Original Track: Sumi Jo - If I live
Hyelin: I have a sad memory in Samsung Village, Seoul.
Hyelin: It was before Up & Time time.
Hyelin: We were promoting Up & Down at COEX Mall.
Hyelin: But we got kicked out.
(Under the lonely moonlight)
LE: Back when people didn't really notice us... (Under the lonely moonlight)
MC: When you just debuted? (If my shadow appears)
LE: Yes, we were dancing in the middle of this street. (If my shadow appears)
MC: And? How was the reaction? (If my shadow appears)
LE: No one noticed us. (If my shadow appears)
Hani: We were doing free hugs, but nobody showed up. (Maybe that's when I'll talk about myself)
(Maybe that's when I'll talk about myself)
Panel 1: Her voice is so clear! (Maybe that's when I'll talk about myself)
(or at least listen to me)
Hyelin: I was relying on allowence from my family. (or at least listen to me)
Hyelin: I was also in university then. (When the wind passes me at dawn)
Hyelin: But we were all in a difficult situation, so no one complained. (When the wind passes me at dawn)
Hyelin: So I got a part-time job and didn't tell the members. (When the wind passes me at dawn)
Hyelin: When things got better, I told the members that I had a part-time job. (Should I sigh and ask why am I living?)
Hyelin: Then Solji started crying in the cafe. (Should I sigh and ask why am I living?)
Hyelin: And seeing her cry made me cry too. (Should I sigh and ask why am I living?)
(I have to live even though I'm sad)
Solji: "Hey, when are you going to succeed?" (I have to live even though I'm sad)
Solji: "Will your album ever be successful? When are you going to appear on TV?" (I have to live because I'm sad)
Solji: I know it's difficult, and hearing Hyelin working at a part-time job like it's no big deal... (I have to live because I'm sad)
Solji: I...I wasn't there for her, and... (I'll find out after I'm gone)
Hyelin: Solji, you're crying again. (I'll find out after I'm gone)
Solji: She went through a lot, so I am sorry and feel bad. (I'll find out after I'm gone)
(That reason why I exist in the world)
Hyelin: Two unnies (Hani & Solji)... (That reason why I exist in the world)
Hyelin: Two unnies (Hani & Solji) are always carrying way too much weight...I'm sorry. (Should I be gone, and if you remember me)
MC: I see, so you think like you're burdening them... (Would you tell me you also love my sadness?)
(Would you tell me you also love my sadness?)
(Hyelin may have been shadowed by other members) (Would you tell me you also love my sadness?)
(But we look forward to seeing more Hyelin, the hidden gem) (Would you tell me you also love my sadness?)
MC: Now, could the Victorious Cheerleader take off your mask and show yourself?
MC: It is Hyelin, the member of popular girl group, EXID!
(I have to live even though I'm sad)
(I have to live because I'm sad)
(I'll find out after I'm gone)
(That reason why I exist in the world)
(Should I be gone, and if you remember me)
(Would you tell me you also love my sadness?)
Jeonghwa: Don't cry, it's okay... (Would you tell me you also love my sadness?)
(Would you tell me you also love my sadness?)
(How many great vocalists does EXID have...?)
(I was happy in this world. At least I think I was.)
(We're proud of you Hyelin. And EXID. And LEGGO.)
For more infomation >> [E/J/S/V/C] EXID 혜린 (Hyelin) 나 가거든 (If I leave) MV - Duration: 3:37.-------------------------------------------
Audi A4 1.8 TFSI S-LINE 170PK AUT Nwe. Motor - Duration: 1:34.
Audi A1 1.4TFSI 122PK S-Line Incl. 24 Mnd Garantie! - Duration: 1:30.
Audi A3 1.4TFSI 92KW 3D AMBITION Pro Line-S Incl. 24 Mnd G - Duration: 1:49.
emergency engine start Toyota all key lost аварийный запуск двигателя Тойота все смарт ключи утеряны - Duration: 0:59.
BMW 5 Serie 520i Executive / 79000 KM - Duration: 1:19.
Japanese Try French Food Part 2 (Provence) - Duration: 15:37.
Kita Satu (Official Lipsync Video) - Duration: 4:07.
3 FICHIERS EXCELS pour établir le BILAN de vos PRONOSTICS - Duration: 3:26.
Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse 320 '01 Leer Navi Vol! - Duration: 1:17.
Ce corps tant désiré (1959) francais + subtitles - Duration: 1:33:44.
"This Desired Body"
Director: Luis SASLAVSKI
If Marseille appears, count the dead.
We'll leave it on the street?
I do not want to soil oneself for this bastard.
Everybody shut up! He decides that no one in the garage.
Warning! It can be found!
It is a cool gangster, he gave us more revenge.
we must be careful Marcel!
I'm tired of all that he terrorized. I command you!
I hide risks.
Marcel knows that I am on duty at night.
You do not care about something as well? - No, I have seen enough of them in Chicago.
I remember, I worked in a slaughterhouse.
I slipped in a puddle of blood.
And suddenly - a flash of a revolver!
Yes, okay, we know these stories!
It's me, Lina! Open!
- Open. - Yes, but the owner said that...
About Marcel, not about her.
Lucien up?
Lucien! Lucien! - Listen,
Better he does not know you're here. - Why?
What's going on?
I have to Sett to warn his sister Marseille.
- As she walked? - He's dug.
- I'm sorry, but you said yourself open. - Only here do not start!
You told me not to open Marcel, not her!
- I told you not to open Marcel ?! - Well yes.
- What are you talking about, you idiot? - That's a fool!
You keep here out of pity, and you buddies you substitute ?!
Yes, you deserve...
I remember well, you said: "I do not want to soil oneself for this bastard!"
Throw this beggar outside the door. That I did not see it!
Everything went out of here!
My jacket! - Your what?
- My jacket! - Where is he?
Come on, get out!
What do you want?
They took Marseille. I lost a bag, is now broke.
Do you remember me only when you need to.
And I need this? - You? You never wanted to pay.
And today I have to pay because your ass got so hot!
Marseille come out sooner or later. You know, he always pays the bills.
- What do you want? - 10 thousand.
Thank you say is not necessary?
Do you know how Marcel calls you?
Little bastard!
It's funny, huh?
If you Sett, now comes the 5-hour bus.
I'm just waiting for him. - I want to sit somewhere in a few days.
Do you happen to know? - I know.
I have what you need.
I'm working on a farm mussels.
- I of anything do not ask? - Ask!
Mussels to cling to a rope.
- Well, where are your clams? - In Begize.
A little before reaching Setta.
Okay. Then warn me when to go.
Yes, well. Just...
Got it! You do not have the dough?
But once you opened the door for me, I'll pay for the trip.
Oh, I'll give you then, believe me.
What a wonderful night!
- Yes. - All the stars visible.
One can see the Big Dipper,
And there - the North Star.
- This is the sea? - It is not the sea, this pond!
There is always the sea like a lake.
We have - is another matter! - Yes.
Oh, I know. Known Sea Baltic, Adriatic.
More Pacific Ocean.
- Monsieur traveled all over the world? - Yes.
One day I'm tired of ponds, and I chose the ocean.
Got a sailboat. And then I was
Harpoon on whaling...
- Did you see the whales? - Yes, as you are now.
If they gave me to continue,
I have today would have had a car as wide as the bus!
While you lick other people's cars.
Wow... accident.
But I will definitely be back there, to the Far North,
Where white whales live in the purple sea.
You all saw it in the movie!
No! I never lie.
I even came up with a way to kill whales, so they do not suffer!
This idea occurred to me there at night, which lasts six months.
- Night lasts six months? - Yes.
Oh, I like it there.
It was so beautiful!
Then why did you not stay there?
I do not believe it.
Wipe mouth, too much lipstick.
There are not used to.
- Done. - That's better.
It's here!
You can only enter that door and turn to the foreman.
- And you do not go? - Oh no.
Go without me first. If something goes wrong, I have to intervene.
- You know the owner? - Not bad. It's me.
- You've got more and megalomania? - If you like, yes.
Megalomania - that's my weakness.
Who's the foreman?
- There's one short black hair. - Thank you.
Hey, neat!
I pull the rope.
Wait, I cellar, the better to get it.
Keep a minute.
Stacked faster.
- A little more... - Do not sleep!
- Come help me! - Yes now.
- This is the label. - Thank you.
- Overhead ready? - Yes, ready.
Hello. What would you like?
- Do you have a job for me? - Late, babe. We have a full staff.
Will you please take me too!
Do not afraid to spoil the varnish on the nails, clinging mussels?
Hey, there! Not so fast!
Why? There is not need me.
Notes then distributes the master.
A host - it's me.
What is your name?
And I - Henri.
Go to the warehouse at the pier.
You will be given your equipment to work.
Hey, Henry!
All this is nice, but what we do with it? - We will see.
You do not often come to our house these girls.
I wonder where she is? - From bus.
I have seen them with Guillaume comes out of it.
- Guillaume returned? - Yes.
Yes, this will never cease to amaze me!
For once he brought us no problems.
- Hey, Guillaume! - A!
In Narbonne already tired?
- No cigarette? - There is.
Hey, your girlfriend a good figure!
Oh, she's not my girlfriend.
You You take it?
Let's see.
I like to know who I'm dealing with.
- I know it well. - A?
Yes, and all her family.
I know her father, mother,
Her two younger brothers... Twins!
Her father was a guard ... - What?
He guarded safes in the bank where I worked.
Yes, a man with principles, not get along with his daughter.
Okay, okay, do not tell me her life.
Maybe someday she will tell me. For more charm.
Devil Guillaume!
I still see you with your weekly bristles
And empty-handed!
- Where are you? - I'm here!
- Can you give me pliers? - Where's your pliers?
On one thing.
Oh, yes.
Again problems with clunker?
Oh, now he will work! The only problem with the exhaust pipe.
Wait, I'll help you.
- Are you understand this? - Still would!
It's all right? - Yes.
Oh, you're back, and the view was not upset.
You know, last night I resigned from the bank.
What, again ?!
I do not work well together with attorneys persons.
Starichļ spoiled, do not understand modern methods.
Do you know me. I immediately wanted to carry out a complete restructuring of...
Do not you believe it?
How did you know?
- You've seen my mother? - ABOUT!
So it is necessary to warn her!
Maybe first we shall understand the mechanics?
No, that's better!
Mom? Mama!
- What happened? - Guillaume is back!
Guillaume? Oh my God!
Again ?!
Francine! Francine!
Oh, poor Madame Rosa! Calm down, think about the attack!
Oh, I have it now would be!
Guillaume is back!
Oh, my poor, be of good cheer!
It is strange that it never not happy.
Initially only.
Then she gets used.
And! Here it is where you are!
Where's your suitcase? In the club, as usual?
What is the holey pants?
A new suit, which I gave you for Christmas? I bet you sold?
Yes. You see, two suits for work - it was too.
Oh yes, for the job. By the way, let's talk about work!
We have worked so hard to have attached you to the bank!
What happened this time? Tell us!
I do not believe it.
And my 20 thousand francs?
Grandpa, you know, I...
Yes, he knows all too well, poor grandpa, who invested their savings in your stupidity!
He was 3 years old had to do without tobacco.
And my 20 thousand francs?
I do not drive you out of the house just because I'm your mother!
But this time, I advise you to bring any benefit!
If you can!
Do not brought me my 20 thousand francs - get out!
Marinette, follow the washing.
And where are you going?
Obegu district quickly, so as not to give credit to your brother.
And let me be ashamed!
Come on, do not worry. The hardest part behind.
No, to her, yes, but with the rest of the...
The rest - do not count.
And then, I got to do. - Oh, my Marinettochka!
You know, I brought you a present from the gar... from the bank!
- Check? - No... Uh...
But Guillaume...
Well, you master the profession?
- Type I, probably, one more! - You will learn quickly.
Wait! Not certainly in that way.
- What? - I'll show you. Take the glove there.
- Oh, how ugly. And the hole. - But the hand protect.
So, you see? Small movements. It is necessary to tear off the mussels.
You took a punt for Charlot?
Go here!
Take it to the warehouse.
- What is it? - The end of the working day.
- You in a hurry? - Yes. I need to Sett, stay.
And it's not so simple. - Perhaps there is a way to accommodate you.
Next to the warehouse there is a hut with beds.
We have workers who come from afar. They spend the night there.
Well... if they are satisfied. - I like.
Maybe, we come together in a movie in the evening, after dinner?
Oh, no! I'm too tired. The day was a long one.
Okay, I did not say anything.
Oh, do not be offended. We'll go another time.
Fool, you scared me!
Since when mechanics began to prepare?
You see, fire! - I forgot to close the valve?
Are not you afraid that your ratatouille will smell gasoline?
Well, you crazy! I have clean hands.
- Show! - No.
No, no! Stop!
Marinette! Henri! Do not you ashamed, at your age?
Should I keep an eye on her appearance!
- In my view? - Yes.
Better follow the views of their new workers.
What new workers? Hiring still ended Tuesday.
- I do not know. - Dad!
You know that we have left the fatty Anarin. It was necessary to replace it.
And, as if by chance, did you find the one whose hands are clean!
Probably not bother them.
It is possible to understand! This woman is so beautiful!
- You know something from, grandpa? - She came.
Wind pinned to her blouse to the body - it was so beautiful!
Beautifully in all places.
You have more excellent vision, grandpa.
Rosa, you did not find in her washing my embroidered handkerchief?
If found, he would be returned to you.
Do not worry, cousin. Your lover may use my handkerchief.
- I do not worry, cousin. - Not true!
- Guillaume returned? - You do not hear the machine?
He set to work. - Yes.
He was not left in the bank. What a heavy cross!
That's what I'll tell you - be careful.
You are not the first who he likes, son Messarde.
Hey, Pearl mussel is back!
Pearl mussel?
Would you spot, I knew the story, baby.
- What story? - Oh, long story.
In any case, someone that sound fun, but I - no.
Many have lost money on these devices Guillaume.
It is trying to get the pearls, the poor simpleton!
Pearl mussels...
<i>That's how I found out that he was actually the son of Ferro.</i>
<i>Those who called Pearl Mussel.</i>
<i>I also like to laugh.</i>
You talked about the sixth...?
- I told her what I will say much more! - I recognize you!
One martini!
- The bar has a place. - No thanks.
I have a word to Paulette. - Marseille here?
I'll explain later, when we're alone.
You may speak at Anutane. This is a good friend and adviser.
- Marcel was arrested yesterday. - Holy Mother! We were never left alone!
But this time it was in the ointment! - How did it happen?
- Marseilles surrendered Greek. - Poor Mama!
These emotions in her age - this will kill her! - Stop playing and do not worry.
We'll get your brother. It is necessary to go to Narbonne.
Do Molinoro lawyer wants them to do again?
I pulled him out of trouble, so...
Quid pro quo. - We have to go by the first bus!
- I can not go to Narbonne. - And you too?
- Got to ride you. - I can not leave the baby alone!
You know Marcel!
Do not worry, Chick, put it on me.
While you will not, I'll look after her.
And you, little one, wait for my return. Yes?
Yesterday I went to the hostel, you were not there.
- I was with friends. - What friends?
When you come, you do not know anyone. - Met.
- Do you think your father would have liked? - My father?
My father always wanted me to be acquired bonds.
Even Antoine bar?
- Yes. There or anywhere else. - Guillaume told me more.
In any case, there better not to go.
- Why? - Because...
Antoine - uncle. And he's going to tramp all port.
- So what? - These people are not for you.
How do you know?
Yes, my chick! Well, Chick. And you have?
Do not despair.
Freed pending trial?
Everything is better than nothing.
Come on, you! Do not rush!
Yes, sometimes it comes.
Still farm mussels.
Be calm, I look after her.
I am too!
See you soon!
She did not get his rescue. All the better.
- Why? - So she'll have to stay in Narbonne.
And we're now - at complete rest.
I will not come, Antoine.
- What is it with you? - I Do not want to, that's all.
Son Messarde take care of you? It is unlikely.
Daddy Anutan you more useful.
Oh, there's no pearls.
Guillaume, what is a pearl?
By Big illustrated encyclopedia, children,
Is solid pearl round body, which is formed inside some shells,
Especially "meleagrine" which is called in common
Pearl. This you know.
Just my opinion... - Oh, Guillaume, I've got something!
Oh, no, it's a piece of seashells.
- Do you know how to make pearls? - I'm trying. While it is impossible.
- When you get? - Christopher Columbus discovered America, not once!
- But you do not despair. - I do not despair.
- Why shine? - This is a pearl!
You know, when people eat mussels, they throw them without looking.
But there, you see - what a beautiful rainbow!
- You come back? - Yes Yes.
- Can you do me a favor? - Of course.
I want 5000 francs.
- But I do not! - Who would doubt that.
I would like you to ask them one of my friend.
- Okay. Who is he? - Antoine, the owner of the bar at the pier.
- Ah! - Yes.
Are you sure you want to?
I need the money, and only he can lend them to me.
I would say, do you want exactly the money I asked for?
What are you ashamed of me?
- Okay, I went. - Wait!
I'll wait for you at the pier with money Tivoli 7 hours.
But once you're in Sette why she did not ask?
Because Antoine let me go, and I have other things to do.
You ask too many questions. - Sorry!
If he asks you, tell him that I'll come to his house later.
- What do you pour? - Nothing, I'm out of money.
- So why come? - Well...
I wanted to ask you...
You could not lend me five thousand francs? - You're laughing?
Who will return them to me? Your mother? I here hear her screaming.
Screaming yelling something, but always returns.
I do not like scandals.
By the way, the girl from Narbonne, Lin...
Still farm mussels? - Still, yes.
You'll see it, tell them to came.
I have to request it.
- Do not know if I see... - Try!
You promise? - I promise.
Listen! - Yes?
Since 5000 francs, then? Give?
Oh, you...
Does nothing "for so"!
You too.
How much he is waiting for me?
That I borrowed them, you should have nothing to him.
And... what are you?
You did it for Henry?
No. For you.
Where do you climb? I do about anything did not ask!
Antoine - this is my personal bank, right?
It's disgusting.
I'll disgusting? You are who they say they are taking?
You're a loser, jerk! Above you all laugh!
I do not want you to be, do you hear?
Yes, you should not do anything to me.
5000 Antoine francs I give to you.
Give me this one.
Convenient these mirrors! Do you see yourself from head to toe.
Do you mind me when I ordered them from Marseilles.
Or maybe I do not need to look at myself from head to toe?
You're wrong. At my age, you probably also was not bad.
And too lonely.
Instead of admiring them, it would be better thought of Marinette.
Poor because of you terribly upset.
You are too often seen with a new worker.
And what have the baby mechanic?
If you do not yet understand, you're a complete idiot.
- Marinette ?! - Yeah.
You are laughing?
It's almost like a sister!
Or rather, as a brother, so... - You know, kid,
I often saw you slip view the body of his "brother"!
Her bodice, and the truth begins to fill.
It's time!
But only wear a collar around the neck, it does not to me.
Let takes Piero. He looks at her like a blackbird strutting!
- Marinette! You do not you go to dinner? - No.
But you at lunch did not eat anything! What happened to you?
It's your mania to hang around in the sun without a hat. So much for the bad!
And no appetite!
Oh, look, you are not going to force-feed me!
No, you heard her talking to me ?!
As if we have little Henry, who failed to appear and did not even apologize!
- Maybe he was detained? - Detained?
It is easy to guess who is holding him.
Oh! Taxi!
Stopped near us. - At this hour? Who could it be?
- This Guillaume! - Oh my God! What did he do again ?!
I feel the approach of disaster!
No. Wait for news.
Hello everyone!
- Where are you from? - From Nimes.
From Nima! By taxi! It can not be!
- He's joking. - No, I know him. He was not joking!
When Henri not, he is still capable of! - Calm down, Mama.
What did you do in Nimes ?! - I went for the garlands for the baptism tank.
In Sette not find, so I went to him. - By taxi!
But just faster than the train, mom!
I'm all so sick, exhausted knocks to spend extra centime not...!
A Monsieur! Who instructed you garlands?
- Francine. - I'm sorry, but I did not send you to him!
Bon appetit, ladies and gentlemen. Who will pay me?
And you why you drove it? You do not know that gypsy ?!
- Marinette saw how I took away. - Yes, but I thought he was going to Sett.
But Sette garlands were not, had to go to another place!
Okay, back and forth, two lunches and aperitifs 6, turns...
28 thousand 980 francs exactly. - Exactly ?!
6 and aperitifs!
Oh, no, I sleep!
Well, you will pay? Counter works.
Counter works... Oh, Messarde give him money! Faster!
I can not get up. I feel, now I will attack!
28 thousand francs... - Here, under the calculation.
- Thank you very much and see you soon! - Bye!
Do you realize how much we cost your garlands ?!
- Garland? No, I have not bought. - Did not buy?!
Why? - Expensive too.
Oh, get lost! Form of disaster!
And so - 20 years!
20 years, I do not sleep at night, shaking, they would udumali ?!
Get out! Go away, she said! - Come on, Mom...
I do not want to shake. He gradually destroy me!
If his father sees us from heaven, he turns over in his grave!
Calm down, Rose. It is better to take your pills.
Calm down, calm down... I do not want to calm down!
Get away from me! - What are you, Rose...
Do not you tired of waiting for him?
- Who? - Henri.
He will not come.
- You think? - He's different!
I know.
So that's why you did not open his mouth for the rest of the evening?
You what?
Can I have that...
So you never get tired of waiting for him?
When you want something hard, certainly will achieve.
You just need to pay.
Any price!
Oh, stop Come on, we want to sleep!
I thought you were with Henry? - Yes. We went to the movies.
And! What look?
It is very sad movie. I cried!
This is a story about a billionaire who does not give to marry a loved one.
And then for him it throws everything. That's just it - the last bastard.
Her from him in every one got.
How does he mocked the poor thing!
Yes, it happens sometimes. Hey, you do not want a peach?
Where did you stole?
I have not pulled. I brought it to you from Nimes.
How beautifully! What is it?
It is a powder of pearl.
To make this a gem, you can enter a little into the oyster,
It hurts them, and they produce a pearl.
- You kidding me? - No. It is very easy to understand.
Here we have when we have a wound that bleeds.
And they - make pearls.
And to achieve this, you're so shumish these motors?
Yes. Only oysters I was not very lucky,
So I try to mussels.
- Pearls! This pearl! - I've been studying this question, you know.
And then I decided, and invented all these machines.
Yes, I invented them. And I am confident that I will succeed! Believe me.
Well, I hope that you will succeed,
You gave me a necklace. A beautiful necklace.
I promise!
- And you believe him? - Why not?
Neschatsny chatterbox! At first, he believed everything.
But I do not. And my father bought.
I told him, of course, prevented. But his mother
And even cousin Francine, despite his avarice - all invested.
And even some farm workers have lent him their savings.
It lasted 2 years, but in the end, everyone understood.
- Pearl mussels! - Funny, is not it?
A cute nickname, from which all funny.
But let's not talk about it.
Let's talk about you. - About me?
About Us.
Why, when I say that I love you, you are always disbelieving look?
Because you have said this much to me.
Yes. But this time - it's true.
We meet with you, kiss and...
What if I do not this, what do you think?
You're not like the others.
That's it!
That's why you and I like you.
What's the matter? - Well, Lina, okay?
I can say a few words to her?
That means, if you please, a few words alone!
Short time only. We have a lot of work.
- Henry! - Lina!
- Marcel released! - Marcel ?!
It's waiting for you in Narbonne.
Well, well! And it's all your joy?
But... why did you decide that I'm not happy?
Then you knew how to hide their feelings.
Got to ride tonight. We are open again "Starfo".
Bar we have expanded, so that we were again waiting for a fiesta!
Work is work, baby. - Yes, but I can not today.
This son Messarde keeps you?
- And when it is necessary? - Where are you getting?
In their case. And the case of Lina.
What right ?!
Are you not tell him? Say now is the time!
- Paulette, I beg you! - You can not throw a person in need!
You have forgotten who would be without Marcel? Your novel is finished!
Interestingly, Marseille will think when they see you
A sunburn on your face? There is something to attract customers!
- Customers? - Yes, customers!
Her customers!
Since she did not have the courage to tell you, I have to tell you herself!
You've never heard of Lina quarter of Mush in Narbonne?
Anyone can get it, only to pay.
Why do you want to go?
Reasons not.
You know perfectly well that there is.
You should have told me.
But you do not dare.
Perhaps because she loved me?
We have lost so much time!
Do not worry,
We all make up.
When I think that we have not yet...
Leave me alone! Let go!
Do not! - Lina!
Lin... - Let go of me!
Do not! No!
Why not? Set a price, I will pay the other!
- No! No! - Agree! I will pay!
Here is a lifesaver! - Henri, let her go.
Where do you climb?
You do not see that it just fills the price?
Get out of here, so it will be better.
I? Are you laughing ?!
Take your clothes. Faster! Faster!
And she went out! Get out! Go back where you came!
Devil Pearl mussels!
I'll remember your prot?g?!
So, I got you...
Get down here.
What is it?
I do not like seeing you like this, baby.
I do not mean an extra glass, of course.
With me this was too. But I did not drink.
Do you drink because you grief.
When you see the girl you love - a whore,
What can be done?
- Are you sure that you love her? - Furthermore it for me no one there!
Yes, we think that there is only one girl, but then...
It is that they complete. - Not for me!
But the wine you do not find a solution.
What do you think I do ?!
I did not know that you can get like that.
Empty shells thrown into the sea.
For this woman - the same thing.
I'm not going to look for it on the sidewalk.
Why did you come?
I had to see you.
Why? Go away.
I love you!
That night here,
And tomorrow - with other...
There is no one other than you are now!
No, Henry, I decided: better forget everything.
But I can not!
And you too!
Do not leave me, Henri! Do not ever throw.
If you leave me now, you have no idea what will happen to me.
You do not know how far I can fall. - No!
No, I'll never give up!
Well, devonka,
Say you loved the mussels?
- Marseille! - Lina, you recognize my baby?
How up, huh?
Well, throw old friends?
Since you are not going to us, we are done this way.
Get away from her! She does not want you to know!
I'm sorry, but I talk to Mademoiselle!
- Marseille, please, do not attract attention. - You're right. And then the rest are brought up!
We do not want a scandal. - Then be gone!
I am with you politely say, do not rude!
Marseille, quiet! People everywhere!
I am well educated, but do not let yourself cheat!
Lina wants to start a new life - is her business.
Not every day seems a case.
But I also like ?!
When I picked her, she had no change in that.
It's me it sheltered, fed, clothed, educated.
Can you imagine how much that at current prices?
Uncle! Uncle!
Jojo, shut up! Do not irritate my uncle!
Son! Uncle says about serious things!
Take Lina, if you want. I want to receive compensation.
100 thousand francs.
- Listen, I will not tolerate...! - Marseille!
My sister is right - there is no place for us to engage as the porters!
But... think!
Where you will find so much money?
If you think that I'll at least centime that bastard...
100 thousand francs? 100 thousand punches in the face - yes!
- Hold, gentlemen. - Thank you! Thank you.
Where have you been? I'm waiting for you 2:00.
I will not allow it!
Beware, Henry.
It kind of peace, but you do not know what he can do!
I'm telling you, I'm not afraid of him!
I - I'm afraid.
It's not often punishes, but if you begin...
You can tell that he gets pleasure from it.
I do not like it when you say so.
Lea, I told you about it.
Girl, with whom he was to me.
After he explained to her,
She was disfigured for life.
You think you can not get 100 thousand francs?
If you could give them to him,
He would leave us alone.
In the end, you know...
So it is accepted, you know. - 100 000?!
Wow requests! And for what?
- He would not tell me. - You certainly do not insist!
I thought, he will come to you to explain.
I hope we are not going to give them to him?
I do not know.
Poor kid. When he came to them to ask, he had a face...
A look...
Oh, but that it is not about life or death!
And you succumb to this comedy ?!
When you gave 300 thousand francs Guillaume on his history with pearls,
You also thought it was a comedy? - I gave the history of pearls,
Rather than sex! - Shh!
Okay, I get it. I went.
- Good afternoon! - Hi.
- Hello, Pierrot! - Hello, Marinette.
Do you know what Henry needs 100 thousand francs?
- So, he will pay? - To pay for that?
Why, then, was to represent the Dodgers and swear that will not give a penny?
- Not a penny to whom? - I do not know...
Oh, listen, once started, keep going!
I said, I do not know anything. Nothing at all!
If you want to know more, talk to Lina.
By Lina?
Well, I'm going.
No, Marinette!
- What are you driving at? - I said nothing.
You have not said anything, but arranged so that she's learned.
So what?
I feel stupid that she is going through because of the type that would spit at her.
The money that asks Henry,
Is for you?
Do not want to answer? - No.
Because it's my business, not yours.
If this is not something obscene, you would have no reason to keep quiet.
I am silent because you are not affected. That's all.
Why did you come?
Because you are all wrong!
While you're here not there, Henry was happy!
Henry is a big, can take care of their happiness.
Do not worry about him or his money.
100 thousand francs!
For people who earn their own labor, it is a lot!
It's about what you can not understand.
I can not understand, do you know?
- No. - So you know?
I have no one said anything.
Then where you climb?
Trust me.
"Trust me!" And only know how to say it!
You make us a laughing stock with my mother!
His pearls, their mussels, their laziness!
Yes, no one will believe you anymore! No one!
He still gave half a million!
When I think - I temperature rises!
And still do not know what he will do with it!
He himself knows.
No one was able to contradict him!
Henry for 4 years did not get their interest.
Messarde refused to give me 200 francs to buy national lottery tickets.
Serves them right!
Come on, grandpa, Messarde always gave you stamps to your collection.
Do not worry, I'm not mad.
When workers have to return the money because of the stupidity of Guillaume,
Us they also all ears buzz.
Now their turn!
- Look, Guillaume ... - What's the matter?
- Are you mad at me? - No, not angry.
Yes, and for that you get angry?
- You know, it's not true. - What?
- What I told you. - A!
What you said...
I believe you. I always believed you.
Just stupid people laugh at those who do not like them.
Do not like them... This does not mean that it is better.
And for me - better!
Once you have committed something that will shake all. Except for me.
And me.
People say that you're a loser. But this is not true.
Just you follow their fantasies.
Yes, I know. But I hate that people think and mussels as they are!
It's so disappointing!
Why do not they make pearls ?! What kind of persistence?
But somehow I did.
Very beautiful pearl. - Oh, look, Guillaume,
They were of a pinhead, they are almost nowhere to be seen!
Yes, but as a glittering!
What if, instead of mother of pearl
Try almond butter?
- Oh, you know, I... - No ideas?
But funny!
It is said that no one needs an inventor,
That he is always alone with his passion. But this is not true!
For me it is not so!
I believe that we are much stronger if next to us is that...
- Who believes in us? - Yes.
And! Here! This time it's told you!
Hey, Ruzetta, be careful when you lift the basket.
Tilt, the wind will blow, and show us the whole landscape!
- This is not for you! - And for whom?
- Hey, Francois! - What?
Do you work here or garbage do?
Not everyone has a 100 thousand francs to deal with garbage!
- Repeat! - Leave me alone!
Again, I want to laugh too!
What? I'm not afraid to say that because of your beautiful eyes all the girls - yours!
Only nobody has paid so dearly in a brothel!
Stop! Stay!
Stop it, you crazy ?!
Get away!
- What have you done! - I plugged his mouth!
You did not deserve it, Mr. Messarde.
My son, too, Mr. Commissioner.
In such cases, I have seen many people willing to do the same as he.
Only they did not, Mr. Messarde. Like you.
You have lived such a way that earned the respect of the entire neighborhood.
And this is the difference.
Do you know who this girl, for which you have committed a murder?
Then you must submit, how it will bring you.
- It's not my fault. - She's an adult.
Her record proves it. - Her dossier?
Yes. She was 4 years is registered in the vice squad.
We have it on record.
For you, this is not news, is not it?
Escaping from the colony for minors,
Waitress she found a place in one of the bars of Marseille.
There she met with a certain Marcel Anzhelatti,
Pimp, who added it to the pavement.
As before, nothing new for you?
Then she was involved in the "Cause Compay",
She has two previous convictions for theft.
Is that you, too, you know?
How to see your information is not as complete as you thought.
<i>"Do not leave me, Henri! Do not ever throw."</i>
<i>"If you leave me now, you have no idea what will happen to me."</i>
<i>"You do not know how far I can fall -. No, I'll never give up!"</i>
Mademoiselle Lina in the visiting room.
I am 100 times requested to convey to her that I do not want to see her.
Let leave me alone!
I'm sorry, but I do not believe it.
Unfortunately, we do not believe our weak knowledge of the possibility of success.
You see, for me it was always important to succeed where others have failed.
Noble ambitions!
Only I usually fall through that the rest is obtained.
Said, "there is no prophet in his own country."
Well, listen, really sorry because I had hoped,
You like engineers,
Besides Japanese...
- We also have mussels. - But you do not have pearls.
You eat them. - Yes, exactly!
- You allow? - You are welcome.
- Well, it worked? - Oh, you!
These Japanese have very little to understand what.
- Do not worry. - Never!
As soon as they come out onto the street, I forget about them.
You do not spend them in the Sett?
- Why? - You can not let go of them so!
Can they have any thoughts?
- You think? - Try to push the trip.
- Maybe you're right. - Listen, once you go into the Sett,
Maybe Will you come to Lina? - By Lina? I do not even know where she lives.
The hotel at street Buttress, 14.
Why do you want me to see with Lina?
To give her money. But with one condition:
Let them go away, anywhere, and at once!
Do not be shy!
You have not noticed that Messarde no longer goes to the Sett, fearing to meet her?
You sure. that it is because of him you want it to go?
It should disappear. She caused so much evil.
Log in!
Good evening!
Oh, what a surprise!
Make yourself at home.
There is a cigarette?
Thank you.
I was too lazy to go after them.
How nice!
How is it, all right?
Yes, almost.
Family right? Mother? Younger sister?
By the way, this is it...
She sent me to...
It looks like it's not easy to say?
Oh, no. Ah, yes!
She thinks you are now short of funds,
And because of this you can not go back to my Narbonne.
So she asked me to...
Take you a bit of money to make it easier...
- What is it good heart! - Oh yeah.
Already leaving?
Do not you come back and see me?
Why not? Before your departure?
I left? What departure?
- How? Do not you leave? - Oh yes, of course!
At the end of the week. Or a month.
Or at the end of the year.
Here's how!
- Drink you want? - No.
I want.
Take me somewhere to have a drink.
Yes, I'm happy, but...
Treats me!
- This is how? - Only wear in a dress.
- I'll see you outside. - Why?
Do not know how to construct a woman?
Yes, but there are also Henry.
Do! He's gone.
I - whore.
I want to know why you're spying on me.
And you still ask?
Oh yes, this is your habit. You always for all spies.
Not at all!
So why me?
To prevent you end up like Henry!
That is the point! - Yes, that's what.
I will not let you break your life.
What it such, this slut that you're running behind her, like a dog ?!
You look like you hate it for what it everyone loves?
And you pleased that her love?
Do you like her to wait until her love?
I think that no one will ever it really did not like.
Admit that you just want to sleep with her! - Yes.
Yes, it's true. But it is not just that.
In any case, you do not understand.
Of course!
What could I!
You again? I told you, do not come at this time!
- I need to talk to you. - Then come back later.
- Well, look... - Wait. Look what I brought you.
Remember, you have asked me? You see, I have not forgotten!
- You finally happened? - No. I bought at the jeweler.
So reliable, you know?
- It is artificial! - Naturally.
... Only you know the glass is covered with foil, which is called "moonlight".
Yes, it is made of colors that appear only at night.
- Oh, what are you talking about again! - You do not want it?
Come quickly!
Lina, you know, this can not last.
But you know who I am. What are you complaining about?
Guillaume! Guillaume...
What's wrong with you?
- I want you to be my only. - Fool!
When they want a woman to be his only marry her!
No, I absolutely can not hurt me too!
Finish instead of me.
More a little bit, and I find myself in a cemetery.
But how calmly I will be there!
Yes you stop whistling!
You are in this state due to the fact that Guillaume collects his things?
Normally you prefer him to be far away.
Unfortunately, it is not far away. A very close!
But the woman takes care of it well. He is happy.
What did you say ?!
Since then, both of them together, he has changed a lot.
It works,
It has beneficial effects on him.
I hope you did not go to them?
I Went.
- You're happy! - I?
Pleased that your brother was in Lina's paws.
Because as you imagine that you can get hold of Henry!
- Yes. - Nothing else does not count!
The term I have reduced a year later it's all over.
Do you still think of Lina?
What a strange question.
Are you afraid that I will take for it?
No, not in this case.
You know, we had again seen.
- Ah! - Yes.
Er... yes.
Look where I am. Do not you say anything?
We are living in a hotel.
- And what do you live? - I am now working on a farm mussels.
It wanted to Lina. Your father is very happy with me.
I think things are going...
It's okay. - Why are you telling me all this?
That she asked me.
I think we're married.
That's how Pearl mussels!
It was easy you Okrut.
Well, the story does not concern me! You're an adult, you know what you're doing.
I wish you happiness!
Oh, happiness! You know, I...
If only she was happy!
He drives it every evening after work.
And walk arm in arm with her in full view of the whole city!
- What do you want? She's his wife. - Oh, his wife... his wife!
Wife for all! - I wish it was mine!
- What do you mean, Grandpa! - Francine, say yes not to speak!
And we have not decided about Guillaume.
What is there to decide? No one will allow him to settle down here with that thing!
As long as I'm alive, Lina will not cross the threshold of this house!
Over my dead body.
If you do not accept it, it does not exist?
This is it wise! He wants to come back here and bring us out of ourselves.
It's not exactly Guillaume invented.
reproached his 20 years that he did not know what he wants.
Now he knows!
Its share - 5 million.
You're lucky, your Henri in prison!
Do not you have a roof to live this Lina!
But when Orissa uncle married a girl who picked up at the port,
I was young, but I remember your reaction.
Now you with her kind.
Even you. Listen,
You have no right to close the door in front of my brother.
Let leads here this slut. I will not talk to her!
I do not see it, even!
I lock myself in my room and I will make only feet first!
<i>They all gathered at the station, waiting for me.</i>
<i>Will look on my face markings prison</i>
<i>And what they call shame.</i>
<i>My father, Marinette,</i>
<i>They will be there all together, in unison,</i>
<i>With the right to continue to condemn me. Even she.</i>
<i>Even Guillaume.</i>
- It can not be changed. - Perhaps!
- What does Granddaddy died Tiero? - From grief.
After the wedding of William, he was like a shadow.
No, frasin, dondu?eni, he died at 88 years old. It's enough!
And then, he had indigestion.
- Thank you. - A Lin he was very fond.
He hated it.
Even Rose begins to render her justice.
Do not be offended if she helps her.
Soon we thank Guillaume, he brought her here ?!
So much he did not have, cousin.
But in doing so, he proved that he is a man.
Do you think it's just - to marry a Line?
But Henri did not change as well?
No, he has not changed.
Perhaps a little thin.
Possible. I have not noticed.
I hope he will not mind that I substituted for him on the farm in his absence.
Why? You are the same boss as he is.
More recently, having said this, you would laugh people.
- Guillaume! - Yes?
There is one thing that I would like to ask you.
This is your story about pearl mussels...
You really believed in it?
Well... I believed for a long time, and then...
And then I pretended to be.
But if you did not believe it longer,
Why do you continue to lock with their machines?
Because I was lonely,
I was sad...
So, Piero, the baskets can be removed.
Today, we do not need, they have no place here.
This Guillaume told them to endure.
Oh, really? Okay, then I am silent.
He believes that if they endure in the evening, it saves time. It's his idea.
A, so he has an idea? Wow!
It now seems to be the big boss?
Since then, he got married, all he gets, no?
- Piero, the machine broke down again. - And why are you not fix it?
- In my dress? - You're going to order a new one.
A cousin Francine? The same goes to the tailor?
You have forgotten that the first Friday of the month I go to confession?
Tell me, Henry, can you otvezļsh us in his car?
Who will refuse such a beautiful girl?
What are you talking about?
Wait, you spun me! And breaking my hairstyle.
You know, you've changed! Manners, haircut - you different.
You have become a young woman.
I've had it before your departure. Did not you notice?
Not like today.
It's not long.
Are you - maybe. But Francine...
She was so much to atone for... - What are you stupid!
I'm waiting for you. Smoke is.
- We are only 2 examples of dresses. - 2 dresses and coats!
- And yet? - 2 summer dresses.
It is in this magazine you choose your wedding dress?
What do you want?
- Why are you avoiding me since my return? - I will not stay away.
- But because we have something to say to each other! - I do not think so.
You're... you're happy with Guillaume?
Since when are you interested in my happiness ?!
I want to know whether you love him?
Do you like? Answer me!
What is now the difference ?!
I need to see you. - You see me every day.
Not see.
It can not be that it was all over between us!
You yourself wanted it!
I'll never get used to the idea that you belong to another!
Why are you married to Guillaume?
I married him because he asked me to marry him!
And you enough?
Imagine that this idea first came to him in the head.
- This is what you wanted! - No. Not with you.
So much I did not ask.
And you think that I'll leave you to it, not trying to...
I know you well enough to understand that you will again try to spoil everything.
I want you to forget it.
I could not.
I thought about you, and day and night...
What about you?
I think about my husband.
I - a good wife!
Well, are you going?
We have already more than an hour waiting for him. - Maybe something happened to him?
Nothing happened to him. He just laughs at you.
With this fog I have pneumonia Pick him up!
Let's wait a little more. His car is still here.
You knowingly upset. You can not force a person to love yourself.
I do not care.
I love it.
What if the favorite does not love you?
It is necessary to have pride to hide it.
You see! It is necessary to make!
It is Guillaume? - I forbid you to say that it is Guillaume!
Do you hear? You have no right!
My poor Francine!
Okay, let's go home.
Listen, Piero, there is news of Henry?
No, no.
I think he went to Him and in Narbonne.
But as far as I know him, he'll call me.
Already 4 days of it nor hearing, nor spirit. I'm starting to worry.
His car still at the same spot on the street.
On the windshield is full of penalties.
And keys, for sure, and stayed with him.
What's the matter?
What do you need?
- I followed him. - A!
Spare me from him!
Oh, the New Earth!
There will be a bottle of rum for an old friend?
Come on, let's go.
Get up. - Are you glad?
There is a story to tell.
It is here for 3 days, and did not pay!
Do not tire, I was looking for.
2 thousand? You do not sbrendil?
Do not you stay?
- Good evening. - Good evening!
- Thirsty. - In the fridge cold water.
I Do not want water.
Do not drink!
You never killed anyone. I have to be aware of.
- Acting like a child! - Well no! No.
No, I behave like a man!
I spent 3 days with a whore.
It remains only to marry her. - What are you talking about?
You're so admire those who are looking for yourself on the panel wives.
And, that's it! What I admire?
For those that do what they want and when they want.
So why do not we give a lead here your favorite?
I listened to you.
If you really loved her, I did not have to listen to me.
You are not mad at me, but for themselves.
Get away from me! Leave me alone! Do you hear?
One! - Lina.
Why do not you love me?
I have never promised to love you.
Do you still love Henry?
If you are worried about just that, you can be calm.
It is I never get.
I do not ask about it.
Satisfied with what I can give you.
Not really something we're happy, huh?
I'm not very happy.
Appropriate length? What do you think?
I do not see. A large mirror in only Henry, but he does not want to be disturbed.
- What's the matter with him? - Oh, he smokes, smokes.
The house stank of smoke it. And any questions he answers rudeness.
Okay, I'll go to him.
You have today was not at work?
When the company a lot of heads, nothing works.
So I rest. - You're not sick?
I'm sick of everything! Get, sick of it! That's what happened to me!
I want to be left alone!
What's the matter?
Are you crying?
I used to cry, because you did not like me.
Now I'm crying because you are miserable.
Are you crazy? Unhappy!
I'm just a bad Nastron.
What thoughts have led you into such a state!
You are sad because of me?
With 5 years I hide when crying, and everyone thinks that I have no heart.
Poor mechanic!
Hey, it's over.
Smile to show that you are not angry with me.
Will you come to dinner tonight?
You know, if I come, it is only because of you.
See you there!
Already come? A Guillaume went to the warehouse.
I saw him.
And... he has come back soon.
Let no hurry.
- Let go of me! - I'm waiting for a long time too!
Lina! Who are you talking about?
With Henry.
I want you! I can not lose you.
You loved me, too!
Yes. So do I.
So why?
You made your choice, Henry.
Do not return. - Lina!
You're up early, my boy!
- Pour you a cup? - Yes please.
Wow, I can not! An hour at the stove!
Linochka, bring bread. Oh, well, that I have it!
And Marinette is now only turns the mirror.
- The most age! She wants to please boys. - And I did it.
Piero invited me to a dance on Saturday night.
I hope you agree?
And here and there. I refused.
Henry, and you've never invited to the dance.
- You know I can not dance. - I will teach you!
You'll see, it's so easy for the phonograph.
Thank you.
- See how easy? - Yes, just.
And nice.
- With me? - Especially with you.
You got me at least a little love? - Naturally!
Oh, I know that the girls should not ask this of boys.
But I need to know.
You know, I'd had enough, and the very small.
Oh, you're my MECHANICAL!
Kiss me.
They are dancing for half an hour!
Yes, I see. So what?
- How long will you tolerate it? - But I do not care!
And then, nothing wrong, they do not. - Do not do? Do not you see how behaves Henri?
Oh, no, you can not see. You do not see anything.
Sometimes I ask myself, and I was something you even see it?
You just know that silent and look look that there is a feeling of guilt!
- Well, the music ended. - Yes.
- Good night. - Good dreams.
Proud of yourself?
What are you doing in my room?
Would not have been such a fool would realize that wasting your time!
- Looking at you, I would have said the opposite. - No, it breaks comedy!
- How do you know? - He is deceiving you.
It is a second thinking about you not. Only he wants me to be jealous!
- How to see what he gets. - Why do you persist?
He's just a doll, a rag! How can you love him?
Do you?
Be calm, I see him as he really is.
I know that he'll still loves.
But more and despises.
I'll wait as long as necessary. I am patient.
- Did you ever not wait. - Why?
I'm only 18 and I - not a whore!
See, you still love him.
What's going on?
Nothing. Nothing happens.
- When you remodel the barn? - Next month. Otodvinem this wall.
Piero! Mark Antoine two donkeys. What better!
It is our good customer. Do you know Guillaume?
- Yes. Have you ever seen a long time ago. - Lin had known you too once?
- You know... - No, you're wrong!
He did not know my wife.
He does not know Madame Ferro.
Do not you, Antoine?
That's right.
I do not know her.
Who do you hope to fool?
We do not change the skin, changing the name.
Your wife - just Lin. When you have you will understand?
- She's right - people do not change. - Oh, no, it is not right!
People change!
That you did earlier was not a scoundrel!
In any case, she wants me. She told me herself. True?
Yes, it's true.
Even if true, it was not necessary to say it, Lina.
You'd rather live a lie?
You can lie to the words, Guillaume, you can lie without saying anything.
Do you know this method perfectly.
Now you have to tell the truth. Say something. Something truthful.
Get out!
Leave two.
By pushing his wife into the arms of Henry, did you think that would happen to me?
Do not you tired of suffering?
But suffer with your loved - is nonsense.
You'll see what it means to suffer alone.
You'll see!
You do not ask me where I came from?
I have not been with Henry.
What is the difference!
I told you that I would never belong to him. Never!
And yet you told me, be content with what I have.
But it is not enough. - I don `t want to leave!
- You leave. - You're persecuting me?
- Yes, darling. - You're afraid of what might happen.
So you want to get rid of me! - Nothing can happen.
All of them are right in saying that you're just a loser!
You are not even able to keep his wife!
Listen to me carefully.
I'm capable of anything.
I am able to fight against the whole world!
But what can I do when the truth gets in front of me?
What is the truth?
What you do not love me.
That's it.
You once told me: "Because I was lonely and sad!"
Do not exaggerate.
You should not feel sorry for me.
Sometimes, when we are looking for, we are very happy.
There are even times when you start to think about to find.
No, I lived my life in search of pearls, which is not.
You're crying!
I was whaling,
Pearl mussel
And I have been poverty,
Nasty stuff
And then... you.
- He. - Who is he"?
I'm mad at you, Guillaume!
You took everything, without saying a word, his arms.
I could not understand, do you love me for who I am.
What should I say to him, Guillaume?
Say that you love him no more. Just...
It is something you still love. - No, he gave me never liked.
I love - it is also a love that Lina.
He failed...
What about you?
Oh, I think I love you since that night in the garage,
Do you remember when you came so shy?
I swaggered.
We were both so poor!
Trust me!
<i>He did not even notice.</i>
<i>It is me, probably never noticed.</i>
<i>He never let me fall in love with.</i>
Aseel Fight Killers 😍😘😍 - Duration: 1:08.
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Cocktail Parrots Mating 😍😍😍😍😘😍 - Duration: 1:04.
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John Wick: Chapter 2
The Space Between Us
Toyota Verso 2.2 D-4D Luna Cllimate control, trekhaak - Duration: 1:36.
Lily (and friends) Lovely London Adventure - Duration: 1:57.
Est-ce Que Le Coran Est Le Mot De Dieu?-Discours Complet Par Zakir Naik - Duration: 1:40:52.
Enhjørningen Obitz på Strøget - Duration: 4:28.
Star Citizen 2.6.0 - Star Marine FPS Module! Nuovo Simulatore Spaziale! - Gameplay ITA / Let's Play - Duration: 7:58.
Volvo XC90 2.4 D5 LIMITED EDITION AUTOMAAT 7-persoons | NAVI - Duration: 1:34.
Japanese Try French Food Part 2 (Provence) - Duration: 15:37.
BMW 5 Serie 520i Executive / 79000 KM - Duration: 1:19.
3 FICHIERS EXCELS pour établir le BILAN de vos PRONOSTICS - Duration: 3:26.
The largest range of sound frequencies used in conversation - Duration: 0:52.
According to French physiologists, the highest range
Sound frequencies used in conversation differs
Russian: from 125 to 8000 Hertz.
French is the most monotone, he uses
ranges from only 1,000 to 2,000 Hertz.
English language - the "Squeaky", when talking
there used frequency from 2000 to 12,000 Hertz.
Citroën Berlingo 1.9 D 600 (DW8) - Duration: 0:51.
saçımın 1 telini bile kesmeden kahkül yapıyorum - Duration: 2:21.
Ce corps tant désiré (1959) francais + subtitles - Duration: 1:33:44.
"This Desired Body"
Director: Luis SASLAVSKI
If Marseille appears, count the dead.
We'll leave it on the street?
I do not want to soil oneself for this bastard.
Everybody shut up! He decides that no one in the garage.
Warning! It can be found!
It is a cool gangster, he gave us more revenge.
we must be careful Marcel!
I'm tired of all that he terrorized. I command you!
I hide risks.
Marcel knows that I am on duty at night.
You do not care about something as well? - No, I have seen enough of them in Chicago.
I remember, I worked in a slaughterhouse.
I slipped in a puddle of blood.
And suddenly - a flash of a revolver!
Yes, okay, we know these stories!
It's me, Lina! Open!
- Open. - Yes, but the owner said that...
About Marcel, not about her.
Lucien up?
Lucien! Lucien! - Listen,
Better he does not know you're here. - Why?
What's going on?
I have to Sett to warn his sister Marseille.
- As she walked? - He's dug.
- I'm sorry, but you said yourself open. - Only here do not start!
You told me not to open Marcel, not her!
- I told you not to open Marcel ?! - Well yes.
- What are you talking about, you idiot? - That's a fool!
You keep here out of pity, and you buddies you substitute ?!
Yes, you deserve...
I remember well, you said: "I do not want to soil oneself for this bastard!"
Throw this beggar outside the door. That I did not see it!
Everything went out of here!
My jacket! - Your what?
- My jacket! - Where is he?
Come on, get out!
What do you want?
They took Marseille. I lost a bag, is now broke.
Do you remember me only when you need to.
And I need this? - You? You never wanted to pay.
And today I have to pay because your ass got so hot!
Marseille come out sooner or later. You know, he always pays the bills.
- What do you want? - 10 thousand.
Thank you say is not necessary?
Do you know how Marcel calls you?
Little bastard!
It's funny, huh?
If you Sett, now comes the 5-hour bus.
I'm just waiting for him. - I want to sit somewhere in a few days.
Do you happen to know? - I know.
I have what you need.
I'm working on a farm mussels.
- I of anything do not ask? - Ask!
Mussels to cling to a rope.
- Well, where are your clams? - In Begize.
A little before reaching Setta.
Okay. Then warn me when to go.
Yes, well. Just...
Got it! You do not have the dough?
But once you opened the door for me, I'll pay for the trip.
Oh, I'll give you then, believe me.
What a wonderful night!
- Yes. - All the stars visible.
One can see the Big Dipper,
And there - the North Star.
- This is the sea? - It is not the sea, this pond!
There is always the sea like a lake.
We have - is another matter! - Yes.
Oh, I know. Known Sea Baltic, Adriatic.
More Pacific Ocean.
- Monsieur traveled all over the world? - Yes.
One day I'm tired of ponds, and I chose the ocean.
Got a sailboat. And then I was
Harpoon on whaling...
- Did you see the whales? - Yes, as you are now.
If they gave me to continue,
I have today would have had a car as wide as the bus!
While you lick other people's cars.
Wow... accident.
But I will definitely be back there, to the Far North,
Where white whales live in the purple sea.
You all saw it in the movie!
No! I never lie.
I even came up with a way to kill whales, so they do not suffer!
This idea occurred to me there at night, which lasts six months.
- Night lasts six months? - Yes.
Oh, I like it there.
It was so beautiful!
Then why did you not stay there?
I do not believe it.
Wipe mouth, too much lipstick.
There are not used to.
- Done. - That's better.
It's here!
You can only enter that door and turn to the foreman.
- And you do not go? - Oh no.
Go without me first. If something goes wrong, I have to intervene.
- You know the owner? - Not bad. It's me.
- You've got more and megalomania? - If you like, yes.
Megalomania - that's my weakness.
Who's the foreman?
- There's one short black hair. - Thank you.
Hey, neat!
I pull the rope.
Wait, I cellar, the better to get it.
Keep a minute.
Stacked faster.
- A little more... - Do not sleep!
- Come help me! - Yes now.
- This is the label. - Thank you.
- Overhead ready? - Yes, ready.
Hello. What would you like?
- Do you have a job for me? - Late, babe. We have a full staff.
Will you please take me too!
Do not afraid to spoil the varnish on the nails, clinging mussels?
Hey, there! Not so fast!
Why? There is not need me.
Notes then distributes the master.
A host - it's me.
What is your name?
And I - Henri.
Go to the warehouse at the pier.
You will be given your equipment to work.
Hey, Henry!
All this is nice, but what we do with it? - We will see.
You do not often come to our house these girls.
I wonder where she is? - From bus.
I have seen them with Guillaume comes out of it.
- Guillaume returned? - Yes.
Yes, this will never cease to amaze me!
For once he brought us no problems.
- Hey, Guillaume! - A!
In Narbonne already tired?
- No cigarette? - There is.
Hey, your girlfriend a good figure!
Oh, she's not my girlfriend.
You You take it?
Let's see.
I like to know who I'm dealing with.
- I know it well. - A?
Yes, and all her family.
I know her father, mother,
Her two younger brothers... Twins!
Her father was a guard ... - What?
He guarded safes in the bank where I worked.
Yes, a man with principles, not get along with his daughter.
Okay, okay, do not tell me her life.
Maybe someday she will tell me. For more charm.
Devil Guillaume!
I still see you with your weekly bristles
And empty-handed!
- Where are you? - I'm here!
- Can you give me pliers? - Where's your pliers?
On one thing.
Oh, yes.
Again problems with clunker?
Oh, now he will work! The only problem with the exhaust pipe.
Wait, I'll help you.
- Are you understand this? - Still would!
It's all right? - Yes.
Oh, you're back, and the view was not upset.
You know, last night I resigned from the bank.
What, again ?!
I do not work well together with attorneys persons.
Starichļ spoiled, do not understand modern methods.
Do you know me. I immediately wanted to carry out a complete restructuring of...
Do not you believe it?
How did you know?
- You've seen my mother? - ABOUT!
So it is necessary to warn her!
Maybe first we shall understand the mechanics?
No, that's better!
Mom? Mama!
- What happened? - Guillaume is back!
Guillaume? Oh my God!
Again ?!
Francine! Francine!
Oh, poor Madame Rosa! Calm down, think about the attack!
Oh, I have it now would be!
Guillaume is back!
Oh, my poor, be of good cheer!
It is strange that it never not happy.
Initially only.
Then she gets used.
And! Here it is where you are!
Where's your suitcase? In the club, as usual?
What is the holey pants?
A new suit, which I gave you for Christmas? I bet you sold?
Yes. You see, two suits for work - it was too.
Oh yes, for the job. By the way, let's talk about work!
We have worked so hard to have attached you to the bank!
What happened this time? Tell us!
I do not believe it.
And my 20 thousand francs?
Grandpa, you know, I...
Yes, he knows all too well, poor grandpa, who invested their savings in your stupidity!
He was 3 years old had to do without tobacco.
And my 20 thousand francs?
I do not drive you out of the house just because I'm your mother!
But this time, I advise you to bring any benefit!
If you can!
Do not brought me my 20 thousand francs - get out!
Marinette, follow the washing.
And where are you going?
Obegu district quickly, so as not to give credit to your brother.
And let me be ashamed!
Come on, do not worry. The hardest part behind.
No, to her, yes, but with the rest of the...
The rest - do not count.
And then, I got to do. - Oh, my Marinettochka!
You know, I brought you a present from the gar... from the bank!
- Check? - No... Uh...
But Guillaume...
Well, you master the profession?
- Type I, probably, one more! - You will learn quickly.
Wait! Not certainly in that way.
- What? - I'll show you. Take the glove there.
- Oh, how ugly. And the hole. - But the hand protect.
So, you see? Small movements. It is necessary to tear off the mussels.
You took a punt for Charlot?
Go here!
Take it to the warehouse.
- What is it? - The end of the working day.
- You in a hurry? - Yes. I need to Sett, stay.
And it's not so simple. - Perhaps there is a way to accommodate you.
Next to the warehouse there is a hut with beds.
We have workers who come from afar. They spend the night there.
Well... if they are satisfied. - I like.
Maybe, we come together in a movie in the evening, after dinner?
Oh, no! I'm too tired. The day was a long one.
Okay, I did not say anything.
Oh, do not be offended. We'll go another time.
Fool, you scared me!
Since when mechanics began to prepare?
You see, fire! - I forgot to close the valve?
Are not you afraid that your ratatouille will smell gasoline?
Well, you crazy! I have clean hands.
- Show! - No.
No, no! Stop!
Marinette! Henri! Do not you ashamed, at your age?
Should I keep an eye on her appearance!
- In my view? - Yes.
Better follow the views of their new workers.
What new workers? Hiring still ended Tuesday.
- I do not know. - Dad!
You know that we have left the fatty Anarin. It was necessary to replace it.
And, as if by chance, did you find the one whose hands are clean!
Probably not bother them.
It is possible to understand! This woman is so beautiful!
- You know something from, grandpa? - She came.
Wind pinned to her blouse to the body - it was so beautiful!
Beautifully in all places.
You have more excellent vision, grandpa.
Rosa, you did not find in her washing my embroidered handkerchief?
If found, he would be returned to you.
Do not worry, cousin. Your lover may use my handkerchief.
- I do not worry, cousin. - Not true!
- Guillaume returned? - You do not hear the machine?
He set to work. - Yes.
He was not left in the bank. What a heavy cross!
That's what I'll tell you - be careful.
You are not the first who he likes, son Messarde.
Hey, Pearl mussel is back!
Pearl mussel?
Would you spot, I knew the story, baby.
- What story? - Oh, long story.
In any case, someone that sound fun, but I - no.
Many have lost money on these devices Guillaume.
It is trying to get the pearls, the poor simpleton!
Pearl mussels...
<i>That's how I found out that he was actually the son of Ferro.</i>
<i>Those who called Pearl Mussel.</i>
<i>I also like to laugh.</i>
You talked about the sixth...?
- I told her what I will say much more! - I recognize you!
One martini!
- The bar has a place. - No thanks.
I have a word to Paulette. - Marseille here?
I'll explain later, when we're alone.
You may speak at Anutane. This is a good friend and adviser.
- Marcel was arrested yesterday. - Holy Mother! We were never left alone!
But this time it was in the ointment! - How did it happen?
- Marseilles surrendered Greek. - Poor Mama!
These emotions in her age - this will kill her! - Stop playing and do not worry.
We'll get your brother. It is necessary to go to Narbonne.
Do Molinoro lawyer wants them to do again?
I pulled him out of trouble, so...
Quid pro quo. - We have to go by the first bus!
- I can not go to Narbonne. - And you too?
- Got to ride you. - I can not leave the baby alone!
You know Marcel!
Do not worry, Chick, put it on me.
While you will not, I'll look after her.
And you, little one, wait for my return. Yes?
Yesterday I went to the hostel, you were not there.
- I was with friends. - What friends?
When you come, you do not know anyone. - Met.
- Do you think your father would have liked? - My father?
My father always wanted me to be acquired bonds.
Even Antoine bar?
- Yes. There or anywhere else. - Guillaume told me more.
In any case, there better not to go.
- Why? - Because...
Antoine - uncle. And he's going to tramp all port.
- So what? - These people are not for you.
How do you know?
Yes, my chick! Well, Chick. And you have?
Do not despair.
Freed pending trial?
Everything is better than nothing.
Come on, you! Do not rush!
Yes, sometimes it comes.
Still farm mussels.
Be calm, I look after her.
I am too!
See you soon!
She did not get his rescue. All the better.
- Why? - So she'll have to stay in Narbonne.
And we're now - at complete rest.
I will not come, Antoine.
- What is it with you? - I Do not want to, that's all.
Son Messarde take care of you? It is unlikely.
Daddy Anutan you more useful.
Oh, there's no pearls.
Guillaume, what is a pearl?
By Big illustrated encyclopedia, children,
Is solid pearl round body, which is formed inside some shells,
Especially "meleagrine" which is called in common
Pearl. This you know.
Just my opinion... - Oh, Guillaume, I've got something!
Oh, no, it's a piece of seashells.
- Do you know how to make pearls? - I'm trying. While it is impossible.
- When you get? - Christopher Columbus discovered America, not once!
- But you do not despair. - I do not despair.
- Why shine? - This is a pearl!
You know, when people eat mussels, they throw them without looking.
But there, you see - what a beautiful rainbow!
- You come back? - Yes Yes.
- Can you do me a favor? - Of course.
I want 5000 francs.
- But I do not! - Who would doubt that.
I would like you to ask them one of my friend.
- Okay. Who is he? - Antoine, the owner of the bar at the pier.
- Ah! - Yes.
Are you sure you want to?
I need the money, and only he can lend them to me.
I would say, do you want exactly the money I asked for?
What are you ashamed of me?
- Okay, I went. - Wait!
I'll wait for you at the pier with money Tivoli 7 hours.
But once you're in Sette why she did not ask?
Because Antoine let me go, and I have other things to do.
You ask too many questions. - Sorry!
If he asks you, tell him that I'll come to his house later.
- What do you pour? - Nothing, I'm out of money.
- So why come? - Well...
I wanted to ask you...
You could not lend me five thousand francs? - You're laughing?
Who will return them to me? Your mother? I here hear her screaming.
Screaming yelling something, but always returns.
I do not like scandals.
By the way, the girl from Narbonne, Lin...
Still farm mussels? - Still, yes.
You'll see it, tell them to came.
I have to request it.
- Do not know if I see... - Try!
You promise? - I promise.
Listen! - Yes?
Since 5000 francs, then? Give?
Oh, you...
Does nothing "for so"!
You too.
How much he is waiting for me?
That I borrowed them, you should have nothing to him.
And... what are you?
You did it for Henry?
No. For you.
Where do you climb? I do about anything did not ask!
Antoine - this is my personal bank, right?
It's disgusting.
I'll disgusting? You are who they say they are taking?
You're a loser, jerk! Above you all laugh!
I do not want you to be, do you hear?
Yes, you should not do anything to me.
5000 Antoine francs I give to you.
Give me this one.
Convenient these mirrors! Do you see yourself from head to toe.
Do you mind me when I ordered them from Marseilles.
Or maybe I do not need to look at myself from head to toe?
You're wrong. At my age, you probably also was not bad.
And too lonely.
Instead of admiring them, it would be better thought of Marinette.
Poor because of you terribly upset.
You are too often seen with a new worker.
And what have the baby mechanic?
If you do not yet understand, you're a complete idiot.
- Marinette ?! - Yeah.
You are laughing?
It's almost like a sister!
Or rather, as a brother, so... - You know, kid,
I often saw you slip view the body of his "brother"!
Her bodice, and the truth begins to fill.
It's time!
But only wear a collar around the neck, it does not to me.
Let takes Piero. He looks at her like a blackbird strutting!
- Marinette! You do not you go to dinner? - No.
But you at lunch did not eat anything! What happened to you?
It's your mania to hang around in the sun without a hat. So much for the bad!
And no appetite!
Oh, look, you are not going to force-feed me!
No, you heard her talking to me ?!
As if we have little Henry, who failed to appear and did not even apologize!
- Maybe he was detained? - Detained?
It is easy to guess who is holding him.
Oh! Taxi!
Stopped near us. - At this hour? Who could it be?
- This Guillaume! - Oh my God! What did he do again ?!
I feel the approach of disaster!
No. Wait for news.
Hello everyone!
- Where are you from? - From Nimes.
From Nima! By taxi! It can not be!
- He's joking. - No, I know him. He was not joking!
When Henri not, he is still capable of! - Calm down, Mama.
What did you do in Nimes ?! - I went for the garlands for the baptism tank.
In Sette not find, so I went to him. - By taxi!
But just faster than the train, mom!
I'm all so sick, exhausted knocks to spend extra centime not...!
A Monsieur! Who instructed you garlands?
- Francine. - I'm sorry, but I did not send you to him!
Bon appetit, ladies and gentlemen. Who will pay me?
And you why you drove it? You do not know that gypsy ?!
- Marinette saw how I took away. - Yes, but I thought he was going to Sett.
But Sette garlands were not, had to go to another place!
Okay, back and forth, two lunches and aperitifs 6, turns...
28 thousand 980 francs exactly. - Exactly ?!
6 and aperitifs!
Oh, no, I sleep!
Well, you will pay? Counter works.
Counter works... Oh, Messarde give him money! Faster!
I can not get up. I feel, now I will attack!
28 thousand francs... - Here, under the calculation.
- Thank you very much and see you soon! - Bye!
Do you realize how much we cost your garlands ?!
- Garland? No, I have not bought. - Did not buy?!
Why? - Expensive too.
Oh, get lost! Form of disaster!
And so - 20 years!
20 years, I do not sleep at night, shaking, they would udumali ?!
Get out! Go away, she said! - Come on, Mom...
I do not want to shake. He gradually destroy me!
If his father sees us from heaven, he turns over in his grave!
Calm down, Rose. It is better to take your pills.
Calm down, calm down... I do not want to calm down!
Get away from me! - What are you, Rose...
Do not you tired of waiting for him?
- Who? - Henri.
He will not come.
- You think? - He's different!
I know.
So that's why you did not open his mouth for the rest of the evening?
You what?
Can I have that...
So you never get tired of waiting for him?
When you want something hard, certainly will achieve.
You just need to pay.
Any price!
Oh, stop Come on, we want to sleep!
I thought you were with Henry? - Yes. We went to the movies.
And! What look?
It is very sad movie. I cried!
This is a story about a billionaire who does not give to marry a loved one.
And then for him it throws everything. That's just it - the last bastard.
Her from him in every one got.
How does he mocked the poor thing!
Yes, it happens sometimes. Hey, you do not want a peach?
Where did you stole?
I have not pulled. I brought it to you from Nimes.
How beautifully! What is it?
It is a powder of pearl.
To make this a gem, you can enter a little into the oyster,
It hurts them, and they produce a pearl.
- You kidding me? - No. It is very easy to understand.
Here we have when we have a wound that bleeds.
And they - make pearls.
And to achieve this, you're so shumish these motors?
Yes. Only oysters I was not very lucky,
So I try to mussels.
- Pearls! This pearl! - I've been studying this question, you know.
And then I decided, and invented all these machines.
Yes, I invented them. And I am confident that I will succeed! Believe me.
Well, I hope that you will succeed,
You gave me a necklace. A beautiful necklace.
I promise!
- And you believe him? - Why not?
Neschatsny chatterbox! At first, he believed everything.
But I do not. And my father bought.
I told him, of course, prevented. But his mother
And even cousin Francine, despite his avarice - all invested.
And even some farm workers have lent him their savings.
It lasted 2 years, but in the end, everyone understood.
- Pearl mussels! - Funny, is not it?
A cute nickname, from which all funny.
But let's not talk about it.
Let's talk about you. - About me?
About Us.
Why, when I say that I love you, you are always disbelieving look?
Because you have said this much to me.
Yes. But this time - it's true.
We meet with you, kiss and...
What if I do not this, what do you think?
You're not like the others.
That's it!
That's why you and I like you.
What's the matter? - Well, Lina, okay?
I can say a few words to her?
That means, if you please, a few words alone!
Short time only. We have a lot of work.
- Henry! - Lina!
- Marcel released! - Marcel ?!
It's waiting for you in Narbonne.
Well, well! And it's all your joy?
But... why did you decide that I'm not happy?
Then you knew how to hide their feelings.
Got to ride tonight. We are open again "Starfo".
Bar we have expanded, so that we were again waiting for a fiesta!
Work is work, baby. - Yes, but I can not today.
This son Messarde keeps you?
- And when it is necessary? - Where are you getting?
In their case. And the case of Lina.
What right ?!
Are you not tell him? Say now is the time!
- Paulette, I beg you! - You can not throw a person in need!
You have forgotten who would be without Marcel? Your novel is finished!
Interestingly, Marseille will think when they see you
A sunburn on your face? There is something to attract customers!
- Customers? - Yes, customers!
Her customers!
Since she did not have the courage to tell you, I have to tell you herself!
You've never heard of Lina quarter of Mush in Narbonne?
Anyone can get it, only to pay.
Why do you want to go?
Reasons not.
You know perfectly well that there is.
You should have told me.
But you do not dare.
Perhaps because she loved me?
We have lost so much time!
Do not worry,
We all make up.
When I think that we have not yet...
Leave me alone! Let go!
Do not! - Lina!
Lin... - Let go of me!
Do not! No!
Why not? Set a price, I will pay the other!
- No! No! - Agree! I will pay!
Here is a lifesaver! - Henri, let her go.
Where do you climb?
You do not see that it just fills the price?
Get out of here, so it will be better.
I? Are you laughing ?!
Take your clothes. Faster! Faster!
And she went out! Get out! Go back where you came!
Devil Pearl mussels!
I'll remember your prot?g?!
So, I got you...
Get down here.
What is it?
I do not like seeing you like this, baby.
I do not mean an extra glass, of course.
With me this was too. But I did not drink.
Do you drink because you grief.
When you see the girl you love - a whore,
What can be done?
- Are you sure that you love her? - Furthermore it for me no one there!
Yes, we think that there is only one girl, but then...
It is that they complete. - Not for me!
But the wine you do not find a solution.
What do you think I do ?!
I did not know that you can get like that.
Empty shells thrown into the sea.
For this woman - the same thing.
I'm not going to look for it on the sidewalk.
Why did you come?
I had to see you.
Why? Go away.
I love you!
That night here,
And tomorrow - with other...
There is no one other than you are now!
No, Henry, I decided: better forget everything.
But I can not!
And you too!
Do not leave me, Henri! Do not ever throw.
If you leave me now, you have no idea what will happen to me.
You do not know how far I can fall. - No!
No, I'll never give up!
Well, devonka,
Say you loved the mussels?
- Marseille! - Lina, you recognize my baby?
How up, huh?
Well, throw old friends?
Since you are not going to us, we are done this way.
Get away from her! She does not want you to know!
I'm sorry, but I talk to Mademoiselle!
- Marseille, please, do not attract attention. - You're right. And then the rest are brought up!
We do not want a scandal. - Then be gone!
I am with you politely say, do not rude!
Marseille, quiet! People everywhere!
I am well educated, but do not let yourself cheat!
Lina wants to start a new life - is her business.
Not every day seems a case.
But I also like ?!
When I picked her, she had no change in that.
It's me it sheltered, fed, clothed, educated.
Can you imagine how much that at current prices?
Uncle! Uncle!
Jojo, shut up! Do not irritate my uncle!
Son! Uncle says about serious things!
Take Lina, if you want. I want to receive compensation.
100 thousand francs.
- Listen, I will not tolerate...! - Marseille!
My sister is right - there is no place for us to engage as the porters!
But... think!
Where you will find so much money?
If you think that I'll at least centime that bastard...
100 thousand francs? 100 thousand punches in the face - yes!
- Hold, gentlemen. - Thank you! Thank you.
Where have you been? I'm waiting for you 2:00.
I will not allow it!
Beware, Henry.
It kind of peace, but you do not know what he can do!
I'm telling you, I'm not afraid of him!
I - I'm afraid.
It's not often punishes, but if you begin...
You can tell that he gets pleasure from it.
I do not like it when you say so.
Lea, I told you about it.
Girl, with whom he was to me.
After he explained to her,
She was disfigured for life.
You think you can not get 100 thousand francs?
If you could give them to him,
He would leave us alone.
In the end, you know...
So it is accepted, you know. - 100 000?!
Wow requests! And for what?
- He would not tell me. - You certainly do not insist!
I thought, he will come to you to explain.
I hope we are not going to give them to him?
I do not know.
Poor kid. When he came to them to ask, he had a face...
A look...
Oh, but that it is not about life or death!
And you succumb to this comedy ?!
When you gave 300 thousand francs Guillaume on his history with pearls,
You also thought it was a comedy? - I gave the history of pearls,
Rather than sex! - Shh!
Okay, I get it. I went.
- Good afternoon! - Hi.
- Hello, Pierrot! - Hello, Marinette.
Do you know what Henry needs 100 thousand francs?
- So, he will pay? - To pay for that?
Why, then, was to represent the Dodgers and swear that will not give a penny?
- Not a penny to whom? - I do not know...
Oh, listen, once started, keep going!
I said, I do not know anything. Nothing at all!
If you want to know more, talk to Lina.
By Lina?
Well, I'm going.
No, Marinette!
- What are you driving at? - I said nothing.
You have not said anything, but arranged so that she's learned.
So what?
I feel stupid that she is going through because of the type that would spit at her.
The money that asks Henry,
Is for you?
Do not want to answer? - No.
Because it's my business, not yours.
If this is not something obscene, you would have no reason to keep quiet.
I am silent because you are not affected. That's all.
Why did you come?
Because you are all wrong!
While you're here not there, Henry was happy!
Henry is a big, can take care of their happiness.
Do not worry about him or his money.
100 thousand francs!
For people who earn their own labor, it is a lot!
It's about what you can not understand.
I can not understand, do you know?
- No. - So you know?
I have no one said anything.
Then where you climb?
Trust me.
"Trust me!" And only know how to say it!
You make us a laughing stock with my mother!
His pearls, their mussels, their laziness!
Yes, no one will believe you anymore! No one!
He still gave half a million!
When I think - I temperature rises!
And still do not know what he will do with it!
He himself knows.
No one was able to contradict him!
Henry for 4 years did not get their interest.
Messarde refused to give me 200 francs to buy national lottery tickets.
Serves them right!
Come on, grandpa, Messarde always gave you stamps to your collection.
Do not worry, I'm not mad.
When workers have to return the money because of the stupidity of Guillaume,
Us they also all ears buzz.
Now their turn!
- Look, Guillaume ... - What's the matter?
- Are you mad at me? - No, not angry.
Yes, and for that you get angry?
- You know, it's not true. - What?
- What I told you. - A!
What you said...
I believe you. I always believed you.
Just stupid people laugh at those who do not like them.
Do not like them... This does not mean that it is better.
And for me - better!
Once you have committed something that will shake all. Except for me.
And me.
People say that you're a loser. But this is not true.
Just you follow their fantasies.
Yes, I know. But I hate that people think and mussels as they are!
It's so disappointing!
Why do not they make pearls ?! What kind of persistence?
But somehow I did.
Very beautiful pearl. - Oh, look, Guillaume,
They were of a pinhead, they are almost nowhere to be seen!
Yes, but as a glittering!
What if, instead of mother of pearl
Try almond butter?
- Oh, you know, I... - No ideas?
But funny!
It is said that no one needs an inventor,
That he is always alone with his passion. But this is not true!
For me it is not so!
I believe that we are much stronger if next to us is that...
- Who believes in us? - Yes.
And! Here! This time it's told you!
Hey, Ruzetta, be careful when you lift the basket.
Tilt, the wind will blow, and show us the whole landscape!
- This is not for you! - And for whom?
- Hey, Francois! - What?
Do you work here or garbage do?
Not everyone has a 100 thousand francs to deal with garbage!
- Repeat! - Leave me alone!
Again, I want to laugh too!
What? I'm not afraid to say that because of your beautiful eyes all the girls - yours!
Only nobody has paid so dearly in a brothel!
Stop! Stay!
Stop it, you crazy ?!
Get away!
- What have you done! - I plugged his mouth!
You did not deserve it, Mr. Messarde.
My son, too, Mr. Commissioner.
In such cases, I have seen many people willing to do the same as he.
Only they did not, Mr. Messarde. Like you.
You have lived such a way that earned the respect of the entire neighborhood.
And this is the difference.
Do you know who this girl, for which you have committed a murder?
Then you must submit, how it will bring you.
- It's not my fault. - She's an adult.
Her record proves it. - Her dossier?
Yes. She was 4 years is registered in the vice squad.
We have it on record.
For you, this is not news, is not it?
Escaping from the colony for minors,
Waitress she found a place in one of the bars of Marseille.
There she met with a certain Marcel Anzhelatti,
Pimp, who added it to the pavement.
As before, nothing new for you?
Then she was involved in the "Cause Compay",
She has two previous convictions for theft.
Is that you, too, you know?
How to see your information is not as complete as you thought.
<i>"Do not leave me, Henri! Do not ever throw."</i>
<i>"If you leave me now, you have no idea what will happen to me."</i>
<i>"You do not know how far I can fall -. No, I'll never give up!"</i>
Mademoiselle Lina in the visiting room.
I am 100 times requested to convey to her that I do not want to see her.
Let leave me alone!
I'm sorry, but I do not believe it.
Unfortunately, we do not believe our weak knowledge of the possibility of success.
You see, for me it was always important to succeed where others have failed.
Noble ambitions!
Only I usually fall through that the rest is obtained.
Said, "there is no prophet in his own country."
Well, listen, really sorry because I had hoped,
You like engineers,
Besides Japanese...
- We also have mussels. - But you do not have pearls.
You eat them. - Yes, exactly!
- You allow? - You are welcome.
- Well, it worked? - Oh, you!
These Japanese have very little to understand what.
- Do not worry. - Never!
As soon as they come out onto the street, I forget about them.
You do not spend them in the Sett?
- Why? - You can not let go of them so!
Can they have any thoughts?
- You think? - Try to push the trip.
- Maybe you're right. - Listen, once you go into the Sett,
Maybe Will you come to Lina? - By Lina? I do not even know where she lives.
The hotel at street Buttress, 14.
Why do you want me to see with Lina?
To give her money. But with one condition:
Let them go away, anywhere, and at once!
Do not be shy!
You have not noticed that Messarde no longer goes to the Sett, fearing to meet her?
You sure. that it is because of him you want it to go?
It should disappear. She caused so much evil.
Log in!
Good evening!
Oh, what a surprise!
Make yourself at home.
There is a cigarette?
Thank you.
I was too lazy to go after them.
How nice!
How is it, all right?
Yes, almost.
Family right? Mother? Younger sister?
By the way, this is it...
She sent me to...
It looks like it's not easy to say?
Oh, no. Ah, yes!
She thinks you are now short of funds,
And because of this you can not go back to my Narbonne.
So she asked me to...
Take you a bit of money to make it easier...
- What is it good heart! - Oh yeah.
Already leaving?
Do not you come back and see me?
Why not? Before your departure?
I left? What departure?
- How? Do not you leave? - Oh yes, of course!
At the end of the week. Or a month.
Or at the end of the year.
Here's how!
- Drink you want? - No.
I want.
Take me somewhere to have a drink.
Yes, I'm happy, but...
Treats me!
- This is how? - Only wear in a dress.
- I'll see you outside. - Why?
Do not know how to construct a woman?
Yes, but there are also Henry.
Do! He's gone.
I - whore.
I want to know why you're spying on me.
And you still ask?
Oh yes, this is your habit. You always for all spies.
Not at all!
So why me?
To prevent you end up like Henry!
That is the point! - Yes, that's what.
I will not let you break your life.
What it such, this slut that you're running behind her, like a dog ?!
You look like you hate it for what it everyone loves?
And you pleased that her love?
Do you like her to wait until her love?
I think that no one will ever it really did not like.
Admit that you just want to sleep with her! - Yes.
Yes, it's true. But it is not just that.
In any case, you do not understand.
Of course!
What could I!
You again? I told you, do not come at this time!
- I need to talk to you. - Then come back later.
- Well, look... - Wait. Look what I brought you.
Remember, you have asked me? You see, I have not forgotten!
- You finally happened? - No. I bought at the jeweler.
So reliable, you know?
- It is artificial! - Naturally.
... Only you know the glass is covered with foil, which is called "moonlight".
Yes, it is made of colors that appear only at night.
- Oh, what are you talking about again! - You do not want it?
Come quickly!
Lina, you know, this can not last.
But you know who I am. What are you complaining about?
Guillaume! Guillaume...
What's wrong with you?
- I want you to be my only. - Fool!
When they want a woman to be his only marry her!
No, I absolutely can not hurt me too!
Finish instead of me.
More a little bit, and I find myself in a cemetery.
But how calmly I will be there!
Yes you stop whistling!
You are in this state due to the fact that Guillaume collects his things?
Normally you prefer him to be far away.
Unfortunately, it is not far away. A very close!
But the woman takes care of it well. He is happy.
What did you say ?!
Since then, both of them together, he has changed a lot.
It works,
It has beneficial effects on him.
I hope you did not go to them?
I Went.
- You're happy! - I?
Pleased that your brother was in Lina's paws.
Because as you imagine that you can get hold of Henry!
- Yes. - Nothing else does not count!
The term I have reduced a year later it's all over.
Do you still think of Lina?
What a strange question.
Are you afraid that I will take for it?
No, not in this case.
You know, we had again seen.
- Ah! - Yes.
Er... yes.
Look where I am. Do not you say anything?
We are living in a hotel.
- And what do you live? - I am now working on a farm mussels.
It wanted to Lina. Your father is very happy with me.
I think things are going...
It's okay. - Why are you telling me all this?
That she asked me.
I think we're married.
That's how Pearl mussels!
It was easy you Okrut.
Well, the story does not concern me! You're an adult, you know what you're doing.
I wish you happiness!
Oh, happiness! You know, I...
If only she was happy!
He drives it every evening after work.
And walk arm in arm with her in full view of the whole city!
- What do you want? She's his wife. - Oh, his wife... his wife!
Wife for all! - I wish it was mine!
- What do you mean, Grandpa! - Francine, say yes not to speak!
And we have not decided about Guillaume.
What is there to decide? No one will allow him to settle down here with that thing!
As long as I'm alive, Lina will not cross the threshold of this house!
Over my dead body.
If you do not accept it, it does not exist?
This is it wise! He wants to come back here and bring us out of ourselves.
It's not exactly Guillaume invented.
reproached his 20 years that he did not know what he wants.
Now he knows!
Its share - 5 million.
You're lucky, your Henri in prison!
Do not you have a roof to live this Lina!
But when Orissa uncle married a girl who picked up at the port,
I was young, but I remember your reaction.
Now you with her kind.
Even you. Listen,
You have no right to close the door in front of my brother.
Let leads here this slut. I will not talk to her!
I do not see it, even!
I lock myself in my room and I will make only feet first!
<i>They all gathered at the station, waiting for me.</i>
<i>Will look on my face markings prison</i>
<i>And what they call shame.</i>
<i>My father, Marinette,</i>
<i>They will be there all together, in unison,</i>
<i>With the right to continue to condemn me. Even she.</i>
<i>Even Guillaume.</i>
- It can not be changed. - Perhaps!
- What does Granddaddy died Tiero? - From grief.
After the wedding of William, he was like a shadow.
No, frasin, dondu?eni, he died at 88 years old. It's enough!
And then, he had indigestion.
- Thank you. - A Lin he was very fond.
He hated it.
Even Rose begins to render her justice.
Do not be offended if she helps her.
Soon we thank Guillaume, he brought her here ?!
So much he did not have, cousin.
But in doing so, he proved that he is a man.
Do you think it's just - to marry a Line?
But Henri did not change as well?
No, he has not changed.
Perhaps a little thin.
Possible. I have not noticed.
I hope he will not mind that I substituted for him on the farm in his absence.
Why? You are the same boss as he is.
More recently, having said this, you would laugh people.
- Guillaume! - Yes?
There is one thing that I would like to ask you.
This is your story about pearl mussels...
You really believed in it?
Well... I believed for a long time, and then...
And then I pretended to be.
But if you did not believe it longer,
Why do you continue to lock with their machines?
Because I was lonely,
I was sad...
So, Piero, the baskets can be removed.
Today, we do not need, they have no place here.
This Guillaume told them to endure.
Oh, really? Okay, then I am silent.
He believes that if they endure in the evening, it saves time. It's his idea.
A, so he has an idea? Wow!
It now seems to be the big boss?
Since then, he got married, all he gets, no?
- Piero, the machine broke down again. - And why are you not fix it?
- In my dress? - You're going to order a new one.
A cousin Francine? The same goes to the tailor?
You have forgotten that the first Friday of the month I go to confession?
Tell me, Henry, can you otvezļsh us in his car?
Who will refuse such a beautiful girl?
What are you talking about?
Wait, you spun me! And breaking my hairstyle.
You know, you've changed! Manners, haircut - you different.
You have become a young woman.
I've had it before your departure. Did not you notice?
Not like today.
It's not long.
Are you - maybe. But Francine...
She was so much to atone for... - What are you stupid!
I'm waiting for you. Smoke is.
- We are only 2 examples of dresses. - 2 dresses and coats!
- And yet? - 2 summer dresses.
It is in this magazine you choose your wedding dress?
What do you want?
- Why are you avoiding me since my return? - I will not stay away.
- But because we have something to say to each other! - I do not think so.
You're... you're happy with Guillaume?
Since when are you interested in my happiness ?!
I want to know whether you love him?
Do you like? Answer me!
What is now the difference ?!
I need to see you. - You see me every day.
Not see.
It can not be that it was all over between us!
You yourself wanted it!
I'll never get used to the idea that you belong to another!
Why are you married to Guillaume?
I married him because he asked me to marry him!
And you enough?
Imagine that this idea first came to him in the head.
- This is what you wanted! - No. Not with you.
So much I did not ask.
And you think that I'll leave you to it, not trying to...
I know you well enough to understand that you will again try to spoil everything.
I want you to forget it.
I could not.
I thought about you, and day and night...
What about you?
I think about my husband.
I - a good wife!
Well, are you going?
We have already more than an hour waiting for him. - Maybe something happened to him?
Nothing happened to him. He just laughs at you.
With this fog I have pneumonia Pick him up!
Let's wait a little more. His car is still here.
You knowingly upset. You can not force a person to love yourself.
I do not care.
I love it.
What if the favorite does not love you?
It is necessary to have pride to hide it.
You see! It is necessary to make!
It is Guillaume? - I forbid you to say that it is Guillaume!
Do you hear? You have no right!
My poor Francine!
Okay, let's go home.
Listen, Piero, there is news of Henry?
No, no.
I think he went to Him and in Narbonne.
But as far as I know him, he'll call me.
Already 4 days of it nor hearing, nor spirit. I'm starting to worry.
His car still at the same spot on the street.
On the windshield is full of penalties.
And keys, for sure, and stayed with him.
What's the matter?
What do you need?
- I followed him. - A!
Spare me from him!
Oh, the New Earth!
There will be a bottle of rum for an old friend?
Come on, let's go.
Get up. - Are you glad?
There is a story to tell.
It is here for 3 days, and did not pay!
Do not tire, I was looking for.
2 thousand? You do not sbrendil?
Do not you stay?
- Good evening. - Good evening!
- Thirsty. - In the fridge cold water.
I Do not want water.
Do not drink!
You never killed anyone. I have to be aware of.
- Acting like a child! - Well no! No.
No, I behave like a man!
I spent 3 days with a whore.
It remains only to marry her. - What are you talking about?
You're so admire those who are looking for yourself on the panel wives.
And, that's it! What I admire?
For those that do what they want and when they want.
So why do not we give a lead here your favorite?
I listened to you.
If you really loved her, I did not have to listen to me.
You are not mad at me, but for themselves.
Get away from me! Leave me alone! Do you hear?
One! - Lina.
Why do not you love me?
I have never promised to love you.
Do you still love Henry?
If you are worried about just that, you can be calm.
It is I never get.
I do not ask about it.
Satisfied with what I can give you.
Not really something we're happy, huh?
I'm not very happy.
Appropriate length? What do you think?
I do not see. A large mirror in only Henry, but he does not want to be disturbed.
- What's the matter with him? - Oh, he smokes, smokes.
The house stank of smoke it. And any questions he answers rudeness.
Okay, I'll go to him.
You have today was not at work?
When the company a lot of heads, nothing works.
So I rest. - You're not sick?
I'm sick of everything! Get, sick of it! That's what happened to me!
I want to be left alone!
What's the matter?
Are you crying?
I used to cry, because you did not like me.
Now I'm crying because you are miserable.
Are you crazy? Unhappy!
I'm just a bad Nastron.
What thoughts have led you into such a state!
You are sad because of me?
With 5 years I hide when crying, and everyone thinks that I have no heart.
Poor mechanic!
Hey, it's over.
Smile to show that you are not angry with me.
Will you come to dinner tonight?
You know, if I come, it is only because of you.
See you there!
Already come? A Guillaume went to the warehouse.
I saw him.
And... he has come back soon.
Let no hurry.
- Let go of me! - I'm waiting for a long time too!
Lina! Who are you talking about?
With Henry.
I want you! I can not lose you.
You loved me, too!
Yes. So do I.
So why?
You made your choice, Henry.
Do not return. - Lina!
You're up early, my boy!
- Pour you a cup? - Yes please.
Wow, I can not! An hour at the stove!
Linochka, bring bread. Oh, well, that I have it!
And Marinette is now only turns the mirror.
- The most age! She wants to please boys. - And I did it.
Piero invited me to a dance on Saturday night.
I hope you agree?
And here and there. I refused.
Henry, and you've never invited to the dance.
- You know I can not dance. - I will teach you!
You'll see, it's so easy for the phonograph.
Thank you.
- See how easy? - Yes, just.
And nice.
- With me? - Especially with you.
You got me at least a little love? - Naturally!
Oh, I know that the girls should not ask this of boys.
But I need to know.
You know, I'd had enough, and the very small.
Oh, you're my MECHANICAL!
Kiss me.
They are dancing for half an hour!
Yes, I see. So what?
- How long will you tolerate it? - But I do not care!
And then, nothing wrong, they do not. - Do not do? Do not you see how behaves Henri?
Oh, no, you can not see. You do not see anything.
Sometimes I ask myself, and I was something you even see it?
You just know that silent and look look that there is a feeling of guilt!
- Well, the music ended. - Yes.
- Good night. - Good dreams.
Proud of yourself?
What are you doing in my room?
Would not have been such a fool would realize that wasting your time!
- Looking at you, I would have said the opposite. - No, it breaks comedy!
- How do you know? - He is deceiving you.
It is a second thinking about you not. Only he wants me to be jealous!
- How to see what he gets. - Why do you persist?
He's just a doll, a rag! How can you love him?
Do you?
Be calm, I see him as he really is.
I know that he'll still loves.
But more and despises.
I'll wait as long as necessary. I am patient.
- Did you ever not wait. - Why?
I'm only 18 and I - not a whore!
See, you still love him.
What's going on?
Nothing. Nothing happens.
- When you remodel the barn? - Next month. Otodvinem this wall.
Piero! Mark Antoine two donkeys. What better!
It is our good customer. Do you know Guillaume?
- Yes. Have you ever seen a long time ago. - Lin had known you too once?
- You know... - No, you're wrong!
He did not know my wife.
He does not know Madame Ferro.
Do not you, Antoine?
That's right.
I do not know her.
Who do you hope to fool?
We do not change the skin, changing the name.
Your wife - just Lin. When you have you will understand?
- She's right - people do not change. - Oh, no, it is not right!
People change!
That you did earlier was not a scoundrel!
In any case, she wants me. She told me herself. True?
Yes, it's true.
Even if true, it was not necessary to say it, Lina.
You'd rather live a lie?
You can lie to the words, Guillaume, you can lie without saying anything.
Do you know this method perfectly.
Now you have to tell the truth. Say something. Something truthful.
Get out!
Leave two.
By pushing his wife into the arms of Henry, did you think that would happen to me?
Do not you tired of suffering?
But suffer with your loved - is nonsense.
You'll see what it means to suffer alone.
You'll see!
You do not ask me where I came from?
I have not been with Henry.
What is the difference!
I told you that I would never belong to him. Never!
And yet you told me, be content with what I have.
But it is not enough. - I don `t want to leave!
- You leave. - You're persecuting me?
- Yes, darling. - You're afraid of what might happen.
So you want to get rid of me! - Nothing can happen.
All of them are right in saying that you're just a loser!
You are not even able to keep his wife!
Listen to me carefully.
I'm capable of anything.
I am able to fight against the whole world!
But what can I do when the truth gets in front of me?
What is the truth?
What you do not love me.
That's it.
You once told me: "Because I was lonely and sad!"
Do not exaggerate.
You should not feel sorry for me.
Sometimes, when we are looking for, we are very happy.
There are even times when you start to think about to find.
No, I lived my life in search of pearls, which is not.
You're crying!
I was whaling,
Pearl mussel
And I have been poverty,
Nasty stuff
And then... you.
- He. - Who is he"?
I'm mad at you, Guillaume!
You took everything, without saying a word, his arms.
I could not understand, do you love me for who I am.
What should I say to him, Guillaume?
Say that you love him no more. Just...
It is something you still love. - No, he gave me never liked.
I love - it is also a love that Lina.
He failed...
What about you?
Oh, I think I love you since that night in the garage,
Do you remember when you came so shy?
I swaggered.
We were both so poor!
Trust me!
<i>He did not even notice.</i>
<i>It is me, probably never noticed.</i>
<i>He never let me fall in love with.</i>
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