The fight of three young professional bowlers begins
I won in spite of being three people, pains
They fought persistently
Sakamoto is a focus whether 2 straight victories become
Or does it become first championship of Terashita?
Her past best results are runner ups
Or does it become the fifth championship of Oishi?
The final starts
The first rolling of Terashita
In Sakamoto, she is in good condition as force superior to a meeting last time this time
Nice strike
It is the excellent talented person whom both Sakamoto and Terashita found by an audition.
Conventional she did not have this mistake
Oishi has abundant championship experience, but she does not win the championship for a while
It is a slight mistake
I hit a pocket by the exercise with three people well
However, they had a hard time to knock over all pins
Trial and error to knock over all pins continues
Oishi is 204 points in the semifinals
She was a no errors game
Because she did not readily get a strike in the semifinals, I intended to take all the spare
She did not intend to do impossible game development
It was the game development that thought that she went into the final in wild cards
I think that a person winning the championship is a person more than 200 points
The rolling of steady Sakamoto will be more likely to win the championship
It was slightly precious rolling
Get mark
The second rolling of Oishi that was a split with 1 frame
A strike is not given!
The game heats up more and more after this
In the final, Sakamoto, Oishi, Terashita fight
Oishi took this game first strike with the third frame
Terashita and Sakamoto are spares with the third frame together
Terashita changed the ball from the fourth frame
She used this ball in the semifinals
The semifinals were brisk with 224 points
She said that there was not the uneasiness for the final
In addition, a strike is not given
The tenth pin was left consecutively four times
Sakamoto's longing player was Himeji
Championship that she is a last time meeting, and is wonderful
Nice cover
There was much oil, and many balls did not turn
Oishi gave consecutive strikes
Score same as Sakamoto in this
Only Terashita marks it 1 and is downed
Terashita is the first frame open frame
The development that is hard because a strike is not given afterwards either
She did the rolling one that hit the air with a ball during an exercise
Influence at that time seems to be given to the final
1 pin remained five times in a row
I usually do adjustment to change a line to roll it to, and to hit a pocket
I adjust the next by changing it to the different ball
The next changes the speed to roll
The next changes the rotatory direction of the ball
However, Terashita throws a ball to the air, and a ball coordinates distance to make a landing
She is young, but has technique to adjust it
She knocked down pin 10
Why do you throw the ball in the air and adjust it?
Because there is no oil in the outer line, she throws the ball to some part of the oil
I see
Sakamoto barely marked
Rolling the fifth frame of Oishi
She was split in the first frame, but after that I got on feeling better
She gets a strike again
She was strong at Tamachi Hi-lane, but will he win even at the Kawasaki Grand Bowl?
After this it will be a development of incandescence!
The final game ended until the 5th frame, now Oishi is the top
Sakamoto and Terashita 1 mark down
The sixth frame
A strike has not been yet given to Terashita
It was greatly bent.
She bent the ball a lot, did not she?
She changed the ball to a way to bend it a lot from the front of the pin
Finally get a strike
With this, she is also relieved
Sakamoto is a solid bowling
The strike was only in the 1st frame
But she is calm and rolling to admire her
She does not change her own pace
The seventh pin remained
Four consecutive strikes
Oishi was completely decided the course to roll the ball
I see, I see.
Her choice is splendidly true
Sakamoto steadily spares
But if she does not have a strike, the difference with the other two will be opened
Because Oishi is doing fine, Sakamoto seems to be in pain.
Terashita changed the rolling line and strike came out
If she gives a strike here, how to repeat the same rolling will be a challenge
A strike came.
Oishi will feel the pressure at Terashita's strike
Sakamoto is a place I want strike anyhow
How about this rolling?
She wants to take a strike and make it an advantageous deployment
Oh dear
But she is advantageous with 4 consecutive strikes.
Terashita got nervous in the second place now
Oishi leads you for 2 marks than Terashita
When Terashita gives a strike with the eighth frame, the difference with Oishi is shortened to 1 mark
Who will be the 64th champion?
End of the seventh frame
Now Oishi is the top
Terashita and Sakamoto run after Oishi with 2 mark differences
The eighth frame
Can she take a turkey?
She gave a strike
She did a little fist pump
It's a wonderful roll
I was so impressed that I had goose bumps.
I want Sakamoto to show momentum
She changed the ball
She changed the ball because she did not have a strike for a while
Oishi is the top now
Terashita is the second place
Sakamoto is the third place
Terashita calms down
Her catch copy "a native of Hokkaido athlete"
The ball rolled to the right from the head pin
At the moment she released the ball, she noticed her failure and sighed a small sigh
Sakamoto rolls on the left lane
Sakamoto has a tough fight in the final game
She won the championship at a meeting last time
She went into the final this time
She began to be proficient
She has grown up
The possibility of championship of Oishi increased by a mistake of Terashita
Sakamoto caught up with Terashita
Oh my God
If she can not cover this, she will lower the score greatly
nice pick-up
Her championship was almost decided in this
If she does not make an outstanding mistake, it is championship
Terashita aims at the achievement of 200 points
1 pin did not collapse.
Nice strike
Sakamoto got 200 points for three strikes
Even if Terashita gives a strike last; 190 points
perfect strike
Sakamoto came from behind
She will blindly bowl
Terashita is 190 pins
Sakamoto's last rolling
Powerful strike
200 points by punch out
She is happy to have decided the victory
She has now exceeded 200 points
She split in the first frame, but the score improved with the influence of the strike that continued from the third frame
She cried tears of joy.
She has won the past four times.
But the last victory has been a long time ago
It will be the first win in the Kawasaki Grand Bowl
She rolled the ball while crying
Did it!
Championship that is nice for her!
She won the first competition at the Kawasaki Grand Bowl
Championship Nao Oishi (5th in total)
You are the first victor in the Kawasaki Grand Bowl
Are you glad?
I won the championship many times in the Tamachi high lane
However, I was not able to readily win after a meeting place changed it to the Kawasaki ground bowl.
I was able to finally win the championship at Kawasaki ground bowl
Championship in front was two years ago
Thought of 2 years became jam-packed nice championship for me.
For more infomation >> P-League Japan Bowling Tournament Season 8th - First game Final [Eng Sub] - Duration: 19:16.-------------------------------------------
"Rock Dog" Movie Trailer
The LEGO Batman Movie
IKEA rješenja za odlaganje - Duration: 0:20.
IKEA rješenja za odlaganje - Duration: 0:20.
Face gym # 30 - Sculpt and enhance cheekbones, firm and slim the face - Duration: 3:56.
Sculpt and enhance cheekbones, firm and slim the face in 3 'per day
Imagine 2 points in the middle of your upper and lower lip
and open your mouth by drawing a large oval.
Direct your gaze to the top of the face.
Blink forcefully with the lower eyelids and push the commissures as high as possible towards the ears.
Count up to 10.
Release and repeat the movement, your lips in contact with the teeth.
Hold on the contraction and count to 10.
Keep the forehead and eyebrows relaxed and focus your attention on the cheekbones swelling.
Release and repeat the movement by blinking firmly with the lower eyelids.
Stretch the corner of lips as far as possible toward the sides of face.
Release and repeat the movement.
Hold on contraction and count up to 10.
Release by blowing between your lips.
Plate your lips against the teeth and aspirate the corners of lips inside the mouth.
Direct your gaze to the top of the face.
Hold on the contraction and count to 30.
Try to visualize the energy that goes up along the zygomatic muscles up cheekbones.
You should feel a feeling of warmth due to the muscular work.
Keep the corners of lips inside your mouth and your lips stretched against the teeth.
Release by blowing between your lips.
Repeat the movement and aspirate the corners of lips inside the mouth.
Your look directed up, hold on the contraction and count up to 35.
Imagine the energy that comes upward from the corner of lips toward the cheekbones.
Aspirate the corners of lips as far as possible inside the cheeks.
Another 15 seconds :)
Keep the corners of lips inside your mouth and your lips stretched in order to cover the teeth.
5 seconds left!
Release by blowing between your lips.
Open the mouth while covering the teeth with your upper and lower lips.
Direct your gaze to the top of the face and smile with the lips commissures.
While pulling your shoulders back, push your face forward.
Like a figure at the bow of a boat, stand still.
Feel the stretching of the muscles of neck and low of cheeks.
Hold on the contraction until you feel a slight feeling of warmth on the sides of face.
Stretch the corners of the lips toward the top of the face.
When you feel this heat, count up to 30.
Remember to stretch the corners of the lips toward the ears.
Hold on the contraction by stretching the corner of lips as far as possible towards the top of the face.
Another 5 seconds :)
Release and blow through your tighten lips.
Thanks for watching! Practice daily to keep your skin looking younger.
Vary the programs regularly and discover a new video every Saturday.
Perform a program every day to enjoy a radiant complexion and prepare the skin for care.
To achieve targeted results, practice this program twice a day for a week,
then increase the difficulty for shaping efficiently the volumes of your face.
Adjust the level of the programs to your progress by following the color code: GREEN to start,
BLUE after one or two weeks, VIOLET from the fifth week and PINK after 8 to 9 weeks of practice.
Free your beauty
Dancing Parrot 😍 - Duration: 5:10.
Thanks For Watching & subscribe my channel
australian parrots colony - Duration: 2:57.
Thanks For Watch & Subscribe My Channel
african grey parrot my love - Duration: 0:30.
Thanks For Watching &Subscribe My Channel
Kahlschlag in Hildrizhausen | Zur Sache-Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 5:02.
Маша и Медведь Все Серии Подряд Герои в Масках ВСЕ Супер Герои Песня Семья пальчиков - Duration: 2:48.
Barboskiny New series Heroes in disguise Song, Family fingers ALL SUPERHEROES Spiderman - Duration: 3:05.
The Space Between Us
John Wick: Chapter 2
Peugeot 208 ACTIVE 1.2VTI 82PK 5-D NAV - Duration: 1:21.
Peugeot 208 ENVY 1.2VTI 82PK 5-D NAV - Duration: 1:07.
Peugeot 208 STYLE 1.2 PURE TECH 82 5-D - Duration: 1:22.
Peugeot 208 STYLE 1.2 PURE TECH 82 5-D - Duration: 1:13.
Peugeot 208 ACTIVE 1.2 PURE TECH 82 5-D NAV - Duration: 1:10.
#EdenToUmPhafa | Volunteering Conservation Project - Duration: 2:01.
Brazilian guy learns Polish (interview) - Duration: 12:40.
Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome. Today I would like to introduce to you my dear friend from Brazil
Lucas, who learns Polish language. Yes! A Brazilian guy who learns Polish.
Isn't it weird?
Anyway. You will meet Lucas in a while but before that I would like to tell you that his a good friend of mine.
And we know with each other pretty long time. I am not sure when did we meet, but it was long time ago.
The interview will be in Polish of course and his Polish it is not super perfect but he is able to communicate
So sometimes we talk Polish, sometimes we talk in English but this time I've decided make this interview in Polish
Before the interview he got my questions (I want to be honest), but I think it's fair
Because Polish isn't his Polish language so I wanted to give him a while to prepare.
And sometimes I bet he will make some funny mistakes so I will make fun of him a little bit
But it's nothing serious, he won't feel offended for sure because as I told you we are good friends
So just have fun and remember that he has no Polish family, no Polish real friends
So this video might motivate you that this is possible to learn Polish
Hi Lucas, first an easy question: How are you?
Everything's all right, dude! How about you?
I am fine too. Let's start with the first question
I got somequestions here on a paper, so the first is:
Probably everyone asks you about it and you've heard it 1000 times
but I have to ask you again. Nest time if somebody will ask you this
you will send this person here :)
So: why do you learn Polish? There are other easier languages
more useful. Maybe German, Russian. Why this particular language?
hm, I study Polish because I´m interested in languages.
I´m not a super polyglot, but I speak Portuguese (of course), Spanish, English and now, a little bit of Polish.
I want to be "bięgły" (biegły - fluent)
You wanna be "bięgły" or fluent? Remember "biegły"
So maybe another question: How do you learn Polish
I know you attend to a Polish class but what besides? How do you practise?
hm, I listen to music. I´m really interested in films.
I love film director Martin Scorsese.
He made a list of Polish films.
This year, I plan to watch these films.
So: movies, songs and conversations. Next question.
And here I won't be original. What is the most problematic issue when learning Polish
Pronunciation, grammar or maybe new words / vocabulary?
Grammar... The cases are too (scary and difficult). Oh, God…
Probably like for everyone "przypadki". Ok, next question a bit untipical. I hope it will be interesting.
Imagine you have a gold fish and only one wish but 3 ways.
First you can get: great knowleadge of Polish grammar, but poor vocabulary.
Second: great knowleadge of all Polish words,
but at the same time bad pronunciation and grammar.
3th: You can get great pronunciation (you are able to say every Polish word)
like a native speaker, but you know not many words and grammar. What would you choose?
That´s an easy question. Knowledge on vocabulary, because my grammar and pronunciation may be bad,
but I believe that people can still understand,
My ''current' Polish needs tries vocabulary.
Another one: Do you interact with some Polish people in Brazil?
Do you know any Poles you could talk to in real life in Brasil?
I had classes with a Pole, he was my teacher's colleague
However, we actually spoke in Portuguese, and just a little in Polish.
So, actually, no.
Alright. We are culturally different. Brazil and Poland - two another sides of the globe.
What are the biggest advantages and disadvantages of Polish people?
Honestly saying, I can´t think of a flaw. (He said "o wady" flaws but it sounds like Polish "owady" - insects : ) ).
I don´t know, the cases, grammar…
However, here´s one quality: I admire your perseverance.
I love the movie "The Pianist" by Romana Polańska, which is a great example.
Ok, eee. "Romana Polańska"
Probably you mean "Roman Polański" (Polańska is feminine) but anyway I understood perfectly
Next question is: Athough Poland is a small country and we have not much in common
as we talked before, we are situated on two different sides of the world
Is there anything which Brasilians associate with Poland?
F.e, when we say "Brazil" we imagine Carnival
What about you? If I say Poland?
That´s tough… Brazil is too big,
I can talk about Curitiba. In Curitiba, people think of "my great-granfather, my great-grandmother, pierogi, vodka"
Oh, and only descendants know what "kurwa" means :D
I bet everyone around the world know this one :D
And maybe now this question: Is there anything in Poland which
you might envy us for?
Look: our weather is average, comparing to your country, there is still hot
Here either snow or freeze or rain and once again freeze and again and again. Not nice...
Maybe there's something you could envy us for?
In Brazil, we don't have castles.
I reckon you have castles, and I really like castles.
*no zamki? WTF"
What else… Brazil is too dangerous, and I think that streets are safer there.
hm, I would be so sure...
probably it depends on a region or a part and so on
But generally it's pretty safe here
Ok, so now we can jump to another topic - your hobby and passion.
I know you deal with music because I've heard your songs.
You have recorded a few songs in Polish, for example the cover of Marek Grechuta - Dni Których Nie Znamy.
With your friend, he played violin.
You did it really good, you got so many thumbs up and positive comments.
Maybe, you will tell us how is that to sing in Polish?
Is it easy or difficult? Do you recommend for people to learn that way?
It's easy, easy. IActually, when I sang and played the guitar, I was reading the lyrics for the songs.
So, I am an impostor! Sorry!
Come on, I understand you. I also did that when Itried to sing in another language.
to patrzę na tekst, bo trudno by było wszystko wyłapać ze słuchu, prawda?
And if we talk about the music - Iknow you work on your album,
in Portuguese of course. And have you ever thought to make a song or an album in Polish?
No. I never thought: "I´m going to play of compose a song in Polish. Not really".
This year, I plan to focus on the songs from my album.
So you plan to focus on the album in your language, right?
And do you plan to visit Poland some day? Maybe you would like to live here for a while? A few months maybe?
Surely, I wanna go to Poland. Not now, however – I have no money!
Thankfully, I am young, and I have time.
So I warmly invite you to visit Poland.
So Lucas, What should I wish to you for your job and private life?
I want to be rich! I want to have a professional studio at home.
My house does not have to be big. And what else...
I love my girlfriend, brother and parents very much – so, all the best to them!
I want to be a good professor. I´m studying English now at the university.
I also want to be a good singer-songwriter – or both!
So many wishes, but for sure I wis you all the best, and I hope your dreams will come true.
Thanks for the interview, Dariusz! See you!
All for today.
I hope you like the video interview with Lucas.
If some of you maybe want to say a few words about your Polish
your learning, your lifestyle, of course refearing to Polish language
I am very open to all of your propositions and we can do something like this
In the description you can find his YT channel and you can find f.e. some Polish covers
And also his own songs . So see you soon in another Let's Polish
History of Eucharistic Adoration: History in a Minute (Episode 10) - Duration: 1:53.
Hey there everybody. This is Mr. Philip
Campbell with Homeschool Connections
History in a Minute.
I am your bearded nerdy history guru and
today we're talking about the history of
Eucharistic Adoration. Now from the
earliest time of Christianity, Christians
believed that our Lord Jesus was truly
present in the Eucharist, but it was not
always common for Eucharist to be
reserved in church and have Christians
pray in front of it or have it carried
around in procession for the adoration
of the people. This actually came about
in the the High Middle Ages. And it was a
reaction to a heresy in the 11th century
by a French canon named Berengar of
Tours. Berengar taught that Christ was
truly present in the sacrament, but in a
merely spiritual way. Not in a
bodily sense. This heresy was condemned
multiple times by several popes and
confounded by many theologians. Berengar
eventually recanted, was sent to do
penance of the Monastery of Saint Cosme
outside Paris, but this
controversy went on for some time and in
order to instill in the Christian
populace the right understanding of the
Eucharist it became common to reserve
the Eucharist for private adoration. And
by the 13th century we see the height of
Eucharistic Adoration in the Middle Ages
with the institution of the Feast of
Corpus Christi, which Saint Thomas
Aquinas wrote the hymns for, with the
Eucharist being processed about and
whatnot. And ever since then devotion to
the Eucharist has only grown throughout
the Church, but it dates back to a an
eleventh-century heresy and the Church's
desire to combat that heresy with pious
devotion. So anyhow, subscribe to this
channel. Visit us online at homeschool And remember, history is
how to transport my 3d printer : Shop time #5 - Duration: 11:19.
And i have another project
Which is to make a box for my 3d printer
I'll show you that
The object of the offense is right there
in fact it's a flight case type of box
in which we usually carries lights
instruments, things like that
i just have that part
The idea is to put my 3d printer inside
on a base
and then i can "POC"
I would close
These small butterfly locks
And I would be ready to go
with my 3d printer
The problem is that I do not have a lid
i looked at the size of the rails
this rails which are called cornices
Which are like small V
In fact there is an inverted form
Which closes this almost in a watertight manner
I looked and actually this size here
I do not really find it on the internet
I will print it
some flight case cornices
In any case it does not need to have a resistance
An incredible resistance
It's not going to be twisted or anything
It's just
Fixed lamellae
Which are planted and riveted on wood
So the wood serves as a good structure underneath
The whole thing is to have this V
this V
Which makes this kind of joints Sealing
I did a test
I'll show you that
Therefore these small scratched measurements
I simply have them
Reported on my screen with the poly-line tools
And then what I did
was to select my route
I told him: extrude
And I told him to do a test
I put 5 mm
And now there is a shape which has a thickness of 5 mm
Which is
this one
And so I just printed
A very small area
To see if when I print long lengths will be correct
And it's okay
I will try to print the first 15 cm
and then we'll see what happens
I still have this wood problem which is a little bit too large
On the other hand the joint
is perfect
It holds
So what I can do to resolve this issue with the wood
Is to sand this part a bit
And then the other blocks
I can do them a little bit bigger
I will still enlarge the gap there in the inside
Which accommodates the 9 mm wooden board
But this is perfect and
The strength, I think three layers of plastic
Completely full
Then the rivets
It's just going to be solid enough, it's going to be perfect
The length is good
and during that time I move on the construction of the hood
I already had one that I shortened
I have to cut it again
Here I have this angle
but basically this board come to fit
The angle here
And who come to close there
And then I would put
And then I would put balls corners
like this one
cut this
Modify the 3d model
And print the remaining parts
6 7 8 9
9h of print
This is a long project
A longer project than I thought
But it's often the case
It is not serious I will arm myself with courage and continue but
In any case the finished object:
"In the end will be fine"
No but look at this mess
Everywhere it's messy
Let's go
that's it
Now it's night outside
I have rivets
Of the correct length
Because I had to make a return trip to the store in addition
Because I'm too stupid to buy rivets of the right size
3d printing is not completed yet
Do you see that? Yes ...
Good, so is perfect
everything automatically center
Everything is well set
Everything is riveted
I can climb on it: it holds
Now what i will do
Is to cut the space of the locks
and put the locks
And then it will be
haHA !
the construction is completed
I look like nothing
A sweater with a penguins on it
making a weird face
But it's done
Everything is riveted
locks are into place
Now there is just to try to put the 3d printer inside
Now I only have to make small finishes
put shims
Where the 3d printer sits
So that it does not move in the box
why otherwise it does not serve much to have a box
And well the box is definitely heavy
But I prefer to know my 3d printer safe
And gain a little more muscle
Than to break it and lose 1000 €
And maybe to use it I can really leave it in the bottom of the box
this way I do not need to get it out of the box all the time
I just opened the hood and print
I am tired
So here after 3 days
A box for a 3d printer
isn't it beautiful
If you like Shop time
Do not hesitate to subscribe to the channel
to leave a thumb
And to share with your friends
Who are interested or not in 3D printing
Manufacturing and ...
To these things
I hope to see you again soon
Speak in the comments
And see you very quickly in Shop time
Sílvia Tomàs - Zana û Andok [versió de Mem Ararat] - Duration: 3:07.
Face gym # 30 - Sculpt and enhance cheekbones, firm and slim the face - Duration: 3:56.
Sculpt and enhance cheekbones, firm and slim the face in 3 'per day
Imagine 2 points in the middle of your upper and lower lip
and open your mouth by drawing a large oval.
Direct your gaze to the top of the face.
Blink forcefully with the lower eyelids and push the commissures as high as possible towards the ears.
Count up to 10.
Release and repeat the movement, your lips in contact with the teeth.
Hold on the contraction and count to 10.
Keep the forehead and eyebrows relaxed and focus your attention on the cheekbones swelling.
Release and repeat the movement by blinking firmly with the lower eyelids.
Stretch the corner of lips as far as possible toward the sides of face.
Release and repeat the movement.
Hold on contraction and count up to 10.
Release by blowing between your lips.
Plate your lips against the teeth and aspirate the corners of lips inside the mouth.
Direct your gaze to the top of the face.
Hold on the contraction and count to 30.
Try to visualize the energy that goes up along the zygomatic muscles up cheekbones.
You should feel a feeling of warmth due to the muscular work.
Keep the corners of lips inside your mouth and your lips stretched against the teeth.
Release by blowing between your lips.
Repeat the movement and aspirate the corners of lips inside the mouth.
Your look directed up, hold on the contraction and count up to 35.
Imagine the energy that comes upward from the corner of lips toward the cheekbones.
Aspirate the corners of lips as far as possible inside the cheeks.
Another 15 seconds :)
Keep the corners of lips inside your mouth and your lips stretched in order to cover the teeth.
5 seconds left!
Release by blowing between your lips.
Open the mouth while covering the teeth with your upper and lower lips.
Direct your gaze to the top of the face and smile with the lips commissures.
While pulling your shoulders back, push your face forward.
Like a figure at the bow of a boat, stand still.
Feel the stretching of the muscles of neck and low of cheeks.
Hold on the contraction until you feel a slight feeling of warmth on the sides of face.
Stretch the corners of the lips toward the top of the face.
When you feel this heat, count up to 30.
Remember to stretch the corners of the lips toward the ears.
Hold on the contraction by stretching the corner of lips as far as possible towards the top of the face.
Another 5 seconds :)
Release and blow through your tighten lips.
Thanks for watching! Practice daily to keep your skin looking younger.
Vary the programs regularly and discover a new video every Saturday.
Perform a program every day to enjoy a radiant complexion and prepare the skin for care.
To achieve targeted results, practice this program twice a day for a week,
then increase the difficulty for shaping efficiently the volumes of your face.
Adjust the level of the programs to your progress by following the color code: GREEN to start,
BLUE after one or two weeks, VIOLET from the fifth week and PINK after 8 to 9 weeks of practice.
Free your beauty
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