Monday, January 9, 2017

Youtube daily report Jan 10 2017

The world is running out of oil.

At least that was the idea behind the peak oil hypothesis

that dominated economic thinking for decades.

But it turns out that with fracking,

deep-water drilling, and oil sands, theres a lot more oil in the world than we once thought.

The old peak oil theory in happening.

But what if instead of running out of oil we just stopped buying the stuff?

Most oil men scoff at the idea. There are one billion gas guzzling cars on the road worldwide today,

and only one tenth of one percent ofthem have a plug. OPEC contends that even

in the year 2040, EVs will make up just one percent.

But dont be so sure. Consider the "S Curve.

S Curves are used to describe the spread of new technologies over time, like early refrigerators

and color TVs. Growth starts off slowly at first, and then when the product really starts

to connect with everyday people: We have lift off.Eventually the market gets saturated and growth

tapers off, forming the top of the

Predicting the S Curve for electric cars is extremely difficult, because we are making

assumptions about demand for a type of vehiclethat doesnt even exist yet: fast, affordable,

and spacious cars that have an electric rangeof at least 2-to-300 miles.

But heres what we know: In the next fewyears Tesla, Nissan and Chevy plan to start

selling long-range electric cars in the $30,000 range. And other carmakers and tech companies

are investing billions on dozens of new models due out in the next four years. By 2020, some

of these will be faster, safer, cheaper, andmore convenient than their gasoline counterparts.

That sure seems like the point when the Scurve goes vertical.

To start an oil crash, you dont need toreplace all of the cars on the road today.

You just need to reduce demand enough to causea glut of unwanted oil. Consider the oil crash that

started in 2014. That was caused by too much supply,when producers started pumping out an extra

2 million barrels a day.

So when electric vehicles are able to displacethat much on the demand side, it should also

cause a crash. When might that happen?

Tesla is building factories to go from about50,000 sales last year to 500,000 in 2020.

Lets assume for a minute that Tesla canmeet its own forecasts. And lets assume

that other carmakers maintain their current combined market share for plugins.

If each electric vehicle displaces about 15 barrels a year, heres the

impact on oil from all the EVs worldwide.At this rate we hit our benchmark of 2 million

barrels of oil a day displaced as early as 2023. Thats an oil crisis. And the thing

is, its just the beginning. Its not at all unreasonable to assume that by 2040

nearly half of the worlds new cars will have a plug.

Sure you're skeptical. The price of electriccars still needs to come down, there arent

yet enough fast charging stations for convenientlong-distance road trips. Many new drivers

in developing countries like China and Indiawill still choose gasoline and diesel.

But imagine a future when the rumbling streets of New York and New Delhi... suddenly fall

silent with electric engines. What if global demand for oil starts to fall at first by

a trickle, but then in a rush. Trillions invested in oil will be lost, while trillions in new

energy will be won. The power of nations willbe shuffled. Thats the promise of the

new peak oil, and it may be coming sooner than you think.

For more infomation >> Will green energy Electric Cars Could Wreak Havoc on Oil and gasoline vehicle Markets by 2030 - Duration: 4:18.


7 Fluent English Ways To Answer Cheerfully To The Question "How Are You?" - Duration: 4:45.

In this book here I write down conversations that I have with students

I take notes

and they have a lot of the same problems in English

so I wanted to address one of those problems in English which is (looks for page 129)

What to say after someone says "Hello!"

Someone says, "Hello, how are you?"

the traditional response is

"I'm fine, how are you?"

It's a joke in some countries

that English has this robotic way of people responding that is very polite

"How are you?

I am fine.

How are you?

I am fine."

That' s OK for a business meeting

If you want to go a little bit deeper in English

and respond when someone asks how you are

these are some of the things you can say that are quite polite

you can vary your answer

you can say

"I am well!"


"I'm feeling fine!"


"Everything's going great!"

all very positive things to say


"All is well!"

a friend of mine says

"Always fine!"

"Always fine!"

I like that response because it's so positive

I have another friend who says

"I'm awesome!"

and smiles and nods

that's a very happy response to

"How are you?"

It gives the other person a smile and a positive feeling about asking

There was a song a long time ago

where this guy said

"I get better looking each day"

which I thought was a very funny thing

I love this country song that this guy did

To know me if to love me I'm a heck of a guy

Oh Lord it's hard to be humble when you are perfect in every way

I love to look in the mirror I get better looking each day

It was a very silly song and a big hit for this singer

I used to sing this song when I was a little kid

because I thought it was so funny

so sometimes when someone asks me

"How are you?"

I say

"I'm awesome!"


"I get better looking each day"

Sometimes they laugh and agree

sometimes they don't

But since I've been exercising

and may have lost as much as one kilo (2 pounds)

I'm feeling better and looking better

People notice my new health kick

(a new health campaign)

so these are all ways to respond when someone says

"How are you?"

that are very positive

Sometimes you hear a non-native English speaker say

"I'm so-so"

No one cares

If you say something like that that's kind of negative

there's really no where to go in the conversation that's positive

and I think between a new acquaintances or new friends (or colleagues)

you can have something more positive to say

If you are so-so and you don't feel so great

you can talk about that with someone you know well

but I like to give happy responses

because life is full of great things

despite the news I was just reading it made me sad

too much turmoil in the world

so I thought I would list out these different phrases

that express something positive

so today I'm going to go for a bike ride

and when I stop and I'm huffing and puffing

wondering how did I ever get this fat

What happened along the way?

I was so strong when I was young

so if someone asks me

"How are you?"

I can say

"I'm getting better!"

All great things to say in English that are positive and can give the other person a smile

or show that things are well for you

"I get better looking each day!"

"To know me is to love me!"

"I'm a hell of a guy!"

"I love that song!

For more infomation >> 7 Fluent English Ways To Answer Cheerfully To The Question "How Are You?" - Duration: 4:45.


Shadow - Inertial Mocap

For more infomation >> Shadow - Inertial Mocap


Rings - In Theatres February 3

For more infomation >> Rings - In Theatres February 3


Learning Colors for Children Learn Colors With Colors Bowling Game Wild Animals Colours For children - Duration: 1:20:23.

Learning Colors for Children Learn Colors With Colors Bowling Game Wild Animals Colours For children

For more infomation >> Learning Colors for Children Learn Colors With Colors Bowling Game Wild Animals Colours For children - Duration: 1:20:23.


😏 Channel Trailer | Amberlimshin - Duration: 1:04.

Yo you there!

Welcome to my channel.

My name is Amber,

and I do a lot of things.

I make videos on youtube,

and manage an illustrative blog at

I write and talk about art school,

awesome books, my self improvement,

my thoughts and stories, life experiences,

and money making.

I sell limited edition handmade stuff on my website,

and awesome goods on redbubble

to fund for my college education.

I'm also in my early chapters

of writing a YA Fantasy novel.

So stay tuned!

There's a lot more going on with my life

and I cannot wait to share them with you.

I think about life a lot

and also I think of how I can

pay my way through college

without having to slave around for the rest of my days.

Now you know the gist of me,

I wanna' know more about you.

Comment below!

Is it corny?

I feel like this video is really corny.

Subscribe subsubsubsubscribe!

For more infomation >> 😏 Channel Trailer | Amberlimshin - Duration: 1:04.


Learn Wild Animals Sounds and Names For Children 3D Learning Animals Sound For Children - Duration: 1:23:22.

Learn Wild Animals Sounds and Names For Children 3D Learning Animals Sound For Children

For more infomation >> Learn Wild Animals Sounds and Names For Children 3D Learning Animals Sound For Children - Duration: 1:23:22.


learning to drive - Duration: 1:04.

Mum: camila, wait a car is coming

Mum: ok, go on

Mum: let go of the breaks

Mum: let go of the breaks Me: hold on

Mum: is the more cars behind? No

Mum: let go of the breaks, what are you doing?!?

Mum: let go of the brakes

Me: hold on I want that car to leave

Mum: yeah and don't try to catch up to it, wait

Mun: let go of the brakes, let go of the brakes

Mum: let go of the brakes I'm not telling you to speed!!!!

Mum: move your foot from there!!!!

Me: mum, relax Mum: NO!

Mum: Camila go straight! This crooked fuck!!!!

Natalia: She can't even ride a bicycle

Mum: Speed a little

Mum: speed!

Mum: SPEED!!!

Mum: good Camila

Mum: Camila is gonna learn to drive faster than Natalia

Mum: but she has to learn to....


Natalia: No I drove good, or did I drive badly?

Mum: STOP!!!! STOP!!!!!

For more infomation >> learning to drive - Duration: 1:04.


Valentine's Day & 15K Subscriber INTERNATIONAL GIVEAWAY - Open - Duration: 15:11.


For more infomation >> Valentine's Day & 15K Subscriber INTERNATIONAL GIVEAWAY - Open - Duration: 15:11.


[Parody]Yoo Shi Jin(Song Joong Ki) ♡ Yoon Seo Jung(Seo Hyun Jin):Descendant of the sun X Dr.Romantic - Duration: 2:25.

When we're passing by... we bumped into each other

Let's move the patient

Please get out of the way

Love at first sight?

Hey, which one is better?

Where are you going that you have to dress up nicely?

Tomorrow, I'll go to the hospital... to get a treatment

Haizz... the doctor is beautiful


Doctors don't have boyfriends because they are too busy

I have a boyfriend... I'm seeing somebody

" My heart is fluttering"

Let's get married

Today, someone confessed to me...

I... feel a little fluttering, Dr.

About the volunteer work in Uruk...

After researching, the superstar of our hospital...

Yoon Seo Jung... I hope you'd take part in



Why are you here?

How can this happen?

How can I answer that?

It's not because of me

What should I do?

Should I apologize...

Or confess my love?

I... like you

I'm a soldier

As a soldier... I live and die following the order

So if I get an order

No matter how anyone means to me

I will try my best to follow the order

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