Success Reveal 2017
From poor kid to become a business coach
by Om Seng Bora
For more infomation >> Om Seng Bora - From poor kid to become a business coach | Success Reveal - Duration: 12:13.-------------------------------------------
(turn on cc) valentines day special larry da lamp x spinachcan in a nutshell - Duration: 3:23.
larry da lamp: hi how are ya
spinach can: gud, good
larry the lamp: so what do you wanna do?
spinach can: idk
larry da lamp: spinach
spinach can: what
larry the lamp: spinach
spinach can: what?
larry da lamp: SPINACH
spinach can: WHAT!!
larry the lamp: I love you<3
*kisses da can's cheek XD*
spinach can: *blush xd*
spinach can: you love meh :O
larry the lamp: yes I love you <3
larry the lamp: spinach can I have one more question
spinach can: yes?
larry the lamp: will you go out with meh o3o
*kisses the lamp :>*
larry the lamp: yAY
larry the lamp: sorry I'm late :(
spinach can: its ok bby <3
larry the lamp: <3 < 3 <3 < 3 <3 <3<3
spinach can: <3 <3<3 <3<3<3<3<3
larry the lamp: spinach?
spinach can: yes?
larry the lamp: will you be my girlfriend <3
*kisses the can's cheek again <3
spinach can: yES:D
larry the lamp: YAAY
Spinach can: YAYY
Osu! - Hide Away My Heart MaxNRG S Rank ( No Mods) - Duration: 2:30.
You Can't Change The Osu!
My Balls
In Salsa Valentina Sauce
Do Not Even Think I'm Going To Do It
The Unspillable Cup | Mug that Can't Fall | Real Story | Sharmaji Technical - Duration: 7:17.
The Space Between Us
"La La Land" Trailer
Happy Birthday, AmazingPhil!! - Duration: 5:57.
Hey there!
So I should probably do a small introduction to this video?
This video is an original song that I wrote back in October 2016
well, the video will explain it :)
Hello my lovelies!
Well as you might have guess from the title, this video was a birthday video to AmazingPhil
a YouTuber, who I am a fan of!
And I really love his videos! He's just so funny and they're really relatable to me
I doubt he's kind of watching this right now, but in case you are, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AmazingPhil
Thank you so much for lighting up my days
And just keeping a smile on my face :)
I hope you have a really awesome day because you really do deserve it
As always, if you want to check out the last video that I did, then you can click over there
And if you're new to my channel
And want to see when my next video is out,
Then you can click on that subscribe button because it helps out a lot
Plus I really appreciate it :)
Well that's it for today!
Thank you so much for watching
And I will see you on the flip-side!
Universal Suffrage - Giving Non-Citizens the Right to Vote in California - Duration: 2:15.
Universal suffrage. What is suffrage?
Suffrage is voting. It's the right to vote. It's the
ability to vote. It's the responsibility to vote
because voting isn't just about making
decisions; it's about participating in your
society. It's an amazing concept but it's
not one that we've ever really achieved.
White male suffrage in America didn't come
around till the mid-nineteenth century
under jacksonian democracy. Women didn't
get the vote till 1920 and even though
the Fifteenth Amendment preceded that by
a little bit, African-Americans had
trouble voting late into the 20th
century. Even today there is a lot of
voter supression. But one class of
people that has wavered through time of
whether or not they get to vote in
America are our non-citizens and here in
California the non-citizen population is
over 5.3 million people
it represents fourteen percent of our
statewide population. These are people
that live here, work here, pay taxes, but
we don't make them vote and I do say
make them vote because voting is just as
much a responsibility as it is a right.
And that responsibility is very
important in a society, in a democracy.
The idea that you have a say in
government that is your responsibility
to shape our society fourteen percent
that's too many people not able to vote
not required to vote
let's fix it so to that end I have
written a constitutional amendment our
legislative proposal to give to the
assembly to give to the Senate to say
hey this is the law we want past this is
the action we want done this is how
we're going to resist and so check it
out in the description i'm going to be
making phone calls and sending email
going and talking to people and i hope
you come along with me i'm ready to
fight for you talk to me in the comments
if you disagree with the idea you'll go
ahead and let me know give me reasons
let's talk this out if you love the idea
let's talk about how we're going to get
it done and of course thank
you for paying attention
Lionel Ferro ft Agustin Bernasconi - At Last I Found You - Duration: 1:01.
And they told me that they saw you alone
Leave the past and let me be the one who falls in love
And they told me that they saw you alone
Why so alone?
If you by my side you will have the one who adores you
Tell me why so alone
At this time hours
Dance with me now now
And forget the others I'm yours...
Make me what you want to
I have the feelings in order to
I almost missed the wait
Why are you finally married
When you look at me I look at you and I die
No one loves you like I love you
No one sees you as I can see you
Because if you let me I'll take you to heaven
I'll make you songs with sincere love
TNT Tag (Hypixel) - Duration: 2:41.
Building Your Tomorrow Today
Here is Why you should switc...
Teoría ¿Que hubiera pasado si Raditz Era el personaje principal? Parte1 - Duration: 4:26.
U.S. judges limit Trump immigration order; some officials resist curbs January 29, 2017 - Duration: 5:35.
U.S. judges limit Trump immigration order; some officials resist curbs
U.S. judges in at least four states blocked federal authorities from enforcing President
Donald Trump's executive order restricting immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries.
However, lawyers representing people covered by the order on Sunday said some authorities
were unwilling to follow the judges' rulings.
Judges in Massachusetts, Virginia and Washington state, each home to international airports,
issued their rulings after a similar order was issued on Saturday night by U.S. District
Judge Ann Donnelly in New York's Brooklyn borough.
Donnelly had ruled in a lawsuit by two men from Iraq being held at John F. Kennedy International
While none of the rulings struck down Friday's executive order by the new Republican president,
the growing number of them could complicate the administration's effort to enforce it.
Trump's order halted immigration from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen
for 90 days, and stopped the resettlement of refugees for 120 days.
He said these actions were needed "to protect the American people from terrorist attacks
by foreign nationals admitted to the United States."
Condemnation of the order was swift and broad-based.
Democratic politicians and civil rights groups weighed in, as well as U.S. allies who view
the actions as discriminatory and divisive.
Attorneys general from California, New York, 13 other states and Washington, D.C., meanwhile,
in a statement condemned what they called Trump's "dangerous" and "unconstitutional"
order, and pledged to use their offices to fight it.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security on Sunday said it "will comply with judicial
orders," while enforcing Trump's order in a manner that ensures those entering the United
States "do not pose a threat to our country or the American people."
Striking that balance has caused confusion, according to lawyers who worked overnight
and on Sunday to help confused international travelers at airports.
Immigration lawyer Sharifa Abbasi said some Border Patrol agents at Washington Dulles
International Airport in northern Virginia refused to permit lawyers to talk with detainees,
even after being shown an order from U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema requiring such
Abbasi said the agents instead told the lawyers to call their agency's office, where no one
was answering.
"There is really no method to this madness," Becca Heller, director of the New York-based
International Refugee Assistance Project organization, told reporters on a conference call.
Supporters of Trump's order said authorities acted properly in swiftly taking steps to
enforce it.
"It is better (to) be safe than sorry," said Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies
at the conservative Center for Immigration Studies in Washington.
Lawsuits brought on behalf of more than 100 individual travelers have been filed nationwide,
some activists and lawyers have estimated.
Some have been brought by large corporate firms, including Kirkland & Ellis and Mayer
In Boston, U.S. District Judge Allison Burroughs on Sunday issued a temporary restraining order
blocking the removal of two Iranians who have taught at the University of Massachusetts,
and had been detained at the city's Logan International Airport.
That order was set to last seven days, and appeared to go further than Donnelly's by
barring officials from detaining, as well as removing, approved refugees, visa holders
and permanent U.S. residents entering from the seven countries.
Donnelly's order forbade only removal.
Matthew Segal, legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, in
a statement called Burroughs' ruling "a huge victory for justice" in the face of what he
called Trump's "unconstitutional ban on Muslims."
The U.S. Constitution's First Amendment guarantees the free exercise of religion.
Burroughs' ruling has even prompted some Trump critics to urge green card holders to fly
into Boston rather than other airports, to lessen the risk of detainment.
Green cards allow foreign nationals to live and work permanently in the United States.
White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus told NBC's "Meet the Press" that Trump's order
"doesn't affect green card holders moving forward."
The ruling from Brinkema, in Alexandria, Virginia, barred the Homeland Security agency from removing
an estimated 50 to 60 legal permanent residents who had been detained at Dulles.
In Seattle, U.S. District Judge Thomas Zilly barred the government from removing two people,
who were not named in court papers.
He scheduled a Feb. 3 hearing on whether to lift that stay.
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