how to make pizza how to make pizza
how to make pizza how to make pizza
how to make pizza
For more infomation >> Homemade Pizza Video Recipe (How to Make Pizza) - Duration: 1:33.-------------------------------------------
The LEGO Batman Movie
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Fist Fight Movie
John Wick: Chapter 2
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far enough - Duration: 0:05.
Okay, that's far enough!
Tartar sauce!
Markiplier Goes On And On (WARNING: Too much Mark!) - Duration: 0:47.
Ba-bada-bah-bap dee-da-ba badadaboop bap beep. WEEE!
*Later!* *I don't be boosh'd!*
*mark noice*
Heh! Ow! Heh! Heh! *slap* (repeats)
Ba-bada-bah-bap dee-da-ba badadaboop bap beep. WEEE!
*mark noice*
What to do to decrease swollen belly - Duration: 4:42.
Improve your digestion with this homemade syrup
Everyone has some digestive problem over time.
This syrup will help you get rid of those digestive problems that cause you pain or
discomfort. Which can be gas, diarrhea, cramps or
Stomach pain in general.
To prepare this homemade syrup you will need to:
2 lemons 3 cinnamon sticks of ceylon
5 fennel seed teaspoons And 2 tablespoons lemon balm tea half
1 teaspoon saffron soup 1 teaspoon ground ginger
2 tablespoons half and mint leaves 1/2 cup honey
1 liter of water
Each of these ingredients has benefits which combined make this syrup as effective.
Lime is used to level the acidity of the stomach and to make fats are digested
more easy. Lemon makes the stomach stay lighter and combat heartburn.
The cinnamon ceylon combat gases, helps balance the levels of blood sugar
and preventing ulcers caused by the acidity of stomach. The blood sugar is what makes
a person feel very tired or very spicy.
The cinnamon ceylon is grown in Sri Lanka, Madagascar and the Seychelles. Make sure
is not cassia cinnamon, which is the type common found in markets as this,
if used often can affect liver.
Fennel prevents constipation and helps reducing gases.
Lemon balm is used to treat psychosomatic digestive problems. Are
problems caused by the digestive tract emotional problems or overloading. It's found
in health food stores, and moreover prevents bad breath.
The mint is used to alleviate the puffiness and relax the muscles of the stomach. He
also treats acid reflux.
The saffron strengthens the functions of the liver and gallbladder. Ginger is used
to improve digestion, treat nausea and strengthen the immune system.
Method of preparation
Place the cinnamon sticks and seeds fennel in a pot with water and boil
for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and add the balsam
lemon, mint, saffron and ginger.
Let stand for 5 minutes. Mix the two lemons shelled with the infusion.
Then boil again and add the honey.
Keep on low heat for about 30 minutes. Let the syrup cool and store in a container
of glass. Cover and store in refrigerator.
This mixture is valid for two weeks.
Power Mode
1 tablespoon in the morning fasting, 1 tablespoon pure or mixed with water soup
hot half an hour before lunch 1 tablespoon after lunch
1 tablespoon pure or mixed with water soup hot half an hour before dinner
1 tablespoon after dinner
For people who have no digestive problems, but who wish to help in the digestion of food
when overeat, you can also drink this syrup.
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Where to Park a Tiny House? - 5 Useful Tips! - Duration: 5:52.
one of the main questions we get about
tiny houses is where to park them and
unfortunately tiny houses are illegal in
a lot of places
I'm whether that's because of zoning
bylaws for other rules that limit the
size of a building or that prevent
people from living in buildings that are
on wheel so if you're thinking of
building a tiny house or if you've
already built one and you're thinking
where am I going to park this where am I
going to live in it and keep watching
this video because we're going to talk
about several different options parking
your tiny house on a piece of land that
you've bought can be a really good
option but there's a few things that you
want to check out to make sure it's
legal first check with your municipality
or township to make sure that there's no
minimum building size because a lot of
places do have that and that's one thing
that makes tiny house illegal
another thing is they might not allow a
tiny house on wheels so you'll want to
find out if they have any specific
bylaws about having a house on wheels
another thing to look out for is that
some places require you to have a well
and or a septic tank if you're out in
the country
these are all things that might affect
your ability to park your tiny house on
a piece of land you own to look into it
first to look into it
basically you're going to want to look
up the bylaws or the zoning laws in your
area so to do that
most cities and towns have a website
that lists their bylaws on them so the
first thing you can do is just visit
your town's website and look up bylaws
they're really long document sometimes
they can be really boring so if you're
having trouble finding the rules that
you need you can just contact your
township office directly and ask them to
point you in the right direction
tiny houses are very similar to RV's and
campers trailers so definitely check
trailer fires RV parks and campsites and
some of them might allow long-term stays
at reasonable prices
some of these places have ruled that
specifically don't allow tiny houses for
some crazy reason so definitely check
that a time a nice thing is that most of
these places will have water hookups
electricity and maybe even internet even
if it's not currently legal to park your
tiny house in someone else's backyard
there may still be some loopholes that
could make it work for you
one of them is if there's a caregiver
provision in the bylaws
that says that anyone who's taken care
of someone who's living in their home
can live in the backyard so that might
be an option if you're going to take
care of somebody you could use that
another one is if you're only going to
be there part-time so if it's a
recreational vehicle or vacation home
you may be allowed to live in it
part-time in your backyard or in someone
else's backyard and a third option for
parking in someone's backyard even when
tiny houses may not be legal is if there
is an accessory dwelling units provision
to look into the rules and find out if
your area allows for accessory dwelling
units which is basically just a
secondary smaller house in the backyard
of another home another great resource
that we have found out about is the tiny
house community website they've got a
list of every community and every town
and city that is changing the rules
about tiny houses so you could look
there and see if there's any communities
or equal villages or areas where tiny
houses are becoming legal and maybe you
can consider moving there or at least
looking into how those places are doing
it that you could try to apply the same
thing to your area
it's a fantastic resource I was really
surprised when I found to see how many
communities and eco villages were listed
there so definitely check it out it's
only going to keep growing
the website is tiny house community com
it's also exciting that some suburbs
some neighborhoods and some eco villages
are being rezone to allow people to live
in tiny houses so you would live in your
tiny house just like you would in a
normal house in a city or a town you
would pay taxes just like everybody else
except you would be living in a tiny
house so definitely check the area that
you're interested in just to see if that
is even an option
this is also something that you can
check on tiny house community dot-com
and i'm also assuming that this is just
going to get more and more popular
finding a place to park your tiny house
may involve getting a little bit
creative and maybe bending the rules
some of the people that we've met who
are living in a tiny houses didn't want
to wait until their counter their city
legalized tiny houses some people are
just parking a tiny house in the
backyard after talking to neighbors and
sometimes the township to make sure that
it will be tolerated but it's still not
exactly legal
so there are people who are doing that
we also met one woman who put her tiny
house on pontoons and turn it into a
houseboat and so now because it's gone
on the water it doesn't really fit into
any of the building codes or zoning laws
in her area so she's able to live on a
tiny house on the water
another person that we met has their
tiny house and they don't have a piece
of land to park it on full-time so
instead they are property centers and
instead of house-sitting for somebody
they just bring their own house with
them and live in their own house but on
the property that they're taking care of
one last option that some people are
choosing is just to put their tiny house
wherever they want it even if it's not
legal and obviously we don't recommend
that because building a tiny house can
be a huge investment and you don't
really want to risk getting kicked out
of your spot and not having anywhere to
live in it if you're really passionate
about building a tiny house and living
in a tiny house you should definitely
try to see if they're the community in
your area that's already forming maybe
there are people who are already working
to change the laws or you might have to
be the pioneer who goes to your off your
township office and asked what can be
done to try and make tiny house is legal
in your area i hope you enjoyed this
video and found it helpful if you have
any ideas or comments or other options
that we didn't mention in the video
please add them to the comment section
and for anyone else
check out the comment also when you
might get even more ideas and content
coming from there
mhm thanks for watching give this video
a thumbs up if you liked it and
subscribe to see more like it
The term "data search" of "Google documents"? - Duration: 2:48.
The term "data search" of "Google documents"?
Hello everyone
This time, we will discuss "data search" of "Google Docs"
Read the data automatically by machine learning to "Google Docs / Sheets / Slides",
It has been implemented that us to display the information based on the data "data search" feature
But is a function that can each be used in the same way, the property will depend on the service
This time, is an introduction of "data search" of "Google Docs"
"Data search" function of the "Google Docs" reads a certain keyword you entered in the document files automatically,
For us to view each of the keywords of images and content on a "Google Docs"
When you are entering text into a document file, on the right side of the screen when you click on the "data search" icon in the lower right "data search" window is displayed,
Image to list of keywords and related that is based on the text of the document file is displayed
Also, if you click on each keyword, us to display the results of a keyword search "web", us to display the results of the image by the keyword "image",
Is displayed tab of us to display the files associated with the keywords that are saved in the "Google Drive" "Drive",
Switch the display by clicking on each, you can display the appropriate data
"Data search" means that, without performing a keyword search each time open another tab in your browser,
Embed the link of the displayed content in the "data search" in the document file, image is not able to or attach a
By the way, since the image is basically "authorized image is re-used after modification" to be displayed are to be displayed, there is no worry of copyright infringement
Also "data search" of "Google Docs" is also in the smartphone version of the app, it is possible to use from the menu icon in the edit screen
It will display the "data search" the best information in the automatic "Google documents", for us to help the dark document file creation of content
It is recommended that in particular use of the "data search" at the time of article creation, such as blog
Please by all means try to reference
Or more, was a discussion of "data search" of "Google Docs"
How To Create DIY mini Jar Aquarium! - Duration: 0:45.
How To Create DIY mini Jar Aquarium!
How to make Pastels d'Atum (Sabores de Criola) - Duration: 15:47.
Hello everyone, Sabores de Criola is presenting
with Chef Georgette Da Cruz Boaventura from the island of Sal (Cape Verde Islands), "Pastel d'Atum".
Now we'll let our Chef show us how to make pastels.
It's better to make the pastel over a two day period.
The first day we will season the Tuna.
The tuna will absorb all flavors overnight in the fridge.
The next day we will prepare the dough to make pastel.
First you put the Tuna in the mixer,
Start blending until the Tuna is finely mixed.
Add 1 chopped onion in the blender...
Then add 3 peeled cloves of Garlic, chop them in half and insert them in the mixer
flavor it a bit with Pili Pili...
Now we mix all these flavors
When everything is well mixed then you'll get this as result which you join with the Tuna...
Add a bit of laurel powder,
... some Salsa,
Salsa... What do you mean with Salsa?
... Salt,
... and Celery Salt.
Lemon juice.
Lemon... ok.
but first a bit of Knorr Aromat.
What's next?
A spoon of Olive oil.
... and again a bit of Lemon juice for the flavor
Now blend it all together by hand.
How do Cape Verdean people say this in Creole... we...
We'll blend everything together.
You have all those flavors together and...
Oooh yes... it smells good!!!
The filling is ready and we'll let it rest until tomorrow.
Then you'll let the filling rest overnight?
I'll let it rest in the fridge until tomorrow. Preparing the dough takes about 10-15 minutes.
Why do you let it rest for a day?
Then it will taste better.
Ah... the taste will be better.
Then you will smell the sense of the aroma.
All blended ingredients will give it a richer flavor.
When you blend all the ingredient then let it rest overnight.
Tomorrow we will prepare the dough and then show you how to make the different forms.
Day 2 with Chef Georgette, she will show us how to prepare the dough
We put wheat flour in a big bowl...
...and start pulsing the dough until it's well blended,...
So people, we're using Wheat Flour...
Add a bit of Baking Powder,
Now add this...
Add a bit of Salt,
A bit of Salt...
... Knorr Aromat
Knead everything
You're kneading everything
Also we put a bit of milk...
...and butter in a cooking pan.
Cook it gently over a low fire.
Then now...
...add some Milk tot the Wheat Flour and start pulsing again.
She poured Milk into the bowl to start pulsing again.
Keep pulsing until it's a clumpy dough form and add some milk again.
On point... what does that mean?
It means, "when the dough is pretty stiff"
To make it more...?
More solid but still sticky.
With stiff, she means solid.
Let me show the bowl to the people.
Wait, let me fix this first...
Now you can take the dough with your hands.
I've added some Wheat Flour because the dough is still too soft.
We'll let it rest for 10-15 minutes in bowl.
Why do you let it rest for 15 minutes?
That the dough takes it's time to rise.
Can you show us how it looks when it 's almost done? Then we'll let it rise for 10-15 minutes.
The dough is ready to prepare for the filling.
Now i'll add Flour on the surface before using the pasta machine.
I will split the dough in several smaller dough balls.
She puts Flour on the surface so that the dough won't stick.
What are you doing now?
I'll be splitting the dough in small balls...
She splits and tears pieces from the dough
Now I'll put the small dough ball in the pasta machine.
For people, who don't have a pasta machine, you can use a rolling pin.
Then will you show us how to make pastel without a pasta machine,...
... by using a rolling pin?
Roll out the dough into a thin sheet.
Does it have to be really thin?
Yes, it really needs to be thin.
When you want to prepare a lot, then start with thinning all the dough to reduce time.
It's easier to work with the pasta machine instead of a rolling pin, as it reduces the preparation time.
Put some flour on the surface, spread the dough nicely out for the filling.
Lower the number on the pasta machine to thin the dough even more.
Now i'll do the same steps.
I'm placing the end in the pasta machine.
I'll place it in and turn the handle to roll the dough out.
Wait a second.
Spread it open so that it won't stick.
Spread the dough nicely out on the surface.
I've messed up a bit, but it doesn't matter.
Thank you Georgette for my first pastry
Now let's take the fish we prepared yesterday out of the fridge.
Look, come and inhale...
Oooh it smells good!!! Let me taste a piece!!!
It's delicious people. Let's see what will happen now.
You're making little ball pieces.
Do it like this...
Oh, that way you can make a lot more.
Now let's try how Georgette showed us...
Grab a big piece and take small balls from it.
Is this ok...? and this one...?
No, you need to keep less space in between otherwise you'll never have enough for a party?
I don't let much space in between like the other ones!
We fold the dough and seal the edge by by pressing the dough with your fingers
So for every ball, you fold and seal the dough...
You're going to do yours.
I will try it now.
We fold it up from beginning until the end.
You can use a round cut out disc.
...a fork or a pasta wheel cutter to help seal the edges.
Can you show us how each of them work?
With this round cut out disc, you'll get this shape.
I don't like that shape!
Now she's doing the edges with a fork...
I prefer the other one.
It will be more refined when using a pasta wheel cutter
She's cutting them with a pasta wheel cutter.
This way they look better.
Put cooking oil in a frying pan.
Let it heat up a bit.
We're letting the oil reach a boiling point so that we can fry the pastels.
I'm helping our Chef Georgette with cutting our pastels while she's frying them.
These are all frozen from the freezer?
When you put them in freezer they'll stay like this.
Let me show you how the pastels looks when frozen.
When you have a visit or a party, take the pastels out and fry them to be served.
Now let us taste the one's that are ready.
Mmmm... delicious
Thank you Georgette.
To teach us how to make pastel.
I'm off to give the men some pastels as they are waiting.
Until next time, Sabores de Criola.
My pleasure.
film d'action - Duration: 0:28.
AZ Marine about to be deployed needs foster care for dogs - Duration: 1:44.
A local Marine about to be deployed is asking for help; he needs someone to watch his dogs while he's gone. As he found out while working with the group "Dogs on Deployment," it's a problem a lot of men and women in the military face. On Tuesday, Marine Matt Dearborn will be deployed to the country of Georgia. He won't see his dogs, Iro and Django, until November. "It's been a long process. I haven't found anybody as of yet that can take two large dogs," Dearborn said. And his spunky 3-year-olds love to play. "My only plan right now, if I can't find a foster, would be a kennel, which would be very expensive, and they're not going to have nearly the amount of room to run around and play," Dearborn said. "What happens when a service member is deployed and there's no one to temporarily foster their dogs?" asked Beth Buchanan with Dogs on Deployment. She said this predicament is not uncommon. "They already are going under a lot of stress in preparing to be deployed and maybe they had a parent or a spouse or girlfriend that was going to watch the dog, but that fell through, so what do they do?" she asked. That's why their organization helps match pets with willing foster homes. Buchanan said they've already placed 1,000 dogs and cats, and even a horse. "They don't have to give them to the pound to relinquish them, and when they're home they're reunited, and we have a lot of happy reunions," Buchanan said. Dearborn said he'd like to keep Iro and Django together and thinks they'd do best in a house with older or no children.
AZ Marine about to be deployed needs foster care for dogs
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