HOT NEWS ! Tesla Greift Mit Model 3 Deutsche Mittelklasse An
Delineado de ojos perfecto | TRUCO: Plantilla casera (DIY) - Duration: 8:16.-------------------------------------------
WOW FANTASTIC ! Presentazione Streaming Nuova Alfa Romeo Giulia - Duration: 2:16.WOW FANTASTIC ! Presentazione Streaming Nuova Alfa Romeo Giulia
Stayo On Shock | #KatastroFee 2.0 - Duration: 1:39.Okay...
Wear the cat ears please
Bro, your ears are skew
Stannys talent for german:
there were so many ko...
co- ..
There were so many... combi-...
- combination There were so many....
That I didnt know...
You can't say that.
I drank my coconutmilk
'Let'sTaddl uploaded a video'
I dont let you go! No!
I actually thought she was too late
But she was on time - Aw man
She was as punctual (?) as TubeClash (german series) today
Yeah.. bro, we are a good team.
Which Team?
yeah, right,,,
On bed
on roof sloping (never heard that word lol xD)
With broken hand on roof sloping
Life is harsh
I'm harder
As you saw... I only talk shit that hppends to me in my life
And I dont even know why I'm doing this
I hope it was entertaining you somehow
Thanks for watching, bye ~
HOT TODAY ! Mclaren 570s Maintenance Cost - Duration: 2:31.HOT TODAY ! Mclaren 570s Maintenance Cost
Top 10 Funny Presidential Moments - Duration: 8:12.Welcome to Top10Archive! Being the President of the United States of America is not an
easy job. You're under constant scrutiny not just the country you lead, but also the
world. Of course, this makes it tremendously difficult to hide any sort of gaffe, guffaw,
or even moments of splendor – such as these 10 greatest presidential moments in American
history. For this list, we've also added presidential candidates and nominees.
10. Ford Down! A world leader should have grace and style,
especially in those very public moments; but sometimes mother nature aims to work against
your ability to do even the simplest of things, like walk down stairs. After landing in Austria
in 1975, President Gerald Ford was making his way down the stairs from the craft and,
at about ¾ of the way, tumbled down to the ground. While the footage is amusing, especially
watching him stand back up as if nothing had happened, what makes this clip so great is
that it seemed to mark a long string of stumbles that earned Ford the reputation of a klutz.
9. Al Gore and the Internet Imagine being so into yourself that you take
credit for one of the world's greatest resources. In March of 1999, all eyes were on Al Gore
who, during an interview on CNN's "Late Edition" with Wolf Blitzer, claimed he "took
the initiative in creating the internet." Was Gore really stepping forward as the brain
trust within the United States Congress that brought the internet to life? Much of the
country thought so, creating a frenzy within the media surrounding the 2000 Democratic
nominee. If you dissect his words, which most of the media failed to do, what you'll likely
realize is that he wasn't touting himself as the inventor of the internet, but rather
an important part in initiating the implementation of it, which he was, though more careful wording
could have avoided the insanity. 8. Fooling Bush
We've all heard the saying: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, like white on
rice. No, wait, that doesn't sound right. Fool me once bitten, twice shy? Ugh, I can't
remember it. Hey, Dubya, a little help here? Ah, good 'ole Texas, providing our president
with idioms for him to completely muck up. During a 2002 speech at a Pledge Across American
event, lovable 43rd president George Dubya Bush decided to pass along his own bit of
wisdom, as skewed and fumbled as it sounded. The saying, of course, is "Fool me once,
shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." 7. Clinton's Big Debut
When running for President of the United States, you want to make a big impression on the people
that aim to vote you into office. Even more-so, you want to show the people working against
you just how cool of a guy you are. Cue presidential candidate Bill Clinton's appearance on an
episode of the Arsenio Hall Show in 1992. The performance was… interesting, to say
the least, and maybe not the first choice of things we'd have done after literally
just clinching the Democratic nomination. Then again, we probably aren't as cool as
Clinton was back in his hay day. 6. The Lust of President Carter
You probably wouldn't expect to open the latest issue of Playboy and find a tell-all
from a presidential candidate, but it has happened. In the November 1976 issue, which
featured a spread of playmate Patti McGuire, Democratic candidate Jimmy Carter sat down
with Robert Scheer, who had also interviewed California governor Jerry Brown. Despite the
length and depth of the interview that Scheer conducted, American media really only latched
on to one thing. When questioned on how the public views his religious beliefs, the presidential
candidate somehow got onto the subject of sin, admitting that he's "looked on a
lot of women with lust" and has "committed adultery in [his] heart many times." Definitely
not a presidential legacy you want to be leaving behind, but thanks to Amazon, it's not too
late to get your hands on that issue! 5. Legalities According to Nixon
Sometimes context can be the difference between making a valid point and sounding like a tyrannical
maniac. Richard Nixon may have learned this lesson during his series of interviews with
British journalist David Frost. In response to Frost inquiring whether the president can
cross legal boundaries in the interest of the nation, Nixon claimed: "When the president
does it, that means it is not illegal." While it sounds like Nixon is enjoying crime
sprees as President of the United States, what he was referring to was the president's
ability to approve a motion that may otherwise violate certain laws, therefore making it
legal in that instance. Maybe providing the explanation at the same time as the bold statement
would have been a better option. 4. Shoes for Bush
As an American, nothing about this clip should be funny… but we're not perfect. During
a press conference in Baghdad, an Iraqi reporter Muntadhar al-Zaidi stood up and threw both
of his shoes at President Bush. While there was an undeniable rage focused into each throw,
Bush's catlike reflexes are impressive, to say the least, and add a little comedic
value to this clip. It's tough to see, but it also looks like Dubya was smiling a little
on his rebound. 3. Obama: Fly Slayer
During a 2009 interview with John Harwood on CNBC, Obama found himself pestered by a
tenacious fly in mid-speech. Being a man of power, there was no way he could let the winged
infidel get away with its obnoxious buzzing, especially after ignoring POTUS' gentle
swatting. The creature took things a step further and landed on the president's hand
who, in one quick but loud motion, put an end to the pesky bug's life. As if it were
nothing, Obama coolly re-engaged the interview. Fly-Gate didn't just end with a tiny carcass
on the floor, though, as PETA allegedly started receiving media inquiries on Obama's more
murderous tendencies. In response, PETA writer Alisa Mullins wrote: "Human beings have
a long way to go before they think before they act."
2. Bernie's Birdcall Maybe if the DNC had listened to Mother Nature's
instincts, the 2016 presidency may have gone to a Democratic candidate. During a 2016 rally
at the Moda Center in Portland, Sanders was in the middle of discussing education when
a tiny feathered visitor drew an ecstatic reaction from his supporters. The small bird
interrupted the Bern's flow as audience members became distracted by the visitor.
Just as Bernie took notice to his newest supporter, the House Finch flew up onto the podium where
it perched for a moment before flying off. The crowd went wild, memes were created, a
hashtag was born, and Bernie would go down not as the 45th president of the United States,
but as Birdie Sanders. 1. Bush Gets Handsy
… alright, three times! We're trying, but, come on. Good 'ole George Dubya left
behind some legendary unintentionally comedic moments. George Bush made it known many-a-time
that he was not too keen on the "do's" and "dont's" of being president, but he
made one of his biggest mistakes at the G8 summit in St. Petersburg, Russia in 2006.
And no, we're not talking about the sidebar comment made to British Prime Minister Tony
Blair. While meandering about, he passed by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and, like
an awkward frat boy, stopped to give her an awkward shoulder squeeze. The Chancellor's
reaction was extremely telling as she flung her shoulders up to shake Bush and grimaced
at the very inappropriate gesture. Bush, however, went on his merry way, likely none-the-wiser.
watch 15 Scary Ocean Pics That Prove Deep Waters Can Be a terrifying Place - Duration: 3:06.15 Scary Ocean Pics That Prove Deep Waters Can Be a terrifying Place
watchzozo presents
HOT NEWS ! Bentley Flying Spur V8 Brochure - Duration: 2:51.HOT NEWS ! Bentley Flying Spur V8 Brochure
NUESTRO PRIMER AÑO EN YOUTUBE - Despedimos 2016 ► First year on YouTube - Duration: 1:20.This year has been a success for the Channel
¡Thank you very much!
Jamie Foxx in Sleepless-------------------------------------------
'La La Land' Movie-------------------------------------------
Bass Boost - IOSYS - I am Marisa (Visko & D.watt Remix) - Duration: 5:16.So,
I wake up from my dreams, wake up from my sleep,
Nothing has changed
I feel like I don't care whatever happens to me
I feel like it happens to me every time
I feel like it is fabulous
Anytime to me it seems like
As it is right now.
I'm like a busy girl
Surprisingly delicate
How shameful it is to live in
Such ordinary life!
I am Marisa, ehe, ehe, ehehe
It's all like...
I can hear your dried up voice, ze
You gotta make a move
Where is your tomorrow?
Seems like I don't want to do it
Seems like it happens to me always
Seems like it has no reason to exist
Even now I
Feel like it is boring
I feel like my head is empty
I shouldn't be shackled, I shouldn't live
such kind of life
I am Marisa, ehe, ehe, ehehe
It's all like...
It's all like...
It's all like...
Computer Vs Me, I lost? - Duration: 1:33.-------------------------------------------
Simontive 5 Episode 31 - Duration: 1:33.Title: Stop Motion Starting Location: Napvile, Budland
Simon: If the borders are safe, where is Acholduck?
Mr. Dinosaur: He should be safe from all the areas because he is given certain rights.
Kimon: Do you think the Chinese government will be involved?
Mr. Dinosaur: No way. Maybe we should check the news.
Airport Rabbit: Here is it.
*Morse Code*
Chinese man: We should the invasion of Dogland soon. I just hope Yoshi's Island won't get involved because they are weak and forgotten. We will investigate.
Simon: We must stop their signal. Where do you think it's from?
Mr. Dinosaur: I think it's from the airport. I will go check.
YI: I am not sure if I should join China again? Let me think, and they are getting weapons against the dead cheater Limon.
Green Pig: Who cares about dead cheaters? We should go to China.
DO FUNNY VIDEOS! - Duration: 0:48.Bad Animations E.V. presents:
A J.K. Movie!
Do funny Videos!
Not the casual shit, you normally do!
Do something with animations or something!
Huh? But i can't animate...
I also can't draw or something!
I have no plan how this works..
I don't care!
The End.
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"HEJ" & "HEJDÅ"! / HI & BYE! | Mitt 2016 - Duration: 1:12.Hi!
Unboxing ATees winter project SCX10 - RC SCALE CRAWLER - RCTtutos #193 - Duration: 5:25.Hello everyone Welcome on
Today we are back for an unboxing
It was a while since we received a package from our partner ATees Hobbies
we will open it together
It's about a chassis we are building off video
So we have here a serie of very nice parts
for this project
for the information, the chassis is still an SCX10 base
This chassis will be used mainly to present you some bodyshells
and to try to create in 3D
some bodyshell at the good dimension
So we start on a classical Axial SCX10 1 chassis
We choosed some heavier axles than stock ones
the same that the ZérO-11 ones
So we open this
We receive here the PHAT Axle housing, the classical one
in steel, we use them on ZérO-11, they are very heavy
they allow the chassis to be really stable
So here is the standard one
This is the second one, for the rear, you see
there is NO servo mount, it's a rear axle
For information, it's in flash sale at average 20€
To remember, they are just housings, nothing inside
no diff no shafts
So that was the BOOM Racing housing axles, they run great
here we have the bearings to mount on SCX10
we ordered a screw box before
and here a serie of parts
we don't have all to start the assembly
Here the PHAT 4-links mount
also in heavy steel
they fit perfectly on axles
next we have BOOM Racing aluminium C-hubs
here we have BOOM Racing links in aluminium
those are rear links for 313mm wheelbase
to go with the C-hubs, we have the knuckles here
we choose everything in black to be discret
to have a better view on bodyshells
we have here the rear axles ends
here the steering, also the same than ZérO-11
the chassis will be similar, so it will work great
the steering bar and the adjustable rod
here the front links
also in aluminium
lower links, and the Y upper link
and here the new servo mount from BOOM Racing
it's adjustable, you can mount different servos on it
it's average 10 euros
and it's interestin gto mount another part than stock one
here the front Y link mount
You install it here on the Y
So we start to be equiped for this chassis assembly
what it miss is the axles interior
shafts and differentials
pinion, diff box and locker inside
so we need this to start
we can already present axles, we just need to fill them
we can install the links, we also need transmission
and after that the chassis will be ready
we already have rims and tires from a past order
we will start this soon
some work to do! we will put pictures on Facebook and Instagram of the build when we will start
you will also see it in the bodyshell presentations
So thanks for watching
Enjoy the end of the year (or the start :) )
Enjoy with friends and family
Thanks for watching
subscribe for more videos
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This tutorial is brought to you in collaboration with our partners ATees Hobbies, Dagoma, Oospeed Drive and Team TETSUJIN
Thanks again See you later
Réussir à atteindre ses objectifs en 2017 - Duration: 7:02.-------------------------------------------
TUTO#3 - SAMPLING ON MASCHINE [ENG. SUB] - Duration: 4:15.Hi it's MKL, always ready for a new tuto live from Les Studios de la Seine !
First episode of 2017, we wish you a happy new year folks, crazy and creative projects,
and never forget to take pleasure in all what you're gonna undertake, this is the key !
In this 3rd tutorial, we're gonna talk about sampling and I'm gonna show you how to produce a powerful instrumental starting from a voice a capella.
I created a pattern from a kick and a breakbeat. It's pretty groovy, I'm gonna let you hear that.
I'd like to go forward with a voice, and I chose for that to sample one of the biggest hits of last year, « Bad Blood » from Taylor Swift featuring Kendrick Lamar.
To start, we're gonna push on the button « Sampling », right here.
I can access to all my files in the right part of my software.
Here is « Bad Blood » in .wav format.
I can now drag and drop it directly on my « Sampling » window.
I'm gonna sample the first sentence of the track.
So, I'm gonna isolate it with the help of the « Start » and « End » knobs right there.
I already know I don't want the end at all.
I'm gonna zoom in to have a better overview,
and i've got a little breath to remove just at the beginning. I should be ok now.
I'm gonna use now the « Truncate » function to cut this part.
I push on this button, and as soon as I reach « Truncate », I push on « Apply » with this button.
Once this first step achieved, let's start the cutting of the voice, which is at the root of sampling !
We're gonna switch into « Slice » mode, look, right here.
I'm gonna turn into « Detect » mode with this knob,
and then enhance the sensitivity of detection of my transients.
For those who don't kwow, the transients means the attacks.
Here I'm at 0,90 and I can see all my words are cut, all good !
Allright, at this stage all that is left is push on the button « Apply » to burst the sound on my pads, it's right here.
And then OK to validate.
In order to keep away from from the original range, I'm gonna tune the voice at +3 with this knob,
this way ; it will make it slightly more acute.
The sound is too raw for the moment, and I think I'd be relevant to add a little delay pour enrich it. Let's try this !
There's a plugin in Maschine called « Grain delay » that works very well for that.
It creates bit of space, a bit of air, can you hear it ?
Here, it only remains me to lash out and test some ideas with this material.
Hey, this is cool, I like that, we're gonna record it right away !
I've got a loop that sounds nice, I'm into it, but I'm gonna add some groove to the whole thing, using the « Nudge » function to take it to the end.
We saw this together in the 1st tutorial, remember ?
I'm gonna select all my voices with the help of the button « Events » here.
I'm then gonna quantize them in order to snap them to the grid.
Let's push on « Shift », « Nudge », and I'm gonna move my elements to the right.
Let's see how it sounds.
Woww it's groovy, hold on, I need to protect myself!
Okay, let's send the instrumentals now and break our necks all together !
We Buy Houses San Diego: Sell House Fast San Diego: 858-240-two-one-04: - Duration: 2:43.We buy houses San Diego, sell your house fast San Diego with Fast Easy Homes, your San Diego
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Have a nice day
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