Hello there and welcome back to my channel. Here I am with this towel on my head,
yes, a little weird. But I just washed my hair and wanted to just sit down and film,
something like a chatty get ready with me type of video.
Did I already say chatty? Maybe, yes.
So a more laid back video...I am just in the mood, and sometimes it's just better like this
then to just strictly talk about something that is planned, you know.
That's not always the best. I mean I have to have those videos as well, but these also...
and you seem to love these. I can tell from the comments you leave me.
So my hair is washed and now I want to give my hair a nice blow out. (what products I used)
I will use a product that you have seen on my channel before but
I use it since and I was like...let me use it again.
I also want to do a nice little fishtail, that's what I have in my mind at the moment...
and then we'll see.
So a pony fishtail is my plan for today.
After this I'd like to do a mekeup video, for sure...
I just want to sit down and do makeup and maybe chat with you in the meantime.
So that is next, I think...
So that's for today, hope you don't mind., hope you'll enjoy and now let's get started!
First I brush out my hair obviously.
How lovely!
I use this brush by dm...I think it's a little dark...
so let me just put more ISO on.
Better now!
So I'm using this dm brush to brush out my hair...for ages.
Ok that's good. I like to use a little hair mousse for some extra texture.
Now we are using this from Wella, the Wella Professionals 3 extra volume.
I'll have some closeups for you.
And I usually put this much on my hair, mostly on my roots.
Ok. Now, as I mentioned, I'm going to use this hairstyling product again.
You also liked it in my previous video, and I also love it...so...we'll be using it today as well.
This is the Rowenta Brush Active Volume and Shine.
There were 2 heads 2 choose from but I prefer this bigger one.
It also has a Ion Booster in it so it makes your hai shinier and softer.
Here you choose the intensity you want it to function on...
and then here you choose the direction.
This is perfect for a home blow out and you'll feel like you've been to a salon.
At least I feel like that when I use this...
And what else I wanted to say...?
It is also easy to get the hang of it. A lot of people think it's hard to get used to using it
but that is not true. You need a couple of minuted and you get it.
You may know that we have a clothing store here in Romania and the girl from our store wanted one
but she was afraid of not knowing how to use it properly.
I brought this in to her and we tried it together in the store...
and she liked it and she ordered one for herself.
So I just wanted to quickly tell the story, so...
we will be using this. The head is removable,
and you can blow dry the hair using this.
I usually like to blow dry my roots a little and then blow out the ends, you know.
So this will be the process, let's do this.
Now I think my roots are dry, but my ends are damp,
so I'll put my little brush back and we can do the actual blow out.
Now this is how the final result looks like...You can see, I mean you can't see...
but I can feel how soft it is...and you know that feeling when the hair ends are like that.
And...that's all I do, I guess...regarding the blow out.
Also, when I just flip it to the side...it's just good...
Its just good and big...you know what I'm trying to say, I am sure.
And that's the thing about the fishtail that I wanna do today that it's not requiring the whole hair
just the top part, so the rest can stay like this, beautifully down.
So mainly this is why I chose this hairstyle...and...
I do not have those little elastics at me so I'll go grab some.
The thing is that we'll put the top part in a pony and then pull it trough itself, you'll see...
and then we'll do the braid which is super easy to do.
Let's start!
Here we'll create a little loop, and pull the pony thorugh that loop.
The next step is that we divide the pony into 2 equal sections,
something like that and then we start braiding.
That means that we put a little strand from one section to the other,
then another little strand from here to the other section there.
And so on.
Sometimes I like to put bigger strands to the other section so it's faster,
and it also looks beautiful.
So feel free to separate bigger strands and do it that way.
So that was it for today, hope you enjoyed this easy to do but still super cute hairstyle.
It is super girly and pretty, and it looks like you've spent a lot of time with it.
But you already know, that's not the case.
Hm...it's perfect for work, for school...anywhere basically.
Hope you like it. Let me know in the comment section down blow what you wanna see next.
I would like to film a makeup look, as I said earlier.
I do not know if we shoul do a makeup look...like, you know, we normally do.
Or I was also thinking of starting a new series
with teaching purposes...that sounds weird.
So a series where I talk in details about all steps like foundation, brows, eyeshadow application...
basically all the steps.
So I'd do everything, with all the important details,
I'd explain everything of course the way I think it is good or the way I do it on myself.
I do not know if you'd be interested...also eyeliner for example...
So a very detailed step by step series...that's what I have in my mind.
Let me know your thoughts, I'm always curious.
My purpose is to create videos that you wanna see.
That is my final goal, of course.
Thanks for watching this video. Please thumbs it up and subscribe to my channel.
I always tell you this...okay, so, thank you and see you next time! Bye!
For more infomation >> Beszélgetős Hajszárítós Halszálka Fonás│Karin Dragos - Duration: 10:31.-------------------------------------------
Plan With Me: January 30 - February 5 (Erin Condren Life Planner) | Sarahboparah - Duration: 6:40.
hello everyone this is kieran and welcome
to today's tutorial, up today we are
taking a look at this little combo. It is
something new and very different to my
own style but I wanted to showcase
something a little different for you all.
Stage one all you're going to do is
to perform a fake push pass, so
pushing the ball up with the inside of
foot and allowing the foot to go up the ball
and rest with the toes then flick it back
at the side of your weak foot
perform a chop forward with the same
foot that just did the fake push pass
as the ball comes forward from that
chop perfrom a roll wedge with your weak foot
as you perform the role and wedge the ball is
already moving away from your body
perform a step over with the strong
foot pull it back across perform a
scissor and grab the ball between the
heels and as you grab the ball between
the heels when you release it forward
spinning the ball with the heel and
performing another stepover
grabbing in the ball
from that what you're going to do is in
stage 3 what you're gonna do is scoop the ball up
as if your going to perform an around the world flick up but
instead of going all the way around the ball
and kicking again you're going to just
catch it between your heels again this
is probably the trickiest part of the
wet slippy day. From there you going to perform a
slap and as you complete it y
your going to complete it as an akka and tap the ball
forward I named it the slap akka
you can additionally add another touch onto the akka
creating into like a knee akka
so just nicely get the toes under the ball
bring it around and flick up the leg and then perform the
akka. Start out slowly and build your
confidence with this move. I hope you
enjoyed it something very different to
my normal style but i just wanted to
showcase with a little practice you can
learn something a little different
please like comment share subscribe be
back next week with another tutorial
ON EST ALLÉS A DISNEYLAND ! - SnapStory avec Dallas - Duration: 10:27.
Hip Hop don't stop ! - Duration: 2:16.
LeLynx.fr présente David LeLynx - Duration: 0:20.
CEM SAVAN REKLAM - Duration: 0:10.
China, Yunnan: Dali and Lijiang old towns
Hi sweeties!
And we're on the road again!
We leave Yunnan for another province!
We thought that you sweeties could enjoy to see how we travel by bus or by train...
First, we have to catch a bus to Kunming train station
I am so sorry My voice is completely screwed up!
We'll hurry up or we will miss our bus again We'll catch you up later!
Sweeties, we'll have to leave you for a couple of minutes We have to go through the first security gate
We also want to buy some food for tonight's dinner in the train
Meantime, we'll tell you more about our last 10 days in Yunnan
We headed up to the Northern mountains and visited a couple of towns smaller than Kunming
These are historical towns surrounded by nature
We went first to Dali and the city center was full of tourists so we did not stay long
Even though there are interesting things to see there
We went just outside the city to the Three Pagodas site which is really captivating
There are several temples built one after the other in the mountain... It is beautiful!
We also went around the Erhai Lake which is very close from Dali
There we could visit smaller towns and villages
and we could meet some of the ethnical minorities living in Yunnan
I think that there are around 25 different ones
It was great to be able to meet people from rural areas
And discover their crafting and cooking skills
You might be aware of it now: we love food!
We did some shopping!
We have food until tomorrow morning!
We have food until tomorrow morning
We have one hour left before our train leaves
So we will hurry up a bit and go to the passport control
See you right after!
We have been through all the controls
We are in the waiting room dedicated to our train... If we can call it that way!
As you can see it is quite big and crowded!
We have to wait here for the next hour... The train won't come before, so nothing much will happen
There is an announcement... I hope that you can still hear me!
Meantime we'll tell you more about what we have done in Yunnan
We took the train from Dali for Lijiang, which is a bit more in the North
I think this was our favorite place during these 10 days
We liked a lot the historical aspect of the city The old town is beautiful to visit
The mountain landscapes are amazing
We loved the calm atmosphere that we could feel there
We also enjoyed feeling like in a maze
We felt like we were getting lost at anytime
But no worries, as there are maps everywhere!
This is definitely the place that we recommend you to visit if you come one day to Yunnan!
Finally! Let's go sweeties!
The train finally departed!
We will travel for at least 15 hours!
Hopefully we are in a sleeping wagoon We were lucky to get seats as we booked in advance :-)
This time we leave Kunming and Yunnan for good
We are very happy of what we have seen and experienced during the last 10 days
It was an awesome introduction and we hope that the rest of the travel will be as good, if not better!
And we'll catch you up later for new adventures!
Now we can tell you: we go to Sichuan! The province of peppers and pandas!
So... - Bye bye :-)
Your grandmother follows us on evasy.fr !
Geordie Shore's Aaron makes SHOCK entrance to EOTB - Duration: 3:02.
Farming Simulator 17 CHAFF COMPACTION MODS - Duration: 29:34.
HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel, in this video i show some new and old mods you can use to compacting chaff .
MAN TIPPER S + Chieftain Tri Axle Low Loader
OK let's start to make silage you can use grass or chaff . I use grass as you see.
I don't understand why this silo has no selection for upload.
I use upload here option LEFT CTRL + I KEY
Hanomag 55D this loader was, reverse movement at the controls of the bucket , I fix to be same like other loader in fs 17.
Hanomag 55D Mod Pack also includes one shovel 4.500l capacity and a bale fork Hanomag 55D loader It is not compatible with other Wheel Loader Implements!!!
3 Wheel Setup Colorable Rims IC Control SPACE
You will not find a link to download this loader, I fix it the next days.
I would prefer the shovel has more capacity
Here is the point I realized that Hanomag 55D loader It is not compatible with other Wheel Loader Implements!!!
IMT 5131 Forest tractor 2 Wheel Setup 3 Color Rims
IC Control SPACE
It can use for silage but its not the best
Famous russian crawler HTZ T150-09
2 stroke engine for starter!!!
Illuminated Dash
2 models with blade attacher or not.
Illuminated Dash
realistic crawler sound
Rotech 830 Bulldozer I was present in older video
Front Blade Back Attacher 2 Design Steup
Lamborghini Mach VRT + Strautmann Tera Vitesse 520 250.000L
MoDHuB Röwer system
3 Implement Mod Pack
Weight with hook
Weight with ring
Silage plate
All the implements has additional option for extra weight.
I combine MoDHuB Röwer system with MoDHuB Massey Ferguson 8700
You can use this hook if you stack in silage I hope I do not need it , a bit painful process and I think Ι need one more person to pull me out.
I had this set for long time in my collection but I never had the chance to try it. It's Amazing!!!
At this point will show you how about you use MoDHuB Röwer system the towing weight.
Operate with mouse.
When you have been linked press X key to unlock hook.
At last back craft blade for silage and MoDHuB Mud scrapers.
Both can't use for chaff compaction :p
Peecon Mud scrapers are for clean feeding places near animals.
But i think i can use it for chaff compacting , but i can't.
Ooone more nice mod from MoDHuB Silo Cover wheels and sandbags
Where is it??????
Sorry I did not get to try Stegemann Telescope corn sliding shield MoDHUB Stegemann Telescope corn sliding shield
You can link it with tractor or wheel loader
If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb
John Wick: Chapter 2
The Space Between Us
Arrêtez de parler de vos rêves aux personnes étroites d'esprit ! - Duration: 0:34.
The Return of the Gentleman Series with Dr Dain Heer - Duration: 8:27.
Hello gentlemen of the world, my name is
Dr. Dain Heer inviting you to a new
exploration called
Return Of The Gentleman.
In a conversation with a really dear friend
of mine, a twenty-three-year-old
brilliant young man, we were having a
conversation about some different
aspects of what it is to actually be a
man and he looked at me and he said I
have been looking for this my whole life.
I have scoured youtube I have looked all
over the internet for somebody to give
me this kind of information where being
a man is actually about being honorable,
being kind, being caring but also being
potent, also being sexual,
also being able to make money, also being
able to contribute to family and he said
I didn't realize this was possible until
we had this conversation and I looked at
that and I realize that we need to do
something different. So I created this
series, who knows what it's going to turn
into, but right now you'll be able to get
it on youtube and a few other places
called Return Of The Gentleman and what
it's really about is returning to the
gift of being the gentleman that you can
actually be. Now we're going to cover
subjects like relationship, sex, women but
not from the place of so many of the
videos I've seen on youtube and other
places at this point about
being a man is getting your
game on and and you know having a great
game so you can get women in bed and
dominating women, because that's all
I've seen and that's not what it is
at all. The most interesting part about
this for me is when you're truly being
you whatever that is for you when you're
being authentic as you women are
attracted to you and it doesn't matter
how you look, it doesn't matter that much
how you dress, although we're going to
talk about that too because that's
definitely an aspect of what you want to
have. But what I like to do is have some
frank, open, honest discussions with you
and also give you a place to get your
questions answered
where you can write in the stuff that
you want to know about and get it from
this different perspective. 16 years ago I was at a place where I
was going to end my life. I was with a
girlfriend who I thought was the perfect
woman and she hated me I was a
chiropractor starting my second practice
and I had so little self-worth that I
felt like the most insecure man on the
planet and I found a way to change that
but not only did I find a way to
change it I started actually liking me.
So what I would invite you to is the
awareness that there's something totally
different possible but it's actually
from you being honoring of yourself,
starting to trust yourself, starting to
actually be vulnerable with you, having
gratitude for you and then having no
judgment of you. If you could just
consider what it would be like to be
that for a moment, maybe an hour,
I mean imagine that for an hour.
Imagine if you woke up tomorrow and had
no judgment of you for the man you're
being in the world? Imagine if you
woke up tomorrow and looked in the
mirror at you and were like I like the man
that's looking back at me. This is where it all starts, this is
where we're gonna head. So you'll be able
to send in your questions, you'll be able
to get a as much information as I can
give you with the time I have because I
travel almost four weeks out of the
month right. I am an owner and facilitator
of a worldwide self-development business.
It's not like I have a lot of time
but I really want to give you guys this
information. The resources that are out
there for men,
there's so few available that are
actually about being the greatness that
a man can truly be. I want to read you
something and as just one tiny example
of where we're headed if you find that
you'll also find these videos
interesting. If you don't like what I'm
about to read this is probably not the
place for you. Go to one of those
alpha male channels where it's all about
dominating women.
Okay so give me just a sec I'll be right
back with that.
Okay guys I'm back and this is an
interesting facebook post that this
gentleman posted to his sons, who were
four and seven years old after
the thing with Donald Trump and how he's
treating women and Rudy Giuliani got up
and said "well men at times act like that".
So this is a facebook post this guy
wrote "Caleb and Ethan fortunately
right now you're too young to be exposed
to or interested in political discourse
and you're much too young to have
Facebook accounts but I imagine there'll
be a time in the not-too-distant future
when you're on facebook and will be
I also imagine that at some point after
that weather out of boredom or interest
you look back through your old man's
posts for some funny stories and maybe
some tidbits of wisdom. So I'm gonna
leave this right here for you. Men do not
at times talk like that
sure some individuals with an x and y
chromosome like you may say something
like that but we do not call them men, we
call them perverts, abusers or rapists, not
men. Real men don't do that and wouldn't
even think to say that. You hear a lot of
people tell you
what men do or what it takes to be a man.
The vast majority of it will be total
garbage. If you want to be a man forget
about machoism or sexual conquest. Being
a man is not about that, it's
about protecting those around you who
are weak or innocent, maybe a child being
bullied or your own children.
It's being awake at all hours of the
night to warm a bottle, change a diaper,
change the sheets on a wet bed or even
worse. Men get puked on, pooped on, blood on
and cried on. It's about being open
with someone, vulnerable and accountable.
It's admitting your mistakes and
failures in all its ugliness and seeking
forgiveness over and over and over again.
Real men play dress-up and enjoy tea
parties and we'll make a complete fool
out of themselves just to hear a child
laugh. They cry and even weep when the
situation calls for it. They respect
honor and cherish women because all of
them are human.
It's tough being a man, the hardest work
you'll ever do. So when someone tries to
justify abhorrent words and behavior by
sulling your good reputation as a man be
angry and speak up don't let them
defind you by their conduct. In short be a
Sincerely, Your Dad. So that's sort of
where we're headed where men actually
get to be men and actually get to be the
honoring beings that we are. But also
honoring of each other. I think one of
the biggest things that's missing here
men getting to actually support other
men contribute to other men, be grateful
for other men. It's like somehow we have this weird
macho football idea that you know what
testosterone tells us mount it or kill it are our
only two choices and you know what it's
not like that at all. In the last few
years I have had the the great, great
blessing of having some men in my life
who were there is really, really good
friends who truly have my back.
That's the energy i'd like to bring to
this conversation. So I hope you choose
to sign up and hope you get a heck of a
lot of information that's way more than
you ever thought you would get. It's my
desire to be a contribution to you and
all of us and the interesting thing is
as you start watching these videos, as
you get your questions answered, as you
start to explore this possibility for
being this way in the world the way
women will treat you in the way you'll
treat them will absolutely amaze you and
please no there's no particular
political point of view, there's no
religious point of view, there's nothing
other than us men getting together to
actually contribute to each other and me
hopefully sharing some wisdom that will
help you enjoy you as a man and have the
gratitude for you that you should have.
so thank you so much for listening, thank
you so much for watching. I look forward
to seeing in the next video bye
LeLynx.fr présente Sophie LeLynx - Duration: 0:20.
LeLynx.fr et ses 7 millions de Malynx - Duration: 0:20.
LeLynx.fr présente Chloé LeLynx - Duration: 0:20.
3AL Maashi - Housing Fraud - Duration: 1:00.
LeLynx.fr présente David LeLynx - Duration: 0:20.
LeLynx.fr présente Louis LeLynx - Duration: 0:20.
Getting closer by Kuba & Alek - Duration: 1:52.
Le Tueur Silencieux Dans Votre Cuisine Qui Est Pire Que Les Boissons Gazeuses Et l'Alcool ! - Duration: 2:11.
Nerf Gun Battle - A Great Idea For A Rainy Day - Duration: 3:42.
Surviving an ISIS Truck Bomb in Mosul | Battle for Iraq | FRONTLINE - Duration: 4:20.
>> NARRATOR: A local family has
agreed to let Ghaith and the
soldiers spend the night in
their house.
They are a mile back from the
front line, and feel safe.
But they're wrong.
The war is about to come to
>> ABDUL-AHAD: I wake up early
in the morning.
I went outside to the street.
And I saw the soldier across
the street from me, and he
shouted, "Mufakhkhakha!
"Car bomb, car bomb!"
This is the other entrance of
the building.
>> Yes.
Get it quickly.
>> NARRATOR: An ISIS truck bomb
has exploded a few feet in
front of the house where Ghaith
and the soldiers spent the
The house has collapsed.
Ghaith immediately starts
He finds the soldier who warned
>> NARRATOR: ISIS gunmen are now
trying to pick off the soldiers,
who fire back.
>> ABDUL-AHAD: We were in the
middle of this huge scene of
Everything is this dark, black,
grey, mixture of concrete and
burnt plastic, puddles of water,
debris, burnt Humvees.
Then the civilians start
emerging from the collapsed
>> NARRATOR: Ghaith's colleague
and producer, Josh Baker, has
dug himself out of the rubble.
He will later discover he has a
fractured spine.
(children crying)
>> NARRATOR: No soldiers have
been killed.
The civilians have borne the
brunt of the attack.
Several are feared dead under
the debris.
Those that survived are now
(gunfire in background)
>> NARRATOR: The soldiers think
the attack was meant to kill
"Steel," Lieutenant Colonel
>> ABDUL-AHAD: I think that day,
we realized the complexity of
the battle.
The civilians are still there.
This is a battle happening
between two enemies on a land
inhabited by the civilians.
No one knows how many civilians
have been killed in this battle
of Mosul, not even the
government of Iraq.
Wisdom Teeth Part 1 - Duration: 10:55.
They're full grown. They all need to be fixed.
How are you doing?
I'll see you tomorrow, we're going out for expands
Do you like empanadas?
Good Lord Jandice
Where are we?
Taylor: We're in the car
What car?
Taylor: Your mom's car. Do you need help?
I don't see the seatbelt buckle. Oh, I found it.
Taylor: You got it?
I got it right here, and I can plug it in.
Freshness with a spin. Plug it in, plug it in.
They're talking about me
Taylor: They are but it's ok.
They're talking. Because they hate me. I was the worst patient ever
That's what they're saying right now.
I don't need no medicine
I know what I'm doing with my life.
Don't tell me how to live... so.
Girl I'm ready to go eat, and we can rave! Dab on 'em. Yeah son
I don't know. Something that doesn't taste like blood. Cause this tastes like blood.
I don't like this even a little bit.
You were so wonderful!
We're getting some freaking empanadas.
I'm gonna take you out and we're gonna go to Los Antojitos.
It's really freaking good!
Better than the last one in my opinion
and we can go there and. Look, I'm fixing my gauze for you
Cause you told me I needed to
So I'm gonna fix it and then we're gonna be on our way!
I remember that part
Nurse: Make sure he gets plenty of sleep.
I don't sleep honey, I'm a freaking vampire.
I'm up all day, I'm up all night
I'm preying on the blood of the innocent
Mom, I missed you
I was gone for a very long periollolically a time.
You're closing me in!
Where did my nurse go? We have to get the empanadas
Mom I promised her I would take her out for empanadas
I told her tomorrow I'd be here at 3 o'clock
Central time
To take her out to get freaking empanadas
I don't know
Where you going?
I can't eat right now
I got gauze in my mouth are you crazy?
Is this some kind of joke?
You need to try and close your mouth cause I'm tired
of hearing you guys just yap on about me
Talking about how stupid I am
You said I was stupid
and it hurt my feelings a lot
Why'd you even give birth to me if you hate me that much?
You probably don't even want me to live anymore
maybe the anesthetist should have just finished the work in there
and I wouldn't wake up and you wouldn't have to deal with this
I wouldn't wake up
and you wouldn't have to deal with all my
*mumbles unintelligibly*
I don't feel good
are you kidding me?
I feel like I'm on top of the freaking world
I'm freaking like
I'm freaking Donald Trump about to take on the world!
Let's change our foreign policy
and our education policy
What are you talking about?
I'm just speaking my mind
Everyone else was thinking it
I'm trying to it keeps coming out
It's red
Did they put it in KoolAid?
That's blood!?
I don't want that in my life
Oh I ate the kleenex
Alright y'all where we gonna go eat?
Cause daddy's hungry!
We see the undertow and we say
Have you never seen Finding Dory?
We see the undertow and we say
Let's go!
and we say heck no!
except then Dory says
We see the undertow. There's the undertow
undertow, undertow
That's my favorite part of that movie
Oh my tongue feels like a giant bouncy ball
like you could bounce it in the freaking gym
and you could hit three pointers
I'm basically freaking Michael Jordan when you think about it
I'm like
what's the other one? Lamar?
I don't know but
I'm pretty sure that there's a basketball player's
name that is Lamar.
LeBron James
I knew that one too
The gauze helps a lot
it really makes me feel like I know what I'm doing in life.
Are you talking about me?
Are you talking to the Social Service?
Are you telling Obama to have me taken out
before Trump even has a chance to be President?
cause he will bring change to this country
like that man never could
and we can have insurance
Who's daddy?
I'm daddy
Everyone calls me daddy
Are you talking about James?
Tell James I said "Hey what's up my nigga"
He be teaching that Spanish like como esta bien
He be like, "Girl what's up?
girl what you tryna do?"
Five guys
I don't even freaking care
I don't.. so?
Mom: They said one of them was real hard to take out
but the other one
wasn't so bad
Tell him I said
that that is the sweetest thing
that anyone has ever said to me
He really said that?
Did he mean it?
From the bottom of his heart?
I just have a really wonderful family
and they're so supportive
and my friends are so supportive of me
and they make me feel
like I can conquer the freaking world
and I just, I love them so much.
and I don't know if anyone out there
thinks that no one loves you
honey I'm hear to tell ya that I love you
and that you mean so much to me
daddy, daddy, daddy!
Hey daddy!
Family Nerf Battle Outtakes - Duration: 1:14.
hello everyone this is kieran and welcome
to today's tutorial, up today we are
taking a look at this little combo. It is
something new and very different to my
own style but I wanted to showcase
something a little different for you all.
Stage one all you're going to do is
to perform a fake push pass, so
pushing the ball up with the inside of
foot and allowing the foot to go up the ball
and rest with the toes then flick it back
at the side of your weak foot
perform a chop forward with the same
foot that just did the fake push pass
as the ball comes forward from that
chop perfrom a roll wedge with your weak foot
as you perform the role and wedge the ball is
already moving away from your body
perform a step over with the strong
foot pull it back across perform a
scissor and grab the ball between the
heels and as you grab the ball between
the heels when you release it forward
spinning the ball with the heel and
performing another stepover
grabbing in the ball
from that what you're going to do is in
stage 3 what you're gonna do is scoop the ball up
as if your going to perform an around the world flick up but
instead of going all the way around the ball
and kicking again you're going to just
catch it between your heels again this
is probably the trickiest part of the
wet slippy day. From there you going to perform a
slap and as you complete it y
your going to complete it as an akka and tap the ball
forward I named it the slap akka
you can additionally add another touch onto the akka
creating into like a knee akka
so just nicely get the toes under the ball
bring it around and flick up the leg and then perform the
akka. Start out slowly and build your
confidence with this move. I hope you
enjoyed it something very different to
my normal style but i just wanted to
showcase with a little practice you can
learn something a little different
please like comment share subscribe be
back next week with another tutorial
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HOW I AFFORD LUXURY HOTELS | Travel in Her Shoes | My Tricks on How to Stay at 5 Star Resorts - Duration: 11:49.
Hi! This is Aggie Lal— Travel in Her Shoes.
And today I'm super excited about today because I'm gonna tell you
how I afford staying in luxury resorts and fancy hotels.
And, yes, I'm a travel blogger, and I sometimes get to do it for free.
But that was not always the case and sometimes not every hotel wants to work with me.
So I still use my few tricks to really enjoy my stay.
Like I have to say, I've stayed on private island hotels.
I've stayed where you get to feed giraffes.
And the prices for these hotels were anything from $700 to $2500 a night.
Just to give you an idea what I mean by luxury.
I know you can stay even more than that.
I haven't so far. I don't think I have.
But I have a few tips for you in case you ever want to stay in a hotel like this
And you probably think that you can't afford it.
Well, maybe we can work on it.
All right, I have to tell you the truth— I used to be one of these snobbish travelers
that thought that the real travel and the real experience
has to be budgeted. That people that stay in five-star hotels
and they say that they travel to a country— like they don't know anything—
That's not real travel.
Well... It might not be. But staying in a 5-star hotel does not
necessarily mean that's your only experience from that country.
So I like to do both. I like to do both
getting to know the locals— that's I guess my #1 reason why I travel.
But staying in a five-star hotel, it's an experience in itself.
Its beautiful architecture, the design— both interior and exterior—
the pools, it's very pleasing and
there's something to be said about the beauty
that we, as humans, like to be surrounded by.
And that doesn't necessarily mean luxury in itself.
It's not like you feel, "Ahh... I love this TV. It's so pretty."
or "This feels rich."
It's just everything is thought of and aesthetically pleasing
and very pleasant to hang-out around, like be part of.
I was never the kind of a girl that was dreaming about her Chanel bag
and never really wanted to have fancy Louis Vuitton shoes
or whatever you can get from Louis Vuitton.
The brands don't really impress me at all
But staying in beautiful place
or being surrounded by nature
that's been composed or worked into a beautiful beach
or a mountain
That's always been my bucket list.
That's always something that I work towards
and makes me very happy when I get to accomplish it.
First, I would say, I personally hate the in-between.
I either like to stay in a really really nice place
or really basic Homestay or Airbnb
or something that's like up to $100.
In Cuba, I stayed with a family for $12.
In Australia, we slept on a camper van for a week.
I loved that. I think it's basic. You have zero expectations.
You're happy if you take a shower that day.
But that way, it lets me save money
and stay in a luxury resort a few days later on.
Because, the amount of money I spend
for that amount of two weeks,
It's the same as if I spend
the entire two weeks staying at mediocre resort.
And the mediocre resorts, it's usually—
The pool is not quite there.
There is no view.
The bed's not comfortable.
Stuff are not cl—things are not clean.
Service is not great.
Food is okay.
I just rather stay with a family
or a super cheapy hotel that's usually family-based.
Super basic.
That's usually way better vibe than a medium hotel.
So that's my advice number one.
Because if I feel that if you stay at super cheap places
then you can really afford to do the expensive ones.
I did it in Guatemala where I stayed in super basic places
then we stayed in a fancy hotel in Belize.
Same in Australia. Same in Africa.
That's been my—that's the way I travel.
I usually avoid the medium hotels to be honest.
And the ratio is you're like,
"Whoa, Aggie! Okay, so you can save by staying
by sleeping in a camper van. But then—
it's still super expensive to stay in a fancy resort."
Well, my rule is
If you are to stay in fancy resort.
You should stay there. That's what I do.
I don't have much parents.
No one pays for my stay.
We have to both work. Me and Michael have to work for this.
We work hard-earned money to stay in these places.
I totally don't get people—
I mean, good for you if you can afford it—
But I don't get how you can stay seven days in a fancy resort
and check-in at 11 P.M.
Or not stay there and do all the activities around.
So the way I travel: I stay cheap.
Get to visit the entire area around it.
And then when I show up at the resort.
I am the—I bet you—
I'm the first person to check in
and the last one to leave
and I won't go anywhere.
Like, I don't care what's outside of the island.
I'm there for a day or two
and sometimes three
I've never stayed longer than three days at a fancy resort.
I just can't afford it. I can't imagine
just spending a week at this point of my life—
I hope it will change— HINT HINT fancy hotels—
you can invite me for longer.
But bet your bottom dollar, I'm not leaving anywhere.
Like I'm staying there for sure for this entire time.
Just enjoying every single facility that's offered.
And I guarantee you after two days of sitting in your room,
even if it's the most beautiful, you're like
"Okay, now I need to change
I need to see what's out there."
And then you move.
Okay, speaking of check-in.
You usually can check-in around 3 P.M.
Maybe 4 P.M.
My piece of advice is if you can and if it's a fancy resort,
organize it so you can show up at the resort—
for example, I've done it a few times—
6 A.M. or 7 A.M. in the morning
and I apologize and I'm like
"I am really sorry.
But this is the way I've planned it
or the way I'm just showing up from the airport.
I know I can check-in until 4 P.M.
I don't wanna pay to check-in until 4.
But is it okay if I just hang out the pool
or enjoy and grab some lunch
or just leave my suitcase and I'll just be around."
I have never—
Because they are really nice resorts,
they will never tell you
now that you showed up
you have to go and leave.
They will always take care of you
because you're technically just showing up
before the check-in is allowed.
And it's totally fine.
This is a little sketchy, I know.
But it crossed my mind by accident
because the hotel transfer that we stayed in Australia
on Hayman Island
only offered to be picked up from mainland.
To get the boat, you could either go at 6 A.M
in the morning or 5 P.M.
So I'm like,
"I'm not going on 5 P.M.
and checking-in at 6 by the time I get to the island
because I'm gonna lose the entire day.
So I had to go early, and they just took care of us.
I'm like, "What if it worked in other places?"
And it has.
It does extend your stay a little bit.
Same at the check-out.
Say, "Would it be okay?"
and of course, it's at the discretion of the hotel.
So it's not like
I want you to take advantage of the hotels.
Cause it's not really cool.
But if you ask them,
"Hey, is that okay if we hang-out 'cause
we happen to arrive early,
or we happen wait for a flight?"
Or whatever.
And no one really cares if there's an extra person
at the pool for another two hours.
As long as you don't overstay and overuse their hospitality,
it's totally cool.
I hope (laugh).
I don't think— I'd say try to go out of season.
In-season prices are crazy.
I remember staying at Sri Panwa in Thailand
where their villa was $2500 per night—in-season.
And only $900 out-of-season.
So that's not too bad.
It's less than half-price.
One thing to keep in mind, of course:
It's always cheaper to stay
for example, on a fancy resort in Thailand or the Philippines
than it is to stay in the Maldives.
It's just because of the currency there, for instance.
Something to keep in mind
If you're dreaming
The quality of the hotel is just as good if not better.
Another tip that I can tell you is
to check out the website called Hotwire.com
and this is website where hotels
don't advertise themselves so low.
But they might still have some rooms available
that they put out there.
So you go to Hotwire's website and showing out
"Whoa, we have a hotel in Thailand or
on Phuket Island,
and it's $700.
It has 3 pools, 200 rooms,
and a golf course.
We're not gonna tell you what the name is,
but our price is $500 down from $2000"
advertising from the hotel.
And that's all you know from Hotwire.
Well, this is a lot of information,
because sometimes you have no guarantee
whether this is the exact same place
but based on that information,
you can drag down go to Booking.com
and find these places and find the location
and try to figure it out.
My biggest core is—
That works every time whenever
I stay on an island
especially when the hotel is
the only hotel on the island.
This totally worked for me a few times.
And I still remember when I was looking
at the prices for One&Only on Hayman Island, Australia.
And the price online was $1200.
I went to Hotwire.com and it said,
"There's a hotel on Hayman Island,
we're not gonna tell you what the name is
but it's $700"
It just happens that One&Only is the only hotel
on Hayman Island.
Because it's a private island.
So you have probably 99% chance
that you're gonna book this hotel.
'Cause that's very little risk,
knowing that there's only one hotel
and sure enough, it was One&Only.
So make sure you check Hotwire
because the prices are enormous
like $500—it's almost 50% off.
And next,
Be careful with transfers.
Again, there are hotels that
charged us, I don't remember,
up to $600 to a transfer
to a private island.
So it's always worth checking
or look on TripAdvisor or Expedia
to find out whether there is a cheaper way
of getting to and from the island, independently from the hotel.
Basically, whenever hotels offer transfers
or offer some sort of service,
like taxi, or anything really,
you're gonna pay premium.
So if you want to avoid that,
try to find a way to figure out
your own way of transport.
And I have been to islands that
you can only get by boat or helicopter,
and they offer helicopter.
But it's cheaper to rent a helicopter by yourself
than to rent it through a hotel, of course.
So just to keep something in mind.
Alright, one more thing.
I always always always travel with my own snacks
And it has nothing to do with staying in fancy resort.
I just hate being hungry.
I don't eat dairy. I don't eat meat.
I'm trying to avoid gluten or wheat in general.
That limits my choices by a lot.
I've just been in too many situations
where I was really hungry.
So I always bring some snacks with me
and it's proven very helpful for me so far.
I guess that's it.
These are my tips
of how I afford to stay in those fancy places
all around the world.
If you have any suggestions or any more questions.
Please let me know in the comments below.
And if you haven't subscribed to my channel,
there's somewhere at my head popping up.
Please do.
It's very important for me to connect with you
and to stay in touch, so that would be really great.
See you on my next video.
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