It's a clear case of suicide..
..due to a failed marriage and an on-going.. battle for the custody of his children..
..had completely shattered Mr. Shubroto.
According to the police this can be an accident.
Mr. Shubroto was quite worried..
..the night when this incident occurred.
It's also being said that he was..
..also under the influence of alcohol.
Shubroto Mukherjee liked fishing..
..and he'd often spend his weekend fishing.
The viscera tests have proved that Shubroto was drunk..
..and maybe he drowned because of his drunken state.
Shurboto was an ideal for his colleagues..
..and fellow reporters.
He'll always be missed for his..
..pure reporting and his courage to expose the truth.
The entire staff & management of Crime 24.. in deep shock after losing their star reporter.
Shubroto's family, especially his wife..
..have not spoken to the media.
In this sad times..
Shubroto's death is a deep shock..
..for every employee of Crime 24.
Because Shuboto was our inspiration.
He was our ideal.
Our strength.
We're sad, but we're also proud..
Mind blowing! Check out.
I met Shubroto in Bangalore, in a media seminar.
Hello. - Hello.
Did you talk to him?
All you get is 20 minutes.
20 minutes is enough.
I'll wrap up everything by then.
Do you know Lucky Hotel in Safdarjung?
I'll find it, no problem.
One more thing. He demands 15,000.
You said 10. And now 15.
Its' 15 now. Can you arrange it?
Does anyone have Rs.5000 right now? - Right now?
Why do you need Rs.5000 suddenly?
To increase my career graph and create a sensation.
I don't have. - If that's the case then who can refuse.
Here you go. - Thank you.
Now no one can stop me from becoming a media star.
Thank you.
Thank you so much for joining..
..and I shall see you all in a minute.
Thank you.
I've arranged for Rs.5000.
5000 is no good.
It's worthless.
I'll arrange for the rest tomorrow.
Then I suggest we schedule the interview for tomorrow.
Okay, just hold on.
Yeah, sweetheart. - Where are you, Sam?
On the flyover, why?
Sam, what're you doing on a flyover?
There's always a flyover on the way.
Forget that, Sam, are you coming? - Where?
Sam, the opening? - Opening?
Sam, the opening of my new paintings.
Ahana, is that today?
Sam, what's wrong with you?
I've been planning this evening for the past two weeks.
I discussed every little detail with you.
Ahana, oh..
I thought the opening's tomorrow. I swear.
Just forget all that. Just leave everything you're doing and come here.
I can't come now. I'm going for something important.
I've been waiting for the news for a long time.
And finally I got it today. I've to be there in 20 minutes.
It's an amazing story, you will love it.
Sam, it's the same excuse again.
"Amazing story."
Your plan, your career.
I'm just a commercial break, right.
Ahana, can I call you back?
No need.
Fine, keep this Titan as well.
No need to check. It shows the right time.
I always count the notes and choose my wench.
Mike. - What?
It's a mike, to catch your voice.
I see.
No one should recognise it.
Not the police or anyone else.
If anyone does, that's the end of my business..
..and your life. Get it.
Don't worry, we won't show your face.
What do you do?
I sell phenyl.
No, actually. - Actually!
I'm a shooter.
That means you kill people.
I hate blowing my own trumpet.
How many people have you killed?
Never thought anyone would ask this question?
14! - 14.
Haven't been too long in this business.
Don't you feel guilty while or after killing someone?
Yes. I do.
Everyone has some kind of guilt..
..but what can I do?
And you kill men and women.. - Not women.
No women and children.
That's my rule.
And.. how do you feel after killing someone?
Fantastic! Superb!
What do you say to him before you kill him?
Now there's a variety in that.
Different people.
Some die of a heart-attack when they see a gun.
Before I can kill him.
Some start crying when they see a gun.
They beg for mercy. "Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"
"I'll pay you double but spare me, please."
It's really fun to kill people like that.
The finger automatically squeezes the trigger.
And there are some who just become silent.
Their eyes seem empty.
They look at you as if they're staring at nothingness.
It's slightly difficult to kill people like that.
Have you ever killed any important person?
Any VIP?
Yes, I did.
Why, are they any special? -No.
I just want to know.
Yes, I did.
V.M Shukla.
But it was no fun.
He died instantly.
V.M Shukla? - Yes.
You killed industrialist V.M Shukla.
Yes. That's what I just said.
On whose orders? Can you tell us his name?
Is this an interview or an investigation?
Ask silly questions and I'll shoot you.
Bullet in, brains out.
You know, don't you? - I do.
Have you ever killed anyone?
Yes, I did.
Few cockroaches, some rats.
But no humans.
No one wants to do this.
It's the situation that renders you helpless.
..and then you don't think.
You just kill. To save yourself.
Take a good look.
I am your shadow.
Those who slay demons turns into one.
"Yes, I did."
"Killed V.M Shukla."
Hold it! Hold it! Pause that.
Yeah, yeah.
Sam, if.. that's true.. - It's absolutely true.
Then the game's over.
Like I said one day I.. - And he knew one day he'll die.
You know something guys.
V.M Shukla was behind the Sona and Chattarpur land scam..
..and that's why the police won't like your story.
But that's what we want.
That's how it becomes a story.
Make it into a two-part special programme.
The headlines will be "The murderer will speak.."
"..on television today. He'll unveil the secrets."
I think a "Shooter's shocking truth" sounds better.
What do you think, guys? - I think that's better.
Yeah. - I think that's good.
Upload your video on the website.
Inform all the sponsors.
And I want the promo of this program by 3 o'clock on air.
So, go, go, go! This is a news channel, man.
Yes, boss.
This is not an old age home.
We don't get such story's everyday..
..and we don't want to waste Sam's efforts.
Have you ever seen the face of death?
A face that you turn you frozen.
Death, where all questions come to an end..
..have you ever questioned him face to face.
Maybe not.
And even if anybody did..
..didn't live to tell the answers.
But I saw death and even asked question.
And I'm alive to show you the answers.
You can run into death anywhere.. the bus, train, cinema halls, malls.
Because even though he's dreadful from inside..
..but he looks normal just like you and me.
But yet he's different.
He has no pity or emotion.
No soul, no mercy.
He's completely inhumane.
Due to our professional ethics..
..we cannot reveal his face to you.
But what we're going to show next will shock you.
What do you? - I am a shooter.
How many people have you killed until now?
Never thought anyone would ask this question? But..
Haven't been too long in this business.
And you kill men and women.. - Not women.
No women and children. That's my rule.
Different people.
Some die of a heart-attack when they see a gun.
What did he say his name was?
He didn't say his name.
You're lying, aren't you?
If I say I'm telling the truth will you believe me?
We can see from your eyes that you're lying.
Tell us his name, his address.
And also his phone number.
Look, he didn't tell me his name.
No number or address either.
And the person who gave me his contact..
..called me from different landline numbers.
Do you know that you're..
..creating problems in the on-going murder investigation..
..of V.M Shukla case?
Creating problems?
In an investigation that hasn't even begun.
You know a lot about this case, don't you?
Is that why you're helping the murderer?
Look, sir. I'm only doing the duty of a journalist.
Whoever falls in the clutches of the Special Cell..
..really regrets it.
Do you want me to show you?
What are you staring it?
I'll blow your brains out, get that!
Firstly the law fails to punish them..
..and then people like you make them heroes.
That's their job!
Proving wenches are divine.
It's all a joke for them!
Hello. - Hello.
Samar speaking. From the news channel.
The one who gave you the watch.
Yes, it's showing the right time.
Tell him that he can run into trouble.
What nonsense?
The police can create a problem.
Just keep your lid closed I'll handle the rest.
Yes, Mr. Gupta.
Nice court.
The court next to it is much better.
The wood here has caught moisture.
Sir, I can feel the softness in your voice.
Any problem?
Sam, what's the definition of a news channel according to you?
The news channel is a medium that..
..makes the people aware of the truth on all the issues.
The News Channel is a corporation, Sam..
..and one needs a lot of money to run it.
Licence fee.
Satellite space.
Travelling expense.
Buying Equipment's.
Paying your salary.
Paying my club membership.
Everything. And there's lot more, Sam.
And like the rest there is one man.. this corporation who arranges for the money.
Draws advertisers. Helps build products.
I know. Gupta.
But why tell me all this, sir?
V.M Shukla was Mr. Gupta's childhood friend.
Do you get that into your head?
Oh no!
Yes! Exactly!
Sir, I didn't know. - I didn't either.
But, sir, my story was based on truth..
..and not only for creating sensation.
And you always said that a news channel..
..shouldn't just think about their investors..
..but also about their audience, and the truth.
You said it yourself. - Yeah, I said it.
I must have said it sometime.
So big deal.
I might've said it.
Sam, this time it's personal.
People are calling from Fiji!
From the Chamber of Commerce.
His industrialist friends are very angry..
..because this bloody story was telecasted!
And you don't want to know about Delhi police.
Yeah, they came to my office without an appointment.
People respect V.M Shukla, Sam.
That means you're firing me from the job.
You're firing me.
Just.. just forget me.
Sam. Try to understand. - I've better things to do.
Sam, I owe you one!
Damn it!
Bloody hell!
What did Mehra say?
What else? - What are you doing?
He just withdraw from the entire matter.
He's become Mr. Clean. - But it's not your fault.
It has to me someone's fault.
Where will you go, Samar?
I don't know. Maybe to some bar, and drown my sorrows.
Sam, he means.. - I know, I know.
I have some offers.
I will think them after having couple of drinks.
Are you sure? - You do.
When you've a knack on taking the dirt road..
..always keep a spare tyre.
For safety. - I don't understand.
Friends, keep fighting.
Against lies, injustice.
Go insane sometimes, like me.
Actually, don't. Otherwise you'll have to pack up like me.
We completely regret and admit..
..that one of our senior reporter..
..used a lowly and cheap way to get famous.
And made a shooter's story, and a fake one.
I would like to request our audience, the common people..
..and especially the Delhi Police..
..that there's no sharp-shooter or hit man.
It was just the imagination of Samar Grover's mind.
For making up an fictitious story..
..and humiliating our channel we've..
..fired Samar Grover from this channel.
So, you're giving me an opportunity.. spend an evening with you.
Can I know what's so special today?
Ahana, you taunt me for everything.
I've left Pulse.
Yes.. - Left!
Because I hurt Mr. Gupta.
The shooter I interviewed..
..had murdered Gupta's friend Shukla.
And by the way, Ashok Mehra..
..gave a green signal to this story.
He was so enthusiastic.
"Do this, do that.. make a cool promo!"
"Samar's efforts.."
Oh no!
As soon as he saw that things are getting worse..
..he just washed his hands from everything.
"Yes, Mr. Gupta."
Until now not one editor-in-charge..
..gave any credit to my vision, contribution and commitment.
Not one.
Everyone just made big promises, big dreams.
Sometimes a pat on my back..
..but made big house, expensive club memberships..
..for themselves.
But me..
Have you seen Ashok Mehra's house?
It's a big house.
My house..
Sam, you can have a car, house, everything..
But only if you stay in one place.
We never manage to pay the rent, or credit card bills..
..or phone bills on time.
We've postponed our marriage twice.
That is not fair. That is not fair.
I never postponed our marriage.
It was your father.
He's the one who always said..
.."Marry a man with class, not some TV performer".
Sorry to say but I'm no TV performer.
I don't crack jokes on television.
I'm a serious investigative journalist.
Oh my, God. Your nose is bleeding.
Have you been taking sleeping pills again?
I can't hear you?
Are you okay? - Yeah.
Who is it? - Don't know.
Can't hear.
Some Rita..
Hello. - Yes.
Is that Mr. Grover? - Yeah.
Who is speaking?
Hi, my name is Lisa Kapoor..
..and I'm from the President Corporate Affairs.
It's a big media company.
Mr. Grover, I admire your reporting style.
Your praises is like music to my ears.
I've heard from my sources that you..
I resigned. - I thought so too.
Well, our channel's in the process of..
..hiring a man for the top job.
What's the name of your channel?
If we can meet over a cup of coffee..
..then maybe it'll be the end of our search?
Okay, I suggest that you call me tomorrow morning.
I'm taking the 2 am flight to Kuala Lampur today.
And will return only next week.
You mean you want to meet right now.
I can come wherever you are.
Can't we meet tomorrow morning?
Mr. Grover, I'm talking about a top job.
Top job as in? - Editor-in-chief.
What channel did you say? What's the name?
Just five minutes, and the decision will be yours.
Fine, where can we meet?
Like I said, wherever you are.
I suggest let's meet up at Crown Plaza.
Mr. Grover.
Lisa Kapoor.
Hi, Lisa.
So, right now I'm with Samar Grover.
I don't believe it.
I'm a big fan.
I've been tracking all your stories.
So what channel do you work for?
Crime 24.
Yes, I know.
We're really sorry for what happened with Shubroto.
Ever since he lost the custody of his children..
..he was very worried.
Roger paid a heavy compensation to Suhasini?
Roger Khanna. My boss.
How is Roger Khanna involved in all this?
Like I said.. he's my boss.
And he also owns Crime 24.
Few years ago I heard a rumour..
..that Roger was involved in a Russian arms deal.
Well, like you said. It was a rumour.
And to tell you the truth, Roger was framed.
Look, to be honest.. the moment I am considering some offers.
And if I'm allowed to ask, what offers?
Associate EP. My own show.
I not talking about a show..
..I'm talking about an entire channel here.
Right now I'm trying to understand "Why me".
Because when you were new..
..everyone had great expectations from you.
But regretfully.. - It was due to some reasons..
..that was beyond my control, Ms. Lisa.
I can understand.
You fell prey to censorship.
The editorial control is controlling you.
People are playing corporate games with you.
It's like you've been held behind a glass wall.
Gagged. Caged and bound.
Samar, I'm offering you a key to your professional liberty.
Roger believes in the kind of news you do.
Real news!
Ms. Lisa, that's exactly what I get to hear.. every channel in the beginning.
I am sorry but I cannot consider your offer.
Just as a piece of advice, I'd like to say..
..that you're rejecting a 'once-in-a-lifetime offer.
Opportunities always come to those who look for one.
I want to move ahead at my own pace, Lisa.
Samar, we just want to tell the truth..
..and we aren't afraid of it.
Thanks, but no thanks.
Thanks for the drink. - You're welcome.
Is he really an arms-dealer?
I've seen him in exhibitions and art-galleries.
He's always with a lot of security.
On the launch of his channel Crime 24..
..Roger landed from a hot-air balloon..
..with three bikini-clad girls.
Some people can go to any limits for publicity.
And he stated that 6 months later his channel will be no.1.
God knows which position he's now.
Gagged. Caged and bound.
Gagged. Caged and bound.
Mr. Grover. Good morning.
Lisa, is your offer still open?
Not offer, Mr. Grover, opportunity.
Call me Sam.
Alright. Do you have a valid passport, Sam?
And it'll look beautiful in the house.
Excuse me.
Hello. - Hello.
Listen. I am going to Kuala Lumpur.
You're joking.
What is Roger doing here?
What is Roger doing in Kuala Lumpur?
Roger! - What?
Samar Grover.
Hey, Samar.
Come, let's go for a drive.
No. You got to be kidding me. No!
Come on. Come in. - Come on, go.
Jump in! - Let's go for a drive.
Come on, come on.
Thanks for making my death so easy.
You won't even know you're dead.
Oh man!
Scared? - I shouldn't be?
Good. Fear is essential for survival.
Are you worried about Shubroto's position?
I mean any superstition?
I don't believe in these things.
Good, very good.
Only the weak believe in superstitions.
What's the aim of your life? - To be successful.
Even a wench can be successful, and so can be a criminal.
You should have a aim in life.. that the world remembers you.
In today's world, bad is good.
Bad news is good news.
More than 80% of people like watching..
..double, triple murder, rape, crime news..
..and not some musical show.
Do you know why?
Because these stories excite them?
It creates a sensation in their blood.
And I want these people to watch only my channel.
We shall show the world what they want to see.
Can you do that? - I can try.
That means you aren't sure.
Do you believe in yourself?
I can be sure of that.
That's okay.
But remember one thing.
Either I'll take the right way or the backdoor.
If we strike a deal on a good note..
..then you'll maintain your managerial control.
If I choose the other way..
..then you won't have any option to choose.
Not Tuesday, Monday.
Either lead or get out of the way, right?
But this isn't warning, right? - No.
I don't believe in warnings.
You know, Samar, any society.. incomplete without crime and criminals.
That's why a society creates situations for a crime..
..and criminals accomplish the task.
And I.. I broadcast that.
I tell the world "Watch, fear".
"Fear, watch."
I started from zero in life.
And I kept adding those zeros in my bank account.
And today.. it's all before you.
So tell me, how did you get attracted towards crime reporting?
When I was four my.. mother left my father.
And me too.
My father was a drunkard.
I can understand why she left him but..
..why did she leave me?
My efforts to investigate this reason..
..slowly turned into an obsession.
And did you learn the truth?
Every truth is revealed in one way or another.
Roger's like Raavan!
What do you mean?
He has ten faces.
How long have you been with Roger?
Around four years.
I was selected in Wharton.
"Don't know what's this desire burning in me."
"Why are my eyes seeing things?"
"They stay awake, and has lost all slumber."
"What's happening with me?"
"Your lips have shown me a new life."
"Can't live without you now."
"I feel.. you're the best for me."
"It's difficult to stay without you."
"It's not easy."
"It's not easy."
"Let me dwell in your heart.. and forget this world."
"No distance between us."
"The heart's lifeless without you."
"My eyes crave for you every moment."
"Without you, my world's impossible to believe."
"You completed me."
"Stay away for you, even in dreams it's difficult for me."
"It's difficult for me."
"It's difficult for me."
Sorry, Lisa. I can't.
I'm in a relationship.
Relationships are like TV screen images, Samar.
They seem interesting, only when they change..
And that's how a story is made.
Relationships should change too.
And that's the ultimate truth.
I don't make relationships interesting.
And I am not interested in making a story..
..of relations either.
1.5 crores annual remuneration..
..with 15% increase every year.
Plus performance related perks.
Stock options.
Company car.
Why? - Meaning?
I mean all this is too much.
You mean to say I don't deserve all this?
I'm not worth it.
Sam, that isn't what I meant?
Ahana, I can clearly understand what you're trying to say.
I am sorry.
You know I'm just being my cynical self.
I am really happy for you, Sam.
Tell your dad that Samar won't just make news.. he'll be one too.
And pack your bags.
Why? Where are we going?
Two tickets to.. Maldives.
Oh my, God.
Thank you.
"My heart was my best buddy."
"Earlier was all for me."
"Once my heart was my best buddy."
"Earlier was all for me."
"Then what wonder what happened suddenly."
"It's been influenced by someone greatly."
"It's my heart, but doesn't listen to me."
"Does it meet your heart secretly?"
"Does it meet your heart secretly?"
"Does it betray me secretly?"
"Does it betray me secretly?"
"It treats me so strangely."
"Doesn't even take pity on me."
"It treats me so strangely."
"Doesn't even take pity on me."
"Wonder who it's been influenced by?"
"Holding all my secrets within."
"But those secrets are still unknown to me."
"Does it meet your heart secretly?"
"Does it meet your heart secretly?"
"Does it betray me secretly?"
"Does it betray me secretly?"
Are you happy, Sam?
How do you know?
I know you. - I see.
I know, don't I?
Roger believes more than 80% of the people.. to watch crime news.
They want to see shocking, sensational news.
I believe that too.
We'll make a 12 hour time crime capsule.
The mornings will begin with the programme 'Red Dawn'
Here we'll show crimes committed last night.
After that we'll have a 2 hour special show.
'Killing Time.'
Here we'll show breaking news committed before 12 pm.
Afternoons will begin with our show 'M for Murder'.
This will show the crimes committed in the entire world.
After that, a special show being committed on the streets.
'An investigation of the scene of the crime.'
'Final Cut.'
And finally, my flagship show.
'3rd Eye.'
We've to show big crimes.
And in close-up.
If we fail to do that..
..then there'll be a big close-up of us on the screen.
It's great. Yeah!
Any news can be big, breaking and effective..
..only when it's shown first.
So the question is.. do we broadcast any news first?
Contacts. Reliable sources.
Police's media relation offices.
And through some reliable sources that give me the news first.
That's what you think.
And anyway, I'm not talking about Delhi alone.
I am talking about the entire country.
Come on, let me show you something else.
In today's age the more reliable source is technology.
Technology helps everyone.
The police. Criminals.
And also people like us who create history.
Every police station in the country..
..has a mobile helpline.
And with the help of our friends in the telecom industry..
..I've setup a small system.
But that's phone tapping. It's illegal.
Everyone does everything that's illegal in this world.
Show me your mobile phone.
Wow. Good one.
Did you buy it from a showroom?
That means this is illegal too.
Samar, nothings right or wrong.
Our view point makes it so.
So, can we tap the police landlines as well?
It's a simple program that runs on Windows.
Every police officer in 44 cities.
Their voice, their secrets and much more.
That means we'll broadcast every breaking news first.
The other channels don't stand a chance..
..they will be wiped out.
You're talking about 80% viewership.
That's a cakewalk. We'll get a 100%.
Everyone's in a hurry to telecast the news first.
Now we'll show them.
I want my channel to be no.1.
At any cost.
And I am not doing this to make money.
I have other ways to make money.
I want to teach a lesson to few people.
We'll blow them away.
Hello. I am Cujo.
Head of security, Crime 24.
I haven't heard much but I've seen you a lot.
But today when I did, I realised..
..that I heard right about you.
The real reason that I am here.
See you, bye.
We'll do that post-break.
Okay, ready to go. 3-2-1.
Hello and welcome to Crime 24.
This is Samar Grover, your friend and host.
And we've with us an image from the crime world..
..from the entire day.
First we'll see the situation of crime in the three metros.
And now we're connecting live with our dynamic and dashing reporter.
Madhu Bist from Delhi.
Aniban Chaudhary from Kolkata.
And Radha Saklani from Mumbai.
Good evening, Samar. - Good evening everyone.
Madhu, first tell us.. was your day in Delhi.
The fire broke out this morning at 8..
..and you can imagine its fury with the fact that.. hasn't been doused yet.
Seven fire-engines of the Delhi fire-brigade..
..are still trying to douse the fire.
Now let's turn to Mumbai.
Our crime reporter Radha's present at the scene of the crime.
Mr. Sharma went out for his business news..
..but what happened after that?
His wife and both children were murdered.
Let's take a look at the news of Delhi.
The faces of both the children were badly burnt.
The girl jumped from 25th floor and committed suicide.
The corpses kept in the wood storehouse were gagged.
Call it coincidence or a miracle..
..but the murderers of Noida MLA Raghunath Yadav..
..couldn't escape our alert eye.
I saw that a car was parked there.
They just came, shot and left. That's all.
The police arrived late. Around 15-20 minutes later.
Don't you think the police is making false assumptions.. the Bangalore Swami triple murder case?
Who says we're making false assumptions?
15 students are dead and 50 injured..
..who have been admitted in this hospital.
Last evening, two people died and one was injured.. the communal quarrel.
Aditya Bhalla was well known..
..for speaking the truth.
He always supported the truth.
Hold on.
This is an exclusive footage from Crime 24..
..and no one else has this.
This murder..
The corpse was cut up in 300 pieces..
The girl's throat was slit..
Burnt alive..
And hanged himself.
14 year old girl..
How can anyone be so cruel?
Definitely, Crime 24 was the first to arrive.
It always has, and always will.
Crime 24..
Will expose the bare truth of the society..
Crime 24..
..with the crack of the gong.
News at any cost.
Your channel has violated BRAI rule..
..for subject matter treatment rule no. 10, 11, 14, 16
Etcetera. Etcetera.
Signed, Mr. V.N Dixit.
Secretary, Information and Broadcasting ministry.
They want to serve us a notice..
..and they want us to suspend our broadcast.
Mr. V.N Dixit.
Wasn't he arrested for sexual harassment?
You're right.
Cujo. - Sir..
Send.. - Sir. I will go.
Come in.
Would you like to count it? - Of course not.
Who is it now?
Relax, Mr. Dixit. Let me get that.
Room service.
Nice bed. - Yeah, very nice.
Very nice bad.
We're back with you after the break.
Before bringing you breaking news from the crime world..
..we've good news.
V.N Dixit, special committee member of BRAI..
..has congratulated the entire team of Crime 24..
..and encouraged us to maintain the standard of coverage.
The Information and Broadcasting ministry..
..has congratulated us for the fastest, path-breaking..
..responsible and unbiased coverage.
I never saw such accurate and fast reporting.. the last 15 years.
How do they find out about every crime before the police?
Crime 24 has completely changed..
..the direction and terms of crime reporting.
Samar's popularity proves..
..he's brought a revolution in the world of reporting.
New Nutrino.
The breakfast of winners.
Sir, with more feelings.
New Nutrino.
Sir. Take 2.
New Nutrino.
The breakfast of winners.
Where are you, Sam?
I'm heading to Crime 24's success party.
Why? - There's a surprise for you.
If I tell you, will it be a surprise?
Fine, I'll be there in half an hour.
By sweetheart, love you.
"We'll dance with an attitude."
"So will our heart."
"Tonight the music will blow aloud."
"We'll dance with an attitude."
"So will our heart."
"Tonight the music will blow aloud."
"There's no one here to stop us."
"Our life is different from the world."
"The heart's carefree."
"It's bloody carefree."
"The heart's carefree."
"It's bloody carefree."
"The heart's carefree."
"It's bloody carefree."
"Love in dance in the eyes."
"The energy's overpowering me."
"The floor will shake."
"Love in dance in the eyes."
"The energy's overpowering me."
"The floor will shake."
"The heart's on a high."
"It'll be filled with enthusiasm."
"We'll mix some fun in the booze."
"The heart's carefree."
"It's bloody carefree."
"The heart's carefree."
"It's bloody carefree."
"The heart's carefree."
"It's bloody carefree."
Looks like you had a great time with her.
You two have come quite close.
Isn't that Lisa?
Ahana, it's not what it looks like.
It' s all nonsense.
What do you think what it is?
Everything's so clear, Sam.
Ahana, you know how loud the music is in nightclub's.
I was whispering something in her ears.
You never whisper like this in my ears.
What has she got?
What about her fascinates you?
I mean look at her all over you with polished nails..
..and plastic lips.
Ahana, please stop it.
Hi, is this Lisa Kapoor. - Yes, this is Lisa.
My name's Ahana Sharma.
Oh! Hi, Ahana. I didn't recognise you.
Can we meet somewhere?
Why don't you come to our office?
That way you can see our office too. - No.
No, let's meet somewhere else, please.
Sure. Okay.
Say hi. Say hi. Wave your hands.
Sir, you want to shoot.
Come, come, come. I'll go play with kids.
Yeah, come.
Come on, come on.
Rikin. - Come on.
Sit on the swing. Swing, swing.
Next page. Initials.
Sorry, sorry.
And this page.
Lisa. - Yes.
Did Rikin work here? - Who?
Rikin. Rikin Chawla. He's on this tape.
What tape? - Don't know.
It shows Rikin and Shubroto in a jungle with some naxal kids.
Oh.. Rikin, of course.
Rikin and I were together in a media workshop few years ago.
I mean Rikin did work here.
I don't know. He suddenly disappeared one day.
He didn't collect his salary either.
It's really weird.
That's Rikin. He's slightly crazy.
He can do anything.
Mr .Grover, good thing you found this tape.
Allow me to keep it somewhere safe. Thank you.
Anyway. I haven't met him for a long time.
I'll contact him. - Yup.
Hi. Lisa Kapoor.
I guess a woman that believes in one night stands..
..and changing affairs can understand the meaning of a relationship.
I am sorry. What do you mean?
I can tell you're pretending, Ms. Kapoor.
Why don't you pick someone else for spending your nights with?
Are you accusing me of seducing Samar?
Well, Ms. Sharma.
My advice is that you control Samar..
..rather that accusing others.
If there's a problem between you two..
..then that's your problem, not mine.
Get it.
The IDEA no you're trying to call is out of coverage area.
Hi, Samar.
How.. how are you?
So they gave you a penthouse too.
And a BMW.
They must have given you a gold card as well.
What happened with Shubroto is much more important, Samar.
What happened with Shubroto? - He killed Shubroto.
Who killed Shubroto? - That bastard Cujo.
By drowning him in a river.. that it looks like an accident.
Except for installing cellular scanners and phone tapping.. Crime 24 is way behind other channels.
How's that possible?
Crime 24 has.. - Crime 24 can have Samar Grover..
..India's best crime reporter, but technology-wise..
..that channel's a big zero.
Everything that you saw.
The ultra-modern setup.
You get that in Palika Bazaar.
And for cheap.
But what you're saying is very far-fetched.
The race for live news is won by OB van. Right? - Yes.
NDTV has 40 OB vans.
How many does Crime 24 have?
11! - Rikin..
Shubroto was gathering evidence against Cujo and his men.
He was certain that Cujo and his men..
..are committing murders for news coverage.
They're staging road accidents, industrial accidents.
Loot-plunder, shooting, everything.
What an idea to stay ahead in business, right?
You and your conspiracy theories.
Come up with me. Let's have a drink.
Come on.
You've sold yourself, Samar.
Now you're one of them.
Your house, your office, your car everything's tapped.
Maybe you're watched and heard everywhere you go.
What will you do?
What are you going to do?
I hope you find an answer while you're still alive.
You're dead, Sam.
We're all dead.
Rikin.. - You're dead, Sam.
You're dead. We're all dead.
Rinkin. - You're dead, Sam.
It's all over. - Rikin.
Ahana, where are you going?
Back to Mumbai.
Ahana, how many times do I say this?
How many times will I have to explain you?
There's nothing going on between me and Lisa.
I'll have to.
This is why I stood beside you.
I slowed down so that.. don't lag behind in life.
But why don't believe me?
Why don't believe me dammit?
Ahana, listen to me.
I just don't understand.
I don't know what to say.
No need to say anything.
I'll leave tomorrow evening.
I wanted to leave today but all the flights are booked, so..
Look, Ahana, you're very upset at the moment..
..and I am too tensed.
Let's just sleep over it.
We'll talk in the morning.
Okay, sweetheart.
In recent news, a man hanged himself to death.. a hotel in Pahadganj.
Our correspondent was first to reach the scene of the crime.. always.
The deceased's real name is Rikin.
According the police no suicide letter..
..was found with the corpse.
The hotel's manager stated man..
..this man has been living here for a long time..
..under a fake name.
Our correspondents believe..
..that he can have connections with the underworld.
Yeah, Lisa.
Lisa, I'm busy right now.
Can I call you back?
No, my program's about to start so, I'll call you back.
I'll call you back, bye.
'He killed Shubroto. - Who 'killed Shubroto?'
'That bastard Cujo.'
'By drowning him in a river..'
' that it looks like an accident.'
'Except for installing cellular scanners and phone tapping..'
' Crime 24 is way behind other channels.'
'How's that possible?'
'Crime 24 can 'have Samar Grover..'
'..India's best crime reporter, but technology-wise..'
'..that channel's a big zero.'
'Everything that you saw.' 'The ultra-modern setup.'
'You get that in Palika Bazaar.'
'But what you're saying is very far-fetched.'
'The race for live news is won by OB van. Right?'
'NDTV has 40 OB vans.'
'How many does Crime 24 have?'
'Tell me. 11!'
'Shubroto was gathering evidence against Cujo and his men.'
'He was certain that Cujo and his men..'
'..are committing murders for news coverage.'
'They're staging road accidents, industrial accidents.'
'Loot-plunder, shooting, everything.'
'Everything that makes live news.'
'Railway stations. Airports. Bus stops.'
'Everywhere. Cujo and his men are looking all over for me.'
'With my photo in one hand and a gun in the other.'
'What will you do?'
'What are you going to do?'
'I hope you find an answer while you're still alive.'
'You're dead, Sam.' 'We're all dead.'
Mr. Grover.
Samar, where were you?
It's time for the telecast.
Come on. - I..
Come on.
What else? I just went up to her and slipped my hand inside.
I slipped it inside her T-shirt and she started screaming.
'Vicky, leave me, leave me.'
That's all you can do. - Yeah.
It felt like I was pressing a cloth-ball.
Later I found out it was a cloth.
It's the cops.
Hide the bottle? - But where?
Keep it down somewhere.
Good evening, Sam.
I'm reporting live from the scene of the crime.
Three youngsters were brutally murdered.
All three belonged to a good family..
..and attended Hindu College.
And they were on their way to Manali for vacations.
Welcome to..
Crime 24.
We bring you the.. the crime world..
Hello. - You've been avoiding me the entire day..
..and it's really important for us to talk.
That's why I called.
I see.
Why? - Because, Samar, we know that you know.
Didn't I say the truth will be revealed someday?
This is just like your hitman story..
..little truth and more lies.
And that's why you chose me to tell your story.
You thought I'm ambitious, I'll get corrupted easily.
Just because I want to say something, I'll stay quiet.
I want to be successful, so I'll turn in my soul.
And don't use the hitman story to justify your crimes..
..that story was absolutely true.
You should've told me in the beginning.
At least I would've known..
..that I was opting to be a criminal, not a crime reporter.
Oh, for God sake no need to be so emotional, Samar.
You don't know what Roger has planned for you.
An apartment in Singapore.
A vacation home in Lankavi.
A fulltime directorship.
Even I have thought a lot for Roger, Lisa.
Full time torture.
Special cell in Tihar Jail.
And a vacation home in hell.
Samar, please being so stubborn.
Nothing's gone wrong yet.
I promise Ahana will be left unharmed.
Just say yes, I can call it off right now.
So that you can kill innocent people for higher TRP ratings.
For God sake, don't make me do this, Samar.
Don't make me do this.
Yeah, Sam. - Ahana, get out of the house now!
I am leaving, Sam.
Get out of the house! - Chill. I am leaving.
Hey, Samar. - Roger, let Ahana go.
She has nothing to do with all this.
I've no interest in Ahana either.
I could never imagine you'd stoop so low.
Don't think, Samar. Just look around you.
Everything's rigged.
Politicians, politics, bureaucracy, cricket match.
Everything. Not just in our country, the entire world.
There's a rig everywhere.
Roger, let Ahana go. You've got a tiff with me.
Samar. Ahana will be unharmed.
Please believe me. It's a promise.
If you promise that you'll fully cooperate with me.
Do you want Ahana to die for the people you don't even know?
This is the time to make history, Samar.
We can strike gold together.
You are the face of the channel.
Please don't upset me, Samar.
Roger, you think I'm a fool. I know you're buying time, Roger.
That's why I'm not selling it. And one more thing.
Now the unthinkable will happen.
Oh, God.
Remember what you said to that border officer?
"Don't blame me, blame yourself because you created me."
Just wait and watch.
And now I will destroy you!
Bye, Roger.
Samar's in a mood to play games.
And I don't have the time or the mood to play with him.
Shall I instruct my men?
Deal with him. Think about it.
If you can change his mind..
..I feel these things aren't required.
Oh no.
"Your fervour.."
I hope you will enjoy this hotel, sir.
You need some girls, sir.
I mean girls. - No.
Boys. - No.
You need some drugs for relaxing. - No.
Okay, sir.
Famous painter our editor-in-chief Samar Grover's fianc..
..Ahana Sharma was kidnapped last night.
Samar's too been missing after this incident..
..and our effort to contact him was vain.
The person whose picture's being show on television.. staying in our hotel.
Room no.7, Jubilee Hotel, Pahadganj.
It's you..
So they sent me to kill you.
Lucky for you it was me. What if they sent someone else?
It's not a reason to rejoice. If I don't kill you, they will.
Every tom, dick and harry's looking for you.. every nook and corner with a gun in his hand.
I need your help.
I cannot do it.
I cannot do it.
I will pay you. I will pay you good.
Only if I live to take it.
You don't know who you're up against.
I know. Roger Khanna!
He's a powerful man. He controls everyone.
Look.. I helped you.
So now I want your help.
I never asked for your help.
You were a nice man so you helped me.
But I am not a good person. I cannot do it.
I said I will pay you.
Money! Money! Money! So you're rich!
I've money too.
Business is doing good. This one.
Keep your money.
I am leaving. - Why don't you just say that you're a coward?
I am not a coward?
I am just acting.
You can call me a liar.
Just like I lied to you.
I killed VM Pande.. No.
What was his name? I killed VM Shukla.
That was a joke.
Joke? - Yeah!
You call that a joke!
Your joke's the reason why I am in this situation.
You know that.
All these problems were created because of your lie.
Calm down.
If you hadn't lied I wouldn't be..
He's lost it.
Hi, baby.
Thank God I don't believe in one night stands..
..and changing relations.
Otherwise what's the point of a relation..
..that ends up like this?
All I want is that you help yourself.
I am talking about your life, get that.
And you can lose it.
The kidnappers have sent a tape.
The tape shows Ahana Sharma in their custody.
If the ransom isn't delivered within 12 hours..
I think this isn't what it looks like. - Then no one will find her corpse.
Whether its kidnappers, naxalites, terrorists.
They all want media attention.
They want most of the people to see and hear them.
So why didn't they send this tape to us?
Why not the other channels?
What could be the reason, sir?
Maybe because this telecast is for someone special.
Maybe Sam.
Sir, sir.
You mean to say that..
..Samar Grover can be involved in this kidnapping.
Look, we cannot say anything for certain.
Samar, I know that you can see and hear me.
I hope you're really fine.
I really like you.
I'm sure you remember that I had said..
..that only an orphan can help another orphan.
Please call me, Samar. I'm waiting for you.
Delhi police believes that Samar Grover..
..can be involved in this kidnapping.
According the police the reason can be.. get rich easily, personal problems..
..crimes conducted under an obsession.
Dangerous love.
These matters are common nowadays.
Lovers kill their companion over small issues.
The police are searching Samar's house as we speak. - Come on.
Didn't I tell you?
He's here.
It's okay.
We'll deal with it.
Where is Prince?
If you find him somewhere then let me know.
It's him.
Cujo sir, hello.
Rascal, where are you? I called you umpteen times.
Cujo, mind your language with me.
First do your dirty jobs and also listen to your cusses.
Stop barking and tell me did you do the job?
It's done.
Couldn't you send me to kill someone else?
This one was such a coward. He died the minute I pulled out my gun.
I was taking care of his body..
..that's why I couldn't answer your call.
You can come in the morning and see his dead body yourself.
Why morning?
Show me his body right now?
And get myself arrested.
The police are all around.
Understand you dog.
Rascal, I will.. - Sorry.
Try to understand, Cujo.
There's a gun in the boot of the car. Bloodstains on the seat.
I will get arrested instantly.
Then who will do your dirty jobs, Cujo?
Get that.
Come in the morning and see for yourself.
And remember, come alone.
I don't like a crowd. - Okay.
Come on.
Tell me something.
How did Cujo and his men stage all the accidents..
..and murders in the entire country?
Have you heard about Raja Chaudhary?
Raja Chaudhary? - No?
And you call yourself a crime reporter?
Have you heard of a place called Gujjar?
Yes. - You did.
So he's the don of Gujjar.
He's into many things.
Smuggles drugs, kidnapping, and extortion.
He runs a racket of girls.
Sells fake liquor and..
And much more.
'A man can earn a truckload of money..'
'..but it isn't easy to earn respect.'
'I finally know and understand this.'
'So now I want to earn respect.'
'I want to make a name for myself.'
'I hope you understood, lady.'
'Mr. Chaudhary, we'll wire the money through Dubai.'
'And after investing it in Kuala Lumpur and Hong Kong..'
'..we'll deposit it in your account in Malaysia.'
'That's fine, but when?'
'Three days.'
'This is when our network comes in use.'
'Mr. Chaudhary, with technology comes speed.'
'Great. Great.'
Roger was turning Raja Chaudhary's black money white.
And using us to do his jobs in return..
..who kill others to make a living.
Kill others to make a living.
And give you breaking news.
If crimes and criminals disappear..
..half the channels will shut down.
It's a sad story.
"Lord, what've you done?"
"You've burdened me with sorrows."
"Lord, what've you done?"
"You've burdened me with sorrows."
"You're the moments of happiness in my life."
"You're my devotion."
"Of all the times that I prayed."
"You are the answer to all my prayers."
"I am the wave and you're my shore."
"I am the journey and you're my destination."
"Of all the times that I prayed."
"You are the answer to all my prayers."
"Lord, what've you done?"
"You've burdened me with sorrows."
"Lord, what've you done?"
"You've burdened me with sorrows."
"You're the beautiful ambience in my life."
"It's you who I crave for."
"You've been my only desire."
"Stop testing me anymore."
"You're the clouds stirring up in my path."
"You're like the raindrops in a hot sun."
"I think of you all day, all night."
"Don't ever go away from me."
"Lord, what've you done?"
"You've burdened me with sorrows."
"Lord, what've you done?"
"You've burdened me with sorrows."
Yeah. Yeah, it's beautiful.
It often happens.
Don't worry, okay.
Did Cujo identify the body?
He's on his way.
Two dead interns in 6 months.
Our story will be... Samar's kidnapping plans backfired.
So they killed him.
And...the girl?
Let Cujo identify the body first.
And then..
Then just kill her.
And our TRP.
Our TRP will rocket through the roof.
Come on, now get going.
Cujo. - Where is it?
Where's the body? - Yeah.
Take a look at the body, on the backseat.
You traitor.
Mr. Grover.
Reporters don't look nice holding a gun.
It's real.
Shoot him. - Hand it over.
Shoot him. - Come on.
I'll get you a new one on behalf of the company for Diwali.
I said give it to me.
Shoot him. - You want to shoot me.
Shoot him.
Don't waste my time, Mr. Grover. Be a man.
Either shoot me if you want or else..'ll die squealing like a pig just like you friend Rikin did.
Where is Ahana?
Great Surya Hotel.
Yeah, yeah, tell him to..
Bad luck, my friend.
Get out of here with her.
Hurry up.
God be with you.
Prince, let's go.
It's so strange.
A man who always fought for the truth..
..and truth meant everything for him..
..was trapped by a lie.
Maybe because the people are really not interested.
The truth is people are running from the truth.
They want to ignore the truth.
Because they feel satisfied by lies.
Listen to me, Ahana.
I don't know...what's true, what's not.
What's right, what's wrong, I really don't.
Whom to believe and whom not to.
now I don't even.. - What will we do, Sam?
How will we get out of this?
How will we survive from this?
They attacked us once.
They'll do it again and maybe..
How will you defend against Roger Khanna?
You cannot do it, even you know that.
You don't have any evidence either.
Ahana, I've a plan.
Oh no!
Samar. - Surprised!
The tables were suddenly turned.
Cujo's dead. And so are your goons-for-hire.
Ahana's with me and she's looking better.
How far can you two run, and for how long?
Roger has access to every means through which he..
Try and understand, Samar.
You'll never realise which direction the bullet comes from.
Even I know as long as I keep running..
..Roger and you will never be at peace.
So let's talk like professionals.
Go ahead. I'm listening.
I want a good retirement package.
A house over-looking the sea in Bahamas or anywhere else.
Then you and Roger can go your way..
..and I will go mine.
Samar. If you had thought this before..
..then we wouldn't have gone through all this.
Tell me, where do we meet?
I want to meet Roger, and alone.
And if he's scared then tell him that..
..fear is essential for survival.
One more thing.
I was a crime reporter..
..but you turned me into a criminal.
Now I know all the rules of the criminal world.
And made a few friends..
..who can kill anyone on my instructions.
I hope you want make a mistake.
Dammit! Just can't get it right.
Just can't figure out what's wrong with my shot.
When one loses confidence, then he cannot maintain a balance.
Truth is like the knob on a radio.
We can manipulate it anyway we like.
You're still under a delusion, Roger.
Samar. Didn't you find it a risk coming here?
When a man doesn't take a risk..
..everything becomes risky for him.
Nice attitude.
This the last time I'm trying to explain you.
Justice, values, ethics, morality..
..they are all good for nothing.
Only money can buy everything.
People are in the business of making toothpaste..
..television sets, cell phones.
And we're in the business of making news.
That's the only difference.
Those who make toothpaste and television sets don't kill people.
Population needs to be controlled for progress.
See it from my point of view..
..and everything I am doing is right.
This is just the beginning.
And I want an end.
Not for you, but for my struggle.
Just pay me and I'll be gone.
My best wishes will always be with you.
How much?
25 crores. - 25 crores!
Fine. But I want the truth.
What will you do with the money?
I've already picked a house.
Next I'll open up my own news channel.
Play golf here like you.
And telecast the news of 44 cities first.
Without committing a crime.
Oh really? - Yeah.
I wish you all the best. - Thank you.
Hauskas Vilage.
Tonight at 8.
Hi, Sam. - Hi!
What happened to your hand? - Nothing?
Sit, sit. Will Gupta be angry?
What difference does it makes?
Ultimately what matters is.. - TRP.
And any channel honour would never hate..
..the increase in its TRP. - So.
Get back to your job. Let's roll.
You must be amazed to see me here.
But the story that I brought for you today will definitely shock you.
Make you restless.
It'll be hard for you to believe that this is possible.
You'll be awestruck and surprised.
I am not doing this because..
..that's how crime reports are telecasted on television.
This is real.
This is a story of corporate greed. Gluttony.
You won't find another example..
..of bloodthirsty insanity and cruelty in the history of media.
This insane story can be compared..
..with Hiroshima, the Jalianwala Baug incident..
..or the Nazi massacre.
Yes, you can never imagine someone..
..could go to such limits to make his channel no.1.
That's exactly what Roger Khanna, owner of Crime 24, did.
To increase his channel's TRP.. broadcast news on his channel first..
..he committed murders.
Staged accidents, rapes.
Set settlements on fire, caused riots.
And it did it all with the help of..
..the famous Gujjar don Raja Chaudhary.
And for this he paid Raja Chaudhary millions.
In return, Raja Chaudhary used..
..his network of murderers and assassins..
..spread all over the country and committed heinous crimes.. make it breaking news.
Then Crime 24 reporters were sent to the scene of the crime.. show this breaking news first.
You don't believe it, do you.
But that's Crime 24's hideous truth.
Roger. Sam isn't coming.
And Roger is aided by his trusted Lisa Kapoor.
Crime 24's employees Shubroto Mukherjee and Rikin Chawla..
..had learnt this truth.
They learnt their modus operandi.
And so both were murdered.
My fianc was kidnapped so that I stay quiet.
Later they planned to kill me as well.
I've sent a detailed report to the I&B ministry..
..Home ministry, PM and the CBI.
With all the facts and evidence.
Even about everything that happened..
..with my fianc Ahana Sharma.
Ahana gave her statement this evening.. the special CBI team's joint-director Mr. K.M Moorty.
You must be wondering that I'm simply pressing allegations.
So let me show you a tape..
..that will expose Roger Khanna completely.
People are in the business of making toothpaste..
..television sets, cell phones.
And we're in the business of making news.
That's the only difference.
Those who make toothpaste and television sets don't kill people.
Are you responsible for everyone in the world?
We can do anything.
Start a war, bring a revolution.
Make and break the government.
I've no interest in making and breaking governments.
Just pay me and I'll be gone.
Thank you very much.
How much?
25 crores. - 25 crores!
Fine. Accepted.
Perform and it risks all to win freedom.
Speak up, rascal.
I've a question for you.
Why did Roger Khanna choose this way.. create a sensation?
Because this is what you want to see.
You're responsible for man like Roger Khanna is born.
Every journalist today is being taught one thing.
"Abuse, misuse and bring us the breaking news."
That's why every news channel these days..
Talk like the old Sam. - Telecast news of rape..
..murder and extra-marital affair all day.
We see people running around covered in blood.
I'll be back soon. - I'll be waiting.
Pardon me, but our society, you me..
..have started enjoying cruelty, sex and crime.
They're addicted.
It's sick, because it enjoys seeing others in trouble.
With the notion that this can never happen to them.
So we never take any interest in news of national importance.
ISRO's SLV platform breaks Putnik's record..
..and we don't even know.
Because our eyes were on Aarushi's camera.. see what was in it.
Sit on your couch with a coffee and popcorn..
..sensation, sexy breaking news.
Until.. you don't become one.
And when you do, don't complain..
..why the media's so insensitive.
This is Samar Grover.. signing off.
'People say every person's blessed with two lives.'
'One that's given to him..
'..and the other which he makes for himself.'
'But the one who chooses truth in every situation..
'..lives life completely.'
'Regardless of the consequences.'
"This obsession on my mind."
"It's the obsession of my Lord."
"This intoxication that's overpowering me."
"It's the obsession of my Lord."
"This obsession on my mind."
"It's the obsession of my Lord."
"This intoxication that's overpowering me."
"It's the obsession of my Lord."
"This obsession on my mind."
"It's the obsession of my Lord."
"This intoxication that's overpowering me."
"It's the obsession of my Lord."
"This obsession on my mind."
"It's the obsession of my Lord."
"This intoxication that's overpowering me."
"It's the obsession of my Lord."
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Build Your Dreams With Lego
New Barbie™ Movie
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Talk To Me - Nightly
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프랑스 빵.. 넘나 좋은 것! J'adore les sucres! │ Vlog de Simba #10 (French sub!) - Duration: 13:40.
Playing FIFA 17 With Footballers ft. Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, Pogba | Footy Friends - Duration: 5:22.
alright, let's do it
Now remember, it's just a penalty
No reason to go crazy over a penalty
Dude! It's just a penalty!
Come on, I told you! calm down!
what's the problem?
Pick up the controllers, get in this game
Ohhhh....I see how it is
Stop with the passing! Come on!
Give me the ball!
I can't take this anymore!
Oh! haha yeah!
Did you just assist a goal for me?
I'll take it. Thank you!
For the last time....
This is my house. I am player 1
Go ahead and pick up controller 2 and let's get on with it
90th minute, 0-0
We are definitely going into overtime
Oh my God!
90th minute goal....
How? How?
Ah! I barely touched you!
Hold on. Time out. Time out.
I have to go to the bathroom. Cris, take my spot.
Did you just get a new haircut?
I swear that is a new haircut...
Yeah! haha! Yeah baby....
You just got another haircut
I swear you just got another haircut
Boom! No Stopping that. No stop.....
You just got another haircut
Did you just get 3 haircuts in the span of 3 minutes?
Nope, I am definitely not playing you....
Veerappan - Duration: 1:57:58.
You dare mess with a tiger? You moron..
You will not have an easy death...
...even a demon will be shocked at the way I will kill you...
Demon you are listening!
Are you listening Demon!
You killed four of my men, right?
Now you watch.
Poor Dinesh was then chased into the jungle...
...and Veerappan finally caught him
Dinesh's face was smashed in such a way that nothing is...
...left above his neck.
Even I couldn't see Dinesh's body, sir.
I can't imagine his wife's state
Sir, our whole force's morale is down.
Minister and media are repeatedly asking.
When we will nab Veerappan?
We've more forces, More weapons, More power, And more facilities.
And even our dead are more.
Sir? In a month, Veerappan killed our seven officers including Dinesh
We are ashamed of ourselves, sir.
One more group is coming to join us tomorrow.
What's the use of getting new groups, sir?
How can crowds catch an ant?
I understand.
But what else can we do in this situation?
Tomorrow, I'm going to the headquarters. You need to brief the new group.
Okay sir.
I'm sure your fitness is excellent,
Shooting perfect,
Assault weapons training will be fantastic
But all of these abilities are futile with Veerappan.
He wears only chappals...
...and moves around with an old model rifle and very few men,
If he's such a simple criminal...
...then why did our department... in nabbing him from past years?
I had come here last year, And all of you have come today,
Officers will come and go,
Many will either get killed...or retire ...
Few will be permanently injured...
...but this shifting of officers and adding up of forces...
...make no difference to Veerappan...
No one could find him till date...
My experience and study about him...
...says that there was never anyone like Veerappan...
...nor can there be anyone in future.
Perhaps, some of you know a little about Veerappan...
But I would like to put him in perspective.
'As a teenager Veerappan used to cater tea...'
' the forest guards at a check-post in the jungle.'
'Its those forest guards who initially trained him to fire a gun.'
'Veerappan used to go into the forest on those guards' instructions...'
'...and he used to kill elephants.'
'They used to pay Veerappan a few hundreds...'
'...and they used to earn in thousands...'
'With time, Wild life laws became strict...'
'...and guards had to stop their corrupt practices.'
'When one of the forest guards tried to stop him and Veerappan killed him...'
'That's when Veerappan became a murderer.'
'The district police sent two constables to arrest Veerappan...'
'...and he ran into the jungle to escape the policemen.'
'The Police are trained to arrest criminals in civilian areas.'
'But they had no idea how to find them in a jungle.'
'As a result, the police returned empty handed.'
'When the local boys realised that the police couldn't harm Veerappan...'
'...they started looking up to him as their hero.'
'With time, Veerappan even controlled the animals.'
"Keep walking."
"Keep moving."
"Keep fighting."
"Keep walking, keep moving, keep fighting."
"Keep walking, keep moving, keep fighting."
"Keep walking, keep moving, keep fighting."
"Keep walking, keep moving, keep fighting."
"Twirl that moustache. Twirl it..."
'Many of the locals joined as his gang members...'
'Soon, Veerappan and his gang members...'
'...started extorting from the timber traders and mine owners in the jungle...'
'After receiving a number of complaints from traders the police...'
'...first time took Veerappan seriously...'
'...and they sent a big team to nab Veerappan.'
'Veerappan and his gang members crossed...'
'...the Tamilnadu border and entered into the Karnataka side of the jungle...'
'...and police couldn't continue due to jurisdiction problem.'
'Veerappan then started... his criminal practices in Karnataka.'
'When Karnataka police came after him...'
'...he would run back into Tamilnadu.'
'Veerappan took great advantage of the internal problems...'
'...and his gang kept growing and became more and more powerful.'
'Finally, both the states realized...'
'...that they should come together to nab Veerappan.'
'And they made a joint task force.'
"My brave boy, my brave boy. "My brave boy, my Veerappan."
"My brave boy, my brave boy. "My brave boy, my Veerappan."
"My brave boy, my brave boy. "My brave boy, my Veerappan."
"He leaves a bloody hell in his wake. It's the victory anoint on his forehead."
"He'll wage wars...he'll spread destruction, he'll only bring damnation."
"Filled with rage, embodiment of sins... The embrace of death."
"My brave boy, my brave boy."
"My brave boy, my brave boy."
"My brave boy, my brave boy. "My brave boy, my Veerappan."
"My brave boy, my brave boy. "My brave boy, my Veerappan."
'This task force killed...'
'...about 80% of Veerappan's gang in the very first year...'
'But then Veerappan realized...'
'...that it was his mistake to move about with a big gang...'
' a big gang can be easily spotted.'
'So he reduced the size of his gang ...'
'Police had another problem.'
'If they enter the jungle with a big team...'
' leads to a noise...'
'...which would alert Veerappan.'
'And if police enter with a small team...'
'Veerappan would attack and kill them.'
'Also, Veerappan would leak wrong information about his whereabouts.'
'This would exhaust the police going on a wild goose chase.'
'Sometimes Veerappan would pay money to the villagers...'
' that they become informants of Veerappan.'
'In the meantime...'
' started giving lot of publicity and popularity to Veerappan...'
'...which he started enjoying.'
'He started killing many people just to be in the headlines.'
"Never loses courage, Always emerges victorious?" please.
"Doesn't even fear, fear itself?
"Never loses courage, Always emerges victorious?"
"Doesn't even fear, fear itself?
"Even the guns of his enemies beg for forgiveness."
"Shoots from his moustache."
"Keel walking."
"Keep moving."
"Keep fighting."
"Keep walking, keep moving, keep fighting."
"Keep walking, keep moving, keep fighting."
"Twirl that moustache. Twirl it..."
"Twirl that moustache. Twirl it..."
"Twirl that moustache. Twirl it..."
"Twirl that moustache. Twirl it..."
"Twirl that moustache. Twirl it..."
'Whenever the higherups were displeased and put pressure on the police...'
'...police would brutally beat the villagers...'
' as to get some information about Veerappan.'
'As a result, distance between the police and the villagers increased.'
'This again benefited Veerappan.'
'Due to the forest terrain...'
'...and infighting between various agencies...'
'Veerappan is ruling this region from past years and even today...'
'...and even today, he's growing big every day.'
'Now he started thinking he's a king.'
"We own everything from north to south."
"King of the jungle, maker of his fate."
"Anyone can dare to challenge him."
"But they can never budge him."
"Keel walking."
"Keep moving."
"Keep fighting."
"Keep walking, keep moving, keep fighting."
"Keep walking, keep moving, keep fighting."
"Keep walking, keep moving, keep fighting."
Meanwhile, our biggest fear is that, sources said Veerappan has..
..immense respect for LTTE Terrorist Velupalli Prabhakaran.
And he wishes to meet Prabhakaran.
So that he can do something big with his support.
I don't understand one thing sir...
Journalists, gun runners and his messengers.
All of them meet Veerappan and come back
But only the police have no clue about Veerappan.
How's that possible, sir?
All of them can meet him... because he wants to meet them.
And obviously, he doesn't wish to meet the police.
And he doesn't meet people directly.
First he sends a message to the person he wants to meet.
Then that person needs to meet... his contact outside the jungle
Once his contact is satisfied he sends him in.
One of the gang members of Veerappan...
...keeps close watch on the person entering in the jungle...
...and if he sees that there's no one following...
...only then he's taken to Veerappan.
Otherwise, the meeting gets cancelled.
That's the reason, we are unable to do anything.
Although we know about his contacts.
At the moment, there are teams like us in the jungle...
...and we are all on the same job to nab Veerappan...
He might be arrested very soon...
...or maybe never.
What information do we have about his personal life?
He married a few years ago... a woman called Mutthulakshmi who lives with them in the jungle.
I'm bored of this palace.
I have been repeatedly telling you to take me to the jungle but no.
After marriage, it's every girl's dream... roam about in the jungle with her husband.
And those big mosquitoes should bite her.
There should be no peace of mind, neither in daytime nor at night.
But you neither care nor understand what I say.
Just yesterday, I told you that my saree is just partly torn.
Bring me new saree only when it is completely torn.
But no, you brought sarees in one go
Now please give the rest to your gang members.
Will you tell me how spicy you want the taste?
As spicy as me.
What will happen by nabbing Mutthulakshmi?
Not a single case is against her.
So, I don't think she can give any information about Veerappan.
Also Veerappan must have changed his location by now.
We're so completely exhausted...
...wandering in the jungle for so many years.
Now, I just hope that a miracle happens..
..and Veerappan himself will come out of the jungle on his own...
And then we can nab him.
I've a wonderful idea ...
What if you invite him on your birthday party?
He will come to have some Cake. You can nab him then.
What did you say?
Are you out of your mind?
What do you mean bringing him out of the jungle?
I may not be able to succeed.
But this one thought can change our strategy.
Till date, many of our officers...
...failed in searching for Veerappan in the jungle.
So, what if we change our strategy and try to bring him out?
I'm listening.
Sir, taskforce team B has caught Veerappan's wife Mutthulakshmi.
Sir, Veerappan's wife Mutthulakshmi is being interrogated.
But there's no direct case on Lakshmi.
In fact.. she has been detained without any entry.
We didn't get any information from..
..her as yet nor are there any chances.
But sir, if you put pressure and get Mutthulakshmi released..
...then I've a plan.
Damn, the police took away my Lakshmi
Wonder how they will be treating her.
How did this happen?
How did this happen?
They've got the information.
Beware of the insider, for he can bring down the biggest setup.
I don't say that.
It's said in mythology.
Then who's an insider in my setup?
Who is he?
Hey, Chinu.
Are you that insider?
Tell me.
Are you the informer?
Only you are left now.
No one is ready to accept.
But, I know it's one of you.
But who's that person? I don't know.
Give it.
I'm a demon for the entire world.
A demon.
But you know what?
There was a bigger demon than me.
Hey, Chinu.
You've heard of Ravana, haven't you?
After my death, he will ask me...
...that he had kidnapped someone else's wife..
..but I couldn't even protect my own.
I couldn't even protect her.
I know that one of you is that insider.
Rest two are innocent
Whoever is the insider, give my regards to Ravana.
Rest, please forgive me.
Don't shoot me.
- Brother, no! - Shut up!
No, brother, For God's sake. No, brother.
Look his is very big.
You will die if he tries on you. Tell us.
I don't know anything. Let go off me.
So you don't know anything?
Tell me where Veerappan is hiding in the jungle?
I don't know anything.
A slap on your stomach pains severely.
But if I repeatedly hit at one place.. it tears something inside.
And once it tears than..
- What's happening here? - In 10 minutes...
- Sir. - What's happening?
Who's she?
Sir, she's Mutthulakshmi. Veerappan's wife
What charges do you have on her?
Actually, we are only interrogating her... get information about Veerappan.
But this is illegal.
Let her go
Right now?
Sorry, Mutthulakshmi.
They are wrong in detaining you
You can go
Leave her
Dinesh was one of our best officers
I can understand what you went through being his wife.
Till date, he has killed 87 Policemen along with Dinesh.
Anyway, what can we expect from a demon...who can kill his own daughter?
His daughter?
A task force team had cordoned him few months ago...
He must be here somewhere.
Go down and search.
Fearing that his daughter's crying may alert the STF..
..he killed her
I hope that rogue gets killed soon
Will you help us to do that?
Veerappan's wife Mutthulakshmi is looking for a house to stay..
A broker is helping us through whom we Want you to pretend as a house owner...
...and take her as a paying guest.
We will befriend her and try to get the information about Veerappan from her.
You a spy?
Her husband has killed my husband.
And you're telling me to befriend her?
You've a reason of revenge.
That's why I've come to you.
But if you don't wish to do this, it's okay.
No doubt it's risky.
I will do it.
Can I call you Lakshmi?
Can I call you Lakshmi?
Why not?
I'm not English.
Not even an Indian.
My name is Shriya
My dad is Indian and my mom is from Spain
My husband has a job in Singapore.
And I'm doing a project on some Indian fabrics here.
My husband is..
..a carpenter in Dubai.
What? Dubai.
Oh, it's such a wonderful city. Isn't it?
I've never been there.
Lakshmi, how can you not go to Dubai?
You get good gold over there.
What's written here?
That they will kill Veerappan soon..
An officer is saying so.
How can it be?
Nothing can happen to him.
Let anything happen. Why should we care?
No. nothing will happen.
You're talking as if you know.
Be patient, She will definitely talk.
If not today then tomorrow.
But she will talk.
Even I think so.
I lied to you.
Lie? What was the lie?
That my husband is in Dubai.
Actually, my husband... Veerappan.
Veerappan? Who Veerappan?
That day his photo was published in the newspaper no. That same Veerappan.
Actually, my husband is Osama Bin Laden.
Are you serious?
How can you marry such a man?
No, He's not how police and media have portrayed him.
You know what?
Police are liars...
They do fake encounters...and blame Veerappan for that
And I've heard that he has killed his own daughter.
This is also police's story
I can hear some noises from there.
He was running to save his daughter.
He tripped and fell and she accidentally died
What else will he tell his wife?
But even how can you know the truth.
Even I don't know the truth.
But what's definitely true is that his daughter died due to...
...the way of life he has chosen.
And Dinesh's death is also the truth
I can understand that you're getting emotionally influenced... you are spending a lot of time with her.
You need to get back.
What happened?
You're very quiet.
Lakshmi, I'm in a problem.
Actually, I'm in need of money.
I had taken bank loan. If money is not deposited before the due date then...
I will receive notice.
Please, don't mind.
If you can pay me two month's rent in advance.
Then it will be a great help.
By that time, I will receive money from my husband.
Even I don't have that much amount.
But, if you don't mind... I've a solution.
I will send him a message that I am in need of money.
He will definitely come with money.
He even wishes to meet me.
But we need a place that is safe form the police.
If you can help me find a place I will meet him...
...and then I will pay you lot of money
I will try.
Not for the sake of money... but for our friendship.
I've a distant relative, who lives with his family in US.
He has a farm house, in the jungle.
No one lives there.
Just a caretaker and few labourers. That could be the place
Will it be right to call him there?
Let's do one thing.
Let's go there. Take a look around the house.
If you find it right then send a message and call him there.
If you don't find it right, then we will think of another option, Okay?
This place is right, But what about these people?
These workers go home in the evening..
No one will be here at night except the two of us ..
Her name is Shreya. I live with her
She's very nice, She helps me a lot.
I need money to pay her.
There's a big farm house near the jhanjeli part of the forest.
I will wait for you over here..
And there's no fear of police over here.
This house belongs to my friend's relative.
Come here with the money as quickly as possible.
"Twirl that moustache. Twirl it..."
"Twirl that moustache. Twirl it..."
"Twirl that moustache. Twirl it..."
"Twirl that moustache. Twirl it..."
"Twirl that moustache. Twirl it..."
Hey Govindan. Prabhakaran. what a great person?
It feels like to touch his feet!!
Who Prabhakaran?
You moron. Don't you know Prabakaran?
LTTE terrorist Prabakaran..
Whatever you think about him...
...I don't think you are any less so why are you praising him...
Have you lost your mind... can you compare him with me?
Staying there in Sri Lanka he is shaking up whole India...
...and here..we are killing small small police officers...
...and he has killed Prime minister Rajiv Gandhi...
..if I get one chance to meet him...
...our gangs destiny will change...
What did we do till now? Tell me.
I had kidnapped the super star Rajkumar and they paid 9 crores. 9 crores.
What did I get?
Only seven lakhs.
Every Dog has a day.
They too will have a day when I will kill them...I will feed them to vultures.
Then they will know what Veerappan is?
Mutthulakshmi has sent a cassette for you.
'I'm fine.'
'I've changed the house, I made a friend called Shriya.'
'I live with her.'
'She's very nice, I need money to pay her.'
'As early as possible'
'There's a big farm house near the jhanjeli forest.'
'I will wait for you over here.'
I need to tell you something.
Mutthulakshmi, I can't come.
This is STF's conspiracy.
Your friend Shriya is a police spy.
She passes all your information to STF.
They've installed cameras and mikes in your room.
You please leave that place. I won't come.
She came to know that you're working for the police.
Lakshmi. You have to listen to this joke.
What.. what happened?
He has sent a message.
That.. you're a police spy.
Enough, Mutthulakshmi. Enough.
...I am taking such a big risk and
..helping you and.. doubt me?
Not me but he has a doubt.
And he can be wrong.
You must understand. He has to doubt on everyone
No one knows, when and how and who can betray him
My heart says.
You're not from the police
I am sorry
What do you want to do now?
He said he will not come.
So what's the use of being here now?
Remove all the cameras and mikes...before they reach home.
- Gopal. - Yes sir.
Operation is cancelled.
Veerappan is not coming ..tell the team to relax.
Okay sir.
Team, take it easy. Relax.
Give me that.
What happened?
I still had a doubt on you
That's why I was checking.
Lakshmi, if you still doubt... then you better look for another house.
This is insulting for me that you continuously doubt me.
- You please leave, Just leave. - Sister please.
listen to me, Forgive me, Forgive me.
Please let me stay here
You can understand how panicky I am Sister, I'm sorry, Sister, I'm sorry.
What do I tell the media now?
That we hatched a plan to nab Veerappan. about which he knew more than us,
Your so called fool proof plan proved that we are the biggest fools
Sir what's done is done.
Now, you will tell the media that Veerappan had come... kidnap the farm owner for ransom,
We got the information and we went there to save him...
...and during that operation we killed three of his men...
...and five of ours have died.
This lie will be spoken not for saving our reputation...
...but it is the requirement of my next plan.
Whatever is your next plan but what about him.
Who leaked Shriya's information to Veerappan?
Sir, I found out
Had I not helped you in meeting Veerappan... many people wouldn't have lost their lives.
I feel so upset with myself.
But, sister.
How did the police reach there?
We were going to meet there.
This information was with me, you and Veerappan
Then how did the police come to know?
Do you again doubt me?
See, Lakshmi, there are many police units in the jungle to nab Veerappan.
Anyone would have got the information
How do I know? All I know is that so many people lost their lives.
I'm sorry, sister. Even I didn't know this outcome.
Why did we stop here, sir?
Take a look closely.
I could never imagine that you will do this to me,
I shot you because I don't want to waste my time threatening you.
Now, tell me about your contact with Veerappan,
You're one of those four who have all the information.
And after the background check up of everyone now
I don't just doubt but I'm sure its you
What are you saying, sir?
Don't insult my intelligence,
I am already delayed in recognizing you
And if you now tell me the truth I will go back and tell everyone...
...that Veerappan had attacked us... which you got injured.
You will get publicity.
But if you don't tell me the truth then my story will change.
That you lost your life in the attack
Now, you decide.
Do you want to be a martyr or be an injured?
I won't kill you.
Rather I will injure you a lot.
And after my question.
Now for your reply, I will count only two.
Tell me who is in your contact?
Gandhi, His name is Gandhi.
Who's this Gandhi?
- A terrorist. - What?
You mean Shashi had joined hands with Terrorists?
Shashi's father used to work for a Terrorist organization
And he must have been influenced
So you mean to say a terrorist sympathizer was in our force?
That's unbelievable.
What's unbelievable ?
Indira Gandhi was killed by her own bodyguard,
Anything can happen.
- What about Shashi? - I killed him.
Give me room keys.
Don't shoot. Don't shoot. I won't him alive.
Leave my child!
Move back.
Leave my child!
Leave my child!
Leave my child!
I will kill the child. Move back.
Leave my child!
Leave my child!
Leave my child!
My child.
Leave my child!
My child!
Leave my child!
I will kill the child. Move back.
Stay there and let the child go.
- Don't kill my child! - I said move back!
I will kill him.
No.. no please.
Sir please control yourself.
Sir, we want him alive, let him go.
I want him alive! Leave him alone sir! Please.
I know that you terrorists take training to bear pain.
So, I've thought of a interrogation without pain,
You won't be able to see this.
I should be involved in everything as long as I'm working here
By giving this injection...
his blood pressure will shoot up
And until I give him this antidote...
...his blood pressure will keep shooting up to such level that his..
...heart and veins will burst from the pressure and he will die.
But how will you know when he will die?
Change in his skin colour, his breathing style
And his eye movement will give us a clear idea
In a while, his nervous system will fail in attempt to control his body.
But, sir.
Is it necessary to do this?
Yes, My job is to kill Veerappan and I will do anything for that.
Even kill you..
..and if need be, I will kill even myself
Where were we?
Yes, you were talking about failing of the nervous system
Then you will know that now he has only one minute
Now, you've few seconds left.
Tell me otherwise, I will break this antidote syringe? I've only one.
Only one.
I will tell you
I will tell you
We had given the idea to Veerappan to kidnap film star Rajkumar...
You mean you Terrorists.
Now, I will give you an antidotes
This will give you extra minutes' life
That's because, if I give him the full dose,
he will start thinking of escaping from here
Now, your life will keep on getting extra minutes
every time you give information to me.
When you give me complete information...
...then I will give you life.
Now, tell me what happened after that,
I've heard that there was a problem... between your group and Veerappan...
Yes, our group members betrayed Veerappan.
Veerappan didn't get much in that kidnapping,
he liked the idea of kidnapping big people,
And when he gets able men to execute,
he's now planning to kidnap big celebrities and politicians.
Like Rajnikanth.
And some ministers
Then why is he not doing that?
Due to financial reasons.
He needs experienced people...
...for this who can operate from the city and coordinate with him.
And he desperately wants AK47, rifles
He's yearning to get them.
How is he trying to get new people?
One of his men is in jail.
He has contacted him and is trying to make a contact
With whom?
The underworld Don.
Yes. He's contacting him to sort out everything
Sir, please I told you everything
Now, please give me that injection.
I've lied to you,
This is the revenge from the kid whose mother you killed.
Where are my men?
My men are taking care of them,
You've killed 20 to 25 people.
Yet, you're scared of the death?
What do you want?
Both of us know what you do,
Years ago, when I was working in your area I couldn't arrest you
Because you don't leave behind any proof
And I had limits to what I can and cannot do in my uniform
But now I work for a special team
Which doesn't need any proof
Now, I don't arrest I only kill,
But I'm not here to kill you,
Because only Veerappan is my target.
I know that one of Veerappan's men is in contact with you
because he's in need of men,
I want you to supply those men to him but who will be mine
No ifs and buts.
Just say yes. I'll get you a big reward from the department,
On top of that you will get a big amount from Veerappan too,
You will get money from both the sides
Without taking any risk,
If you reject this offer, then you will be a big fool
And fools and killers don't have any right to live in this world.
But...even you are a killer
I kill, but I kill to teach a killer..
..that killing is wrong
"Even his shadow is like a shroud, He's filled with rage."
"He'll destroy, he'll annihilate. This madman will spread destruction."
"This madman will spread destruction."
"Roar of a tiger, enemy of his enemy, Embrace of death."
"My brave boy, my brave boy. "My brave boy, my Veerappan."
"My brave boy, my brave boy. "My brave boy, my Veerappan."
"Here's a little lullaby."
"A bowl filled with blood."
"Gulping it down..."
The idea to kidnap film star Rajkumar was really impressive.
I got a lot of popularity.
But I couldn't make much money.
I trusted some frauds and got cheated.
But next time, I'll be careful.
But I do understand the potential of kidnapping famous personalities.
But for that, I'll need better guns and better men.
Only four people are not enough.
I need at least twenty more.
I hope Madaani can arrange this.
Madaani Sir will be more than happy to do it.
In fact, he was waiting for this kind of opportunity.
"He likes to spread a massacre, He's like a cannibal"
He'll destroy, he'll annihilate. He'll fill the souls with bodies."
"As destructive as time itself, the face of fear, Embrace of death."
"My brave boy, my brave boy. "My brave boy, my Veerappan."
"My brave boy, my brave boy. "My brave boy, my Veerappan."
"My brave boy, my brave boy. "My brave boy, my Veerappan."
The idea is to make teams of 4 to 5 people and send them to different places like..
..Chennai, Bengaluru, and Coimbatore.
Imagine kidnapping Rajnikant, Kanchiswami like people the government will be shaken.
I will get international fame.
Anna, please wait.
You three go back and tell Madaani about this.
Gather the men and reach Gudimetla by afternoon.
- What. - Okay.
I'll get Veerappan there.
Drop your weapons.
Drop now.
Drop your weapons or else I will kill you all.
Now, put your hands up.
You thought I'm a fool.
But I knew it was a trap.
That's why I went along.
You... have fooled my wife, right?
You made her befriend that female, right? Now you see.
I will take you and your men to the jungle,?
I will ask for ransom.
And as soon as I get the ransom, I will kill all of you.
Come on, move!
Betrayed again and again and again.
How many times do I get betrayed?
What do I do with this empty gun without bullets?
I will chop that officer into pieces.
I want more guns.
Once I get such guns.
I will create havoc.
Let alone police, I will destroy the government, too
I thought I was better than my previous officers,
Due to my wrong decision, so many people lost their lives.
Now, even I'm in the list of failures... who attempted to kill Veerappan.
Don't be so hard on yourself...
They say that to win a big war,
you sometimes have to be prepared to lose small battles.
You're not getting it. I've lost it.
No you must win, for those who Veerappan will kill in future.
He has sent a message, He's going to do a big job.
If this job is done he will have lots of money,
Then I will be able to live with him,
But I've lied to him.
That I am not with you.
What could it be?
Even she doesn't know.
Just got information... has arrested a man under the suspicion of being a gun supplier.
I've ordered the team to hand over that man to your custody.
Get him!
Quiet, Quiet.
Quiet! Keep quiet!
Let go off? Let go off.
Tell me.
Tell me.
- You rogue. - I will tell you
Yes, I'm hand in glove with Veerappan.
He wants AK47 guns, I'm going to arrange this deal for him.
Are you mad?
You Want to give him AK47 rifles?
What if he attacks with them?
What do you think of yourself?
If my seniors come to know... both our heads will roll, It's damn risky.
Sir, there's a risk in every decision,
It's possible that he can do this...
...but I believe he will not do until he gets the required men...
...but by then it will be too late.
Sir, now we've only this chance to trap him
And he will never imagine that the police will supply him AK47 rifles
So he will trust 100%.
But still.
It's risky...It's very risky.
Sir, not doing anything in the case of Veerappan is also risky...
Also only you, Kumar and I will know about this.
MT Kumar, Who was suspended from the force years ago.
You're actually mad,
That rogue thought that you're behind his suspension and hates you.
How can you trust him?
It's not about trust, sir,
I just want to make use of his capabilities
Ok... have not told me anything & I did not hear anything
What did I say?
Tell me.
I've come regarding some work.
I understood that, Otherwise, you wouldn't come to greet me.
whom you yourself got suspended
I didn't get you suspended,
Rather I couldn't stop you from being suspended
But whatever you did was nothing less ...
You encountered Subba,
Although you knew that...
...I had taken money from him... to save him from his brother...
And I got suspended.
Subba was a hardcore criminal,
He set labourers on fire in his factory's furnace,
It was right to kill him.
Let go off those old talks,
I will avenge you someday, Tell me what you want.
I want your help in nabbing Veerappan.
Do you think I will still work for the police?
You wouldn't do it for the police, But you can do it for money,
A reward of 5 million is announced on Veerappan,
I will get you rewarded 1.5 to 2 million more from the department, too.
I'm listening.
I've made a plan... supply arms and ammunitions to Veerappan to gain his trust,
And you will take this consignment to him.
Why me?
Now you don't look like policeman anymore...
Nor have you ever worked in Veerappan's area,
So, there's no fear of identity,
And this is a high risk operation,
I'm doing it illegally on my responsibility,?
If I take anyone from the department...
...there's a fear of information leak.
And the result can be very dangerous to me,
And most importantly.
We might be enemy,
but even today... I'm a big fan of your intelligence and capability
Now, tell me what I must do.
You need to tell to Veerappan'scontact...
...that you cannot enter into the jungle for some reasons...
And this man... your man, Kumar will go to the jungle with the AK47 rifles.
Veerappan will never agree,
Its me who always goes...
And suddenly a new man?
He will never believe.
I need to think of another idea
You take rest.
Now show your broken leg to your contact...
...and tell him that you met with an accident on your bike.
You can't walk for four months.
My man Kumar will take the AK47s to him.
He will believe and trust.
Because, he's in a hurry...
He will definitely say yes
I know you're in pain
But is your pain more than the pain of those who were pained by Veerappan?
Think about it.
Your pain might reduce.
It was a bike accident.
A truck ran over my bike.
Broke my ankle
Due to multiple fractures...
..I can't get up from bed.
Since Veerappan is in a hurry.. man here will go instead of me.
He knows as much as I do... the way the material is ready!
How do you know Rajan?
We both work for Mugilan.
Who Mugilan?
Mugilan, the guy who gave these guns
Mugilan told me not to leave evidence.
How's the food?
Who is this Mugilan?
Prabhakaran's man ..they are very close.
Prabhakaran? Who Prabhakaran?
LTTE, Velupalli Prabhakaran.
Oh! Prabhakaran?
How is Prabhakaran as a human being.
Shall I say something?
you know once I was having lunch with Mugilan and Prabhakaran.
Prabhakaran was praising you a lot!
What...what are you saying?
He said, a single man
without the support of any organization,
... has risen to such power in India...
..he also said you are more popular than even him.
I respect him a lot.
You know something...
there's no one like you in the history of this world...
Everyone praises you...
You are an inspiration.
Mugilan always used to say that we should learn from you.
That's his kindness.
Can I ask you something?
Can I meet Prabhakaran?
No one can meet Prabhakaran.
But you just said you had lunch with him.
Sure you can meet him, but that's only when he wants to meet.
He only meets with Mugilan and that day I happened to be with Mugilan.
Mugilan is the only person whom he contacts directly.
I see.
But then can't we talk to Mugilan?
Hmm... that can happen. But I can't promise you.
I've been under some pressure here.
I no longer know whom to trust and whom not to.
Once my proposal reaches Prabhakaran..
I am sure he'll like it and..
..we can get into some kind of partnership.
that will be mutually beneficial.
Sounds good.
Let me first talk to Mugilan.
And see what he feels about it.
Hey. Hey, don't shoot don't shoot.
I know you have good response time compare to me.
Good news or bad news?
Bad news. For Veerappan.
And good news. For us.
Mr. Mugilan, Mr. Veerappan wants to meet LTTE chief Mr. Prabhakaran.
How do we believe that we're framing him or he's framing us?
This time we're framing him.
Every time he made us believe this.
And we lost many of our men by trusting him.
But then you didn't have Kumar.
That's why I came to you, Kumar. Thank you.
So, we will kill Veerappan on 18th October?
Why only that date?
Even Veerappan will ask this question.
You should tell him that Mugilan sir was given this date.. Prabhakaran himself.
Because Indian Navy's monthly drill..
..will be getting conducted on 18th October? So..
Security guard ships will be away from the coast.
And our boat will get a clear route.
But why then?
I need time to prepare to kill him.
What luck!
Mugilan has convinced Prabhakaran to meet up with you!
That's terrific! So when am I meeting him?
You have to leave on the 18th night.
Mugilan is arranging a vehicle which looks like an ambulance.
Two men will accompany you.
They will take you to the sea.
And then, Prabhakaran's men will pick you up.
But why only 18th?
Because the Indian Navy conducts its excise operation on the 19th.
The security is not that heavy and there's a chance that the coast guards..
..might even leave the coast
And by the way, Mugilan too is coming with you.
This is great news!
One little thing.
Mugilan wants you to shave off your moustache.
My moustache?
So that no one can recognize you easily.
You must do this.
Mugilan had told me.
Okay. Mugilan knows better.
"My brave boy, my brave boy. "My brave boy, my Veerappan."
"My brave boy, my brave boy. "My brave boy, my Veerappan."
"Here's a little lullaby."
"A bowl filled with blood."
"Gulping it down..."
"The demon's dancing around."
"He likes to spread a massacre, He's like a cannibal"
He'll destroy, he'll annihilate. He'll fill the souls with bodies."
"As destructive as time itself, the face of fear, Embrace of death."
"My brave boy, my brave boy. "My brave boy, my Veerappan."
"My brave boy, my brave boy. "My brave boy, my Veerappan."
Something for you to eat. You can have it on the way.
Thank you.
Your papa will be fine...
Don't worry.
Wonder how much time I will take in this work.
You take care.
Don't worry about me, sister. I'm fine.
Lakshmi, shall I ask you something? Aren't you scared?
Rs. 5 million reward is announced on your husband.
So many police units are after him.
He's always at risk.
What if something happens?
I've always lived with this fear, sister.
I was married.
But I always lived like a widow.
I can't tell anyone that my husband is not with me.
Nor can I tell them who my husband is.
I just so wish to get back to him
Even I wish the same.
Lakshmi, your husband always doubted me.. a police's spy.
What if it is true?
No, sister, My husband can ditch me...
...but not you.
Take care.
I can't believe that you agreed to help your enemy to kill Veerappan?
There's fun in hunting the hunter.
I... I didn't get you.
Veerappan is his target.
And he's my target.
I have not touched him till date because...
...before finishing your enemy you should finish his power
You know when we were together how he was after our lives
You managed to escape but I got suspended.
So what's the plan?
As per my plan...
I will anyway get the reward announced on Veerappan.
On top of that, I will get paid for supplying AK47s by Veerappan
Then after the end of this operation...
I will reveal everything about all the criminal things...
He killed people in fake encounters how he murdered his own officer... he supplied AK47s to a dangerous man like Veerappan
I will reveal everything to everyone
Then department will have no choice but to dismiss him.
Then you can get your men to kill him...
...both our revenge will be taken.
Anna, you look smart after shaving off your moustache.
No one can recognize you. No one.
He's Sherwanand and he's Lalladuwa.
They are Mugilan's men.
They will save you if there's any problem.
Let's go. Come on, take the car out.
Come on, hurry up, Anna.
Anna, is everything alright?
All the best.
Safe journey, bye.
Yes! Yeah!
Hey, reverse the truck.
Who are you?
Why did you park the truck in the middle?
Park the truck on the side.
I'm still scared about Kumar.
He can do anything...
If he exposes us then we will be finished
Sir, I forgot to tell you.
Kumar died in a fire accident.
You're more dangerous than Veerappan.
To kill the biggest demon.
you need to be a bigger demon.
Build Your Dreams With Lego
The Space Between Us
Recepty se Zuzkou: Zimní čočková polévka - Duration: 1:29.
Celebrities promise to donate up to $100,000 each to fight Trump's Muslim ban - Duration: 3:04.
Sia, Rosie O'Donnell and Judd Apatow celebrate legal victory against Trump's Muslim ban by each promising to match up to $100,000 in donations to the ACLU
PHOTO: A federal judge granted an emergency stay to prevent those who are legally allowed to enter the country from being deported. The singer Sia celebrated on Twitter
Celebrities applauded the American Civil Liberties Union on Twitter after it won a legal battle against the immigration ban signed by President Donald Trump.
Sia, Rosie O'Donnell and Judd Apatow all promised to match up to $100,000 worth of donations to the ACLU, while Ellen Page joined the protests at Los Angeles International Airport
PHOTO: She kicked off a chain reaction by generously pledging to match donations up to $100,000
Other celebrities like Sophia Bush, Jack Antonoff, and Mark Ruffalo rejoiced and shared their support, urging protesters to continue their work.
Trump signed an executive order on Friday barring any non-U.S. citizen traveling from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia or Yemen from entering the United States for 90 days.
PHOTO: Both O'Donnell and Judd Apatow followed suit and said they would do the same- potentially raking in a collective $600,000 between the three of them and their fans
That included legal permanent residents - green card holders - and visa-holders from those seven countries.
The ACLU filed a class action lawsuit on behalf of two Iraqis who were held at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York, and an emergency stay was granted to prevent those who are legally allowed to enter the country from being deported.
Actor Ellen Page posted videos to her Instagram, showing protesters chanting 'This is what democracy looks like' at LAX.
Protesters, who gathered in airports across the country calling for detainees to be released, erupted in cheers when news of the temporary victory spread.
Celebrities rejoiced on Twitter and urged their fans to donate to the ACLU. The singer Sia tweeted: 'help our queer & immigrant friends. send me your donation receipts for the @aclu & I will match up to $100K'
This set off a chain reaction, with O'Donnell tweeting: 'and i will match your 100K donation sia'
Apatow appeared to be inspired by their generosity and chimed in pledging to chip in another $100,000.
PHOTO: Trump signed an executive order on Friday barring non-U.S. citizen from seven countries from entering the US for 90 days. It sparked mass protests around the country
Singer songwriter Jack Antonoff promised to match donations up to $20,000, while Zach Braff showed a screen grab of what appeared to be his receipt of $25,000.
PHOTO: Actor Ellen Page posted videos to her Instagram, showing protesters chanting 'This is what democracy looks like' at LAX
Mandy Moore wrote: 'Endless gratitude to the @ACLU and protesters for fighting the good fight and staying on the right side of history.'
Parks and Recreation actor Adam Scott also celebrated the win with plenty of heart and American flag emojis, issuing his thanks to the ACLU in all caps, adding 'HIS WILL BE A LONG FIGHT--LETS KEEP IT GOING--DONATE'.
PHOTO: She also spread the word that immigration lawyers were needed at the airport earlier on Saturday
Both he and One Tree Hill star Sophie Bush urged their followers on. She wrote: 'KEEP PROTESTING. Keep shouting. Keep defending. Keep resisting! #NoBanNoWall'
PHOTO: Mark Ruffalo also celebrated the temporary victory, writing: 'The Force is strong in the Resistence ! Thank you ACLU'
Choi refuses to appear for questioning over bribery allegations - Duration: 2:12.
Turning our focus to the prosecutorial team continuing its probe of the power abuse case
that engulfed the nation.
The team unsuccessfully tried to re-summon the woman at the very heart of the scandal.
Hwang Hojun has the updates from the independent counsel office.
The special investigation team led by independent counsel Park Young-soo plans to seek another
short-term arrest warrant for Choi Soon-sil, the jailed confidante of President Park Geun-hye,
and the woman at the heart of the scandal.
Choi rejected the team's summons to undergo questioning Monday morning over the bribery
allegations against her, criticizing the investigation as coercive.
Choi was not legally obligated to comply with the latest summons, but another warrant could
allow the team to compel her to appear.
"The independent counsel summoned Choi Soon-sil to question her on charges of acceptance of
a bribe for good offices, but she didn't respond and gave no justifiable reason.
We are planning to request a short-term arrest warrant under the same charges within a day
or two."
Choi is alleged to have extorted money and favors from large conglomerates, using her
personal relationship with the president.
"Acceptance of a bribe for good offices" is yet another charge recently uncovered by the
team... in addition to abuse of authority, coercion and bribery.
Some suspect the charge is related to the K-Town project in Myanmar, an official development
assistance program implemented last year; Choi Soon-sil allegedly acquired personal
gains during the process.
The independent counsel summoned the Korean ambassador to Myanmar, Yoo Jae-kyung, on Monday...
to find out what he knows about the allegations.
Meanwhile, the special probe team agained summoned former Culture Minister Cho Yoon-sun
and former presidential chief of staff Kim Ki-choon over allegations that the presidential
office directed the creation and management of a blacklist of cultural figures deemed
critical of the government.
"With the Seollal holiday coming to an end, and the first investigation period end-date
now coming up in a month -- February 28th to be exact -- the team appears to be accelerating
its probe into the influence-peddling scandal.
Hwang Hojun, Arirang News."
Attachment and murder and Meme of K-pop, Suzy "Yes No Maybe" M / V thoery - Duration: 8:25.
Hello. I'm dream from the channel 'DreamTeller'.
Suzy finally came back to us.
A solo song 'Yes No Maybe' and a music video came out.
But Suzy seems to be at risk as if she committed suicide.
In addition, the body of a dead man is seen.
... Murder?
Let's find out the whole story of the case with me.
This music video is mostly composed of red and blue and black & white.
Red light represents a dangerous atmosphere.
Of course, it is said that the red color represents the blessing in China.
However, this consistently reddish atmosphere is often used to create a dangerous feeling.
Blue light, on the other hand, gives a feeling of depression and vitality.
So it appears like this after the red light is clearly contrasted, giving the impression of looking at the body.
In particular, this music video was shot in Hong Kong,
and it is said to be an omage of post - modern films in the 90 's.
The thriller genre and dangerous atmosphere of the time are expressed through red lighting and blue lighting.
When the colors that gave a strong feeling disappear and look black and white,
the scene has the effect of moderating the emotion.
Especially, black and white screen shows the face of a dead man.
First, Suzy makes a make-up at home and dresses.
In fact, this is not Suzy's house.
Suzy is the man he loves and the lover's house.
The man Suzy loves opens his eyes when the ringtone rings.
But Suzy does not answer the phone even if it rings.
Just annoying?
Because she is not Suzy's house, she did not have to answer the phone or take the phone.
Suzy kills his lover and his lover.
And Suzy naturally uses the things in the house as if it were her own.
Suzy now seems to think, "What kind of incense, what color did the woman she loved use?"
Suzy 's love and obsession are represented by stealing.
Suzy stealing jewelry.
Suzy thinks, 'I just felt this thing was pretty and I liked it', and steals the necklace naturally.
Of the clothes Suzy wears in the music video like this,
the clothes she looks at are not of Suzy. It's somebody else's clothes, not Suzy.
So it does not fit in this size.
The man who was thought dead still appears beside Suzy.
Suzy, who is drunk, naturally leans on his shoulder as if it were a lover.
The man softly touches her.
But it is actually a delusion that does not exist beside Suzy.
Like this.
Suzy's side is a male figure that Suzy's love is shaped.
Lipstick shows us the reason why Suzy can not give off her unrequited love and attachment.
The red lipstick is an object that shows passion, fascination,
affection such as lust, desire and intense attachment.
Suzy came out of the house and steals lipstick.
Like when she stole jewelry.
Suzy wears the stolen lipstick like crazy. She is drunk.
It shows the desire of Suzy to crave that man.
Overall, in the music video content, Suzy seems like a very uneasy situation.
Most of the drunken scene comes out. And most of the repetition of facial expression
and act like where one screw is loosened.
The tunnels give the impression that they are trapped somewhere psychologically because of
the repeated scenery and closure.
The situation of Suzy repeating the same days is likened to the way of going through the tunnel like this.
If you fall in one side love, your mood keeps rolling up and down.
Suzy tries to wash the dress.
In Korea, people usually use the word 'wash' as an idiom that says 'settle the past'.
The scene of the laundry is Suzy's attempt to forget the love, Suzy's attempt to erase the evidence.
First, when Suzy attempts to forget him (trying to get rid of her loving feelings without murdering yet),
Suzy tries to forget him, but she can't.
Suzy's efforts are unmistakable, but feelings of love reach for Suzy.
And Suzy eventually grabs the hand.
Suzy, who is wearing a black dress later, puts the clothes she stole into the washing machine.
It seems as if she does not leave the evidence of the one-piece that
she stole after she committed the murder.
However, as far as Suzy 's actions are concerned,
it seems closer to the obsessive behavior of her to erase the scent of a hateful woman
than to erase evidence.
The act of closing the eyes is the act that is mainly given to the dead.
Suzy clutching the eyes of a man lying on her lap.
It is action to avoid the guilt, the desire in herself bringing down to the hell.
But Suzy seems to be still out of control.
Her delusion does not close her eyes like this.
Suzy makes a murder and then washes her hands strongly to remove the blood.
Suzy has committed a murder because she can not forget a man, like a title that shows her worried state,
but she can not forget him for the rest of her life because of the murder.
She keeps getting confused. Like the title.
If all the stories are over here, you would not have to watch my channel.
The fact is this.
The story of 'Yes no maybe' is not just about superficial murder.
It is likened to a bad woman who committed theft and murder.
Describing love as a crime, and portraying a loving self as a bad person.
So who is this woman?
This woman is actually Suzy himself.
A scene where Suzy sleeps in the bed of the people she murdered,
and uses the things of the house virtuously.
These scenes do not mean she is a psychopath.
In fact, this woman is an ego of Suzy that can not accept herself.
Suzy defines herself who obsessed with the love as
"herself : she feels rejection herself"
and "herself : she did not know ever".
Suzy separated the ego from its original ego.
And Suzy embodied that ego as a 'some other woman' who that man loves.
It is easy for you to think of this as another Suzy's persona.
This truth can be found through the following video and sentences.
"Yes, Yes No Maybe is....
uh… It is such a dance song that expresses a confused mind
while starting to love as first and knowing about the pain of love.
Suzy said that not 'a killer who is crazy about jealousy',
but 'a woman who is confused about her feelings for the first time.'
In addition, this is Wang Ga-wi's movie 'Dong sa seo dok'
It is the word which appears in the disbelief of the ambassador of Zen Buddhism.
It is easy to say by saying,
'What a phenomenon and truth is just there,
and it just depends on how it is accepted.'
In Korea, it 's a little easier to understand if you think about the story that the skull water of Monk Won-hyo.
In other words, the love that Suzy is now thinking about,
and the way she loves her, will eventually change depending on how Suzy takes herself.
It is the story that Suzy is on her own,
whether she thinks her own image as ugly,
or accepts it, embraces it, and overcomes it.
Humans originally accepted the shocks and wounds that they suffered,
and went one step further by integrating the wounds with their selves.
I can say that this music video contains a self-destructive figure that
can not control emotions and kills one's own self eventually.
If Suzy overcome this self-destructive mind, she can grow one more time maybe.
A music video featuring the emotions and Suzy's anguish that can not be controlled by the first love.
Another story about the feeling of love,
"Yes no maybe".
I recommend to review the music video again.
It was DreamTeller. Thank you:)
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