Do you remember
How we were
And will you remember
The way we are
Even if time
Causes decline
I know you will
Still hold me dear
So i'm not afraid
So i'm not afraid
We'll be together
Learning still
And walk more than ever
Through the hills
Even if I make
The same mistakes
I know you will
Still hold me dear
So i'm not afraid
So i'm not afraid
So i'm not afraid
So i'm not afraid
Darling don't be afraid
'Cause I'll hold you dear
For more infomation >> Joo - Hold Me Dear - Duration: 3:04.-------------------------------------------
Sección de farándula del martes 31 de enero | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 9:06.
The Space Between Us
Build Your Dreams With Lego
[ENG INDO 日本 SUB] 우주의별이 in '세가지색 판타지' Drama Talk! FULL HD - Duration: 58:37.
["Three Color Fantasy" Drama Talk airs soon]
Hello, we're here to promote MBC's mini drama "Three Color Fantasy".
You should applaud. Clap!
Staff, give us applause.
Let's first say hi to fans watching Drama Talk on "Three Color Fantasy".
- Say hi! - Hello.
Say hello on three, okay?
- 1, 2, 3. - Hello!
I'm Yoon Si Yoon, today's MC. Please bear with me.
Take turns at intros.
I'm EXO's Suho, Kim Jun-myeon, who plays Woo-joo on "Star of the Universe".
Hi, I'm Ji Woo who plays Byul, angel of death on "Star of the Universe".
Hi, I'm Yoon Si Yoon who plays So In-sung on "Romance Full of Life".
Hi, I'm Cho Soo Hyang who plays Wang So-ra on "Romance Full of Life".
Hi, I'm Ahn Hyo Seop who plays Park Sae-gun on "Queen of the Ring".
Hi, I'm Kim Seul Gi who plays Mo Nan-hee on "Queen of the Ring".
We're now live on V LIVE, Heyo and China's YY LIVE.
- Multiple channels. - Very global.
We live in a great world. Worldwide fans are watching us.
If anyone can, let's greet them in English, Chinese or Japanese.
- You can speak English. - I heard you're good in English.
- A little bit. - We can't at all. So envious!
Hello, everyone. We're here to introduce a new drama series.
"Three Color Fantasy". They feature in "Star of the Universe".
They feature in "Romance Full of Life". And we're on "Queen of the Ring".
He personally looks forward to "Romance Full of Life" from the trilogy.
Sorry about that.
- Suho, you travel overseas often. - In Chinese.
Hello, we are the actors of "Three Color Fantasy". Nice to meet you.
Please support us. Thank you.
Hang on. Shall we say hi? Do you know other languages?
Me first! Japanese! Konnichiwa (hello)!
- Is that all? - Yeah, I said to say hi.
- Great. - Know any other language?
- Guten tag (hello). - German!
- German. - German, very good.
- What language do you know? - Bonjour.
You can speak French. Seul Gi, how about you?
- Great. - Arabic.
- Very good. - Global actors are here today.
Right, we're a great team.
- Most importantly, why are we here? To promote our drama. - Right.
We should promote it well. So let's get down to business.
First, "Queen of the Ring" featuring Kim Seul Gi and Ahn Hyo Seop.
- Tell them about the drama. - Drama talk!
- I'm Park Sae-gun on "Queen of the Ring". - And I play the ugly girl.
- Ugly girl? Is that her name? - Yeah.
- For real? - Her name is Mo Nan-hee.
- Mo is her last name? - Yeah and she looks ugly.
- No, you don't look ugly. - In the drama, yes.
- Since the drama is fiction. - And he plays a gorgeous guy.
- He's gorgeous, right? - No.
In our drama, Kim Seul Gi inherits a family heirloom ring.
If a guy puts the ring on her, she looks ideal to him.
- It's a romantic fantasy. - Yeah, I'm not a smooth talker.
We each filmed our drama almost at the same time.
So we're also curious. The ring makes you look ideal to him?
If a guy puts this ring on me,
he sees me as his ideal type. So I'm beautiful in his eyes.
It's a romance that starts with budding love.
That's something new. Cho Soo Hyang, who's your type?
- Me? My ideal type? - Yeah.
- Someone considerate. - So which celebrity?
- Someone like you. - Really?
Let's say Hyo Seop puts it on you. Put the ring on her.
- Then you'll see him as me? - Right.
- That's how it goes? - Right. - Yeah.
- It works like magic. - That's their fantasy drama.
- So Seul Gi looks different. - Yeah.
I bet it was hard to act seeing Kim Seul Gi as another girl.
I had two counterparts, so I got confused at times.
I didn't know what I was doing at times, but I got it done.
I see. Now, "Star of the Universe".
- "Star of the Universe" is of star Woo-joo. - And his fan, angel of death Byul.
As if we planned this. It's of love and Woo-joo's maturity.
I always meet fans, so shooting the drama with Byul as a fan
was very refreshing for me. I had fun shooting it.
I personally know you.
Since you're an idol, you have many worldwide fans.
Even if you try, talking to fans has its limit.
Your role as an idol who interacts with a fan
might be refreshing and remind of your fans.
I could relate to it. The script made me think of fans.
During shoots, I was grateful to fans. It was very meaningful.
Though all drama would, I bet "Star in the Universe"
can especially be a great gift for Suho's fans. Right?
- You're right on. - Right?
- Precisely. - Yeah.
You're the best MC!
I'll leave the work for my actress. Introduce the drama!
- You'll join me, right? - What?
Our story takes place in Noryangjin, where many examinees live.
We're both test-takers. He looks great now,
but he first comes out a dork you wouldn't recognize.
So I dump my dork boyfriend.
The plot plays out as I dump him.
His role In-sung gets mad and work part time in a clinical research.
Upon taking the pills, side effects turn out well for him.
He gets super powers and his eyes light up and runs fast.
He goes places in just seconds.
And he becomes so smart that he can memorize books with one read.
He learns how to pick up girls and gets a makeover like "200 Pound Beauty".
- And the plot plays out. - Right.
A guy who was unlikely to pass the exam even loses love.
But clinical part time work turns him into a super hero.
- It's off the wall, but fun. - They say it's too much of a spoiler.
- A spoiler? - Talking in detail. - That's up to episode 1.
Luckily, there are 3 episodes.
- Only up to episode 1? - Yeah. - There are so much more to watch.
- Isn't that all of it? - I feel like I watched it. - Thanks for stopping me.
- I wanted to talk more. - I wanted to share the ending.
Let's talk about this. Heart pounding drama scenes.
- Heart pounding scenes? - What could melt viewers' hearts.
I bet "Queen of the Ring" does. Tell us.
This gorgeous hunk can melt hearts on "Queen of the Ring".
- Do you show skin? - Yeah, he does!
- Be cute on screen. - What?
- Melt their hearts with a great look. - Wink! - I can't when I'm told to.
- Look at that camera! - Wink.
1, 2, 3!
Oh no.
This will melt your heart. Seul Gi gets a makeover later on.
It'd be great to watch for it.
- Is there a twist? - You'll see her differently.
- I see. - I was amazed myself.
- I'm eager to see that. - I look forward to it.
In "Star of the Universe," Woo-joo is full of himself and ungrateful.
So he wasn't grateful to fans. But one fan is an angel of death.
- A real angel of death? - Yeah, and she's my fan.
- Fan who tries to keep him from dying. - A post asks if you show skin.
- I... - Look forward to it!
Just a show of my back.
Woo-joo matures thanks to Byul. That can make hearts skip.
- A look that can skip hearts. - They ask for a wink.
- They want you to be cute. - I don't see that. - 10,000 fans asked.
- All right. Wink? - They want to see you wink.
- What? I don't see such post. - My heart skipped.
- Next, they ask to see Si Yoon. - They want you to be cute.
- I think it's one person. - They want to see Si Yoon.
I'll find out who you are! One person. Is it my mom?
All right. Hang on. I'll be cute. Skip their hearts?
- Look that skips hearts. - Wink and be cute.
All of that? Then I'll do this. I once did this for fans.
Babies can't control their faces, so they wink like this.
- Say "Si Yoon, wink". - Si Yoon, wink!
- I apologize. - You did well.
- Our heart skipped. - Like a baby. - I forgot we're on live.
- Do you show any skin? - On "Romance Full of Life"?
We can't show skin in our drama.
Let's put heavy hearts behind and get our show going.
- Next is talk of photos. - Yeah.
Every drama has 5 photos.
We'll share and explain them.
- Hyo Seop can... - "Star of the Universe" first.
- Do we look on that? - No, does it show up?
- Show us the photos. - Do we get to see it?
They're getting it connected. Okay, done!
- First one? - Here's the first photo.
- What scene is this? - It's out of focus.
- We can wait for it. - Okay.
Angel of death Byul comes back to the living and first sees Woo-joo.
In this scene, she tries to feel Woo-joo's living breath.
- This is what death sees? - She turns into a human.
She returns to the living and feels her beloved star.
- Ji Woo, you're her? - Giving makeup dressed as a stylist.
- But you're angel of death? - Yeah.
Let's see the next photo.
- What's this? - A spy movie? What is this?
- Why do we look so grim? - Where in Hong Kong did you shoot?
- Why do we look so grim? - What scene is this? Jun-myeon.
Byul and Woo-joo going home with a funny feeling after the first date.
- But we look so grim. - No, you light up.
- Next photo. - Yeah, let's go on.
What's this?
I think it's a scene of Byul coming back to the living.
I had wires on my first time and the staff worked hard to shoot.
- Wires are hard to manage. Wasn't it hard? - I had fun.
- I guess you're cut out for wires. - It was my first time, but it was fun.
It takes longer than you think. How long did the scene take?
- I think about 3 hours. - You were up for 3 hours?
- Eat while on the wire? - Yeah, I ate on the wire.
- Next photo. - Yeah, next photo.
- What's that? Briquette? - Yeah, briquette volunteer work.
- Volunteering with internet trolls. - Really?
- It's a realistic scene. - Internet trolls.
- Not suing them. - You look at it like a Christmas cake, not a briquette.
- Lovely gaze. - Yeah, a lovely gaze!
I volunteered with heartfelt cheer, so I gazed lovingly at briquettes.
Such sweet eyes on briquettes.
I mean it! Look.
Now let's see photos for "Romance Full of Life".
- One last photo before that. - Yeah, the last one.
Woo-joo is at risk of dying during volunteer work,
so Byul struggles to save him whichever way she can.
She's restless to protect Woo-joo.
Were you too busy to shave?
I didn't know I had a smudge.
I see.
- You look like Kang Hye Jung. - Yeah.
- Thank you. - You look like her. - Soo Hyang says so.
The photos are so sweet and make me look forward to it.
The first part of "Three Color Fantasy". 5 photos of "Star of the Universe".
Sweet, huh? Check out the drama.
- Are we next? - "Romance Full of Life".
Wasn't it supposed to be "Queen of the Ring"?
We'll go first.
What's this?
What's this? Can you tell them?
It looks like I'm getting in trouble by the police.
That's my back.
That's one of the fantasy scenes.
Right. In-sun fails his police test, so he imagines this scene.
- Turning into a great police. - Awesome.
It's all pampered up.
Turning into a great policeman
and saving my ex-girlfriend from a pickpocket.
I'm imagining the scene. So I have the big sunglasses.
Wearing long boots and on a police motorcycle.
Onto the next picture.
Very cute.
Eating this ice cream, I imagine the scene before.
Thinking how I want it to happen.
I promised to eat that ice cream at a BBQ restaurant.
Ice cream scoops at BBQ places.
- I said I'd eat it later and did. - Without any BBQ.
Causing a nuisance.
- It's what our director actually did. - Yeah.
He said he did that.
The drama tells of a story that is likely to happen to us.
Next photo.
- Your eyes. - Romantic. - Cute.
What's this?
It was when we were in love.
Si Yoon shows up a bit. Speaking of which, he looks shabby.
But I found that cute and adorable to death.
I saved up food that are close to sell-by dates from work.
Then I bring them to her where she works so she can eat.
It's a flashback scene.
Next photo.
You're so good-looking.
I'm playing the piano. I can do anything as a super hero.
Guy with super powers.
With my super powers, I play the piano by the score.
I think that's all there is to it.
- All of "Romance Full of Life". - But we could be lying.
There are more stuff.
- Next photo. - Is there one more? - Yeah.
- Is this how it ends? - The ending?
I even become a genius.
The plot plays out as once loser In-sung becomes a super hero.
Sounds fun.
- Spoiler for those busy. - Right.
- This much plot can make it fun. - Right.
Since they're busy.
- Onto "Queen of the Ring". - I'm curious.
"Queen of the Ring".
What's this?
What's this?
360° matrix camera.
We should see it horizontal.
We had about 40 cameras like a matrix camera for our shoot.
So... What should I say?
So we can shoot every scene for edits.
He puts the ring on me here. When I transform.
- Seeing a dreamlike shot. - We tried to capture that.
Levitating and stuff.
It was an important scene.
Is this in the beginning?
It's a secret.
I'm curious.
I'm no good at waiting. It sounds so fun.
- Tune into our drama. - You're making me hang.
Next photo.
- This only shows soju. - It's from that scene before.
When he puts the ring on me.
- 360° shot. - We got drunk with 3 bottles of soju.
So I black out.
- You black out? - Don't say too much.
I put the ring on her.
Seul Gi, you don't black out with 3 bottles of soju, right?
- With a glass of beer. - Really?
- Looks better this way. - So cute.
- When he puts the ring on you. - Yeah.
Next photo.
Isn't this centered on Hyo Seop?
- Like this. - My facial expression...
- But this... - Too centered on Hyo Seop.
- You look great together. - A great couple.
- You look great together. - Like a campus couple. - Yeah.
Yeah, we're a campus couple.
The girl in the back looks on green with envy.
It's our first walk as a couple.
I'm all flustered.
It felt great for real.
We had great weather.
- I can tell you're excited. - Yeah.
In found this hard in shooting romantic work.
- Looking excited in such scenes. - Was it hard for you?
- For the viewers... - I got dumped in mine.
- Despite my love for her. - He's really good at it.
In the flashback scene, he was loving and so cute.
He did acts like this. I was amazed.
- You did that so well. - Check it out on our drama.
Where did you learn that? Who did you do that to?
I learn them from Jun-myeon.
- You get lessons? - Right.
- We meet up and practice. - Yeah.
We only talk about such stuff.
- Let's go on. - Yeah, next photo.
- This... - That looks awesome.
- Awesome. - This...
You're wearing hanbok.
- I played my great-great-grandmother. - Double roles.
So if you see carefully, I have a big mole on my cheek.
So she's not Seul Gi.
One scene features my great-great grandmother.
I played her with hanbok on.
- You captured her well. - Next photo.
- What's this photo. - It's a clip.
This is that move. Getting her back on the wall.
- What do you call this? - There's a name for it.
- Is it "kabedon" is Japanese? - Yeah. - Yeah, I heard of it.
It's very famous.
- When was this? Fashion show? - Fashion show, when we first met.
- Did this lead to a kiss? - Did you kiss?
- No. - Kiss from the start? - No, this isn't a kiss scene.
He saves me when the fashion show stage collapses.
- Pushing back the wall to save me. - A matter of life and death.
It's not a romantic scene.
From what we see, very romantic.
Hyo Seop is tall, so he would grab the wall at a 90° angle.
I'm envious.
Is this all of it? Yeah, we saw all the photos.
5 photos make us want more.
Vivid stories will be seen in our dramas,
- so give us your interest. - What is "Tadaima"?
It means "I'm home" in Japanese.
I did this thing on Japanese TV once, and so...
I did this wall thing.
During our talk,
we're getting lively posts.
Let's take a look.
Can you read for us?
"Jun-myeon, way to go".
"Jun-myeon is cute". "Tadaima (I'm home)".
- What is "tadaima"? - On Japanese TV,
I did that backing to the wall.
- Saying "tadaima (I'm home)". - Show us. - What?
I have to see to understand. I lack in comprehension.
I'll do it. I did it before.
So I'm facing a woman.
It means, "I'm home". I tried that to be funny in a Japanese entertainment show.
So it goes like this.
"I'm home".
I did this.
You wanted to see this so much...
So cute.
- Thank you. - I understand why fans want to see this.
I think the attention is too focused on male actors.
So in Korean, it's like this.
I'm home.
That's weird.
- Why don't you try? They want to see your version. - I just did.
I'm home.
- Are we going to be funny like this? - Yeah, I can't get in the mood.
Please read the comments, Jun-myeon.
- "Si Yoon is leading the show so well". - "So cute".
- Thank you, "You brother". - "My heart is racing".
- Someone said Seul Gi is cute. - I know.
"Their height difference is making my heart flutter".
- Someone asked us to act cute. - "Act cute, please".
We're getting attacked now?
In fact, we were going to reveal it at the end.
All three male actors were so resolved to make Seul Gi to act cute.
- Please show us. - I don't have any in me.
- Please. - I can't.
When she covers her face, she can act cute, everyone.
Everyone. Her hands...
"Shy shy shy".
Oh, come on.
I happened to find this comment.
- Someone said, "Ji Woo is so pretty". - "Ji Woo is so pretty".
- Now Ji Woo has to act cute. - Right.
Please show us. Close-up shot, please.
What was that?
What? She seemed so lost.
It was like she was dying.
You seemed lost.
We got more than 700,000 hearts.
- 700,000 is so amazing. - 700,000. - Thank you, everyone.
If those who sent us 700,000 hearts watched our drama...
"Si Yoon, do "shy shy shy'".
I'm sure one of my fans requested it.
That is intentional. When I was on "2 Days & 1 Night" show,
- TWICE... - You want me to kick them out?
There are lots of members in TWICE, right?
None of them chose me.
Based on that humiliating episode, they always talk about TWICE.
But I'm still waiting. "Shy shy shy".
I think we're almost done.
Stop it! Stop it!
It still hurts.
Hold on. Since Soo Hyang is cute, they want her to act cute.
- Yeah, they found Soo Hyang cute. - No.
"Soo Hyang, show your scoffing".
- Soo Hyang is chic. - Not acting cute?
Show how chic you are.
- You want me to scoff? - Make a chic face.
- Who should I scoff at. - Si Yoon. Oh, at the camera, please.
Are you having fun, guys? Long time no see.
How chic.
Before we move on to "Yes or No" segment, let's check out Jun-myeon's "shy shy shy".
I tried to skip it but...
- Everyone wants "shy shy shy". - The chatting board is flooded with the request.
I didn't want to make you do that.
Music, please.
- Happy now? - Good job.
Are you happy?
You were so ready to do it.
- You know you're next, right? - Please no.
- Cue! - Please.
Where should look at?
Music, please.
You were really cute.
We are on V LIVE to promote our drama today.
We'll talk about what we've been up to, and for our fans
- we have to entertain them. - I think it's great.
We're kind of shy and awkward, but I hope you'll understand that.
We all feel the same.
The next segment is "Yes or No Talk".
We're going to talk more about our drama in this segment.
If your answer is "Yes," raise the board.
- Right? If not, don't raise it. - Don't raise it.
- It's so obvious. - Yes.
There's only one person who laughed.
Thank you.
The first question will be given by voice generator. Question, please.
Our drama has a lot of "making you a fan" scenes.
- What? - Whose voice was it? - Who is this?
Is it a listening test?
I almost tried to write the answer.
Hang on. What does "making you a fan scenes" mean?
That's... something that can make viewers become the fans.
Something that can make people become fans.
- Such as, falling in love with "Star of the Universe". - Exactly.
Like falling in love with "Queen of the Ring" or "Romance Full of Life". It's attractive.
Shall we see the results? 1, 2, 3.
You should join, too.
- Come on. Just go ahead. - Oh, yeah?
Shall we talk about this?
I mentioned something similar earlier.
Please talk about it briefly.
The main focus is how Woo-joo matures thanks to Byul.
I think there'll be a scene where I, as an EXO member, got closest to a woman.
Right. That can be a factor.
Because he plays a celebrity,
there are lots of fun stories that his fans would love.
I think it'll be really fun.
- So it's a fiction, but it looks like a true story. - Yes.
I think viewers can be immersed in the drama.
Since he really is a big star in reality.
- You talked about the factor, right? - Yes.
As for the factor that can make people the fans of our drama,
I do have a friend who wanted to be a police officer,
but he does something else for a living now.
So I consulted with him a lot. I heard those who want to be a police officer
attach the logo of a police academy onto their cell phones.
And they write down the phrase related to becoming a police officer.
I tried to express how a would-be police officer would feel
so people can relate to my character.
That's why I think those who prepare for the national exam
can enjoy our drama because they can relate to it.
- She agreed with me. That's why you raised it? - Yes.
I mean, I thought differently.
- I was thinking about the factor that make people fall in love with you. - Right.
I thought that was the question.
Such as the scene where you get a makeover.
- There are action scenes. - Yes.
And he acts cute, like "I don't know~".
I think these can be the factors that make people become fans.
- Right. - Right.
"Queen of the Ring" team.
I think it's Seul Gi.
As you notice, she is so adorable.
She has something that make you fall in love with her before you know it.
I think that's one of the factors.
It's Seul Gi's charm.
Then charming Seul Gi, what do you think is the factor?
Let's move on to the next question.
Attack her.
Here's the next question.
Next question, ma'am.
I have a know-how to handle things after making bloopers.
After making bloopers?
It should sound more natural.
Do you have a know-how after making bloopers?
1, 2, 3.
What is it?
In my case, I blame myself and focus more.
I don't pretend it, though. Let me explain.
When I stutter, I say, "Hold on, please".
"It's okay. Let's do it again. I'm sorry".
That's natural.
"OK. Let's do it again. I'm sorry". Like this.
I might be acting but I do this because
the staff didn't get to sleep a lot.
You know. Even if we're tired,
even if the schedules of leading actors are extremely tight,
- it's not worse than the staff's. - Right.
Like the youngest lighting staff. They briefly take a nap in the bus
and work continuously from the first scene to the last scene.
You can't imagine how tired they are when someone makes a blooper.
So an actor should focus even more
and shows the determination to do it right so the staff won't get more exhausted.
That's what I try to do.
It's similar with me.
When I make a blooper, I say, "I'm sorry" loudly.
And I go back to the position as if nothing happened.
There was a scene where I run.
In such scene, there's a camera over there and I run.
There's a line they want, but I sometimes get sidetracked.
Then it's a blooper. So I have to do it again.
In that case, I run back to the original position really fast.
Then I tell them, "OK, I'm ready".
- You deal with it in a modest way. - Yes.
Right. We are rookie teams and we're not perfect.
We have a long way to go.
To be sincere while we act...
- I think that's the most important thing when we make bloopers. - Right.
Let's move on to the next segment.
It's the "Self promotion" segment.
We'll get to have a chance to promote ourselves.
We have the wheel over there.
You can see the titles of the trilogy, "Three Color Fantasy" on the wheel.
Among them,
we'll spin the wheel and promote our drama for one minute.
We still have a lot of time to promote.
I think we should reveal the ending of "Romance Full of Life" if we talk more.
- Oh, boy. It shouldn't be us. - I know.
Now let's spin the wheel.
We'll pick just one team?
No. Male actors will spin the wheel.
The drama that's picked will be promoted.
- I see. - Jun-myeon will spin the wheel.
Right on.
That's what I intended.
Oh, I forgot to mention this.
It's not just regular promotion. You should hold a selfie stick.
It's a special promotion.
How many seconds?
It's one minute. Talk about the ending of the drama for 1 minute.
- Excuse me? - Never mind.
- Portrait mode? - In portrait mode.
Hello, I'm Kim Jun-myeon who plays Woo-joo on "Star of the Universe".
Hi, I'm Ji Woo who plays Byul, angel of death.
Ji Woo, what is our drama about?
"Star of the Universe" is about
Byul, the angle of death, realizes there's light in her after meeting Woo-joo.
She realizes the importance of spending time with a lover.
It's about her struggles.
She plays the angel of death,
but it's close to the relationship between a singer and fans.
I felt very grateful to my fans.
I think my fans can relate to the drama.
It was a chance for me
- to realize how special it is to be loved by fans. - 4, 3, 2,
- Our drama is... - Heart. - 1!
- Thank you. - It's a bummer, but it's the rules.
Let me spin it now.
You can promote again.
You talked about the first episode.
Now you can talk about episode 2.
- For real? - Go ahead.
You shouldn't be silent more than 3 seconds.
That was episode 1 of "Star of the Universe". From the 2nd episode, Woo-joo...
I really don't think I should talk more.
In the first episode, Byul, the angel of death, looks at Woo-joo from the other world.
- She tried to save him, but from the 2nd episode, she comes to life. - Let's stop here.
There are lots of interesting stories. It's even more fun than episode 1.
The 3rd episode is even better than the 2nd.
It gets more interesting. There are various stories,
and it's really fun. Please look forward to it.
- I think that's enough. - You have 16 seconds.
- Should we do more? - Did you eat?
Tell us what you ate.
I had breakfast and haven't eaten since.
I'm going to have salad after this. Thank you.
- Have a good one. - Have a good one.
Now, Hyo Seop will spin the wheel.
What's wrong?
That was so weak.
- What? - Let me talk about the 3rd episode.
No. We...
- Talk about the 3rd episode. - No.
The 3rd episode of a trilogy. You've waited for long, right?
We'll be generous.
- Push this button. - It isn't working.
Why don't you two promote your drama?
- Can we? - Rules are rules.
- Oh, yeah? - Yes.
Then I'll...
- Everyone, we got over 1 million hearts. - Over 1 million.
Pass the camera, please. One by one.
Thank you.
The music in the background...
I won't pass the camera.
OK. Why don't you get a close-up shot like Seul Gi did?
- Hi! - There you go.
A close-up shot.
Why is the music on?
- It's so close. - I could see your skin condition.
A super star is showing off his eyebrows.
That's it.
That's it.
The staff who operates the prompter said,
we were so terrible at promoting our drama.
- We'll get 10 seconds each. - Please.
Let me start.
- Hello. - Hello.
The second drama of "Three Color Fantasy,"
"Romance Full of Life". - I'm Yoon Si Yoon. - Cho Soo Hyang.
It's a story about a would-be police officer and a would-be teacher.
It's about everyone. I mean, not everyone.
But I hope it will be a drama that the young can relate to.
We tried our best, so please tune in.
I hope you'll experience a fantasy in your life.
Please love our drama.
- Let me push this. - Should we push this?
- It's already pushed. - Is it?
Hello, We're the actors on "Queen of the Ring".
You want to watch our drama, by just seeing us, right?
It's a story that anyone can relate to.
Our drama is about seeking inner beauty.
- Yes. - I can't do this.
Please check it out.
- Go! "Queen of the Ring". - Go!
- Should I turn this off? - Yes.
So we covered these.
We did all the segments. Tell us how you feel about the show.
All the three teams of "Three Color Fantasy" gathered today,
doing V LIVE and had a press conference.
The other teams...
I knew Si Yoon before, but I haven't met the other actors.
I'm so glad I got to meet them.
If I get a chance,
I hope I can work with the other actors later.
Si Yoon, thanks for emceeing the show today.
I was bored anyway.
"Star of the Universe". Can you see this?
It premieres at 11:59 PM on January 23rd.
On MBC, it's channel 11, right?
It premieres at 11:10 PM on Thursday, January 26.
- Please love our drama "Star of the Universe". - Please.
- Why don't you say something, Ji Woo? - Briefly.
Among the three dramas,
it was my honor to join other actors in promoting our drama.
I had a lot of fun being with other actors.
Please love our three dramas!
I'm sure she'd feel nervous, but she's doing a great job today.
Thank you for caring me.
In the comments, they want us to make promises for the viewer ratings.
- One by one. - "Star of the Universe" team. Why don't you go first?
How many percentage should it be?
MBC dramas these days...
It's on 11 PM on MBC...
8 percent?
- 8 percent? - Let's go for 10 percent. - OK. 10 percent.
If the viewer rating exceeds 10 percent,
we'll pick one of the viewers of "Star of the Universe"
and I'll buy the winner a cup of coffee.
- Coffee? - Yes.
- Is that okay? - Yes.
Or should we do V LIVE again? No?
- I'm okay with anything. - You are? Then...
I'll wear the angel of the death costume. Woo-joo will wear his stage outfit.
It'll be fun to do that on V LIVE.
Then I'll share coffee and do V LIVE.
Sounds fun. I'll make sure to tune in.
- How about us? - We have to promote now...
Please tell how you feel about today's show.
It was my first time to gather with other actors.
It was pretty fun.
I felt like I'm hanging out, not working. It was super fun.
I hope our viewers had fun.
I'm not a professional MC,
so I was worried about how I should lead the show.
One of the strength of our drama "Three Color Fantasy"
is youth and our energy.
It wasn't like we were promoting our drama.
We told a joke
and tried to lighten up the mood to entertain you.
Thank you so much for joining me, everyone.
Thank you very much for your enthusiastic reactions.
When it comes to a drama, I talked about this.
Some people pointed out that it shouldn't be described
as a one-act play or a web drama.
But it's more than that.
While existing TV shows can be described as a pizza,
our drama is various pieces of pizza that makes a whole pizza.
It's nothing less, with various flavors.
It won't lack to be described as a whole pizza.
We made a fantastic "Three Color Fantasy".
I hope you'll enjoy our drama.
I believe you'll be able to
keep watching three dramas.
"Romance Full of Life" will be aired after "Star of the Universe" featured by a super star.
To make people who're bummed out by the end of the drama happy,
it'll be revealed online at 11:59 PM Monday, February 13.
And on MBC, it'll be aired at 11:10 PM on Thursday, February 16.
We'll be passing the baton.
Please tune in for "Star of the Universe".
After that, leave the sadness behind with our drama.
It was my first time to gather with other actors.
It was really fun and comfortable.
Thank you, Si Yoon, for leading the show today.
We really did our best to make the drama.
Enjoy watching "Star of the Universe" and "Romance Full of Life".
After that, I hope you'll enjoy "Queen of the Ring".
Thank you.
Why don't you announce the date?
"Queen of the Ring" will be revealed online at 11:59 PM on March 6.
11:10 PM on Thursday, March 9 on MBC.
We'll melt your heart with the start of the spring.
Don't forget to tune in, please.
Seul Gi, did you talk about how you feel today?
Please talk about how you feel.
About that... Should I?
- About how I feel... - I'm curious.
There are three kinds of dramas. All of them are fantasy dramas.
That's why it's called, "Three Color Fantasy".
It's meaningful that these three dramas will be aired in a row.
I'm glad I met such nice actors.
It's going to be fun to be passed the baton.
I think you should look forward to it.
Please love our drama, "Queen of the Ring".
- I'm sorry but we should call it a day now. - Yes.
We acted separately for a different drama.
We talked about different dramas, but there is a harmony.
That's our drama, "Three Color Fantasy".
I hope you'll look forward to it.
Though we're on different dramas,
let's shout this simultaneously at the end.
Let's say, "Please tune in for 'Three Color Fantasy'".
I was supposed to say this alone at the end.
- But let's do this altogether. - Alright.
Let's wrap it up by saying "Please tune in for 'Three Color Fantasy'".
1, 2, 3.
Please tune in for "Three Color Fantasy".
[Please look forward to "Three Color Fantasy"]
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