We bake: Flammkuchen
600 g of flour
8 tbsp oil
250 ml of mineral water
2 tsp salt
Add some water if necessary. When the dough sticks, add some flour.
Then knead with the hand.
Roll out the dough
Place on a baking tray
200 ml whipped cream
Two cups of crème fraîche
Apply cream
Diced onions
Ham cube
Oven: 200 degrees C 10 - 15 minutes
For more infomation >> Flammkuchen Alsatian style - recipe from cooking studio - Duration: 3:39.-------------------------------------------
[Eng Sub] AmigoTV Late Night snack Talk with I.O.I Merry Christmas Ep.01 [1/3] - Duration: 25:18.
[A vacation cottage in Paju]
[Whispering] Today I.O.I's will have pajama party.
Pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat.
[Great selfie spot with lighting]
Amigo TV!
[Is the camera shooting all right?]
I guess the selfie stick broke.
I think it's was broken. Hang on.
[Come on, get fixed]
It's broken.
[Oh no] Can't I use this?
I look too ugly here. Don't use my shot here.
[You're cute, so we used it] I look too ugly. Oh no.
We're at a vacation cottage. Look how great it is.
I look forward to the outdoors.
Jieqiong is asleep from fatigue.
[#Lullaby Jieqiong]
[Se-jeong appears on So-hye's self-cam]
Se-jeong got a makeover. Guess what it is.
[Spunky] That I'm more beautiful?
She dyed her hair.
How do you find today?
I'm full of high hopes.
- My stomach is this tight. - Mine too.
- So look forward to us. - I want to hurry and eat. - Me too.
[Too good to be true snack time for hungry girls]
[Coming soon!]
- I'd love to live here. - Let's work harder.
Let's work hard, I.O.I.
[I.O.I way to go!]
Do we meet here every year?
[18 year old girl's wish] Let's have barbecue at a stream.
Eat whole chicken soup and improve our health.
[20 year old Chae-yeon's wanted game] - And play hwatu. - Hwatu?
We can eat and eat and eat.
Kim So-hye, are you sure that you can pig out?
Of course, I'll eat and eat. Amigo, amigo.
[In an old-man's voice] Quiet or you'd get in trouble.
What does "a-mi-go" mean?
- (A) I.O.I... - (A) I.O.I...
- I.O.I's early Christmas? - That sounds right.
Mini Christmas, go go go.
[That's not what it means] What's that?
- I thought Amigo TV means "Tough to like beautiful girls". - Really?
Amigo! Amigo!
[Jung Chae-yeon (20) / Successful SHINee fan] I'm a SHINee's fan.
[Amigo TV stands for "crazy for idols"]
[The show produces great clips to provide in high quality]
[I.O.I's high tension show!] [Amigo TV start!]
[Great dance!]
[Fun entertainment!]
[Full of support!]
[All you want from I.O.I!] [Amigo TV provides them all!]
I want to keep this for myself.
[Today's mission card for I.O.I!] We got a mission card.
[Expectant] Pretty.
Read it for us.
[Awesome] Girls, this is awesome!
[I.O.I's first-ever early Christmas party] We're having a Christmas party.
[Yay, so exciting]
[Christmas party for no reason! I.O.I has been busy for the last year]
[You'll go separate ways with your backs to I.O.I now]
[A refreshing time for our girls who worked hard for the year]
[Christmas party for no reason!]
Find the 11 hidden gifts.
[Gifts?] - Find them? - Gifts?
[Girls go look for Christmas gifts!]
[Is this it?]
- It's this here. - Is this one?
It's this.
[Yeon-jung finds one in a microwave] I found it!
[Girls come running] What is it?
[Looking hard] I'll look for it to my best.
[Do-yeon finds it in the fridge] I found it!
[I.O.I's Christmas gifts are pajamas for their Christmas party!]
- I can't find it. - There are 11.
11 gifts?
[Girls start to find them] I found it!
- What's this? - I found it!
[So exciting] - I'm so excited. - Right? Fun?
[Jieqiong still looks for hers alone] It's not on the top floor.
[Where is Jieqiong's gift?]
[Annoyed] Why can't I find mine?
[Girls help look for Jieqiong's gift] - Let's look for Jieqiong. - How can this be?
[Where is it?] It couldn't be in the toilet.
I already looked there.
- Jieqiong can't find hers? - No.
[Girls, I'm in here]
Girls, can you help me with this?
[Knock knock, are you there?] Maybe it's in here.
Whose is this?
You never know.
[No way] - Not likely. - Probably not here.
- I already looked there. - You did? - Yeah.
I even looked in the trashcan.
[Lonely gift] We shouldn't be impressed.
Maybe we should find the key to this cabinet here.
[No, you don't need to] Probably not here.
- It's too hard. - Yeah, this is difficult.
[So-mi reaches for the hidden gift]
[She looks under the cushion] Maybe we should look for the key.
[So-mi turns her back on it]
[No, don't go]
[#Did I become a gift for this? #Hurt with shame]
[Will they give up the last gift?]
I found it!
[I.O.I's early Christmas party for no reason starts now]
What's that? Oh my.
Ba ba ba.
[Aha, wow]
Na-young and Chae-yeon should go down together.
I look really handsome.
I love this outfit. I want it for myself.
Let's be funny. Funny.
[Welcome to Amigo TV pajama runway]
[No.1 Yoo-jung in wonderland]
[Red that talks of Christmas]
[Ankle long dress fit that prompts motherly love]
[No.2 Bruce Lee Se-jeong, +200 old man]
[Perfect sync of Bruce Lee as a girl]
[Light walking steps is key]
[No.3 Do-yeon loves hamburgers]
[Red that goes with Christmas, looking great with yellow]
[Like a fresh lemonade juice look]
[Burst of laughter]
- I'm embarrassed. - Oh no, you're so cute.
[Get ready to find her cute] - The cutest. - Oh no, so cute.
[Toddling down]
[No.4 Irreplaceably cute Chung-ha Minion] Come here, cutie pie.
[No.5 Mi-na caught red-handed for tugging at guys' heartstrings]
I can fly down.
[Here comes So-mi the Peter Pan!]
[Dashing So-mi lands on the runway]
I won't lie, or my nose will grow.
What's that?
[No.7 Beautiful Pinocchio from cartoons]
Why is Pinocchio this pretty?
[Jump, jump, jump] Cute.
[Singing their BGM]
[No.8 & No.9] [Yeon-jung Mario & So-hye Luigi]
[In lack of sexy appeal]
- Next. - Next!
[No.10 & No.11] [Rudolph Na-young & Chae-yeon Santa]
Rudolph, bark!
Bark? She's a reindeer.
Pose for the camera.
[All together, it's photo time!]
- Hi! - Hi.
We're idols dressed for Christmas.
I'm embarrassed with the music off.
1, 2, 3! Yes, I love it! We're I.O.I. Hello.
[Amigo TV's first star, I.O.I]
[Girls, welcome to Amigo TV]
[Good to see you]
We never imagined that you'd give us such pretty pajamas.
- We thought they'd be ordinary. - Yeah.
Who do you think has the best pajama-look?
[Q. Who has the best pajama-look?]
- I like Mario. - These two here.
[Girls compliment each other] Santa Claus.
And this prisoner looks great.
Minion and Peter Pan are handsome.
- It's like your own outfit. - Yeah, we have on what suits us.
Na-young is waiting for us to say it's her pajama. Na-young!
Na-young is waiting for us to say it's her pajama.
[Na-young the Rudolph is caught]
I heard that I look handsome so many times today.
- It suits you. - Handsome girl.
[So handsome]
Since we have on pajamas, let's go enjoy the party.
[Let's have fun with party looks]
Shall we dance in our pajamas to "Very Very Very"?
- I want to keep it for myself. - I wanted to do this.
["Very Very Very" pajama version!] - Bring your character alive! - Yeah!
[Rudolph the reindeer] Na-young, walk on all four.
[Do you want to die?] Give us music!
[Just joking]
Give us music!
[Hard level, from the chorus] Where do I stand?
- Who's part is this? - What?
[Best of teamwork] [Girls get in their spots]
[Bruce Lee Se-jeong swings nunchaku]
- Here, here! - It's Jieqiong's part!
[Jieqiong acts like Pinocchio]
I know it now.
[Slap on her butt]
[Flap, flap] [Like a real card soldier!]
[Cute Mario blasts strong wind] Na-young, you disappoint me.
[Heavy hamburger beauty] I ate too many hamburgers.
[Minion to the bone]
[Finally, Rudolph takes the floor!]
[Na-young shows off B-Boying moves] Great!
[BIG BANG - Bang Bang Bang (2015)]
[They start to feel the fun]
[Jessy Matador - Bomba (2011)]
[Let's dance] Here we go!
[They unleash with funky dance]
Come here!
[In a trance]
Where should I take you?
[Boi B - Swallowtail (2016)]
[You can really party]
[Kim Heung-gook - Swallowtail (1989)]
[Se-jeong the old man]
I'm down.
Here come the lyrics, "Fly".
We hid!
What? This song?
Get in formation.
[Best K-Pop in 2016 "Pick Me"]
Girls, get in formation.
I'm exhausted.
["Pick Me" in 2x the speed]
[Great dance, girls]
["Pick Me" in 4x the speed]
[You can take this much, right?] - Let's do it right. - "Pick Me" is a cinch.
["Pick Me" in 8x the speed]
[All in sync]
["Pick Me" in 10x the speed] Faster!
Let's do this!
[Here we go]
5, 6, 7, 8!
What was this part?
[Love you I.O.I, you're great] Awesome!
[Check out I.O.I's 10x "Pick Me" on Amigo TV Facebook page]
[All out of energy]
[Breathing hard]
Turn on more music.
[Hard to calm their fun] - I'm so excited. - Swallowtail!
[Amigo TV]
[I.O.I Body Talk Rule]
[In two teams, pick topic of either person or animal!]
[Take turns to express the word in body language]
[Team with more answers wins!]
[Simple way to team up!] Up to Chae-yeon can go that way!
I did "Body Talk" many times that I'm confident.
[Body Talk teams]
- Either animal or person. - I want to do animal!
[Us too] I want to do animal, too.
[Youngest vs. youngest is the best] Rock-paper-scissors between our youngest.
- Who's the youngest on your team? - I'm good at rock-paper-scissors.
[With Luigi's support] I'll give you Luigi's energy!
[Na-young leads] I'll help. Turn around.
[Whimper] I can do well if I look.
[Yeon-jung wins!] Jeon So-mi, as expected.
[What?] We lost, so we get animals.
[Annoyed] [We get to choose!]
[Humph] [You're so mean]
[Topics for Body Talk] Animals for Na-young, people for Se-jeong!
[Se-jeong who bluffs?] [It's okay, we'll win anyways]
[We won't lose, we're just as good] We can guess from making faces.
- Then want to get people? - No.
[No! Be quiet, friend!]
[Funny] We can guess for people.
- Yeah, we'll win anyways. - Let's get it on.
[So-mi's team goes first!] Want us to start the game?
One from my team will turn the page for you.
[No, Yoo-jung] No! If you do that...
[Yoo-jung is pulled back in]\ Quiet. Go back in, card.
Can you scoot more that way?
[Tense before the game] This is our stage.
[All right] Do you know the rules?
[So-mi's team Body Talk starts!] Get set, go!
[Answer is Hulk] We can guess such people.
[Steve Jobs?] You can do it!
- Pass if you don't know. - Steve Jobs!
[Answer is Steve Jobs]
[Excellent] [Answer is Carry, great Kim Do-yeon]
How did she get that?
[Answer is Iron Man]
[Do-yeon guesses right even before the body moves]
This team is doing great.
[Oh my goodness]
[Answer is Jjangu] Why are you so good?!
[No cheating] Don't mouth the answer.
[Do-yeon?] Don't mouth the answer.
[Charmander?!] Charmander. No, not that.
- McDonald! - Don't mouth the answer.
[Who do I look like?]
[Answer is Jeon Ji-hyun]
[Do we look alike?]
[Sorry, but I'll collapse]
[Yoo-jung flinches] Kim Yuna!
[What?] [Answer is Kim Yuna]
[Awesome] [Unbelievable]
[Answer is Park Myeong-su]
[Answer is Elsa]
[Game over] [Time up for So-mi's team!]
Let's see how many you got. So many answers!
- 1, 2... - Why are you so good?
6, 7, 8, 9!
[So-mi's team gets 9 right!] Shall we bother them?
Get set, go!
[Viewers, make your guesses] Turtle!
- Dog! - Fish! - Otter?
[Na-young answers right!] Water strider!
[What's that?]
[Skips what she doesn't know] - Pass! - Just do anything.
[Looks around] Kangaroo!
- Otter! - Frog!
[Answer is Meerkat]
Hurry up!
- Penguin! - Pass!
[Phew] - Great that we got people. - Yeah.
[( ) eagle] - Eagle! - Hawk!
[Bald eagle] You didn't do it right.
- Gorilla! - It's what you like.
[Answer is King Kong]
- Can I look? - Yeah, sure!
[Answer is sloth]
[It's a certain crab] King crab!
[Frustrated] - Sea crab? - Chili crab!
[Yeon-jung squats on floor again]
[She eats off the floor]
[What's that?]
[Game over for Na-young's team!] What was it?
How many did you get? How many?
- 1. - This is hard. - Tarantula. How can we do this?
- 2! - How can we do this? - 5!
- 6! - How do we know Yeongdeok crabs?
[Na-young's team gets 7 right!] - 7. - How many did you get?
[Na-young's team 7 : So-mi's team 9] 7 answers!
Today's winning team is...
[So-mi's team wins Body Talk!] So-mi's team, raise your arms!
[Too bad]
[For the winning girls' skin] Thank you!
[Prize is facial masks!] These are really expensive ones.
- Don't you want to give to me? Look at my skin. - No.
[Humpf] Go see a dermatologist.
[We love it] - Thank you. - My favorite facial masks!
- Put it on Jieqiong and sleep? - Let's all enjoy this Christmas gift.
[Heartwarming] Let's enjoy it!
[Amigo TV]
Tricker'04 20161219-06 箱根スカイライン - Duration: 6:31.
Suits | Season 6, Episode 11: 'The Return of Katrina Bennett' - Duration: 1:20.
- You convinced Simms Chemical they had no proprietary right
to your client's patent?
- Not only that. I got them to pay for half the research.
It's good to see you, Louis.
- It's good to see you too, Katrina.
- Listen, if you came here to make sure that I kept my word--
- Oh, Katrina, that was a long time ago.
I'm here because I want you to come home.
- Back to the firm?
- Yes.
Back where you belong.
- Louis, I can't do that. - Yes, you can.
And not only that, you can get the ten best associates
from Robert Zane's stable to come with you.
- Louis...
assuming I agreed to do that,
what makes you think I could even convince
the ten worst associates to come with me?
- This does. - What is this?
- It's the class list of Rand Kaldor Zane associates
in the last 20 years.
Back then, six of ten made partner.
Ten years ago, it was down to three.
Class of '09-- - Don't tell me.
Zero. - Look it up.
- None of you are ever going to make partner
because there is no room at the top.
- And what's in this for me?
- You make this happen by the end of the week...
I'll make sure that you are the youngest senior partner
we have ever had.
The Space Between Us
"La La Land" Movie
Gag Concert | 개그콘서트 [ENG / 2017.01.28] - Duration: 1:17:21.
(Large Love)
What's taking Minkyoung so long?
I should give this to her when she gets here.
- Minkyoung. / - Yeah?
I bought bread for you!
Wow! This looks great!
That's balloon bread.
- Balloon bread? / - Yeah.
You're surprised it's empty inside!
I dropped some!
Oh, you're surprised about that?
Just pick these up, blow on them and eat them.
Give me those.
I can't eat these?
They're mine.
Oh, I'm sorry. Eat it all.
Eating this bread makes me crave pan fried rice.
- So that's the point? / - Yeah.
Let's eat then.
Hello and welcome.
What would you like?
I'll have...
- 20... / - Number 20, the combination fried rice?
- Don't cut me off. / - What?
All of them up to 20.
All of them from 1 to 20?
Mister, can you take this?
Hang this up?
No, no, no.
Just hold onto it.
- Make me pan fried rice this big. / - What?
This big.
- In a pan this big? / - Yes, this big.
- That's it. / - You really use your head a lot.
It was nothing...
Have a seat.
This is on the house.
Here's a skewer.
A skewer...
What is this?
It's a skewer I cooked on the pan...
- I can't see it. / - Just a joke.
Here's the real skewer!
A skewer!
This is great, mister.
We'll be eating this.
So make our pan fried rice this big.
- Fried rice on a pan this big? / - Yes.
I'm going to a steel mill in Pohang for a pan.
Hurry back.
- This is great. / - This looks great.
Let's put this down.
I hope it comes soon.
- Minkyoung. / - Yeah?
I have something to tell you.
My mom wants to set me up
with a woman to marry this weekend.
A blind date for marriage?
So you're going?
I have no choice.
Are you...
Going to meet her at a barbecue place?
Korean beef.
Forget you.
I'm going home.
Your food is here.
What? You'll take some to-go?
- Who? / - Fine.
I'll forgive you then.
What? Who are you talking to?
Here's your pan fried rice!
This is great!
I made it into a heart.
So pretty!
You can stir it with this.
Wow, I can...
It'll take forever to stir this around with just this.
Just a joke.
Stir it with this flogging stick.
A flogging stick!
One hit for the fried rice!
Mister, I'll have a tuna pan fried rice this big.
- Tuna pan fried rice this big? / - Yes.
I'm going to General Santos, Philippines
which is the tuna capital of the world.
Hurry back.
- Minkyoung. / - Yeah?
- Let's start eating now. / - Alright!
3, 2, 1! Let's eat!
Hey, I told you not to date my little sister.
Did you just push me?
Who did?
Am I going to have to get rough with you?
Get off me.
I said get off me.
Stop playing around and get off me.
Don't underestimate me.
This is my last warning!
Stop dating my little sister.
I have something to say too.
What should I do?
Minkyoung! Backbreaker!
- Yes! Let's run away! / - I did it!
- Let's go! / - Let's go!
(Go Home)
Axe Gang.
From now on,
you all work under me.
- Got it? / - Yes, boss...
Now get lost.
Good work on overthrowing the Axe Gang
this late at night.
You can go now.
Good work, boss!
We've been working for you for 5 years now.
We'd like to drink with you at your house.
- I live with my family... / - Boss.
Your family is our family too.
- You want to come in that badly? / - Yes!
Let's go in.
It's an honor, boss!
This is my house.
Mom, I'm home.
You're coming home at this hour again?
Want to get kicked out in your underwear again?
Go home.
Go home.
Boss! My mom kicked me out last night totally naked
for coming home late.
At least you got to wear underwear, boss.
Come in.
This is my room, so go ahead and relax.
You brat, I should kick you out...
Mom, these are my friends.
Sanghun, see me outside a moment.
I have important business with my friends
so let's talk later.
Just come out for a bit.
We're talking business here.
- It'll be just a moment. / - What is it?
Wash up before playing!
You're totally filthy, you brat! Get over here!
Go home.
Get over here!
Go home.
Our boss is so scary
but he's just a normal son at home.
Yeah. Why is the boss's room so stuffy?
Let's open a window.
What's this?
I feel a lot better washing...
Go home!
Go home!
Boss, I like to collect dolls too.
I even have a doll house.
- A doll house too? / - Yes.
Let me borrow it.
The girls get cold.
Sure, boss.
Put it back carefully.
Oh, hi, Byeoli.
- My niece. / - Hello.
How cute.
Let's play house.
I'm busy so go play by yourself.
So what do you want to play?
What should I be?
I'm the mommy.
And you're my daughter.
How pretty!
Cover your ears.
Mommy, I don't want to eat dinner.
I want to play with my friends.
Play after you eat!
You never listen! Who do you take after?
You learned from your grandma!
Get off me. Let me go!
Come here, cute niece.
You shouldn't feed your uncle dirt.
- Okay. / - Right! Here.
- A doll. / - A doll!
- You can have this doll so... / - Go home!
Go home!
That's mine!
Go back to your room!
Mom, is Sanghun home?
That's my older brother.
Hey, Sanghun!
Take my suit off now.
And the pants?
- After my friends leave... / - Take them off!
Go home.
Don't laugh and go home!
No more Mr. Nice Guy.
Where's a whipping stick?
You'd better wait here!
Boss, it's running late. We'd better go.
Let's go.
Take me with you.
Take me with you.
- Take you? / - Where?
- Let me crash at your place. / - What?
(Pressured Deal)
DA Jo.
You'd better get the confession for this case.
- Got it? / - Yes, ma'am.
Big bro...
Just listen to what I say.
I'm going to get you out of this.
So don't respond no matter what I ask you. Got it?
Jo Raehun.
You broke into the jewelry shop
on the 13th and stole valuables.
Is this true?
Answer me!
Bro, why did you hit me?
It's just acting.
You broke in and robbed them.
I know it was you!
It's cold.
Don't catch a cold.
I got you a good lawyer, so don't worry.
Where is he? Where's my client?
Step aside!
I'm the lawyer! Where is he?
Here? Step aside! Move it!
Who are you? Move it!
Are you the DA?
I'm the lawyer!
Where's my client? Tell me now.
Right over there.
Why are you on the floor? Come here and sit.
This isn't the old days.
You can't forcefully interrogate him like this.
- I've prepared a lot of files. / - Why do you keep...
What's wrong?
Do not be forceful with him.
Don't worry. I'm here now.
You don't have to worry.
I've brought all these files.
I win every case, I'm lawyer Seo Taehun.
Just trust me. These are all my cases.
Let's see...
Kim Raehun.
No, I'm Jo Raehun.
You changed your name?
My name has always been Jo Raehun.
- You've always been Jo Raehun? / - Yes.
Then who's Kim Raehun?
I don't know. My name is Jo Raehun.
- Jo Raehun. / - Yes.
So Namgung Raehun will be...
No, no.
I'm Jo Raehun.
What did I say?
I'm not Namgung Raehun. I'm Jo Raehun.
- I said Namgung Raehun? / - Yes.
So what is it? Slowly.
Jo... Rae... Hun.
What? One more time.
- Jo Raehun. / - Jo Raehun.
I got it now.
- So Jo Hunrae... / - No, no.
It's Jo Raehun.
I was just trying to be funny there.
- I got it. Jo Raehun. / - Yes.
So Jo Raehun.
- So on January 2016... / - Hold on.
It's 2017 now.
- It's 2017? / - Yes.
- It's the new year? / - Yes.
Oh, happy... Happy New Year.
So Richard Jo...
No, I'm Jo Raehun.
Oh, Jo Raehun.
- DA. / - Yes.
Jo Raehun next to me did not kill anyone.
- No, that's not what I'm in for. / - It's not?
- I got confused. Okay. / - That's not it.
- Oh! Okay. / - It's not.
Jo Raehun next to me
killed someone...
You killed someone? You're a scumbag!
I didn't kill anyone!
- You didn't? / - I didn't!
Then why are you here?
For theft!
- Theft? / - Yes.
Oh... I've never had a theft case before.
Hold on...
What time is it? Hold on...
My watch... Have you seen my watch?
Theft... You thief!
You stole my watch!
It's on that hand!
Oh. Thank you, thank you.
You really saved me.
Let me buy you dinner to thank you.
So call me when you're free.
Alright, Jo Namgung Samuel.
I'm Jo Raehun!
Why can't he get my name right?
Can't you do a proper interrogation?
Step aside.
I'm DA Park Eunyeong.
Jo Raehun.
I can't believe we meet here.
It's been a year since we broke up.
Please don't talk about personal matters.
Jo Raehun, all I want you to do now
is answer the questions I ask you truthfully.
The missing valuables from the scene of the crime.
You stole them, didn't you?
- I did not. / - You stole them all!
I did not!
Then why did you steal my heart?
Do you still love...
Please don't talk about personal matters.
This is a shot of you from
the security camera that night.
You remember this?
- I don't remember. / - You remember!
I do not remember!
Do you remember the matching ring you gave me?
Eunyeong, that was from our 100th day...
Please don't talk about personal matters.
On the night of the crime, you used these hands...
You took yours off.
It's not like that, Eunyeong...
Don't address me so informally.
Please don't address me so formally...
- Eunyeong! / - Don't address me so informally.
Put him in jail!
Now you don't even try to get me back...
It's not like that...
Your soup is here.
What the...
We're pulling an all-nighter, so I ordered soup.
I got your soup here.
Ma'am, I hired you for your skills.
So please try to act natural.
Don't worry.
I've been acting natural here for 10 years.
So don't worry about that.
Do you have the $2,000?
I'll pay you anything you want.
So just make sure you hit him this handcuff key.
Give it to him naturally.
Just trust me.
I have your soup.
You all work so hard day and night.
What did you do wrong for your hands to be cuffed?
Looks like I'll have to feed you.
Very natural.
- Why is my hand trembling? / - Ma'am.
I'll give you a $500 discount.
Let me show you how to best enjoy my soup.
Scoop up rice, add a handcuff key,
a piece of kimchi...
- Why did I just say that? / - Ma'am!
I'll take $500 more off.
If I just naturally feed him this key...
No, it's for unlocking...
I can't do this.
- What's with my legs? / - Ma'am...
(Can't Take it Back)
- Honey. / - Yeah.
It's so great to be at a ski resort.
Yeah. I feel so refreshed!
Honey, honey, honey.
Yeah, yeah, yeah?
Doesn't this snow remind you of that time?
Got to stay focused!
That time?
When is she talking about?
Every day of the year can be that time.
What do I do?
I don't remember.
This snow doesn't remind you of anything?
Yeah, I can't remember anything
because of your beautiful eyes!
Don't forget about me too!
I won't!
Sora, let's go skiing now.
Honey, what are we doing after we ski?
Got to stay focused!
What else is there to do at a ski resort
besides skiing?
What do I do?
Yes! I'll explain today's schedule to her.
After we ski, we'll ski later in the afternoon,
ski after dinner
and then night ski at night!
- Is this the National Training Center? / - What?
- Are we entering the winter Olympics? / - No...
Why would we ski all day? That's so tiring!
It's just that we should get our money's worth here.
Fine. Get your money's worth skiing
and I'll make sure it's really worth your while!
That won't work.
What do I do?
Yes. I'll buy some time to think.
Sora, Sora, Sora! Aren't you cold?
Then let's go back to our room and...
Come back out after lunch.
Don't try anything funny.
That won't work either.
What do I do?
Yes! I'll do whatever Sora wants.
Sora, what do you want to do after we ski?
I want to go to the hot springs.
Sure. Let's do that.
And I want to eat some hot fish cakes.
Sure, let's eat that.
Oh, right. Let's take a gondola ride too.
Yeah, let's do that.
Honey, do you want a beating?
You'd better listen more carefully.
No, it's not like that...
Put more effort into your responses.
- It's not like... / - Fine.
I'll scream in your ear so you hear properly.
It's time for the snowboarding lesson.
The lesson started.
- Let me buy some coffee before it starts. / - Okay.
Hello, teacher.
Have you ever been snowboarding?
I have a few times,
but it's my girlfriend's first time.
She wants to lose weight
so we're taking the class together as an exercise.
But my girlfriend is a bit stiff and clumsy.
Please be good to her.
Gosh, you're so kind.
- Really? / - I bet your girlfriend really likes that.
Got to stay focused.
A hungry tiger wants to attack me
in this Siberian wilderness!
What do I do?
Yes. I'll make Sora focus on the class.
Sora, the basics of snowboarding are simple.
- So let's focus and learn so we can ride. / - Okay.
Falling is the most important part.
- Put your butt out in the horse stance, / - Like this?
- I'm falling, teacher... / - No, no!
Are you okay? Are you alright?
Thank you.
Are you pulling out a radish?
- No... / - Was I planted in the ground?
- It's not like that... / - No.
You were more interested in the teacher.
- I'm a righty... / - Alright, I'll change your mind now!
That won't work.
What do I do?
Yes! We need to get out of here fast.
Teacher, we're good with the lesson now.
Alright then. Bye.
Sora, we've learned enough now.
Let's go to our room and in some hot water...
We can cook instant noodles.
That's all you think about, isn't it?
It's really not like that.
I'm going to change that way of thinking.
You'd better stay sharp!
I was super focused!
(Jeong Myeonghun)
Hello! I'm comedian Jung Seunghwan.
This skit is the only unscripted skit on Gag Concert.
Just like the last episode,
I've asked these three to just sit here.
- Right? / - Yes.
- You don't know what the skit's about. / - Yes.
- Are you curious about the topic? / - No.
Then let's look at the topic first.
You want to order? What would you like?
Ma'am, can I get 2 servings of kimchi stew?
But make it as big as 3 servings.
That kind of lame comment
can't get 3 for 2!
You can't even get 2 for 3!
You need to be witty and funny
when you order food.
What kind of funny order
would our witty comedians here make?
This is comedian Kim Jeonghun.
He placed first in his year
of the KBS comedian auditions.
But he's not a rookie!
He's been a comedian for 7 years!
Some of Jeonghun's colleagues
are the well-known Lee Sanghun
and Seo Taehun.
They're in his year.
But he beat them and placed 1st.
- No, no... / - So!
1st place comedian Kim Jeonghun...
What kind of funny order would you make?
- What? / - Please show them now!
I'd like to order.
The green tea latte and chocolate latte...
Hurry because I'm running latte!
It looks like Jeonghun will be 1st to retire as well.
Good work.
What's with him?
I should shave?
Never mind.
It's Song Yeonggil!
I bet he can be funny! He's funny already!
Just looking at him is funny!
People, this is just my personal opinion.
Yeonggil does not suit Gag Concert.
Why not?
I think he should be on bigger shows
and perform to make more people laugh!
What are you saying?
He has great ideas,
a funny face,
a funny body...
Yeonggil is a comedian molded by God.
- That's ridiculous. / - So!
The comedian God made to be funny!
Song Yeonggil!
What kind of funny order would you make?
Two servings of sausage stew.
No need for a pot.
I have a pot belly here.
Even God makes mistakes.
I really don't want to do this skit!
How long have you been a comedian?
8 years!
Look who's next.
No way!
Please give him a round of applause.
The big brother of Gag Concert!
A lot of guys are bigger than me.
The missionary of laughter!
I'm Buddhist.
It's comedian Jeong Myeonghun.
I've said this over and over,
but he's been a comedian for 20 years.
16 years.
According to a rumor,
Kim Jongun of North Korea said
he wanted to invite him to his birthday party.
What should I get as a gift?
He united Korea with laughter!
Comedian Jeong Myeonghun!
Before he makes his funny order...
We gave something out to you all.
Please lift up Myeonghun's face!
You spent money again?
You all lifted Myeonghun's face.
Lift Myeonghun!
Lift up Myeonghun!
Everyone, let's chant!
Jeong Myeonghun! Jeong Myeonghun!
Jeong Myeonghun!
- Are you all ready to laugh? / - Yes!
All preparations are complete!
20 years of experience in comedy!
Comedian Jeong Myeonghun!
What kind of funny order would you make?
This is both embarrassing and painful.
Excuse me, ma'am.
We finished the chicken stir-fry.
Can we get some fried rice?
And make sure to yell at them.
And perm my hair.
(Confusing News)
This is the North Korean news.
After 10 years of development, North Korea
has finally made a portable storage device,
a USB flash drive.
- Comrade Byeoli. / - Yes.
I filled this with music.
What's wrong with it?
It's out of space.
But with only 36 more of these USB flash drives,
you can hear the entire song, so don't worry.
Next is news on South Korea.
Famine is quite severe in South Korea now.
South Korea is so short on food
that they eat cotton.
And they even eat worms like these.
We can't contain our pity!
Women that live on islands called crushes
are quite popular in South Korea.
And why are crushes so popular?
They're good at attracting many fish
for them to eat.
We can't contain our pity!
Next, Reporter Lee Changho is in South Korea
to give us news on South Korea.
Reporter Lee Changho!
This is Reporter Lee Changho in South Korea.
I'm at a place in South Korea called a coffee shop.
- Here's the espresso you ordered, sir. / - Thanks.
They're so short on drinking water
that they only get a chick's tear worth of coffee.
He scowls as it tastes horrible.
Here's the bubble tea you ordered.
They're so short on food
that they even eat frog eggs.
They even eat hair mousse.
I could cry enough to fill up Dumangang!
Good work.
Now, we'll watch a commercial.
Stop the car.
Stop the car!
How can I stop here?
Build a statue of the Supreme Leader!
Not just any statue.
A statue of the Supreme Leader!
Let's raise North Korea's pride!
North Korean King!
Next, let's get back to Reporter Lee Changho
in South Korea for more news on South Korea.
Reporter Lee Changho!
I am at a waxing and tanning shop in South Korea.
And what is a waxing and tanning shop?
It's a new type of torture center.
All sorts of horrible tortures are carried out here.
This place is filled with screams from this torture
where every hair on your body is torn off.
And what is that machine behind you?
It's a torture device called a tanning bed.
They put a living person inside this hot furnace
and bake them to a crisp.
- You're going to tan? / - Yes.
I'll make sure you get nice and dark.
Another comrade has disappeared into ashes.
I could cry enough...
You're hearing for a waxing?
Right this way.
Reporter Lee Changho!
No, not there!
- It's fine. / - Not there!
Reporter Lee Changho!
Reporter Lee Changho!
My loins are ablaze!
If there's a hell...
It's this place here!
Good work.
The people of North Korea, have a lovely night.
(The Most Sensitive People)
I'll never stay out all night drinking again!
So please let me back home!
I'll come with pizza, your favorite.
Hello? Hello?
So your entire judo team wants to come?
Sure. We'll make room for you.
See you soon.
- Alright. / - Okay. I just got here.
You're from the judo team.
- Judo team? / - What?
I am not a judoka!
Then why are you in a judo uniform?
This isn't a judo uniform!
It's by a famous designer.
- Really? That's what you're wearing. / - Excuse me?
- No, no. It was nothing. / - Excuse me.
Do you have pizza here?
Sure. What kind of pizza dough?
- Judo throw? / - What?
Mister! I'm not a judoka.
Stop using judo terms. It offends me.
- It's not like that. / - Forget it. Where's the bathroom?
It's over there,
but it's being fixed now so you can't go in.
- Can't go in? / - What?
- Mister. / - Yes?
You were talking about me, weren't you?
How so?
You teased me for not being able to go home.
- I didn't. / - Excuse me.
- Yes. / - Some water please.
Water. Sure. Water...
Hold on...
Did someone put their mouth on this?
Mister, you teased me for having a protruding mouth!
It wasn't like that. I didn't mean...
Have a seat, miss. I'm sorry.
Please have a seat.
- Welcome. / - I'd like some water.
Water? Sure.
Better use a different one.
Here you go.
Drink up.
Why aren't you giving me a cup?
Oh, my mouth sticks out
so I can drink without a cup?
- Mister! / - Yes?
I'm not a crane!
Yes, I never said you were...
Alright, I'll get this out of here.
Forget it. I'll have this.
Sure. Just this?
You don't need any coffee or a beverage?
This is plenty!
What do you know?
Do judo?
Lady, I'm not a judoka!
I have a weak body so I can't practice judo!
Alright. That's enough already.
Gosh... I'm afraid for my life.
I'm afraid of my wife?
That's why I got kicked out!
Why do you have to rub it in?
I wasn't saying that... Fine! I'm sorry.
Gosh, me and my big mouth...
Big mouth?
How do I have a big mouth?
Your mouth isn't the issue.
My mouth isn't the issue,
but I have problem elsewhere?
Gosh, that's a misunderstanding. I wouldn't say that.
Gosh, what a day...
What's that sound?
A zombie!
- I am not a zombie! / - What?
Don't be ridiculous.
What's with your eyes?
These are colored contacts!
- Really? / - I bought the wrong color!
So you bought that color...
And what's with your clothes?
This is the vintage look!
- Oh, I see. / - The nerve of this guy...
Why are you doing that?
My neck is stiff!
I have turtle neck!
I've been going to the hospital.
I'm sorry.
You need to stretch a lot for turtle neck.
Everyone knows that!
That mouth of yours...
This mouth of mine?
My mouth is pretty but everywhere else is ugly?
No, no. You're very pretty.
Just let it go.
Leg-trip throw?
I'm not a judoka, mister! What's your problem?
Do you want to start up with me or what?
Oh, come on!
Keep this up and I'll kick you out!
Kick me out?
If I'm kicked out of my house and this place,
where am I supposed to go?
- No... / - And another thing.
Where's my pizza?
I'm sorry. Almost ready.
You won't be unfed.
I am not undead! I said I'm not a zombie!
- Geez! / - Please!
This is baseless.
I need braces?
I had braces!
Mister! Don't be ridiculous and get me my food!
Hurry it up! On the double!
- Geez... / - Alright! Stop the hassling!
Stop the grappling?
Mister! I don't know how to grapple!
I'm not a judoka!
You need to beg me for forgiveness.
I did beg for forgiveness
but my wife still won't let me in!
Gosh, that woman is such a fat witch.
I'm such a catfish?
How do I look like a catfish?
What're you looking at?
You look like you'd eat me alive.
I don't eat people!
Why? Because I am not a zombie!
- Stop it, people! / - Geez...
And don't make this guy angry!
It's okay for me to get angry.
I won't bite anyone!
What's this? There's a pack of them!
They're patients that go to my hospital!
We're just here to eat! Is that such a crime?
- Gosh... / - Geez, this guy...
Is so insensitive!
(Angry Bosses)
New guy!
What're you drinking?
This is coffee.
Chief, want me to get you one?
Give me your credit card and I'll go buy one.
But I was going to drink some of yours.
- Oh, okay. / - Give me that.
This looks good.
It's hot.
Why were you drinking it like iced coffee?
I'm good at eating hot things.
I'll take that.
But I was going to blow on it and drink all of it.
But I have the flu.
I'm not drinking this!
Get to work!
- What was that? / - Hello!
Good morning!
Who are you?
I'm the new intern.
Why are you so late then?
There was some traffic so I was bit late.
Don't you know there's always traffic in the morning?
You should've came out earlier!
If you know there's always traffic in the morning,
we should be allowed to come in later.
Goodness... Hold on.
Let me go eat first.
You should work and then eat!
I have to eat to work.
Then you should've ate at home!
Then I would've been even later!
What on earth is your deal?
I'm intern Park Soyeong.
How dare you talk back to me?
I'm talking back to you because you're talking to me!
What's his deal?
Why did we hire someone like her?
Why did I get hired by a guy like him?
Chief, I'm going to go eat.
Hey, intern.
What's with her?
- Hey, Seonguk. / - Yes.
I told you to make a shoe sample.
You call this a shoe?
Did you make this?
I'm sorry.
- This is the work of a master. / - What?
Is he trying to chew me out or compliment me?
This gets an A.
Thank you!
Hey. You'll never sell a shoe like this.
I'm sorry.
Because they'll be all sold out.
You'll be historical in the world of shoes.
That should be forgotten!
That's why people will point at you!
I see...
With the thumbs up.
You'll always live like this!
You'll always be sucking your thumb!
You'll be poor all your life!
I'm sorry.
Nobel was poor, yet he turned his life around.
I'm saying to become like Nobel.
Thank you!
And what happened to Nobel?
He became a great inventor!
He died, fool!
Get lost!
What does he want me to do?
Gosh, that was tasty.
Hello, sir!
New guy!
Hey, is this Bean Pole?
This isn't that brand.
I'm saying it reeks of vintage.
I went into your social media page.
Those were some nice travel photos.
Was that D or U?
What's D and U?
Southeast Asia or Europe?
Oh, I went to Germany in Europe.
I've been to M.
M? America?
I haven't been anywhere.
But I like Itaewon because it's like the U.S.
New guy.
Can you speak a foreign language?
Yes, I'm very good.
Oh, blah, blah.
Is the foreign language you speak this or this?
What's this and this?
Is it English or Japanese?
Oh. I'm good at both.
Arigatou, thank you.
I'm this.
You speak four languages?
I'm only good at dialect.
Have you eaten?
Yes, sir!
New guy, when you were traveling did you stay in
this or this?
What's this and this?
A first-class resort or a 5-star hotel?
A 5-star hotel.
5-star! Breakfast included!
I stayed in this.
Wow! 10-star?
A tent.
It's nice and warm with a sleeping bag.
So when you went,
did you go with this or this?
What's this and this?
This is a woman
and this is a man.
I went with a woman.
Woman! You went with a girl!
Look at you!
I went with this.
With the person you love?
With two dogs.
They barked so much...
But it was nice because they guarded my tent.
New guy, how about after work at 7,
we go for some snacks and beers
as you teach me English and Japanese?
Oh, sure. Sounds good.
- You understood? / - Yes.
- Great. / - Yes.
Then for a snack should we get this or this?
What's this and this?
This is dried cuttlefish
and this is...
Oh! Squid!
What should we get?
Let's get cucumbers.
- You want cucumbers? / - Yes.
I see you like crunchy foods.
- Yes. / - Good.
- Manager Song. / - Yes.
Want to go for a beer?
A beer? No!
Alright then.
I want to get 10 beers!
What was that?
Chief, come have some cucumbers with us.
Will cucumbers be enough?
Let's get fried chicken and drinks.
I'll buy drinks.
Thank you!
But I'm only buying the drinks.
You're buying the chicken.
I have coupons for the chicken.
(Monday, go away)
(Hello, Monday)
(Young President)
Why is the president so late today?
- Here comes the president. / - Here he is.
I'm sorry for being a bit late.
They blocked off all the streets.
Cars can't get through. It's nuts.
Who is blocking the president's way?
You blocked them all off for a ceremony.
Everyone had to wait 7 minutes
for you to go 12 seconds.
Some people might think
I got a special ceremony.
But I am the prime minister and acting president,
so I just got the treatment I deserve.
- Really? / - Yes.
Since there was traffic, I bought some of these.
- Nice and warm... / - Carp bread!
A letter of apology.
Sit down and write one.
- A letter? / - Write it in 12 seconds.
Please have a seat
and get started with the reports.
I'm the Minister of Law, Hong Hyeonho.
Oh, Minister Bao Zheng?
Go ahead.
Both parties are complaining a lot
about the change in election laws.
What about the election laws?
As you can see,
many countries allow people to vote
starting at the age of 18.
So many people are saying the 18-year-olds
of Korea should also be allowed to vote.
That was well-prepared, right?
Pat, pat.
You can't just be vague and say
many people are talking about it.
You should've got a precise figure
of how much they want it
and gave a more rational explanation!
How could I say this more rationally?
Don't be so emotional about it!
Give us a precise figure
and explain it rationally!
Please quiet down.
Who are you to butt in?
I'm sorry. I'm old
so my heart is weak
but I was forced here because
the president called me here.
Who are you?
I don't know.
What the...
You don't know?
I don't know.
But you have a nameplate in front of you.
Now that I think about it, I can't say that
I completely don't know.
What the...
Resign at once!
So you're saying we should let
18-year-old youths vote.
No. Hold on, hold on. Listen to me.
18 years old means they're high school seniors.
They don't have values yet!
What do they know about politics?
All they'll do is vote for who their parents tell them to!
High school seniors should just study hard
so that they can become big in this world.
Look at me!
I became really big.
Why are you all making the hasty conclusion
that high school seniors don't have values?
See if the youths want any part in politics or not
and then decide with a majority vote.
Now that's democracy.
The majority vote is very dangerous.
Because of a majority vote Socrates and Jesus
were both sentenced to death!
Oh, really?
Then since majority votes are dangerous,
I will independently dismiss you.
I've been dismissed?
Not just like this.
After you write a letter of apology.
- Another letter... / - Write them all.
I've noticed on TV these days...
Corporate tax was it?
They've been fighting over that.
What's going on?
I'll answer that.
I'm the Minister of Economy, Lee Hyeonjeong.
Oh, clerk. Go ahead.
Big companies get too much special treatment
compared to
independent and small-scale businessmen.
That's why I think we should
raise the corporate tax.
Don't be so vague and just say
they get a lot of special treatment!
Bring us precise figures showing
the amount of money they received
and speak rationally about it!
- When wasn't I rational? / - I'm not picking a fight!
You're a minister of a country!
You can't even memorize figures!
And you call yourself a minister?
It's the guillotine for you all!
Minister. Please stop it.
Don't just tell me to stop.
Tell me how many times I can talk before I stop!
Get me a precise figure and tell me!
I'll give you a precise number.
Starting on January 15th, resign as a minister.
I... Should've kept my composure.
To anyone that has been offended by my words
including the president,
I'm very sorry.
No need for apologies between us.
Just resign at once!
Quiet down!
Always telling people to resign.
Just hold on.
Big companies are really struggling these days!
How could you talk about raising corporate taxes?
Always being asked to give raises!
Always being called out to hearings!
The big company owners have it so rough that
their kids drown their sorrows in alcohol!
Then they're accused of causing a disturbance!
The rich should prosper
for the people to be comfortable!
The rich are doing very well now!
Look at me! I'm very comfortable.
Then let's do this.
We won't raise corporate taxes.
We'll collect a rich tax from the rich.
You'll collect a rich tax?
More specifically, I'll be collecting taxes
for their crimes.
They assault drivers, cause disturbances on planes,
act high and mighty at bars...
They should be taxed
for these wrong-doings.
Then as I think back to my past wrongs,
I'll pay a crime tax.
- Look here. / - Yes?
You're not rich!
Quiet down!
- What? / - I'll tell everyone...
The big companies paid you off, Prime Minister!
I'll expose your blacklist!
- I'll expose all your corrupt donations! / - Hold on.
You keep saying you'll expose things.
Those that want to expose...
Be careful of the small red car
and be careful when you eat instant noodles.
And be especially careful of Bukhansan.
I'll be going then...
Hold on. Where are you going?
I'm going to check out a tablet PC.
What? A tablet PC?
I hear it just came out.
What just came out?
Big bro!
Where are you going, big bro?
(Acting Idols)
We'll start the auditions for
the movie "Love and Parting."
First candidate, come on in!
You're very handsome.
Please introduce yourself.
Let me introduce myself.
I dream of being Korea's best actor.
I'm Im Seonguk.
Seonguk, you seem really nervous.
I'm not nervous at all.
Did you memorize the script?
Yes, I memorized all of it.
Then don't be nervous
and focus on your acting.
Acting... Start!
We're breaking up?
You said you loved me yesterday,
but today you want to break up.
You're a very diffident woman.
- Difficult. / - Oh, oh. Difficult woman...
Sujeong, I can't break up with you. You know that!
You're my heavy thing.
- Everything. / - Oh... Everything.
Don't you remember?
- Our lovely emery. / - Memories.
Oh... Memories.
Sujeong, even if you have a change of heart,
to me you're still in here.
Not in there. Lower.
- You're still in here. / - Higher.
You're still in here.
What? But you're still leaving me?
Fine. Go.
But I'll get my expense.
- Revenge. / - Reef end.
- No. / - Befriend.
- No. / - Pretend?
Go play pretend. You're out.
Next contestant, please come out!
I'm a Hollywood actress, Nami Oh.
You're out.
- Want to hear what I have to say? / - Nope.
They're going crazy now in Hollywood to cast me.
Thanks for the info.
- Shall I show you? / - No thanks.
Here I go.
So the female lead dies in this scene.
Just a moment.
- Can you play the other role? / - Nope.
I'm going to.
Don't be too sad when I die.
I think I'll be ecstatic.
- Date other women. / - Most definitely.
I'm sleepy.
Can you make it so I'm not sleepy?
♪ Rockabye baby on the treetop ♪
I love you.
Nami... Nami...
Disgusting. What do you think you're doing?
This is Hollywood!
If you do this, the guys go crazy!
They love it!
And they scream!
They're screaming from fear.
You little twerp...
- I'll show you my next act. / - Don't.
I'm going to.
An action scene.
Just a moment.
What is she doing?
You killed my father.
You won't get away with this!
Come on, baby.
Nami, this is disgusting. What is this?
This is Hollywood...
What was that?
If you do this, the guys go crazy!
They love it!
And they shoot love bullets!
Get out. You're out.
- Get out. / - Thank you.
Next contestant, come on in.
You have a very unique look.
Let me introduce myself.
I'm a rookie actor, Kim Hwekyung.
I believe the set-up is key in acting.
Things can really change depending on the set-up.
Right, the set-up for acting is very important.
Then what kind of acting will you show us?
An gangster meeting his mob boss.
Alright. Here we go. Acting start.
Boss... Hey! Get off! Get off!
What are you doing?
The set-up is that my boss' dog just bit me.
- There's no dog. / - Alright.
Boss. Boss.
- Boss. Boss. / - What are you doing?
The set-up is that my boss has a pet parrot.
Don't do things like that! Just meet your boss!
- Boss, how could you do this to me? / - Great.
Do you know how long I worked under you?
Do you know how many years?
No. No. No. No. No.
Hold on. How many times are you going to say no?
The set-up is that my boss keeps guessing wrong.
Forget that and just beg!
Boss, I'm begging you.
Please forgive me just this once...
Thank you! Thank you!
Very good...
What are you doing?
The set-up is that I begged until
my hands turned into feet.
- Just walk on out. You're out. / - Alright.
Just walk normally!
Next contestant, come on out!
Hello, ma'am.
I've been an actress for 40 years. I'm Kim Jeongja.
Ma'am, there are only light roles for you in our movie
like the employee at the free sample corner...
Light roles do not exist in acting.
You give it your all and act with weight.
This is the spirit of acting.
Let's do the scene with the customer right away.
Right away does not exist in acting.
Acting is a labor of waiting.
To pull out all our inner emotions, we must wait.
I'm filled with emotions...
Try some before you go, sir!
You went way overboard.
There is no overboard in acting.
I just clearly expressed the employee's sentiment
of wanting to sell just one more.
This is the spirit of acting.
When will you do the check-out scene?
There is no when in acting.
My body doesn't move my emotions,
my emotions control my body.
And I am just a puppet to those emotions.
I'm being controlled by my emotions!
Would you like a receipt?
Plastic bags cost 40 cents!
You're out.
- Ma'am, are you okay? / - Are you alright?
Want an autograph?
(Wanted to Try)
I'm so bored.
- Sir. / - Yeah.
I've been working here for a year
and I haven't seen a single criminal.
I haven't seen one in 20 years, fool.
But we were busy last year.
- Take a look. / - Sure.
Our cases for 2016.
3 cases of domestic disturbance.
All my house. I almost died that one time, right?
- I'm the one that saved you. / - Thanks!
- And? / - That's it.
- It was a busy year. / - Yes.
- Anyway, I'm going to feed the dog. / - Okay.
Just relax.
- Let's go, junior. / - Yes, sir!
- Just come back in 2 days. / - Alright.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Yes, hello. What would you like?
Coffee or green tea? Which one?
- No, not that. / - Okay.
I'm here to turn myself in.
- Mister. / - Yes.
You'll get in trouble for making jokes like that.
You can go now! Shoo!
Hey, hey. This isn't a joke.
I'm a criminal.
- A criminal? / - Yes.
- What is it? / - Get away!
- What? / - Stay back!
- Don't move! / - Alright!
- Put that down! / - Stay away!
Put that down!
Calm down. Have a seat here.
Calm down.
Sit, sit. Be cool.
Why are you so worked up?
I've never seen a criminal.
- Oh, I see. / - Yes.
- Officer Kim! / - Don't be so worked up.
- Don't worry. / - No! Don't come in!
Why shouldn't I come in?
Oh, we have a guest.
Who is it? A friend?
I'm a criminal.
What's wrong?
- Get away! / - What is it? Alright!
- Don't try anything funny! / - Save me!
Hold still!
- I have a wife and kids! / - Alright!
- Save me... / - Alright! Alright!
Don't get so worked up!
Calm down.
Why are you so worked up?
- I've never seen a criminal... / - I see.
Gosh, it's nice to meet you!
What a rare guest this is!
Look up and smile.
- Why'd you take a photo? / - This is so interesting.
- Please have a seat. / - Okay.
So what brings this rare guest to our police station?
Being on the run is too tough.
I'm here to turn myself in.
- You're a wanted criminal? / - Yes.
So this is what a wanted criminal looks like.
Don't touch me!
Alright, alright.
I won't do anything.
- A criminal. / - No, no.
You're not going to question me?
- I'm here to turn myself in. / - Question, question.
I'm sorry but how do they do it at other stations?
How could you ask me that?
Do these cops know how to do anything?
What do we know?
You punk! You think this is your living room?
You're going in for life this time.
- Geez! / - What was that all of a sudden?
- I've always wanted to try that. / - What the...
- What was that? / - I've always wanted to try that.
- So good to meet you, Mr. Criminal. / - What the...
- Chief. / - Yeah?
- You were like a real policeman just now. / - Yeah?
You are a real policeman!
And I'm here to turn myself in
so please lock me up!
- How many times must I say it! / - Taser him!
What was that?
Wow... This thing works.
- That was my first time using it. / - Yeah?
- Yes. / - Why would you taser me?
- I've always wanted to try that. / - I wanted to see.
- What's going on? / - Dongyun!
What the...
Gosh, it's so hot.
- You're here? / - Yes.
- Officer Im. / - Yes.
My usual coffee order. 2, 2, 3.
2, 2, 3?
- Yeah. / - 2 cups, 2 cups, 3 cups.
You always drink 7 cups at a time!
Dongyun, show some country hospitality.
Don't be so cold-hearted.
Hey, who's that?
Haven't seen him before.
He's a criminal.
A criminal?
What's a criminal doing at a police station?
I find that interesting too.
What are you saying?
- Can you believe it? / - Seriously.
Alright, get back to it. I'm going to play chess.
Then shall I get started
with my police thingy?
Just do what you usually do.
- Officer Im. / - Yes.
Wow... I saw that on "Memories of Murder."
- People still use these? / - Have a seat.
- I'll start the questioning. / - Yes.
- Im Wooil. / - Im Wooil.
- Your crime? / - Pickpocketing.
Pick... Officer Im.
He'll go in for 3 years for pickpocketing, right?
Sure. Around 3 years.
Just 3? What about country hospitality?
- Give him 6 years. / - What?
- Alright, 6 years. / - No, hold on.
- Who is he to give me 6... / - 6 years!
- What was that? / - Sit down, 6 years.
- Is this your first offense? / - Yes.
First offense...
Only first offense?
Give him more. That's country hospitality.
Give him like 10 priors.
No, hold on!
What are you talking about?
It's my first offense!
How could you be so ridiculous and say 10?
You're a bunch of know-nothing cops!
I'm going to turn myself in elsewhere!
You'd better sit back down. Sit.
Do you take us for a bunch of fools?
Officer Im, turn the security camera around.
You're dead meat now.
What did you just turn in the air now?
Hey, bring the victims in.
Victims, get in a single file line!
- There's nobody. / - Look at this.
That's your mark from the scene of the crime.
Parking tickets...
How did you catch the criminal?
- Get this reporter out of here! / - That's a squash!
- Cover his face! / - Don't throw eggs!
Why are you all doing this?
- Hold still! / - Geez! What's this all about?
We've always wanted to try that.
(If Sundays are happy, Korea is happy)
(Hello, Monday)
(Fairy Tale Beats)
Okay, okay, okay! Come on, man!
Put a fairy tale on a beat!
Beat them down with the beat!
This is Fairy Tale Beats!
The first track is...
"Heungbu and Nolbu!"
Okay! DJ Cypher Track, drop the beat!
Oh yeah. Come on!
♪ Yo, ride the rhythm, come on ♪
♪ Yo, ride the rhythm ♪
♪ My name is poor man Heungbu ♪
♪ I'm most afraid of Nolbu's wife ♪
♪ Yeah! Come on! Yeah! ♪
Yo, what's up? Yo, yeah, yeah.
Dad, I'm hungry!
You're hungry?
My poor children...
I'll get some rice so just wait.
Gosh, Nolbu's wife is so scary.
Hello, it's me Heungbu.
Yo, make some noise!
♪ I'm Nolbu and I was born rich ♪
♪ A millionaire that hangs out all day ♪
♪ I love sausage stew ♪
♪ And boiled pork with kimchi ♪
♪ I'm Nolbu's wife, the lady of this house ♪
♪ This is part of our wealth ♪
♪ We don't donate to anyone ♪
Hello, you two.
I'm sorry but I'm here for some rice.
Who do you think you are coming here like this?
Take this!
Ouch, that hurt!
- Take this! / - Ouch, that hurt!
♪ Ride the rhythm even when I get slapped ♪
♪ Ride the rhythm, ride the rhythm ♪
♪ Ride, ride ♪ Hit me more. I need more rice.
Gosh, thank you.
I don't have rice for you so beat it!
- Geez... / - This isn't enough.
May I have a bit more?
You must be out of your mind!
Where's a bigger scooper?
A bigger scooper?
Looking for a bigger scooper?
What the...
Hello, Heungbu.
I'm big scooper. Listen.
♪ Heungbu is picking rice off his face ♪
♪ I want to stick some multi-grain rice on his face ♪
♪ The burnt rice on the scooper has become harder ♪
♪ Soak the scooper in water before you wash it ♪
What the...
♪ If you don't soak the scooper ♪
♪ Your mom will yell at you ♪
I'll hit you with this!
What was that?
That felt so gross!
What was that?
I have no more rice for you
so don't ever come back!
- Let's go. / - Please!
At least I got this much.
Let's share this.
I'm sorry this is all I could get.
- I'm so pathetic... / - Dad, I'm hungry!
Why can't I hear?
Did I get slapped too much?
Why can't I hear?
What the...
What's wrong, dad?
Oh, it's nothing. I can hear now.
Let's go home.
They're asleep.
- Mom. / - Honey.
My babies...
- The babies are asleep? / - Yes.
- Yeah? / - Yes.
Our seventh got in a fight in school today.
And our 10th didn't do his homework.
And our 27th wants a younger brother...
Oh, come on.
- He wants a little brother. / - What's with you?
♪ Ride the rhythm even when I get butt bumped ♪
♪ Ride the rhythm, ride the rhythm ♪
Move your butt.
Let's just get to bed.
- I'm exhausted. / - Honey. Honey.
Why can't I hear?
Honey, I can't hear.
- You can't hear? / - I can't hear. What's wrong?
That means you've gone deaf.
Heungbu's gone deaf?
Heungbu's gone deaf!
♪ Heungbu's gone deaf ♪
♪ Big bro, how could you make me go deaf? ♪
♪ What will I do about my kids? ♪
♪ Give me my hearing back ♪
♪ We're no longer brothers ♪
♪ I hate you, Nolbu ♪
♪ You've made me deaf ♪
♪ I really can't hear ♪
How long was I passed out here?
I can hear again. Honey! Honey!
- Are you up? / - I can hear again.
- What a relief. / - What happened?
We found a donor and got you the surgery.
- Yeah? / - Yes.
What a relief.
This is all Nolbu's fault that this happened.
I'm going to give him a piece of my mind.
Nolbu, it's me Heungbu.
Listen to me, Nolbu!
Are you...
To give me my hearing back...
You donated your own hearing...
I didn't even know...
I'm sorry, Nolbu!
Man, I love this song.
- What the... / - What the...
Why are you here, fool?
You didn't donate your hearing to me?
What are you talking about? Want another beating?
Where's the scooper?
- Why the scooper? / - Looking for me again?
What the...
Where is he?
What the...
Hello, Heungbu. So we meet again.
I'm big scooper.
I'll get hit again...
Master, where should I hit him?
Hit his butt!
- His butt? Hold on. / - My butt...
Okay, okay!
That's Heungbu's story of how
Heungbu went deaf, man!
Okay, next week!
(Here Comes the Groom)
Mingyu's dad.
Did you come from somewhere?
I told my wife I'm going to play soccer
and came for a drink.
Gosh... Mingyu's dad!
What are you doing?
You should look sweaty after playing soccer.
So you're drinking with the dads of apartment 3?
I got in touch with them but I don't know if
they'll make it because of their wives.
- Just wait a bit for them. / - Yes.
Mingyu's dad!
Chaeyeon's dad, how did you get out?
My wife said always staying home isn't healthy
and she told me to get some air.
She really cares about your health.
Not me. For the baby!
Don't cry, don't cry.
It's Lightning Man!
Lightning power!
What a relief.
- Let's drink like lightning and go home. / - Alright!
Hello! Hello!
Biho's dad.
How did you get out at this hour?
- I was kicked out. / - Kicked out...
What did you do this time?
My wife kicked me out for vacuuming while she
was on the phone with her friend.
Are you insane?
Don't you know you're only supposed
to use a rag when your wife is on the phone?
That's why they teach you floor wiping in the army!
Wipe the floor! Now!
1, 2, 3, 4!
The other way!
- Let's sit down. / - Yes.
And we're splitting the bill today.
- Yes. / - Of course.
What's that?
Ta-da. My secret stash.
Such an amateur.
That's all over the internet.
You should hide it like me.
What the...
- That's how you don't get caught. / - Nice one.
What if your wife asks you
why you have a pain relief patch on?
She doesn't care whether I'm in pain or not.
It's not like you can hide much in there.
Hide a bunch of money in an envelope like this.
It's such a big envelope. You'll get caught.
That's why I have this... Ta-da!
What the...
"You found your hidden gift. I love you, honey."
This way you won't get in trouble.
It must be tiring for you both.
My wife has been restless in bed
since she's pregnant so I'm tired too.
Who's this?
It's the wife.
I told her not to call. I should yell at her.
Yes, my dear, go ahead.
You want to move to a bigger house
since the baby will be born soon?
An apartment with a view of Hangang?
Oh, it's not you, the baby wants to see Hangang?
I'm just asking because I'm not sure.
But does the baby know about a view of Hangang?
Don't cuss at me! I'm sorry!
I'll look into it!
I'm going house hunting.
I moved into an apartment with 4 rooms recently.
What's interesting is that there are 4 rooms
but I don't have a room.
Master bedroom, 1st kid's room, 2nd kid's room
and clothes room.
What's more interesting is when
I asked my wife where my room was.
She opened the door to the bathroom!
Don't cry! Don't cry!
I'm not badmouthing mommy.
I'm complimenting her for giving me
that bathroom to do my important business.
There, there.
Daddy is an important person.
- All the dads of apartment 3 are here. / - Yes.
You all look like you're having fun.
Have another round.
What the...
I guess I caught a cold from the cold weather.
- Chaeyeon's dad, you caught a cold? / - Yes.
Why are you congratulating me for catching a cold?
If you catch a cold,
your wife will tell you to keep your distance.
Sneeze on me!
Sneeze on me!
Take my germs!
(1 vs. 1)
Quiz show 1 vs. 1!
We have lots of contestants today.
Let's meet the first contestant.
I'm from L.A. My weight could kill you. I'm Kilogram.
Why do you do that?
It's hip hop.
Don't do that. Here's your first question.
I said don't do that.
Stop it.
Here's your first question!
This is the lightest substance in the world
with no color or smell.
This is the answer.
- It's light? / - Yes.
The sentence for the faulty humidifiers.
What are you saying?
We waited 5 years
and all he got was a light sentence.
♪ Yo, the dangerous humidifier sterilizer ♪
♪ Entire family was the victim ♪
♪ But you got off for lack of evidence ♪
♪ You should apologize your entire life ♪
Why do you keep talking about this stuff?
It's hip hop.
- Minsang. / - Yes.
They said the humidifier sterilizer...
- Wasn't harmful to humans. / - Right.
Then we should put those humidifier sterilizers
in all of their prison cells.
Why put it in there?
They can use them so that they can get
a small taste of what the victims got.
Where would they put it?
Next to the bed, bed, bed!
Stop that yapping!
Here's your next question.
They're unidentified flying objects.
Some people claim to have seen them.
What are these unconfirmed things?
This is the answer.
- People have seen but it's unconfirmed? / - Yes.
The cultural blacklist.
What are you saying?
This is what a certain minister's
act about the cultural blacklist.
♪ Doesn't swear in as a witness ♪
♪ Only answers after asking 18 times ♪
♪ Continues to praise the president ♪
♪ The only thing you get is sentenced for perjury ♪
Why do you keep talking about this stuff?
- It's hip hop. / - Gosh...
- Minsang. / - Yes.
I made a remake of a song recently.
Really? Let me hear it.
Featuring the Minister of Culture and Sports.
What did you prepare this time?
Congressman, that's what the DA is saying.
- If you keep... / - ♪ Say it! Yes or no ♪
♪ Say it! Yes or no ♪
- Congressman... / - ♪ Say it! Yes or no ♪
- Let me just finish... / - ♪ Say it! Yes or no ♪
The DA just started...
Congressman, please listen...
Stop it already!
What was that all about?
You look really weird right now.
Let's meet the next contestant!
Nice to see you, Il Hoseon.
Hello, Minsang.
I brought a gift for you today.
What gift?
- You drive a car. / - Yes.
I brought you a steering wheel cover.
Wow, a steering wheel cover...
- Warm for winter. / - I found this.
It's really nice.
This is leftover pizza crust!
This is pizza?
- Oh, yeah! / - What are you saying?
Don't eat that! It's gross! Don't mess around.
Here are your questions.
It's a speed quiz.
Try to guess the titles of the songs I sing.
Here we go!
♪ I'm the best ♪
Answer! Runaway youths.
No! Next!
- ♪ Fly up ♪ / - Answer! Juvenile delinquents.
No! Wrong. Next!
♪ The house you live in ♪
♪ That house should've been my house ♪
Answer! Failed apartment application.
What are you saying?
All wrong!
Let's meet the next contestant!
This contestant has memorized every
wrong answer to be on our show.
This is Jeong Yunho.
Nice to meet you.
I've memorized these answers 100%.
I think I can take the prize money today.
I'll give you a test then.
This was from last year.
A resinous substance collected by honeybees
from trees, plants and flowers mixed with...
I really hope you win.
We'll start with the easy questions.
This is the first one.
What do you call a severe cold
caused by the influenza virus?
I don't know that one!
It wasn't in here!
I basically told you the answer!
How do you not know?
You know.
If you get this you get the cold sweats,
your body gets hot and your mom goes, "Geez..."
What is this?
Oh! Getting caught watching porn.
No! Not that!
You know.
Look at me.
I eat very well so I've never got this.
And I probably will never get one.
What is this?
Oh! A wife.
It's not a wife! Come on!
Give me another chance.
Try to answer the second question.
Here's your second question.
It's a famous dish of Chuncheon along with
buckwheat noodles. What is this chicken dish?
That wasn't in here either!
How can you not know this?
Everyone knows this!
You know.
A lot of people like this.
Girls especially love it.
They even take photos of it.
What is this?
Oh! "Guardian."
No! Not that!
That was all wrong.
What is it again?
Right! What did I say I'd treat you all to
at the next work dinner?
- Oh! Beef? / - Yes!
Now change it to chicken.
Then I'm not going!
- I wanted beef. / - No! No!
You're out!
Let's meet the last contestant!
I go to the hospital these days, I'm Lee Byeongwon.
Great, Byeongwon.
What will you do if you win the prize money?
I'll go to Mojito for a glass of Maldives.
You've switched them around?
I'm really enjoying this one drama these days.
The child actress is so good at acting.
Lady my fair.
- "My Fair Lady?" / - Lady my fair.
- It's "My Fair Lady." / - That other one was good.
I saw it a long time ago.
What's the drama with Choi Minsu in it?
It was really good.
Glass sand.
- "Sandglass." / - Glass sand.
It's "Sandglass."
- Kidding me are you? / - Are you kidding me?
- Kidding me are you? / - Hey!
I'm massaging your shoulders.
Just answer the question.
Here's your first question!
It was invented by Professor Wu Jangchun.
What do you call this watermelon with no seeds?
Here's a hint.
I know this because I love this stuff.
- Yes. / - Answer!
Seedwater melonless.
What on earth is that?
Melonless? What is that?
That sound weird.
Mix it around again.
Less water seed melon.
- What? / - Less water seed melon.
- That sounded strange. / - Kidding me are you?
- Are you kidding me? / - Kidding me are you?
- Hey! / - Time for the next question.
Here it is then.
Here's your second question.
They're known as the biggest species of tiger
and despite their name,
they aren't dispersed in Siberia.
What is this tiger?
Here's a hint.
I know this one too.
Anberi tisger.
What was that? It sounded all strange.
Please change it up right for once!
Ansibe gertiri.
Ansibe gertiri.
Wrong! Wrong!
- That was wrong? / - All wrong.
That's too bad.
I was going to sing a song if I won.
What song?
Sunmi Hour's "24."
- It's Sunmi's... / - ♪ No time for a massage ♪
♪ Kidding me are you ♪
Get off me!
- This has been... / - Sang Minyoo.
It's Yoo Minsang! Geez!
(Hello, Monday)
Kim Bo Hyung (SPICA) - Today (The K2 OST) Türkçe Altyazılı - Duration: 3:44.
Park Bo Gum - My Person (Moonlight Drawn by Clouds OST) Türkçe Altyazılı - Duration: 3:54.
Hey, where are we going?
We arrived at the AirB&B.
It's quite cute in here.
She hasn't finished cleaning yet,
but just so you can get an idea of what it looks like.
We are on our way to a shopping mall in Frederiksberg.
We're going to try to do this by foot.
This way, we can see the streets, a bit.
It looks fun, anyway!
First of all, we're going to a drugstore that we bumped into.
It's called Matas.
We're obviously going in! Let's go!
W've entered a supermarket and they sell danishes!
In the supermarket we've found KitKat Cookie MotherF*cking Dough!
I'm going to eat it!
Because, we don't know this in Belgium.
It looks like a regular KitKat.
Who knows, it might not even be tasty.
There's an actual layer of cookie dough.
I don't know what to think about it...
I like it!
But, that doesn't really taste like cookie dough, though.
It doesn't, right?
Nope, indeed it doesn't, per se.
But, it's really tasty, though.
It's tasty, but not a lot more special than the regular.
We're at Frederiksberg center!
I've got a focaccia, and a cinnamon roll,
because I think that is typically Scandinavian.
I've almost brunt down the place!
There are some candles here to make it cosy,
but obviously stupid Sarah, almost burnt it down.
We're at Starbucks now.
Because, we were kind of thirsty.
Hi! We're in the subway, because we want to go the city center.
Zoë discovered a donut shop she wants to try out.
So, that's what we're looking for.
Apparently, it's in the city center,
so we're going to do some shopping, like Flying Tiger, etc.
I see you there!
We're in the city center!
And we're obviously going to Flying Tiger!
We're here at a random square
somewhere around a shopping street.
We're looking for the donut shop,
because we haven't found it yet.
Meanwhile, we've entered another drugstore,
it's called Normal.
We found it!
I have a Daim donut.
And that's the...
It's gay themed!
Gay pride was 2 months ago!
We're in front of a movie theater, I guess...
and it's BEAUTIFUL!
We've rest well,
in the sun!
I almost fell asleep.
We've arrived at Tivoli.
I don't know what it is,
but that's a gate, and that's what's written on it!
"That's like a gate, and that's what's written on it!"
"That's like a gate, and that's what's written on it!"
Good description!
We think it's a theater...
*It's a toys "luna park"
Coffee break.
We're having dinner at Max's.
It's a kind of "Quick" or McDonald's.
I've got special french fries with... whatever!
And a big hamburger!
Damn son!
Them jalapeños are for sure no rip off!
Are they spicy?
Uh huh!
We're back at the apartment.
We're dead tired!
Because, we've walked like... how many steps?
26.000 steps!
I'll end this vlog for today.
And I will see you all tomorrow!
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