Madam, what is to be made in breakfast?
Madam, what is to be made in breakfast?
Paratha or fried bread and vegetable.
Fried bread and vegetable?
It is not to be made.
It is to be made.
What is this madam?
Why are you moving your head like a dancing doll?
Tell me clearly whether breakfast is to be made or not.
Priyanka, sister is going to remain silent the entire day today.
Not speaking today.
Madam, you have taken a very good decision.
Do you know there are many benefits of remaining silent?
But let me tell you one thing madam.
Just because you are not speaking today there is silence all around the house.
Just like horror movie.
I don't think she will let my promise..
..of not speaking today go on peacefully today.
Did you say anything?
Madam, why have you promised to remain silent today?
Sister has promised to remain silent for brother-in-law's long life.
By not speaking the life becomes long.
This means by speaking more the life become shorter.
Now I understood that madam has promised to keep quiet to balance everything.
Isn't it?
Sandhya, is the breakfast ready? I am getting late for office.
Why are you talking in signals?
What happened?
Are you okay?
Did you say anything to Sandhya?
Brother-in-law, what do you mean? Why do you give so much importance to her?
Sister Tia, why are you transporting madam's signals?
Hey, not transport but translate.
And as it is today I am sister's interpreter.
I know it but to take one thing from here to there is called transportation.
If you want you can ask sir.
Isn't it sir?
One minute, one minute. Will anyone tell me what is happening here?
Sir, madam is not going to speak the whole day today.
I mean she is going to remain silent the entire day today.
Madam, did you see how happy sir became?
Absolutely happy.
No baby that is not the case.
I am yearning to hear your sweet voice. Really.
Let my promise of not speaking today get over..
..then I will teach a lesson to both of them.
Did you say anything, madam?
Sister Tia, what is madam saying?
Priyanka, please. Sweetheart why have you decided to remain silent?
And this whistle.
Brother-in-law, sister is going to remain silent for your long life.
And when she will not be able to explain what she wants to say..
..then she will whistle loudly.
Oh god, our ears are going to be in trouble today.
If you keep silence then how will my life become long?
Hey, don't get involved in all that nonsense, sir.
Dear, what will you have for breakfast?
Madam, don't mind but you ask him like this every day.
And today madam is going to remain silent.. I thought that I will not let you feel the absence of her voice.
Oh God, did you see sir how loudly is madam whistling?
This means madam has no objection.
Oh God.
Sister wants to say that you are just talking nonsense.
Sister Tia, you just stop interfering.
You mean interpret.
I know but whatever you are doing is called interfering.
Oh God, what should I do of this Priyanka?
Madam, did you say something again?
There is so much peace in house today.
So I am thinking of talking a holiday. How is the idea, Priyanka?
I mean Sandhya. Sandhya..
Sister, even I have to go out. I have to go and get my nails done.
So shall I go?
Madam, even I have to go for IBM's meeting. I am already late.
Shall I go?
Sister, can I go now?
Sir, shall I go?
Sister, can I go now? - I am going..
Sandhya, let them go. I am there.
Sister, I am going. I have to go. Bye.
Shall I go, sir?
Yes Priyanka even you go. I will manage.
Oh god. Sir, I forgot to tell you one thing.
A new madam has come in our neighborhood.
She was asking about you.
She was telling me that your sir is very handsome.
Just get me introduced.
Sir, I think madam is getting fits.
I will have to revolve the slipper around her.
I am not speaking does not mean you keep on speaking anything.
Who is this new neighbor? Tell me also.
I will not spare her at all.
Did you see sir? How she has started speaking like Komolika?
Sandhya, your vow of silence.. - To hell with vow of silence.
What about my long life?
Some time ago you were missing my sweet voice.
And just as Priyanka said that the new neighbor was asking about you.. were worried about your long life.
Madam, I was saying lies.
The thing is that because of your vow of silence..
..the entire house seemed to be in silence.
And I was yearning to hear your bitter..I mean sweet voice.
Shall I say something, madam?
Speak less and sweet as I do.
There will be peace at home.
And you will not remain silent for long life of sir.
I give guarantee for that just like plasto.
Sandhya, she is right.
Sir, I am telling you to let's leave from here..
..otherwise madam's vow to thrash will start.
Wait, I will kill you..
For more infomation >> Maid In India S02 E06(Web Series) : Malkin ka Maunvat | Web Talkies - Duration: 7:23.-------------------------------------------
See the All-New LEGO® Bat...
The LEGO Batman Movie
일곱 번째 내가 죽던 날 BEFORE I FALL 선댄스 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 1:56.
윌슨 WILSON 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:19.
部屋 出窓 店舗にうれしい多色ライト 専用アプリで色を変えられます DMYCO LEDライトスピーカー - Duration: 2:41.
Doping uncut Geptral, Ademetioin Defend your liver - Duration: 3:19.
Are you without doping SPORT SCIENCE denominations: simple to the complex.
The idea of this release we proposed MihaL 78, for which
a special thank you to him.
All who anyway They play sports, have
periodically examination.
This is necessary since the athlete bears
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As a rule, the so-called "Natural" athletes
sincerely believe that the problems Liver may occur
only in athletes, regular using anabolic
Steroids providers on its toxic effects,
or have avid fans alcohol.
In fact, additional burden on the liver, kidney
and other organs and systems the body carries any sports
Diet, which involves sufficiently high content
In this connection care of our natural filter
- Obligatory for the liver any person who
really carefully about their health.
That is why today we would like to talk
about geptrale.
Geptral is a drug which is inherently gepatoprotekterom
and exhibiting antidepressant activity.
By hepatic group are drugs that have
protective effects on liver.
Geptral produced as in oral and injectable
It has choleretic holerekeneticheskim and influence,
has detoxification, regenerating, antioxidant,
antifibrinolytic and neuroprotective effect.
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In this way, the bile acid restore its transport
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starts functioning properly.
Ademethionine whose level increases when taking geptrala
organisms contained in children and adolescents significantly
more than elderly people.
Ademethionine, among other normalizes the function
nerve cells that positively It affects the state
throughout the central nervous system and aids in
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on after the course of therapy.
The oral form is recommended taken between meals
food 2 to 4 Tablets.
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heartburn, trouble sleeping and, in individual cases
manifestation of allergy.
It is not recommended to receive pregnant girls.
If you have had the experience of receiving geptrala, write about
your impressions in the comments below the video.
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The Space Between Us
In-Building Wireless Coverag...
Speech Ch2 communication and the self - Duration: 3:58.
Ok, Uh, I'm doing the first part of this because it applies to me.
Uh To describe my culture I am catholic, i'm half Korean and half caucasian.
Uh, swimming is a part of my culture, it's a huge part.
Food is something i have to eat it because I don't want to die, because I will die If
I don't eat food, Uh, but it's not apart of my culture.
Uh, region of origin, I was born here, born and raised here, never moved anywhere, I was
here my whole life accept for vacations, uh I enjoy those.
Uh K, honestly my culture affected, definitely affected my self-concept, My religion I have to care for others, I have
to be a nice person, I can't be selfish, I have to give things up for others, uh
it makes me feel good, I have to help people in need, when I do that it makes me feel good
about myself.
I view myself as a good person, which I am.
Um, My ethnicity I am half Korean and half Caucasian, it affects my self concept because, my mom
is Korean, uh she does not want me to shame the culture, she doesn't want me to shame
it she wants me to be nice, be a good person, because some people look at it as a cultural
thing you know.
Oh Koreans are evil or something you know.
I gotta be nice, I gotta don't do bad things like committing crimes or anything.
Uh Swimming is a huge part, Uh swimming has done alot for me.
I was super shy before, and now I can openly talk because I made a lot of friends their.
uh, and it makes me feel good about myself.
Uh their is a lot of, I started out not that good, and then by the end of high school,
I was really good.
I improved so much, and it makes me feel really good about myself, It shows that I can do
then my region of origin is that I was born and raised here, but it does not affect that
much about me.
It doesn't affect my self concept, if I was born in the mainland I would still be the
same, k.
Actually maybe not because people, the friends that I have they would all be different people,
and I would probably would be a different person, so in that way it has effected my
self concept.
I wouldn't have swimming or anything, so yeah.
Yeah It has affected my self concept.
To allow me to have all these things, all this culture that I have now, alright.
Peace out.
That's all I know.
I read the whole book just so you don't have to be, you know like suspicious that I didn't
read it, but I did, alright.
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