Hello youtube fam and welcome to my channel, hope everything is great with you guys
Today I have a special guest and it's my mom
We're going to do hers makeup today cuz we're going to the city (Gothenburg)
So we need to glam her up
I'm not that glam?
Ofc you're but we still can glam up more
I trust you, let's try it
See ya later
Let's start with putting her the contact lens
I usually use contact lens when I got time
And this contact lens is blue
It doesn't looks blue as mine
And this contact lens are brand new
I haven't seen my mom wear a contact lens before
I need a mirror
It's sticking on my fingers
I can hold the mirror
They are bending
One eyes done
I haven't used the lenses for awhile
And now for the second eyes
I have a purple one before
I look like I was sick
I have with a prescription, and my moms lens doesn't
Why don't I have with a prescription
Cuz I don't know your prescription
How will I be able to drive the car now?
Take this one
I'm going to do this
Let me do this by myself
Don't touch cuz I'm going to make your makeup
Don't take to much
Close your eyes
(Speaking thai can't translate)
Primer done
Let's go for the concealer
Hide those black marks
This concealer is kinda to light for her but we do it anyway
But we have a foundation that will cover it
I'm just gonna make a bun
(Speaking thai can't translate)
What kind of foundation do you use the most?
Is this one?
Or this, it kinda same
This is darker but I can use this light one
This is way to light for you
No it doesn't
We're not going to promote the stuff cuz we aint got paid by them
(Speaking thai can't translate)
Okay it's time for contouring
I'm going to look fat
You have really dark skin tone than me
On my face?
No thanks!
(Speaking thai can't translate)
This is the sketch I have draw
That's how my mom supposed to look like
It's basic, not to much
Do you know what we miss?
It's to quiet
I'm only hear the cats running around
Red color
What kind of red?
(Speaking thai can't translate)
(Speaking thai can't translate)
The color is not that red on you
Look up
"She speak thai with my cats"
Apparently my camera decided to shut down
And that's the result
I'm kinda happy with it
How do you feel?
It looks good
Next time my mom gonna make my makeup
When we see eachother again
If you like this video then give me a thumbs up
And don't forget to subscribe and we'll see eachother soon again
Have a nice weekend
For more infomation >> SON DOES MOMS MAKEUP W/ ENG SUBTITLES | SMINKAR MIN MAMMA - Duration: 12:04.-------------------------------------------
Top 5s. Thanks for Subscribing. - Duration: 1:01.
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Channel and thanks for Subscribing if
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great Videos and let's see if we can get
this to 1000 Subscribers and Thank you
yet again. Thanks.
Què és la pau per Arcadi Oliveres? - Duration: 1:44.
First we should mention what many call 'positive peace'.
This should complement the silence of weapons and absence of war.
And this means observing human rights, development of the people,
protecting the environment, social justice...
Personally, I would like to introduce three elements, marginal if you like,
but important for the idea of peace.
First, violence should get away from the media,
from TV, from videogames,
from everything that has any influence in education.
Second, peace means also, specially now,
free movement of people in the whole world.
We should be interested in a world witohut borders as a world of peace.
Finally, and this concerns me very much
and I think will increase as a problem for peace,
is something that should disappear but is very difficult now,
and that is social control.
The fact that we are nowadays, thanks to new technologies,
completely monitored
in our movements, actions, talks and relations,
is a huge attack on peace.
The Space Between Us
John Wick: Chapter 2
Què és la pau per Arcadi Oliveres? - Duration: 1:44.
First we should mention what many call 'positive peace'.
This should complement the silence of weapons and absence of war.
And this means observing human rights, development of the people,
protecting the environment, social justice...
Personally, I would like to introduce three elements, marginal if you like,
but important for the idea of peace.
First, violence should get away from the media,
from TV, from videogames,
from everything that has any influence in education.
Second, peace means also, specially now,
free movement of people in the whole world.
We should be interested in a world witohut borders as a world of peace.
Finally, and this concerns me very much
and I think will increase as a problem for peace,
is something that should disappear but is very difficult now,
and that is social control.
The fact that we are nowadays, thanks to new technologies,
completely monitored
in our movements, actions, talks and relations,
is a huge attack on peace.
EZ PZ JAPANESE w/ itskrisfel LESSON 01 一緒に日本語を勉強しましょう! - Duration: 8:47.
❤sucalet ❤ Feliz Año Nuevo Lunar!!! - Duration: 9:58.
A Marseille, au secours des mineurs isolés - Duration: 2:54.
benefits of orange/how to reduce weight with orange - Duration: 7:31.
Orange is a fruit that mostly every one like in this world.
Orange belong to group of citrus fruits.
Oranges are mostly renowned for its concentration of Vitamin C .
Oranges are also a very good source of dietry fiber and they also contain vitamin B1, Pantothenic
Acid and folate,as well as vitamin A, Calcium , Copper and potassium.
There are countless reason of eating an orange per day as they are low in calories but full
of nutrients.
Oranges are used not only in Raw form like in slices but also in other shapes like for
making healthy and delicious snacks.
Orange tree is the most growing tree in the world.
Oranges are famous due to their natural taste.
oranges also used in many other shapes like marmalades and juices.
There are several health benefits of oranges.
They not only give us energy boost but also prevent us from many diseases.
Today we are going to discuss few of the health benefitsof oranges.
Health benefits of oranges.
Boost Immune system: Oranges are high source of Vitamin C which plays vital roll as an
antioxidants by protecting against the damage of cells
caused by the free radical generated in the body.Free radicals caused
many chronic disease also like cancer , heart disease . Vitamin C protect us from all these
disease attack.
It also reduces inflammation thus plays important role in disease like rhematoid arthritis and
oste oarthritis.
Vitamin C aboost our over all immune system thus protecting us from many health problems.
Healthy Skin: As we grow older our skin with other body parts suffers from cell damage
problems due to free radicals.
Vitamin C in the oranges makes this process slow as it eliminates the free radicals and
it is vital for production of collagen that is important to cure from wrinkles
and improve overall skin texture.With Vitamin C oranges also has Vitamin A that is important
to keep skin membranes healthy.
So oranges keeps our skin smooth shinny and gives us younger look.
Eyes Health: . Oranges has Vitamin A that helps in mucus memberane in the eye health.Vitamin
A protect us from age related macular degeneration that is vision related problem result in blindness.
Vitamin A also helps eyes to absorb light and improve night vision.
Good For HEart:.
One of the reason why people got heart realted problems is because their arteries are blocked
due to their life style and consumption of junk food.
Oranges has vitamin C , Potassium , fiber that all are good for heart related issues.
Oranges has flavonoids like hesperidin which reduces the cholestrol level and prevent from
getting arteries blocked.
Potassium found in the oranges helps in lowering the high blood pressure so protecting against
strokes and keep the heart beat normal.
Thus overall nutrients of oranges keep the heart healthy and young.
Fight Against cancer: oranges contain a compound called D -limonene that is important in various
kinds of cancers like lung cancer , breast cancer ,skin cancer.
Vitamin C in oranges reduces the risk of colon cancer as it eleminiates the free radicals
that caused cancer.
Vitamin C act as antoxidant and boodt immune system and makes body powerful to fight against
cancer .
Helps in Digestive system:.
Oranges are rich in soluble and insoluble fibers that helps in stomach and intestine
problems like irritable bowel syndrome.
Oranges are low fats rich fiber food so make digestion process fast so keep us away from
constipation and also helps in weight loss.
Good for Dibetic Patients: . people who has diabetes , are unable to absorb glucose due
to beat cells present in pancreas either fail to produce insulin or the body cells are unable
to respond insulin produced.
oranges are high source of fiber and have glycaemic index of 40 which makes it good
for diabetic patients.
Brain Health:.
Folate and folic acid present in oranges helps in promoting brain development and keep brain
powerful and strong.
oranges contain phytonutrients called polyphenols that are important in learning and memory
functions of brain.
Good for Healthy hair: Vitamin C in Oranges produces collagen which keep the tissues of
hair together.
so oranges prevent us from bald patches problem on head.
Improve sperm quality.:Vitamin C and other nutrients in oranges improves the quality
and motality of the sperm and keep you fertile.
Folic Acid also is and essential nutrient for keep sperms healthy and oranges have good
quantity of folic acid. it protect the sperms from genetic damage
which might lead to birth defects.
Bone health: Oranges has not only high quantity of vitamin C but also rich with Calcium . These
two are essential for bone health and helps in growing bones and prevent them from damage.
Три кота все серии подряд Сборник лучших серий о дружной семье Карамелька, Коржик и Компот ютуб 2017 - Duration: 24:29.
Disney's Moana
Disney's Pinocchio
Fate/Grand Order English - Fuyuki Chapter 3 Part 2 - Crash Course Chaldea Style - Duration: 9:52.
Mashu: That's all. The whole story why Senpai were removed from control room, do you remember now?
Fujimaru: (I see)
Olga Marie: ...How shameless. You looked like the quiet type, in fact, you're a bold one.
Olga Marie: Anyway! Do you remember how much trouble you caused me before an important mission!?
Dr. Roman: Umm--, Director Marie? I think that's a false accusation...
Olga Marie: It's not an accusation. Thanks to that meaningless Q&A I don't have time to change clothes
Mashu: You weren't scheduled to rayshift, right? So there was no need for you to change...
Olga Marie: Yes it was! There was! I've prepared a custom made Formal Wear just for this operation. (See Translation Note in description)
Olga Marie: God, I have never tried it, not even once... Whatever
Olga Marie: Anyway... You understand the role, responsibilities and duty of a Master Candidate, no?
Olga Marie: Well then, Fujimaru. I leave my escort to you. Fulfill your duty with everything you have.
Fujimaru: (You don't need to act all tough, you know?)
Olga Marie: I'm being myself! I was just nervous earlier! You better watch your back when we're back to Chaldea
Mashu: It's nice to see both of you on good terms. Now, let's move on before new enemies arrives
Olga Marie: By the way... You have basic knowledge about Servants, haven't you?
Fujimaru: (Nope, nothing at all)
Olga Marie: As I thought. It can't be helped, I will give you a crash course while we moving.
Olga Marie: Servants can be considered the highest grade familiars in the world of magecraft.
Olga Marie: Various Heroes from human history, their achievement, their notion. They're given form and summoned as Servants.
Olga Marie: Whether they existed or not, they're all the same "information that formed on earth".
Olga Marie: The summoning of Heroic Spirits is converting the information stored in this planet to the shape that will benefits humanity.
Olga Marie: The use of past heritage by us, present-day humans, is a natural right. It's also our obligation as a living beings to pave the way for the future using the legacy.
Olga Marie: That thing you contracted is indeed an existence above human being, but it's a tool to serve human
Olga Marie: That is why they are called Servants. They will obey the Master as if it's the word of God.
Mashu: Director. Every part of my cells is protesting that Director's view is too extreme.
Olga Marie: Hmph... That means the Servant you fused with is the Heroic Spirit of the [Earth] Attribute, I'm sure of it.
Olga Marie: Heroes of the past that summoned as familiars are called Servants. The contract holder, or the employer, is Master.
Olga Marie: There are seven classes of servant, it changes according to the tales and abilities of the Heroic Spirits
Olga Marie: It's very difficult to reproduce the whole Heroic Spirit as a Spiritual Body. Human Magus doesn't have enough resources nor memory.
Olga Marie: This is why only certain aspect of the Heroic Spirit's soul is materialized. And that's the Seven Classes---
Olga Marie: Saber, Lancer, Archer, Rider, Caster, Berserker, Assassin.
Olga Marie: No matter what Heroic Spirit, they will surely manifest as one of the classes.
Olga Marie: The class system also serves as a protection to the true identity of a Servant, its true name
Olga Marie: As for why you should hide the real name, heroes are famous because they are powerful. For example, Achilles from Greek Mythology
Olga Marie: Achilles is a Heroic Spirit with an invincible body, but its weakness is too famous, isn't it?
Olga Marie: Since it's a reproduction of a Heroic Spirit, it'll take over the weakness as well. That's why Servants hide their name by using the class name.
Olga Marie: As long as no one knows its true identity, the chances of knowing the history or weakness of the Servant will dramatically decrease, right?
Olga Marie: That's not all. There's another reason why the identities of the Heroic Spirits are hidden.
Olga Marie: The Servant's trump card, the true worth of a Servant. A miracle that possessed by Heroic Spirits, the crystallization of its existence. That is....
Mashu: Director, sorry for interrupting the fun. I have visual confirmation of enemy life forms. Commencing battle.
Olga Marie: Hii!? T-take care of them, quick! I-I'll just hide over there!
Olga Marie: -------------.
Dr. Roman: I can feel the pressure even on the other side of the monitor. Director seems to be in a bad mood as usual.
Fujimaru: (why is she always mad?)
Mashu: No, I understand how the director feels.
Mashu: I'm sorry to say this, Fujimaru-senpai you're too ignorant towards all things in Chaldea.
Fujimaru: It's true I arrived without knowing anything...
Mashu: You really are troublesome. You're the same level as a cat that carelessly strayed outside its territory.
Mashu: ---Not that I'm any better...
Mashu: Even after two years, I still know nothing. It's as if I've been lazing around instead. Comparable to a crocodile that lazily sunbathe.
Fujimaru: (Crocodiles do seem clueless...)
Mashu: Indeed. My knowledge is limited to what's written in the catalog. But I'll try to recite it for you, Senpai.
Mashu: Chaldea Security Organization. Or more correctly, Organization for the Preservation of the Common Sense of Man, Finis Chaldea
Mashu: A laboratory and observation station where researchers gathered without distinguishing between Magic and Science, in order to keep human history survive.
Mashu: Observing the world that cannot be seen with magic alone, the world that cannot be measured with science alone,
Mashu: It's a Special Organization established jointly by many countries to prevent the "Bad End" of Humanity.
Fujimaru: Ooh. You sure are well-informed.
Mashu: Well, that's all I know.
Fou: Fou!
Mashu: Though Chaldea's funding is sourced from all over the globe, 70% of it comes from the Mage's Association in London---
Mashu: Those funds are from Animusphere Family, Director Olga Marie's house.
Mashu: Chaldea may be a research organization, but because of its importance the internal regulations is the same level as military.
Mashu: There are very strict regulations and penalties, Director's tyranny is rather modest compared to those rules.
Mashu: DIrector is not an "Evil Person", more like "Bad Person". She easily sacks any staff that she didn't like.
Mashu: Ah, no, wait. Does a person with bad personality qualifies as a bad person"?
Mashu: ...I apologize. I was trying to cheer Senpai up, but I'm not used to telling pun jokes.
Fou: Kyu. Nkyu, kyu!
Olga Marie: Kyaaaaaa!? Hey, what are you doing!?
Olga Marie: Behind you! behind you! I-Isn't that the enemy!?
Olga Marie: Battle preparation, hurry up!
Mashu: This close....! Senpai, you instruction please....!
Olga Marie: Huff... Pay more attention to your surrounding.
Olga Marie: Even if Romani is monitoring this is a Singularity Point, you know?. We don't know what will happen next.
Olga Marie: Kyrielight, come here. You're hurt, aren't you? I can treat minor injuries like this.
Mashu: Ah... Yes. Thank you very much, Director Olga Marie.
Dr. Roman: Gee. Director is so reliable, only when she's calm though...
Dr. Roman: Fujimaru, let me tell you something. Director.... Olga Marie is also in a complicated position.
Dr. Roman: Originally Marie was one of the Master candidate, the same as you.
Dr. Roman: Three years ago, the previous director... Her father passed away. She was just a student when she take over Chaldea.
Dr. Roman: From that point, every single day must've been stressful for her. After all, she has to carry the weight of The House of Animusphere.
Dr. Roman: Keep Chaldea running is the best thing she could do, and yet an anomaly occured at that timing...
Dr. Roman: The 100 years of future that was guaranteed up until now suddenly vanished. Complaints and queries from the Association and Sponsors have been piling up.
Dr. Roman: [Resolve the situation as soon as possible] That was the order imposed on her.
Dr. Roman: In addition, she turned out not suitable to be a Master.
Dr. Roman: The noblest of nobles, one of the twelve Family of Lords, The house that rules the Department of Celestial Bodies of Mage's Association.
Dr. Roman: And the head of that family cannot become a Master, it's a scandal that too good to miss.
Dr. Roman: It's easy to imagine the amount of whispering behind her back. Those whispers seems to have been heard by Marie.
Dr. Roman: Even in such circumstances she's doing her best as director. For the last six months, she barely hold her ground.
Dr. Roman: In reality, I wanted her to come for mental care since it's clearly over her capacity. But it's not easy for her to make an appointment.
Dr. Roman: That is why she strain her mind and body. When she's a bit harsh to you, that doesn't mean she hates you
Fujimaru: (I understand. Director is not a bad person.)
Dr. Roman: I'm glad you understand. Oh, but Director is a bad person.
Dr. Roman: I can only guarantee you she's not a Brute nor Cruel, not even a scum. Deep down she's just a dead serious person.
Dr. Roman: Anyway, we're depending on three of you now. Get along with each other and continue the investigation going.
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