"Frickin' Bastion"
"Wouldn't die"
"2 pocket healers"
"Can't even believe it"
J: Nothing's there? Okay? Oh, there it is
T: Oh, look its... J: Oh, not this...
K: lol, Joey
J: Man
J: I was doing so good with Zarya, but then he just pushed me off
K: I kill 'em J: I was mad
K: By the way. I get to kill 'em so don't
N: I killed 'im K: make me--
J: They don't show it, though. K: Oh, yeah
J: Damage done? K: Technically Nick killed him as
K: Mercy
with one bullet
T: Well, you know
K: Alright
K: Let's get out of this
T: I wanna see my stats, hold on
K: alright
T: Oh. Hey, you ca-- you can leave
K: Oh, my stats are pretty good, actually
Hey that's pretty good
J: Hey that's pretty good T: Hey that's pretty good
K: This Hanzo...
Someone needs to bully him out of playing him
Gosh, I don't think he was bullied enough in highschool
J: Oh, God. Alright
N: fuck J: I got the new Mei skin, so I'm ready
T: Nick: "fuck"
T: Who thought this was a smart idea when I'm lagging my ass off?
K: I did
K: Oh, flip. Look at what Nick said in chat
T: "nice ass"
K: That's really mature, Nick
J: Hey!
K: nice
J: They got nothin'
J: Oh! Who the--
J: mmmmmmm
K: Really, Nick? J: I hate people
T: It was TheLegend27
J: OH MY GOD! He killed me because of that!
T: Classic spearchucker move
J: That's a spearchu--
J: That's a porch monkey right there
N: "That's a porch monkey"
K: What is he doing? T: Aw, he even shot at the ground
K: lol
K: Alright, Nick
J: Right there, Nick K: It's all down to this
K: You know--
J: Oh! K: Oh.
J: Try (it) if (you) can K: That's--
K: That's exactly lethal
J: op
T: No it is not
T: Ow. Oh! Oh! K: Oh, he wasted it. Press E to drop it
K: Alright, chase him
ᴷ﹕ ᶰᶦᶜᵉ
J: I don't think they got-- T: "Chase him. Nice"
J: No they don't alright T: "Nice"
J: Nick!
N: What? J: C'mon!
K: He's not-- he doesn't want to whiff it
J: You're, like, right there
J: God
T: now
J: Come on! T: C'mon, man!
J: Get her!
T: God damn
J: Oh my God. "ruff"
T: "ruff"
J: "ruff" "gg"
J: Oh, look at me!
J: hoh
J: TenSkittles
K: Very well met
J: Ahahha T: NiggerSkittles (you know, cause that's funny and catchy and generally a witty pun. Nice Nigger Joke, Taylor)
J: Put up a wall
killed her
Where's the double kill?
K: nice
J: Point blank! K: Right in
K: front of you
K: Nice!
J: Kevin, you gotta whip out your uh
J: magnum dong (Jewish one)
K: Oh, that's right
(unzips pants)
K: I got a yamaka, guys
T: "Yamaka" N: Did some say harmonica?
K: I say that just to be funny, but its not
O vey, where is it?
J: Kevin! K: Uh, player icon
N: You said a harmonica?
J: No, yamaka K: No, yamaka T: No
N: I-- That sounds like "harmonica" to me
T: Doesn't sound anything like "harmonica"
J: op. Too late
K: Soory. Oh I just-- I just found it, too
T: That's what happened when I was looking for my champagne glasses K: I can do it right now
K: Here we go
K: There
J: Can't see it, but okay
K: "Look at this kid, the neo-Nazi"
"I'm fricking Jewish!"
T: The shaved kid, who's Hitler
K: gosh
That was so funny
K: "Hitler was righ all along"
T: He was "righ all along"
T: I didn't know he was Rie Bread
J: God
Wheels On The Bus Rhyme
Nursery Rhyme Street
December 13th Stream; Overwatch Christmas Highlight Part 4 - Duration: 10:39.
K: You guys see the main menu?
N: Yeah
K: Look at the right window
J: What? N: Ey
K: It's our boy N: I see that. I just said it J: Oh!
J: It's Scrooge!
N: It's ya boi T: Nooo! Fuck
T: I was tryin' to do something
K: Scrooge McCree
N: Alright, Ima try to save up as many lootboxes as I can for tonight
K: Yeah, that's what they all say J: Oh, I get it because, like,
J: Ohhhhh!
K: Like Scrooge McDuck? Yeah
J: Yeah, it's pretty good
T: Like the Scrooge? Yeah
J: Ey, that's pretty good
K: Hey, that's pretty good
K: Nice. Mei's Offensive
T: We have to watch that every time?
K: Yeah, but it's beautiful J: Yeah
J: it's pretty good
T: Uhhhhh K: Hey, that's pretty good!
K: So-- Oh my gosh, Nick
J: What'd he do?
K: Classic spearchucker
J: Op, someone got sniped
T: Got 'ee' ass J: Op, Nick, I saw that
N: Oh, where's Kevin?
K: No
T: "No"
N: Eh, naw, I'm dead. I'm watching you
T: No!
T: fuck
N: Go over and T-bag Kevin's dead carcass over there, Taylor
T: I have-- Oho!
J: woah
K: Alright, soldier, you've got this. ApacheWolf T: Damn, that Mei ass
K: Not a helicopter, but close enough
J: ok
N: We're gonna get wiped here
T: At least I got-- Oh my God, I have gold in every category
K: Nice J: Yeah T: Pppppppp
J: Normally if you get the most kills, you get gold N: This guys getting ahead in life
N: Get it? Ha!
K: Nice. "Head"
K: That's a blowjob joke
Donald J Trump, the Glorious God Emperor: Wall
J: Ohhhhhhhh! (Joey's a massive Trump supporter)
K: Oh, how'd I miss that?
T: (I) see her! NOOOOOOOO J: Nice, Kevin
K: yeah
K: easy mode
K: oh noo
K: I'm ready for a flurry
J: I'm just gonna, you know
J: Oooo, sniped T: Well, shiet
K: Did you get the Whap! achievement again? J: Awww!
K: 'Cause I need it
K: You can give it to me
J: I don't think that's how it works, Kevin
J: Otherwise I would have gotten it like 5 times T: "Give it to me for Christmas"
T: C'mon Kevin and Nick, you gotta carry us K: Where's your Holiday Spirit?
T: There's one behind you. Oh, there's one in the main center J: What's your account number, Kevin. I'll uh...
K: Got it. Alright
J: Oh yeah, right there
J: Give me your account number, I can get it for you S76: I've got them in my sights
N: God Damnit!
T: C'mon, Kevin!
J: Kevin, just wait! There you go
J: Oh, no
N: Above you, I think
K: Above me, got it
K: Oh no, I thought I had my E J: Ohhhhhhhhhhh
N: He's up there, he's up there, he's got a shot K: I was...FRANtically...
K: Alright J: Alright
J: Don't-- no shots
J: Try to find something
N: E him off the shot. E him J: Uh oh
K: They've got 'em
K: Got it*
J: Kevin, right there, you-- ohhhh
K: Is it 1v1? Yeah, its 1v1
K: Alright J: Gotta collect some snow N: There's some below you. There's some snow below you
K: nice
N: He's comin'. He's right above you
J: Right above. Right there!
K: Uh! J: Uhhhhhh N: KEVIN
K: Aw, Taylor disconnected, too
N: RIP Taylor
Mei: Get ready for a flurry!
J: Oo, gotcha
J: Op. What just happened?
K: It's called an ultimate, Joey
Mei: I'm putting a rock in this one!
K: Oh, they're putting a rock in that one
Mei: I'm putting a rock in this one!
K: And that one
K: Oh, I'm lagging hard N: Oh, am I lagging?
N: Am I lagging, too? K: I'm lagging, as well
K: I think we're all lagging
J: Oh, yeah
K: Yeah, server shut down J: Aw!
J: What?
J: Maaaaaan, why?
K: Rush B-- Oh my gosh. We have little boys sitting in spawn
J: Oh come on!
K: Yeah, we lost
J: Yeah. Hey, Taylor K: f in chat, you guys
K: Oh, is Taylor back?
J: Mhm
J: "In sp--" did you literally just put-- T: I don't want to talk about it
J: You told them they're in spawn!
N: I ain't here to play around for an hour
J: I ain't here to wait
J: Oh my God, that's great. Oh man
J: Alright, that's one down
J: heh "seeka." "Rush spawn, 'seeka' "
J: Oh, my God K: cyka
J: Oh, he left
K: Don't you know how to speak Russian?
J: nope
N: God damn, Torbjorn has GIANT hands
K: yeah T: yeah
N: Like look at--
N: Look at Mei's hand and then look to the left
T: Yeah N: That's Torb's hand
T: Yes J: Yeah
T: Actually, that's Luch-- Lucio's hand, but you know
J: The one on the shoulder is Lucio
N: You know what they say about guys with big hands...
K: Massive... gloves T: They can grab alot of food
T: "Massive"
T: Well, that's true!
N: They can... chuck spears farther
K: Is that--?
J: God... K: I've never heard that. Are you sure?
T: They can flick harder as well
T: Big-ass hands
T: Also, if you get bitch-slapped by them
your life is over
K: Oh, I'm Bastion. Alright
J: Oh, my God!
T: Uh, guys?
I'm Aner
I got you Bastione
J: No!
J: So close! K: (quiet af) o f me
J: C'mon!
T: Get in there, Bastion!
T: You got 2 people pocket healing you right now
J: Dude... Oh my God
J: C'mon!
K: Oh my gosh... J: Kill 'em!
J: Heal 'em
J: Kill 'em!
J: They did-- oh God
J: There's one person
Oh my God
T: Wait, ah!
T: I started lagging
J: Oh my God... T: Yeah!
K: Are they gonna complain about Bastion now?
"Frickin' Bastion"
"Wouldn't die"
"2 pocket healers"
"Can't even believe it"
J: Nothing's there? Okay? Oh, there it is
T: Oh, look its... J: Oh, not this...
K: lol, Joey
J: Man
J: I was doing so good with Zarya, but then he just pushed me off
K: I kill 'em J: I was mad
K: By the way. I get to kill 'em so don't
N: I killed 'im K: make me--
J: They don't show it, though. K: Oh, yeah
J: Damage done? K: Technically Nick killed him as
K: Mercy
with one bullet
T: Well, you know
K: Alright
K: Let's get out of this
T: I wanna see my stats, hold on
K: alright
T: Oh. Hey, you ca-- you can leave
K: Oh, my stats are pretty good, actually
Hey that's pretty good
J: Hey that's pretty good T: Hey that's pretty good
K: This Hanzo...
Someone needs to bully him out of playing him
Gosh, I don't think he was bullied enough in highschool
J: Oh, God. Alright
N: fuck J: I got the new Mei skin, so I'm ready
T: Nick: "fuck"
T: Who thought this was a smart idea when I'm lagging my ass off?
K: I did
K: Oh, flip. Look at what Nick said in chat
T: "nice ass"
K: That's really mature, Nick
J: Hey!
K: nice
J: They got nothin'
J: Oh! Who the--
J: mmmmmmm
K: Really, Nick? J: I hate people
T: It was TheLegend27
J: OH MY GOD! He killed me because of that!
T: Classic spearchucker move
J: That's a spearchu--
J: That's a porch monkey right there
N: "That's a porch monkey"
K: What is he doing? T: Aw, he even shot at the ground
K: lol
K: Alright, Nick
J: Right there, Nick K: It's all down to this
K: You know--
J: Oh! K: Oh.
J: Try (it) if (you) can K: That's--
K: That's exactly lethal
J: op
T: No it is not
T: Ow. Oh! Oh! K: Oh, he wasted it. Press E to drop it
K: Alright, chase him
ᴷ﹕ ᶰᶦᶜᵉ
J: I don't think they got-- T: "Chase him. Nice"
J: No they don't alright T: "Nice"
J: Nick!
N: What? J: C'mon!
K: He's not-- he doesn't want to whiff it
J: You're, like, right there
J: God
T: now
J: Come on! T: C'mon, man!
J: Get her!
T: God damn
J: Oh my God. "ruff"
T: "ruff"
J: "ruff" "gg"
J: Oh, look at me!
J: hoh
J: TenSkittles
K: Very well met
J: Ahahha T: NiggerSkittles (you know, cause that's funny and catchy and generally a witty pun. Nice Nigger Joke, Taylor)
J: Put up a wall
killed her
Where's the double kill?
K: nice
J: Point blank! K: Right in
K: front of you
K: Nice!
J: Kevin, you gotta whip out your uh
J: magnum dong (Jewish one)
K: Oh, that's right
(unzips pants)
K: I got a yamaka, guys
T: "Yamaka" N: Did some say harmonica?
K: I say that just to be funny, but its not
O vey, where is it?
J: Kevin! K: Uh, player icon
N: You said a harmonica?
J: No, yamaka K: No, yamaka T: No
N: I-- That sounds like "harmonica" to me
T: Doesn't sound anything like "harmonica"
J: op. Too late
K: Soory. Oh I just-- I just found it, too
T: That's what happened when I was looking for my champagne glasses K: I can do it right now
K: Here we go
K: There
J: Can't see it, but okay
K: "Look at this kid, the neo-Nazi"
"I'm fricking Jewish!"
T: The shaved kid, who's Hitler
K: gosh
That was so funny
K: "Hitler was righ all along"
T: He was "righ all along"
T: I didn't know he was Rie Bread
J: God
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