>> Hi y'all and welcome back, or if it's your first time on my channel
Hi, welcome, I'm Giuliana and I upload new videos every monday and friday
so if you haven't yet subscribe in order not to miss any of them.
Today's video is about my January favourites products
and I realized that this is the longest running serie on my channel
in fact my very first video was a monthly favourites if I'm not wrong
I hope you are not bored of this format
as I do love this kind of videos and I watch a lot of them too, because
I often get to know new products and I get inspired for my own purchases
I hope it's the same for you
That said let's get to my January favourites as once again I selected a few products
that I loved and I'm ready to share them with you, they are all here
next to me so let's get started!
I just realized that I bought both my January skincare favourites
last summer during my U.K. trip
but as I'm a hoarder I kind of forgot about them
until recently and I loved them both.
one is an product I already used in the past, the other is a new entry, let's start with the first item
which is a body scrub by Soap & Glory
the sugar crush, which I do believe is one of their best sellers
I love Soap & Glory in general, it has a good quality/price ratio
it's a bit hard to find in Italy though, but I'm quite sure...
let's say hi to the usual motorcycle, I don't know if you can hear that
anyway I'm quite sure that you can get it on Amazon or Ebay
but as usual I remind you that on my blog you'll find the link to all the featured products
so if you are interested in any of them just check my blog, click on the links and you'll have more infos
and buy them if you wish.
but let's talk about this scrub, it's made of brown sugar, sweet lime, almond oil and macadamia grains
which I do believe is some kind of nut
it has a fresh smell, very citrusy...
which is a scent I particularly enjoy, it's very exfoliating
which is perfect for this time of the year as I feel my skin needs some extra exfoliation
as it's a bit more dull than usual.
I recommend it as I really like it and in general I love Soap & Glory products
I would use them more if I could find them on sale more easily
The second product is definitely more expensive
as it's by an high end brand
the Emma Hardie Amazing Face Moringa foaming cleansing wash
a lovely face cleanser.
The peculiarity of this product is that it feels like a liquid in the package
but when you push the pump it turns into a soft foam
which is lovely to apply and deeply cleanses the skin...
it's a bit aggressive though, well not aggressive
but I had a similiar product from Fresh and it was more gentle on the skin
this one makes the skin feel squeaky clean
and even if it doesn't feel tight or dry you can definitely feel something when you use it
and I thought I had to mention that
it's quite expensive too, but as usual I an't remember the price
so as usual I'll try to link it on my blog
even if I think it's not possible to get it in Italy
maybe you can buy it on the english web site SpaceNk
That said I think we can move to make up because I have a few products to share.
Here we are in the make up section , in spite of the fact that in january I didn't buy any new product
I have two basic items I'd like to share,
the first one is an eyeshadow, which is part of Sephora colorful line
I think I already spoke about these eyeshadows because I really like them
This one is called Tiramisu
and it was a Christmas present as I found it in the Sephora advent calendar
well actually it was a birthday present
and it's quite a dark shade that I wouldn't have choosen myself
but I loved it , I'm wearing it now too, as it's perfect to add some definition to the crease whilst offering a natural finish
It also has a warm undertone that perfectly matches with my golden shades
because, as you know, my everyday make up is always on the golden, bronzy, coppery, brownish side
The second product is quite unusual for me and it's an Urban Decay Naked lip balm/gloss
I had this for a long time as it was inside an Urban Decay palette
I think it was the...Naked basics on the go one
that was gifted to me...a while ago
but I didn't use it before while recently I was looking for a more nude lip color
I tested it *coughs, sorry about that
I was trying to suffocate a cough by suffocating myself...great!
Anyway I really liked it because it's rich on the lips
it hydrates them, it's not drying, which is a pleasant plus if compared with the last lip products I used
that were all matte and they made my lips feel...meh
do you know what i mean?
While this one is lovely to apply, it has a natural shade, it's glossy, but not too much
it's not unpleasant to wear, it's not sticky, so
I thought I'd feature it in this video as I used it quite often
for my everyday looks as you can never go wrong with a nude lip
and those were my 2 make up favourites, now let's move to clothes because
I have a few pieces to share with you.
I got the majority of my Janaury favourite clothes from Asos
in fact at the beginning of the month I took advantage of the sales I bought a few pieces
I have to admitt that I often order something on Asos, try it on when I receive it and immediately send it back
because it doesn't fit right or look good on me
so usually at least one of the pieces in my order is a return
but this time I loved everything I ordered, so it was a great success
Let's start with...
some pieces that are a bit unusual for me
The first one is this overall basic dress, which was super affordable as it's in elasticated cotton
but it's an over all dress, with the straps crossing on the back
it's a skater dress
and I've been looking for something like this for a while as I don't own anything in this style
and I loved this one because the price was low and it's an easy to match piece
so this is my first favourite
The second piece is completely different
velvet leggings! Tadaaa!
Lately I've been wearing leggins a lot, especially with oversize sweaters
or tunic dresses
and I wanted something less boring than my classic black leggings
so when I spotted these ones I fell in love with them, even if I wasn't sure they would look right on me
but as soon as I tried them on I had no more doubts
They are high waisted, the brand is Miss Selfridge
but I bought them on Asos
They fit like a glove, they are comfy and quite warm
but I always wear tights underneath anyway, but I'm always cold
and they are a lovely change in my wardrobe that in Winter is mainly made of black
and some grey and brown.
So Yay, I've got burgundy velvet leggins and by the way I'm quite obsessed with velvet in general
The third piece is different again and it's a sweater
in this delicate dusty pink, and I fell in love with this ruffled raised collar
and with the see through puffy sleeves
while the cuffs are long and tight and it's in the same fabric of the sweater
I love to wear it with my flared skirts because it's tight on the waist
but the puffy sleeves make it more romantic and vintage looking
The brand is Oasis, but always via Asos
The last piece is the one I'm wearing and it's a 3/4 velvet top, with round neckline
simple, but as I said before I'm obsessed with velvet
I already own a skirt that I bought from Modcloth and I think I featured it in my December favourites
with whom I plan to pair it
and I love it because it's simple, but the velvet makes it special
*coughs... sorry but today I've got something going on with my throat
I got the last thing I'd like to show you in Primark
I don't know if you watched it but I uploaded a random vlog
of a shopping day I had during the Christmas holidays at Il Centro in Arese with my friend Monica
and of course we went to Primark, I didn't film a haul video because I bought some random stuff
and one of the things I got was
this pair of leggins, that look ugly in camera
but I've been wearing them non stop since I got them
because the weather has been really cold and the peculiarity of these leggins
is that the inside is furry
they are soft and cozy
and those were my January favourite clothes
now let's move to the accessories
because I have a few more things to share, some of them are peculiar
some are from Primark and I didn't know in with cathegory I should feature them
so accessories!
As I said the accessories section is a bit all over the place
as there are many different items I 'd like to show you, so I'll start with
some tights that I got from Primark and they are super cozy
as the inside is thicker and warmer
I love thick tights and these are the coziest and warmest ones I ever worn
so they are perfect for this time of the year and it has been freezing cold
so I could wear dresses and skirts without freezing my feet and legs, which is amazing
good job Primark, thanks for taking care of us cold feet people
I have another pair of tights to show you, I haven't worn them yet, nontheless they are my favourites.
I haven't worn them just because they are a bit lighter than the other ones
but they have foxes on, how could you resist a pair of foxes tights?
You can't, that's why I bought them!
The next item has nothing to do with tights as it's a bangle bracelet
it's a gold looking hammered bangle
and it was a Christmas present I got from my friend Alessia
It's very rare I like bracelets
No, that's a lie, I do love bracelets, but as I spend most of my day at the pc
I can't wear anything on my wrists as I'm not comfortable using the mouse or the keyboard
so I never wear bracelets, but I fell in love with this one
I've been wearing it a lot in January when I wasn't at work
so I had to feature it in this video, because I love it
I don't know where she got it, probably at a flea market
but I found some similar ones on Asos and I'll link them on my blog
My last favourite accessory from january, let me grab it...
is another Christmas present
A bag by *coughs* sorry about that
a bag by La Tilde, an italian brand, actually the girls who make these bags live not far from me
and they made a whole line of bags by recycling old phones
I love all of their products
if you don't know the brand go check their web site out, I'll link it on my blog
because they have some unique pieces and every time I wear this bag
I receive some compliments and children love it, maybe because they never saw these phones
I already owned one, I've been wearing it non stop for 2 and a half years, until it fell into pieces
and my husband got me a new one for Christmas and
I love that he knows me so well
My old bag was more a tote bag, squared with a long strap
while this has a flap that it's secured by a magnet
it's very spacious, it has some inside pockets
and you can wear it on your arm by using the handle
or cross body, as I usually do, has it has a long strap
So thank you Daniele, I loved the bag and I've been wearing it every day since I got back from Sicily
I love it and as I said I suggest you to check the La Tilde web site,
because it's worth a visit.
What else have I got? Just one more thing
that falls under the book cathegory, incredible, I finally have a new book to recommend
so don't miss the book section!
Taking advantage of the Christmas holidays I finally managed to read a book
I love reading, but in the past months I didn't have enough time to read anything
but in the Christmas holidays I found the time to read a book and I loved it
I'm talking about Enrica Tesio "la verità, vi spiego, sull'amore"
she is a writer and blogger from Piedmont
and she had an ironic and fun way of writing
her characters are really relatable, it's easy to feel some common ground with them,
I think the book is some how autobiographic, as it's the story of a young woman
mother of two kids, that has to deal with a divorce
and so we get to know her life, how she manages to handle the kids, the work and even new love stories
but as I said the irony is at the base of this book.
If you don't know her I suggest you to follow her on Facebook too as she always writes funny and smart things
Good job Enrica Tesio, I recommend this book and as usual I'll link it on my blog
We made it to the end of the video, as usual I hope you found my suggestions useful
that you maybe got inspired
if so don't forget to give this video a thumbs up, so that I'll know it
and if you haven't yet subscribe to my channel in order not to miss any new video and once again I remind you that
if you should be interested in any of the featured products
on my blog you'll find all the purchasing links and the address is in the downbar below.
That said I think we can end the video here, I send you a big kiss
and I'll see you in my next one, ciao!
For more infomation >> January 2017 favourites feat. Sephora, Soap & Glory, Primark, Asos ect| Giugizu - Duration: 19:55.-------------------------------------------
BẦ U-BẰ NG-THƯ (Vietnamese) - Duration: 0:31.
The LEGO Batman Movie
John Wick: Chapter 2
Tesla: Model S Classic Firmware 8 (2.52.22)Update Firmware installing Itself??? - Duration: 3:22.
we are in a 2014 classiq tesla model s
loader 20,000 439 miles in 45,000 418 it
just really strange last night it
updated the firmware on its own and a
little alarm clock icon yesterday and I
said you know I hit the postponed don't
install and don't schedule i woke up
this morning came up to the car take the
kids to school and there was a new
firmware version installed it was 2.5
2.5 2.5 0.52 now and then there's still
the alarm clock icon on the top of
course even flashed up the release notes
and everything from the overnight
install and then there's already another
install waiting cute 2.5 2.22 release
notes are the same but might as well
stated because some people are
interested in the classic model is this
new release makes it easier than ever
for you to take trips in your Tesla
updated maps have to let you check out
the supercharger amenities before you
get there also driver profiles are now
linked to your key fob your car will be
set to your preferences before you sit
down so supercharger minute he used to
help plan for each trip supercharger in
the pin maps below have been in the Maps
app now provides information about
amenities there are restaurants
restaurants Wi-Fi shopping and/or
lodging nearby Arpaio automatic driver
pulls profiles your car will now
automatically adjust seat and steering
wheel position for your comfort before
you get in sync your key to your driver
profile and the car will set the seat
steering wheel and other settings to
your driver profile when you open the
driver door
an equalizer settings you can now
further to your sound with two
additional equalizer settings Wi-Fi now
let's go to these here are the equalizer
settings for the 9-ball traceability
sound system now get an extra setting
between base mid and one extra setting
between mid in trouble
no i did not fit them all in 10 i had
upset yesterday but it seems to be a
common bug that after the cars parked
they all completely reset themselves to
10 so you're still not enough testing
from the firmware saltines anyways by
classic Tesla standards they still have
the old fashioned speedometer I missed
that smile
Iveco Daily 35 S 18V 177pk L2 H3 Trekhaak 3500Kg Airco - Duration: 1:53.
Opel Meriva 1.6 Cosmo - Duration: 1:21.
tesla insights model 3 plans and repair costs over time - Duration: 6:18.
greetings i recently returned to silicon valley for a visit with a friend who is an early owner of a model s
We reach the top - Duration: 5:11.
HELLO EVERYONE!! Look at the beautiful view we have now.
Today`s gonna be a very good day!
we`re almost there, just a little bit.
brrrrrrrr.... i can`t put this sweater because it has a hole in it.
i couldn`t find the other one, but i found this one..brrrr cold...
This experience was unique for us, we didn`t think we`ll be able to climb up here using the steps 1,399
you feel the lack of oxygene a lot, because we don`t train that much.
And to see the people climbing without stopping,
makes you think that evething you do should be done without quiting.
you have to be constant and WORK HARD.
it doesn`t matter how long it takes, you`ll reach your goal,
that`s the experience i take from here.
A big kiss to everyone
we hope you liked the video and subscribe to our channel.
2017 Hyundai Elantra Limited Review - Nexccelerator - Duration: 20:26.
Hello there everyone, I'm Michael Land,
and welcome to this edition of Nexccelerator.
And the vehicle that I'm sitting in right now, is in the all-new redesigned 2017 Hyundai Elantra.
And the Elantra has received a complete makeover, to give itself a more competitive edge
In the compact sedan segment.
But does the all-new version of the Elantra though have what it takes,
to be able to do exactly just that?
Well let's have some fun, and figure that out.
Now like I've said, this is the all new redesigned, 2017 Hyundai Elantra,
but this particular version is the Limited Edition of this vehicle.
So taking a look at the exterior of this recently revamped compact sedan,
the Elantra does not only contain HID Headlights, with a dynamic bending light feature,
but it even includes LED Daytime running lights that provides
the modernized and futurisic appearance of Hyundai's Fluidic Sculpture 2.0 design language.
But also looking at the left, right and top sides, the exact same look that was
just now revealed, is carried on over through the remainder of the sedan.
Along with that, there are two powered side mirrors equipped, with
one turn signal indicator a piece on each side.
Now looking at the back of the Elantra, there's a single exhaust system equipped,
with the tailpipe being located on the right side, underneath the rear bumper.
In addition, the Elantra even features both a rear spoiler, and a shark fin
roof attenna, as well.
As for the taillights however, they don't only fit extremely well, but they even
give an incredible compliment to the rest of the modernized exterior of this vehicle.
Getting to the trunk of the all-new Elantra, it has a nice high opening as you
just now witnessed.
In regards of the trunk space however, it definitely
has the ability to store a lot of groceries in addition to other
items for your daily routine.
Also, besides benefitting from a big opening, the trunk even has a grab
handle on the right side, which helps making the task of closing
the trunk, very easy.
Not to mention that there's even a glow-in-the-dark push release mechanisim for
additional convenience.
On a sidenote, you get a total of four extra floor mats, with two
for both the driver and front passenger, as well as two for both
the left and right rear passengers, also.
Now located underneath the trunk floor of the Elantra is where you'll discover
the spare tire.
Additionally, the necessary parts to install it, including the jack, are
all conviently placed next to each other for easy accessibility.
If you also want more cargo capacity in the Elantra, you can definitely
make that a reailty by having both of the back seats folded down.
To fold the back seats down, just gently pull back on the individual left
and right rear seat release levers, located in the trunk.
Then when you want to fold them back up, just simply put them back up,
until they lock in place.
So opening the door to the Elantra, it has a gray leather interior, with both
a 10-way driver power adjustable seat, and a 6-way passenger seat
that's manually adjustable.
Now the Elantra does come equipped with an engine push button start system.
Just leave the key fob that you see me holding in my hand anywhere
close to you in the vehicle, then press your foot on the brake,
and immediately afterwards, just push the engine start button, to make the
engine come alive.
As you just now witnessed, the Elantra starts right up like a champion
without any kind of mechanical issues at all, even when the outside
temperature is at 107 degrees fahrienheit as you're seeing right now on your screen.
Now getting to the engine area of the Elantra, it's not only organized accordingly,
but its even a piece of cake to access it also,
in which I'll explain more on that, here very shortly.
But focusing on the powerplant offering, the Elantra has a 2.0L,
147hp, DOHC, 16 Valve, 4-cylinder engine, that punches out
132 pound feet of torque at 4500 rpm.
With that you get an exquiste 28 mpg in the city, and 37 on the highway.
But with the EPA combination, you get an incredible 32 mpg overall.
Now focusing on the different parts of the engine area, both the oil and
oil dipstick are located next to each other by the engine,
while both the engine coolant and radiator are placed next to one another,
right in front of the engine.
Also, the AirIntake system is postioned next to the radiator on the
middle right side, while the Fuse Box is situated on the far right side.
In addition, the battery compartment is placed right next to the fuse box,
with the brake fluid compartment being postioned on the back right side.
Additionally, the windshield washer fluid reservour is located on the front left side.
So now taking a look at the interior of the all new Elantra, besides having the
gray leather interior seats that I mentioned eariler, it does not only have a
new modernized interior that contains similar characteristics
to the Hyundai Sonata, but it even manages to keep things really simple
and straightforward, in which I'll explain more on that, here in just a little bit.
Now the type of steering wheel that's equipped on this particular Elantra,
is a three spoke leather wrapped steering wheel, that provides addtional
controls on both the left and right middle portions.
Additionally, you can use the controls with the arrows on the middle
right side to scroll through the various in-dash gauge cluster menus on the
LCD Screen in between the tachometer and speedometer.
So by pressing the down arrow, you're able to vertically scroll downwards through
the sub screens of the main menus, such as viewing both the A and B Trip mileages.
Likewise, you can even press the up arrow to vertically scroll upwards through
the sub screens.
However if you press the menus button, you're able to scroll through all of
the in-dash gauge cluster main menus, without any problems.
Now located on the left side of the steering wheel is where you'll discover
both the turn signal indicator and headlight controls, while the windshield
wiper controls are just off to the opposite side of it, on the right.
Now to adjust the steering wheel of the Elantra, just push down on the lever,
which is right underneath it.
And you can easily lower it down, raise it up, and even have it closer
or further away from you.
And when you're finished adjusting it, just pull up the lever, to lock it up
in place.
Now postioned next to the steering wheel, on the left side, are the buttons
for the gauge cluster brightness adjustment, Blind Spot Detection,
Lane Keep Assist System, and the traction control, while both the trunk and
gas cap releases are placed next to the drivers seat, on the left side.
Now the transmission equipped on the Elantra, is a 6-Speed
Automatic Transmission, with manual shift ability just off to the side,
while the electronic E-brake is directly right behind it.
Also, the vehicle even comes with an intergrated backup camera,
providing easy-to-see distance lines, that also turn along with the steering
wheel at the same time, which makes the task of backing up really simple
and easy to achieve.
In addition, there's a drive mode button placed on the left side of the
transmission, in where you can switch in between three different
driving modes, in which they are the Eco, Sport, and Normal modes.
Additionally, the heated seat control button for the driver is also situated
on the left side of the transmission, in front of the drive mode button,
while the other button for the front passenger is on the opposite side of it.
Turning the attention on over to the middle area of the Elantra,
you don't only get a convientent storage compartment, but also provided inside
of it is where you'll find 2 12V Poweroutlets, and right between them is
where you'll discover both the USB and Auxilary ports.
Now located right above the storage compartment are the dual-zone climate
controls that enables both the driver and front passenger to independently
set both of their own air conditioning temperatures, respectively.
Now postioned above the climate controls is the emergency hazard indicator,
and the radio controls to the Hyundai infotainment system, with the upgraded
8-inch Touchscreen and Navigation System, just right above them.
Equipped with the infotainment system are 8 Infinity speakers, alongside with
a subwoofer, with the first two being placed on the middle left and top
right portions of the driver side door.
In addition, the third speaker is postioned on the middle portion of the dashboard,
while the fourth and fifth speakers are located on the top and middle right portions
of the front passenger side door.
Also, the sixth and seventh speakers are positioned on the middle left and
right portions of both the left and right rear doors, while the eighth speaker
is placed behind the headrests of the all of the rearseats, in which that
particular one is considered as the subwoofer, respectively.
Now the Hyundai Infotainment system comes with AM, FM, and Sirus/XM Satelite
Radio, that's even equipped with HD Radio Capability.
While this is the same infotainment system that's equipped on the current generation
Hyundai Sonata, the notable differences that are shown with this one on the Elantra
is that it's equipped with both Apple Carplay and Android Auto.
However, If you want to see a demonstration of the Hyundai Infotainment System,
please check out the Nexccelerator Automotive Review on the 2015 Hyundai Sonata Limited,
by either clicking on the link in the description box below,
or the YouTube card icon on the YouTube app.
Now postioned next to the automatic transmission are the front cup holders,
but right behind them is the center console to the Elantra.
Inside of it, you not only have a generous amount of storage capacity to store
any kind of small item that you want, but you even have another USB Port also.
In addition, the center console not only opens
smoothly, but closing it is also a piece of cake as well.
Now moving on over to the top roof area of the interior, there are two sunvisors
for both the driver & front passenger, that feature both their own vanity mirror,
lights, and hidden extender, as well.
In between the sunvisors are the sunglasses holder, the bluetooth microphone,
the power sunroof controls, and front interior lamps, which are all located
right next to each other.
So beginning with the front interior lamps, you can either have both
of the lights completely turned off like you're seeing right now,
have both of them stay on, or even having them optionally turned on
automatically when you open the door, if you wish.
As for the sunglasses holder, it allows you the option to either store a pair
of sunglasses, or other small items of any kind.
Also, the rearview mirror is placed underneath the sunglasses holder,
in which the mirror has both a digital compass and the hyundai bluelink
telematics system buttons as well.
Now to operate the power sunroof, just simply push the sunroof button upwards,
to open it up to let some fresh air circulate inside the interior of the Elantra.
But to close the window, just simply push the sunroof button downwards,
to close up the window to the power sunroof.
Additionally, to tilt the window open, just simply push the vehicle button upwards,
to tilt the window open.
But to tilt the window shut, just push the button downwards,
to close up the window and tilt it shut.
Furthermore, you can even close the soft cover up, or you can either leave it
open, if you wish.
Transferring on over to the glove box now, it's not only damped, but it's
even got a decent amount of storage capacity to where you can easily store
about anything that you can imagine, such as the driver's manual,
being a relevant example.
In addition to the airbag that you saw on the steering wheel eariler, there's
a Knee Airbag situated underneath the steering wheel of the driver side,
while another one is placed on the front passenger side of the dashboard.
Also, there are even two other airbags, with one each on the B pillars of both
the driver and front passenger sides, right above each seat belt.
Plus, there are two side seat airbags for both the driver and front passenger,
which adds up for a total of 7 airbags, all together.
Now proceeding on over to the driver side door of the Elantra,
it doesn't only provide the controls for the power mirrors, power locks,
and all 4 power windows, but the material quality is very sturdy,
with soft touch materials on not only the top and middle portions,
but even the bottom portion is even the same way as well.
Additionally, the material quality on the front passenger side door
is the exact equivalent of the driver side door.
As for the rear left door, the same soft touch material qualities that were
present on the driver side door, are carried on over to give the rear
occupants the exact same benefit.
Plus, the material quality on the right rear door is just as exactly the same
as the left rear door.
Now as for the back seat goes for the all-new redesigned Hyundai Elantra,
It not only provides a welcoming, and relaxing atmosphere back here,
but for somebody who's around 5 ft 11 to 6 ft tall such as myself,
I've got plenty of headroom space to be able kick back, relax, and even enjoy long road trips.
But what about the thigh support though on the other hand?
As for thigh support goes, it's both very comfortable and very supportive.
Plus, the amount of legroom space that I have in the backseat of the Elantra
is even spacious and roomy, which make's it for a very pleasant experience,
that you definitely won't forget.
In addition, there is a right rear map pocket that's placed right
behind the front passenger seat.
Also, there are two heated rearseats for the left and right rear passengers,
with one button each being on the left, and right sides of the rear doors.
Furthermore, there are even two rear cupholders, for additional convenience.
So with everything that you have seen, the MSRP Price of this particular version
of the Elantra is $22,350.00.
And that's the price with the safety features, included.
But if you add both of the Tech and Ultimate packages,
the extra set of carpet floor mats, the cargo tray, and the inland freight
and handling prices, to the previously mentioned MSRP Price, the total cost
of the vehicle runs at $27,810.00.
Which is not a bad price for a compact sedan, that provides an incredble amount of features,
that you simply cannot refuse to pass up.
So to reiterate the question that I asked in the beginning of this review,
does the all-new redesigned Hyundai Elantra have what it takes to contiune
on being a very competitve compact sedan?
The answer, it absolutely does, without a doubt about it.
Not just because of how much the vehicle has rapidly changed from both the inside and outside,
but also because of the generous amount of safety features that
the sedan offers, that nobody can pass up at all.
In addition, the Elantra even provides a plentiful amount of room and comfort for both
the driver and passengers, without sacrificing both fuel economy and driving performance.
So with that being said, I hope you enjoyed this edition of Nexccelerator.
I'm Michael Land, and I'll see you next time.
Star Wars: Blade Squadron, Part I (Short Story) - Duration: 3:10.
Telling the story of Episode VI: Return of the Jed from a different perspective, we are
here discussing David J Williams and Mark S Williams short story "Blade Squadron:
Part One," found in Star Wars Insider #149 and on starwars.com!
Gina Moonsong just finished up a training simulation, working with a squad of B-Wing
attack fighters.
She was called over by Lieutenant Braylen Stramm , who strongly disagreed with her tactics
in the simulation.
Moonsong, being a strong personality and not afraid to talk back to her superiors, said
she did the best she could and that her wing leader's calculations were off.
Just as Stramm was about to lay into her, her wing commander Adon Fox came over to both
defend her and put her in her place, and let them know that the orders have been issued
from Admiral Ackbar, that the squadron was going into battle the next day over Endor,
responsible for safeguarding the fleet's lines of communications and rearguard.
Gina was a cadet, and fairly new to flying snubfighters, having learned to pilot smuggling
cargo off Coruscant.
Fox was in the same position in the Battle of Hoth, having only 100 hours under his belt
before having to run the Imperial Blockade.
He survived that mission, but his wife's transport did not, having been shot down by
the imperial star destroyer, Devastator.
Stramm, who was unable to sleep, was pouring over schematics of ships and going over the
Battle of Yavin, anything to help them in their efforts against the Empire at Endor.
Moonsong came to his cabin to visit, and apologized for the way she spoke to him earlier.
It is clear from this exchange that the two are more than friends and want to see each
other survive the battle of Endor.
Over on the Devastator, Darth Vader's former flagship, Admiral Montferrat was dealing with
some suspected smugglers, torturing them and eventually, throwing them out of an airlock.
He knows the battle with the Rebellion is coming, and he prepares his ship and those
under his command for the operation.
When the rebels reached the Death Star, a part of the story we all know, the shields
were up.
The lead squadron headed by the Millennium Falcon and General Lando Calrissian break
off its attack and had engaged swarms of TIE fighters.
They must all remain nimble in hopes that the shields would soon come down and they
could resume the plan.
At that moment, Commander Fox saw the Devastator, the ship that destroyed his wife's transport
at the Battle of Hoth.
He diverts Blade Squadron and orders them into attack position and heads towards that
While they didn't quite make it before a squad of TIE fighters engaged them, they were
determined to give the Imperials a fight that they would never forget.
So much for rearguard.
Thank you for watching.
Be sure to subscribe to keep up with all the insight and analysis found here at Star Wars:
The Canon Explained.
You can also follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
Leave your comments and questions about this story or any element of the Star Wars Canon,
Till next time… may the force be with you…
Simple Makeup Tutorial | Belleza a lo Glam - Duration: 18:32.
Hello to you all
Today I bring you a simple beauty tutorial, it's mainly my daily routine
sometimes I go out without makeup
but other times, when I want to put on a bit of makeup,
for example if I'm attending a first work interview
where, supposedly, you're not meant to wear a lot of makeup
and you know, you can't be looking as if you were going to a party
this is what I'd do
and well, I also have other techniques, but I'll show you another time
So, I begin moisturising my lips
I need them to be well moisturised, before I put on any type of lipstick
Especially liquid lipsticks, because as you know: they dry out your lips
So I always start with the moisturiser
Then, when you're about to put on the lipstick, all you have to do is take off the excess lipbalm
your lips will be well primed and you wont get as many wrinkles
and your skin won't peel off either
my face is already hydrated. I've put on aloe vera gel and my daily moisturising cream
this is a primer by Kiko
this specific primer is to minimise pores
usually I just apply the primer with my hands
make sure to extend the primer down to your neck
because you also wear foundation on your neck
make sure it's all evenly spread out
now I'll put on a BB cream by LA Girl
This BB Cream doesn't come in many shades, so this is the closest to my skin tone
if you're looking for full coverage to cover things like acne, the BB cream won't really work
but if you just want light coverage, a BB cream is good for that
I blend out the BB cream using an oval brush
this one is not branded, I got it from instagram, but it's quite good
If you want, you can colour correct red or dark spots and your underyes
I use the colour correct concealer from LA Girl
In the peach shade
I use it mainly around my chin, my underyes, sometimes over the eye or wherever I feel there's darkness on my face
I'm now going to blend out the concealer map with a beauty blender
I don't know if you can see the difference under my eyes, but the darkness has disappeared
to cover the concealer, I'm going to put on some more BB Cream
now I'm going to put on some illuminating concealer
I'm using the concealer trio by Louise Young
(you could understand that one...)
I'm using the lightest corrector shade, because I'm a bit pale in winter
but the good thing about these correctors is that you can mix them up to customise the shade
or use the darker ones, as the seasons change and you get a bit more tanned
so this is one of my favourite concealers
once again, we're going to blend it out with the beauty blender
i'm going to wet the blender with a bit of setting spray
today I'm not going to bake the concealer
I'm only going to set the concealer with Kat von D shade and light
just to prevent the concealer from running down my face throughout the day
I use one of these disposable sponges, because they have a square bottom
and it's very good for setting the concealer under my eyes and on my nose
I find it quite good to use on my nose
before applying the powder I make sure that I don't have concealer between the fine lines under my eyes
to avoid that, I use my finger and just blend it out
remember that you need to set everywhere where you've used concealer
having finished this, just let it set for a while until it's absorbed
so now we turn to the eyes
for the eyes, I'm going to keep it simple
a bit of eyeshadow and that's all
I like taking off the excess oil from my eyelids, because I have slightly oily eyelids
I'm using the anti-aging Urban Decay primer
and I just brush it on my eyelids up to the point where I'm going to put on the eyeshadow
this is the anti-aging primer
i just blend it out a bit with my finger
using the ultra eyeshadow palette by makeup revolution
I'm going to use shade olden for the crease
to make everything look well-blended, it's best to start using a shade that's closer to your skin tone
but not very dark
apply it using circular movements to avoid fall-out
the eyeshadow pigment won't fall-out onto your under eyes or cheeks
as it would happen if you apply it in a non-circular motion
now using shades warm and rust, I'm going to soften the crease using "warm" and apply rust everywhere else
using the flat end of the brush and shade "warm" I soften the crease
and using the fluffier side I blend it out
if you only have one of these brushes and you need to use another shade
you can clean up the brush by using the brush cleaner form Sephora, like I do
I spray the brush a little bit and then I clean it out with some tissue
now I'll use "rust"
and tap out the excess pigment
again, clean out the brush
I'm going to use shell in the middle of the lid to give it more volume
again, tap out the excess
so now we continue with the same palette
and we're going to apply a darker shade on the outer corner
I'm going to use shade "earth"
and I'll apply it on the outer corner, having already cleaned the brush
since this is a delicate look,
and quick
I wont use eyeliner
Instead of eyeliner I'll use eyeshadow
as if it were eyeliner
I'm going to use shade charcoal
no, sorry
[unintelligible blabbering]
shade carbon and I'll apply it along the lash line
with a flat brush
and blending out upwards
to finish up
I'm going to take the shadow that I used in the outer corner - "earth"
and I'm going to blend it along the lower lash line
depending on your taste
you can apply black eyeliner or nude eyeliner on the waterline
you have two options: nude eyeliner, to make the eyes appear bigger
or black eyeliner
I usually use it because I have big eyes and I prefer black
if you make sure to sharpen your liner before starting, that'd be good (unlike me)
finally sharpened my pencil
so let us proceed
for the final touches, I'll apply some mascara
or rimmel, whichever way it's called in Spain
after finishing up the eyes and having made sure that there's no fall-out on the cheeks
you can apply highlighter
this is is from Topshop
but it has no shade name, however, it is a sort of champagne colour
I apply it with a fan brush, but you can also apply it in other ways
that I'll show you further down the line
now let's start on the lips
since it's a daytime look
simple, to do things like routine shopping
I won't overdo it
just a bit of matte lipstick
and a bit of lip pencil
and done
this is a M.A.C lip pencil in shade "spice"
and now just fill in your lips
to finish, I use some setting spray by Urban Decay
So this is the finished look!
As you can see, I'm not wearing anything special. No contour, no glitter
there's nothing that's flashy flashy/ glam glam
even though the channel is called Belleza a lo Glam
this is a very normal, simple look
with barely any coverage, to have the skin looking fresh
everything matte, everything with earth and nude tones
so just like to go out during the daytime
you can do this in 3 minutes - well ok, 15 minutes
and you can just go out!
I'll keep the link to my channel trailer here so that you can get to know me a bit
I hope you liked it and I'll keep you updated on the new videos coming out
Thanks! Ciao!
China, Yunnan: We discover another world!
New Malaysian style haircut!
And new location! We're now in China!
We are in the province of Yunnan More precisely in Kunming city
We'll spend a few days here
And we can already say a few things about China and Chinese people
They are extremely welcoming
We would have lost ourselves while looking for our hostel without their help!
And they are very active people!
They start the day very early with Tai Chi and gymnastics!
Let's go have a look!
This made me hungry!
Well, do you know what? We're going to enjoy a good breakfast
And just for fun, I will let you order it :-)
Sweeties, Solenne is enjoying her breakfast
She left me alone... And kept all the food for herself!
I will show you something... Do you know what this is?
It's a bus ticket from Kunming East Station to Shi Lin Stone Forest
You can see that everything is written in Chinese
As we told you before, we can easily get lost...
You can see that we don't lie
But Chinese people helped us a lot and it is really great from them
Everyday someone comes to help us or offers us some food or drinks
We don't know really why but we find it amazing
Yesterday we went for a tour
We visited the Shi Lin Stone Forest
It is a bit more than one hour away from Kunming
At the beginning we felt as if we were entering a theme park
We felt a bit like entering Disneyworld when we passed through these huge gates
I think there were thousands of tourists
Very few western visitors, but a lot of Chinese people
Chinese people love traveling... Not only abroad, but also in their own country
They come from everywhere to enjoy the touristic areas of each province
We were really surprised and found it first difficult to walk through
But by going off the main path deeper into the Stone Forest
We could witness the beauty of the site
It is part of Unesco World Heritage
We were amazed by these sceneries made of huge eroded stones
We definitely recommend you to visit this place if you come here to visit Yunnan
We visited a temple and we told you that people are welcoming
They just invited us to join them for the lunch
We will enjoy it so much :-)
One more gift...
Sweeties, we will end our yummy adventures in Kunming like we started them this morning
We'll make some exercise like Chinese people do
We understood why they eat so much!
It's because they are very active all day long!
So... - Bye bye! :-)
Your grandmother follows us on evasy.fr !
Breaking Bad's Bryan to make his London stage debut in version Network - Duration: 7:05.
Radoslav Kutra "Očima malíře " - Duration: 49:12.
John Wick: Chapter 2
The Space Between Us
Kia cee'd 1.6 GDI DynamicLine - Duration: 1:31.
Dacia Duster 1.6 16v Aniversare (Airco/16''LMV/LEER/D.riem vv!!) - Duration: 1:36.
Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.6 GDI ComfortPlusLine NAVI, TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:14.
The Good Life - Kynan Bridges and Cana's Voice - Duration: 58:31.
WHAT I'VE READ(Jan.29.2017)[CC] - Duration: 5:50.
Hi y'all. I'm Amber and welcome back to Cats Reads and today
I'm going to be sharing with you what I've read in the past week.
I finished four things. The first is Blacks
by Gwendolyn Brooks. This is a compilation of her poems.
I think these are all from like
different poetry collections that they
compiled into one here, which I did not realize when I picked
this up. But either way it was worth reading.
The first of these poems was written-
or published in 1945. And these poems weren't very
metaphorical so that was very helpful because I
could completely understand what she
was saying and what she was getting at, but at
the same time the writing was really
beautiful and so in the end I gave this
five stars. The next two things I finished were the first two
volumes in Lumberjanes. This is about five girls who
go to this summer camp that isn't
exactly what it seems and they end up on
this adventure that they were meant to go on
in the first place. I really enjoyed the themes
and messages that these two volumes brought
forth, the fact that there was girl power,
that there didn't need to be a man
to be the hero- any of that and appreciated that.
I also appreciated the themes of friendship and loyalty and, you know,
be- having your friend's back at all time
even when they piss you off. I really enjoyed all
that but I did think that the story was a bit
simplistic. You knew what was going to happen
before it happened. It just was a little bit obvious.
When I looked inside it said it is intermediate, I'm not really
sure what that means, is it targeted for young
adult? Is it targeted for children, what? Because if it is
for young adult, I feel this could use more
subtlety to the plot and to the
foreshadowing which wasn't present in either
one of these volumes. So that was a bit disappointing for me, but
it was enjoyable.
Really easy to fly through. I will continue
on with the next three volumes just because
of how easy they are to fly through and I really wanna
get to know more about these five friends. In the end
gave these two volumes 4 stars
each. The next thing I finished is the first part
in The Greater Journey: Americans in Paris by David
McCullough. I am only going through this in
parts, so I'm done with this and I've moved on to the next book that I have chosen to read for my
TBR, but for this part I really did enjoy
his writing style and I enjoyed getting to
know more about what it was like for
Americans in the 1800s and early 1900s to go to
Paris and the experiences that they had
and what those experiences did for them when they came
back to the United States. It was very interesting,
especially for medical students because
they learned so much and they brought that
back to the U.S. And tha--that was just wonderful,
although some things were a little bit disturbing, the
unsanitary habits that they had, I mean they
didn't even realize the problems that there
with not washing your hands, that kind of
thing. But, either way I did enjoy it
overall. I felt like he skimmed over
Charles Sumner, which I really want more of
and I am hoping that because of the way he ended off with him
that, that means that he's going to talk more of him
in second or third part. For right now, I'm just like am I
going to get more of Charles Sumner because
there's just so much more that I want
to learn on when it comes to his eye-opening experience that he had. That being said, so far
so good. I'm currently reading two things. The
first being, Kurt Vonnegut's
Welcome to the Monkey House. This is a
short story collection. I don't think he went out to
write a short story collection. I think this is a
compilation of his shorter works. I liked the first three stories that I've read so
far. The first one
felt very sarcastic and I'm not sure if it is
sarcastic because for me I-I have harder
time discerning sarcasm than
may but it did seem sarcastic . I am like hoping
that it's sarcastic.
The second was a little bit disturbing,
just the idea of it and how it's possible
how we like, we always
Kind of striving for equality- and I'm
Ignore repeat
equality... and this- and this was on the extreme
end of that and it was just really scary.
The third one was my favorite, just how sweet
it was, and although it was pretty obvious
where it was going from the beginning, I really loved it the most out
of the three that I've read so far. I'm still working on Homegoing
Yaa Gyasi. I would've actually already
finished this but I took a break,
I returned the book to the library and got my own
because I was loving it that much. So I have started it- it
back up now and thankfully, I'm enjoying
it as much as I was when I picked it up earlier. It just
was the mood I was in, I just needed to take a break from
it and so heading back to it-RAMBLY BIT
RAMBLY BIT-Anyways, so far still going good for me. There
you go, that is all I have for you guys today. I would love to
chat with you down below about any of the books
I've talked about. Thank you all so much for
watching and keep smiling!
Une Startup, c'est d'abord des rencontres ! 👥 - VLOG #3 - FLARE - Duration: 5:28.
【ENG/KR CC】【Fandub/Cover】ONEW & LEE JIN AH - Starry Night (온유&이진아 - 밤과 별의 노래)【Tacca】 - Duration: 4:08.
Since my heart was dark
it was hard to go to sleep
the complicated world
kept on bugging me
the sunshine outside the window covered my face
but I don't want to open my eyes
If only the reality that I cannot see you again, could change again
If I become the dark night, will you be the stars?
Will you be the twinkling stars?
Over the silent night, where everyone is asleep
Will you be my friend?
Be my friend
Oh, how wonderful it will be
If my dreams come true
If I could be with you
Like the stars that visit me in the end of a tiresome day
If I could see you
If I become the dark night, will you be the stars?
Will you be the twinkling stars?
Over the silent night, where everyone is asleep
Will you be my friend?
If I stay up the night full of tears, will you be the light?
I too, will be the light to your anxious night
When I get lost and wander, will you be the stars?
Will you be the stars for the unknown tomorrow?
Over the night, when everyone heads to somewhere
Will you be my friend?
Will you be my starlight?
Crash-test à la NASA - Zap'In Sciences #32 - Duration: 3:36.
Tesla: Model S Classic Firmware 8 (2.52.22)Update Firmware installing Itself??? - Duration: 3:22.
we are in a 2014 classiq tesla model s
loader 20,000 439 miles in 45,000 418 it
just really strange last night it
updated the firmware on its own and a
little alarm clock icon yesterday and I
said you know I hit the postponed don't
install and don't schedule i woke up
this morning came up to the car take the
kids to school and there was a new
firmware version installed it was 2.5
2.5 2.5 0.52 now and then there's still
the alarm clock icon on the top of
course even flashed up the release notes
and everything from the overnight
install and then there's already another
install waiting cute 2.5 2.22 release
notes are the same but might as well
stated because some people are
interested in the classic model is this
new release makes it easier than ever
for you to take trips in your Tesla
updated maps have to let you check out
the supercharger amenities before you
get there also driver profiles are now
linked to your key fob your car will be
set to your preferences before you sit
down so supercharger minute he used to
help plan for each trip supercharger in
the pin maps below have been in the Maps
app now provides information about
amenities there are restaurants
restaurants Wi-Fi shopping and/or
lodging nearby Arpaio automatic driver
pulls profiles your car will now
automatically adjust seat and steering
wheel position for your comfort before
you get in sync your key to your driver
profile and the car will set the seat
steering wheel and other settings to
your driver profile when you open the
driver door
an equalizer settings you can now
further to your sound with two
additional equalizer settings Wi-Fi now
let's go to these here are the equalizer
settings for the 9-ball traceability
sound system now get an extra setting
between base mid and one extra setting
between mid in trouble
no i did not fit them all in 10 i had
upset yesterday but it seems to be a
common bug that after the cars parked
they all completely reset themselves to
10 so you're still not enough testing
from the firmware saltines anyways by
classic Tesla standards they still have
the old fashioned speedometer I missed
that smile
HAYAT.. THE OYUN. - Life: The Game - Duration: 6:28.
Alzheimer : soutien et recherche - Duration: 10:15.
VLOG | Show Danse Phénoménale à Paris | Finale #handball2017 - Duration: 1:45.
Pokémon Lune #37 - ROUTE 13, 14 & VILLAGE TOKO ! - Duration: 18:37.
KANAVAN ESITTELY! - Duration: 1:54.
China, Yunnan: We discover another world!
New Malaysian style haircut!
And new location! We're now in China!
We are in the province of Yunnan More precisely in Kunming city
We'll spend a few days here
And we can already say a few things about China and Chinese people
They are extremely welcoming
We would have lost ourselves while looking for our hostel without their help!
And they are very active people!
They start the day very early with Tai Chi and gymnastics!
Let's go have a look!
This made me hungry!
Well, do you know what? We're going to enjoy a good breakfast
And just for fun, I will let you order it :-)
Sweeties, Solenne is enjoying her breakfast
She left me alone... And kept all the food for herself!
I will show you something... Do you know what this is?
It's a bus ticket from Kunming East Station to Shi Lin Stone Forest
You can see that everything is written in Chinese
As we told you before, we can easily get lost...
You can see that we don't lie
But Chinese people helped us a lot and it is really great from them
Everyday someone comes to help us or offers us some food or drinks
We don't know really why but we find it amazing
Yesterday we went for a tour
We visited the Shi Lin Stone Forest
It is a bit more than one hour away from Kunming
At the beginning we felt as if we were entering a theme park
We felt a bit like entering Disneyworld when we passed through these huge gates
I think there were thousands of tourists
Very few western visitors, but a lot of Chinese people
Chinese people love traveling... Not only abroad, but also in their own country
They come from everywhere to enjoy the touristic areas of each province
We were really surprised and found it first difficult to walk through
But by going off the main path deeper into the Stone Forest
We could witness the beauty of the site
It is part of Unesco World Heritage
We were amazed by these sceneries made of huge eroded stones
We definitely recommend you to visit this place if you come here to visit Yunnan
We visited a temple and we told you that people are welcoming
They just invited us to join them for the lunch
We will enjoy it so much :-)
One more gift...
Sweeties, we will end our yummy adventures in Kunming like we started them this morning
We'll make some exercise like Chinese people do
We understood why they eat so much!
It's because they are very active all day long!
So... - Bye bye! :-)
Your grandmother follows us on evasy.fr !
Simple Makeup Tutorial | Belleza a lo Glam - Duration: 18:32.
Hello to you all
Today I bring you a simple beauty tutorial, it's mainly my daily routine
sometimes I go out without makeup
but other times, when I want to put on a bit of makeup,
for example if I'm attending a first work interview
where, supposedly, you're not meant to wear a lot of makeup
and you know, you can't be looking as if you were going to a party
this is what I'd do
and well, I also have other techniques, but I'll show you another time
So, I begin moisturising my lips
I need them to be well moisturised, before I put on any type of lipstick
Especially liquid lipsticks, because as you know: they dry out your lips
So I always start with the moisturiser
Then, when you're about to put on the lipstick, all you have to do is take off the excess lipbalm
your lips will be well primed and you wont get as many wrinkles
and your skin won't peel off either
my face is already hydrated. I've put on aloe vera gel and my daily moisturising cream
this is a primer by Kiko
this specific primer is to minimise pores
usually I just apply the primer with my hands
make sure to extend the primer down to your neck
because you also wear foundation on your neck
make sure it's all evenly spread out
now I'll put on a BB cream by LA Girl
This BB Cream doesn't come in many shades, so this is the closest to my skin tone
if you're looking for full coverage to cover things like acne, the BB cream won't really work
but if you just want light coverage, a BB cream is good for that
I blend out the BB cream using an oval brush
this one is not branded, I got it from instagram, but it's quite good
If you want, you can colour correct red or dark spots and your underyes
I use the colour correct concealer from LA Girl
In the peach shade
I use it mainly around my chin, my underyes, sometimes over the eye or wherever I feel there's darkness on my face
I'm now going to blend out the concealer map with a beauty blender
I don't know if you can see the difference under my eyes, but the darkness has disappeared
to cover the concealer, I'm going to put on some more BB Cream
now I'm going to put on some illuminating concealer
I'm using the concealer trio by Louise Young
(you could understand that one...)
I'm using the lightest corrector shade, because I'm a bit pale in winter
but the good thing about these correctors is that you can mix them up to customise the shade
or use the darker ones, as the seasons change and you get a bit more tanned
so this is one of my favourite concealers
once again, we're going to blend it out with the beauty blender
i'm going to wet the blender with a bit of setting spray
today I'm not going to bake the concealer
I'm only going to set the concealer with Kat von D shade and light
just to prevent the concealer from running down my face throughout the day
I use one of these disposable sponges, because they have a square bottom
and it's very good for setting the concealer under my eyes and on my nose
I find it quite good to use on my nose
before applying the powder I make sure that I don't have concealer between the fine lines under my eyes
to avoid that, I use my finger and just blend it out
remember that you need to set everywhere where you've used concealer
having finished this, just let it set for a while until it's absorbed
so now we turn to the eyes
for the eyes, I'm going to keep it simple
a bit of eyeshadow and that's all
I like taking off the excess oil from my eyelids, because I have slightly oily eyelids
I'm using the anti-aging Urban Decay primer
and I just brush it on my eyelids up to the point where I'm going to put on the eyeshadow
this is the anti-aging primer
i just blend it out a bit with my finger
using the ultra eyeshadow palette by makeup revolution
I'm going to use shade olden for the crease
to make everything look well-blended, it's best to start using a shade that's closer to your skin tone
but not very dark
apply it using circular movements to avoid fall-out
the eyeshadow pigment won't fall-out onto your under eyes or cheeks
as it would happen if you apply it in a non-circular motion
now using shades warm and rust, I'm going to soften the crease using "warm" and apply rust everywhere else
using the flat end of the brush and shade "warm" I soften the crease
and using the fluffier side I blend it out
if you only have one of these brushes and you need to use another shade
you can clean up the brush by using the brush cleaner form Sephora, like I do
I spray the brush a little bit and then I clean it out with some tissue
now I'll use "rust"
and tap out the excess pigment
again, clean out the brush
I'm going to use shell in the middle of the lid to give it more volume
again, tap out the excess
so now we continue with the same palette
and we're going to apply a darker shade on the outer corner
I'm going to use shade "earth"
and I'll apply it on the outer corner, having already cleaned the brush
since this is a delicate look,
and quick
I wont use eyeliner
Instead of eyeliner I'll use eyeshadow
as if it were eyeliner
I'm going to use shade charcoal
no, sorry
[unintelligible blabbering]
shade carbon and I'll apply it along the lash line
with a flat brush
and blending out upwards
to finish up
I'm going to take the shadow that I used in the outer corner - "earth"
and I'm going to blend it along the lower lash line
depending on your taste
you can apply black eyeliner or nude eyeliner on the waterline
you have two options: nude eyeliner, to make the eyes appear bigger
or black eyeliner
I usually use it because I have big eyes and I prefer black
if you make sure to sharpen your liner before starting, that'd be good (unlike me)
finally sharpened my pencil
so let us proceed
for the final touches, I'll apply some mascara
or rimmel, whichever way it's called in Spain
after finishing up the eyes and having made sure that there's no fall-out on the cheeks
you can apply highlighter
this is is from Topshop
but it has no shade name, however, it is a sort of champagne colour
I apply it with a fan brush, but you can also apply it in other ways
that I'll show you further down the line
now let's start on the lips
since it's a daytime look
simple, to do things like routine shopping
I won't overdo it
just a bit of matte lipstick
and a bit of lip pencil
and done
this is a M.A.C lip pencil in shade "spice"
and now just fill in your lips
to finish, I use some setting spray by Urban Decay
So this is the finished look!
As you can see, I'm not wearing anything special. No contour, no glitter
there's nothing that's flashy flashy/ glam glam
even though the channel is called Belleza a lo Glam
this is a very normal, simple look
with barely any coverage, to have the skin looking fresh
everything matte, everything with earth and nude tones
so just like to go out during the daytime
you can do this in 3 minutes - well ok, 15 minutes
and you can just go out!
I'll keep the link to my channel trailer here so that you can get to know me a bit
I hope you liked it and I'll keep you updated on the new videos coming out
Thanks! Ciao!
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