Well Howdy Ags, and welcome to the INST
362 library interaction portion of your
class. My name is Mike Larson, I'm a
library associate here at the Evan's
library. Since you'll need a computer for
this portion of our activity today,
go ahead and get logged in, and if you
would go right to the library main
homepage at library.tamu.edu,
we can get started. For the first 10
minutes of class your professor or UPM,
undergraduate peer mentor will discuss
the assignment with you. Go ahead and
pause at this time.
Great job Ags! Now we're going to take a
few minutes and talk about some of the
resources here at the library or any
library on campus both live and online
that will help you be successful in
INST 362. Ok Ags let's look at the
library home website. At library.tamu.edu.
you'll notice we have a lot going on. If
we scroll down we see just a lot of
things that are happening. They're all
good but not everything applies to you
and this particular assignment so I'm
going to just focus on those. When you're
away from class and you need to make
contact with somebody that can help you
with this assignment
go ahead and use our chat service by
going to the upper right corner pressing
the "Help" button and clicking on chat. If
you want to ask a general question you
can do that here. If you have a specific
question towards the INST 362 class or
the particular assignment that you're
doing, you need to go ahead and type that
in here. All of our faculty librarians
are professional librarians by trade and
specialists in their field.
Nevertheless they can help you with any
assignment that you have. So i'm going to
type in something here and see what kind
of reply we get.
Another valuable resource is our
research guides. You can use these for
any of your classes here at Texas A&M
and a library professional, a faculty
member librarian in your subject area of
specialization will make contact with
However for this class I just type in
INST 362. We see that a class guide has
already been created. It talks about the
assignment that you have, it defines what
it means to find scholarly resources and
a link where you can check to see if the
resource that you have found truly is
considered scholarly. It leads you
through a tutorial on how to find
articles. How to cite your sources, how to
use Refworks and something that your
instructors or UPM will talk to you
about. The research article matrix and
the research worksheet. There are many
places to look for materials for your
assignment. Some of that it's scholarly
or some of it is not. Databases, books,
journals, google scholar, newspapers
and of course multimedia. Let's look at
finding a database. There are many
popular databases here that we encourage
you to use. One of the most comprehensive
databases is Academic Search Ultimate.
Let me demonstrate how to use this.
In the upper left-hand corner allows you to
put in search terms. These are considered
boolean words "AND", "OR" ,"NOT" for instance.
"Chocolate" and "vanilla" and "strawberry."
Sorry if that's making everybody hungry.
This will look for research articles
most of which are going to be scholarly
that will have these terms together in
either its title or its abstract summary.
If we use the boolean term "or" it's going
to look for either chocolate or vanilla,
because it believes that you are ok with
either one of them. And then if we use
the boolean term "not" it's going to look
for chocolate but not the word vanilla.
So that allows you to pare that down just a little bit.
These are considered limits it helps us
to reduce the number of search items
that it returns. If I were to just put in
the word chocolate and hit the search
button you'll notice that I came up with
15,775 possibilities and almost
impossible number to actually browse
through and see what it is you want.
So some of the things we can do our to
set limits. I would set the limit of
full-text. I wanted to be scholarly.
If I could take just a moment and talk about
scholarly publications when you see the
word scholarly it basically means that
a professional in the academic world or
industrial world, somebody who has a very
deep and thorough knowledge base of a
certain topic has done some research or
written about that particular item, and
then they send that particular article
for publication out to be reviewed by
peers. Which is as it sounds other
professionals in the same professional
circle if you will that have a the
same level of knowledge base and
understand the data the research and can
judge whether it was the research was
adequate and appropriate. You can change
the type of publication for instance if
you only want academic journals or if
you wanna maybe a less academic such as
a periodical, Time magazine, People
magazine. If you have a certain language
specification you can do that as well.
If you're looking for something that has
images in it,
graphs, maps, charts, data.
For me today in our example i'm simply
going to put it on academic journal,
scholarly, full-text
and I'll stick with
my favorite topic today chocolate.
Alright so we brought the number down
from 15,000 to 3,000, still a daunting
number. The more search terms you can put
in the better. Something that you might
have noticed when I was typing in the
word chocolate is that it auto-filled
other searches using the word chocolate.
For instance let's say that I didn't
want to just study chocolate that is
pretty broad are we talking about chocolate
production, milk chocolate, dark chocolate,
chocolate milk? It gives us several
different possible additions. Let's say I
want chocolate milk. Now lets search.
Great now we're down to 268. You'll
notice that some of the returns are
already showing you that it's full text
there's graphs data involved, fantastic.
Another way you can set limits is the
time-bar. If you don't want something all
the way from 1989 which for some
would-be ancient. You can set the
time-bar to whatever it is you want,
notice it continues to drop that number
of returns.
Well let's say I want something within
the last year. Down to 32.
A good rule of thumb for me is I usually
like to have around 20 to 30 returns for
me to browse through and look and
determine which of them I really want to use.
Let's look at number four, "Influence
of incorporation of blends guar gum and
acacia gum in the preparation of
chocolate flavored milk."
There's your title, there's your authors,
there's your journal citation and you
can go right to the PDF if that's what you
want, save it to the cloud or find it at
A&M. For me the easiest way to do it is to
click the PDF. If you want a little bit
more knowledge about what that
particular article is about click on the
It will give you the same
information I mentioned, but this is
useful it will also share with you some
words that you might not have thought of.
Perhaps you're still in your own mind
trying to narrow down your topic by
pulling that down down down down you
start to see some words that might be
useful and say hey you know what I
wanted to do chocolate milk but what I'm
really interested in is milk the flavor
An abstract is kind of a fancy
professional summary. You'll notice here
a couple of items that are useful. The
PDF is located off to the left. Click on
that and you have it.
And if you want to export
this into some type of citation tool
such as endnote or refworks you can do
that, or if you just want to see how the
item is cited in APA or Chicago or MLA
they've already done it for you.
You're welcome to use these as templates
or copy paste into your citation works.
Ok let's take a moment to review and to
practice. This time I'm going to be using
educational terms instead of chocolate
and I invite you to either follow along
on your laptop or on your computer that
you're sitting at, your tablet or you can
go ahead and start your own specific
topics for the INST 362 class.
Alright databases. While these are
popular databases they are by no means
the only databases you can choose from.
By simply putting in the word education
I can pull up 64 databases that have
scholarly material on the topic of
Education. It just depends on what
direction you want to go.
I like choosing academic search ultimate
because it's like a good comprehensive
umbrella of many topics.
It provides accurate and fast returns
and for classes in an undergraduate
environment. This time I'm going to use
the word "autism"
and i'm going to couple
it with "kindergarten", full-text scholarly
academic journals, search. 59.
That's really good actually but I want
to make it a little bit smaller so I'm
going to bring it to within the last few
years. There we go,
if you recall I mentioned I like 20 to
30 to choose from.
Okay our first one "Transition to
Kindergarten for Children with Autism
Spectrum Disorder."
Wow great title. There's my PDF or my
cloud. I want to see what it's about
there's my abstract summary and here's a
few other words for me to consider.
My PDF is also located there my citations
are there.
and I can go on and see if I'm
looking for data tables to include it
just depends on what your instructor
wants to have in your particular assignment.
Many times your instructor
will ask for several different types of
material to be in your final product.
For instance, maybe a scholarly article
from a database or a journal if you
already know the name of the journal or
maybe a book. General catalog and unlike
the other that use the boolean i'm going
to just put the word my keywords right
next to each other.
"Autism", "kindergarten", keyword, search.
Gave me five.
That's a really good number. Tells you
the title, when it was published, the call
number, where the book can be found in
the library and if it's available or not.
"Classroom pivotal response teaching for
children with autism."
These are the subjects by clicking full view,
it gives you the summary, and if
you need to know where to get it, it
shows you on a map located on the fourth
floor in the L's.
If for whatever reason you're not able
to find the book you're welcome to
invite our staff to do the work for you,
meaning we will go pull it off the shelf
or will borrow from some other lending
institution on your behalf.
Click "get it two days". Put in your Net
ID, password and submit.
Okay Aggie's that's it,
remember if you have questions don't
forget chat with this or talk to your
professor or UPM. Your teacher will now
talk to you about the research worksheet.
Thanks and gig'em!
For more infomation >> INST362: ESL Methods 1 (Spring 2017) - Duration: 16:10.-------------------------------------------
Ginger & Ale (& Golden) - What's in the Bag? - Season 1 Episode 1 - Duration: 3:44.
Ale & Ginger, Ginger & Ale!
We Are two cats and these are our tales! and Golden.
Cha Cha Cha.
Cha Cha Cha.
Guy's its time to play. What's in the bag?
Hi Golden.
Hi Ale.
You're Ale!
I'm Ginger.
Hi, Ginger.
Hi Ale!
Great, here's how it works.
I'm going to give you four clues as to what can be in the bag.
The first one to guess the right answer, WINS!
Okay, the first clue is, it only shows up when it's really cold outside!
It's snow!
Well yeah, and no, sort of.
Here's my second clue!
It has a carrot!
A reindeer, oh a reindeer yeah like Santa Claus, oh is it Santa?
Haha, good guesses but no its not Santa, that's not it!
My third clue is, it wears a hat.
Oh it's Santa!
Golden what do you think it is?
a reindeer with a Santa hat on!
hahah, that sounds awesome
but guess what?
There's a fourth clue!
Its the last clue, when he has the hat on his head, he comes to life!
An elf!
A Grinch?
A Frosty?
It's a Snowman!
That's right it is a Snowman! (bling!)
Oh my goodness its a Snowman!
Look at that snowman and all of his glowingly awesome snow-man-li-ness.
Hey guys anyone want to come with me to the traffic stop?
I do!
Oh do ever!
Haha, let's jump on the Snowman and ride it!
Alright chinchillas let's go!
Lets go! haha, Chinchillas!
Haha Bye!
Peugeot 108 ALLURE1.2 VTI 82 PK 5-DEURS + BEELDSCHERM - Duration: 0:45.
New Barbie™ Movie
Build Your Dreams With Lego
True Life Story of Home Invasion - Liberty Safe, Protecting Your Valuables When You Need It Most - Duration: 1:35.
My late husband and I purchased a Liberty Safe to hold valuables and important documents.
Most recently, we had a home invasion.
The perps broke the handles off.
They used a hatchet, an ax, an electric chain saw.
They used a crow bar, they used a sleever bar; they used everything they could think
of and the safe held.
So, I am immensely happy that we purchased a Liberty Safe and I obviously will be purchasing
another one.
My Kitchen Rules on FOX
Become Inclusive
Ready To Wear 5piece Denim Collection - Duration: 13:11.
Y TU, ERES ESCLAVO O DUEÑO DE TU TIEMPO? por Yolanda Soria DESCIFRANDO LA MATRIX 17 - Duration: 1:31:47.
Tupac - Hail Mary (Official Music Video) - Duration: 5:27.
This is your home now
And the sooner you get that in your head
The better off you gonna be
Man I don't need to be up in here behind these bars
I can't do nothing behind these bars
Of course you do!
You're a criminal
Everybody in here's a criminal
I'm a criminal and you're a criminal
Let me tell you somethin'
I was set up O.G.
Killed my best friend
Don't trip on it kid
Revenge has a funny funny way of settling the score
And when it happens
You will know!
(2Pac): Makaveli in this... Killuminati
All through your body
The blow's like a twelve gauge shotty
Uh, feel me!
♪ (Hook) Come with me ♪
♪ Hail Mary nigga run quick see ♪ (And God said he should send his one begotten son)
♪ What do we have here now ♪ (To lead the wild into the ways of the man)
♪ Do you wanna ride or die ♪ (Follow me!)
♪ La dadada, la la la la ♪ (Eat my flesh, flesh of my flesh)
♪ Come with me ♪
♪ Hail Mary nigga run quick see ♪
♪ What do we have here now ♪
♪ Do you wanna ride or die ♪
♪ La dadada, la la la la ♪
♪ I ain't a killer but don't push me ♪
♪ Revenge is like the sweetest joy next to getting pussy ♪
♪ Picture paragraphs unloaded ♪
♪ Wise words being quoted ♪
♪ Peeped the weakness in the rap game and sewed it ♪
♪ Bow down, pray to God hoping that he's listening ♪
♪ Seeing niggas coming for me, to my diamonds when they glistening ♪
♪ Now pay attention, rest in peace father ♪
♪ I'm a ghost in these killing fields ♪
♪ Hail Mary catch me if I go, let's go deep inside ♪
♪ The solitary mind of a madman who screams in the dark ♪
♪ Evil lurks, enemies, see me flee ♪
♪ Activate my hate, let it break, to the flame ♪
♪ Set trip, empty out my clip, never stop to aim ♪
♪ Some say the game is all corrupted fucked in this shit ♪
♪ Stuck, niggas is lucky if we bust out this shit ♪
♪ Plus mama told me never stop until I bust a nut ♪
♪ Fuck the world if they can't adjust ♪
♪ It's just as well, Hail Mary ♪
♪ (Hook) Come with me ♪
♪ Hail Mary nigga run quick see ♪
♪ What do we have here now ♪
♪ Do you wanna ride or die ♪
♪ La dadada, la la la la ♪
♪ Come with me ♪
♪ Hail Mary nigga run quick see ♪
♪ What do we have here now ♪
♪ Do you wanna ride or die ♪
♪ La dadada, la la la la ♪
♪ Penitentiaries is packed with promise makers ♪
♪ Never realize the precious time the bitch niggas is wasting ♪
♪ Institutionalized I lived my life a product made to crumble ♪
♪ But too hardened for a smile ♪
♪ We're too crazy to be humble we balling ♪
♪ Catch me father please ♪
♪Cause I'm falling in the liquor store ♪
♪ That's the Hennessee I hear ya calling can I get some more? ♪
♪ Hail 'til I reach Hell, I ain't scared ♪
♪ Mama checking in my bedroom, I ain't there ♪
♪ I got a head with no screws in it ♪
♪ What can I do one life to live but I got nothing to lose ♪
♪ Just me and you on a one way trip to prison ♪
♪ Selling drugs ♪
♪ We all wrapped up in this living life as thugs ♪
♪ To my homeboys in Clinton Max, doing they bid ♪
♪ Raise hell to this real shit, and feel this ♪
♪ When they turn out the lights, I'll be down in the dark ♪
♪ Thuggin eternal through my heart ♪
♪ Now Hail Mary nigga ♪
♪ (Hook) Come with me ♪
♪ Hail Mary nigga run quick see ♪
♪ What do we have here now ♪
♪ Do you wanna ride or die ♪
♪ La dadada, la la la la ♪
♪ Come with me ♪
♪ Hail Mary nigga run quick see ♪
♪ What do we have here now ♪
♪ Do you wanna ride or die ♪
♪ La dadada, la la la la ♪
♪ (Kastro): They got a APB, out on my thug family ♪
♪ Since the Outlawz run these streets like these skanless freaks ♪
♪ Our enemies die now, walk around half dead ♪
♪ Head down, K blasted off Hennessee and Thai ♪
♪ Trying it, mixed it, now I'm twisted blisted and high ♪
♪ Visions of me, rhug living getting me by ♪
♪ Forever live, and I multiply survived by thugs ♪
♪ When I die they won't cry unless they coming with slugs ♪
♪ (Young Noble): Peep the whole scene and whatever's going on around me ♪
♪ Brain kinda cloudy, smoked out feeling rowdy ♪
♪ Ready to wet the party up and whoever in that motherfucker ♪
♪ Nasty new street, slugger my heat seeks suckers ♪
♪ On the regular mashing in a stolen black AC Integra ♪
♪ Cock back, sixty seconds 'til the draw that's when I'm dead in ya ♪
♪ Feet first, you got a nice gat but my heat's worse ♪
♪ From a Thug to preaching church I gave you love now you eating dirt ♪
♪ Needing work, and I ain't the nigga to put you on ♪
♪ Cause word is bond when I was broke I had to hustle 'til dawn ♪
♪ That's when sun came up, there's only one way up ♪
♪ Hold ya head and stay up to all my niggas get ya pay and weight up ♪
♪ (Bridge: Kadafi): If it's on then it's on, we break beat-breaks ♪
♪ Outlawz on a paper chase, can you relate ♪
♪ To this shit I don't got, be the shit I gotta take ♪
♪ Dealing with fate, hoping God don't close the gate ♪
♪ If it's on then it's on, we break beat-breaks ♪
♪ Outlawz on a paper chase, can you relate ♪
♪ To this shit I don't got, be the shit I gotta take ♪
♪ Dealing with fate, hoping God don't close the gate ♪
♪ (Hook: 2Pac): Come with me ♪
♪ Hail Mary nigga run quick see ♪
♪ What do we have here now ♪
♪ Do you wanna ride or die ♪
♪ La dadada, la la la la ♪
♪ Come with me ♪
♪ Hail Mary nigga run quick see... ♪
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