In my last video, I talked about the Muslim ban, but it wasn't official at the time. And
now, it's official, and really bad things are happening. And I can't -- like I had another
video planned to go up today, and it just feels wrong to have it go up because, how
could I not talk about this? Like, it's -- this is so serious. Like, people are literally
-- people who are permanent residents of the United States, who went through a thorough
vetting process, who got a green card, who came here legally, who have probably lived
here for years. They have a family, children, like relationships, a job. These people are
being denied re-entry into the United States because of this law. This is not about illegal
immigration. This is not about national security. This is hurting people who are American permanent
residents. Like, I -- I cannot wrap my mind around that. These are completely innocent
people who've worked very hard. There are people in really like high-level positions
who are not being let in, like scientists or people who work for tech companies, even
people who helped the United States in the Middle East and are now being persecuted there
because of it are not allowed into the US. We've literally betrayed these people. There's
someone who was nominated for Best Foreign Language film and won't be able to come to
the Oscars. It's unbelievable to me that we are banning these people from coming back
into the country. People were literally on a plane coming here when it was signed, and
when they got here they were told they couldn't enter the country, even though they did everything
legally, and everything should be fine. Like, people who were on business trips or just
visiting family are now trapped outside of the country away from their children, away
from their spouses. Like how do you not -- how do you not empathize with that? How can you
look at these people and think that that's okay? These are real stories. This is not
made-up stuff. I'll link to some of the stories in the description. But it's so real. Like
experts have been speaking out about how this affects green card holders, and I've read
so many stories from people about what has happened to them or their family members,
and the only way any decent human could rationalize this is if they pretend those people don't
exist or that those are fake stories. But they are not. They're real, they're happening,
there's evidence for it. The ACLU is fighting to get people back in this country. I've seen
photos of lawyers working at JFK in New York to try to help people get in. It's soooo un-American,
it's so hateful, it's so divisive. These people are being banned because of the country they
are from. And those countries were chosen because they're Muslim-majority countries,
not because they've done anything particularly wrong. And the way you can know that is because out of
the 7 countries that are now banned, those countries are Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Somalia,
Syria, Yemen, and Libya. And not a single terrorist from one of those countries has
gotten into the US and killed an American. Not one. Zero. This is not about national
security. This is about islamophobia. It's about racism. You're more likely to be killed
by a toddler with a gun. You're more likely to be killed by your own clothes. You're more
likely to be killed by falling vending machines, than you are by a Muslim terrorist. In the
last few years, right-wing white male Christian terrorists have killed more people than Muslim
terrorists in the United States. That is a fact. A fact, not an alternative fucking fact -- a real fact.
And yet the people being banned are Muslims from 7 specific countries. The few Muslim
terrorists there have been in the US have been mainly from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and
Egypt. And this ban does not affect any of those three countries -- it just doesn't.
I saw someone bring up the San Bernardino shooter, and they were like, "Do you hate
Americans? You'd let the San Bernardino shooter in?" Guess what, under Donald Trump's executive
order, the San Bernardino shooter would still be let in because he was an American citizen
born in the US, and his wife was born in Pakistan but had a green card here, which she could
still get under Donald Trump's executive order because Pakistan is not one of the countries
listed. This executive order would not have stopped the San Bernardino shooter. It would
not have stopped any of the terrorist attacks that have happened in the United States in
the last few years. And now, lawful Americans, who have been here, who have lives here, are
not being allowed back in. That's so fucking unconstitutional I cannot comprehend it. There
are protests at JFK and LAX and Dallas Fort Worth and like airports all over the place,
and I really highly encourage you to get to one of those if you are close enough because
we have to tell them that this is not acceptable. This is not okay. Like the American people
are not okay with this. We are a country of refugees, built by refugees, for refugees,
and this is not okay. This is not normal. And I'll remind you that this executive order
was issued on Holocaust Remembrance Day. The Holocaust didn't start with gas chambers;
it started with words and small actions. It was scapegoating one religious group to blame
for all the problems of a country -- and now that exact same thing is happening with Muslims,
and we're just letting it happen. People voted for this President when he said that he would
do this. And honestly, if you voted for Trump, and -- and, he told you he was doing this
Muslim ban. He told everyone. He said he was gonna do a complete and total shutdown of
Muslims entering the US. If you heard that and you still voted for him, fuck you. Fuck
you. That is not forgivable. These are Americans. Who cares what their fucking religion is.
This is clear blatant discrimination against a religious group and has nothing to do with
national security. And this is not a partisan issue. Mike Pence, the current Vice President,
tweeted over a year ago that a ban of Muslims entering the US would unconstitutional. And
now he's just like okay with? I guess what's constitutional, what's unconstitutional is
changes depending on who your President is. John McCain, the literal Republican who ran
for President a few years ago, is so against a Muslim ban. This is not like a Democrat
versus Republican thing. This is just an American thing. We should all care about this -- Democrat
or Republican or whatever -- you should be able to see that a Muslim ban is wrong and
discriminatory and does not stand for American values. I'm sure there are aspects of this
that I'm forgetting or leaving out because there are so many different stories and so
much is going on right now -- but I'm just really mad about this, and I don't know how
you can be alive right now and see the news going on in the world and not be upset about
this. Like if you are not mad, you are not paying attention. You know that really famous
quote, it's like, "First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out-- because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out -- because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out -- because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me -- and there was no one left to speak for me."
That's what's happening right now. They came for the Muslims. We have to defend them. It
might just be 7 countries right now, but don't kid yourself, this could be extended to any
country under the guise of "national security". All they would have to say is, "We don't trust
people from this country anymore," and ban them completely. And that's not okay. It might
only be 7 countries right now, but this could just be the start. They will come for people
of other countries, they will come for people of other ethnicities and religions. If you've
ever looked back at the Holocaust and wondered what you would've done at the beginning during
the rise of the anti-semitism, this is your time! This is where we will be going down
in history as the start of massive discrimination against Muslims. History textbooks are going
to look back on this, and I really hope that you can say that you were on the right side
of history. And the other thing is that they're cutting down the amount of refugees that we
accept by like half, and we already weren't accepting that many refugees. And they're
saying that priority goes to people from minority religions in those countries, which means
Christians. It means they're basically like using a Litmus test to determine who's Christian
and who's Muslim, and discriminating against the Muslims and only allowing the Christians
in. It's a very sneaky way of letting Christians in and not Muslims. And that's a religious
test. That's not okay. These are people coming from terrible conditions. Like war-torn countries,
so much violence that you or I cannot imagine it, and we're telling them that they're just
not allowed here anymore because of their religion. That's so fucked up. Refugees have
to be welcome here. Immigrants have to be welcome here. People of all religions have
to be welcome here. That is the country that this is. That is the country that this should
be. We have to fight back against this. Please, call your senators, call your representatives,
go to a protest if you can. Do something. Get loud, get angry. This is not acceptable.
This is not normal. My heart goes out to all the people who have been directly affected
this executive order, and I don't know what to say. I'm so sorry. I -- this is not the
country I want. I think we can be better than this. I really hope we will be better than
this, at some point. Take care of yourselves, I love you all.
After I filmed this video, the ACLU won a court case against Trump's executive order.
Federal District Court Judge Ann M. Donnelly issued a "stay", which blocked the
executive order for those who had just arrived in the US.
This is a victory, but this is not over.
Legal permanent residents are still not being allowed to board flights into the US.
Refugees are still being denied entry, and there was no ruling on the constitutionality of the executive order.
Keep. Fighting. Resist. This is not normal.
For more infomation >> Trump's Muslim ban is horrific, unethical, and un-American | Riley J. Dennis - Duration: 9:28.-------------------------------------------
Octobrush Storm : An Octobrush montage. - Duration: 5:31.
5 Accessoires innovants à MOTO - Duration: 4:49.
Hi everyone is ares and it is a pleasure to meet you for a new video.
I will present 5 innovative accessories, in the state of concepts or
Successful projects for the biker or motorcycle,
And we are now starting with
1) Nuviz Ride HUD: a head-up display for any helmet
Head-up display
Here is how this presents this small case that this place outside the helmet,
It has a screen, 3.5 inches in size, which allows
Display information such as weather, GPS information,
Cruise speed and even incoming calls.
In addition, an integrated camera allows the driver to record his journey,
And even to measure altitude and temperature.
This project will remind us of the SKULLY AR-1 helmet
Which I did not succeed because of a bad management of the project ...
2) ROAM Zeros motorcycle shoes turn signals and brake lights
Roame ZerosThe pair of motorcycle shoes a little special
Which allows it with the help of a receiver connected to the motorcycle to act as a flashing light and stop light
It is an additional system to the traditional system already present on the motorcycle.
The shoes work by using a transmitter connected to the motorcycle, they have the advantage of resembling city shoes all
Guaranteeing good safety, but
It needs to be recharged from time to time to function.
The Fusar app is a media platform and social network created for adrenaline addicts
The Fusar app is an application to install on your phone
Which can be coupled with a microphone, a camera and a small remote control that will place
On the handlebars of your motorcycle,
All this will allow you to share photos, videos,
And allows you to record your journeys,
See statistics, and show them in the form of interactive maps.
The app also allows users to participate in oral discussions
As you will do with an intercom, with no distance limit,
Up to 12 users.
But it is not quite as you know by motorcycle there is always a risk of accident,
And this is where the safety features of the Fusar app come into play: when driving in groups,
The app allows to alert the rest of the group e in case of problem, with a simple button.
If they are alone, or need extra help, they can alert their "guardian angels".
Guardian angels are trusted people who will receive a message showing them the position of the user.
In the United States they will also receive the telephone numbers of the three nearest emergency numbers.
This will make it possible to alert either the group or a jam the situation
We now turn to the Dynamoto motorcycle shell
Innovative motorcycle stands designed to facilitate the movement and storage of your motorcycle.
Unique multi directional wheels offering
Unlimited maneuverability of the front and rear of the bike
Simple design for fast and easy daily use
Now to the last point which is not really an accessory
Honda Riding Assist
The Honda Riding Assist technology unveiled at the Las Vegas CES, which allows a bike to balance by itself
And even to follow its owner without external intervention
Rowed side motorcycle centaur need the row to the garage it will rank all
If someone could very well for small people
Who need for example defend their motorcycle to stop at the fire and there
He would no longer need to do that and
This concept makes it possible, in particular, to
Driving by balancing the weight of the bike to take a turn
Here for long journeys on highway
Thank you all you are more and more that the videos do not hesitate
To share and subscribe for me I like it would really make me happy
Friki-Retrogamer special Marcianitos80 and its update. #frikiretrogamer #jandrolion - Duration: 16:59.
'Geek-Retrogamer, víciate you ... and you ... oh, yeah !!
Ends my "Strike vice" haha
So let's take this, take wind, and go to "Martians"
Damn, already I left me shit that stuck there!
Joseph comes to throw us a cable
She likes to grab behind
Let's "Marcianitos80" yyyyyyaaaaaaauuuuuh!
As I did not open the door so we clear, tron
Oh, trunk, weighing stops recording this "egg" !, haha
As we have already arrived, Tree Trunk, haha ... let the nougat ... ale Jose
Let's go for recreational
Well, let nougat ... update!
What's wrong, trunks ?!
Let's up, man, man!
I stay a little sad, because the machine stays here and I'll be a day without it.
I will give a "ropey" the potato!
But you will see that it will be beautiful tomorrow. 'We COME TO TOMORROW FOR MORE !!
And this seems a little "sosainas"
If not I'll hold
What's wrong, logs !?
Look I try but it is not the same, ah, aah
Rafa ends and, tron
A whole day, uncle
What's wrong, trunks ?!
Man, something does, right?
That that matter, I have prepared you a few things to Rafa ...
There to let him share a bit in the store, right?
Your in my channel, and in yours, is not it, tron?
Hey, do you have work!
There configuration butt!
"Actualize-Down Down" ... "actualizandown", "down"
This is the new card that has my recreation
Kick ... jump ...
For this we wanted to upgrade
What you caught, you caught a weapon, no? ... I do not know
Let's see your machine ... to see your machine!
Come let there
'Geek-Retrogamer ... víciate you ... and you ... oh yeah !!
Welcome to Geek-Retrogamer!
Geek-Retrogamer oh yeah!
Today we come to a special "Marcianitos80" what I had said.
I have updated the
To the parrot to parrot ... ... now if!
Jaja ... which is a pen in my pocket, I promise
Oh, it tastes great!
You can now remove that sign that you have put there on your video "vício Strike" and
... Nothing ... you have your updated maquinita
and the Street Fighter, what a better way!
Joe, Rafa tron ... hey! ... One of the new emulators you've gotten is the Playstation1
To me it seems a consolón
It is pure arcade
What were your favorite games that console
How the Play1? ... I remember a lot for example the "Destruction Derby"
Great game ... with cars and such ... the "Twisted Metal"
Yes, yes, yes yes yes ... "Twisted Metal"
"Battle arena Toshiden"
Tekken 1
There are endless ...
You keep on talking that nothing happens
Here we've got the Tekken 3
How cool! ... You've got the "Crash Bandicoot racing"
Lets go see it!
Lets go see it
Look, we
here Tekken 3, the Ton Raider
Battle arena Toshiden 2
This is not your machine, it is for a client, what happens is that ...
'And milk !! LOL
The Dragon Ball GT, for people who want the Dragon Ball ... Look José tron!
the Medievil
The Rayman ... and that if I played I
Mortal Kombat Trilogy
I remember one night with my brother doing all the "Fatality" and recording them on VHS
And the Resident Evil
We lacked in Parla Bytes Nintendo 64
and there is that I have a special thorn, so let's give traya, tron
It comes with all these games
For here as you can see
Go for Mario, uncle
Super Mario 64, shitting lettuce
"Loading complete" (voiceover)
now speaks
Beware that with the update now speaks machine
"Loading complete"
Well, Rafa, tell us a little something, take, look
Explain us one little thing with the USB input. If this that many people asked
But jostle for the machine
It is in taste ... if you want me to put the USB
So here, this is going to be removable
Now we explain the issue of control
And music like
Hey ... because enfea vinyl and does not seem a recreational ... can be put down
What happens is that if you have a USB skewer placed there, if You buy with door, the door strikes you.
The danger of fucking entry
It may be back
It's like what I do, so you know ... we put it back ...
... And nothing, because there you have the USB accessible to engage the knob or skewer with music
Or whatever
This command Jandro going to have in your video, you will have the link
To where you can get
It is a link "Amazon" I have joined to "Amazon" so that you may know
This works particularly, therefore I put the link, and whoever wants
collaborate a little with the channel to know that I took me 10%
Man, everyone who can lend me a cable
For it is always appreciated
For this command, it is able to put in recreational only to play Nintendo64
what enchufáis
And you can play with this as if it were the first player.
If you play here, you can not play here
Voucher? The second player if he can play here
Okay? ... Limitation, here we have 10 buttons and there are 6 buttons.
Well ... I would like to stress upon this so that there is no confusion
The games are set up to 10 buttons
Therefore, recreational having 6 déficid you stay with certain movements with games
On the other hand, it is not ...
When I want to play with the remote and when I want with Joystick
It is configured to work ... or command, or the joystick
Okay ... it is configured with all buttons
the "Z" and not the triggers that are not few
So, whoever wants to upgrade and the machine can choose to buy or not buy command
Or tell me, hey, I bought the command of Jandro and do not know or not know how many
And I leave it set to play with the pack
Uh! ... The Turok, tron !!
Oooooooh I regalito
Here I spent hours
The Ocarina of Time
In other words, this is the ... Majora Majora Mask
And Zelda
Breathe ... oh!
'Can you breathe ... you can breathe ... But that problem? If I had missed, I would have put, man.
And only for this, worth ... the most overrated game ever
Let's you I put a beating right now that you ...! LOL
Hey Rafa! ... You too think this game is a shit?
The address FRG, as usual, is not responsible for the stupid opinions by his collaborator, Raul Moran, who apparently has some sort of trauma with ocarinas, which someday will kindly tell us.
It is very nice ... Damn, trunk, Zelda is Zelda. A fondness Zelda, man, you do not have it.
Aaaah ... look at that poster Outrun!
pole Position
Sergio is there with vinyl, which is tops
To be all right
Each to your liking ... Sergio is designing
This is the first thing you see machine
After the operation, but hey, that goes at least well this
And this is an art and ...
These are the new DC 51
Curious as vinyls are made, eh
It goes like warming up, look look look ...
That, uh ... have you seen?
That curious male host ...
And since it is tucked down ... anda pussy
the corner is reviewed well
and so would the bartop with all corners well done.
This is the result
Pal hair
Te luxury has been
Curious, eh!
Saturn emulator, no, right?
No ... but what about instead?
It is the Sega Model
For it is an emulator of recreational machines almost art
With great game from Sega
Am, and Am2
Virtual Fighter 2
All these great game that ...
Repeat that, repeat that again
Do you remember when you and I were playing in Parla Bytes? ... Morán response ...
Jaaa! ... Yeah, right?
Remember that you humiliated?
There, there, there, that if I liked!
I remember that I did not sit well that night, Jajajajajaja
Nope, eh!
I loved to play with you
And because I mola play against someone who makes me by law, you know?
In other words, you learn ... I think that's
a noble thing fighting games
You not feel like you when someone wins and clearly see which is higher
You know that's the worst they can do?
Win, what happened to me there, I beat you, tear you to pieces and say, "Look, stay with the game you have to go"
Look, stay with the recreation that I have to go, jajja ... yeah, look I stay I have to go
Hears! How the gun as you play?
The gun can not play because logically is a flat panel monitor
Guns worked with catadioptric rays
what is the CRT monitor, as the flat panel monitor
It does not receive the signal, but you can play with the mouse
What happens is that it is a little absurd, right? Recreational play with a mouse and look like you're in the office
But ... whoever can
Whoever put a mouse can be put behind ...
There is an invention that can be put, there are plenty of guns in the market, even with a Wii Remote
It is to put a sensor bar and well ... you go there
But has "Lag" ... I do not like
Host Rafa trunk! The Dreamcast also ... buuuuuf!
Tell me a little guy has inside, surprise me.
The Dreamcast was one of my favorite consoles lifetime ... Mitiquisima
People who could have this console, because it was the cane flipamos
Then he came PlayStation and Dreamcast went to hell
It was the first console with Modem
Had online capabilities
What happens is that people did not have internet at home and ate boogers
But it was a cucumber ... had that particular memory card
In command ... do you remember? Chuchu Rocket With that, it seemed a Tamagochi to take it, haha
They innovated innovated ...
Soul Calibur
Oh boxing! ... Boxing!
look Cesar
For fighting, Marvel is with Camcom SNK
Here we have to do so that people are not scared ... uh ... here we will leave the menu Dreamcast
Okay? ... Bam! ... God!
Okay? ... Janderdemor!
That fear, grijander Night
Left and that's
and now enters the game ... ah ... I have taken a scare! ... that is taken into account
People then lia
That's not me you had explained to me, eh trunk, hahahaha
Good thing I said what if
Ooooh, God of my life, uuuum
The new foot
I pimp the new foot, tron
Why did not you put some kind of modem so that it can just plug in to the internet or whatever?
If the computer carrying, carries network support
Which we do not advise absolutely nothing
On the issue that people catch viruses, and ...
and etc, etc ... and as the machine starts to go slow, start ...
to go wrong, and hey, the machine is as for what was a recreational. Recreational they not carry modem
Or anything like that
Man, I've got the USB port for music and I tell people who take good care
Passing the virus to drive and do not put pen to recreatiiva virus
Fuck a "Jukebox" indeed!
Whatever freak!
Today I can not get up
The weekend left me fatal
That would enter! Jandro has its skewer with his music, there
I've gotten behind Metallica ... for Copyright
Here we get this
Because the titles of mp3 has
They are in Japanese, hahaha
Put Mojinos ... The escozios Mojinos
Petal, petal
Here we go picking the songs and we are adding to the view
The machine has output
Standard output ... what? ... jack
Behind you can put the boombox ... exits
Well ... teach us vector, uncle, which are another breakthrough upgrade
... Ooouuuuo shot!
Well ya ... oh uncle pasote
And with those flashes it looks like vector
There's that!
Well ... here are the games famosetes
Well let's see
Two important things first ... there was some confusion following a video that I edited
"Mea culpa"
Because prices that were not ... Rafa now we will update the price issue and updating and others digeron
But aside, Rafa, can you tell us what you really updated machine
Show us something that you have put
The issue is that people have advanced to the update going out in February or March
And people want it updated, not that ... normal!
Because out there about "Youtubers" that
they are getting ahead
The update is ... there are 200 euro difference
Why 200 euros difference?
We include a graph of 1 giga
We include more hard disk
And we include more memory 2 GB Ram
Besides the USB port
okay? And set the whole machine
Voucher? We do not charge for games, we charge for work
Hardware and configure all this
Say yes, this takes many hours
In a nutshell!
The machine like mine
800 turkeys, yes or no?
If you come here to shop
20 euros for every game that still has copyright which are the Street Fighter and Virtua Tennis
Street Fighter 4
Ultra Street Fighter 4 ... the latest version
There is
And the Virtual Tennis 4
These are worth 20 euros each and then 840
Whoever those games is going to send the two games in physical format
The story is that two games are copyrighted by now what to pay 20 euros for each
Then are no longer 800, 840 are with the 2
That's ... another thing is that do not want, then I no longer entered
I have to say that if people have it down or we pass the number
I do not know ... come here, give them to me or show me, I'll install and saved 20 euros
Or they have bought and are at home or on the computer, that's another story.
And then besides all this, we must take into account that there are two parts shipping
And there are 40 euros for each piece yes or no?
To send out what is the physical store, ie uncollected in physical store
It Includes 40 euros for each
Yes or no? ... That's ...
So as more expensive, would ...
840 plus 40 euros for each packet sent that are two, total of 920 euros yes or no?
Eeeeeeh ... if ... Have you counted the PC games?
Yes Yes Yes
Well, if ... hahaha ... now I'm not lol
Out of what is in store pick, the whole machine pepinaco with games included and also Rafa shall command home
920 is the maximum
Now ... if you come here
800 turkeys
It's that look!
What if I want with illuminated buttons?
Yes? ... Or is it changes the thing? ... Sure
One can say that a normal machine, choosing the Joystick and all that
More or less would be that price for web
web price ... you said web price
Okay, if ... 920 are web price, it is clear
Another thing is to come to the store and talk to Rafa
and such that the collection, a number of savings, etc.
We have to talk to him!
If you come to the store, you will cost much cheaper, except that we take the issue more cobraros we do not like
The theme repack
And the theme that the machine gets healthy
And besides you explain the site in person and machine ... you know ... that's fine too
And it gives you a sticker of "Jandro Lion" hahaha
Well kids, a pleasure to have been here with Marcianitos80, I hope you liked this video, and you know ...
For all of you
Geek-Retrogamer ... oh yeah!
Hug, hug ... a hug tron
In the next video we bring you a special update Marcianitos80
But from the headquarters Frikisocial
Focusing on the pros and cons of the update
Also in the future we will teach to introduce video
and delete Playstation games
that you like, being so that part of the recreational emulator
in your hands and in your taste
Subscribe to not miss out
By the way, before I forget me!
Morán and I know winning Mega Drive
And we have to make special
We will leave a chapter in between
I'll explain in the next not hard for me ... to parrot!
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